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if only nerdy red head latex girl was real
They exist but are *fucking rare*
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Need more of this character
>find cool character
>nice leather/latex outfit
>hits all the right notes
>check to see what their name is or if the artist has more
>it’s a WOL from FF14 commission again

Gat blam it I tell ya hwat I hate that dang mmo I hope Yoshi-P only finds yellow starburst every time he buys one
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women that are into latex are 'fucking rare' in general. The eternal latex thread of /s/ has taught me that
Yeah. Easier to find a girl and (slowly) turn her into that latex girl.
They do- if you count a very feminine Trans masc. my bf is AFAB and adorable as hell. Except for the glasses, and that he has very curly, even longer hair, he’s just like her fr.

Not sure if he’s into latex, haven’t asked, but he brought up to me that he wants to tie me in shibari!

Tip: get queer dominated hobbies. Find cute ppl
Please more latex bondage
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I get that queer individuals are more open sexually, so it's said.

Sadly I'm a self diagnosed sperg, terminallly hetero and Catholic. In other words I'm fucked and not in the good way
Good advice for finding kinky relationships, bad for finding stable and committed ones.
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sometimes you just wanna indulge your kink and get your rocks off.
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Both me and my partner are trans and we're both into this kind of stuff. We've both tied eachother up a bunch and we've both looked at getting latex gear and such when we have a bit of cash. We've been together for 10 years now so it's definitely a doablething, ultimately relationships are about trust and being able to talk issues out when they present themselves. In my opinion, this kind of stuff is just an extension from that.
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The Maid serves the Master, but sometimes the Master must serve the Maid.
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nothing wrong with being a switch, keeps things interesting
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Hey Ohpee I think Siri is really cute and you should comm her getting tied up more often
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What is a good anime, other than Totally Spies, to watch cute girls doing cute latex stuff?
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"Gushing over magical girls", trust me you will enjoy it
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After a long time of faffing around I have finally finished another chapter. Only one Bioniko is still unmasked. What could be her secret...
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Red latex please.
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Love this thread
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Fine taste
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ok i just finished the most recent chapter, this is not what i was expecting, how many parts are you planning to make?
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Some of my original stuff for yall
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Hope this is ok to post
One more, this time about Gamma...

After that we will see.
What did you think of Beta's story?
Was it at least engaging?
very nice
I'm liking it, especially the sheen on Hex' leggings and the way you make out the seams.
The way it folds around the sides of the knee seems a little off, though.

draw more!
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it was definitely weaker than the ther 2, when it comes to gamma i have 4 guesses
-an actual robot
-an antisocial neet
-a member of the royalty or another kind of important figure
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where is this from?
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Best thread on /d/
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Love this particular style of latex texture, wish more people did it. Also love the latex and casual clothes thing.
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the king returns
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i want to buy a latex suit but i don't want to ask on twitter out of fear of pornbots
any recs?
Boy and/or girl? US? EU? Faguette or straightish?
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Anyone else into the idea of work clothes made of latex? I feel it's really underrated but I love the idea of stuff like business clothes or uniforms made of latex.
It is a hot look. Impractical for real world work, but I wonder if some could be made like the cloth-backed latex clubwear is to make it viable.
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>bisexual but all i really need is a dick zipper
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I feel the impracticality is part of the appeal, or a more perverse practicality (nurses wearing latex bodysuits as part of infection control)
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>cloth-backed latex clubwear
that's a travesty
also that stuff is not latex
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For me, it's latex aliens.
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Just found out about him after he deleted all of his fetish work out of the internet, and his stuff is right on my alley
There's a bunch of artists draw stuff on the same themes as him, but none seem to be as explicit
Pic is by Nishiun btw
Yea, he made some damn amazing stuff, sad he went full "fuck the baka gaijins" and hid behind protected twitter for his exclusive fanclub.
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Yeah, he had nice stuff. Exhentai has archive of older art.
reminds me of Osvaldo Greco's scuba stuff
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That one's nice, tho incomplete. Do you have any not included in these?
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mama's tight hot rubber suit
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Unfortunately, no.
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weeew this is total fashion inspo
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dumping some of my favourites
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Wouldn't this be considered as
Eldritch Horror/Nightmare waifu?
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New thread.
why? This thread isn't anywhere near the bump limit
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New Sho-Yan work: Zetsubo Jinsei
This one is not a doujin but a CG
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Just posting a few
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While I love their art ("Enka Boots" BTW), it's mostly femdom stuff and CBT, and that's not my thing. Back in the day, Dmitrys was the same. Love the latex, slutty outfits, little narratives, but hate how everything had a dick. Haven't actually seen anything from Dmitrys in a while.
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the other thing I don't like about Enka's stuff is that they draw women significantly taller than men.
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My problem with Enka is how fucking ugly the guys are in his drawings
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Can someone here help me find a story ?

It was about a reporter who gets herself sentenced to investigate a punishment system where criminals get sealed inside an anonymous self sustaining latex suit, and left to live their sentences outside, with the suit also forcing them to isolate themselves from any interaction with another person.

Im not sure, but I think it was on Literotica.
Thank you anon !
Do you know any more good unusual stories like this ?
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I can’t express how much I love “signature attire in rubber” stuff, especially if they’ve got a transparent/skin color suit on underneath.
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What was the deal with this artist?
I remember some shit talking going around with them
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dont they just take pictures of real people and then pixelate them?
Yeah pretty sure that's all they do but feel like there was credit stealing or smth because a lot of people draw over images with pixels without spurring drama
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A quick latex pokesuit artwork
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Praise be onto the rubber muse, I have finished it! Still planning to do an epilog chapter though.

To any anon who read the whole thing, who is your favorite Bioniko of the bunch?

>pic related is the doujin that inspired me to write this in the first place.
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Another complete story. That was a good read, thanks
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Dunno how you guys manage to post the same shit every thread at this point. Some of these images are old enough to be in middle school. There's a heap of new latex-based images being made out there and you're managing to post shit like >>10964200 , >>10939786 or >>10936444 and >>10935387 which are low quality in art as well.
Even if they're made by classic latex artists for the fetish, you could at least post the new stuff, this ain't hard to find. There's a reason I barely come to these threads anymore, it's the same stuff all the time.
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Hey, better this than the latex threads on /s/ with their regular reposts of that one image. (You know the one.)
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at this point that image is pretty much a commentary about how there is so much stuff reposted on those threads/lack of new content.

Also, they can't complain too much because it is latex and a biological woman is wearing it (even if she's a mess).
>(You know the one.)
Imagine the smell.
k bye
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and if you do post actual new stuff on /s/ they all start discussing if it's actually a female wearing it, /s/ is an actual cesspool.
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if you can't tell it doesn't matter does it?
pokesuits/beast body suits is a thing that has never really caught on here for whatever reason despite being fairly popular on pixiv
boy howdy does it matter. Anons on that board will scrutinize every aspect of a pic if there is not visible vagina. And even if they are female they'll complain if she has too many tattoos, too many piercings or has any defined curves. Now wonder new content is so freaking rare.
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"that's a suspicious amount of armhair"

they've actually never seen a woman irl.
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it's the whole Aloy discussion all over again
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Is there a full version of this?

Hope this helps
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