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It's new thread time, thanks for keeping us going as always.
Think of this as the sister to the Venus Thread.
Similar to that thread, this is for milfy, sexually mature women with curvy, full figures, but in this one they have just a little bit extra between their legs.
Futa on Venus welcome as well! Post it in here!
Previous thread here: >>10854836
For our sister Venus thread: >>10888503
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>I'm my own wing man
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peak thread
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Ah thanks anon, finally some good Venus futa cock that isn't super curved, doing gods work my friend.

>Verification not required
Futas have vaginas.
I'm not wrong.

>Inb4 no one cares
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Smol penis Venuses are precious
yeh and?
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It's a truly wonderful thing
I want her to rest her nuts on my face while I inhale the stench.
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Very cute
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>futa milfs unconsciously cumming a little just from being horny does wonders for me.
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yeah amazing stuff
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Oh that's a good one.
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Need more Lucca
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>GILF Kaine
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Preferably the mom
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Did you know Lilith once considered angel hermaphrodite.
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Wasn't she the same as Eve, a human?
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A happy ending.
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best post in the thread
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all their stuff is on kemono
i did this a while ago
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I wanna ride
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Yuri gonna coom hard
Nearly unreadable due to poor grammar. Have a 2nd person look over your writing.
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Teterun is god
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More shy/sub futa?
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Yeah, I wish
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We should call venus futas "smegmamas"
File deleted.
Edited Karasu's latest futa milf pic so the dick is guaranteed prolapse sized instead of internal bleeding sized.
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Dress under the dick looked weird.
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if only
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Why is Uno the only artist that regularly does big balled futa? Other's only do a pic or only do big balls along with big dick which changes the look and is not the same, much less a big balled, thick, futa milf.
I wish he would do a full on doujin with such a character but those days are gone aren't they?
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he ALMOST finished one, but goddamn it would’ve been too perfect so it was scrapped
would love another mom/daughter story from him
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did he really scrap it? please tell me you're kidding
hasn’t been touched in 4 years, I think it’s joever. but who knows
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Imagine if Uno made a one off animated thing like Haha Musume Donburi Oppai Tokumori Bonyuu Shiru Dakude.

Fucking diamonds.
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All I ever wanted was mama tama 2...
apparently that’s in the works. idk when though
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It's bewildering how some of the best venus futa artists are so low output. I think Hidarikiki is the only one who gets more than 1 work out a year.
anyone has the higher quality version from the Discord?
pls share!!
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Thread meme
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I really fucking love this recent picture.
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any doujins about childlike, ditzy venus futa? I'm craving a huge idiot with an overwhelming sex drive
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Finally this has a proper translation!
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>Wake up
>Resize there's a futa cock dwarfing the size of your entire body growing out of you
>Blood starts gushing towards your new cock
>Your enormous logsized cock creaks and twitches as it gets erect
>Your heavy sweating balls starts to grumble and churn
>By the time you realise what's going on, your newly grown has readied itself to cum
>Cue minutes of thick hot steamy cum ejcaculation and churning and production of highly virile sperm flooding your room and wiping out whatever thoughts you had in your mind
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Good stuff
I love fucked up bellends. Too bad the bar obscures the whole thing
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Any dick version?
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Right version
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is it just a custom to post this image in literally every venus futa thread
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It happens. People have their favorites, and there are times where there's not a ton of new images.
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>flat tomboy gf found my venus futa archive
>thought she'd be pissed
>instead she creates an 8ft mommy OC and writes about making me gargle her 15 boybreaker

Bros, what have I done?
You created your wife.
Marry her already
You found your wife
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>thing that didn't happen
I have three categories of filtered images for this reason
Bad = I don't wanna see it
Nothing special = I just keep seeing it
>Good = I already have it saved, so I don't need to keep seeing it online
>this artist never posted any socials or any way to follow him, doesn't even have a name or sign his work

Such a shame, that pic is pure sex.
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