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>Wasn't made to be part of a team
>Wasn't based off of an existing male hero
>Wasn't made to be a sidekick

Storm, Rouge, Invisible Woman, She-Hulk, Captain Marvel, X-23, Spider-Gwen, Emma Frost, etc.

How does she do it?
She was a one-off joke, at least until Marvel decided to beat it into the ground.
The internet beat her into the ground. Marvel dug up the corpse.
As an oldfag, no, no one really remembered Squirrel Girl before GLA brought her back.There were maybe a few injokes in fan circles about her being Doctor Doom's most humiliating defeat that probably caught Slott's attention, but nowhere near mainstream, The era of internet jokes started only because of that
She was a joke character made by Ditko in a Iron Man story my man.
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She’s a cute dork
It helps she's cute enough to beat off to
She literally intro'd trying to be a sidekick for Iron Man.
>Steve, will you PLEASE draw Spider-man again, just once?
>Never compromise.
>Well, we have a script about a dumb squirrel superheroine, probably a wash, but-
>I'm in.
But she was no "Iron-girl"
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But all of those fit Carol too.
This again...

>a sidekick for Iron Man.
Denied for being underage.
>Meanwhile, Riri....
But she's MY cute dork
Being cute.
She's definitely a joke character, but at the same time so are guys like Plastic Man. I legit think she's a better "face of women for Marvel" than fucking Carol "raped, then became psychotically pro-military, and frankly her powers came from a dude" Danvers.

I'll take the upbeat fuzzy-tailed Canadian with a major in Computer Science, a minor in kicking Dr. Doom's ass, and Galactus as a drinking (well, eating) buddy.
I love this version.
You make Carol sound a lot more interesting than she is.
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I've got some bad news for you
Sometimes you need to dig to find gold.
I apologize, I left out the bit where despite all that she's still boring as fuck.
>upbeat fuzzy-tailed Canadian
When did Doreen become Canadian? She lives in Central Park and goes to Peter Parker's alma mata?
Dunno WHEN she got established as Canadian, but she is. She has dual citizenship and travels to Canada every once in a while.
why is red skull a pirate on this cover?
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>sailor doreen
Don't know your comic history, eh?
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Funny how Squirrel Girl went from "nightmarish freak" to "nut in the butt" so quickly
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Her later appearances definingly glowed her up as the kids say. Personally I like the old goofy look, it's cute in it's way.
Should I tell him?
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You forgot her getting impregnated by her alien bf and then giving birth to said bf
Sod it, I'm going to storytime Great Lakes Avengers Misassembled so you can learn more about Doreen.
That's under "raped."
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Just give her back her drunk, skrull genocide happy personality and call it a day.
If you think I wouldn't fuck this wall eyed creep, you're sadly mistaken.
>Third panel
RIP Monkey-Joe
And that's all for now. Even though Doreen was only really in the latter half of the arc.
Cheers mate
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Some of these I recognise, some I don't, who's top right?
>Wasn't made to be part of a team
Actually that's exactly what she was, but she was such a giant loser Tony didn't want her on the Avengers
Neat, that was my personal guess but I didn't know if she appeared after the '80s.
This design gave me a giant buck teeth fetish.
You know, given the number of superheroes out there, how many *are* urban myths?
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Note: Squirrel Girl's status as a mutant was later retconned to "she's not. "
Ah so.
Does she still have the knuckle spike?
Wait, was that bit at the start of USG where she fights Galactus calling back to this page? Heck of a coincidence if not.
Yeah. She uses them to beat Ultron in Unbeatable.
Not... really? The only thing connecting them is the moon. She never even fought Galactus, she befriended the big galoot.
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Was probably meant to be Golden Skull, who - last we saw - had both hands, but also has a pirate theme, and fought Squirrel Girl.
ty for story time. I love Squirrel Girl in GLA. Everyone always plays up the Ws against S tier villains but they're mainly played for laughs here and I love that Squirrel Girl remains humble despite the achievements. Her retro dorkiness and cuteness are why she's so charming.
Thanks anon
Thank goodness, I can shoot a bolt to her in good conscience.
And then that Ultron gets its memory wiped and is turned into a mechanical tree that is tended with love by SG's mom, so it grows up "good." Don't try to fuck with Squirrel Girl's parents, an Ultron Tree protects them.
I’m glad she still has parent(s?) she’s such a wholesome little monster.
Why did her parents leave a 14 year old truant to fend for herself in Central Park? They should be in jail.
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But she's still sympathetic to mutants.
It was never going to work out, Sentinel #X-42903-22.
>She probably ran away
>It was the 80's
Well, the thread is still up and I won't be able to post this for another 11 months otherwise, here's a late (or early) Christmas one-off.
158 posts and not a single mention of mongoloid squirrel girl. Impressive.
My favourite story in the book.
That's all for now, hope you enjoyed.
I love how in comics it's a given that there will be some casual firefight between two groups of super-affiliated persons at any given time.
RIP Ringo
The Unrentable Squirrel Girl
Damn what happened to shop girl's eyes?
That's our Doreen!
Damn, dad's a dick.
So Santa can get through Thanos's security but not a gift for Doorman? Ouch.
kek, that's bittersweet.
I wouldn't call Squirrel Girl a 'joke character' in that first appearance, more a comedy-focused one off.
There are plenty of characters in comic books who are used for just one or two issues.
SG was one of them, until Marvel brought her back because she had a unique personality and appeal.
That Tippy-Toe is the scariest thing I've seen all day.
Wonder if Countdown was a jab at DC's countdown to event things.
Or did Marvel do that too? I forget.
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She's fucked Wolverine in a Bendis story, this makes unforgivable and not worthy to be Marvel's main female mascot.
Santa gifts are a privilege for the living.
Retconned. She would’ve been like 15, frankly it's amazing it took more than a week to retcon. Bendis is a menace AND a threat.
Sentinel bro will find a hot extra thicc alien with long fluffy tails like a Kitsune girl and itd be super cash money.
>will find
He's still in contact with Doreen. They text. She's trying to help him overcome his programmed bigotry. She'll probably help him hook up with someone. It's what she does.
>How does she do it?
You are tiresome and ungenuine.
Describe Squirrel Girl without mentioning her sex, appearance, powers, occupation or role in the stories she appears in.
You are a retard.
That is real nice.
Grasshopper got us good /co/
Not sure why but this guy being on skies is so silly
She-hulk wasted this guy
Isn't death, death in marvel?
Death is what allows beings to die, but she doesn't come and guide their spirits afterwards.
Before he became mainstream
Marvelle cameo
She kicking him in the dick?
Of this was 2003 I wouldn't doubt they were being ironic but for 2013 it's harder to tell.
Flatman small rodent rape expert apparently
Monkey confirmed atheist
Leather boy being straight is a funny twist
Apparently not
Well he does have a doctorate in Stuff after all.
What's the matter? Can't say anything noteworthy about her?
Actually kinda sad
>my dignity, like my services, comes with a price
Oh, Batroc
Mockingbird was dead?
Feels like a DC thing, don't recall Marvel doing it much
Actually, given the shout out to Identity Crisis there, it's almost certainly a DC joke
Who hasn't been by this point?
This is actually great
Upbeat teen hero who borders on being a Pollyanna type, somewhat oblivious to how powerful she is but still wants to be taken seriously.
Yes it’s a pretty clever trick.
They're going to Harley Quinn her.
Good point. You'd think doorman being an agent of death would be a bigger deal
Will Neil ever bone his hot, hot sister? Stay tuned true believers!
The answer was no! Thanks for keeping up, comics fans! Excelsior!
Christmas shooting star? That's what you get when you get someone who's never celebrated and possibly hates Christmas to write a Christmas story.
And like the ‘star’ the joke went over your head.
Eh didn't really like it
I get the joke it's just that with Slott being Slott you know how what it was meant to be, why didn't he just write something about hanukkah.
I mean I don’t think it’s unfair to say most people who ‘celebrate’ Christmas don’t do so as a religious observance as much as a generic happy fun time with the occasional miracle.
Cheeky cunt.
>What it’s meant to be
THE Christmas Star? The star of Bethlehem, as a shooting star?
I know but it's a clinical joke about it but maybe I'm looking too deeply into it but with them you can never know
She needs to get raped more often.
>More often
It's happened before?
Upbeat and selfless with a strong sense of justice (that does not always agree with the letter of the law), a can-do never-say-die attitude, and a firm belief in the overall goodness of humankind (although some people probably can't be salvaged). Willing to hear even her enemies out and treat them with respect. And she smells like hazelnuts. You didn't ban mentioning her smell!
Didn't even try. Failed.

Disqualified for mentioning her occupation.

Decent try but no.

Finally someone has a proper answer, and it only took four tries. Pat yourself on the back, you've earned it.
It's not even power, it's sheer effectiveness (and sure, some of that is deus ex machina, but when it's shown on-panel it's usually fairly consistent with the Marvel U we know). Half the time she just talks the villain out of whatever he's doing.

When she "died" (someone faked her death, wtf) her funeral was jam packed with both heroes and villains, all of them on their best behavior and offering heart-felt eulogies. Hell, she saw through Nightmare's dream-invading shenanigans, foiled his plans, then took him on a dream adventure because he just seemed so FORLORN.
People just think squirrels are cute
>When she "died" (someone faked her death, wtf) her funeral was jam packed with both heroes and villains, all of them on their best behavior and offering heart-felt eulogies.
Ew unironic Dan Slott postin...
You guys are gross.
He sucks but somehow became very influential for better or for worse, for worse.
I hope not.
‘Hero’ isn’t an occupation (to a New Yorker it’s a weird sandwich to quote Oddball). Even if it is something you can do as a ‘job’ you know what I meant, heroic disposition.
Talking to squirrels and negotiating are powers, we just never put them up there with magnetism and prep time.
How many comics has she actually have?
You are tiresome.
Counting things where she's a guest star or team member? Probably in the ballpark of 100 appearances. Her book went to 50 with volume 2.
Squirrel Girl 37.
Hi Dan, Your She-Hulk run was more or less just incel revenge fiction.
China made an attractive thicc model. Her modern comics still suck ass.
I will say this, they at least all turned up in black which is more than a lot of cape funerals.
What has she been in most recently other than Spider-Boy?
Care to post some appearances?
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No I would not.
she really doesn't do much in USAvengers
Nor in the previous series but that's not the point. She's there at least. But that's just how irrelevant she still is. No amount of lust over his Rivals version will make up for the damage from the solo.
>it was so damaging it got 50 issues and a radio show
Wish more books I like got damaged that much.

She's a comedy character like Howard the Duck. They're hard to use as recurring characters outside their own books.
I suppose since she's part of the Great Lakes Avengers, she's at least Midwestern, like from Minnesota or Wisconsin. In Rivals, at least, she has a slight Midwestern accent
She's a Canadian American who spent some time in the Midwest before moving to New York.
>Canadian American
What continent is Canada in again?
>drew a pic of Squirrel Girl years ago in response to 2010s redesign
>remember somebody comparing it to Drip Rat's
>drive died so I no longer have it
You're speaking English, burrito-nigger. The word 'American' or 'America' exclusively means the USA.
There is no word in English for being 'from the Americas' (referring to both continents of North and South America)

Sure in other languages American does mean from the Americas, but not in the one you're using right now.
I'm nuts for Squirrel Girl.
>I suppose since she's part of the Great Lakes Avengers, she's at least Midwestern, like from Minnesota or Wisconsin.
The other GLA members are from the mid-west.
Squirrel Girl was recruited in Central Park. She's a transplant. It's never been brought up before
>In Rivals, at least, she has a slight Midwestern accent
Does she? I've only ever heard her say "WILD STAMPEEEEEEDE" which just sounds like cowboy talk to me and definitely not Canadian.
Negotiating is not a power.
neither is archery or marksmanship.
/co/'s hateboner for Slott baffles me. I'm certainly not his biggest fan, he's written some stinkers, but he's written some stuff I very much enjoyed to. More to the point, he's written hundreds of comics. The way some anons act like it's not possible anyone enjoys his work comes off as severely mentally challenged.
Sure, but it goes back to anon's claim that she's oblivious to how powerful she is. The thing is she's tough as fuck - maybe Spider tough - but she's still fighting (and winning) waaaaaaay above her weight class, by being just so damn resourceful, clever, empathetic, etc. I wouldn't list any of that as her being powerful. She's able to save the day from guys like Doom and Dormammu DESPITE being way less powerful than them.
>I wouldn't list any of that as her being powerful
Anon, there's a power that comes from deep inside of you...
You have to be a complete retard if you like any of his work, It's all derivative garbage he's stolen.
Why did Ember spawn in a dragon instead of giving herself the Mace of Molag Bal and doing the Fortify Restoration loop so she could kill and soultrap everybody in one hit? Is she stupid?
Original anon here, when I say powerful I meant in the sense that she is able to regularly do the things she does. I would say that ‘luck’ or ‘deus ex machina’ could count as a power in the same sense ‘preptime’ does. You’re correct that she’s not powerful in the traditional sense of controlling the weather or punching really really hard, but there’s *something* she has that makes her able to do the things she does. Sorry if I wasn’t clear I was trying to be succinct. I guess the general theme of Squirrel Girl apart from the face value gag of being absurd is that despite being the nominally weakest person on a team by appearance she’s arguable the most ‘powerful’ in terms of accomplishment to effort, but she’s still this sweet little nutty woman despite that.
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>Nobody is allowed enjoy any part of a 34-year career encompassing hundreds of comics
What an exhausting and embarrassing way to act.
He's never wrote a single good comic in all those years that's the real embarrassing part.
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Dan Slott bring out the worst in characters, They're just all unlikable & mean spirited.
I enjoyed the Great Lakes Avengers story in this thread more than you hated that She-Hulk story.
I doubt that.
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I wish squirrel girl had braces.
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I just think she’s neat
Well first off, it's "SQUIRREL STAMPEDE"

Second, you can hear for yourself.
I don't know if I'd call it completely midwestern, but it's not a southern drawl nor completely Canadian either. It's a dorky inbetween which kind of fits Squirrel Girl
You drew this?
I wish.
Thread's still up, let's have a quickie Man I'd love a quickie with Doreen *shot*
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>You'll never kiss her nutty lips while her breasts press against your chest.
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I hate that the purple haired anime woman on the top right is supposed to be Firestar.
>Firestar with short hair
What's his deal then?
he vipes the vindows
I only know her from the old cartoon, have her comic appearances been good?
Not really, no.
She had a good run in the Spider-Man <3 MJ books.
Most writers at Marvel hate Firestar and only wish to see her suffer.
>Not drawn like a naked woman just coloured yellow.
Okay maybe that would have been much, shame to hear though. She was made because they didn’t have the rights to Human Torch IIRC (for the show).
>She was made because they didn’t have the rights to Human Torch IIRC (for the show).
That and they wouldn't allow Peter to be roommates with MJ. (80's censors deemed that would have been immoral.)
they gave her short hair recently as well in X-men so she didn't outshine Jean
Ah yes ‘living in sin’, things sure have changed.
nice gif.
Post more of magical girl Doreen.
nice lips

Steve Ditko
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Dude worked for an insurance company, checking out all the stuff people used to protect their valuables, then turned around and put on a silly mask with a voice modulator and stole the shit. No powers, no gimmick, nothing, but he's the first villain Speedball ever took down and he's got a weird obsession going on.
Ah, okay, thanks.
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I dunno man, looks to me like all the Ditko-isms of her first appearance were all but completely phased out by the time she joined JLA.
Like it or not, most of her modern appeal is thanks to Slott, seems like.
Don't forget the dozens of Hydra dudes she slaughtered.
>with her fat ass

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