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This was CNs most "toyetic" shows that wasn't Ben 10 and they absolutely fumbled the bag when it came to merchandise. Comic Con giveaways and that's it.

What were they thinking?
It was too ugly
>What were they thinking?
who knows but vambre was nice.
15 fucking terabytes
>Kyle Pedozza
>This was CNs most "toyetic" shows
No it wasn't.
>This was CNs most "toyetic" show
Not even close to being that.
It was a pedophile’s idea of a toyetic show, ripping off an anime character he ‘likes’ and giving them a bunch of lame swords kids are obligated to enjoy to have a childhood although they’d really prefer a cartoon made by someone better.
Torture CP.
If CN survives to its 35th year, what are the chances they mention this show, or even rerun it
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>Sizable cast of attractive adult female characters, some with active sex drives or romantic endeavors
>Princess Zange
>Witchy Simone
>Penny Plasm
>Mysterious Hooded Woman
>Lady Hiss
>A few others
All of these Waifus down the fucking drain, never to be seen or used again, they can't even thrive in mild obscurity or gain cult status now due to Kyle's crimes tainting the entire franchise.
The Magiswords are the most boring and uninspired shit to make into toys.

>Oh the Smartphone Magisword! (It’s a smartphone on a stick)
>Oh the Dolphin Magisword! (It’s a dolphin on a stick)
>Oh the Chainsaw Magisword! (You guessed it, it’s a chainsaw on a stick)
wow, the thread's been up for more than 10 minutes and no one bitched about the pacing. stunning.
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Who cares about Kyle? 5 years from now, no one will even remember or care.

I don't know why you guys try to attach cartoon characters to real people. They're literally just drawings or pixels.

If you're worried about him getting money or royalties then just use AI? This picture is generated for free and neither he nor Cartoon Network see a single cent from it.

Come on guys, use your brains.
would like to add that most of these swords arnt even used as swords
more then half the time they're used as wands
fr for me penny was the best and i hate such a good design was wasted on this show
mark my words im gonna make a charter based on her in my media well assuming i do get anything off the ground (im trying to make games btw)(not really a impotent character more like a npc)
Any updates on Kyle? Did he get sentenced already?
>Who cares about Kyle? 5 years from now, no one will even remember or care.
bruh you know how cartoon tards are, you'll get flamed if you even so much as mention mighty magiswords ever again and they'll call you a pedo sympathizer and doxx you
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People still eat Subway even though Jared was a monster.

We'll all be gooning to Magiswords characters again.
Subway existed long before Jared and has existed long after Jared’s arrest
charged as sex offender and that was all
Came out in 2010s instead of 80s or 90s.
Yeah conceptually it could have been cool as well as fun but too many of the swords were lame gimmicks to where there are only a few that I'd even want as some kind of collectable item. While Adventure Time has problems, at least it was better on the cool unique sword collecting aspect and that wasn't even a huge part of the show nor did they have nearly as many "swords" as Magiswords did.
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Kyle originally pitched the show to Adult Swim since he wanted it to be aimed at adults, I think the show might had been decent if it was aimed at adults as originally intended, at least it would have more fanservice if anything
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It was never going to work considering the swords themselves look bad.
No boy or boyish girl would ever want to buy this kind of shit. Didn't this launch with some app that failed after 3 months? I think that also added to CN just not caring to make toys.
This only got produced because Kyle is a pedophile much like all Cali. elite.
Crazy how you can make a premise about a show where the main characters use magic swords to gain special abilities and you do it in the laziest, most boring way possible.
Naga a cute
Subway wasn't created by Jared.
What level of retarded do you have to be to store shit like that on a Google drive?
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what a waste of potential this show was
>the nose

Thought you'd be a hero just by posting this, didn't you?
We now know Kyle didn't aim at adults
>This was CNs most "toyetic" shows that wasn't Ben 10
The fuck it was.
Oh yeah, he also pled guilty and now he's a sex offender.
based schizo
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They still sponsored him and made him their mascot.
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She was just a less attractive Lina Inverse.
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And they knew about his cheese pizza.

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*more attractive
Honestly, how does someone not go to Pound Me In The Ass prison for the rest of their life for that? I know he's on the registry and literally can't use computers anymore but that still feels like a slap on the wrist
Post more
Guess his plea deal was convincing enough, and they figured "it's only images" even if Kyle had a hankering for Daisy. The statute of limitations on his grooming and predation on underage girls would have run out by then, and if they didn't have proof like archived email and social media messages then it's no use.
He probably didn't actually have quite that much. The official charges he faced didn't refer to such a large amount, and the only source for it being that much was some random twitter post.
The TBs of data and torture porn aspect were both made up. The 16tb thing was what a random person edited into a wiki about him that was then picked up by some Twitter dipshit, and the torture porn part was because Nico Colaleo misunderstood the charge (which mentions torture porn as being included in their definition of sexually explicit materials but doesn’t mean that the person charged necessarily had those materials). Nico is a fucking idiot. And anyone who blindly believes twitter bullshit is an idiot.
Kyle is a fucking fat loser pedo with shitty ideas, terrible art skills, retarded facial hair, and ridiculous fashion sense who ruined his life and lost all his status and friends, and likely put extreme strains on his familial ties. There are plenty of reasons to dunk on him without having to make shit up.
Jesus Christ, 800 second waiting period to post something?
His wife left him

Jared was just a corporate Spokesman, it's not like he founded Subway.
Oh Nico is for sure next in the line, just let's wait for it...
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(you) waited for 800 seconds just to post that?
>We'll all be gooning to Magiswords characters again.
Hey, if anything, we should goon to Magiswords characters, Kyle used to be very negative about it, so let's profane his shit ass legacy.
Sometimes all your content in your PC gets stored in the cloud automatically without your consent. That's why you should check your setting out periodically.
But, according to Kyle himself, he set the autosafe manually himself, and he got annoyed all his documents were wiped out completely without warning. That rarely happens, it was most likely Google locking Kyle's content for investigation.
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>tHiS wAs a mOnEyMaKeR!!!
It wasn't and kids could just buy Slayers merch instead
That's an impressive level of autism even for me and I thought I had that page committed to memory
Had to look up a bunch because I didn't remember them but god damn, the hit rate of this show was insane. I mean it's an ugly art style, but in terms of characterisation and designs it was one of the best.
>But it was easy to copy because you literally couldn't draw them wrong
Honestly, dodged a bullet considering the creator.
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The art style was perfect for making edits
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It's fucking hilarious that one of Arin Hanson/Egoraptor's largest contributions to a mainstream animation project went from obscure to now being straight up memoryholed. He voiced Gateau the Cat Wizard, Phibby Croax and a bunch of incidental characters. They even got Danny to cameo in an episode as a one off character.
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Makes you wonder how it would've been if the show actually made it to Adult Swim, if it did I'd assume the entire Magisword concept wouldn't have been mandated and the show would have been the original concept:Dungeons and Dayjobs, Vambre would've been an actual swordsman and Prohyas would've been a mage.
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If Penny Plasm possessed Vambre and tried to fuck Prohyas, would that still count as incest?
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Rape Ghost
This, but in a good way.
>kids could just buy Slayers merch instead
If there was any.
Man, I haven't seen this posted in years
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>Kablammica is a brick shithouse giant of a woman
>Norman is pretty short (still taller than Phil the Pilferer)
>Parents respective heights cancelled each other out so Vambre And Prohyas are normal height
It would explain why they're so strong though. Even by standards of Adventure Academy they've shown to be leagues above the average person in terms of physical strength.
There should be more, the show was underrated, Luke Ski has basically taken ownership of the show and he said he'd even redub over Kyle's lines given the opportunity.
fr i like these two
(when i got the time i really got to re-watch summer camp island )
Also really fucked up a lot of small fan projects since he was involved in a lot of youtube things with up and comers. Loads of people have been kind of fucked over by Kyle's arrest.
More people were suspecting Nico's tweets as self defense/deflection since he was going on about it for a couple weeks.
Nico spoke about Kyle's arrest before his family and actual close friends. That says a lot about the subject.
Yeah, it had been a whole month before Nico leaked the arrest, and Kyle's family and Lindsay were trying to play it cool. Once that happened, Mrs. Carrozza had to delete her "Happy birthday Kyle" post to avoid weens, and Lindsay had to make her limited-audience statements about how betrayed she was.
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Vambre is a funny character and I would wife her.
At least you got two seasons of it. Plenty of better shows struggled to get though one. Anyway CN has been shit for ages.
Can Americans on this website go 5 minutes without thinking about arse rape in gaol?
I had an episode on as background noise recently and they said Kyle told them to play the game, I had a good chuckle imagining how they thought about including that now
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He is just a clout chasing asshole who thinks he can somehow become a cool, popular showrunner on Cartoon Network if he causes enough rage on twitter. No idea why he thinks this or why he continues to try it long after it has repeatedly failed for him.

It more likely that most people would genuinely not want him on their crews because he is just too likely to start trouble and incite a scandal with his total inability to just plain shut the fuck up on twitter.
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Vambre's delicious thighs
He's a massive backstabber for sure. And people like that usually have bigger skeletons on their closets. And considering how elated he was about Kyle's case, i feel/fear he's just like the people he attacks for clout. He's the perfect Xwitter fodder.
Oh this guy definitely has something on his hard-drive.
Imagine being parents to a pedophile. Do you take him back in for the rest of your life to have him squat in your basement, or tell him he fucked up big time and tell him to kick rocks
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Reminder that Vambre's no pants policy comes from her having a medical condition that makes her legs unnaturally warm, she finds pants extremely uncomfortable and will flip her shit if she's forced to wear them.
I think they would pretty much have to take him in at this point. He has been abandoned by everyone he knows and his entire industry. He is homeless, jobless, friendless, single, and without any opportunities. Those anons saying he is a future Waffle House grill cook were not really exaggerating too much.
It's pretty much the same deal with Andrew Dickman, who told a bunch of weird lies or half truths about Kyle on his Twitch stream.
Can you imagine living in the Catskills and this hairy weirdo has to come up to your door to announce he's living with his parents and is a sex offender, so you better not have any kids living within proximity?
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What are they feeding the girls in the Kingdom of Rhyboflaven? They must be putting growth hormones or fertility magic in the slugburgers
It’s a good thing this show failed, had it been a success Kyle would have been able to use the money and fame to victimize innocent children.
Anyone who likes Lisa has skeletons in their closet. She’s one of the most sociopathic characters that would be Princess Bubblegum if she had the chance, so is Wendy from South Park.
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>Cute Goofy Himbo
>Nice Bod
>Good at music
No wonder so many chicks wanna fuck him.
Too bad about who his VA is.
There's no fucking way it's that much data:
No human being on Allah's green earth collects that much porn!
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I'm glad that the pedo jokes are at Kyle's expense and not Prohyas himself.
At that point he now has to get rid of the damn hair and sideburns because he is too much of a caricature of a creep that seems genuinely scary.
Gary Glitter: Hold my personalized CP
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>Manage to make it in the job market
>Finally making real Fuck you money!
>Buy a nice house in the upstate near Connecticut
>Down payment hurt and will set you back for a while but damn, finally made it!
>Doorbell rings
>Pick related is at the door to inform me he is a registered sex offender lives in the neighborhood,
>asks me if I have any kids
>a caricature of a creep that seems genuinely scary
Not that Anon but he looks like a proto-millennial hipster faggot to me.
>inb4 someone tells me he's acktually gen x
I know hence the "proto" part.
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The best thing to come out of the series was Vambre's hips and thighs
God, I want to put my thing in her thing, if you know what I mean~!
just imagine Vambre extremely desperate to go potty but her leotard takes too long to be removed what would happen next hahaha
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Everyone's talking about Vambre but what about these two?
made tons of AI slop of her
I've heard some strict English professor of Auburn university was a severe Wendyfag and even had a class on South Park and media literacy, which sounds so bizarre. He'd apparently brag about how he'd get into fights over his waifu on the South Park Studios BBS and how he'd lie and trick other fans into fights. I guess he felt he could match that freak.
>Gross close-up of Kyle trying to contain his drool about kids or he'll get busted again
>Foghorn SFX
Any Vambre requests? Just her
vambre twerking
Vambre with a big, sore red butt from a paddling
Draw her fat
No one liked it
Well then you’re a pretty lousy drawfag lol
Thank god it got canned because the creator is also part of the epstein's island cultist.
Maybe your request was too boring
You know what i want, Billy my boy. Leave her cape on, so it's flowing with the wind and showing her ass, and make the thigh highs into boots like the ones she wears
Do private trackers really.
He stored all that in his Google Drive along with his banking info. Google scrapes hashes that are recognized Club Penguin, so he clearly had some material that was known to the FBI.
Nowhere as big as 16 TB but over 600 images or 12 videos, and images can be counted from video frames. So he probably had a gallery of pizza material, or very specific videos relating to it.
anyways, whoever he downloaded these files via torrents because it's easy to find these magnet links.
10 terabytes of CHILD PORN
Should I say more?
was only the 1% of the worldwide torrents.
Reminder, Vambre would have come out as asexual had the show continued.
That means now people can draw her getting gangbanged (but not feeling anything, just to be canon compliant), to spite TVsPedophile.
Fuck Lina!!! Vambre's Hot.
There's no point to attack Kyle. He isn't getting jail time you know.
> He isn't getting jail time you know.
Will he stop being pervert after that?
give him a Max Goof voice, and then TADA. no problem. Just switch it.
He got house arrest, he won't pevert you.
nah you just don't really wanna draw stuff
No, i just don't wanna draw those two
Have her squatting with her ass in view in her bikini with a tattoo saying “warrior for hires” on her ass
Thanks for the amazing piece of cake, Billy my man
NTA but as the words from a giant worm:
> “oooooouucchhhh. *guitar strums*
There is no way he was ever rich enough to be allowed in the same airport as Epstein. Kyle lived in one really disgusting tiny apartment in Burbank. The kind that the struggling up and comers just out of college huddle in before they get a break.
What were you thinking? No one fucking watched this shit. Why would they make merch?
Dear Billy,
Please learn how to draw. Your permabeg tier drawings are worst than Cyclops & 2nd worst to Chris-Chan. Please learn anatomy & use guidelines to set up your anatomy correctly so that way I don't have a reason to compare your art to that of awful Tumblrina art. Get some real art skills.
The irony is that Kyle was a massive anti-loli anti-shota moralfag. So much so that he got one of his coworkers fired for drawing Invader Zim shota then blaming her for having "CASM" when there wasn't any.
Vambre is cheaper Spumco version of Lina Inverse.
Kyle, you and everyone knows your piece of shit show had more flaws than that.
He never got jail time. He got probation & is probably a registered sex offender. Needless to say, he's blacklisted from the industry.
You drawfags don't know how to draw female asses. Too much ass makes it look fat. Stop drawing fat chicks please.
It would have been a better character design had he removed the cape, hairband, & ear rings from Vambre. The similarities to Lina Inverse is too uncanny. Also fuck you Kyle, you creatively bankrupt western otaku weeb.
Some of his other ex-friends said he had a whole anti-porn "wholesome man" image too, but of course liked to solicit minors for nudes and use the excuse that he needed reference models.
He only spent three days in jail when he was busted, and his then-wife or parents paid the bail (sources vary)
>Please learn how to draw.
Show us your work to see how it's made.
He really thought he could go from ripping off Spumco and other 90s toons to ripping off anime to make his pitches sell better.
Hatz and Pug, Go-Rama, etc. all got more anime makeovers.
i still think about how ironic he was very open against Magiswords NSFW or even suggestive fanart. But hey, he's done, and his characters are now free to be fucked. Nothing you draw would be as sinful as the shit Kyle actually likes.
i thought the show was alright all things considered
a bit too fast paced
Leaves me wondering how he's gonna support himself now.

Did Magiswords have any loli characters in them?

Lol, maybe someone should start sending fanart to him.
>Did Magiswords have any loli characters in them?
See canon loli Vambre here >>147087502
He might try to make a sockpuppet and pretend it's totally not a man named Kyle, or go into the grifting business on how he was cancelled.
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>He might try to make a sockpuppet and pretend it's totally not a man named Kyle
>Gets a mariachi band to accompany him in a video on how he's never groomed kids
>For he is Carlos Carrera not this Kyle Carrozza nonce
>Carlos Carrera, si
There's always going the Robert Joseph Teel route in faking his death and making a bunch of alts, while covertly trying groom minors until he dies for real. That's more /a/ or /m/ lore but it's something Digimon and Fox Kids cartoon block fans don't like to acknowledge about one of their oldheads.
Advice from frustrated fags that don't draw is meaningless
We're never getting the asshole photos are we
There's always Spumco-style artistic renditions, if a drawfag dares to stomach doing so.
There's no way to do something like that and not make it seem like a cheeky confirmation of incest.

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