Bump if you're reading
>he knows
>>147045505cute venom
Time for the schizo magnet
>>147045485Sex with Pirate Queen, Bomb Girl, and Aunt SamMan, I love Gomez's art
One down...
>>147045550If Ewing brings back Owen and Romy I'm gonna become his most devoted supporter.
If you like that go support your LCS or whatever
>>147045498i want to fuck the pirate chick
>>147045480wonder what the immortal Hulk chapter of Rick Jones's Biography would be like
>>147045489is this page meant to be formatted like this?look more like an error to me
>>147045547>Paul's a weirdo and a shitty vegan cook now too lelBut what happened to his chicken korma that was supposedly so good it got Peter to overlook his cuckening?
>>147045498I saw that ass and I knew who the artist was
>>147045547KWAB! Based Dylan.
>>147045519eddies has been replaced multiple times though
>>147045547>>147045550>>147045559Wtf! I love Dylan now.
>>147045485Okay, this is getting a bit ridiculous. The death throws are just recruit anybody who can juggle these days.
>>147045576yeah Cage did seem the most unlikely
>>147045550Oh no no no no no Poland bros
>>147045502He's clearly talking about Peter here, right? Or is this just a vague "Spider-Man is a scientist" kinda thing
>>147045650>But what happened to his chicken korma that was supposedly so good it got Peter to overlook his cuckening?That does feel like a glaring continuity error for Ewing of all people to have made. Maybe we'll get a three issue arc about Paul going vegan.I like his characterisation as an ineffectual, whining numale played for laughs here, hopefully it continues to Kelly's ASM, and we see him begging MJ for a threesome with the Man-Bull or someshit
>>147045792I'd assumed it was Rick talking about his time with Bruce Banner. No way any of the other three candidates have that syntax
>>147045793>hopefully it continues to Kelly's ASM>implying they won't overcompensate for this and have Paul be some kind of chad to balance things out
>>147045796Wait so is this Venom talking to the host or the host talking to Venom. It's clearly not the host talking aloud to himself
>>147045792He's talking to Whitney Frost about picking up science while boning iron man
>>147045550When did Dylan become the new Human Torch?
You know, if Dylan was more of this and less of whatever the fuck he's been so far he might have been cool.
>>147045550I actually didn't finish this arc because it was boring and Wells' ASM had already got repetitive, did the kids actually turn out to be imaginary, I thought they picked them up in whatever weird alternate dimension they got sent to.
>>147045815>I thought they picked them up in whatever weird alternate dimension they got sent to.they did but it turned out the kids were a trap created by pauls dad to make MJ a better Sacrifice or something
>>147045815>did the kids actually turn out to be imaginaryYeah. They vanished into thin air and then Wells started pushing some shared trauma bullshit to keep MJ and Paul together
>>147045820>>147045821Oh ok, thanks anons. Goddamn am I glad I couldn't be arsed to keep reading that run
>>147045815Yes. And the Jackpot origin story was even more unhinged.
>>147045829I wish I had your common sense, but something keeps dragging me back
>>147045830Actually while we're here, what's the origin of Paul's manbun? He didn't have it, then he did have it in the other dimension, then he didn't have it, and now he has it again?
>>147045576Wait, how did he deduce it wasn't Luke Cage exactly?
>>147045808In terms of being based or something else?
>>147045844Unbreakable skin wouldn't allow that I guess?
>>147045576>>147045844I get itLuke is bulletproof and the bullet would have immediately bounced off of him had it been him
I don't get Paul. If Marvel editorial are so determined that Peter and MJ can't be together, just have her living and working in LA and/or unable to cope with Peter's carousel of fuckups/dual life, like they'll carrot on a stick get together at some point in the future, but not right now because Peter's eternally 29.
>>147045837I think Kaare Andrews gave him the manbun on the recap and it stuck.
>>147045844Luke cage is way bigger than the other three suspect the beam would have hit him but not the other three who are smaller
>>147045860Kaare Andrews did draw him looking awfully sexy, nohomo
>>147045863Well, that's more of a Gomez deal where everyone looks the same, right?
>>147045859As schizo as it sounds Paul is a demoralization tactic and an attempt to get people to hate MJ. This isn't the first time they've tried to ditch MJ. The problem is that every time they do it fans demand she come back, so this time they want to character assassinate her to the point where people no longer like her so that doesn't happen.
>>147045550>>147045559Between this and the raw edge his Codex form was Dylan might be one of the few kid characters I actually like
>>147045547I wonder how happy Ewing and Gomez are that they can do this and not have to put up with Lowe's bitching because he's not their editor
>>147045510Thank god for Gomez.>>147045505Yeah, that's Rick
>>147045878Actually an MJ hate psyop sounds perfectly in reason.It's just all the... convoluted shit that goes with it. Just focus on telling the best Spider-Man stories you can, with new villains, Norman and Ock used sparringly, a solid supporting cast who haven't died and/or turned into supervillains, and shunt MJ off to LA or whatever, instead of messy mega arcs that devote dozens of issues to undoing hated old story arcs like Sins Past and the Clone Saga, that are better off handwaved or just ignored, and trying to contrive reasons Peter and MJ can't be together instead of 'they're young and she lives on another coast'
>>147045550Kek, what a little shit!
>Bugle scene>Robbie doing something not related to tombstone>MJ not being subservient to PaulWhy does this book feel more like Spider-Man than Spider-Man does?
>>147045929Because it's passably written
>>147045929Competent writer....
>>147045792>Madame Masque: AIM>Rick Jones: Bruce>Robbie: ?>MJ: Spidey/Paul>Luke/Carol: Avengers
Do Rick Jones show up in gang war? Its implied the host was there.
>>147045550Not like this Paulbros...
>>147045847In terms of how he absolutely roasted Paul.
>>147045550>>147045547My HERO!!! Do we have a crying Paul jak?
>>147045970No, but Masque, Luke and Robbie did show up there
>>147045505>>147045576>head emptyIt's confirmed Carolbros!>>147045559Starting to really lay on the VenoMJ hinting. Could even be the meeting that Venom was late for was couple's counseling.
>>147045998Yeah it's Madame Masque, it's unironically the most modern Marvel choice
>>147046009I dunno, was she this much of a smart ass?But if >>147045485 is to go by, then maybe the "We" also mean the person inside. So Whitney with a change of heart?
It's good to see Venom more connected to Spider-Man again. The last few years felt really weird.
>>147046008An Paul was also absent from the counselling
>>147046032Oh shit, wait, I'm dumb, I read that page wrong
>>147046032Paul as Venom could unironically work, if the idea is to bring him back to his antagonistic roots.
>>147046008The host says that they’re not friends with the symbiote, and that definitely tracks for MJ…. God I hope it’s not her
>>147045624I feel like beyond a certain degree into fundamental cosmic truths, Rick just redacts everything but the stuff that got on the newspeople don't need to know that God has a Hulk just like they don't need to know about the Destiny Forcepeople start getting ideas. Ideas that rhyme with "Using the Pheonix"
>>147045929Ewing is one of the only good writers Marvel has left
>>147045537>natural habitat in spacethey're a space faring race thoughand if there is a designated symbiote planet, how is he US Government gonna get them there?
>>147046116I feel like the symbiote would consider MJ family, just in a wholly negative way
>>147046116And admit Jackpot was a failure? Lowe would never allow it.
>>147046168it would basically be a glorified zooI bet it wouldn't last six in-universe months before it got some new director that immediately started doing super soldier experiments based of Flash's tenure as venom.
I haven't read any marvel comics in a hot minute. any chance Ewing brings back Mania?
>>147046176They're admitting Paul is a failure
>>147046196she showed up during a Venom War Tie-in so a i doubt it she will probably stick to her Silence design for the time being
>>147046196Andi is around kinda. She was calling herself Silence (anti-scream) last I checkedShe might show up if/when Flash does
>>147046209One can exist without the other, they just flick a switch and she has mastery over the powers, done.
>>147046209Probably just inter-office pettiness. Actually changing a character from another office is something else entirely
>>147045559>Paul's stupidity is a plot pointHoly kek.
>>147045547Based Dylan
>>147045547>>147045550>>147045559Man i love the Brocks
>>147045547> Break up already Dylan is speaking for all of us
>>147045542>reporter>PI>superhero lifetimeJessica Jones truthers wya
>>147045997>Crying Paul: I made you couscous>Chad Dylan: cram it weirdo
>>147045572So, realistically, how would Venom know about the meeting if he wasn't Masque?
>/co/ watching Dylan destroy Paul
>>147046347See >>147045542and/or >>147045559
>>147045550Dylan is based
>>147045830what a faggot cuck
>>147046116Some of Venom's Goop stayed with her bracelet when peter saved her, and venom possibly transfered himself to it when he faked his death, also we have the fucking timeless pic showing what is possibly Felicia and Mary Jane as the new Black Panther and Spider-Woman once peter Dies for Good after 8 deaths and he goes missing.And we all know that Mary Jane would be the first to take the mantle the moment she had powers because NY and Marvel needs a Spider-Man, since Miles is a fucking poochie mutt failure who is now getting the fucking anassi african shit in his side now to prove that he is the true spider hero
>>147045989those don't exist
>>147045480Fuck me, awfulness right on the first page.
>>147046405Piss off faggot
>>147046392forgot pic, but this is enough to rage the polak
>>147046392That's from two years ago, not this year's teases.
>>147046392>SpoilerHonestly, that's my problem with Miles. His merits is completely from the outside, as in from other people praising him as great and all.Peter has that to, and I think they should stop with the "Yeah you are miserable, but you are still great" schtick, but at least he has stories under his belts that show he earned the merits.
>>147045576>Writing: 7/10I don't like mystery boxes, but this cluedo stuff is fun.>Art: 5/10Don't get me wrong, its really good, but gosh I hate the coloring.>Overall 6/10This is a decent issue.
>>147045844>>147045852>>147045853>>147045861It doesn't deduce anything, Ewing is just retarded.
>>147045929>>147045939>>147045945>>147046159No, the answer is that Nick Lowe is not involved. Ewing sicks, but he doesn't have Lowe breathing down his neck. This series is bad, but we're having fun because fuck Paul.
>>147046414>bro you don't understand saying that there are four choices and then having the suspects randomly beyond billboards is geniusKys.
>>147046392Learn English pollack
>>147046495>Nooo! Stop having fun!KYs.
>>147046512i live in chimpanzil, loleral mutt.
>>147046546Aqui é BR caralho
>>147046534>obnoxious writing is fun
>>147045480>4 Possibilities here>The 4 suspects are in billboards behind venom Kino
So we all agree that it's Robbie right? Kekwing can't stop jerking off black characters
>>147046424I know, but remember, Marvel wants peter gone out of sheer desperation, but all of their plans are backfiring badly, mainly now that the Miles actor proved to be a schizo.They didn't count that ASM would be fucking Murdered by USM being good shit and DELIVERING what everyone wants it, from old to new fans, but also being grounded with its foundation.It is even Hilarious that ASM is losing in popularity to The Flash because Wally is literally Peter who fought OMD and the editorial and Won bigly, not only he got his family and friends back, but he is now the most powerful hero at DC when he isn't acting like a moron, and he still gets more powerful every time his family is in danger.Lowe and Wells are probably seething right now at CBR every time when there is a post praising USM and Wally West The Flash.>>147046577Volta pro MdM, onde o dono é corno e a filha não é dele, deixaram as putas controlarem eles graças ao pedofe dono Anticast, e os comentaristas que lambiam as bolas deles deram para traveco.O Solano e o MRG estavam certos mais uma vez.>>147046629It would be too obvious.
>>147046629Of course not, that'd be interesting and a cool character with actual history, can't have that.
>>147046688>Giving one of peters two unpowered friends a super symbiote is interesting
>>147046688Anon, that description matches every suspect and conspiracy theory suspect.
>>147046741Well, assuming the character is respected anyway and the setup comes from the perspective of a middle aged journalist suddenly getting powers.>>147046749You wish.
>>147046640Zeb Wells should be blacklisted from the industry
>>147045624rick would include a chapter about genis and people would misinterpret it as them being in a gay relationship
>>147046688>making robbie venom would be coolAll of the options are shit, but this is easily the worst one.
>>147045498Heave-Ho should stay, her gimmick and design are fun.>>147045502>>147045576My money is still on Rick. The new Venom being Madame Masque or Robbie would be pretty lame.>>147045588Thanks OP.
>>147045498Imagine spending more time on nailing the cheesesteak, then sucking ass at drawing Venom the main character of the story.
>>147046881>t. Nick Lowe seething his self-insert is getting disrespected by based Carlos Gomez
>>147045547>>147045550>>147045559All we need is for Paul to get violet towards MJ or Dylan and this shit can finally end.
>>147045498Phanatic and Gritty's lovechild is my new favorite character
>>147045505Pretty insane feat, didnt know symbiotes were THAT strong.
>>147045489>That Paul mugshotHope Paul suffers more in this
Ewings blog for today, nothing super intersting about this issue of Venom but it's their for people who want to read it.>https://al-ewing-writes-comics.ghost.io/080125/
>>147045547>>147045550These pages are why I will buy this book.
>>147047640>and one of them gets eliminated from consideration in these very pages. (People have short attention spans these days. We're knocking a suspect off the list every month.)So Rick and Robbie get knocked off the suspect list in 3 and 4, meaning the reveal will be in 5, when Masque is knocked off and VenoMJ wins.
>>147046629It's Rick or MJ
>>147045485Do you have a teleporter to bust someone out of jail? Because Venom just needs a different chest symbol to apply to a more popular group?
>>147045502>We'll rip you apart>said by the host, not the symbioteEverything's coming up Whitney
>>147046593Kill yourself.
>>147045550>Published 2015Wonder what the timing for "when" this article was written is supposed to be. It sounds strange if it was when the person underneath the masque leaked to the public sometime by #113, since it isn't written like former Maggia head Whitney. And New Avengers and forward where she would be a more public figure feels very implausible to claim ten years has passed in comics. Maybe it is just our 2015 and I am overthinking it.
>>147046484Okay, retard.
>>147048237>nooooo being super on the nose is actually cleverYou must love Joss Whedon.
>>147048473Since Immortal Hulk is just peak literature and not at all a boring slog filled with propaganda.
>>147048484>I heckin hate diegetic recaps and love wholesome Hickman data pages!>>>/reddit/
>>147047653show us your copy when you buy it anon
>>147048599>complaining about hickman out of nowhereHackman is just as bad as Ewing.
Carol looking more Venomy in #3.(AIPT's column came out early)
Why is Paul still alive?
>>147048740White description of the Dylan pual MJ relationship is a bit weird to me >Paul and MJ really worked well for us as a place for Dylan to fit into things. With Dylan acting as our “detective” for this mystery, Paul and MJ as his “assistant” and “sidekick,” respectively, seemed like a perfect fit. As I am sure readers will knowi didn't get that at all
>>147048830Lack of dying.
You guys cheering on Ewing shitting on Paul are retards who don't get you're being made fun of. Its so obvious that Ewing is having Dylan act like a childish dickhead so he can realize the error of how he treated Paul and apologize later. You dumbasses are being parodied, and you don't even know it.
>>147049087Shitting on Paul is only reason this book is getting any attention
>>147049103Yeah, because idiots are too stupid to see what Ewing is doing and are praising it.
>>147045547>MJBuild for Dylan's shota dick.
>>147048740>Carol looking more Venomy in #3.Delusion?
>>147049136>>147049122>>147049103>>147049087He's right, but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy it.
>>147049878Look at our girl being as smart as always.
>>147048740Compared to here, Rick seems to be more popular and Danny didn't have a bunch of write-ins.
>>147050136MJ does seem to have lapped both Robbie and Masque, though.
>>147045468variant covers and next issuesAll-New Venom #2 Davide Paratore VariantAll-New Venom #2 Giuseppe Camuncoli Connecting VariantAll-New Venom #2 Giuseppe Camuncoli Fantastic Four Homage VariantAll-New Venom #2 NetEase Games Marvel Rivals VariantAll-New Venom #2 1:10 Carlos Gómez Design VariantAll-New Venom #2 1:25 Stonehouse VariantAll-New Venom #2 1:100 Davide Paratore Virgin Variant>RELEASES FEB 12TH, 2025All-New Venom #3 Federico Sabbatini VariantAll-New Venom #3 Giuseppe Camuncoli Connecting VariantAll-New Venom #3 1:25 Edwin Galmon VariantAll-New Venom #3 1:100 Adam Kubert Virgin VariantHERE COMES THE SON! At last — the All-New Venom comes face-to-face with Dylan Brock! After all this time, how will symbiote and son react? Meanwhile, Madame Masque is making her move against A.I.M. — but is she doing it from inside a black-and-gold symbiote? As another suspect is eliminated, the answers are closer than ever...>RELEASES MAR 12TH, 2025All-New Venom #4 Gabriele Dell'Otto VariantAll-New Venom #4 Giuseppe Camuncoli Connecting VariantGiuseppe Camuncoli Connecting VariantAll-New Venom #4 Peach Momoko Kimoko VariantPeach Momoko Kimoko VariantAll-New Venom #4 1:100 Gabriele Dell'Otto Virgin VariantM.O.D.O.K. MADNESS! M.O.D.O.K. gets inside the All-New Venom’s head... and you won’t believe how! But whose side is Madame Masque on? One thing’s for sure — by the time you finish this issue, you’ll be one step closer to knowing who’s under the goo... Meanwhile, take a visit to S.C.A.R. HQ — and find out what happened to Flash Thompson, Agent Anti-Venom!
>>147050178MJ is the organic version of Carol.
>>147045547> break up alreadyEwing is never being allowed near a Spider-book after this
In issue 1 Venom never uses we, but uses we regularly here with I being only used to describe a part. Suppose that means "we're literally two niggas" was explained to the host in-between issues.
>>147050382Or Ewing is just bad at his job.
>>147050407No, this feels intentional. Venom's voice is well-established to the point "We are Venom" is seen as Venom's catchphrase.
>>147045476Bump since I’m reading!
>>147045547>>147045550>>147045559He's down Dylan, stop swinging!
>>147045550Peter is officially dead, it's just Paul and Mary now.
>>147049087A middle aged Polish child molester wrote this post.And yes, he looks and acts just like Paul.
>>147050329Why wouldn’t he be? It’s outselling ASM too!
>>147050687I think Paul fucking died, and Poland has closed its borders and declared martial law.
>>147050890Paul is actually the only surviving member.https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/peter-yarrow-folk-singer-peter-paul-mary-fame-dies-86-rcna186621
>>147050981What the hell? Was this the name origin of him?Although this feels like getting too derailed into Spider-Man drama and not enough Venom.
>>147050981What if Trapster, Grey Gargoyle, and Typhoid Mary teamed up?
>Paul Rabin gets treated like Peter Parker does for just one fucking issue and the Paulbros are fucking maldingI’ve never met a bigger and sadder group of cucks. No chicken korma or nintendo switch for them!
>>147046629>>147046688Robbie would be by far the worst possible choice, and I refuse to believe that Ewing is enough of a hack to do it
>>147045547>>147045550Peter probably has no idea why, but after moment he probably just couldn't stop smiling
>>147051462Surely this scene will be Robbie showing thinly veiled disgust towards Paul
>>147045485So nice to see Ewing writing his favorite villains.
>>147045550I can't wait to see him use that line on Wanda too.
>>147045723>yeah Cage did seem the most unlikelyCompared to Madam Masque running around fighting crime?Look, the answer is none of the above. It's some ex-supervillain who isn't that bad and was recently in prison. Probably someone like Mach-V or the Asbestos Man.
>>147052056>Asbestos ManI said that as a joke, but after thinking it over, Ewing would totally do that. Also would make for a 10/10 reveal if they started using fire to fight him only to find out it's worthless.
>>147046629It would've been Luke Cage if that were the case. I'm still thinking the Carolschizo is on to something and it's going to be a swerve.
>>147052102It could be a swerve, but I don't think Carol's the one. They're just beyond desperate for Carol to appear in books since she can't hold a solo.It's why they subject themselves to those awful infinity comics every week
>>147052102Good to see you coming around(The swerve is clearly MJ)
>>147050011I dunno, I just don't see him with that cocky attitude. >>147050099
you literally can't make me hate this fat faggothe's constantly running laps around every other writer while being the biggest team player around
>>147052337The only time I came close to hating him was X-Men Red
>>147052337I dislike his focus on tranny shenanigans. Otherwise yeah, he's probably the best writer Marvel has these days.
>>147052337>I am random black womyn have suffered far more than you Bruce banner ever haveFuck off
>>147045844>Wait, how did he deduce it wasn't Luke Cage exactly?Symbiote doesn't have to defend the head of someone immune to bullets i'd assume is the thought.Then again it's an interesting assumptions that the symbiote manifests the same way for every user as a suit around them, not sure that's the case.
Lowe getting spammed with this yet?
>>147052455More likely that Luke would be too big to pull that trick with.
>>147052450The comic said she was in the wrong for saying that and she FUCKED for life because of that mindset. What more do you want?
>>147045480>>147045485jesus this is trash. backgrounds are cut and paste 3d assets. perspective doesnt match anywhere throughout the book. everyone is just a traced 3d model. coloring must be some brazilian paid 2 cents a page.
>>147052352I loved X-Men Red. It tried to explore the actual culture of Arakko while justifying why it will never show up again after the Krakoa era instead of just aping Gaiman's Miracleman and Dune. Storm is a bit of a Sue but she's been one for decades and a non-Black writer can't make her flawed again without being fired.
>>147052637Arakko sucks and the Stormwank was unbearable. Berto and Nova were the only worthwhile parts of the run
>>147052661I liked Abigail doing shady shit, didn't like Stormwank interrupting her
>>147049087I think its genuine because artist Carlos Gomez legitimately fucking hates Paul and the MJ situation in general
>>147045569Doctor Fortissimo would be a cool super-villain name. If you leave AIM, you know what to call yourself.
>>147053760With that getup he's going to hit ANV with a lot of sonic energy.
>>147052881but does Ewing hate paul?
>>147054045The dialogue doesn't paint him in a flattering light either.
>>147045563>And all the other traitorsUhh, is he going in with a vengeance?
>>147054141Just traitor fixation because of the subject matter.
>>147046640>mainly now that the Miles actor proved to be a schizo.I don't think that has a that big of a weight on the character's popularity, dude isn't even the live action actor, normies don't care about that shitThe grudge Lowe and Wells have towards Peter is really fucking weird though, and it seems like they use other characters like Paul and Miles as kind of weapons in a weird war against a fictional character>O Solano e o MRG estavam certos mais uma vez.Olha pelo amor de deus viu eu nao acompanho o MDM há uns 10 anos pq eu já achava um porre na época, mas falar bem do MRG como se eles não fossem uns retardado também é coisa de maluco, os cara fazem conteudo pra QI de temperatura ambiente bicho, esses dias cai num video dos caras e eu conseguia sentir meu cérebro derretendo, os cara são muito burro mano, principalmente o Solano
>>147045537>Marvel shirt>Hulk shirtSo the following issues will have Captain America, Captain Marvel, and an obscured one that seems to be ROM?
>>147054045I think Gomez said that Ewing doesn't like Paul either.
>>147052777That's why SWORD > X-Men Red
>>147056746based and SWORDpilled
>>147045550>>147045547>>147045559marywhoriumfags are so easy to trick LMAO
>https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781302961978>First trade confirmed as 5 issuesWe won't have to wait extra for Carol's reveal.
>>147046218last I saw her they'd at least redesigned silence to look more like the mania design
>>147056972He said they were removing one each issue, so that seems to make sense. The question is if that means the last page of the trade will be the reveal with quoting yourself from a previous story, or if that happens at the end of 4 and 5 finishes up the arc.
>>147045468why did they draw this random AIM agent like that?
>>147045559This fucking TWINK is gonna MURDER Paul and then RAPE Spider-boy and FREE our HERO SpiderKINGman from the HYPERBOLIC KEK CHAMBER and you're LAUGHING because he's gonna CROSS the MULTIVERSE and KEK MILES by FUCKING PENI AND GWEN at the SAME TIME by being SANDWICHED between them and you're LAUGHING at the fact he's gonna IMPREGNATE AUNT MAY and MURDER PAUL? You're laughing, he's gonna amputate Paul and give him an EXPERIMENTAL SURGERY to turn him into A FUCKING SNAIL and you're LAUGHING because he'll be in his KEK SHELL while he watches DYLAN FUCK MJ AND PETER with such sexual prowess that it INSTANTLY FIXES THEIR RELATIONSHIP and makes them REMARRY and DYLAN HAS BEEN GIVEN SAINTHOOD so he's gonna OFFICIATE THE WEDDING. You find that funny? /co/ is fucking SICK
What if the New Venom is the De-Modokified George Tarleton from the Hulk comics and that's why he's got so much beef with AIM
>>147057275How would the body language expert have seen him.
>>147057287He lives in new york. could've bumped into him at the deli right before the trial.
>>147057287He was at the trail.
>>147057347Couldn't have been, AIM sealed the room after the four suspects got out.
>>147057464George Tarleton's a former AIM insider. He could do it.
>>147052337You can't make me like him. His comics are just as bad and boring as everyone else's.
Why do everyone want this Venom to be Carol?
>>147058804>EveryoneIt's one or two Carolfags
>>147058815Are they so desperate for their heroines to succeed, despite sucking that much?
>>147058841They really are, yes
>>147058841Have you not seen the weekly general?
>>147058804Because she's the best.
https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=75960621047300212A second printing is already announced. It turns out that shitting on a hated character instead of shilling him will sell more issues, and this will very likely also outsell ASM this week.Sorry Paulbros. It turns out he was never a chad at all, just a chode.
>big long Robbie & Paul scene in #5Guess Robbie's actually the last suspect to be crossed off instead of Masque.
>>147060728Robbie: “Paul, you are an utter nigger.”
>>147062037So can Venom shoot back bullets absorbed by turning a hand into a gun or something?
>>147056746None of those are any good.
Venom is the least popular part of ANV.
>>147064641>Noneamericlap education
>>147045468For the record: Paul zawsze w końcu wygraPaul zawsze w końcu wygraPaul zawsze w końcu wygraPaul zawsze w końcu wygra Paul zawsze w końcu wygraPaul zawsze w końcu wygraPaul zawsze w końcu wygraPaul zawsze w końcu wygra Paul zawsze w końcu wygraPaul zawsze w końcu wygraPaul zawsze w końcu wygraPaul zawsze w końcu wygra
>>147050329Lol DC is this close to taking Ewing from Marvel. He said in his newsletter that Metamorpho is the funnest book he has done in years and that DC Editorial is very different from Marvel.>>147050878This would be exactly why, Marvel Editors are all ego.
>>147045547>>147045550>>147045559These are the pages that pissed off Rich the Leech, who BTW also weirdly implied USM Peter Parker was abusing his daughter just because of a panel where he said to her "this will be our little secret" in regards to his secret identity.
>>147046781idk what happened to him, his ant-man was bretty gud
>>147067108marvel editorial happened
>>147067084Rich the Leech?>>147065244Venom has never been good
>>147068178>Rich the Leech?Some CBR faggotry stuff.
>>147068178>Rich the Leech?Notorious cbr hack writer
>>147068271What did he do?
>>147067084>Implied USM Peter was abusing his daughter Hot.
>>147049103Not trueI came for the Pirate Lady with the nice set of cannonballsIt was short lived but worth it
>>147045498People are picking this up for Paul shitting but I’m getting it for Heave-Ho. I smell a breakout D list villain
Weird. Usually in a mystery, you have undetermined clues that seem to suggest someone/thing, but then later events recontextualize them. But few actually suggest might be a misdirection. Only ones seem to be picked up science hanging out (could reasonably apply to anyone, but random bullshit knowledge might be a Rick feint), the late for meeting (could say Rick because he is the remaining one outsight the echo), and weak argument that Robbie is old for vigilante work when there have been symbiote hosts in worse health than he has. Perhaps that is because the story revolves around Madame Masque regardless of if she is part of Venom or not. Only Dylan would have his actions change if this story removed Venom entirely. Don't see distortions in the background of the Daily Bugle that would suggest a camouflaged Venom eavesdropping.
>>147073736>the late for meeting (could say Rick because he is the remaining one outsight the echo)It's a hint for Robbie (the meeting at the Bugle) and MJ (couple's counseling).
>>147052099It would explain why the green goobers didn't use fire.
https://x.com/tincanmans/status/1877068014081708159Jokes on you, the second shackled scene seems to actually be redrawn based on her hair and clothing details.
>>147074018Oh, its totally Masque.
>>147074117Imagine if the early drawing of her Gomez posted is actually someone else's flashback to events before ANV.
>>147072940>coffeeCarol's favorite drink spotted, the hints keep coming.
Why do people just dick around? The symbiote always comes back to Eddie, and Eddie with Carnage is a fucking terrible idea.
>>147075919Identity gimmicks and the inevitability of status quo might be a plot point. If Eddie Brock: Carnage ends with the Carnage symbiote turning into the Venom symbiote somehow, I won't be surprised.
>>147045514ayy, Jury callback. nice. love the new suits too.
>>147076614Goofy motherfucker
Paul? Paul Rabin? Is that you?Paul, I can't and won't make this any simpler for you.You failed at life. You failed. When one thinks of what man is capable of, pushing himself to the limits physically, mentally and emotionally to achieve heights of success never before mentioned, your name will not be whispered in the same, reverent fashion that others have.Nobody will remember Paul Rabin. You aren't even a header or a footer in the career of someone else. You are nobody. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.In short, you are an enormous failure.Paul, being that you're about 35 years old and your brain has probably hard-wired itself to accept such failures by now and write off such criticism by being "flippant", really suggests that you've passed beyond the proverbial breaking-point. There's no turning back. This is your career, this is what defines you and this is what you'll defend to the end.The abhorrent failure that is your imaginary children, that is your legacy.Maybe I'm over-reaching, however. Who knows? People CAN change. Maybe you'll read this, Paul, and think long and hard about what a wasteful life you've led. Maybe you'll think, "wow. It's incredible just how abysmal and pathetic I really AM!" Maybe you'll lift some weights in the morning. Maybe you'll take a self-help class.Maybe in a couple of years, Paul, you'll have learned from this failure. I doubt it, though.I genuinely doubt it.Now excuse me, I need to get my symbiote back and then I'll show Mary Jane what a real man is like.
>>147078003>Dylan x MJ /ss/
>>147062528He’s turning into Santana.
>>147062037venom can do this?
>>147079208Venom can go into the internet. Anything is possible.
>>147060717Holy shit lmao, this series will sell solely on kicking paul down through
>>147081283This is a very weird situation.
>>147081300It is a good thing, this series can essentially divorce MJ from Paul bullshit by giving her Venom for a somewhat extended amount of time. Considering how hellbent marvel is on making her a superhero, this works better than having her be Jackpot which is intrinsically tied to Paul. Ewing also better set up Paul as a vengeful loser by the end of this
>>147081364>AIM hires Paul once him and MJ divorceKino?
>>147081394ngl, good ending
>>147081394Something like this. A melty mess of a man.
>>147083527Her lips aren't like this, but still would
>>147067084Is Rich the Leech the guy who keeps making these >>147069844 posts?
Finally Carol's new outfit is getting fanart
>>147048498Yeah, you're right, it is peak literature. For non-brainlets that is.
>>147090528"What do you do?" is a hindering issue.