Volume 6 hasn't been fully scanned but the first three chapters were originally single issues (and were the last issues published for Thieves and Kings in that format before switching to straight to trade, entering a hiatus, and then going the webcomic route)As such, I'll just wrap up this storytime with said three issues starting with #46>The Red Book (Volume 1)>>146997259 >The Green Book (Volume 2)>>147003186 >The Blue Book (Volume 3)>>147017800 >The Shadow Book (Volume 4)>>147028347
Forgot>The Winter Book (Volume 5)>>147039026
Bump if you're reading
I doubt this part was reprinted but I figured it wouldn't hurt to include it here
And that wraps up all the remaining single issuesAgain, Oakley would continue the series on his website as a webcomichttp://www.iboxpublishing.com/index_thieves-and-kings.php#TKtop_of_pageI can't fill in the gap between what happened in the rest of Volume 6 and what happens in the webcomic but I'm just letting you know anyways
But as a bonus, a music CD for the comic came with a booklet and that got scannedNothing too substantial, I'm just including it here in the storytime because I love the art
Some of the songs are given samples on Oakley's websitehttp://www.iboxpublishing.com/riverwolf.htmlBad news is that the links are dead but the good news is that you can still listen by putting in the wayback machine since someone saved them back in 2016https://web.archive.org/
But as another bonus#34 has this back-up story I thought was pretty neat and too good not to include
And that wraps up the storytime for Thieves & Kings (well, as much that can be done)Thanks to all those who came and join for the rideIf you enjoyed this comic, please support the official release like the guy who originally scanned this series said
>>147050272Thanks OP
>>147051318Thanks for sharing.
Alright, let's settle thisWho's best girl?
>>147050272I still need to catch up on the previous thread.
>>147051291If you ever think that a character is stupid, remember that one of them made Quinton his agent in showbusiness.The bottom floor for how deep that Oakley will reach is farther down than you thought.
>>147055496Quinton is quite smart, he just thinks backwards sometimes.As in a great deal of his magical powers are that he can see time in reverse and so if he knows he would need shade during a rest one day, he'll plant a seed 20 years prior.
>>147051301How old is Soracia supposed to be physically anyways?Early 20's?Late 20's to early 30's?
lookign at this, the timeline really doesn't need to be in 1000s of years.Quinton and co could only be a thousand years old and Heath 300 for the plot to work out exactly the same.Her pile of reincarnations haven't even played a roll.
Just letting you all know that the author of this comic runs a YouTube channel. He does have some videos about his work and other stuff.https://youtube.com/@markoakleycomics?si=-L3epcHxdXrrGLW8
Bump for reading.
>>147050272I'm ready to start reading this thread. This story has been interesting so far.
>>147051318Thanks for the storytimes, OP.
>>147050302This page looks awesome.
>>147051265I've always liked this sort of fourth wall breaking
>>147050290Literally no clue what this is and absolutely don't have the time to find out now, but maybe tomorrow. Good luck OP
I bought the floppies for this when they came out, and the collected... but it feels like Mark didn't end it and just wandered off. I wasn't too disappointed, I really enjoyed what we got.>>147051001wait what, he moved to only online, and I didn't find out until 2025? damnit, what a reward for supporting my local friendly comics shop.
>>147050385Kim is so cute.
>>147050405I don't trust Basil.
>>147051273"I wait for the trades" "I don't like Heath anymore" "Am I the only one who understand this stuff?"Doesn't this mean Mark is One Of Us?
>>147051137>Lost content that was lost because people assumed that once it's online it's there forever.Very good save on that, anon. >>147051125The color pages are beautiful.I just noticed that when Heath is talking to the guards after the shop shooting (Bonnie), her torn stocking changes from one foot to the other.
>>147062872>HeathYou mean Leahanna
>>147062940Yes, her. I realized my mistake after posting. There are several girl who look like Heath. Partly that's the fault of the artist, partly that the fault of the reincarnation/immortality/hereditary systems, so it's part of the story, too.There were some typos in the "Lea talks to the guards" pages, but I don't think that that's part of the story. Unless there's a hidden code made out of missing letter or misspelled words. Independent comic books have more freedom to create such things, so you can't trust anything as easily as all the Marvel/DC that defines what comic books are."Do you really think that a writer who has created Quinton isn't lying to you in ways that you haven't noticed yet?"I think it's not a lie that TAK has been an amazing storytime.
>>147060408He began working on Stardrop when Thieves & Kings entered hiatus
>>147050451Varkias and Basil are definitely going to have a fun dynamic.
>>147050272I have a mighty need for lewds of Kim.
>>147064331Kim is for NTR
>>147050494Katara is locked in.
>>147050539The art showing off places is the best in this comic.
>>147064472So Rubel slept with Kim and Socracia, but what about Heath and Locumire? Did I miss that part? Rubel and Heath are a natural match, but is Rubel really enough of a himbo to bang Locumire too?
Boys falling through tile roofs. Buildings collapsing because guards shoot people. Chunks of the royal mountain falling off the mountain. The city's a dangerous place. And that's just the parts that are caused by the good guys!
>>147065496>SocraciaIt was just a kiss and she was told by Locumire to seduce Rubel to draw him away from HeathSoracia isn't REALLY into /ss/...right?
>>147066655Soracia's clearly into something, as she admits that love for Rubel is what's turning her from evil to good.Sora's seduced by the light side. Purified by the love of a heroic himbo. Part of the talking-to Sora gives to Kim before the sword fight is that Sora understands the power of being the focus of Rubel's personality- and his love cannon.
>>147050272Bumping to read.
>>147066050Things get crazy.
>>147050272thanks for posting all this OP I'm still reading through the first volume but I'm hooked already, what a great series how have I never heard of it before?
>>147050556I'm surprised they addressed how he jumps so good.
>>147050578Heath is cute.
>>147068659>how have I never heard of it before?It's a self published fantasy comic made by a leaf that hasn't won an award and is an outright novel half of the timePretty obvious why it's so obscure
Rubel is kind of male protagonist that I wish was in cartoons right now
>>147070244No capes. No nudity. Most importantly, not published by Marvel or DC.Also, when it comes to quality it clearly outshines present-day M and DC. Though there's a few typos.
>>147052604Sara Blue
Trudging through volume 1, about half way through. I hope I can make it to this one before it 404s. The format is awkward but I am willing to see where it goes.
>>147064331I sort of think if this series was more well-known we'd see /u/ art between her and Leahanna
The longer I think about it, the more I find Locumire's origins interesting I'd honestly be surprised if nobody has done something similar in a fanfic for a series with heavy focus on reincarnation like Zelda, Avatar, etc
>>147071475Good luck.
>>147070687When was the last time we had a character like him?
>>147068659>what a great series how have I never heard of it before?It is published independently by a Canadian, but the comic did get featured in an issue of Cerebus by Dave Sims.
Has anyone got a MEGA of the complete thing, please? I'm struggling to find the entire thing in one lump download. If it's good I want to buy it, but I've been burned too many times and would prefer to read it via something other than /co/ posts.
>>147074372I wanna say Finn but before the writers suddenly wanted to make him miserable
>>147050608Gorgeous page.
>>147062872>The color pages are beautiful.Really recommend looking at all the covers of the single issueshttps://leagueofcomicgeeks.com/comics/series/136677/thieves-kings
>>147050693Fuck them up.
>>147050703>youn men'sI found a typo. The author forgot to spell young with a g.
>>147078765You think it got corrected in the trade?
>>147050742It was at this moment the soldiers realized they fucked up
>>147050861>>147050875>stairsRubel isn't so lucky this time.
>>147051032Something about this feels funny.
>>147051001Why not just post the rest on here? I like to commentate and see the reaction of other anons.
>>147063663A pity, Stardrop isn't as interesting
>>147079163>Why not just post the rest on here? I like to commentate and see the reaction of other anonsAnon....he doesn't have the rest There's material between where the issues end and where the series became a webcomic that hasn't been scanned or ripped
>>147078787Probably not. Indie projects do not hire editors to look things over.
>>147071518Absolutely. Yurifags would be all over it.
Any drawfags here?
>>147071475Bump for you
>No more scansFuck.
>>147085166Oakley's website has Volune 6 available digitally via Gumroad
It's been a magnificent storytime. I'm going to be pestering the used bookstore clerks until I'm satisfied they we don't somehow have books from Freaking Canada tucked away between the James Patterson and Dannielle Steele sections.
>>147088042>we don't somehow have books from Freaking Canada tucked away between the James Patterson and Dannielle Steele sections.Supply and demand AnonAlso, it's a used bookstore, their most obscure stuff comes from people selling directly to them
>>147088042Try pestering your local library
Cute girl
>>147085575Thanks for the information.
>>147064472You mean Heath.
>>147093299>Kim is for NTR>Kim is for Heath.Therefore Kim is for NTR by Heath.Given how murderous Kim was with Socoria on the beach, the Kim-Heath pillow fights would be epic. It's not like Rubel wouldn't have more bedpartners, anyway. He could hang a "whore wanted" sign in his window and double the city's population by the sudden immigration influx.
>>147094283Anon, I think he meant Heath is for NTR because Rubel's dating Kimithin (unless they broke up in the rest of the volume or whatever) That said, Kim's the one whom Sally projected her past insecurities onto
Reading bump
>>147095633I think the joke is that Heath seduces/NTR's Kim away from Rubel, who already has several girls.It would be just like /co to jump on the idea that the trolls kick Rubel, and any boys, out of the forest because _boys_ don't perk their mistress's interests.(waves in the vague direction of Hilda yuri)
How come there's literally ZERO rule34 in any form of this comic?So much unused potential...
>>147098745Obscure indie comics are one of the biggest things that avoid Rule 34
I'm halfway through the second book and the writing style reminds me of Herodotus' histories
>>147099289>Herodotus' historiesHow so, anon?If you do not bump, a great empire will fall.
Oakly is selling TPB 6 on the website, is working on volume 7. There's also a one-ish about Quinton. He also has at least two other series- Jenny Mysterious, and Stardrop.This is the cover for #6. "Apprentices"? Yeah, that's what you get with apprentices. I want to go look for a textless version of this so that I can write on it "When you leave the new hires unattended."
>>147099576Mostly the tangents in the prose sections. Herodetus wrote histories mainly to try and explain why the greeco-Persian wars happened but he isn't afraid to suddenly veir off into the history of something slightly related before returning to the main topic.
>>147100824I'd say it still works I found the prose sections awkward but I'd rather have them to explain the wider world rather than have each and every detail be drawn out with their own panelsThe chase scene that simultaneously narrated the tragedy of Sara Blue and fairy blood is a good example of my opinion because the main plot still moves forward
>>147085575I'm too cheap.
How you all liking it so far?
>>147104845I've been enjoying itI find it neat Oakley foreshadows things in advanced like Heath and Kimithin being with Soracia when she meets Locumire in the past or Jurid being in a mural Rubel observes
>>147105182*Leahanna and Kimithin
>>147104845It's cool. It reminds of Bone.
>>147104845I'm reminded of old sword and sorcery comics like Conan or the few Thieves World stuff. Because there's constant struggle, lies, and fighting, and when it's time to throw down, TAK goes that hard.
>>147050290seems like a comfy kingdom
>>147050838cute winged creature
>>147107832It does but the shadow monsters, pirates, and soldiers of an evil prince make it shitty.
>>147050845I wonder how many people don't believe that magic exists? Even while it's happening in front of them.
>>147111268Also the witches
Finished the 2nd book. I was expecting the twist to be that Heath was the Shadow lady from the past but the actual twist was alright. I preferred it over the 1st book, the Quieten parts actually grew on me. I am curious about the 1000 year gap between the two stories, if you asked me blind I would assume Heath's tale was in the present and Rubel's in the past, not the other way around.Now onto the 3rd book.
>>147113028Does anyone know what spy film is this, or like this?
>>147112674The time skips are pretty unnecessary.Heath being from 300 years ago isn’t any different from 3000 years unless the reincarnations and cosmic cycling comes up more.
>>147113976I tried looking up spy movies that came out that month but I highly doubt it was Austin Powers
>>147111926>First of all, there is the regular city. This is where the middle class people live and work. (And yeah, I decided that there should be a middle class in Thieves & Kings.) People here don't put much stock or belief in magic and monsters and such. For the regular folk, life is interesting enough without such added complexities. http://www.iboxpublishing.com/The_City.htm
>While working on issue #33, I found myself at one point late, late at night struck hard and deep by several ideas. The above image was one of them. The thought of Heath becoming witchy as she grows up; barefoot and about one quarter-wild, with hair on her legs and such, seemed very powerful to me. I also like coloring her clothes yellow. I do it whenever I can. Yellow is her color; it gives her power. In this image I also tried to depict Rubel above as having become more wolfish in his young adulthood. Anyway, rather than leaving this image with the rest of my notes in a rough pencil form, (as so often happens), I thought it might be interesting to ink and color it so that it resembled the kind of finished luminosity that these strange, interloping ideas appear with when they materialize in my head in the middle of the night.>Now, it is entirely possible that Rubel, Kim and Heath will not evolve into the kind of people pictured above. In fact, I am willing to bet they won't. When it comes time to write about the three of them at that age, (if Kim is even still around!), then I will have grown older and different as well, and who knows what will come out of my pencil then? As such, I really do like to take snapshots of ideas like this one when they come around, simply because I may never see them again. Windows within the mind open and close constantly, and it seems a shame not to share these things as I see them. --Of course, as with the clockwork warrior pictured here, (another product of a late-night inspirational session), sometimes these images do come 'true' after fashion, as those who have been reading the story up until this point will immediately recognize.http://www.iboxpublishing.com/misc2.htm
>Every now and again, I find myself writing these odd little scenes using characters from Thieves & Kings which shouldn't be. --Scenes which don't fit into the story universe for a variety of reasons, but I write them anyway; I think it is important, when inspiration strikes, to 'go with the flow'.>Usually the effort is quite rewarding. I have learned many things I otherwise would not have about the characters in T&K by putting them through these impossible little productions. --The following is just such an example. Nothing about the T&K universe has been changed in this scene except for one minor addition; Russian literature is available to the characters. And Heath, in her quest for knowledge, is in the middle of just such a book.>It struck me upon completing this scene that it might be fun to share the finished product with T&K readers. --And a web site like this one is the perfect place for such oddities; the printing bill is nice and small and it doesn't affect anything in the paper-based universe. So with this in mind, I drew up a couple of illustrations and published it here; a scene which never happened, and yet which in my mind, very much did. . .>I Box Publishing proudly presents. . .Literary Criticism with Heath Wingwhit - or - Dostoevsky v.s. The Red Sorceress!Full story in the linkhttp://www.iboxpublishing.com/misc3.htm
>>147100340>There's also a one-ish about Quinton.>The Walking Mage "Outcast Wizard, Quinton and his Imp Familiar must walk the land. High Adventure, Low Comedy and some Minor Property damage resulting." There are 41 episodes in this series, in an 8-panel North-South format. http://iboxpublishing.com/Strips.htm
>>147115697Rubel looks like a gigachad.
>>147115697>if Kim is even still around!
>>147112007They cute tho
Any similar comics to this you could recommend?
>>147115697Rubel's become a barbarian. Heath looks like she drops rocks on people. I don't know what Kim is laughing at, but Heath looks nonplussed.
>>147115697>if Kim is even still around!I am not surprised if Kim will eventually die. Rubel already has too many girls into him. Even Heath will eventually have to die or go back to her original time. Her existence will drive Katara insane, and she still hasn't told Rubel about it.
>>147115697Rubel needs better clothes.
Posting art I was inspired to make by book 2
>>147125305>>147125314Good work Anon
>>147125305>>147125314Good job
>>147125305>>147125314I think this is the first fanart ever of this comic. Great work, drawfriend.
>>147128060There's some reader arthttp://www.iboxpublishing.com/readerart.htmI think there's more in the letter's pages for the single issuesDefinitely the first for /co/ though judging by the Booru
>>147125305Excellent, anon. They look good. But just what did you draw them on?
>>147128233>Definitely the first for /co/ though judging by the BooruThen we need to upload them to the booru. It's nice when /co/ makes fanart for lesser known stuff.
His other two comcis aren't as interesting as this.
>>147131127I haven't finished the first book of Stardrop but I was enjoying my time with itFelt odd at first given he doesn't use the prose format like with Thieves & Kings but finding out that series did use the format felt odd to begin with so whatever
>>147125314She'd be smiling if Rubel was under that shirt with her wouldn't she?
>>147128886Looks like cheap grid paper.
>>147120420Like fantasy adventure? I instantly think of Bone. There aren't really that many comics with this sort of epic fantasy. I would suggest Conan, but it's style is being pulp compared to something like Lord of the Rings.
>>147125305this is cool
>>147135299I meant something with an emphasis on action, adventure and lore but still appropriate for all-ages
>>147138863That is kind of rare in comics.
>>147050272Kieves & Things
>>147138863Akiko is science fiction but I've heard good things about it that might fit the bill
The style of this comic feels like it would have been a nice Disney film. Rubel is like Peter Pan if he was crazier.
>>147141618Does that make Sally Tinker Bell?
>>147141776>Tinker Bell but multiple times the jealousy murder tendencies with an actual body count >Also a tall beautiful sorceress
http://iboxpublishing.com/Jenny-WATCHMEN.htmHuh, he wrote an entire story where one of his other characters talks to Ozymandias
>>147144934Neat finds
>>147145161Very neat finds. Oakly has a devart account, I should have checked that.If Rubel is wearing yellow, does that make him more attractive to Heath? Is he wearing Heath's clothes, or is it the other way around?
>>147145649>If Rubel is wearing yellow, does that make him more attractive to Heath?Wdym
>>147143378>>147144841>>147144851I wish I lived in OceansendIt looks so comfy
>>147145649>Is he wearing Heath's clothes, or is it the other way around?Rubel's too much of a chad to wear girl's clothes
>>147143349Cute but I have a feeling Heath isn't going to be around by the end of the series. Her existence threatens Katara through time travel shit. Since they are the same person Rubel will most likely hook up with Katara.
>>147122923Heath can't dieWe know she's getting messages from her older self
>>147149306>older selfIt is actually her past self, anon. She used to know Varkias, but his short memory prevents him from remembering that lifetime of Heath.
>>147148801I hope Oakley gets to finish the series periodApparently he planned for a 100 issue long epic with about 2000 pagesSo after 12 years he managed to get halfway done (if everything is still planned out and hasn't changed) before feeling burnt out and needing to take his creative efforts onto other projects
>>147150071Hopefully we don't end up like Berserk fans.
>>147143556Interesting crossover.
>>147125305>>147125314good job on these.
Got some bags and boards in the mail, re-sorting the floppies I have in boxes, and I found these. God that was a long time ago, and Leon couldn't manage to get issues every month but I still bought them.
>>147153507I don't remember if I stopped because I left Toronto, or because Leon stopped getting issues in his store.RIP "The Hairy Tarantula" on Yonge Street in Toronto; the place was kinda stinky, but it wasn't a mere merch outlet, and customers talked to each-other.
>>147153507>>147153528Cool collection AnonThanks for sharing
>>147153507>>147153528Nice collection. I hope to get physical copies of this comic eventually.
>>147144869I like how his own description for this piece questions how the guards even got there to begin wtih
>>147140729>KievesHuh, it's an actual wordhttps://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/kieve
>>147144851Cute mermaids.
>>147125314very cute
>>147144841>>147144851Trees are Magical~
>>147051027Probably just me but I'm immediately reminded of old point and click adventure games when I look at this for some reason.
>>147143425Not bad for digital coloring, but I still prefer the traditional coloring.
Is the author's other work worth checking out?
>>147163317Read and form your own opinionYou can read them from the start on his website Stardrop is cute but it lacks the action that Thieves & Kings has Haven't checked out Jenny Mysterious
>>147050875Why not just take off the boots?
>>147164748He tried but also its not his bootsIt's his feet that got turned into metal
>>147159206some of them are, yea
>>147165149damn he is really in a bad situation. I wonder how he gets out of it.
>>147165149I'd like to see that. I should look into the next issue (and everything's being sold on the website.)If your feet are metal does that cause metal poisoning? Which metal? Can he sell his toenail clippings?
>>147167054It's just the same sort of transmutation Varkias got hit by at the start of the series except not for his whole body
>>147167054>If your feet are metal does that cause metal poisoning?
>>147050272reading bump
>>147051137Good to know.
>>147144861Love how edgy Sally can get
>>147171723Sally would make a good poltergeist, if only they could make her portable. It'd be like having a data assistant for Rubel- or a Cortana for him.
>>147174141What part are you on now?
>>147115697Footfags are going to love Heath.
>>147172741>poltergeistA noisy ghost?
>>147050272wish I had her sandals, they cool
>>147176980They're just Greek sandals
>>147159206Okay Bob Ross
>>147163317I would hope so
>>147175277She doesn't go barefoot in the comic itself, just in that what if drawing with her as a fully grown Red Sorceress
>>147050272Alright. Now where are the fanarts?
>>147182236They're somewhere around here...
QRD on this series? How long has it been on hiatus?
>>147050272cool logo
>>147183714Teenage thief returns home after years at seaMost of his friends are all gone, his remaining family dead, and the Princess he swore himself to after helping her secure the throne has been driven out by her evil brother whose men also wants him deadAll this while the mysterious Shadow Lady makes her presence clear and holds particular interest on said thief And that's just the first bookBeen on hiatus for about 11 years and came back as a webcomic in 2018
>>147183714/ss/ bait
>>147184283Nice, it looks like a fun series to read. Is the webcomic continuation found on the author's website or somewhere else?
>>147184625Author's website but the problem is that if you're gonna read the storytime threads and head into said webcomic continuation, you're gonna be missing a decent amount of story since the remaining chapters of the last published volume weren't published as single issues and the volume as a whole hasn't been scanned/rippedThe series also jumps from comic to prose and that formatting might be alienating
>>147184758Really don't mind the comic to prose that much. What's the name of the volume that hasn't been ripped yet? Is it the Walking Mage volume on the author's website?
>>147184927Volume 6: Apprentices Part 1Walking Mage also hasn't been ripped but it's not essential to the main plot unless I'm mistakenJust a more comedic side story taking place in the past
>>147184945Glad to hear the series is getting some continuation even if the scans aren't all available. I really hope the author publishes the webcomic in book form at some point.
>>147185161>publishes the webcomic in book form at some point.>This book is 104 pages long. It contains re-edited pages from the comic book series, "Thieves & Kings", issues 46, 47 and 48 comprising fifty pages of previously published material. This format marks the end of the regular 24 page comics! From now on, Thieves & Kings will be published as 100+ page square-bound books like this one. They are designed to come out more frequently than the earlier Graphic Novels did, and they are meant to stand on the shelf along side them. They will not be collected together as larger books, so they are the final product, so to speak. http://www.iboxpublishing.com/tp6.htm
>>147185470So, Volume 7 soon then? Glad to hear it.
>>147143349My heart
>>147184945Yeah, but side stories are often a place where extra information and "thought this up after the comic went to print" ends up.
>>147187114You can read some of it on his website as well as his Deviantart having colored pages
>>147153507Great covers.
>>147143349Ain't that cute desu.
>>147153507>>147153528killer kollection
>>147153507Damn. I'm not going to wait until May to search the LCBS for those.>Not that Diamond would ship them.>Statler and Waldorf: doooh!
>>147190413They actually did get distributed by Diamondhttps://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/Series/4582-THIEVES--KINGS
>>147190635Oh. My mistake. Sorry. And such good prices...
>>147185683Hope you like it
>>147050272Holy crap I forgot this existed. Bought some volumes from a comic shop in, like, the late 90s or sometime.If I recall, this has some light sorceress /ss/ elements that I hadn't yet fully internalized at the time.
>>147191935>If I recall, this has some light sorceress /ss/ elements that I hadn't yet fully internalized at the time.Almost everyone noticed during the storytime lol
>>147191969It's painfully obvious.
>>147191969I wonder if people's ability to notice such things has been covered by the amount of such things. Straight people like ss because it's m/f. Strange people like ss because there's small differences. Straight people like ll because it's even better to look at. Strange people like ll because it's unconventional.So people may fail to notice it- like "ad blindness." People walk right past the signs then ask a question that's answered by the signs.
>>147194219We have our minds in the gutter Anon
>>147194219Anon, Sally talks about wanting Rubel and waiting for him to be a little older. Anyone could see the sexual tension.
>>147195628To be fair, half of it was centuries of loneliness and envy driving her mad (leading her to kill hundreds across said centuries) and the other half was orders from her boss whom owned her soul to drive Rubel away from HeathWhen she turned good, she seemingly got over wanting Rubel for herself and overreacted when trying to make sure Kimithin wouldn't go that same pathBut yeah the comic gives plenty of /ss/ material
>Almost all the links to the previous threads are gone>Last one is going kaput tonightKind of surprised this thread has lasted this long for something so obscure
>>147194219It's all abouts self-insertion really
>>147197093One guy has been necrobumping for days.
>>147197093Niche threads like this deserve to last long.
>>147192285Based Quinton
>>147197093And....it's goneHopefully everyone who was interested managed to read everything
>>147050272Thieves > Kings
>>147197329There's always been hero boys. Jim Hawkings, in both pirate and space traveler versions. Taran, Wanderer for the book readers. Fin from Adventure Time. Self-insert isn't needed to enjoy a story, but being able to have the common ground of experience, deepens understanding. It's mixed with the desire to do the adventurous things that pay off instead of the daily grind of school or work.Fictional heroes are treated better than the world treats actual people. But Rubel really has to hustle to survive, in both fast-talking people and running from the law, ways.
>>147200974Anon, I think he meant specifically /ss/
>>147200931t. Thief
>>147197329>pic relatedInteresting.
>>147200405They could check them out through desu.
>>147197093>>147200405d'y'all'd've know how archives work, or..?
>>147205920>>147207854No offense man but I don't think we're gonna see someone storytime the rest of the series
>>147208178Don't tell him that now. He's been at it for almost two weeks.
>>147208326I mean I get the enthusiasm and I do love seeing Anons fall in love with obscure comics but unless he's just very, VERY behind everyone else and just wants to be able to properly react in the thread when it's still active, I'd say the thread has run its course and it's best not to let it go out like a zombie (unless new life can be given to it)
Goodnight sweet thread