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Any and all are welcome, from Prina to Anime-Tamae and everything inbetween
>Old school fans: What do you like/improved with his newer works?
>New school fans: What would you like to see return from his older works?
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I thought this thread was about the alchemical rebis for a bit until I opened it. That is all. Carry on.
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Well that's how he chose his name if iirc.
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Anyone got the image of a red hair buff miner(the job, not age) jerking on the job? Had to go to a closed part of the site to find it but now that site is gone and archive web doesn't work.
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Will we ever get to see the Prina final after the cliffhanger?
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I like to imagine her sister just ended winning anyway
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When we started getting new pictures about a year and a half ago, I thought we'd get some semi-regular updates. But we haven't gotten any in a long time now so I'm guessing he's forgotten about it again
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I really like some of his bestiary.
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>>Old school fans: What do you like/improved with his newer works?
His new works new futa in it. I miss Prina.
Anyone ever got his hands on his new mega old work compilation?
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love Gaster fanarts. She's my favorite character
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idk if its what your thinking of, but recently there was an update to his archive that included what was called "Arsenothelus Complete Collection" and idk if that's what your thinking of. It does have around 5 really old works in it though, including Alchemical Dance, Androgyous Indulgence, and Elixir 4.
The will just end up marrying everyone else at the same time or just Prina will take everyone including her mother, aunt, sister as her wives maybe even all the succubus in the labyrinth.
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>It does have around 5 really old works in it though, including Alchemical Dance, Androgyous Indulgence, and Elixir 4.
Yeah that's what i mean. Could you share it anon? please?
Anybody got more of his new AI-enhanced stuff?
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Here you go. Unfortunately the zip file is 330mb, which is over Catboxes permanent file limit, so I used Litterbox and set it to 3 days. Hope it lasts long enough for you to grab
I was initially hesitant to post his AI stuff, but I can dump more later on in the thread if people are ok with more of his AI experimentation's.
Maybe CG/AI isn't allowed on the board but you could post a zip dump to catbox.moe or something. I'd love to see it, I have only seen a handful of his work that's been on pixiv and such.
Bump damnit. Live.
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Thank you very much anon, i did manage to download it.

I really miss Rebis old art style.
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Where is this from? i have read all Rebi's stuff but i don't remember these girls. Which series are they from?
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Its from the "Arsenothelus Complete Collection" that was posted earlier. It looks like its from an old sketch/doodle that never turned into anything more unfortunately
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Still no new Prina stuff? Rebis promised new Prima stuff last year. I am quickly lossing hope of another chapter.
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>I've also slowly restarted drawing for Prina!
>The characters from the Dungeoneering Princess series are so familiar to my hand that even just sketching them feels strangely comforting.
From a Patron post from 01/31/2024 talking about what he's been working on
Nice thanks anon, hope the art style is not too different from the last chapter.
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Is there any chance someone here would be willing to share the prina saga? I can't find all the chapters translated
anon.... it's on the panda....
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Probably my most anticipated release this year now. Sitting on that penultimate cliffhanger for so many years has been rough, and damnit I just wanna see some Ero stories I get invested in have an ending after being burned over Angel Blade having been left unfinished.

Also we can finally see what the deal was over Prina's half-sister keeping her hymen intact for some scheme to gain the throne was.
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I hope one day he sits down and finishes that hypno story he started. He really could have ended it after the MC fucked all 5 of the first girls.

But he went off and teased an entire school arc and has left it on the back burner for what feels like years. I'm not asking that it be long, but you might as well finish it. Plus school hypno stuff is rife with potential. There should be no dearth of ideas.
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For me that's my one big complaint with Rebis. He's always jumping back and forth between ideas/projects. How long has he been working on ch18 of Anime-Tamae? And remember that Post Apocalyptic Bimbo that he never finished? I guess it's a good way to avoid burnout on certain projects, but he keeps starting new things before finishing up other projects. That said I cant wait to see how that Hypno Academy series turns out, since apparently going to be sort of reverse-gangbang/multiple partners/orgy focused series?
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It'd be cool if he did a story about that one family he drew that was dark skinned and had like 3 or 4 sexy daughters, a sexy bimbo mom and a sexy bimbo shemale dad.
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Any more of this one?
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Not really. Just a solo and a shota variant, but I dont have the shota variant on hand. I THINK it's on his SubscribeStar, but I could be misremembering.
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He can't keep getting away with this! He can't keep coming out with pin-ups teasing great stories he has no plans to write. He just can't...
>regarded as one of the best futa/bimbo artist on par with chinbotsu, makoto uno, one of th ebiggest reasons I'm into futa
>opts out from futa to make bimbo/gyaru stuff
>from hot futa mosnter girls rutting each other in every possible way imagineable, its just the same-ish schoolgirl bimbo pinup stuff with glow dodge, and add bloom layers
>new project on top of new projects
>goes even further to go full AIslop from his original works
>add cherry on the top to make those uncanny semi-realistic japanese faces.

What the fuck was he thinking?
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>Translation never
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What was funny was that that was one of two potential stories people could vote for, however the vote was so lopsided, and there was alot of discussion about the two stories, that he scrapped both. However he got attached to the girl in the other story that he tweaked her design and added her to the Harem Academy story.
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Will he ever release the last chapter? I've never understood why he stopped right at the conclusion.
Her sister started to love her. I think that they will go through why her mother had to abandon her sister, they will stop to repress their feelings and will all love each other. They'll defeat her aunt though, because she's really evil and manipulative. I think that Prina will unite both worlds too. In the end maybe even her aunt will become good, not on this arc though.
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What your opinion on Anime-Tamae? Do you think it's a decent try at a non-H manga? Would it make a decent anime, and who would you have voice who?
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If the author doesn't pull a Kentaro Miura and dies before he releases the final chapter.

He must be pushing 60 years at this point.
What's the plot? never read it, since it didn't seem to have any futa character at all i couldn't care less.
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>when I realize that Gumroad becoming Retarded and planning to stop selling NSFW content means cutting off one of the few avenues to support Rebis financially by buying translated versions of his doujins and galleries
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>payment processors get what they want yet again
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Sagiri Murakumo and Shinka Kotobuki, high school girls who are newbie voice actresses, are shrine maidens who use the power of their voices to call for the power of the gods to fight beautiful evil yokai. Meanwhile, Shinka's mother has gone missing while trying to bring peace to the dark goddess. Sagiri and Shinka must defeat and purify various yokai while trying to figure out what happened to Shinka's mother. The story includes characters and elements loosely based on Japanese folklore, Shintoism and Buddhism.
>TL;DR Magical girl (Shrine Maiden) vs Monster (yokai) of the week. All of the yokai are cute girls as well
Thanks anon. But if it doesn't have futa in it i can't really bring myself to read it.
He need returns on futa club sub
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I will never not forget the fact that Rebis once made a Vtuber avatar and we never saw it again after like 3 vids. Also it was the same time I found out he had a YouTube channel where he shows off his minis he paints
Had no idea either, Rebis is terrible at promoting his stuff.
>ds. Also it was the same time I found out he had a YouTube channel where he shows off his minis he paints
does it still exist?
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>Field Guide translations never
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I really hate Prina's new loo, liked the old art style better.
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I know this isn't /r/ but does anyone have the full and alt versions of this set?
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Sure here you go. Got both EN, JP, and Textless in there.

>The theme this time is "College Girls with Plain Faces but Lewd Bodies"
>The protagonist is once again "you"――
>You can interpret this character as the same protagonist from Harem Academy, or you can enjoy it as an independent character.
>Wanting to draw plain faces is perhaps a bit of a self-indulgence on my part. However, lately, the genres of "plain faces" and "mob faces" have been gaining traction, so I decided to take on this challenge!
>Thankfully, it turned out to be a very enjoyable creation process for me. I hope you find it enjoyable too!
holy shit thanks anon
I love the unassuming "rustic girl" thing so I was dying to see this set
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Now it's April and stil no new of the new Prina chapter.
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Need futa pic
I haven't been keeping up with Rebis since about 2015...he seemed to have pivoted away from futa to big booty.
to bimbos, but recently said he will at least complete the next chapter of Prina so there is hope but his style is way too different.
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