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This was CNs most "toyetic" shows that wasn't Ben 10 and they absolutely fumbled the bag when it came to merchandise. Comic Con giveaways and that's it.

What were they thinking?
It was too ugly
>What were they thinking?
who knows but vambre was nice.
15 fucking terabytes
>Kyle Pedozza
>This was CNs most "toyetic" shows
No it wasn't.
>This was CNs most "toyetic" show
Not even close to being that.
It was a pedophile’s idea of a toyetic show, ripping off an anime character he ‘likes’ and giving them a bunch of lame swords kids are obligated to enjoy to have a childhood although they’d really prefer a cartoon made by someone better.
Torture CP.
If CN survives to its 35th year, what are the chances they mention this show, or even rerun it
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>Sizable cast of attractive adult female characters, some with active sex drives or romantic endeavors
>Princess Zange
>Witchy Simone
>Penny Plasm
>Mysterious Hooded Woman
>Lady Hiss
>A few others
All of these Waifus down the fucking drain, never to be seen or used again, they can't even thrive in mild obscurity or gain cult status now due to Kyle's crimes tainting the entire franchise.
The Magiswords are the most boring and uninspired shit to make into toys.

>Oh the Smartphone Magisword! (It’s a smartphone on a stick)
>Oh the Dolphin Magisword! (It’s a dolphin on a stick)
>Oh the Chainsaw Magisword! (You guessed it, it’s a chainsaw on a stick)
wow, the thread's been up for more than 10 minutes and no one bitched about the pacing. stunning.
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Who cares about Kyle? 5 years from now, no one will even remember or care.

I don't know why you guys try to attach cartoon characters to real people. They're literally just drawings or pixels.

If you're worried about him getting money or royalties then just use AI? This picture is generated for free and neither he nor Cartoon Network see a single cent from it.

Come on guys, use your brains.
would like to add that most of these swords arnt even used as swords
more then half the time they're used as wands
fr for me penny was the best and i hate such a good design was wasted on this show
mark my words im gonna make a charter based on her in my media well assuming i do get anything off the ground (im trying to make games btw)(not really a impotent character more like a npc)
Any updates on Kyle? Did he get sentenced already?
>Who cares about Kyle? 5 years from now, no one will even remember or care.
bruh you know how cartoon tards are, you'll get flamed if you even so much as mention mighty magiswords ever again and they'll call you a pedo sympathizer and doxx you
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People still eat Subway even though Jared was a monster.

We'll all be gooning to Magiswords characters again.
Subway existed long before Jared and has existed long after Jared’s arrest
charged as sex offender and that was all
Came out in 2010s instead of 80s or 90s.
Yeah conceptually it could have been cool as well as fun but too many of the swords were lame gimmicks to where there are only a few that I'd even want as some kind of collectable item. While Adventure Time has problems, at least it was better on the cool unique sword collecting aspect and that wasn't even a huge part of the show nor did they have nearly as many "swords" as Magiswords did.
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Kyle originally pitched the show to Adult Swim since he wanted it to be aimed at adults, I think the show might had been decent if it was aimed at adults as originally intended, at least it would have more fanservice if anything
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It was never going to work considering the swords themselves look bad.
No boy or boyish girl would ever want to buy this kind of shit. Didn't this launch with some app that failed after 3 months? I think that also added to CN just not caring to make toys.
This only got produced because Kyle is a pedophile much like all Cali. elite.
Crazy how you can make a premise about a show where the main characters use magic swords to gain special abilities and you do it in the laziest, most boring way possible.
Naga a cute
Subway wasn't created by Jared.
What level of retarded do you have to be to store shit like that on a Google drive?
We now know Kyle didn't aim at adults
>This was CNs most "toyetic" shows that wasn't Ben 10
The fuck it was.
Oh yeah, he also pled guilty and now he's a sex offender.
based schizo
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They still sponsored him and made him their mascot.
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She was just a less attractive Lina Inverse.
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And they knew about his cheese pizza.

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*more attractive
Honestly, how does someone not go to Pound Me In The Ass prison for the rest of their life for that? I know he's on the registry and literally can't use computers anymore but that still feels like a slap on the wrist
Post more
Guess his plea deal was convincing enough, and they figured "it's only images" even if Kyle had a hankering for Daisy. The statute of limitations on his grooming and predation on underage girls would have run out by then, and if they didn't have proof like archived email and social media messages then it's no use.
He probably didn't actually have quite that much. The official charges he faced didn't refer to such a large amount, and the only source for it being that much was some random twitter post.
The TBs of data and torture porn aspect were both made up. The 16tb thing was what a random person edited into a wiki about him that was then picked up by some Twitter dipshit, and the torture porn part was because Nico Colaleo misunderstood the charge (which mentions torture porn as being included in their definition of sexually explicit materials but doesn’t mean that the person charged necessarily had those materials). Nico is a fucking idiot. And anyone who blindly believes twitter bullshit is an idiot.
Kyle is a fucking fat loser pedo with shitty ideas, terrible art skills, retarded facial hair, and ridiculous fashion sense who ruined his life and lost all his status and friends, and likely put extreme strains on his familial ties. There are plenty of reasons to dunk on him without having to make shit up.
Jesus Christ, 800 second waiting period to post something?
His wife left him

Jared was just a corporate Spokesman, it's not like he founded Subway.
Oh Nico is for sure next in the line, just let's wait for it...
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(you) waited for 800 seconds just to post that?
>We'll all be gooning to Magiswords characters again.
Hey, if anything, we should goon to Magiswords characters, Kyle used to be very negative about it, so let's profane his shit ass legacy.
Sometimes all your content in your PC gets stored in the cloud automatically without your consent. That's why you should check your setting out periodically.
But, according to Kyle himself, he set the autosafe manually himself, and he got annoyed all his documents were wiped out completely without warning. That rarely happens, it was most likely Google locking Kyle's content for investigation.
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>tHiS wAs a mOnEyMaKeR!!!
It wasn't and kids could just buy Slayers merch instead
That's an impressive level of autism even for me and I thought I had that page committed to memory
Had to look up a bunch because I didn't remember them but god damn, the hit rate of this show was insane. I mean it's an ugly art style, but in terms of characterisation and designs it was one of the best.
>But it was easy to copy because you literally couldn't draw them wrong
Honestly, dodged a bullet considering the creator.
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The art style was perfect for making edits
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It's fucking hilarious that one of Arin Hanson/Egoraptor's largest contributions to a mainstream animation project went from obscure to now being straight up memoryholed. He voiced Gateau the Cat Wizard, Phibby Croax and a bunch of incidental characters. They even got Danny to cameo in an episode as a one off character.
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Makes you wonder how it would've been if the show actually made it to Adult Swim, if it did I'd assume the entire Magisword concept wouldn't have been mandated and the show would have been the original concept:Dungeons and Dayjobs, Vambre would've been an actual swordsman and Prohyas would've been a mage.
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If Penny Plasm possessed Vambre and tried to fuck Prohyas, would that still count as incest?
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Rape Ghost
This, but in a good way.
>kids could just buy Slayers merch instead
If there was any.
Man, I haven't seen this posted in years
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>Kablammica is a brick shithouse giant of a woman
>Norman is pretty short (still taller than Phil the Pilferer)
>Parents respective heights cancelled each other out so Vambre And Prohyas are normal height
It would explain why they're so strong though. Even by standards of Adventure Academy they've shown to be leagues above the average person in terms of physical strength.
There should be more, the show was underrated, Luke Ski has basically taken ownership of the show and he said he'd even redub over Kyle's lines given the opportunity.
fr i like these two
(when i got the time i really got to re-watch summer camp island )
Also really fucked up a lot of small fan projects since he was involved in a lot of youtube things with up and comers. Loads of people have been kind of fucked over by Kyle's arrest.
More people were suspecting Nico's tweets as self defense/deflection since he was going on about it for a couple weeks.
Nico spoke about Kyle's arrest before his family and actual close friends. That says a lot about the subject.
Yeah, it had been a whole month before Nico leaked the arrest, and Kyle's family and Lindsay were trying to play it cool. Once that happened, Mrs. Carrozza had to delete her "Happy birthday Kyle" post to avoid weens, and Lindsay had to make her limited-audience statements about how betrayed she was.
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Vambre is a funny character and I would wife her.
At least you got two seasons of it. Plenty of better shows struggled to get though one. Anyway CN has been shit for ages.
Can Americans on this website go 5 minutes without thinking about arse rape in gaol?
I had an episode on as background noise recently and they said Kyle told them to play the game, I had a good chuckle imagining how they thought about including that now
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He is just a clout chasing asshole who thinks he can somehow become a cool, popular showrunner on Cartoon Network if he causes enough rage on twitter. No idea why he thinks this or why he continues to try it long after it has repeatedly failed for him.

It more likely that most people would genuinely not want him on their crews because he is just too likely to start trouble and incite a scandal with his total inability to just plain shut the fuck up on twitter.
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Vambre's delicious thighs
He's a massive backstabber for sure. And people like that usually have bigger skeletons on their closets. And considering how elated he was about Kyle's case, i feel/fear he's just like the people he attacks for clout. He's the perfect Xwitter fodder.
Oh this guy definitely has something on his hard-drive.
Imagine being parents to a pedophile. Do you take him back in for the rest of your life to have him squat in your basement, or tell him he fucked up big time and tell him to kick rocks
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Reminder that Vambre's no pants policy comes from her having a medical condition that makes her legs unnaturally warm, she finds pants extremely uncomfortable and will flip her shit if she's forced to wear them.
I think they would pretty much have to take him in at this point. He has been abandoned by everyone he knows and his entire industry. He is homeless, jobless, friendless, single, and without any opportunities. Those anons saying he is a future Waffle House grill cook were not really exaggerating too much.
It's pretty much the same deal with Andrew Dickman, who told a bunch of weird lies or half truths about Kyle on his Twitch stream.
Can you imagine living in the Catskills and this hairy weirdo has to come up to your door to announce he's living with his parents and is a sex offender, so you better not have any kids living within proximity?
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What are they feeding the girls in the Kingdom of Rhyboflaven? They must be putting growth hormones or fertility magic in the slugburgers
It’s a good thing this show failed, had it been a success Kyle would have been able to use the money and fame to victimize innocent children.
Anyone who likes Lisa has skeletons in their closet. She’s one of the most sociopathic characters that would be Princess Bubblegum if she had the chance, so is Wendy from South Park.
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>Cute Goofy Himbo
>Nice Bod
>Good at music
No wonder so many chicks wanna fuck him.
Too bad about who his VA is.
There's no fucking way it's that much data:
No human being on Allah's green earth collects that much porn!
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I'm glad that the pedo jokes are at Kyle's expense and not Prohyas himself.
At that point he now has to get rid of the damn hair and sideburns because he is too much of a caricature of a creep that seems genuinely scary.
Gary Glitter: Hold my personalized CP
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>Manage to make it in the job market
>Finally making real Fuck you money!
>Buy a nice house in the upstate near Connecticut
>Down payment hurt and will set you back for a while but damn, finally made it!
>Doorbell rings
>Pick related is at the door to inform me he is a registered sex offender lives in the neighborhood,
>asks me if I have any kids
>a caricature of a creep that seems genuinely scary
Not that Anon but he looks like a proto-millennial hipster faggot to me.
>inb4 someone tells me he's acktually gen x
I know hence the "proto" part.
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The best thing to come out of the series was Vambre's hips and thighs
God, I want to put my thing in her thing, if you know what I mean~!
just imagine Vambre extremely desperate to go potty but her leotard takes too long to be removed what would happen next hahaha
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Everyone's talking about Vambre but what about these two?
made tons of AI slop of her
I've heard some strict English professor of Auburn university was a severe Wendyfag and even had a class on South Park and media literacy, which sounds so bizarre. He'd apparently brag about how he'd get into fights over his waifu on the South Park Studios BBS and how he'd lie and trick other fans into fights. I guess he felt he could match that freak.
>Gross close-up of Kyle trying to contain his drool about kids or he'll get busted again
>Foghorn SFX
Any Vambre requests? Just her
vambre twerking
Vambre with a big, sore red butt from a paddling
Draw her fat
No one liked it
Well then you’re a pretty lousy drawfag lol
Thank god it got canned because the creator is also part of the epstein's island cultist.
Maybe your request was too boring
You know what i want, Billy my boy. Leave her cape on, so it's flowing with the wind and showing her ass, and make the thigh highs into boots like the ones she wears
Do private trackers really.
He stored all that in his Google Drive along with his banking info. Google scrapes hashes that are recognized Club Penguin, so he clearly had some material that was known to the FBI.
Nowhere as big as 16 TB but over 600 images or 12 videos, and images can be counted from video frames. So he probably had a gallery of pizza material, or very specific videos relating to it.
anyways, whoever he downloaded these files via torrents because it's easy to find these magnet links.
10 terabytes of CHILD PORN
Should I say more?
was only the 1% of the worldwide torrents.
Reminder, Vambre would have come out as asexual had the show continued.
That means now people can draw her getting gangbanged (but not feeling anything, just to be canon compliant), to spite TVsPedophile.
Fuck Lina!!! Vambre's Hot.
There's no point to attack Kyle. He isn't getting jail time you know.
> He isn't getting jail time you know.
Will he stop being pervert after that?
give him a Max Goof voice, and then TADA. no problem. Just switch it.
He got house arrest, he won't pevert you.
nah you just don't really wanna draw stuff
No, i just don't wanna draw those two
Have her squatting with her ass in view in her bikini with a tattoo saying “warrior for hires” on her ass
Thanks for the amazing piece of cake, Billy my man
NTA but as the words from a giant worm:
> “oooooouucchhhh. *guitar strums*
There is no way he was ever rich enough to be allowed in the same airport as Epstein. Kyle lived in one really disgusting tiny apartment in Burbank. The kind that the struggling up and comers just out of college huddle in before they get a break.
What were you thinking? No one fucking watched this shit. Why would they make merch?
Dear Billy,
Please learn how to draw. Your permabeg tier drawings are worst than Cyclops & 2nd worst to Chris-Chan. Please learn anatomy & use guidelines to set up your anatomy correctly so that way I don't have a reason to compare your art to that of awful Tumblrina art. Get some real art skills.
The irony is that Kyle was a massive anti-loli anti-shota moralfag. So much so that he got one of his coworkers fired for drawing Invader Zim shota then blaming her for having "CASM" when there wasn't any.
Vambre is cheaper Spumco version of Lina Inverse.
Kyle, you and everyone knows your piece of shit show had more flaws than that.
He never got jail time. He got probation & is probably a registered sex offender. Needless to say, he's blacklisted from the industry.
You drawfags don't know how to draw female asses. Too much ass makes it look fat. Stop drawing fat chicks please.
It would have been a better character design had he removed the cape, hairband, & ear rings from Vambre. The similarities to Lina Inverse is too uncanny. Also fuck you Kyle, you creatively bankrupt western otaku weeb.
Some of his other ex-friends said he had a whole anti-porn "wholesome man" image too, but of course liked to solicit minors for nudes and use the excuse that he needed reference models.
He only spent three days in jail when he was busted, and his then-wife or parents paid the bail (sources vary)
>Please learn how to draw.
Show us your work to see how it's made.
He really thought he could go from ripping off Spumco and other 90s toons to ripping off anime to make his pitches sell better.
Hatz and Pug, Go-Rama, etc. all got more anime makeovers.
i still think about how ironic he was very open against Magiswords NSFW or even suggestive fanart. But hey, he's done, and his characters are now free to be fucked. Nothing you draw would be as sinful as the shit Kyle actually likes.
i thought the show was alright all things considered
a bit too fast paced
Leaves me wondering how he's gonna support himself now.

Did Magiswords have any loli characters in them?

Lol, maybe someone should start sending fanart to him.
>Did Magiswords have any loli characters in them?
See canon loli Vambre here >>147087502
He might try to make a sockpuppet and pretend it's totally not a man named Kyle, or go into the grifting business on how he was cancelled.
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>He might try to make a sockpuppet and pretend it's totally not a man named Kyle
>Gets a mariachi band to accompany him in a video on how he's never groomed kids
>For he is Carlos Carrera not this Kyle Carrozza nonce
>Carlos Carrera, si
There's always going the Robert Joseph Teel route in faking his death and making a bunch of alts, while covertly trying groom minors until he dies for real. That's more /a/ or /m/ lore but it's something Digimon and Fox Kids cartoon block fans don't like to acknowledge about one of their oldheads.
Advice from frustrated fags that don't draw is meaningless
We're never getting the asshole photos are we
There's always Spumco-style artistic renditions, if a drawfag dares to stomach doing so.
There's no way to do something like that and not make it seem like a cheeky confirmation of incest.
Did you make this? Got any more?
Lina sucks and nobody remembers anymore.
Neither nobody watched OK KO. The failed bullshit video game didn't helped Ian JQ also. anon, stop being pick and choose.
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nta but here.
Nice. Whoever makes these edits needs to keep making them.
Here https://desuarchive.org/aco/thread/8334089/#8334089
Also https://x.com/MighTBatmantis/status/1865530907450356083
Pretty much all the edits I've seen.
Wow, you had that offhand quick, anon. Are you the account that uploaded all these edits on Twitter?
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Is Kyle on prison still or is he free now? I just find it funny that they arrested him right before the Ranma remake came out, seeing how big of a Ranmafag he was
His last voice role being on that FOP reboot with the black MC is also funny
He apparently had a link to a tracker in one of the pics he uploaded to his Google Drive
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W-what asshole photos?
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Honestly a good thing that Mighty Magiswords failed. Would've been real awkward if one of Cartoon Network's biggest successes came from Kyle A Carrozza, a reviled sex pest. I'm sure Nick can relate
I think he only got probation. I don't remember all the things he has to do, but one is that he is no longer allowed to have ANY porn not even normal stuff like playboy mags.
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2 years of probation, you know it'll be over fast but his career is over.
He took a video of his asshole with his smartphone and sexted to one of his fellow Sickmutt artists. She said he included some spanking of his ass beforehand. Of course she's not showing it since that's revenge porn, but you wonder if it could be useful in divorce court if it could be proven his wife absolutely didn't know about his cheating and side pieces.
go back to sucking dicks on reddit
>2 years probation with search and seizure of all electronics at anytime. Now a lifetime sex registrant, he has to do community service, can’t have pornography of ANY kind, and of course, no unsupervised contact with minors.
With a design like that?
If people wanted to watch Slayers, they'd watch Slayers. Why would anyone bother with some shitty knock off of Slayers?
Kyle would get mad whenever he'd Google himself and see his pitches get shit on or people bring up Vee.
If he's been poaching any kind of internet access, he'll have to see he's only been famous as a laughingstock and source of disgust for the audiences he hoped to court.
Both anti-porn weirdos and legit gooners are one in the same, one is just more ashamed of it
AkaiRiot got in trouble for flirting with underage fans on discord and that's why he disappeared for a while and doubles down on the "wholesome" part of his image even though he's still a giant pervert
It's bizarre how ubiquitos the 'doth protest too much' scenario is nowadays. Even on just basic social media and shit, you'll see people claiming that anyone sexualizing a 17-year-old character deserves to be castrated snd registered as a sex offender, and then someone will dig and find out that said individual has a long history of being into hyper furry gay cub porn with hats on and once said that age of consent laws should be repealed.
Skibidi Toilet is selling increasing amounts of merch, this point does not matter.
This dude could a waited like 2 years and gotten infinite AI stuff.
Anyone who believed the 15 TB hoax is unironically underage
That’s an astronomical amount of storage just for pictures and video, if he had that much it would be at minimum life without parole if not multiple life sentences. I don’t know how someone could be so technologically illiterate to think that was realistic
A travesty.
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>Vambre's bush mimicking her hairstyle
My fucking sides.
what prompts
I once heard that the creator had been planning to make this series since he was in high school.
Is this true or false?
Not the series in its current form, but this is a spin on that, yeah.
Ho, Is there any clue as to what the series was originally going to be like?
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Magiswords are honestly a very fun concept and the writers incorporated them well, but there was never really an avenue for them to shine in a meaningful way with the audience. They were collectables in the app and used in the browser/web games and minisodes in a CYOA style. I really think the series could've used a full fledged game of any sort. Whether it be some kind of point and click or platformer. It would've been fun to see the Magiswords out in the hands of a player that could run around use them creatively with different moves or synergies with team combo abilities.
>Make series about collecting swords which should lead to plenty of cool toys
>No one makes any toys because all the swords look stupid
A lot of Kyle's OCs go all the way back to the 90s, he just made them wackier and more anime over time.
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It's true.
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>More people were suspecting Nico's tweets as self defense/deflection since he was going on about it for a couple weeks.
That's the funnier interpretation and dude definitely looks the part, but it's more likely he was just trying to cash in on the trending topic. It seems like any time anything happens of note in the scene, Nico tries to find a way to grandstand so he can cash in on those sweet likes, follows, and comments.

It's more likely that he's got the world's biggest stash of Lisa Simpson foot porn. Not illegal, but in the sheer quantities he likely has, it probably should be.
That, but he also doesn't really bring a whole lot of value to the table. He's a video editor. In animation, that means he has to have a decent sense of timing and know how to operate editing software. When it comes to specialized skills in an animation production, he's pretty low on the totem pole which is probably why he's constantly clamouring for a seat at the cool kids' table. It's easier to post photos of himself with more famous people and constantly talk about how plugged in he is than to actually try to gain skills that take more than a weekend to learn.
>Those anons saying he is a future Waffle House grill cook were not really exaggerating too much
Those anons saying he'll be working as a Waffle House grill cook have obviously never worked in a restaurant. Let's just say that Kyle doesn't seem like the type who could be on his feet 10-12 hours a day, withstand burns and cuts and continue working with just enough medical attention to make sure you don't contaminate food, and juggle a restaurant's worth of orders so every person of every party gets their food in a reasonable time.
Kyle looks like he's never had to endure any sort of physical hardship in his life aside from carrying around the 200lbs of extra weight every day.
it wasn't that much data. The only reason people say this is because someone added that detail to a wiki to shitpost, and then it got picked up on twitter. Any anon repeating this bullshit is a twitterfag who doesn't bother to do a modicum of fact checking.
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What is Rhyboflaven's tax policy?
yes officers, this comment right here.
The irony is that you're a massive normie who believes stuff that isn't true.

1) The amount of data that Kyle got busted for was never disclosed, but the charge was for up to 12 videos or 600 images. Anyone who thinks that could possibly be 15,16,or 10 terabytes worth of data is a fucking moron.

2) Vee was done working with Kyle by the time they had their little fight. Vee worked freelance for a handful of productions, but wasn't currently on a production when she proclaims she was "blacklisted". While Kyle may have some pull among non-industry wannabees who worship anyone with any sort of industry experience whatsoever, he doesn't have any pull with people who actually matter. There's nothing he could say that would make people fire other people (especially when drawing inappropriate materials is so common amongst artists. People tend to turn a blind eye). There's nothing to suggest that Kyle had any influence over her not getting work especially when she was still working with Spindlehorse for a time after the shit about the drawings came up. It's much more likely that Vee is just an unreliable flake who needs to blame someone so she never has to face the fact that she's responsible for her own failure.

Anyone who buys into her endless sob stories after the multitude of "emergency crowdfunds" she's had to finance her toy collection is a fucking idiot. She's not a victim. Kyle sucks. She sucks. They're both shitty people who deserve what they get.
that's pretty good
>his then-wife or parents paid the bail (sources vary)
There are no real sources. Anons make shit up because it's what they imagine would have happened. We know that he worked through a bond agent called The Bond-Boys, so whoever paid it would have put down 10% of what the actual bond was.
Any information regarding who actually paid it has no proof. Anons just make shit up because it's what they think might have happened, and then other anons repeat it until people think it's fact.

Same thing has happened with the TBs of data allegation as well as the "violent" nature of the materials. Both facts were made up and repeated until idiots think it's true. What we actually know is documented by the Burbank Police (and a matter of public record) or came from posts that his ex-wife made on social media.

It's smart to be more vigilant about sources of information now more than ever. Shit's gonna get fucky in these next few years as AI gets more sophisticated. Don't be one of the easily manipulated chumps.
>solicit minors for nudes
Was this ever actually proven? Prosecutors were actively pursuing this angle which would have gotten Kyle a much stiffer sentence. While people speculated, as far as I know nothing ever materialized that would support those allegations.
In an effort to hide the fact that he's behind the persona, he may accidentally create some good designs and concepts in an effort to make something that couldn't be traced back to him.
Wouldn't it be ironic if people suddenly became interested in his concepts once he stopped trying to do the things he actually thought were good, yet he'd never be able to cash in on it because signing the legal documents required for network involvement would necessitate him exposing his true identity.
They were videos.
A femanon who was groomed by Kyle mentioned that during the course of trading explicit images and videos, Kyle sent her a video of his chocolate starfish. She never shared any explicit materials because she was worried about getting charged with distributing revenge porn, but she shared an absolute ton of contemporary selfies of Kyle (looking slimmer and much more grey) that don't exist anywhere else on the web which helps support her story.

Ever since then, anons have been trying to convince her to share the nudes for lulz (especially the winking brown eye) to no avail.
This is the fattest photo of him that I've ever seen. I know it's old, but I always marvel at how his head to his stomach makes the perfect outline of the poop emoji. He's so fat that it's actually kind of tough to differentiate his head from his neck from his chest to his torso. I know his hair and his outfit don't help, but god fucking dammit...how did he get this fat and run a show? I'd think that lugging that around all day would be difficult and painful and he'd have to take naps every few hours. Also, how much did he fucking eat to maintain that physique? It's hard to imagine what his diet was like to be that fat while still occasionally walking. He wasn't riding a rascal and he commuted for work so how the fuck did he stay that fat?
Go tell that to Xwitter and Reddit
>but it's more likely he was just trying to cash in on the trending topic.
One problem here. THERE WAS NO TRENDING TOPIC. Nico literally started the fire, before he opened his mouth all this was being handled privately.
Nico went and MADE it a trending topic.
Yeah but that doesn't fit at all with what >>147113097 said about Nico jumping into the light for attention. There was no light to jump into at all. Nico was also oddly defensive about it.
ok, you may be right that there was no trending topic, but I still think Nico knew it was going to be big news so he had to be the guy who jumped on it early. After his first few posts inevitably blew up, he probably wanted to keep the hype train going.
When someone in animation wins an award, he'll also be the guy to post a photo of himself with the person, congratulate them, but then quickly pivot to how he worked with them on something like 10 years ago and "doesn't that make me cool, guys? Please care about me!"
Nico is the kind of person i really don't wanna work with. He's both a cloutchaser and a backstabber. He doesn't care about his coworkers, they are just tools for him.
I still have a soft spot for this show, it was just goofy fun like a cartoon should be.
Wouldn't be surprised if he makes some shit up about someone if he thought it could get him some twitter clout.
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We have already seen him take events that had nothing to do with him, and turn it into a huge ordeal just so he could try to gain some attention from it.

The whole Thundercats Roar controversy might have just lasted a few days to a week at the most before Nico went well out of his way to manufacture lots of outrage over it. Weird how someone zealously defends a show they are not working on and does not know anyone working on it like that.

For that alone he is a huuuuuge liability for anyone to hire onto their teams. you don't know if he is going to say something stupid on social media and attract loads of unwanted attention that tanks a project.
I don't know that he would directly make shit up. That's more of a Vivzie move. But Nico would definitely be the type to spread gossip he's heard which is just about as bad.
...what kind of hourly work is there for a doughey pervert anyway?

Waffle House is the common goto for ex cons with no options. Which is why it was suggested. But there are not a huge amount of cheap, no questions night shifts away from potential lawsuits gigs out there. All that's left are Doordash style gig work. And..well if you see Kyle walking up to your house with something you plan on eating in in his hands...would you eat it?
>He doesn't care about his coworkers, they are just tools for him
He's probably adequate at doing the job he's hired to do and he has enough work history to prove that he's reliable (at least in that capacity). Most people you work with aren't going to be friends. Make a distinction between coworkers and actual friends and you'll be fine. Recognize him for the backstabbing cloutchasing asshole that he is and don't tell him personal shit.
The most fucked up thing is that this guy actually tried pretty hard to cultivate this Weird Al styled public persona of wacky goofy funny cartoon comedy guy that has weird clothes and hair. He intentionally went about looking like this.

And now that he has been exposed as a pedo perv, he now looks like a true genuine creepy fucker in every stretch of the definition of the term. Peewee Herman style basically, and Peewee was still into plain ol vanilla adult porn.
Kitchen work and construction tend to be the go to professions. Barbers are also essentially freelancers who rent a chair at a shop so he could potentially get a gig that way (though he'd have to get licensed and who the fuck would want to get their hair cut by someone who has his hair and mutton chops?). If he completely revamped his art style, maybe he could be a tattoo artist? They have a same deal mostly being freelance chair renters. Most of the world has no idea who he is and he wouldn't have to worry about being around minors working at a tattoo parlor.

Other than that, there's remote phone service jobs and data entry, although both of those gigs are quickly disappearing and being replaced with AI.
PeeWee Herman got done dirty. There's no way that would even be a blip on the radar if that happened now. Clout chasing idiot cops wanted their 5 minutes of fame and it unfortunately ruined a man's career because everyone had to pretend that they didn't also consume porn in some form or another. Don't put Paul Reubens in the same category as fucking Kyle.
It is interesting when someone has been convicted like him, and his entire family, friends, and work circle abandoned him, it's pretty much the exact same situation as getting out of prison. He is starting over with no life, and a huge chip on his shoulder that will unnerve anyone else.

Typically all anyone in a situation like that has is family, but his wife left him.
PeeWee Herman was fucked over because it was the earlier era where anyone working in family media HAD to be perfectly squeaky clean. Someone actually buying porn was a scandal if they were someone of note.

Also it happened right at the height of the Pat Robertson/James Dobson Christian Evangelical takeover of media where they were fearmongering satanists and perverts in the media everyday. They would inevitably jump on that story.
They hated him for telling the truth
legitimately the only reason i watched the show when it premiered
Finally found a solid list of every Single Magisword https://tiermaker.com/create/-magiswords-143811
It would have been so long ago even if it was all true, we're talking early 2000s e-mail correspondences and Deviantart note chats that led to nudes. A common story is that Kyle liked these nudes as a way to draw his Red Panda guys on, and have them commenting on the girls' bodies.
He also stunk real bad like a skunk, according to some ex-colleagues who had to get a whiff of him in the LA heat.
You can now get some yummy pizza at the location that used to be that cinema.

The real deal, not Kyle's pizza.
That doesn't surprise me. A man that big is going to sweat a lot and develop smegma in the dark moist crevices of his fat folds. He'd also have a really difficult time properly cleaning himself after taking a shit. Unless he brought a reaching stick with him to wipe his ass, I don't really know what he would have done when working at CN studios. At least at home it's possible he just took a shower to hose himself off after every time he took a dump.

Some large people look like they are still capable of doing basic maintenance, but Kyle is so fat in that picture where he's holding a sword that it's really hard to imagine how he did anything at all.
>yummy pizza
are you six years old?
The horror of the John K style closeups his wife or others would have to see of his folds or rusty starfish.
what the fuck does even mean, why do you keep posting it
>terrible art skills
…..is it bad I like his art style?
What is stopping you, the anon behind the screen, from changing the name slightly, changing the hair, and making them your own? Take them. He no longer deserves them.
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Are we forgetting somebody?
wow, those poses don't look nearly as stupid as I'm used to seeing from Kyle. It's too bad he turned this chick into a pig and made her do that stupid "tada" pose he makes all his characters do.
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He really should have sticked to the human version
What’s with Kyle and cankles?
i wouldnt say ugly. but too bland for enjoyable toys. the characters need more otherwise any toy that is made of them is going to look cheap
Too randumb
Vambre thighjob
This character reminds me about how fun Frog Racoon Strawberry could be when Kyle wasn't projecting on it.
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is it just me or does he looks like Ken Penders's lost twin
Wasn't that cancelled?
And to think she was an Asianwashing of Jodie Cutter from the original Rob Slice pitch. It looks like he sensed people would want a sexy girl more.
That's called being banned you idiot. You probably should reflect on what you did to cause that.
He didn't have 15 terabytes. Some Twitter fag copy and pasted a shitpost from here, and presented it as fact to farm engagement.
i was talking about the webcomic, but yeah the animated short is as dead as Kyle's public persona.
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CN missed big time having made these swords as collectibles like those toys that come in a sealed bag and you get one randomly. Create a small minigame involving the swords and make a sword come with a stats sheet with effects and such.
Kyle should've just made this show a web series.
It started out as one.
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>slayers but dogshit
Get better taste if you seriously need to whack it to those knockoffs created by a fat pedo.
Not at all.
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Prohyas should've kept his hat.
eh, he looks dumb either way
In English, the past tense of stick is stuck.
>He really should have stuck to the human version.
They’re both just fat.
The sad thing is when you see pics of Kyle when he was younger, you could see how he could have grown up to be moderately attractive. It’s a shame that he ruined himself with a shitty diet and lack of exercise. I wonder if he would have dressed better and avoided the mutton chops if he didn’t feel like he had to hide behind some sort of clown costume. It almost seems like he curated his appearance to be so ridiculously to essentially make fun of himself before other people had the chance to.
No, when you’re banned they tell you you were banned and why you idiot.
Kyle’s public persona is more vibrant than ever. It’s just not very positive.
IT was also pretty fucking retarded
Not really.
How so?
What do you mean “how so?”
He looks dumb because Kyle’s style sucks. The hat won’t change that.
He looks fine to me.
They fumbled the bag by having a completely forgettable show.
Better than Cow and Chicken.
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>some retard on twitter making shit up is now cited as a credible news source
right? And it gets repeated over and over and over again despite getting debunked in nearly every thread. It's almost like anons like this retard >>147072572 WANT to be normies.
If you go by those photos and his caricature self-portraits, he seemed to go from your basic skinny bowlcut nerd to the other nerd stereotype of some fat, unshaven manchild with greasy long hair. All the junk and booze and compensating for it with his LOOK HOW HECKING WACKY I AM persona.
The average laptop has only 2 TB
It's a size comparison u fuckin spazz
Literally underage and gullible as fuck
This thread's starting to smell like cheez. Much like Kyle's upper lip.
You don't know what grifting is
Geez anon who piss in your cereal
Witchy Simone was cute.
Who? post more.
wish I could sniff those pajama bottoms
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>he seemed to go from your basic skinny bowlcut nerd
Yeah he (like most animators) was pretty nerdy when he was younger, but he could have had a glow up had he actually taken care of himself.

Let his metamorphosis be a warning to anyone who doesn't work out. It's a lot harder to start exercising when you're already out of shape. Get in the habit early and your older self will thank you.
Geez anon, who taught you English?
some side characters
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I would say Denelda is the go-to loli of the show
>A feisty, wagie, witch girl
those are 3 of the best girl traits a CN show has to offer
>All that's left are Doordash style gig work.
Registered sex offenders can't do Doordash, because that requires a smart phone and access to the internet. Both things are usually prohibited.
Job products prospects for pederasts are pretty bleak.
Not a fan of the artstyle.
He looks like a loli rape villain
>This was CNs most "toyetic" shows
Because it had a bunch of shitty swords? No one would ever buy merch for that
Vambre getting ryoaned
Yeah, I remember forgetting that stick is used for the present/future tense, and stuck is with the past and past perfect,
>I remember forgetting
You forgot.
But she's an adult.
Eh. I seen worst than that.
Clarence was worse in that regard.
>This was CNs most "toyetic" shows that wasn't Ben 10
How has no one brought up Mixels and all of CN's other Lego shows? Does licensed shit not count? What about how the PPG reboot gave them green lantern powers to make a bunch of new toy designs out of cheap, transparent plastic? Wasn't MMS promoting a mobile game instead of physical toys anyway?
Mixels sucked.
I'd say it was decent
I think they're cute!
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It's a shame Queen Porcina didn't become a recurring character.
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>Noone has drawn Loli Vambre as an early bloomer with huge hips and thighs
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Luke Ski's official watch order for the series
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I like Martina, she doesn't get enough love
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Because adult Vambre's cuter.
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>Multiple characters are a big fan of an in Universe Kamen Rider Expy named Broccoli Punch
>One of the Ultimate Legendary Magiswords is a giant mech that does team combo abilities with the user's collection of Magiswords
>Kyle himself has drawn several pieces of Kamen Rider Fanart
Kyle should've been more focused on Toku and not child abuse
He was really into TOQger which was about kids
Post more art.
I want to see an in depth documentary about this guy
Would Luke Ski recommend this show after Kyle's actions?
>fanservice in current-year minus 8
About as likely in a kids show.
Stop lying
It's way too fast paced and never takes a moment for the audience to catch their breath. Constant noise, characters shouting, and too much stuff going on.
NTA but that's what I remember from 2016. It's why I'm afraid to even try revisiting it...
They never saw popularity because their art style is hideous, Kyle didn't change much
Kys, it looks fine.
Luke Ski worked pretty hard on the show as well, he said he'd redub all of Kyle's dialogue himself given the opportunity.
Post the ladies, I wanna see em.
So, we can just call MM a Luke Ski show and leave Kyle die? Fine, it works for me. i mean it worked quite nice for Ren & Stimpy and Clarence anyways.

>captcha: vs jk
heh, self awareness.
Isn't he blacklisted?
About halfway through ToQGer it turns out that the reason the rangers have no memories after they were 10 or so was because they were aged up to fight the villains
you fucking killed him
Barneyfag has been vanquished
Post proof
No he just never got any work outside of Kyle throwing him a bone every once in a while. It's safer to say he never really broke into the industry.
I like it
like i said earlier in the thread the irony of them being called swords cause most of the time they are used as wands
(and some of them cant be used as swords at all)
Kids want swords to be swords. If I was a kid, I'd want swords more like what Finn got in Adventure Time so I could run around and pretend to chop up imaginary bad guys. If I got a fucking dolphin on a stick for a birthday gift or something, I can't imagine I'd have too much fun actually playing with it. What the fuck do you do with that? It's more amusing for adults who are far enough removed from their childhoods that they can think stupid shit like that is imaginative but even then, the show wasn't popular enough with adults to warrant distributing them even as collectables.

Besides, the swords were more wands than they were swords anyway.
i forgot to add before anyone trys to say it makes sense for the swords to be used as wands cause of the 1st part "magi" as in magic sword
im not saying it doesn't make sense im saying that most sword designs literally cant be used as a actual sword.
either cause its uneven, impractical or it would break upon actual use
The fuck is a MAGISWORD anyway?
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Bimm a cute tho.
Even the furry chick is hot. This show really did have a ton of great waifus.
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Go back to the farms
Well imagine it this way: there's plenty of cases where the parents of murderers don't want their kid to get the death penalty because they don't want to lose their child, even if they murdered other members of the family. Love and bonds between people can be very strong, even if the situation is dire.
It's lampshaded in the show. There's an episode where they have to get sword lessons from the rabbit guy becuase they never learned to use the magiswords as swords and instead treat them as magic wands, which is what the rabbit says.
Post it
Ok, it took me a minute to even remember the name of the episode, but here you go, this what I could find
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drew the funny bunny also an alt
Fattest thighs in the show.
Honestly sounds like a decent premise
No, kys
Draw more.
Do you have a handle?
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Higher quality
I kinda like this style better than the rest of the beanmouth slop ngl. Shame everything about it was a trashfire.
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She really is.
Moobeard was better.
Why not?
The show was ugly as sin and really fucking fast for no reason.

However you are also right. Making a few magiswords toys was the easiest thing ever
nta but lack of genuine development, just a random idea, just like 99% of Kyle's work.
MM has a surprisingly dense and genuinely interesting setting development, but i attribute this more to the rest of the staff, as Kyle seemed to be focused mostly in random shit (and kids as we know now).
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>insist at spamming the same schizo crap

have some bunnies
It was better but still wasn’t that good. Only the animation and voice acting helped, the concept was still too random and not in an interesting way
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People are awakening to how good Bimm was, I hope the same can happen to Danelda.
This show was semi-secretly a gold mine of furry cartoon characters.
Hoppus, Danelda, Bimm, Familiar, Gateaux, Cat!Morbidia, the list goes on. My personal fav is Cattus, he's a big dork.
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>one letter off
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She deserved so much better...
Don't we all?
It lacked soul
I’ve seen worse.
And how can you help to fix it?
You Europeans can't go 5 minutes without rape, Muhammad.
Vee won
Magiswords is still a fun show though. Very ADHD but fun. I like the snake girl and the ghost girl.
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Pork Fried Rice

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im gold-white-kott on my art accounts
Vambre's thighs.
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That's not very much.
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Vambre's butt.
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Lina is quick to anger, extremely greedy, and exceedingly cocky/arrogant. She causes chaos because those traits make her impulsive and easily provoked.
Vambre is neurotic, delusional, and borders on schizophrenic. She causes chaos as a side effect of her eccentric behavior and manic moments.
Did Kyle draw this?
i wanna fuck that fat ass
They're only really similar on a surface level. For example:
>You call Lina a loser
She chases you down, destroying everything in her path. She wipes out your army, breaks all your shit, even destroys the kingdom you're occupying simply because everyone keeps getting in her way. You ask the demon you're serving under for help, but she just ends up killing them too. Finally, she corners you, but doesn't even finish the job. She just kicks you repeatedly in the balls for hours until you stop twitching, then she moves on.
>You call Vambre a loser
She chases you down as she does everything in her power to prove that she is, in fact, not a loser. She somehow destroys everything in her path in her efforts, and you are eventually chased out of the kingdom you're occupying just to direct her attention elsewhere. You call the demon that you're serving under for protection, but they refuse to associate with baby-bitch losers and demand that you deal with it yourself. She finally corners you, and you crawl into a fetal ball and weep. She is disgusted by your behavior, calls you a loser, and then leaves.

It's an important distinction.
Why not?
Ah you're autistic, got it.
He’s a creep!
Didn’t it have a crossover with OK KO?
literally at the last episode
Kek, why did they wait so long?
If you were in charge of continuing or rebooting the series, how would you do it? What direction would you want to go? Only rule is that you have to keep the Magiswords as a part of the main premise
Make it like Shaolin Shodown
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drew the bunny again full pic here
What the release date?
Slayers stopped being good after Next. Prove me wrong.
It was BAD!
Make Vambre naked all the time.
Serialized RPG-style progression where the boss battle of the week can only be slain by the overly specific magisword obtained by defeating the previous boss, and the one before that and so on
(I’ve never watched it so that might already be what the premise was iunno)
They have to combine them all together at the end like the Zenith from Terraria to defeat the ultimate big bad
She gave him pants just to humiliate him lmao
The swords gain the ability to turn into hot people like soul eater or are magically transformed so there are a ton of new characters who already have past experiences with the existing ones
Think you could draw Vambre tits?
Better than Clarence
Zero staying power
What is this?
the show was made by a furry kyle did comics for furrlough the furry anthology comic series
yeah will do that in a bit
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here is some vambre boob
Draw her fat
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Does anyone have the APK or an archive of the Magimobile app?
Grow up
It sucked
Didn’t every staff memoryhole this show?
it had hot characters
Ehhh, not a fan of the artstyle.
It sucked. I tried watching a minute of the series & I couldn't stand it. It's like it's trying to watch Ren & Stimpy on crack. Only people who would enjoy it are those with ADHD. The characters designs are awful. The Spumco designs with flash tweening animation didn't look right. Spumco & anime simply don't mix. Had this show been geared towards adults, we would have gotten something better. It's clear Mighty Magiswords was parodying off of Slayers. And Slayers is clearly the better show.

Also I'm sorry to say this, but if the show you are parodying can do a better job, then your show is not good.
reason why its so hyper is because it only has 10 minute episodes, not the full 15 or 30 eps
Kyle had very simplistic views of how kid and adult shows should be, so if we got Adult Magiswords there'd probably be a lot of cursing and lewd jokes but of little substance. Probably would be more Vambre lust art though.
>Only people who would enjoy it are those with ADHD.
Nah, it's even worse for them, it's literal sensory overload.
i know, i remember Frog Raccoon Strawberry too.
ive actually never heard of that one, thanks for telling me
it's still up, surprisingly after Kyle's crimes.
awesome, also i couldn't care less about some hollywood bigshot being a pedo since they all are.
Shut up fag
Isn't this the show that ripped off Slayers?
Pretty sure it was.
Anon who requested the boobs here, thanks! She looks great in your style :)

Think you'd be willing to draw her or other gals from this show with boobs almost as big as her head? No worries if not.
maybe if im not busy doing other arts
Cringe compilation fodder.

No worries and no pressure! Looked through some of your other art from seeing you post your account name in another post and you have some really nice art. I hope more people catch on to your great work soon!
Needed more story
Maybe I am alone here but I watched this show in the morning and I thought it was cutesy and I liked it.
Then I went onto /co/ one day and learned the man behind it was (almost / just as bad / arguably worse) than CWC
At which point I just watched the local morning news like everybody else
What's wrong what they have?
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They were going to have more story but then it ended.
Poor pacing
Why must fat fags ruin everything?
Is that a condom on her hip
you know it is.
Its funny.
Trips checked
We will never know who was the third partner who went crazy in Hoppus/Danelda old team. Ngl that was like the one plotpoint i got genuinely interested on this random ass show.
It was in Crossover Nexus
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last time she uses the big boob magisword
Draw her fat!
No, kys
no, im not into fat stuff lol
What do you draw then?
/co/ cat girls, and futa some times mainly.
Yea I'm not sure how you can count subway when Jared was just advertisment. The reason not eat subway is because its slop
Draw futa Vambre then
Requestor here again, thanks so much for doing this! Love how it turned out, and her expression is great too, made me laugh. Really like your art :)
im busy drinking now

have you ever drawn katia
yeah her face is hard to draw

yeah but she's really cute, i'm gonna look though your stuff to find katia
i might draw her again soon, i thought about drawing her the other day. i got some of her on my art accounts, got some of her on e6.

cool i hope you do
Haha that's quite a stretch.
>last time she uses the big boob magisword
Say it isn't so, anon! This looks good!!
That's just a definitely not bag of holding, it holds all their stuff like their Gems and Magiswords.
Any MEGA links?
I really dont get it how he thinks that hairstyle and mutton chops would make him look cool.
Egoraptor deserved better
He sucks.
No he doesn't, fuck him.
You first
Theory is the mutton chops are to take attention away from the receding hairline and his fat lumpy face, along with him making all the doofy surprised expressions. There was a period where he had more average facial hair but greasy long hair during Moobeard.

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