Isn't her hate a little excessive?
>>147160356What makes this shit any less embarrassing than an edgy MLP or Pokemon or Sonic fanfic?>it's funnyExtremely doubtful.
>>147160813It's well drawn and it has its moments.
>>147160356I just bought the compendium. The whole fluffing story. I really like it.
>>147161051Just pretend the story ends there if Skottie ever makes a second Compendium.
>>147160356>Neil Gaiman recommended thisOofWill his quote be removed from future reprints?
>>147160356Cringe comic.
>>147161710Probably, have they done that to him in any other comic?>>147162861Wrong
>>147160356It didn't need a second run since its clear Skottie got bored or the initial idea has no idea what to do with it now.
>>147163109Yeah, the second run has been rather pointless. Especially so after they killed Adult Gert
I'm glad the story finally stopped chasing its own anus for fartsmells for issue after issue, but I can't say I'm all that hopeful about the whole Happy War. Oh boy it's got edgy versions of a bunch of public domain characters, how original and exciting.
>>147163350It really feels like he's just pulling something out of his ass to make some "Epic" conclusion. Comic was better off sticking with the original ending.
>>147160356>>147160522Old Gert deserved better. Replacing her with young Gert is the Clone Saga with Ben Reilly all over again. Technically the same but not where it matters.
>>147163643pretty much
>>147163643The fact she died is retarded. They were just looking for the excuse to bring young her back.
>>147163373Copy-pasted from another IHF thread"Young explicitly said on his Substack that despite the "End Game" title, it'll still be continuing after that arc with new "changes and surprises.""
>>147164232Man that's retarded
Why haven't I finished it?
>>147160356Kind of funny how the whole idea of this comic just got really old and tedious really fast.When the point behind it was how a magical fairyland place would get really old and tedious really fast.
>>147164087Why remove the selling point of the sequel?
>>147164242IIRC Skottie wants to do 40 issues for the revival.
>>147160588I would marry Gert.
>>147165389Status quo Is God.