Was this scene supposed to be a badass revenge fantasy like in Inglourious Basterds, or is this supposed to be a tragedy because GI Robot literally cannot get past his robotic programing to live a human life? I mean, I guess it could be both, but I feel like those ideas conflict. "It's so cool he's killing Nazis, but also, we wish he wasn't doing it".
I should've brought up I wouldn't even question it if they didn't make a point to show in the courtroom that he is legally identified as a human (despite obviously not having the same mental capabilities as one).
>>147207945>legally identified as a human>Sold literally as a trinketAmerica never changes.
probably just a revenge fantasy to try to get the plot moving
>>147207990Realistically, a lawyer could make a shit ton of arguments as to why this is a mindless machine, but we don't get to spend any time on the court case.
>>147207925revenge fantasy against the "chuds"
>>147207925>find nazi killing robot>reactivate it>"oh man my nazi friends will love this">bring it to nazi clubhonestly what the fuck did he think would happen
>>147208104>"I can fix him".
>>147207925Both. G.I. gets screwed over for being true to his programming. Still fun to watch the shit of the world get the fate they wished on innocents.>>147208104Like many dumbasses he was convinced that he was so clearly in the right that surely his friend would be won over by a speech. After all, G.I. is a patriot! He'll understand that America needs saving.
>>147207925What is the definition of Nazi now?It's usually just "the opposite of what the writer believes"
>>147208980Nazi is when no TikTok
>>147208980Nazi is a catch all now that encompasses actual neo-Nazis as well as even vaguely right-leaning people.
>>147208104Bro humanized a robot so much that he put clothes on him so that he wouldn't get cold. "No, he did it so he wouldn't rust!". That's just an excuse. After he bonded, he gave him clothes, cause he humanized him.
Shows that no matter what people he reports to, no matter how much time has passed, no matter what people think they've become his friend, the one thing he truly loves is killing nazis (or, at least thinking he is) and he'll do so whether it's an actual Wehrmacht soldier in active combat, civilians associating with the political label, or simply random people falsely stated to be soI won't discount modern political sensibilities, but I think it's overstated in favor of downplaying that G.I. Robot is the truest monster of the bunch
>>147207925They should have made his old friend some gay who took him to see a musical and he shoots up the theater because it was "sound of music" (or some play that has nazis in it)
>>147207925It’s suppose to be funny.
>>147209068for whom?
Tragedy for GI Robot, but not a downer because the people who gets killed are meant to be bad
>>147209021>G.I. Robot is the truest monster of the bunchI think to be a monster, you need to be aware of morality, which Robot doesn't truly have. His brain can be re-wired with just a couple of lines of code. At least someone who is brainwashed can willingly be unbrainwashed through learning. Robot cannot without outside interference (programmer, engineer). It's like calling the Jaws' shark a monster when it's just trying to eat. Robot's whole character could be dwelled on a lot more, but that's not the direction they wanted to go it.
>>147208994>ban tiktok>unban it under specific conditions>can't even search 'democrat' on it nowvery normal
>>147208980It's when you wave your arm about like an awkward, middle-aged retard.
>>147209124or show someone what a roman salute was
>>147209074The viewer. The joke is all set up and it’s a bang of a punchline.
>>147209147i didnt understand the joke.
>>147209158Robot follows his base program despite your friendship trope. That’s a pretty solid basic gag they show the build up of what seems to be a caring friendship, but the guy is a Nazi so base programming kicks in. That’s funny and pretty simple to follow, kind of embarrassing you could if get that anon.
>>147209222explain it again, like im a four year old
>>147207925yes, it's both
>>147209124>It's when you wave your arm about like an awkward, middle-aged retard.Do you really believe that one guy can show so much malicious retardation in such a short period of time?
It tries to be a joke because two plot lines come together, the robot whose sole function is to kill Nazis who is taken, unsuspectingly by his kindly owner*, to a Nazi congress? by the Nazis themselves.*And it fails miserably to make you laugh because we all suspected the owner would be a Nazi and the “killing Nazis” thing is recurrent and hollow and poorly written throughout the chapters: followers of Circe, Pokolstan's own soldiers and so on.James Gunn is a poor man who thinks he's funny and transgressive when he's just doing what his owners tell him to write.
>>147209232Dude it’s the frog and the scorpion, it’s his nature, you stupid toddler. Now put on these head phone take this kindle and watch the Lego movie mommy and daddy are going to have some upstairs time.
>>147209095>the Jaws' sharkHis name is Bruce.
>>147209310okay, can you try explaining like im 3 years old?
>>147209349No, I just think you’re stupid.
>>147209380use smaller words please, im rather confused.
>>147209512im very aware of the joke. i was deliberately being awkward because the whole scene isnt funny or logical.
>>147208104He was a fan of the comics and thought he fought in the Pacific Theater. But it was no comic, it was real life and the robot killed his entire social club.
>>147207925not sure if he's a "killing nazis is good" character or a parody of libs who are obsessed with nazis and calling everyone nazis
>>147209609the former, not the latter.
>>147209609Knowing Gun, the former. If GI shot Elon Musk because he did an awkward gesture that looked like a nazi salute, it would be the latter.
>>147209319'ello Bruce!
>>147207925>Make anti-Nazi robot>"Yeah! So cool! Fuck Nazis!">Make anti-Communist robot>"N-no, it's supposed ro ironic! Stop liking it!"
>>147209700One day someone will make a thing where a Nazi-killing robot and a Communist-killing robot team up, and at the end they kill each other>Only a Nazi could love killing Communists so much!>Only a Communist could love killing Nazis so much!
>>147207925>"Ohhhh boy"I feel like GI broke his own programming there, like he knew what was gonna happen and knew he had no power to stop it.
>>147209545For someone who hates Gunn’s humor you sure seem to share it.
>>147210339ive pretty much perfected it this point, i could fucking write for dc. cant bew all that hard if it makes retards like you think its le ebin funnies
>>147210364Wow you’re just memes aren’t you? Went from pretending to be a retard to this.
>>147210399whatever helps you sleep at night darling, would you like some crayons with that milk?
>>147207925I think it was more meant to be a tragic thing because yeah, the views weren’t great but none of them were actually killing anyone, they just had really hateful views
no you dipshit, it was supposed to be a crossroad for him, He obviously had hints that his new friend was Nazi adjacent with all the memorabilia and the movies, but he just kept quiet and tried to ignore it so he can leave a peaceful life until it was thrown straight into his face in the meeting thats why the almost regretful 'oh boy' before he regresses to his primary programming.the whole point is that as magnus said it, he only had the beginnings of sapience, it was still developing. When he asked what he wanted, he thought of the easy company first before slipping to his dead nazi addiction
>>147210414First original insult proud of you.
>>147210435i ran out of steam, call me a stupid again to rekindle the coal.
>>147210463i dont recognise that emoji, sorry
>>147207925Nazi's are broadly regarded (rightfully so) as being naturally antagonistic given the negative associations that broader society has for them socially. They just make baseline badguys for the hero to fight for a writer who wants to save time demonstrating the villainy of a group because you can just assume with nazis given their associated beliefs and the logical conclusions that one can derive from their beliefs.TL;DR Nazi's are great default badguya for normies. But according to the legal system, someone being a bad guy based on their beliefs =/= it's okay to murder them. But because GI robot is evidently sentient on one hand, (at least enough to be tried convicted in the eyes of the law), despite being compelled no matter what, to fulfill his imperative to murder nazis, this would have to mean that the legal system would have to be convinced that GI robot can't help it, and if even if they could why shouldn't he be put away with all the other monsters?To be honest, this is just my inebriated interpretation and I don't think I have an answer to either.
>>147209109>>ban tiktok>>unban it under specific conditionsThere were two different administrations that did that.>>147209124The worst thing is that this is not a joke or an exaggeration, the morons literally say this.
>>147207925It is unrealistic. Not enough Brown people.
>>147209278>malicious retardationThat's not what I would call raising your arm.
>>147210532>(rightfully so)Nah, it's been like seventy years. You guys should stop crying about this.
>>147209857Poland bot and Finland bot team up for socialist slaughterbenis :DDDD
>>147208980It's when people act like Nazis and use the talking points and strategies of Nazis. For example, constantly claiming that "you just think that anything that isn't pure Marxism is Nazism!" is a pretty big red flag.
>>147211080>hitler drank water
>>147209664He would probably have shot Elon Musk for constantly spouting neo-nazi talking points and and following and liking other neonazis on Twitter.
>>147211096Spotted the Nazi.
>>147210556>the conditions being censorship of a political partyhmmmm
>>147209124>>147210556>hit chest>throw out hand, palm flat facing down>"i-its not a nazi salute cause.. cause it wasn't okay!??"come the fuck on, guys. don't be retarded.
>>147211102He didn't do that to Sam despite all the signs being there.
>>147209700We already have an anti communist robot retard.And we love him.>Liberty Prime is online.
>>147208104Nobody ever said nazis were intelligent. Plus, they probably figured that G.I. Robot was built to be Patriotic and they were the Most Patriotic around so obviously the bot should be on their side right?
>>147208104It was WW2 memorabilia and then he grew attached. People have done dumber things.
>>147211360I would do this because I had the idea it would be faster if I got it on the first try which is technically correct but then being too stubborn to do it the right way.
>>147211348>Plus, they probably figured that G.I. Robot was built to be PatrioticIt's completely fucking retarded for G.I. Robot to NOT be designed that way. Programming him to exclusively be anti-nazi instead of pro-USA during a war against an axis of fascist countries where JAPAN's attack on US soil was the reason it even joined the conflict.Not only could the nazis just become a different group but specific individuals can defect (like all the german scientists that joined nasa) or just be forced conscripts to a war they didn't even wantWhy would US design an autonomous weapon like this when it was founded fighting a country it later became allies with?
>>147211431Because someone thought to come up with a robot that killed nazis.
>>147211442>Have your country attacked unprovoked >Build a killer robot against their allies not them>Robot will most likely kill a wounded 17 year old kid begging for their life and slaughter field hospitals and medics because death is it's only directive
Whaaaaaat, a DC property has retarded fucking logic?
>>147211597So what is your logic here. America shouldn't have fought the nazis because they were mostly innocent, nobody actually disliked nazis and that all japanese weren't? Like what, if GI Robot was built for the pacific theater like in the original comics he wouldn't have possibly ever killed a 17 year old or a field hospital?
>>147211431Cause it's easier to program a robot to shoot recognizable symbols instead of programming an abstract concept like patriotism. Patriotism could've led to him siding with the Nazis because "it's for the good of future America", like Sam.
>>147207925So much for the tolerant left
>>147211646>America shouldn't have fought the nazis because they were mostly innocent,Reminder that I said that Nazis weren't the only enemies of the US? G.I. having no capacity to target or prioritize any other threat is moronic. Also weaponry that negates the possibility for surrender or live prisoners is evil regardless of who uses it. We're all a label away from a terminator coming after us.
>>147211713He was a 1 off combat robot deployed to the eastern front with a specialist troop that was fighting behind enemy lines where there was no capacity to accept prisoners.
>>147211648>Cause it's easier to program a robot to shoot recognizable symbolsThe limitations of the robot are what the writers decide they are. And a robot killing purely on iconography is extremely low IQ when people will purposefully hide their allegiance or use symbols shared by other groups (the swastika is from bhuddism) >Patriotism could've led to him siding with the Nazis because "it's for the good of future America",1-That could be an actual interesting arc 2- Easily avoidable by needing military clearance to issue orders
>>147211782> there was no capacity to accept prisoners"Yeah so this guy tossed away his weapons got on his knees and told us he will give intel if we let him go back to his wife and children""Welp let's kill him anyway"The difference between doing fuck up shit in war because there's no choice and doing it because you don't give a shit.
>>147211210>>hit chest>>throw out hand, palm flat facing downIt's not a Nazi salute, he literally did this.
>>147211320nta but you are retarded, it is obvious that this anon is referring to this.
I see it has already started.
>>147211937Who the hell are you?
>>147211901Yeah that’s not what he did. And he did it twice so all this bending over backwards excuses made for him don’t hold water
>>147211897You'd kill him anyway in a war because you have no way of securing him, no way of keeping him prisoner without sacrificing your own troop's safety, no way of preventing him from giving intel to the enemy, no way of verifying his intel was good let alone not intentionally bad try and lead you into a trap, etc
>>147211080>you just think that anything that isn't pure Marxism is Nazism!" is a pretty big red flag.It's not, that's 100% true.
>>147211112>Everything I don't like it naziSpotted the commie.
>>147211901Wow he did that with a flat palm facing down?
Man suddenly there sure are a lot of crying Nazis around. The masks really have come off again.
>>147211947>You'd kill him anyway in a warAgain missing the point about WANTING TO LET HIM LIVE. If the chance to spare him was available I would take it Killing a prisoner would weigh on my soul until the day I die and his face would haunt me every time I'd shut my eyes. Something totally incapable of even the slightest mercy is pure evil. It's like cheering on the A-bomb because only your team has one.
>>147211970Do you realize that this is a criticism of the communists?
>>147212081Nah him killing nazis is unilaterally good actually.
>>147211945lmao why are you censoring this?https://youtube.com/shorts/fEWzeUQsF1U?si=d5yUAxw59wCh1k3z
>>147207925It's funny you dolt
>>147207925It's bittersweet. G.I. Robot will never be human despite being recognized as one and often treated as one. No matter how much people try to form a human-like connection with him, he will always revert back to his "KILL NAZIS" programming. However, that's not the worst programming to have and he at least gets to die happy knowing he finally got to kill nazis.It HAD to be a real group of neo-nazis and not an actor he mistook for a nazi or a Buddhist who was wearing a symbol that he mistook for a nazi because then we would view G.I. Robot as just a monster. He had to kill nazis because it shows that he'll never get past his programming, but also, the audience doesn't feel TOO bad about it. Hence why the scene is presented as a revenge fantasy while splicing in the tragedy of the aftermath (the court, the prison sentence).
>>147212126>It's funnyno, it's not.
>>147212081You'd be a shit soldier and your CO would shoot the guy in front of you because your heart bleeding for a Nazi is not worth the lives of your platoon.
>>147212137So what you mean is that literal safe edgy?
>>147212154You are literally brainwashed.
>>147212165Nah it's a simple fact. Risking the lives of your platoon because a nazi was crying would make you a bad person.
>>147212174Do you see how I was right when I said this>>147211955?You think that any criticism of you means that the person criticizing you is a Nazi.
>>147212161I mean, yes, the show wants to be edgy but in the most marketable way possible. It also wants every single character to be sympathetic, so G.I. can't kill anyone the audience thinks doesn't deserve it. Writers have to bend the knee to what execs will allow and they refuse to allow any complexity to a nazi character. Remember that even in the movie whose premise is, "What if Hitler came back and managed to rise to power again?", the writers realized he was TOO appealing to audiences and had him shoot a dog just so people would hate him again.
>>147212181>Risking the lives of your platoon because a nazi was crying would make you a bad person.Do you seriously think that there were never Nazi prisoners?Are you so brainwashed?
>>147212192>the writers realized he was TOO appealing to audiences and had him shoot a dog just so people would hate him again.The funniest thing is that Hitler would be the last person to do that.
>>147212190Shut up and get against the wallI'm not going to listen to the mad ramblings of a nazi
>>147212201Not captured while you're a single squad behind enemy lines. You'll have to show me evidence of Sgt Rock and G I Robot sweeping civilian buildings for me to give half a fuck about whatever nonsense hypothetical you're coming up with.
>>147212214Yeah, it's one of the big criticisms of the movie that dog-lover Hitler would never shoot a dog because it was being annoying. "The dog was being vicious and wouldn't let go of his bite!", it's a tiny dog. A swift kick might knock it on its ass. Maybe if the dog was a very large breed, it would be scary and justified. But again, that would make the audiences see Hitler as being reasonable and the writers DIDN'T want that.
>>147212222Nigga, you lost. You're going to go up against the wall for being a faggot.
It was meant to be funnyKilling Nazis is always funnyKilling Nazis is always coolKilling Nazis is always morally correctDeal with it
>>147212231It would be better if he killed a Muslim or something.Not only would it make sense, but it would also show that he is still a monster.
>>147212247He was having so much fun after waiting so long.
>>147212238Looks like you forgot you were supposed to be pretending you're not a Nazi.
>>147212225>whatever nonsense hypothetical you're coming up with.that the soldiers surrender? Does that seem like something that never happens in real life to you?