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>Who do we get kids to watch our animated superhero movie?
>I know! Let's make him an ugly, unappealing fat slob with severe anger issues who abuses his family and will kill others if he doesn't get his way! That will get families to love it!
i always find it funny that people like you are just stuck in this mental time capsule
it's like you can't interface with any media before or after a certain time period
The Incredibles sucks. The only reason it's popular is because people want to fuck the ugly, hag mom. It's badly written and looks worse than Pixar movies that preceded it
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Why does th9is place just manage to have a collection of low functioning autists that just keep on making the exact same threads biting about the exact same characters for months and months and months like this? Any kind of pseudo-functioning person could not give a flying fuck about a charaacter from mtwo decades ago, much less make a thread complaining about them every other day for 6 months
Cope, it's literally a top 5 animated movie of all time
>deliberately misinterpreting every aspect of something purely so you can have an excuse to whine on 4chan
never change, /co/
It's become more and more of a thing over the past year or two. I have no idea where these wackjobs are comng from.
Your father never loved you
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>unappealing fat slob with severe anger issues who abuses his family and will kill others if he doesn't get his way!

I wont pretend the movie is perfect but you're speaking in bad faith on why he's fat.

The movie clearly showed his origins and he started off very fit and lean.

When he got older and had kids did he lose his figure.
No wonder dads suck, the moment they become one they heavily downgrade.
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>industrycuck thread
You could be learning a skill or indulging a hobby right now. Instead you've wasted years on this shitpost. All that time. Gone. Like semen in a sock.
>The only reason it's popular is because people want to fuck the mom
I thought people liked because it was... Le MATURE Kids film!!!
Dana won
You have nothing to show for the time wasted. This site isn't even going to last much longer with the declining traffic. You won't even be remembered.
Are we pretending The incredibles was always bad this time?
Neither will Disney Mouseketeer
People are finally waking up after Dana became based
>issues who abuses his family and will kill others if he doesn't get his way! That will get families to love it!
He only abused a insurance ceo, which doesn't really count
Shut up faggot
I'm not "waking up", I'm just sick of ecelebs circlejerking this film as the pinnacle of animation and how "mature" and "intelligent" it's themes are.
And who the fuck is Dana?
Shut up faggot
>he did not remember Bob routinely lying to his family about his job and verbally abusing them/being jealous of Helen in the sequel
it's a recent event. personally i think it's spill over from other shit boards that have so many of these fags that they have to actively expand to get their (You)s. otherwise their threads just die with zero replies on their home board.
It was successful enough for a sequel
Also he was a suburban middle aged man, they get out of shape after their 40s.
Two sequels
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Common spwp
The sequel sucks but still no slight jealousy was all he had
even in the original bob was a selfish prick who only “learned” from his mistakes because he was caught, he was a serial liar and frankly a terrible father from the start
Everyone wants to be a Shark Tale Anon.
i dunno whos worse guy or this freak
at least guy doesnt make threads
Incredibles 3 should be about his divorce
It also has shitty life lessons for what’s supposed to be a movie that even impressionable kids can watch.
Rejected by your idol? Murder people just like him when you’re older.
Stopping evil? Murder.
Not to mention Brad Bird’s objectivist boner preventing him from telling a coherent story and instead has him complain about how only people like him “mattered” in this world through his self-insert Bob Parr. No wonder the current generation is failing.
Whatever you say, insecure Randfag.
Shut up industrycuck
As a recent father the dad bod / domestic body is real and ill be real it's stress fat, the worry on so meny things involving a child is alot
The fact that Mr.Incredible actually has a family, with 3 children no less, is very Based. Most capeshit heroes aren't even married, let alone have children. Just rootless golem waiting to die.
>t.faggots who haven't watched the movie and goes by Jewtube movie "critics" and "analyzers"
Even in his prime I wouldn't call Mister Incredible cool looking. Pixar simply is terrible at character designing humans. Mister Incredible looks misshapen or wobbly. Basically he doesn't look like a good human design. In Japan during the release of Final Fantasy Advent Children, another CG movie, I could indeed take the human designs seriously because they did resemble human beings.

I will never understand the worship Incredibles gets when the characters look shoddy and the story is kind of real bad. I hate how Mirage gets away with her crimes killing many super heroes while its Syndrome who gets karma. I hate Bob and the other heroes for being unsympathetic fame hungry shrews who do a bad job of being super heroes because the way they conduct themselves inspires new criminals to show up later on out of spite. And I hate how both Elasgirl and Mister Incredible allow their kids to become heroes fighting criminals, don't care if they have powers no parent worth their salt would allow that in fact that was the reason Elastigirl gave the speech "These criminals are not like in cartoons they WILL kill you for real."

What else do I need to say Incredibles is shit and doesn't deserve any of its success and I hope Incredibles 3 fails entirely.
What's with the hate autists on this board have for Fathers? I can only assume these faggots have a complex because they grew up with shitty single moms that just ingrained a hatred for fathers of all kinds out of jealousy.
>Most of the film's runtime he's an absentee father
Someone didn't watch the fucking movie.
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There's like an entire montage showing Bob getting back in shape and losing the weight.

>severe anger issues
He isn't some boomer yelling at McDonald's staff because they accidentally got his burger wrong; he get angry because he saw a dude get robbed and possibly killed behind a dumpster and wasn't able to do anything because his boss was being a dick. The same boss that was denying healthcare to sick people.

The superpowers in The Incredibles are actually well thought out. Bob is strong because it's common for kids to think their dad is the strongest guy ever even if they're just an average dude. Helen is flexible because a housewife needs to be flexible to deal with all the hassles of raising a family. Voilet can turn invisible because teenagers tend to be self-conscious and try to disappear at times. Dash runs fast because it's common for young kid like him to be hyperactive.
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This is one of the most contrarian sites ever made. If Incredibles 3 came out and was complete dogshit you'd still see anons making threads claiming it was better than Incredibles 1.
Are you retarded? In the first third during his training montage he already starts to spend more time with his kids and helping at home.
He’s still kind of fucking fat, though.
its one guy
Are you stupid? Bob was only doing that because Syndrome was enabling him to indulge in his obsession of being a super hero basically Bob acting like a genuine father was wholly conditional and it took a deal with the devil to make him be a better husband and father. And even then that was a brief period. Remember the scene with Elastigirl finding out Bob was fired from his insurance job two months ago. So Bob was only acting as a good husband and father for two months. That's nothing compared to over a decade of being a lousy husband and father.
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Anon if you look like this when you're 40 you're doing better than most.

Heck even Elastigirl has a joke about being self-conscious over getting fatter with age with the scene of her looking at her elasti-ass and that just made coomers like her more.
It’s amazing how Brad Bird used his Simpsons expertise to craft a worse version of Homer Simpson. He’s the bumbling dad trope times a thousand.
That looks more like a fucking beer gut than what’s supposed to be his abs. Also, being fat makes a balding loser more ugly, which Helen isn’t.
Sharktalefag style post
>shitty life lessons
>Rejected by your idol? Murder people just like him when you’re older.
Syndrome is literally the bad guy Anon. It's pretty clear that the lesson is the opposite
>Stopping evil? Murder.
What does this mean? I think the only cases of any of the characters killing anyone is some goona who were actively trying to kill them. That's self defense, totally reasonable and good lesson.
>Not to mention Brad Bird’s objectivist boner preventing him from telling a coherent story
Oh you're just a faggot commie upset about the concept of individualism. Okay that explains alot.
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>He’s the bumbling dad trope times a thousand.
You people just say shit without even thinking about it don't you? There is no fucking way Mr Incredible is dumber or more "bumbling" than Homer Simpson, Peter Griffin, or most of the "bumbling dad" characters in fiction. "Times a thousand?" He's a literal superhero that survived while a ton of others superheroes died; get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.
He single-handedly caused the downfall of superheroes in one day which had very dire consequences in the long run. He makes Homer look like Einstein.
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You sound like the kind of person who would shittalk actually attractive women on the Internet for the pettiest shit and in reality just fuck fat hamplanets.
>Mr Incredible is dumber than Homer
I swear /co/ you have some of the dumbest fucking opinions.
It's probably a lot of bots and people farming engagement with rage bait for one purpose or another. A lot of bad faith posting and falseflags too.
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I have no idea what you're talking about anon.

Anyway let's make our thousandth thread about why Batman doesn't kill the Joker while anons post the same arguments we've all heard a thousand times before as if they're saying something actually creative and not just reposting thoughts they heard elsewhere and acting as if it was their own ideas.
t. corpocuck
How are these threads not breaking rules
75% of this board wouldn’t exist if we’re not allowed to criticize
—Zach Snyder
Perhaps he meant it is Extremely Low Quality?

But your point remains the same.
Shut the fuck up you taco tranny
Autists are to blame for sure, but let's not absolve the mods yet. It's their job to clean this fucking shit and ban these fucking retards.
"Low quality posting" rule exists for a reason. I remember certain ritualposters getting banned in the past ("why are comics so edgy" Squirrel Girl poster for instance) simply for being annoying insufferable faggots, so theoretically the rule should apply.
This isn't even genuine critique, it's just rehashing the same bad faith takes over and over
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>during the release of Final Fantasy Advent Children, another CG movie, I could indeed take the human designs seriously
>Incredibles 3 should be about my- I MEAN HIS DIVORCE!
>the actions of the fucking villain are life lessons
Are you legitimately retarded?
Kill yourself.
Not only that, but you think a guy like him could do basic gym shit and get in shape? Dude needed to bench trains to get himself back.
Except Bob Parr made me realize I never wanted to be a dad in my adulthood.
Get fucked tranny
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Deranged schizoid autistics are going to be the only people left here soon.
I'm going to let you in on a secret:
These posters aren't sincere. They've been confirmed to be /dbs/ posters offloaded from Sharty who are intentionally trying to spam and put on an "image" and they admitted as such
This poster in particular with all the dads is known for Krillin spam elsewhere
sincerely what can be done about this?
They straight up made a Johnny Bravo Yabba Dabba Doo thread. I hate these sharteens so much.
>Why does th9is place just manage to have a collection of low functioning autists that just keep on making the exact same threads biting about the exact same characters for months and months and months like this?
Because they're allowed to. Hell the mods are too busy deleting actual comic and cartoon threads to notice the multiple AIsloppa dogshit threads on page one.
What rule?
It's pretty good. I liked it as a kid.

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