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Spider-Man can solo the X-Men.
Can't Kurt teleport away from the web?
Comic writers don't think.
Imagine mr.fantastic's hand stretching around your dick..
Modern day Spider-Man would never
This is what happens when Cyclops isn't leading the team
This is modern day Spider-Man. Civil war was less tuan 20 years ago.
I mean read any X kills the universe book and you can see how shameless they can get.
>they said the names of the books!!!
Why are people pretending this isn't horrible writing?
Those are clearly for dumb fun, thoughsteverst
>20 years ago is modern day
Nope. At best you could try this if it was post-OMD.
I can understand that and still point out that it is an extreme example of writers not trying to make it make sense when it comes to those confrontations.
Imagine Mr. Fantastic squeezing every inch of your dick like a living fleshlight...
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Came to post this.
>Superhuman strength, speed, agility, reflexes, and durability
>Ability to cling to solid surfaces
>Precognitive spider-sense
>Genius-level intellect
>Skilled hand-to-hand combatant
>Proficient scientist and engineer
>routinely beats Rhino, symbiotes, the Sinister Six, etc
Spider-Man's skill set and powers mog most heroes until you start getting to heavies like The Hulk or Sentry, or someone who can shut him down like like Professor X.
Most teams have specialists for each role, Pete has to be a one man team.
And he's almost always holding back.
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>no fun allowed
So anything post Siege is modern?
I feel like this is a prep time issue.
Trying to spontaneously capture Spiderman is a fool's errand.
Reed is literally the smartest man in the world. There is no reason he should lose. Ever.
Spider-Man isn't She-Hulk or Deadpool.
>The guy whos constantly joking
>No fun allowed
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He's the OG banter boy going back to the beginning.
It's not his fault Byrne ran with it in and introduced 4th wall shenanigans with Shulkie in the 1980's.
You can't credibly blame him at all for Redditpool coming along decades later.
>It's a spiderfag self insert thread
Well at least it isn't a schizo thread
I'd say either house of m or civil war is the cutoff. There seemed to be a focus shift in themes and characters around then. Perhaps the explosion of the giant cross comic long events is a good indicator.
The actual cutoff should be Disassembled then, since a lot of the status quo for the past 20 years is just fallout from that one shitty event
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20 years ago
Yeah I say that fits when. Did the illuminati become a thing? Was it around then?
I think the miniseries showed it being created before Civil War and disbanding at start of Secret Invasion
Cyclops would just beam spam with his spatial awareness and get him easy.
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He's out of them on the next page. But for the last panel he's in awe of how fast and strong Peter is.
With time to react, yes. You can still catch him off guard.
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>Shulkie in the 1980's.
>You can't credibly blame him at all for Redditpool coming along decades later.
Deadpool 28 was 1997. So one decade, later. Not multiple.
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Speaking of Disassembled. The reveal about Wanda really feels like Marvel writers at the time were not planning to ever have her be a hero again. It's so jarring seeing her on so many hero teams and then going back 20 years where she was treated as the spawn of Satan.
Wanda and Pietro are very mistreated characters
Even the aspect of them being Magneto's children is underexplored abd underdeveloped
The Scarlet Witch is a plot convenience at best and a McGuffin at worst
Quicksilver is an inconvenience to be written around and thrown out like trash
Point still stands.
This alone always shits on every argument people have of Kurt beating Spidey
>b-but every other time
Nigga when he had backup he got packed up, Kurt's reaction time isn't better than Spidey's even if his teleportation is faster.
This ruins every X-Men and Spider-Man comic.
Gage's Spidey and the X-Men is still good.
imagine the tongue
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Or giving HIM time to prepare. (the follow-up to the last panel is T'challa mentioning Spider-Man's had 12 hours to prepare ways to deal with them)
Really, Spider-Man is a very difficult person for most people to deal with.
>strong enough to outpunch all but the top tier or two of heavy hitters
>agile enough that he can clown on several people in those tiers anyways
>spider sense is bullshit when used properly.
>smart enough that if he had the right resources, he could give Tony a run for his money tech-wise
I remember someone in another thread mentioning that Evil Spider-Man could theoretically be an Avengers level villain, and they aren't THAT far off.
this just triggered memories I forgot I had!
didn't we made a bunch of edits once, here on /co/ of nightcrawler being beat up by spiderman and having homo erotic fantasies of being beaten by parker?
>"Evil Spider-Man could theoretically be an Avengers level villain"
>essentially pitching Marvel's version of Batkek
Don't give them any ideas, Satan.
Don't be silly, they'd never let Peter have a win like that.
I liked this issue because it was a fairly reasonable way to show how Spider-Man could deal with the Avengers with prep time. He can't beat them, he just doesn't have that kind of power or resources, but he can evade and delay them long enough to do what he needs to
I don't think he could evade a determined Vision or Thor, let alone Sentry.
A better ending for Superior Spider-Man having Otto go full villain and trying to kill off the Avengers because they're after him and Peter fighting Otto in their mind one last time for control would've been better than what we got. Although it would've tarnished Peter's public image even worse for a while until he made it public he had his body stolen.
This is overhyped. it's basically just the two brutes trying to smack him and everyone else floundering about. Storm even says right there that she can't use her power very well because of the environment.

It's just Spidey wank.
Well, in that issue the chase basically ends the instant Thor gets a solid grip on him. And they realize the entire chase was a distraction because Spider-Man passed off the device they were chasing him for to someone else and he was just keeping them busy at the time.
he does dive into a building to avoid Thor being involved for a bit though and ends up clobbering Blade pretty easily, then tying up him, Cap, and Panther once it turns into a 3v1.
>ends up clobbering Blade pretty easily, then tying up him, Cap, and Panther once it turns into a 3v1
I can buy this.
None of the three can match his strength and/or speed +Spidey Sense®
The point in that issue was that neither wanted to hurt each other, and Spider-Man was mostly sticking in doors to avoid Thor, Iron Man, and Carol. Once he gets forced outside he is captured immediately by Thor and Iron Man
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Kind of a shame, Spider-Man doesn't really get much respect these days.
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And also yeah, once Thor and Iron Man are able to catch up with him, he doesn't even bother fighting anymore.
I guess Spider-Man was a poochie before Miles was ever a thing
It's because the others are serious superheroes while Spidey basically has gag comic superpowers. No shit he can dance all over them, it's because that's funnier than them winning which is what should actually happen.
For all the things self-inserting Spidey fans do, the power level stuff and the haremfaggotry, you can at least understand why these fans exist. Cyclops self-inserters are just baffling. Why are you like this? The whole Marvel Universe to choose from and you picked Wolverine's buttbuddy to be /yourguy/.
>proceeds to job to a 12 year old

No, even around this event Spidey had clear moments of losing when he shouldn't. Unlike Miles
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But Isn't reed immune to punches,
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>and she gives birth to children... even though she can't.
super science of all kinds exist but god forbid the man with all kinds of abilities manages to produce sperm capable of impregnating his love
>The Scarlet Witch is a plot convenience at best and a McGuffin at worst
No, that's just what Bendis turned her into. She was a heroine in Avengers for 40 years, and he ruined it in just two stories. Like >>147162721 said, Marvel's writers and editors of the time seemed to think this would be permanent and nobody would ever want to fix her. If Whedon hadn't wanted to put her in the MCU, they might have been right, and even there, Feige wanted to adapt Bendis' stories for her.

Quicksilver is a character that only a few writers ever actually liked, and a number of people within Marvel in the 2000s wanted him to be a villain.

Byrne and his friends retconning the twins into being related to an X-Men villain that they rarely ever encountered was at best a pointless complication for them, at worst it directly led to a lot of the mistreatment they've suffered. Adaptations kept treating it as far more important than it ever was in the comics, creating a widespread misconception of the twins' very reason for existing as characters being just "Magneto's kids".
Somehow, Bendis seemed to think that it wasn't just Vision being an android, but that Wanda couldn't have children at all, Disassembled and House of M both have characters stating she couldn't have children.
Probably something retarded about how witches are depicted as childless because of their deals with Satan.
No he can still be hurt and Peter is punching a bunch of guys with super strength.
>Even the aspect of them being Magneto's children is underexplored abd underdeveloped
What's to explore that they haven't done already? Magneto abused them and used fear to keep them in line as part of his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, as well as generally being mutant Hitler. They (should) hate him and hate their relation to him.
I think Peter could take Tony
>an X-Men villain that they rarely ever encountered
So Wanda & Pietro rarely encountered Magneto? That is your argument?
>And he's almost always holding back.
I don't like this phrase, just because there's clear distinctions when Peter is actually holding back and when he's doing something while pumped on rage and adrenaline, but they get lumped together anyways. Not to mention there's writers like Slott that are fucking moronic and forgets that the entire point of characters like Scorpion is that they're objectively stronger and tougher than Peter and he could never beat them in a straight up slugfest, but then writes his jaw getting punched off in a moment of "not holding back"
nta, but I would argue that stronger=/=immune to
At the time of the 1979 retcon, it had been over ten years since Pietro and Magneto had last met. Wanda had been on the Avengers when they fought him in two stories earlier in the 70s, though the second of those fights was very brief.

Considering the whole reason for the retcon in the first place was just hair color, and the lack of any frequent interaction between them, yes, making them related in the first place was pointless.
Okay Slott
People with functioning brains understood that the idea was that Peter was holding back when fighting non-powered humans so he didn't accidentally kill someone. Slott went full retard and wrote that Peter was ALWAYS holding back, leading to nonsense like him being able to one-shot the Scorpion, and it's the type of power level thing that fans are never going to let go of.
So it's weird that Wanda & Pietro who were originally X-Men villains, would somehow be tied to the X-Men villain they were introduced with?
Said retcon was a mistake everyone knows this
They hadn't been X-Men characters in more than 15 years by 1979, and hadn't appeared in X-Men in over ten years. Tying them to a villain from a book they'd left behind that long ago was as weird and pointless as if someone tried to make Wolverine the son of a Hulk villain just because he first appeared there.
Ah psychic mutants. Always unethical.
>everyone knows this
If only you were right. People are going to be fighting forever to make it canon again just because they grew up with it, and it was in muh cartoons. Most of them don't seem to care about the twins as characters in their own right.
>I guess Spider-Man was a poochie
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
>make Wolverine the son of a Hulk villain just because he first appeared there
No. But they did do the whole WeaponX/Canada thing.
>Tying them to a villain from a book they'd left behind
It's called giving the character a relevant history. Tying them to something that had already been introduced (association with Magneto) works better than some random shit out of left field (like say a cow-woman and the High Evolutionary).
>It's called giving the character a relevant history.
No, it's tying them to a more important / more popular character in a way that leads to him defining them, them being seen as his supporting characters, and whatever changes later writers made to him getting imposed onto them by extension. They were better off just being the orphaned children of normie civilians who weren't established characters and didn't matter. The MCU got this right. They never needed to be the children of someone important.
They were already tied to Magneto. He was the monster that lead them astray before they had the strength to leave him behind.
It'd be like if they retconned Swordsman into being Hawkeye's real father
>It'd be like if they retconned Swordsman into being Hawkeye's real father
Don't give them any bad ideas.
The real Swordsman is dead anyway isn't he?
Still beats radioactive spider-semen and getting cucked by Norman. Balances out.
All-Out Avengers #5
If you guys don't mind me asking, before this, what was Wanda's character and her arcs not counting all the Vision stuff and her kids. Like was the Wanda that everybody liked mostly to do with her relationship with Vision? That's not an inherently bad thing but I'm just curious if there's more to her if I decide to read all of Avengers one of these days. Like I know she slowly grows confident enough to push back against Magneto and the ugly bastards, Mastermind and Toad during her initial days but that's about all else I know. Also the retcon of her being Magneto's kid does sound bad from what >>147165466 says. And I see that the adaptations have already been mentioned >>147164815 like Evolution which I bet is probably the best use of that retcon from what I can infer.
Also weird that both Spider-Man and Avengers pretty much end at issue 500. Well maybe not Avengers as 500 ends with the beginning of Disassembled but basically you can stop at 499from what I hear and see.
Slott must have saw that Scorpion's mouth was the only visibly fleshy part and thought it would get damaged without realizing Scorpion has super strength due to the treatment he recieved to get his super strength in his first fucking appearance which is probably all he pays attention to so that he can stroke his ego about knowing Wikia continuity notes.
Goddamn. Joe Kelly gave a fuck back then. I skimmed a little through those two issues of Bullseye showing up and now I gotta read all of his Deadpool. Bullseye and Deadpool make for interesting partners. I think that's another thing about the D-Man is that he needs to be more edgy in the books and work with villains. Makes him much more compelling as an anti-hero and able to clown on other heroes when he does shit for himself. Like the first movie where he just kills the enemies without giving a fuck.
>getting cucked by Norman.
Isn't getting cucked by Zeb Wells' OC the bigger issue at the moment?

Everyone forgets the time Peter got cucked by the Foreigner, he's been a cuck since the 80s.
Is Spider-Man the only Marvel hero that can compete in the DC Universe? And maybe Thor?
There's probably several Marvel heroes that could adapt and manage in DC to a point. Spider-Man for sure, especially if he stays at street level like he tends to. I mean hell, drop Spider-Man in Gotham for a few weeks and and they'll be begging to have Batman back.
I remember Shang Chi teaching Spider-Man kung fu, and him never using it again after that issue. Guess I missed THIS issue. What run/number?
Wanda had a character arc going from being a teenage rookie with a power she couldn't control, to a veteran Avenger and occasional team leader, her romance with Vision came at the same time as she started to assert her independence from her brother, and began to learn magic, growing in power and confidence. It all takes place over years of Avengers, you'd have to commit to the long term to get all of it, and by the end of the 80s John Byrne takes her husband and kids away from her, she never fully recovers from that. You'd lose some of the leadership stuff, but maybe best to stop reading before Byrne's run.

X-Men Evolution had a visually unrecognizable version of Wanda whose personality was just "crazy, with daddy issues", it's possibly as much of an influence on Bendis as Byrne was.

>Slott must have saw that Scorpion's mouth was the only visibly fleshy part and thought it would get damaged
I think Rhino has had a few stories like that too, where writers forget his powers and think his face is a weak spot where anyone can hurt him.
Well most of Batman's villains aren't superpowered. A more apt comparison would be dropping Spider-man in Green Lantern or The Flashes territory, where he would be woefully underpowered.
Well, was mostly aiming for street level vs street level there, but fair. Spider-Man could probably handle a decent amount of Flash's bad guys, but the higher tier ones, and any of the Reverse Flashes in particular, would kick the shit out of him. Spider sense is busted, but Reverse Flash can move so fast that he can't actually do anything about it, a lot like when Spider-Man fought Emma Frost and she realized reading his mind doesn't help when he's too fast for it to be useful in the Adventures line.
That's because everyone expects Felicia to be a slut - however inaccurate that is. If she had done it with Stormin 'Drop your girl off a bridge after knocking her up' Norman, it would have been more memorable.
Right, so I guess he would be inbetweener-tier in DC, maybe mid-tier. I think he could take Hawkman.
Wouldn't even have to be Norman, it would have been pretty memorable if they'd done like the 90s cartoon and Felicia got Hobgoblined then Morbed.
Ah so she kinda becomes like the competent power house of the team? That's fine though I kinda hoped that Byrne's arrival wouldn't derail it so hard. I forgot that this is when Mephisto first ruins a major ship of Marvel (not counting Shalla-Bal lol, man Mephisto really likes just ruining families and chances of reproduction, that reverse Shinzo Abe sonovabitch). Now I see where the Clone Saga crew got that idea they abandoned of using Mephisto and Quesada using him. Shoulda connected that sooner. Yeah Evolution was going for changes so I guess I'm more forgiving of them and Wanda being emo fits her for that period in time. Maybe the series could have developed her faster and I can agree on that. She was gonna get with Toad anyway so that rules out any Vision stuff. Also I might still read after Byrne as I've been collecting vol 3 with Busiek and Perez since people said that's a great jumping off point for all of Marvel. I might agree once I read all of it myself. I also heard about how they fix Wanda and Janet/Hank as well as Ultron showing up. Sounded kino to me. However 500 for Spider-Man will always be my jump off for Peter as I like totem stuff and 500 is kino of the highest order that bookends everything else before it. Now I need to find out where the best point is for X-Men which I think is before Morrison.
Man I love it when Spidey villains fight other heroes. Rhino being gamma powered has been a cool idea I have only heard and never read. Kinda sucks Immortal Hulk never had Hulk fight him. I know Doc Ock fights Hulk, Daredevil, Iron Man, and Captain America. Electro fights Cap and Daredevil, Sandman mostly with the FF, Kraven with Black Panther and Tigra, and Mysterio has fought...Daredevil? I mean he died due to Kevin Smith edginess but man does anybody know besides that and Old Man Logan, has he fought anyone else? It'd be cool if he fought Dr. Strange, other supernaturals and the X-Men. Vulture's done some too.
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>I've been collecting vol 3 with Busiek and Perez since people said that's a great jumping off point for all of Marvel. I might agree once I read all of it myself. I also heard about how they fix Wanda and Janet/Hank as well as Ultron showing up
The one big glaring flaw in a run that was 'fixing everything' was how they never fixed Wanda/Vision and almost the entire run has Wanda stuck in a garbage ship nobody liked, and it was one of Brevoort's earlier efforts at deliberately making fans angry.

And yeah, what Byrne did to Wanda and Vision is sort of the OMD of Avengers, right down to Mephisto showing up.

Evolution's handling of Wanda AND Pietro just gets them both wrong, they're supposed to be good people forced into the Brotherhood, and they get out at the first opportunity. In that cartoon they're a villain and an anti-heroine, and even in future scenes in the final episode, they never leave the Brotherhood. It really did them dirty. Then WaTXM made Pietro a villain again.

>Now I need to find out where the best point is for X-Men which I think is before Morrison.
The Magneto story just before Morrison works fine as a Last X-Men Story, but you should probably have stopped reading years before that anyway.

For Spider-Man, I'd jump off just before OMD.
Anon, please...

>Magneto just strips the metal from the police officers badge or belt buckle and kills them all
I know it's old and a kids cartoon but come on.
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Comics that have been running as long as legacy characters have been, are bound to inevitably have stupid shit in them.
>but come on.
He sounded senile to begin with, and Reed mindbroke him.
I mean all they had to do was
>We'll take it from here Richards
>Oh no my powers are gone, take me away I am nothing now
>*Car drives off*
>Either have a cop stay behind or somebody communicate with Richards
>"How did you do it Richards? How did you remove his powers?"
>"I didn't [person]. This gun is made of wood. I just tricked him into thinking his powers are gone."
There. Magneto is now of the belief that Richards has removed his powers so he won't immediately try to use them in prison and the audience understands what happened.
Ah so Wonder Man is Brevoort rage baiting huh? I shoulda realized that. Man...I like Wonder Man as a celebrity hero and Beast being his best friend kinda like Booster and Blue Beetle. He's the guy I'm most looking forward to when reading the 80's stuff. As a surface level idea, I do like a more extensive exploration of Wanda trying out the man himself and seeing if she loves him, not sure if that happens earlier and Brevoort is just forcing Busiek only for rage. If that's the case then fuck him and his hat. Eh Evolution isn't trying to do a 1:1 adaptation though and they needed them to nit immediately turn good so that they could build up Magneto. Yeah not the best but oh well, still like it. I just don't watch the stuff with Apocalypse because the pacing sucks and he looks awful. I dunno I think the end with them in the brotherhood didn't explicitly say that they were still evil, I thought they just seemed like anti-heroes. I also kinda like Pietro as the egotist. Haven't watched WatXM. Art style looks bad and the Schism type relationship I see between Cyke and Wolvie seems boring. At least TAS is more hammy and fun. So then what is the best jumping off point then?

Yeah I like some of the JMS stuff before OMD too but 500 just has the most kino ending and works as an overall ending for the whole series.
I think it would be great arc if Pete suddenly remembered this. Especially if he went to Reed who has his own experience with this shit.
It wouldn't be hero vs. hero because the X-Men aren't heroes.
>I like Wonder Man as a celebrity hero and Beast being his best friend kinda like Booster and Blue Beetle. He's the guy I'm most looking forward to when reading the 80's stuff.
He worked fine as a C-tier Avenger who was Beast's friend, when they tried to replace Vision with him as Wanda's love interest it was awful, and they kept on trying again and again.

>I do like a more extensive exploration of Wanda trying out the man himself
This is a big part of the problem, the entire pairing is rooted in Byrne's idea that Vision was entirely just a copy of Wonderman, so Wanda should just inherently feel the same about him. They'd been very different characters with very different personalities. I end up wishing they'd explicitly made Wanda 100% robosexual just so they'd stop trying to pair her up with him, or with random other guys the writer likes.

It's even worse that the earlier runs had been building up to Wanda/Vision and then Heroes Return throws that out just to do something everyone already hated. Brevoort's always been a dick, most people just didn't notice until years later when he started making larger fandoms mad. It wouldn't be the last time it looked like we were getting a reunion then the writer changed and it all got dropped because Brevoort doesn't like it.

That Brotherhood ending in Evolution made it look like they'd become a version of Freedom Force, and in the comics that's just the Brotherhood still being bad guys but now they're bad cops.

The best jump off point for X-Men is when you're not enjoying it anymore. You'll know when the time is right. For some people it's when Claremont leaves, for some it's Onslaught, you ask a group of people you'll get a lot of different answers.
Do you like anything in Avengers post-1990?
>Freedom Force
Funny thing I was just reading Avengers Death Trap and they show up. Never heard of them before so I was surprised to see basically a bunch of the Brotherhood as good guys but yeah it makes sense if they're just larping as good when they're actually corrupt. Wonder when their return to evil happens. I'll look it up. Yeah I don't doubt that it keeps happening to them with writers trying over and over. At least Heroes Return gave us Wanda's sexo outfit and that shirt she wore, right? Yeah small consolation but at least Perez drew more of her. Hope she gets a better outfit/look than the one she has in Rivals. Vision has flight and energy projection but his main gimmick is intangibility. Just curious but is his intangibility ever compared to Kitty's? Or differentiated from hers?

I have a feeling that I'll probably not like the overall writing when Claremont leaves due to Magneto turning evil but the art and stuff with other characters will leave me intrigued enough to stick it out and finish at least Onslaught.
Forgot to reply to this. It's Spidey-wank but I do think that if this took place earlier where the new team was just starting out and had the same environment then it would make more sense. Though Shooter wanking Spidey rather than X-Men is fitting for the guy after all that shit with Dark Phoenix and Byrne.

Man editors were petty back then too but at least it didn't derail whole storylines sometimes. At least not until guys like Brevoort. I looked into Brevoort and Lowe's pages on Wikipedia. Goddamn these fucks were just interns who got lucky. No wonder they're shit. Oh bitter irony when they say they only hire published writers when apparently the editors can just be people who read comics and nothing else. They might have had actual writing or drawing to their names, as I don't know everything but man... if not they're literally just gen x'ers who pulled a card from Boomers.
>getting cucked by Norman.
>Still beats radioactive spider-semen
Elseworlds bullshit
I mean honestly does Magneto's power even follow magnetism's rules? There's an old ass page where Magneto lifts a huge stack of Nazi gold bullion and Chuckie X is all "buh-wuh?!?! Gold's a non-ferrous metal! How?!?!?" and Magneto's all "my powers are mysterious, my friend! Magneto is more than magnetism!!!!!" or you know some shit like that.
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Backhanding his pregnant wife and running off into the night to terrorize more innocents?
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>Goddamn. Joe Kelly gave a fuck back then.
Joe Kelly's early Deadpool is some of the best writing on Deadpool there has ever been. Shame it got eclipsed by Waypool and the multiple caption bullshit that came later and the the overpopularized "redditpool" that came way later. Deadpool fighting a midget clone of himself 'Widdle Wade' or saving the world by Kicking Captain America in the balls (He was possessed by an alien superintelligence that was coming to make humanity blissed out to the point of stopping all human evolution and advancement. Which causes wade to go nuts from guilt over denying mankind enlightenment) were absolutely kino parts of Wade's development in the 90s that actually played into his character rather than just making him a wacky lolsorandum bacon type shitter he became in the mid 00's.
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>Kind of a shame, Spider-Man doesn't really get much respect these days.
Pete vs Frank
Wild how this is still something which hangs over the character in spite of how much of it is obviously bullshit.
Fuck Bendis.
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Deadpool #1 1997, Wade calling a guy a Simp. Good shit.
With Tony it always depends on the armour. Is it a basically magical one that's broken as all hell, or a more realistic one. Which is why the thing I liked the most about Ultimates 1.0 was how they made his suit more like a warplane, giving it a set flight time and a need to be prepped before flights and reload weapons etc. It really set him apart from all the other heroes who can do their thing all day long because it's a power, emphasising his tech side.
Sounds kino. I know some more of the famous issues like the time travel spidey issue, and others like the annual with Death, and the tranny character Kelly had to flagellate himself over in order to appear changed. I mean I'm being somewhat serious and somewhat joking and the reason is that so many of these creatives, especially comic creatives are real slimy. Anyway, if Kelly has one of his future Spider-Man issues end with da Pool man sending a box that opens up to Gwen clone 1, 2, and 3 coming out of it, then I would literally kneel to the man and job like Thor and fling myself from the sheer jobbing impact of a small punch to the nearest LCS to pick up the issue.
What I like even more is narration being praised. More thought bubbles and more narration. It makes for more room for stuff to happen or for the characters to actually have different interactions, have room for moments that aren't clearly impactful or attention grabbing, and sometimes just get the plot moving faster. Also way for Kelly to get away with saying retard without saying it.
So why was Peter fighting them anyway?
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That era did feel a bit special. Like how in the first issue they hide Wade's face reveal and drag it out a bit even though it has no bearing on the story. It's just a nice bit of flavor only the art gets across. Feels like everyone was on board for the start of the run. From setting up characters like Wade and Blind Al to the tempo and vibe of the run. It's unabashedly comic book-y but it's not cliche and trite. Wish we got books like this again.
I’m never gonna get tired of that, wish Rivals referenced it
Thor, Hulk, Sentry, Fantastic Four, X-men, Blue Marvel, Hyperion, Doctor Strange, Doom and probably others too.

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