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This is, how you say the posterior!
>>147853204 (OP)
??? What? Your sentence doesn't make sense.
>>147853204 (OP)
she should eat more to get bigger butt haha ha
It really doesn't. If OP wanted it to make sense, he should have added a comma after 'say', moron.
>>147853204 (OP)
What show
Dc super hero girls phrase 2 from Lauren Faust. First was a high school setting with a different design
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>>147853204 (OP)
That's how she talks in the show
Pure deviantart tier autism lmao
Let's take her out to Taco Whiz.
Not really
oh no she'll get huge haha
noo how wacky, why would you say that, haha
worst thread today
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>>147853204 (OP)
She knows what a butt is. She's foreign not stupid
haha what if her pants ripped whilst eating
Diana, comfortably seated in a booth, takes a bite of her Mighty Meltdown Burrito, the satisfying crunch of the tortilla mingling with the savory filling. The sound of the soft taco filling squelching as she bites into it makes her pause for a second, but the pressure on her waistline only increases.

As she shifts slightly, trying to adjust for comfort, there’s a sudden snap. The seam along the rear of her pants splits, the fabric stretching and ripping, creating a soft shhhhh sound. Her eyes widen slightly as she realizes the tear has exposed part of her Amazonian skin. She glances around, but her coworkers are too absorbed in their own meals to notice.

With a quick, awkward motion, Diana stands up, the tear widening with a gentle pop, and she hurriedly covers it with one hand, the fabric stretching and groaning under the pressure. The soft rustling sound of the fabric as she tries to adjust only makes the situation worse.

She lets out a quiet sigh, laughing to herself, “Guess that’s what happens when you eat one too many tacos…” the sounds of her own voice mixing with the low hum of the restaurant as she tries to compose herself.
This is absurd. No way Diana would split her pants while shoveling greasy, gassy, sloppy Mexican food greedily down her gullet, massaging the gurgling bloated orb spilling into her lap vigorously as she shamelessly unleashes deep, bass-boosted wet belches with an ahegao expression. Such a thing would not happen.
I really hate faggots
They were gay
Go on...
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I guess the fandom for this show is finally dead
Well obviously every other place sold out of bathing suits, Zee
The Caseyfag killed the threads.
These threads survived Industry Cuck spam, can survive this too
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True. Sad the show is dead, but at least I have Aislop to keep me company.
They’ve been gone for like 2 months. I think it’s more so the fact that this show has been dead for 3 years and frankly, didn’t have much to talk about aside from thirsting for the girls
What the fuck is a Caseyfag?
>>147853204 (OP)
diana has a nice butt
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How do we save DC Superhero Girls
We kill Zaslav
Sadly, there is absolutely no way

The whole reason this brand even existed was to sell dolls, and the ones from this show flopped hard.

There’s no way to watch this show legally, it’s been completely purged as a tax writeoff.

And DC has moved on to making a new cartoon about their superheroes in high school.

It’s fucking joever.
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Look we all know who has the best butt on the team
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5j_9rDh3TE&ab_channel=DCSuperHeroGirls [Embed]

A guy or maybe more who were Casey Krinsky fans. Went on dcshg threads spamming about her needing a redemption episode, writing about how she was a victim, or even asking drawfags to draw her.

One drawfag admitted he stopped posting drawings for threads thanks to spammers and Caseyfags.
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>>147853204 (OP)
>we want the latino male audience.
As a deep Casey sympathizer myself, I agree a redemption would’ve been cool, but she was sure as hell no victim. Unless maybe she was abused or bullied, which would explain her extreme self-hatred.
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That sucks. I was gonna ask him to draw a fanart of Casey, but didn’t wanna to get grouped in with them.

Btw I low-key ship her with Rose Wilson. I feel that she’s kind, tough and understanding enough to help her learn to love herself.
Fuck James Gunn for not trying to bring this show back to life.
Really? Removing the bikini pic, mods? It was in a dozen of threads before and never any complains
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As much as I’d like to see more, it’s a bit silly to expect Gunn to even know that kid’s show even existed
And they leave up the fartshit
Really makes you think
I'm on board
I posted in the thread for the 6th anniversary but it died
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zeetroons killed the threads before of that
Oh fuck off. Literally rent free
Huh, is that new?
What kind of panties does Diana wear
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white cotton...
She’s overrated af. She’s hot, but she’s also annoyingly egotistical
I wouldn’t say Zee’s annoying, but yeah her attitude gets on my nerves sometimes, especially the way she talks with Karen. I never bought her conflicts of dealing with dark magic and feeling alone and insecure.
Her attitude us part of the appeal
>I never bought her conflicts of dealing with dark magic and feeling alone and insecure.
Really? It’s honestly the best character writing the series has
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>Tatsu, did you see where I placed my undergarments?
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Nah the 2-3threads with the unfunny chubby girl that kiled herelf after her episode was when the DCSHG threads started to loose steam.

We will regain the energy, slowly...
yeah, posted a couple of weeks ago
I just saw it on rule34 when I was checking for new stuff
Nah, that’s just what happens when a show’s been dead for 3 years now.

These threads just talk about how sexy the girls are and not anything else.
Those schizos were the ones keeping the threads alive, ironically. Sorry to say this, but it’s joever for this show. It’s never coming back.
the threads did visibly slow down and die after the casey spam for a bit but I don't think it's significant, there's been other spammers like that
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Yeah, but still. People here just talk about how they wanna fuck the girls and nothing about the story or characters. The show’s been dead for a while now and unless by some divine miracle, it comes back, I’m sad that it’s finally fading into obscurity. You can’t even watch the episodes legally anymore.
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Yoto. Other draawfiends. Horny. And memes...it all kept the threads alive
Milking a dying cow. This show is fucking dead and it’s never coming the fuck back and I wanna fucking cry (not really).
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This. I love how vain, spoiled, and narcissistic she is, it's hot as fuck.
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Am I simp? Yes.
Am I ashamed? No.
Same schizo.
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Well, talk about whatever subject you'd like then.
I'm fine with it, some shows don't even have that going for them
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>Lois your dumpy is just fine as it is <pecks on her forehead>
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Karen is way too good for Lois.
Best girl
Third best.
Fucking criminal she was only in one episode.
I know what I said and stand by it
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They probably would have brought her back as Ravager had the show gone on. But alas...
Would’ve been refreshing to have a kind, positive Ravager.
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But im not okaying her loosing an eye. She keeps both of her beautiful baby blues!
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Who the fuck has gotten gassy from donuts?
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Sorceress Zee is so hot. I remember there was another drawing f her, I think from porkchop, but I don't think it can be shown here
I still love with all my heart but there is literally nothing to talk about it, even netflix killed the show
There is the VN. Have there been any updates on that?
Netflix had like 20 episodes forever when there was 80+, bunch of cheapskates
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>"Uh... could you let me down soon? I had a really big soda earlier and---"
>"Oh, well in that case..."
>Ivy commands her vine to shake Batgirl up and down
I hate to see all the waifuist bastions of /co/ go out. Emmy the robot, Ongezellig, this, not even Loud House threads are active anymore.
All the waifufag show communities are gone, now just singular waifu cultists remain, like the ones for Frankie or XJ9. Steven Universe waifufags seem to still exist I guess.
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>me sitting in the secondrow of the show suddenly feelingsomething is grabing my dick...
Actually, the current Loud House thread is still going strong. It’s this show that’s slowly fading into obscurity
It's not fair...
>going strong
If only you knew how bad things truly were. I appreciate the thought though.
You guys have something here. Not a lot but something. You can't give up, because when you give up, then it'll well and truly be over. You'll stop checking in. People will get bored or lonely and stop coming, and you'll miss those friends so much. There's always something to talk about, if you're willing to try.

Don't lose hope DCSHG anons. Not like so many of us have. Good night.
Looking kind of chubby there, Jess.
>Look! I can make them sound like tuba notes!
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Really? It's peaked Cute Girls Doing Cute Things for someone who can't stand most japshit of the same genre
Only a woman could draw hips like this(this is a compliment)
Looks more like a real latina though.
I can see her shithole...
Oh, so my post about "wind-based attacks" gets a warning, but a half-hidden leather Cheerio stays up for 7 hours?
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Are there ANY good fanfics for this show? It might take some of the sting of it being dead away, a little. We have fanart out the ass but I've never gotten a fic rec from these threads. Does it even have fics? Non-porny ones, I mean.
Dunno. Try AO3 and see if there's anything there
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Who are the other two?
Cause youre a fetishist.

Also trying to bring ithers down cause you got spanked is low brow
>Cause youre a fetishist
And? The guy who posted >>147862086 is probably some kind of pervert, too; and that's not judgement, either.
>trying to bring [o]thers down
I'm just asking for a little bit of consistency.
Check out AO3
>search show
>order based on kudos
1. Marinette
2. MHA
3. Lincoln Loud harem
4. Iruma-Kun
5. MHA Deku harem
Holy fuck it's so bleak.
I love this Lois so much bros, She can have all the donuts she wants
Then we must be the change we wish to see in the world. Is anyone here good at writing?
Well, of course the ones with the most kudos are gonna be mashups with far more popular shows.

You gotta dig deeper and check out even the overlooked ones.
only one of those is a butt though
Dount it as it's not visible much.
Carol is just showing ass. Not as degenerate as you inflatiin, fart or feet freaks. No consistency for you
The Bee
Bee's bees
Lick her tummy, kiss her cheeks, hug her.
No molest...just.consensual
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Mmmm, its better down where its wetter...under the sea
I have a friend who's written some fics which are, in my opinion at least, pretty damn good.

But other than that not really
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They'd be stupid not to.
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Not to what? (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)
>¡Buenos dias, Zatara!
Test the limits of their scissoring stamina.
Weakness: Human male cock
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Accepting Harley's help to slowly buold up immunity by getting second hand taste of Pammy's saliva from Harleys french kissing...
Or just forcing through, sloppilly kising Pammy before loosing consciousness and mumbling "worth it"
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Zee's lovely legs...
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God he's such a loser
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Hal is an idiot.
How can you dump this cutie?
As opposed to human female cock?
There's a level of crazy beyond which even the hottest girl is a bad investment. Literally consult the chart.
I don't judge
There’s a chart?
Hal has always been a complete idiot. He's basically Goku unless the JL are around to be the real heroes.
still would
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This art is unironically what got me into this show
Dare I ask?
Super hot, hardly and crazy. Rare as a unicorn— basically saying doesn't exist.
They're a Rarity.
I want to shove my finger in there...
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that's a good place to start
Lois is quietly the sexiest one.
I bet she could even suck your finger dry.
Need that. Hal was a fool to throw a girl as fine as her away
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>>147853204 (OP)
This, is how you eat a Big Mac Nigga
>Smacks it
Never thought I'd see that referenced in a DCSHG thread
>Babs slapping a burger out of Kara's hands
>She tears off her shirt and tells Babs to square up
AI trash.
Why does she have asscheeks?
Drawfag should do more of these mermaid Rose artworks. Maybe her doing the pose Ariel did while singing “spend a day warm on the sand”.
Star fire has created a generation of chungus women
Or maybe her checking out her legs after having been turned human.
Because sex
I find it kinda funny how some of this show’s writers went on to write for Big City Greens.
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Cause her genes are stronger than mermaid anatomy.
That bakery is glorious
And one of the directors went on to create Invincible Fighting Girl.
Incorrect. What's needed isn't commas, but quotation marks. It should say:
>This is how you say "the posterior"!
The shot of her lying on the ocean floor and relaxing with her arms up?
Her cheeks soo soft...her lips so pillowy...her tongue like heaven.
Would she do a bro a solid?
I should jerk off
That bra’s too small and that strap is too weak. Someone draw her bra falling off.
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So soft and squisshy. HNNNG
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I wanna rub her chubby belly and kiss it. Where are you, Drawfag?
Ravage her...gentlly
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no one's stopping you bro
I will squeeze her tummy as I do so
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Fuck look at those solar batteries.
>Kara do you need someone to massage them to better...um...absorb solar radiation?
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Kara is part of the dick suckin lips club ,right?
I wanna kiss her tummy and unstrap her clamshells.
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Whole cast is
I don’t get the appeal with Kara. She canonically has poor hygiene.
Big tits
Big butt
Somewhat muscular
Has a really cute sweet side
Just gotta get her to improve her hygiene and we're good
Slobs are hot.
they should do the opposite in fact
>She canonically has poor hygiene.
And that's a good thing!
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she has the charm
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Abejita negra
She's saying that because its making her wet and you are in public.
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>(whispers) but when were alone...youre my little niggress, right Karen?
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do not call my angel that word
how come this doesn't happen to others? how do i get him to go down?
he used to go down every once in a while but now it's once every 10 or so, not everytime as he did before
It's funny because Zee is kind of this show's Dress Horse.
What are you talking about, Anon?
>even farts can't save this show
It's never been more over for this thing.
She doesn't actually lose an eye, it's just for the style.
>not degenerate
I want you to be eviscerated by a wind based attack.
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depends, jess is pure, so her ass is not degenerate
no, all of them are made for self inserters puberscent fans from other shows
Best girl, hands down.
Her voice is almost perfect, and it fits the sensuality that Eartha Kitt espoused perfectly.
I always wondered how during the 2010s, with all the desire to have women of different ethnicities in media, how we only got one black catwoman with an Eartha Kitt-inspired voice.
Internally, Jess is wondering how long she can stay in that position before the five vegan burritos she had for lunch with Babs starts making her play music
And I married one :)
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The Allstate comercial has a hit black Catwoman
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>Psst, thats how sex works Babs...you take a boy's pp and make it disappear i you, like...this
Rose Wilson didn’t deserve to be a one-off character.
when the show was new during season one i had some of the best time on /co/
real shame how it went out
This show was relatively popular as well. CN and WB really managed to make it slowly fade into obscurity.
that's also partially because the creator left for a netflix deal and that got nuked.
Fuck her for that.
For Kid Cosmic?
Fuck this gay earth!
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Fanart of a fanart
That’s so funny,

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