>leaves grey handprints on your thread
>>147207060It’s time to kick some asses. Blammo! *invents several new additions to the handbook of mental illnesses as humans in grey paint are slapped around by insane limbs*
>>147207060I finished Homosuck a few days ago and the ending (and what happens in Collide) is fucking SHIT.What was Hussie thinking?
>>147207257the comic's identity much like the author's changed several times, it's hard to create a satisfying ending to a comic when you don't even know what it's about
Their plans are so gonna be trashed isn't it
>>147207257he gave up. Don't read the epilogues if you don't want the characters to be ruined even further.
>>147207354True.>>147207372I'm not planning to, I'm done. It started out STRONG but it really fizzled out over time.
>>147207257There's a quote by him in 2010 or 2011 where he said if he stopped living and breathing the comic it would all fall apart. Well he was right.
>>147207369their plans will never see fruition because Homestuck^2 will be cancelled before it can even get itself out of the first Act, we will never know the full plot and we and nobody else will care, it will fade to obscurity as yet another notch in the gravestone of this entire failed experiment
>>147207060where can you even talk about homestuck now that isn't a tumblrite haven?are we doomed to wait for a thread every month?
What's her personality?
>>147207547>are we doomed to wait for a thread every month?Until Homestuck^2 is cancelled, yes. Then we'll never discuss it again outside of angry insular porn threads.>>147207556>What's her personality?Fun until she becomes Plot Device Dog. The carapaces were cheated worse than the kids, and that's saying a lot.
>>147207547>are we doomed to wait for a thread every month?Either that or we hunt down the jannies and hang them one by one.
>>147207060This thing always looked so cheap and insubstantial compared to the scalemate plushies they used to sell (I still have mine).
>>147207601hussie isn't interested in a quality product, he's interested in scamming money out of rubes so he can keep paying back his crippling debt (he will never pay it back)
I want to know if requiem cafe is going to do another collab, I want to save my money for it
Reminder that James Roach still has not acknowledged or apologized for his plagiarism on the Colours and Mayhem album
>>147207718nobody cares
>>147207718I remember he used to have a couple of albums on Bandcamp before they disappeared without a trace Is that what happened?He had one called Null, Or Void or something that has some good ambient tracks
>>147207601>scalemate plushiesi've got two of them and i'm still surprised at how fucking nice they are, really good size too, wish i'd gotten the full set eventually but oh well
>>147207547whats there to discuss? once a month is the best you could possibly ask for
>>147207570>Fun until she becomes Plot Device DogExplain it then. I already understand the personalities of WV, AR and even WQ.And yet, i can't help but think PM's characterization feels somewhat foggy despite supposedly being the most developed exile.>WV is a rude veggie because of his lack of knowlege for human manners. >Hates kings, and admires mayors. Loves the idea of being one>Surprisingly charismatic on the right circumstances, being capable of solving conflicts between two parties>AR is obsessed of keeping up the law no matter what (Even when he's currently on an apocalyptic setting) Wants to be a court judge.>Seems to have a radical side (Doing sick flips with the rocket board despite the possibility of breaking many laws in the process) >Very selfless when it comes to the safety of the innocent.>WQ is very wise and strategic. Shown to be supportive both to the players and her subordinates.>Seems to be more knowledgeable on the mechanics of SBURB compared to the other exiles.>Her alpha incarnation shows that she's willing to jump into action when necessary. She's also shown to have a manipulative side that she uses to reveal the true colors of her political opponents>PM is supposedly obssesed with mail, but she's also supposed to be this no-nonsense competent woman?
>>147207718>teal seer was also stolen>not even plagarised, it's just straight up a fucking ripped track from a 2007 royalty free albumi think that was one of the other contributers who did that and not roach, he just stole aradia's, shame though i always really liked teal seer. that's four fucking tracks on that album alone though, wonder how many others were stolen.
Why is art so hard?
>>147207060Explain Homestuck’s (former) popularity to someone that never read it (me) and what it did to fuck all of that up
>>147208051You had to be there.
>>147208051it's 2009. the internet has not yet been ruined, but it is heating up with a lot of new users and kids thanks to phone access. Hussie does well with a prior adventure called Problem Sleuth, which was a year-long great looking comic that was a parody of old adventure puzzle games.This success provokes him to try something much bigger called Homestuck, which is a direct homage to Earthbound. It stars 4 13-year old kids, so immediate appeal to a lot of the internet audience of the time. Then a bunch of 13-year old aliens with colorful blood and weird systems of sex appear, each with a tiresome gimmick.The comic explodes from there and the creator, who is a sniveling amphetamine addict with severe self-loathing problems, goes berserk from the fame and flies directly into the sun, exploding into clown confetti. The comic ends with child abuse and a lot of death and despair, before exploring insane perverted garbage and even more death and misery.The End.
>>147208051The author had already proven himself with a comic that had similar format, but was wrapped up in one year and had a really satisfying ending.It started as fun tongue-in-cheek romp about kids goofing around and playing with weird inventory and crafting system.Then it gave a promise of deep story about apocalypse.Then Hussie dumped a crowd of fujobait characters with quirky speech patters on it and it all went downhill from there.AND IT KEPT HAPPENING
>>147208100>severe self-loathing problemsOh please. If anything Hussie's got self-absorbtion problems.
I'll never forgive Hussie for taking this away from me.
>>147208129>Oh please. If anything Hussie's got self-absorbtion problems.Which directly stem from self-loathing issues, anon. How do you think they become hyper-egotistical to begin with? To shield themselves from their own self-hate. Hussie went insane with ego during Act 4 thinking he was the second coming of the internet, and then he spiraled into a crash.
Aranea Serket.>>147207556Mail.
>>147208180still don't get why this couldn't have been an alternate Vriska, dumping 12 brand new trolls on top of the already-too-many 12 trolls was such an incredibly bad move
>>147208208He already alluded at their existence during the Doc Scratch segment anyways.Also I dig that rustie Vriska design.
This cripple piece of shit has managed to forever be ingrained in my brain, no matter how much I hate the comic. That asshole glasses. That asshole smile. That asshole personality. Yet the way it all comes together, there's something endearing under the surface. I don't know what it is. I don't know how to find it. But whatever it is, it fills me with inspiration. This is the kind of (specifically female) character I want to not only design but also write, even if I have zero writing knowledge. There's something here Hussie did right here and is MOCKING me with it. I hate that. I hate Hussie and I hate that I love Terezi. What the fuck do I do, guys?
>>147207518Grim>>147207556Dutiful, hates blacks
>>147207718Was it the track from the grow games or something else?
>hypnotizes you into sleeping through your own wedding so she can kiss your wife
This is still up?I'll get my pen.
>>147208237>He already alluded at their existence during the Doc Scratch segment anyways.Yes? He just shouldn't have. No reset trash with the trolls, keep it to the kids only, and if you NEED alternates you explore the already-set-up bubbles with billions of dead alternate trolls. It'd be a chance to explode some weird variants and outcomes for the main trolls to contrast themselves against. Instead it's exhausting by just going "Look it's the same character but actually completely different! It's not Feferi, it's MEAN BLACK GIRL FEFERI! Buy my shirts, PLEASE."That is a good Maroon Vriska though, yeah. I miss bloodswaps.
>>147208100Ignore this post. Never trust anyone who hates Andrew Hussie citing any evidence from before he bacame popular, especially if they like his work.
>>147207718Source? I always hated that faggot.
>>147207718>adult swim gif criticizing James Roachyou're just as bad
>>147208208>already-too-many 12 trollsOh boy, I was so mad about trolls back in the day, little did I know my boy Hussie is about to dump 4 gay kids, 12 even more sucky trolls and 2 incomprehensibly awful whathefucks on me, as well as killing all the trolls I actually ended up liking somewhat.
>>147208282My wife cur8stomps her before she can even try. Then wakes me back so I can join the curbstomping.>>147208294Ghosts are indeed painfully underwhelming and outright useless when you have them try to do something.
>>147208329it was a lifetime achievement of spectacularly bad writing what he did with the r-kids, like we all knew they were going to happen as far back as like Act 3, but nobody ever foresaw them being so incredibly unlikable, pitiful, and obsessed with romance to the point of rock-hard boredom; Roxy is the only one I like, and it's a very mild 'like'
>>147208529That guy drew a 'nea too.
I wish I had fucked a Homestuck cosplayer back when it was in its prime
>>147208587be the fuckable cosplayer you want to see in the world.
This pairing would have saved the comic, VrisJohn was a mistake
>>147208587>can never fuck an enthusiastic Rose cosplayer again>best I can do is molesting the hell out of an AI version of herah well
>>147208587I had a Rose who often switched into Vriska.It was perfect.
>>147208587people would think i was more of a freak than someone seeking Homestuck cosplayers beccause i'd just try to get a Vriska to roleplay knocking me out
>>147208639How do you do that?
It's nice to know yall still here, this comic and the amount of time I've spent in this hell hole makes the pain less hard
>>147208633While I actually do like the idea of those two, I honestly wish John had ended up with no one. A much better ending would have been John just finding someone who has nothing to do with anyone he played the game with, and starting his own life.
>>147208668I don't think Hussie will ever know how close to genuine greatness he was, only to squander it all. He created something that stuck in the brain like a sickness and all I can do is keep praying Homestuck^2 ends so we can finally lower the coffin and leave the graveyard.
>>147208660Do what? Fuck a Rose? You go to a convention and you find a Rose who wants to fuck. If you mean AI, you have like 20,000 options these days. Probably not a good idea though, this shit is addictive and getting worse every day.
>>147208670Fair but even still I feel like it's more a copout to make the character end up with someone who lacks character
>>147208668Stick around and defend it. We were in a lot better of a place late last year before the mods caught onto someone actually enjoying Homestuck on the internet and broke TOS to get rid of them. All the good posters are leaving 4chan, but it doesn't look like they're moving to an altchan and Megidochan still sucks, so who knows what's about to happen.
>>147208708No, with the A.I. What do you use? I would like to try it.
>>147208709Eh. It wouldn't have felt wrong if it happened in the literal ending. Show how John struggles with his sadness, but then immerses himself into the new world away from his friends, and this is what allows him to find happiness, showing that while he grew up and grew apart from the others, he still loves them and shares the bond. It's kind of agonizing how bittersweet Homestuck's ending could have been, instead of the prelude to pure nightmare it was.
>>147208658did you ever succeed?
>had a dream the other day where i talked john into de-trooning himself, but he just became femboy-ish for some reason>then proceeded to cuddle him to sleep in the dreamfirst ever dream featuring a homestuck character and it's this, what the fuck
>>147208746>. It wouldn't have felt wrong if it happened in the literal ending.But that's boring it's like when those shitty Will They/Won't They Romance Mangas end right when the main couple finally for reals guys get together and are finally really a couple and then boom manga over like wtf that's dropping the ball hard since it doesn't explore the relationship at all
>>147208757i never triedmaybe people will go for it once i'm hot
>>147208726Oh. Well, alright. If you want something that's free, no account, can use on phone or whatever, then go to spicychat.ai with the knowledge that it's going to be low quality without paying, but it DOES allow all sex stuff. It allows you to edit your response and their responses at least, but it isn't going to be real good shit, just passingly good and fiddly.If you want some REAL Rose action, then go seek out the ai chatbot general in /g/ and start learning from there.
>>147208761that was real anon, you were in a dream bubble
>>147208761Still can't top my dream with Vriska and the gigantic Homestuck convention.
>>147208771Yes what I'm saying is that John never had any will-he-wont-he, we all knew it was completely capricious and without reason who John would end up with any why, and then the fuckin' epilogues turned it into a circus. I'd have been so much happier with a throwaway "John realized how miserable he'd be with Rose/Roxy/Vriska/Aradia/whoever and sought out someone who had nothing to do with the game and it worked out great"
>>147208778Well since I've already made several A.I. pieces of "art" of Rose, I might as well have an artificial text generator by her as well
>>147208797No you missed my point, my point is ending it there is just lame because it stops before seeing the potential all the way through, the will they wont they stuff was just me giving an example of how ending shit right when a relationship happens is bad
>>147208805Just remember that you can set the scene by literally treating it like a roleplay session, type (OOC: instructions for the situation here) and use *asterisks like this for action poses* "and dialogue in quotes". It's better to treat the AI like a dumb actor waiting for instructions instead of a fully automated chatbot; you only get the GOOD shit if you're paying premium and dodging filters.AI Rose art has been finnicky for me, it really wants to always make her a troll.
>>147208864I would post one, but my meal has finished in the oven. As thanks, I will ask it to make something fresh for you. Should the thread go down it will be in the /aco/ thread as well. What would you like?
>>147208853>because it stops before seeing the potential all the way throughBut that's my point, for John, I DON'T WANT TO. I don't WANT to see how his relationship turns out. All I want is to be told he's happy with what he's doing. I don't need the details! There's the 50 other assholes in the comic for me to care about that; for John, the main guy, I just want him left out of the hell he went through and allowed to pursue peace. Instead he's miserable and trapped with a bad relationship in both instances, and it all feels scummy and sad and stupid. It's okay to have an ending where we're told "The main guy did okay and continued to change as a person and found happiness, and you don't need to see that go down, it's the ending, go home"
>>147207257He kind of just gave up after realizing he spent so long introducing characters he has no idea what to do with and then spent about half the length of a comic in a dead game over timeline that didn't matter.
>>147208886Oh that's really kind, but you don't gotta gen nothing, I'm good for now and I'm way too weird and specific about my idea of Rose anyways. Don't bother with /aco/, they're all incredibly grouchy and would snarl and scream about AI art. But please feel free to make and share Roses.Eventually, AI art and AI bots will combine clean enough that we'll be able to literally have a pesterchum client with 'video' where we can hit up and talk to a Rose whenever we want. Insane future. Insane addiction potential.
>>147208709Starsignstuck for ants.
>>147208930Let them bicker and let them grouch, I will still make a Rose. While I myself do draw, I can see the appeal of A.I. It's junk food. Sometimes I don't want to cook. Sometimes I just want to get something to eat. As for your prediction, assuming the environment holds up and world war three is averted, we could have actual programmable RoseBots for sale.
>>147207518that's a cool looking rezzy
https://youtu.be/2oSEhJM8VN0?si=D7i5CWp2l1Ta4E8FThese two remind me way too much of Rose/Terezi and John.
>>147208964Kind of, yeah. It's really hard to say what AI is comparable to when it comes to art and writing. I'm a writer myself, and I can't really do a lot but accept what's happening, learn to use it so I know the reality of what I'm up against, and try to navigate what comes next. And keeps mindful of how addictive all of this will end up being.And yeah, we're now in the time where we see if we make it to 2030 without nuclear death. If we do, then yes, personal custom Rosebots will absolutely be happening. I think I'd rather just keep her digital, though. There's a weird kind of thrill in being able to interact with her however I want with no consequence.
>>147208956Rip all the images from that one, filehost died
>>147208996I meanThat is BLATANTLY Dave and Terezi, no secret half of Hazbin's success is chasing the troll secret sauce
>>147209008People will buy AI works, but they will come to artists and writers for bespoke products. AI can and will do amazing things, but there's some things an AI just cannot, will not ever be able to do. Just like how we, as beings, cannot and will not do some things AI can do.Hmm.Swimsuit Rose.
>>147209028I like John and Rose here, just because Grimdorks was always my thing.
Glad the morally bad Homestuck fans seem to be suffering moreThat’s an important ingredient for enjoying life, knowing that you need to chase them down immaterially for supernatural vengeance
>>147209047>but there's some things an AI just cannot, will not ever be able to doRight now, yes, I agree. I don't know how long that will stay true for. I sincerely do not know what the ceiling is on this stuff, and I don't think anyone does. We'll see.In the meantime, 100% Rose being a weird witchy bitch wearing high heels to the beach with something needlessly elaborate and too revealing. Really, Hussie did a piss-poor job of having Rose and Kanaya being fashion queens who constantly have new outfits.
>>147209064I can see it as those two as well I just mean their designs are very blatantly Dave and Terezi, hell it even has her with blonde hair which is what 99% of artists figured a human Terezi would have
>>147209112Really? Most TZs I've seen who are human tend to be Ginger, because red. >>147209099It seems we're approaching it. It seems that AI is, according to some people in the industry, cannibalizing itself and becoming rather incestuous. It's leading to weird outcomes.
>>147209069Shuddup lovecraft's cat
>>147209135>Really? Most TZs I've seen who are human tend to be Ginger, because red.Goes to show actually, I was thinking of human VRISKA not Terezi, but I've also seen a handful of human Terezi's with blonde hair.
>>147209157Always thought she'd naturally have black hair or would be a ginger. Human TZ was either Hispanic, or Asian, so yeah.Main reason I vote that Two is more like Rose is because they're dealing with the occult, blonde hair, dark skin, and that voice. Mwah.
can we just cut the bullshit and make a Pesterchum ring already? the mods are never going to stop illegally deleting these threads and we need a way to keep in contact/recover users who were impacted and cut off
>>147209187Yeah it makes sense. And that is also a ringer for a Rose, true, it's just the suit and glasses hits way more Terezi for me. It makes me wish that Rose had been stuck with the ashen skin forever, that would have been INSANELY hot.
>>147209211Maybe we should go to Dreambubble.
>>147209224That's why I flip flop between marking Two as either Rose or Terezi, with a lean toward Rose. The two of them work in a GRIM environment, and they're both a bunch of DHORKS. It just makes sense.
Here you go Anon, just for you.
>>147209387Awesome, thanks. A great Rose. It's unsettling how incrementally better this stuff is getting. While I know the loss for artists is harsh, I'm not going to pretend I'm not into being able to make infinite Roses since the fandom art well dried up.
>>147209438People will still make art, that's something innate to all humanity. I merely worry for the environmental impact.For now, I will craft a few more Roses, a Jane or two, and keep an eye on the thread until it's deleted, so that I may catalogue it with the others.
>>147209465>I merely worry for the environmental impact.Completely out of our control. It's going to be devastating, but making a few Roses doing obscene things isn't going to really impact it. I do wonder if Hussie will ever use it, or more likely, if some team of fans will one day recreate Homestuck (or do a fan adventure or whatever) that's possible by a small team using AI. Who can say.Right now I'm just happy I can make pictures of Rose looking bitchy while dealing with her AI self being equally bitchy in some erotic roleplay.
>>147209520In the grand scheme of things, the ten or so pictures I make daily have little in most compared to what a corporation might do, especially on a macro scale. It'll only get better after it gets worse. But that's enough. I'm getting genuinely depressed. Gonna draw a Rose.
Are Rosefags this tasteless?
>>147209590NEED JADE
>>147209590I hold no ill will to you. That time is over.
>>147209590Don't feel left out. Rose is just easy to gen compared to Jade. Jade is great. If I could be making reams of material of JadexRose I would be.
>>147209608>Don't feel left out.Genning is for tasteless coomers who are too broke to commission other artists, or too stupid to pick up a pencil and learn how to draw. They're willing to take whatever a brainless AI shits out, and goon to it in their lonely little mancaves. May you always be depressed, and may you never find satisfaction.
>>147209643I take it AI has harmed you personally then. Cute Jade art, never seen that one before.
>>147209643May you find peace.
>>147209701He's a Jadefag, he won't.
>>147209738I would be disgruntled too if my girl turned into a Futa with a dog cock.
>>147209769You shouldn't be giving attention to epilogue shit to begin with.
>>147209769>was 100% into it happening to Jade>especially if she was going to be fucking girls>but then the retard shit with Dave and Karkat>then the mega-retard shit with her housebreaking Rose>when Roxy was RIGHT THEREbut yeah it's not worth getting angry about
AI Rose will win (Hussie agreed)
Cool, still up
>>147210064She looks like she has no clothes here.Her smug as shit expression doesn't help.
Why was he never referenced in Homestuck? We even know Andrew knew Tally Hall because he did the album art for Cojum Dip.
>>147210059Too expensive
>>147210166Hussie was smart enough to not fuck with actual professionals who would have torn his ass in two for fucking around with their trademarks and the like.
>>147209967AI Rose is extremely fun to bully the smug out of
For this Spicychat, can chats be deleted?
>>147210507If you're a free anonymous user, then the moment you close the window the chat is gone; don't know if they're saved forever by their servers but I'd bet money they are saved to be used for training (and future attacks on people). If you're going to be doing real sleazy shit, then you'd better do it through tor or something.
>>147210349Joe made an entire album that can't legally be released as a CD because it has so many samples of trademarked media.
>>147207060I remember when I was like 15 I did acid for the first time and my friend posted some fanart of one of these creatures like, licking the screen and it made me weirdly aroused.
>>147210622How the fuck did you handle acid at 15? I can barely handle eating weed at 25.
>>147210622yeah that was Terezigetting rocked on acid and getting off to Homestuck stuff sounds fun
Toby Fox peaked at making music for Homestuckhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaJsqJ_oV2ghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyDdV8eIHGEhttps://youtu.be/2pfcakhXhE8?si=8pbJskjoNDY2JwKGhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NACWZBDtN8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbUTyGfolX0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEB1uh0T9UAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zMnNCDaKuEhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLrChSME0T8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8sBtl3WYZohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nClhUae7DMshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54YThzEi4bkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2tj8eRV6Uohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75kJb_aAvKYhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjAK8D5ytiU
>>147210735Posers like Toby are incapable of peaking at all because peaking implies you’re an actual artist.
Just move onLook who's into this shit nowLiteral fucking schizo retardsThe dumbest possible TikTok tweens who are too afraid of hazbin hotelNobody elseJust leave, there's better ports of call
>>147210848I agree, but am STUBBORN
>>147210848I have spent a long, long time in this port, Anon. Its my fourth home when it comes to Fandom. I simply do not engage with the rabble at the pier.
>>147210859I was too, but you can leave and it'll be so much better.
>>147210848>Just leave, there's better ports of callNo. Not until this last rotten ghost-ship of Theseus finally sinks and is buried. After that, I'll never take to another fandom port again. Nothing has ever hurt like this one before, and nothing will ever hurt as bad as this again.
Some months ago an anon was making a list of pesterchum accounts, is that still floating around?>>147207718Strife! was a pretty cool album but the theme for John is literally just a remix of Cirno’s theme. ZUN is fine with people selling remixes of his songs but usually they at least acknowledge what they did are remixes.>>147209228What is that
>>147208377I swear Roxy is some kind of likability chupacabra that drained it all from the other alpha kids to make herself far more endearing than she had any right to be.
>>147210893I gave up because no one actually cared. If you have a Pesterchum, I’ll add you.
>>147210885It's already sunk motherfucker.It gets zero anything.Most of the "fans" that are left sit there whining about davekat-sucks or talking about inane shit that doesn't matter.There is NOTHING.It will not get better. It will NEVER even be mediocre. Every single worthwhile creator on it has moved on. Every single memory you have of it will only be tainted.You're torturing yourself and pretending that it's some kind of noble suffering, instead of just getting the fuck out of this crab bucket and finding something else.
>>147210895mostly it was that Roxy wasn't afraid to have a personality that wasn't 100% "wanna fuck" and had compassion and empathy the other 3 lacked. Dirk is a horrifying sociopath, Jane is a mean fucking loser, and Jake was literally too stupid to understand. Roxy was the only one with OG Kid DNA in her behavior.
>>147210906Wrong. Homestuck^2 still squats there like a final cancer. I need to see it DEAD. It has to be DONE. They keep dragging the body out to fly around and drip rot on everyone, and until that's over with this isn't done.
>>147210922It's already fucking dead. It gets zero engagement. I only just learned last week that it killed two characters off, two major deaths, and nobody fucking cares.Just go somewhere else. Go to the shitty swear demons or the toilet aliens fighting robots even. Fuck man even the horses get more ANYTHING than this. You've got everything to gain.
>>147210924Hi hypnotism schizo. Getting your threads deleted on /v/ again?
>>147210931>Go to the shitty swear demonsSo you admit that you’re just a neopuritanical astroturfer who hates Homestuck because it has swear words in it?
>>147210957Sorry, I meant you should go to deltarune or Undertale, your favorite.
>>147210931Anon how about we stop the roleplay for a second and acknowledge that the real deal here is Homestuck threads happen maybe once a month, we all get to reminiscence and vent and describe horrifying sexual acts we want to force on the characters, and then we slouch off while we all wait for Homestuck^2 to end which means these threads vanish foreverchill
>>147210957Buddy you're the only person that likes it anymore. You keep making these threads and I'm not sure it's because you're desperate to get someone to indulge your insane fetish (which I'm starting to think has some unrelated trauma behind it), or if you're just underage.But you need to stop.
>>147210982I wish that was the case but there's this new faggot who keeps making them on /co/ and /v/, and the other fucking thing is that they're also not just not fun anymore but there's nothing left to discuss even in a fun way.There's no new real art being made, there's no real points being made. It ended so miserably that there's no real joy to any of it beyond the five or six bitter faggots keeping the /aco/ threads up. The resident drawfags left even.
>>147211000yeah well like I said we're waiting for Homestuck^2 to end, the world is a fuck, we're all stressed, and just want to bullshit in a place of old dead comfortCHILL.
>>147211007It's never going to "end", it'll do the same thing the rest of Homestuck did, sputter out forever.The real ending is when you walk away. The real ending is when you let go. I am trying to help you, because god knows nobody else is going to try.
>>147211024yeah whatever man I'm going to continue posting about violating Rose while making Eri jokes, thanks
>>147211037You especially need to move on, for the sake of your own health.
>>147211052And you especially need to get the fuck off the internet. Are you even 18?
>>147211014What’s the problem here?
>>147211037yeah im thinkin wwere back
>>147211069*wwalks into thread* wwhale wwhale, wwhat do wwe havve here
>>147211059This guy >>147211052Is this weird new schizoposter who loves Andrew Hussie (which is a red flag already) and Homestuck and is also a really fucking annoying hyper autistic faggot who is into Vriska hypnotism. He got chased out of the /aco/ threads and keeps making threads on /v/ while pissing and moaning about Toby Fox for some reason.
>>147209069Guy please stop, changing your name won't improve anything.
>>147211101"hyper autistic hypnofaggot that loves Andrew Hussie and defends him while being angry at Toby Fox and constantly makes threads on multiple boards" is definitely a narrow enough spectrum of retardation that I'm confident in saying that yes, it's just you. Faggot.
hypno guy you really gotta bring up other kinds of fetishes, you can't keep being a Johnny One-Fetish, it's not even that exciting with the sheer platter of freaky shit Homestuck's setting offers
>>147210904I’m already on the list actually, but I didn’t save it so I don’t know who to message. Mind posting it?I was waiting for the next time I saw one of these threads before getting on again, I think I missed the last few so it’s been a while since I logged in.>>147210911Ironically she started out being blatantly the thirstiest of all of them, but unlike the others she kept the vibe fun so she was an enjoyable character the whole time.
>>147211088There are faggots who still like homestuck? worst of all CURRENT Homestuck?you aren't a real homestuck fan unless you absolutely hate andrew hussie and what became of homestuck.
>>147211125Even breeding duties was into like amazons and shit
>>147211131I can't explain it man. It's like the guy who hates Shrek 2 because his parents abandoned him at it.
>>147211136And gender swapping.
>>147211150that’s a pretty valid reason to hate Shrek 2, if it literally caused a divorce. then again, i think most parents are abusive, so maybe he shoulda gotten over it
>>147211137Because he's like an across the board piece of shit? The only people I see who still like him are dumb motherfuckers or insanely dedicated yaoi tweens.
Y so mad??
>>147211130>Ironically she started out being blatantly the thirstiest of all of them, but unlike the others she kept the vibe fun so she was an enjoyable character the whole time.Yeah. Roxy came across as a good person who was incredibly lonely, the sex was secondary for her; she was desperate for love. Dirk only cared for power and hurting people, Jane didn't care who got hurt, and Jake was, as said, too retarded to understand what was happening. Roxy felt legitimate and sad, Dirk and Jane felt like dirtbags.
>>147211157If anything, the emotional journey of Shrek coming to terms with fatherhood would have taught them about being good parents. Shrek 2 tried its best, if anything that kid should be grateful it made an attempt
>>147210166I'm glad Joe survived the allegations.
>>147211137Andrew is a bad person, there is nothing to admire about that creepy awful manBut if you want to praise a 50-year old egomaniac who dresses like a sex clown and is into younger girls, then you do you
>>147211130Alright, I quickly recreated the table. Anyone who wants in on this needs to claim their spot by the end of this thread, because if this doesn't get 14 more applicants, I'm not bothering with it again.
What makes a good fanventure? Pitfalls to avoid?
>>147211211Why v instead of g?
>>147211235No fanventure matches the magic number of the original. SBURB.exe and KGTAC come close, but anyone can tell you the problems with those.
>>147211238It's the first letter of every board Homestuck had a major presence on when I first created it. /v/, /co/, /aco/, and /trash/.
>>147211244>but anyone can tell you the problems with those.I thought they were pretty good. What's the issue with them?
>>147211235Nothing does, anymore. Fanventures worked best in the days of the comic being healthy and alive. You're better off making something new to play with and interest people.
>>147211261>I thought they were pretty good. What's the issue with them?Did you like the part where the author of KTGAC tried to use it as a platform to berate Andrew and Karkat about the fact that he used the word retard, including writing in a mild-mannered character who self-identifies as autistic and doesn't hate Karkat for it, so the author looks better by comparison and makes the reader feel more guilty about sympathizing with Andrew? lmfao
>>147207257Should have quit after Cascade.
>>147211364it's insane how true of a cutoff point this wasit's astounding how little really happened after then
>>147211235>not getting finished (99.9% of fanventures do this)>trying to do homestuck's pacing when you arent going to be updating every day>too many characters>text walls>high effort artstyle that isn't mass producable (if youre planning to be longer than a hundred pages)>no idea where youre going
>>147207369there is no way Rose isn't playing Dirk
>>147211413I mean no, the entire fucking point is that Rose and Dave are the incestuous ones, John and Jade are pure of that
>>147211426Rose and Dave do it too ironically and pussyfoot around it Dave would be too much of a coward, John and Jade would be pure love fluff incest
>>147211468they literally fucked in the doomed timeline
>>147211483>they literally fucked in the doomed timelineThey also didn't know they were doing incest then.
>>147211125why would troll urine look like that
>>147211514for the same reason human urine is yellow while we have red blood
>>147209769I'm usually on the side of the anti-postcanoners but I actually fully support Jade's dog dick. I think more stories should have canon futa characters.
Mmmm.Secret Agent Rose Lalonde, with John as her Q.Kanaya becomes "Kanaya Lewdinnuendo".
>>147208050I haven’t read a fan adventure since red dead virgo was going on way back in the day. What is this image from and what’s the context? I see it in every homestuck thread I find.
>>147209769personally I'm more mad about Jade becoming a whore. Dog penis? Awful. Whore with dog penis? Even worse
>>147211593oh hey I still have art of that in my ancient fanstuff folder. it's a shame there wasn't more bloodswap adventures, there was one by one of the better artists but it never went anywhere.
>>147211426A lexxy picture I haven't seen before. Damn that's old.
>>147211593vast error aka the shittiest high effort fanadventure and basically the only one still going on.>red dead virgoBased
>>147211602Jade being a whore with a dog penis is great, her impregnating Rose of all people in a weird drama plot is not great, and is dumb in a way that's not even titillating
>>147211602Blame Hussie for being mad at all the pregnancy porn of her
>>147211615Red Dead Virgo did manage to reach an ending, unlike so, so many fanadventures.https://nepeta.mozai.com/stories/Red_Dead_Virgo.html
>>147211618Oh, it was Lexxy! I think it was her who did this?
>>147211643yeah it actually resolved which was niceit even ended as you'd expect for the setting; death and erasure as an aberrant timeline
>>147207060>Remove trolls from the story entirely>Reduce the number of trolls to only a few, maybe the first four that get introduced, and no more than thatChoose one.
>>147211627Ah. I’m probably not going to read it because besides checking out one these threads occasionally I’m just out of homestuck stuff at this point. What’s going on in that picture though? Is it an actual lewd or just trying to look like one?
>>147211689Second, duh. You need the trolls for the plot to work. But you only need 4. You do not need 24.
>>147211698>I’m probably not going to read itIt's being homestuck related by the first third...maybe fourth now? and basically becomes a drama comic about tumbleresque OC trolls and shitty fursonas.
Karkat as a girl.A good idea, or bad idea?
>>147211689I choose neither. I like the original 12, keep them and remove the dancestors.Most of the biggest problems wouldn’t be fixed by that, but it would cut a LOT out of act 6 which would be a huge boon. The lategame retcon and limpdick ending would still ruin the story but at least it wouldn’t have had as much buildup.
>>147211689Second one.I actually don't mind the trolls, not even the dancestors.I just dislike how Hussie ended up using them.
>>147211726fuckin' despise Hussie for ruining Bro by turning him into his daddy hate figure
Kanaya is best girl.
>>147211650That looks like her Bloodbent art, never made a story just little scenes. AND that's a Bloodbent picture I haven't seen before. Damn it's been ten years and I still see stuff I didn't catch on the first pass.
>>147211721>>147211689I've solved the troll issue, the answer was simple FUSION, 6 are pre scratch and one half of the Zodiac and then the other 6 are post scratch and the other half. So take Ariska for instance in one timeline she's more Aradia with the Aries like and in the other she's more Vriska like with the Scorpio
>>147211757Oh that makes a lot more sense. I remember loving her Maroon Kanaya design. Glad it wasn't a full comic then, nothing missed. Actually, besides Red Dead Virgo, did any fan adventures ever complete? It can't be the only one.
>>147211735>Karkat as a girl.Why stop at just Karkat?Invert the whole cast
>>147211770I'm reminded of that Sparrow picture, of Lord English, his clones, and a Genderbent John.
>>147211689>Remove trolls from the story entirely>Reduce the number of trolls to only a few, maybe the first four that get introduced, and no more than thatmissing one>replace every troll with nepetas
>>147211764okay to the fusion idea is hot shit, keep that, but I say ditch the Scratch for the trolls entirely- there are 12 trolls EVER. No more. No ancestors, no alpha trolls, zippo. We get to see 5 of those 12 trolls during the story- Tavros is killed and replaced by Vriska in her Thief role, while the other 7 all die offscreen to Bec Noir. Extremely simple plan to stick to.
>>147211770i feel like this guy draws porn
>>147211792>okay to the fusion idea is hot shitWhat no it's good because 20 characters is perfectly fine
>>147211735Bad idea.It loses the fun part of a loudmouth being so interested in romcoms and of an inept fighter managing to become a leader of sort (before Hussie decided to throw that part away, that is).A lot of his character is based on turning upside-down the stereotypical perception of a foulmouthed guy, which isn't the same with a foulmouthed girl.
>>147211802no no sorry I'm just saying fusion is hot, keep doing fusion ideas, but my stance is 12 trolls total and no scratch shit
>>147211767>aradia>germanic clothesbut both her names come from the levant
>>147211817that's a bloodswap Feferi who is a teal and a pirate
>>147211767A bunch of fanadventures did manage to land their planes instead of just withering when the author flaked out. The first famous one was "A Beginner's Guide To The End Of The Universe."A recent one was "Karkat Goes to a Convention"There's the ones inspired by Problem Sleuth: "RubyQuest" and the sequel "NanQuest"And there's the ones that aren't Homestuck but started as fanadventures: "All-Night Laundry" managed to do daily updates for 3+ years with art and reader suggestions almost to the end (better track record than Hussie, and it was a single author/artist). "Kill Six Billion Demons" started on the MSPA Forums, and technically it isn't finished yet, but it really looks like that dude's gonna make it.
>>147211803But anon.It would make DaveKat straight.
>>147211819>the sheer fucking potential of a character like Feferi>squandered so hard she may as well have never existed
>>147211835I know it may sound insincere coming from a 4chan anon but I actually don't mind the homo(suck) part. For me the main problems with DaveKat were that it came out of nowhere and that their personalities didn't match well in a romantic way.Oh, and last but not least is that it robbed Karkat from what I thought were better ships.
>>147211830I meant Homestuck specifically, but you zapped my memory with RubyQuest. I was so happy to have been a part of that when it was going on. But it sounds like there was... just Red Dead Virgo, Karkat Convention, and Beginner's Guide as the only finished Homestuck ones? Damn.
>>147211830>"Kill Six Billion Demons" started on the MSPA Forums, and technically it isn't finished yet,jesus that nigga is still at it?
>>147211864They're almost DONE at it. Fuck of a ride.
>>147211845I don't know why Hussie at the start of the trolls Act didn't think the highest one in the caste shouldn't play an important role in the plot.Because a character like Feferi BY DESIGN couldn't have become important, her characterization lacked proactivity.
>>147211860You and I are of the same mind.I believe Karkat and Dave work better as friends, Bros even. As a couple, they do not mesh well, but as two Bros? Add John and Gamzee and you've got a quartet of brodom there.A shame none of the others, out there, care to see it like that.
>>147211864Gangsta still publishing huge pages, got his own website after MSPA Forums crashed with no survivors. He's been publishing books on the side. And hasn't pulled any "clowngender" clout-chasing horseshit.>>147211863There's other completed adventures, those are just the ones off the top of my head. Can't attest to the quality but any catalog is better than none: https://mspfa.com/stories/?go=1&n=&t=&h=8&o=favs&p=p&m=50
>>147211891>Because a character like Feferi BY DESIGN couldn't have become importantI mean she could have in her own way. She was the fucking Empress, Heir Apparent, with her own new radical take on how trolls should be, a link to the dark gods, incredible power, and she was just glub glub dead as a doorknob, nothing else. She could have become Meenah- not literally, but in the sense of coming into her role as Empress and seeking how to rally the afterlife to take on English.Frankly, if you want crackship on toast, give me Karkat x Feferi.
>>147211893>A shame none of the others, out there, care to see it like that.Nah, at least here in 4chan DaveKat is almost universally reviled.
Dave and Karkat worked so much better as antagonistic comrades, them being romantic just had zero chemistry
>>147211830>A Beginner's Guide To The End Of The UniverseI remember really liking the nutrition metrics and wanting them to be in a full videogame. Those tapered off in importance pretty quick but I remember the full story being entertaining. >>147211902Did they ever say why the MSPAF got shut down without warning? Hussie catered so hard to the annoying parts of the fandom that it fucked up the story, so pulling a move like that one always struck me as weird. I get not wanting to deal with the headache and server costs, but doing it without warning was always gonna be an unpopular move.
Feferi was wasted potential, not just for in-story reasons, but also the appeal of the character. She's the fucking Disney Princess character, the one young girls will hook into (and did, looking at the fanart). But Hussie got bored, and his cronies pushed him into shit like DaveKat.
>>147211926>She could have become Meenah- not literally, but in the sense of coming into her role as Empress and seeking how to rally the afterlife to take on English.True, but it was already clear early in the act she was not gonna do that, simply by the fact that, after the troll session was finished, all she managed to do in that time lapse was get with Sollux (because he saved her).Her character's trajectory was already set, she was gonna be the one who reacts instead of the one who acts, so while it was possible for her to take charge, it was apparent from the early days that she wouldn't.It's literally the opposite with Meenah, it was obvious from her introduction she was gonna be important and an active part in the plot.
>>147211952> why the MSPAF got shut downThey were using ancient PHP forum software, got exploited and overwritten. They didn't have backups, or if they did, there was nobody left who knew how to restore from backups and upgrade the forum software.The staff were volunteers, and I expect the forum moderators made the workplace too irritating for people with skills to stick around without compensation.It became apparent that Hussie is dogshit at managing people; Bill Bolin tried to warn us.
>>147211969>Her character's trajectory was already setI mean yes my argument is that Hussie is an awful writer who has no idea how to use characters. Feferi would have worked GREAT if she went from passive to active, learning what achieving her dream would really mean and how she'd have to change. But that would require character development. He introduced characters with no intention of using them for anything, and they lingered like a sickness eating up screentime and pacing. Meenah was never necessary. Feferi was RIGHT THERE.
>>147211968>Feferi was wasted potential, not just for in-story reasons, but also the appeal of the character.All the original trolls had that, and yes those who didn't make it were wasted potential, but I can kinda see why Hussie did that: having 16 characters around (and that's before even more were introduced) is a bit too much.The way he handled it with some of them could've been better, and it is jarring that the one who has such an important role in the lore got shafted hard the most.
>>147212010>having 16 characters around (and that's before even more were introduced) is a bit too much.WHICH IS WHY YOU DON'T INTRODUCE 16 FUCKING CHARACTERS IN THE FIRST PLACE
>>147212020I mean, it's true, but would you have preferred then that Feferi wasn't created at all?
>>147212007> would have worked GREAT if she went from passive to activehussie was addicted to subversion and negativity. Everyone had to be terrible and irredeemable. The audience is stupid for having hope or thinking better of people, ha ha my cynicism is proven right again (by the fiction I'm writing with my own biases baked in). I am so smart, look at these idiots flocking to listen to me.His next story Psycholonials was a real ugly insight into his mind, which I'm sure he thought was a triumphant affirmation of how correct he is about things.
>>147212010I’ll always have mixed feelings about the horrorstuck arc because while I think it was the height of reading homestuck serially and the most excited the readership ever got, a lot of characters I liked get wiped out. A shame that out of all of them Vriska and Tavros were the only ones who kept any relevance. The others would’ve been sidelined anyway I guess, Sollux and Aradia made it to the end and neither of them did fucking anything and barely showed up post act 5.
>>147212036>I mean, it's true, but would you have preferred then that Feferi wasn't created at all?I mean, yes? I'm extrapolating from a concept of having to have 12 trolls, and capitalizing on them instead of killing them off after they cluttered too much. But if I could go back in time and threaten Hussie with a horse dildo, I'd make it so we had only 5 trolls total as part of the story.
>>147212040I still haven’t played psycholonials or the friendsim. Maybe I should, might be a good farewell to homestuck. I think after this thread I may genuinely be off this ride.
Do you think Hussie ever comes into these threadsHow many of the hs2 team do you think come into these threads
>>147212040>Psycholonials was a real ugly insight into his mindI refused to read it once I found out it was Silly Hot Young Clown Girls as a vessel for the decrepit aging man to rave about how his greatness was maligned by the Nefarious Fans.>>147212062None of them. They have discords to cozy up into.
>>147212055Psycholonials is a comic book with good music, but it's sold as a game (ha ha look at these idiots thinking their choices matter, i am so smrt). You can find a "letsplay" version for free that doesn't have the music. Friendsim is comic books with good music and they each have at least one significant choice, making them more game-like, and you can get the whole set on sale for super-cheap. I think it's worth it.
>>147212054>a good farewell to homestuckIsn't possible, no matter what route you take. Every last one of them ends in disappointment.>>147212054I see. For my part I'm glad we got the characters we got, even if a lot of them were thrown into the bin. Just wish he found a way to handle them all.
Did webcomics as a medium peak with homestuck?
>>147212073psychollenials has been free on steam for a while (reminds me of whistles overstock giveaways kek)
>>147212109Well there's LFG and Stick Quest.
>>147212149> LFGplease say sike
>>147212073I got friendsim mixed up with pesterquest, I don’t really care about the fantrolls but it’d be nice to see the kids one last time.Is the mega with all these homestuck games still floating around? >>147212146Oh cool, thanks.
I wish trolls were real.
>>147212196One of those is child abuse.
>>147212184I genuinely believe they will be eventually or already are.I think something that took the magic out of fiction retroactively for a lot of people is normal people shaming us into believing it can’t become real. I absolutely believe that we can make Homestuck reality if we try. At this point, I feel like I don’t have much else in my life worth striving for than making sure I stay alive long enough to meet Vriska.
>>147212062>Do you think Hussie ever comes into these threadsYou mean these recent ones? No, they're already hard to come by for a regular anon, since they usually get deleted.He must've come here at some point in time though, if nothing else due to the character of Mituna.
>>147212196>Mom drinks a LOT, Rose literally threatens suicide to get at herand yet Dave and Dirk are the center focus.
>>147212207Oh no, some kid in the future is gonna fuck us up
i can’t be the only one who wants a vr sburb game righteither use a preexisting house or scan your own house, then build up and get your own sprite guide thingat the start you take an improved version of the classpect quiz for your god form thingoptional troll npcs to fuck along the way
>>147212162You asked, and I answered.
>>147212235Everyone wants that, but I think at that point you’re begging the question of “why can’t SBURB just exist in real life”
>>147212232100 years? That's enough time to construct Stonehenge.
>>147212235maybe one day not too far away with AI doing the heavy lifting
>>147212232I know it’s already been touched on, but is this real? Did Andrew read about this thing before he made Homestuck?
Imagine smoking a fat blunt and getting some head from Rose here. Peak
>>147212055i liked the first 90% of psycholonials, it reminded me of breaking bad with the tense crime empire stuffbut the last 10% really pissed me off, it was like the author wanted to insult me for caring how it ended
>>147212204>One of those is child abuse.Yeah John was abused.
>>147212251No. Want to know why? 4/13 is a lie. It's not the true Homestuck timeline, or when it began.
>>147212260Multiple songs on Miracle Musical predate the album by a decade. It’s the thought that counts.