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>“If anything happened to this yinglet, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself” but in wormspeak
The "out of placers" are Kass and Kal, right?
Who else?
Kass and Elim are both refugees, Yannit got herself banished from her hive so she could live with humans, Isher is both ashamed of her species and has trouble fitting in with humanity, and Lopin is an exile. And now we have Kal the baxxid pariah
>>147828866 (OP)
I'm happy Kal is finally catching a break
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Do you think he has any idea what kind of bullshit he's about to wade into?
Together, they fight crime.
Is this the best tf comic ever made?
It's certainly the most epic
I can't really think of a better one
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I won't say it's on the level of Out Of Palcers, but A Kat's (GOD AWFUL!!!) Blessing is quite good.

Less focussed on transformation, but still having a little bit of it, Briargate is also worth a read.

And of course there is "Gone Feral", who is absolutely worth a read, but suffer from a worse update schedule than Out Of Placers.
Kats is fine but it's very "webcomicy" compared to OOPs. Gone Feral has a lot of promise, but the long breaks and apparent financial insecurity of the author makes me worry we'll never actually see it completed
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When it comes to epic tales that could compete with OOP, Kill Six Billion demons actually a bit of transformation at its beginning, though, once again, it's not the main focus of the story.

Beyond that point, though you could actually still argue that Allison's journey is quite transformative all over, and not just in the figurative way. I guess it's up to the reader to decide if organs being replaced by prosthetic fall in what they consider transformation content or not.

(and angel also get to be transformed into a human, even though that's kinda more reverse-transformation-ish)
>gone feral
>comic trapped in purgatory because the author is trapped in commission hell
Bills gots to be paid, gots to draw those fetishes
>but the long breaks and apparent financial insecurity of the author
that can't be true, because there's no way it's actually that financially insecure.
Also the "out-of-place artifact" that is That Thing.
>epic tales
It is very much lacking an epic tone.
I imagine it'll be mostly fine until something spooks him again and half the enclave die of shock
Its been running since 2015 and nothing's fucking happened yet
All the main characters have had one introductory arc each now and the plot is moving forward as we speak
He works a 9 to 5 and keeps up an NSFW account
>>147828866 (OP)
The secret text:
>beauty is in the eye of the bewormer
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The same way it always ends for him
What's the point of this thread if the /trash/ version exists for years now?
/co/ has more people and is a good place to potentially get new readers
So basically everyone
It's a fucking comic and/or cartoon and some of us would rather this board have more than stonetoss and questionable content on it.
Of the main group yes
You're fighting an uphill battle with the comic being banned here. I'm surprised the thread is still up in the first place.

>/co/ has more people
I don't come here often, so I don't know how true is this, at the very least the thread seems slower here.
>is a good place to potentially get new readers
If the thread can even live long enough to be visible, still they should be pointed to, or at least informed about the other one, it's more consistent there and would decrease fragmentation.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4geaxYRgx2c [Embed]
There's no downside to try for a thread here. This is a no stakes game where everyone wins of we actually get some traction
Other way around actually. The world building here is entirely above board, it just so happens a guy got turned into a seagull rat
>he doesn't know about the other comic
You mean the Skyrim comic? That's an entirely different thing
True, but it would still be more efficient and useful if everyone was on the same thread. More conversation, more ideas and viewpoints. Now I do think the occasional thread here could be useful as a gateway as I mentioned, but so far this and previous threads here seem to want to be it's own thing, which is still pointless in my opinion.
You're free to ignore this thread if it bothers you.
>foot magic
Yinglets could do some magic to my dick with those dexterous cute feet of theirs...
Perhaps the real Out of Placers are the readers we made along the way.
Whoa now this isn't Unsounded
>And of course there is "Gone Feral", who is absolutely worth a read, but suffer from a worse update schedule than Out Of Placers.
I suspect the author realizes that most of the interest is in Abigail, but had intended more of a "weaving snippets of different characters' storylines together" and is having a bit of trouble while trying to re-calibrate.
/co/ likes to talk about things too.
Ya weirdo.

Summarize your point or get out. Don't bother posting links to videos.
>4 months since LAM updated
Any day now, haha...
I doubt it's anything so major. It's on break right now so he can focus on his NSFW commissions.
>the plot is moving forward
What plot? Its going to be four weeks before worm moves in, and then we'll have six more weeks of lopin doing stupid bullshit, then a infographic page. Maybe by midyear they'll actually go somewhere and do something, but im not holding my breath
>no no you don't understand the children NEED to suffer horribly, it's very important -Cope
Kass and Kal are going to be living at the Enclave for the duration of an upcoming yinglet festival.
Gone feral lost the plot on me when it started being about multiversal time travel with 5d chess starring the worst fucking dr who knockoff vs Blood The Multiversal Destroyer of Bloody Blood Bloodness
At least that's what I recall what's happening now?
Anon you're thinking of endtown
Openly furry threads have seemingly been allowed back recently, i take it anons are testing the waters on decade-long inexplicably banned comics. Last time it was twokinds
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oh god I am I FUCKING AM
gone feral's good I remember now that's the one with the dome
>and keeps up an NSFW account
that i ain't aware
this comic is engraved in my mind because of the author's doctor who self insert, in my life i never felt such annoyance at a fictional character dear lord
the only good one was the alt one that was a fox and died
That's Endtown.
I know people get them mixed up, and that's understandable since Endtown was part of Gone Feral's inspiration, but it's more than a little unfair.

Endtown was set way in the future, waaaay after the chaos of the first mutations and war. It's post-Apocalyptic, about rebuilding society after a collapse.

Gone Feral is set in "present day" and kicks off about 20 seconds after the "Big Change" hit. It's about the initial reactions in the minutes/days/weeks after whatever the fuck happened. There also might be some elements from The Matrix or The Prisoner or something, because it's sure as fuck looking like someone with sci-fi tech was prepared to lock the whole city in a force field of some sort. There are shenanigans of a very different sort form what Endtown was about.
No, anon, the point is the fetish. Doesn't mean you can't tell a significant story with that or that it is not good, it is. But the source of it is the fetish.
I still enjoy reading endtown.
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Also, if you are content with your TF just being MuscleGain+BreastExpansion, there is a webcomic that came out recetly that is called Awkward Amazon

(technically /co/ legal, but a mod who would not look twice might confuse the tits cover as actual bare tits)
what's even happening in the comic right now?
Technically true except you're wrong about TF being the fetish in question. The setting for the comic was something Val planned out years ago, and tf wasn't even going to originally be a part of it. The original concept for OOPS was an olgalf style raunchy comedy that was just going to follow various human and alien relationships in the city
fucking dodged a bullet there holy shit
Yeah, according to val the decision to make it a more focused story, and later to have kass get yinged, came MUCH later.
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The faction of Topsiders who were trying to save the Anthro got their base taken over by multiverse contamination madness which resulted in their haven being destroyed and being a blip on the radar of the rest of the topsiders, so no the surviving anthro have to run away for their lives.

Also, we recently learned that the reason people turn antrho is because they got affected by a parallel universe that only exist in the imagination of a cartoonist, moment before his own world was blown up by the sun and the reason some humans don't turn anthro is because they don't have equivalents in that cartoon universe to be turned into.
what does yinglet cum taste like
rusted pennies.
I'm more curious than anything, not really sure what you find unreasonable, it would be more productive if you wrote that down instead.

>/co/ likes to talk about things too.
Yes, that wasn't the point though.

Interesting, seems true so far since the thread is still alive. If this truly ends up being the case and not just an anomaly, then the merge could happen the other way around too, the /trash/ thread could retire and everyone from there could move here. The only question is how nsfw the discussions and the art can get since this is a blue board. Even if the rules are looser, I guess /trash/ is still less restrictive, but maybe it's worth it anyway?
>not really sure what you find unreasonable
NTA but what is unreasonable is the mod not letting us have conversation about this comic here.

Looks like it can be brought back here, currently so we might as well do.

>The only question is how nsfw the discussions and the art can get since this is a blue board.
That could be specific to Trach. And then there is also the possibility to link to /aco/ threads from here.
>what is unreasonable is the mod not letting us have conversation about this comic here.
I agree, but since a solution for this exists for many years now, that being the consistent threads on /trash/, I think it makes sense to use it.

>That could be specific to Trash. And then there is also the possibility to link to /aco/ threads from here.
Possible, but then there's still fragmentation, just at a different point. Still an improvement if at least all the normal discussions can be in one place, but it would be even better if everything could be in the same place. Since the /trash/ threads are already there for years, it wouldn't be much effort to achieve this. Really all that would need to happen is to consider the /trash/ threads as the go-to ones.
>Possible, but then there's still fragmentation
Porn content for comic regularly talked about on on /co/ has always been treated like this, it wouldn't have more fragmentation than it usually have.

the point of having thread on /co/ is also to pick the interrest of other /co/mrade who come here to talk about comic and stumble upon new one. a less frequent occurrence on /trash.
(also, anyone who has paid attention to the unending thread of Questionable Content know porn has been frequently posted in those thread via simple links toward imgur)
Having used the /trash/ threads, I still think it's more convenient that you don't even have to leave the thread or the site, but if it's possible to make it happen here without much friction, that's helpul.

For the new readers, yeah another anon mentioned it as well, so I can see it being useful, but the thread simply could function as a signpost to point towards the main thread. Admittedly that makes a little less sense now if the threads here are not constantly deleted anymore, but I don't know, functionally speaking, using the trash thread still makes more sense in my head.
>the /trash/ thread could retire and everyone from there could move here
Generals are not allowed on /co/ senpai
Making a new thread when a webcomic update with a new page is not a general, anon.
The cruelty was very important to her.
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>the reason people turn antrho is because they got affected by a parallel universe that only exist in the imagination of a cartoonist, moment before his own world was blown up by the sun and the reason some humans don't turn anthro is because they don't have equivalents in that cartoon universe to be turned into
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Has a baxxid ever vored a yinglet
Could've fucking been as simple as
>The apocalypse caused a dimensional combination and if you don't exist in universe X you die in universe Y
also wait wasn't there an entire fucking plot about how you need to be unconscious to be transformed?
Probably not no. By the time the two species met the baxxid were already playing nice
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>>The apocalypse caused a dimensional combination and if you don't exist in universe X you die in universe Y
But that would result in having no humans, then?

>also wait wasn't there an entire fucking plot about how you need to be unconscious to be transformed?
It's not so much a plot point but rather one of the characteristic of the transformation. That rule has never been broken, so far.
It was an interesting romp to go through, spacing it all in about a week a year or so ago, but imagining waiting a decade for it seems like it would have been agonizing.
I mean, waiting months for them to get on the boat to leave only to be now back to actual Endtown but now we are focusing on the rats already got me out of it. Maybe he's planning to unleash the unhuman monstrosities/experimental children on the town but I assume it's just gonna be more political drama.
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...this is real?
this is actually part of the comic???
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Unironically ahead of its time but behind the times for the scary toon monster genre
don't make me pick this up again
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this is unreal
If there was a point to pick up the comic again, it would be this one:
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unrelated but is this explanation for furries existing for a hypotetical setting any less retarded:
>there is an animal and human god
>human god can't/won't stop humans from destroying nature so animal god kills itself out of spite
>humans all turn into random furries as all animals dissapear because they have no "leader" making them exist anymore
If this is a comic, you gotta tell the name of it.
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I bet there was one Jeffrey Dahmer Baxxid
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There's a lot of yinglet vore art out there
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sorry anon, that's just my autistic daydreaming
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You know this is a oops thread right?
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>it was a toon tf plot this whole time
I would expected that from a furry comic not Endtown
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We'll skip ahead.

Oh well, I am soon done anyway.
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Always has been
Just stop
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Almost finished.
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>>147828866 (OP)
>you're one of the good ones Kass, don't come to the enclave tomorrow
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Please stop
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There's no stopping the Endtrain
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And... it's done.
Now that anons have gotten the full context, we can now resume our normal thread.
We actually are about to finally get some insight into whatever the fuck yinglets belive in
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If we cut away the other panels, he's having a great time!
For additional context check >>147842868
and >>147839101
Oh well. Today's day-dreaming might one day become tomorrow's comic.
what? did he just notice this now?

fffuck you rereading endtown was not in my plans
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>what? did he just notice this now?
He actually was told about it before and we have seen how they react to it already.

Humans who have been changed into anthro have selective amnesia about certain aspect of themselves, like having 8 fingers or fast healing and even when pointed out, they will forget about it again soon after.
so you telling me endtown's setting is the consequences of chris chan's dimensional merge
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>the reason some humans don't turn anthro is because they don't have equivalents in that cartoon universe to be turned into.

That reminds me of a similar thing in Zebra Girl, that's a tf comic too, I guess.

god I'm so glad I dropped endtown around the end of the holly arc
the last time that thing was good was around the milk trials
Oh dear god imagine lippie meeting kal
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Technically the rabbit and the devil girl are two aspects of the same soul, from different dimensions
Actually now that I think about it did the trademaster square this with vizlet at all? Is this an incredibly passive aggressive way of telling her to get her shit together after the brakka stuff? Sending an armored death worm to hang out around the straw huts and the small fragile rat creatures that live in them definitely feels like a power move.
wasn't zebra girl just the daughter of some big important demon dude who was written as a throwaway joke at the beginning of the comic when it was a gag strip and then they wrote him into the story to explain why she's capable of doing these things

I thought rabbitdude was just a random cartoon rabbit

Haven't read zebragirl in forever
Was this drawn by the Fox in Space guy?
Great comic, and a great ending, that thing that so eludes the vast majority of webcomics.
"oooh we're so oppressed all our threads get deleted ooooohhhh"
no they fucking don't you retards
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He should send all the unstable killing machines he has, just to show he means business!
Come on there are worse furry fetishes out there and val knows them all
Considering her enclave is a direct source of violent crime in the city it's not like sje can really say no. The real question is where is he meant to sleep? The poor guy can't even handle a bug crawling on him.
Baxxid might not even sleep. When he talked to the sun thirster parent, he waited a full day for the answer. Val also avoids answering questions about sleeping, meaning it's a spoiler to some level, so it's probably unusual.
When reached for comment as to why he sent those two in particular, Veracroix was reported to have said "Honestly? I just wanted to see what would happen."
>A Kat's (GOD AWFUL!!!)
I'm more of a Bodysuit 23 man myself anon.
Shame he trooned out so the comics never gonna end
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Lord Incubus called her his daughter because it was his magic that transformed her, but she was Sandra Eastlake, a human at the beginning.

When they travel to the alt furry dimension where they pick up Sam (Rabbit dude) several of the critters there are similar to people in the human world, and it turns out they're alt versions. Sam and Sandra are one such pair.

Nope. He's doing a new comic set in the same universe - witchwarp.com afaik he's done nothing else long form.

Yeah, really stuck the landing
From the description of artifacts, how there's zero infrastructure to be found, the 'year 0' being roughly 1000 years before, and religious yinglets getting objectively true 'visions' from space of where artifacts can be found. I'm guessing that the planet is result of a failed colonization/terraforming project and there's some automated systems in orbit that some yinglets can naturally tap into, hinted at there being some nanotech artifact to turn random living matter into more yinglets - they're probably an engineered organic solution for salvage.
...yinglets are chakats?
From what val has said yinglets actually have a religion. The central enclaves are s theocracy that belives that yinglets are the the chosen race that will one day rule the world.
That's not a religion, they are simply stating a matter of fact
No val specified it's a state religion of some kind
So they're Jewish?
>>147828866 (OP)
how does baxxid/yinglet intercourse work???
Aren't baxxids like fungus? Kass might be full of spores right now
No, that was an old fan theory that never really made sense

>scifi comic where the yinglets work in baxxid bioships
I'd read it
Crossover With Lusty Argonian Maid When?
Wait, I remember this one. World of Dymmir or something?
About a nerdy girl that becomes a strongfat amazon, a super-hung goblin,a big titted witch, a futa kobold and their sexy adventures, right?
It's been done in some bonus patreon pics.
Yeah pretty much, they even have the high rates of mental illness
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Anger at own existence
Yes, but it's not meant to look quite like that. GoComics didn't like the size of his uploads and they came out funky.
Yeah...it's pretty much an "Island Of Misfit Toys" situation. If you don't sit in with your own kind, come here.
There is nothing wrong with that.
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I just want to learn more about the lesser Yinglet and when will Ran expose Kass to one.
If that's the case, then it's a reboot. There aren't that many pages and she just got introduced to a female Goblin.
Considering Viracroix, it's less of an "everyone is welcome" and more of an "everyone can be useful"
Maybe we'll get to see a lesser ying execution at the festival
They're basically the white rhinos for the local drug lord
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>.it's pretty much an "Island Of Misfit Toys" situation.
OOPs isn't a fetish comic but it's a dangerous gateway drug. First you read about Kass and baxxids and next thing you know you have a tgtf yinglet fursona and posting on /trash/
Question: if my only kind of TG fetish is having cismen being turned into women agaisnt their will and being made uncomfortable and embarrassed with it, does that still count as fetishising trans-people, seeing that an actual transwoman welcoming and rejoicing over the change is actually a trun-off for me?
Please never post again
In Ishers case that's pretty much exactly what she is
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bestest baxxid boy
It's obvious the artist is being turned in by a man being emasculated and reduced. It makes for an interesting character, but the motivation is impossible to ignore.
*turned on
Based weirdo
The sweetest murder worm
>tf comic
Team fortress???
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Took me a second

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