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Remember when a multi-millionaire writer and billion dollar company convinced people to pay for a legal battle so Marvel could sue Image? And how said writer said any any money made from the legal case after legal fees would go to comic related charities, only to put a mere 300,000 out of 2 million in a fund, and then giving only 120,000 of that to comic charities after 9 years, never donating anything after 2019 (with 50,000 going to one of the writer's kids)
Remember how after 23 years it's very likely the comic that was part of the deal between the writer and the now even bigger, richer company will very likely never be completed?
This series is just cursed anon. Give up your hopes and dreams, The Dark Age will never come out.
This is the Dark Ages anon
How meta
Damn what a shit show
What are the odds that Gaiman gets in legal trouble for charity fraud?
Neil did nothing wrong but Miracle Man never sold that well for Marvel to bother spending any money on it.
Marvel wasn't involved in the battle over Miracleman until the very end (aside from funding it indirectly through Gaiman by paying him to write some books), when they swooped in and bought it from Mick Anglo
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Hope Angela was worth it.
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anyone even excited to see the dark age?
miracleman was a complete retard in silver age.
miraclewoman should have stayed evil
Marvel did it all for 1602.
Which all it proved is that if given the chance to play around in Marvel, Kneel Gay Man would do DOOMwank.
So will they just absorb Miracleman into the regular Marvel universe or what?
Moore's run is kino.

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