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Girls getting glorped. Futa preferred but not required.
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I love that it's always ridiculously tiny guys/futas shooting out this amount of cum.
gotta have a girl big enough to hold it all
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Imagine producing more than your own bodyweight in cum. It would be so inconvenient.

No it wouldn't because the alternative would be walking around bloated full of cum yourself to be able to shoot that much out.
Well it certainly wouldn't be comfortable holding in all that cum wherever it may be
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I kinda assume they're gotta have a portal to the cum dimension in their balls or something. Otherwise the physics just don't make sense.
better to cum in the sink, than to sink in the cum.
>poseidon has been angered
>the rift to the milk dimension has been opened
Surely it's more likely to be Zeus? That horny old bastard.
Well a porn game where you cuminflate girls, then momster girls and eventually goddess too could be fun

Some cumflation images posted in a concurrent belly inflation thread.
Need more short boys cumflating big women.
Kawahagitei's stuff gets rather stale rather quickly, are there any other comic artists people can recommend?
Suidousui/Bosshi/eigetu are my go-to. Mimomel is good if you don't mind the short releases. Okuva and Kamotama have a couple tanks that feature cumflation that I like.
Fukuyama Naoto is alright but almost every work ends with the same kind of ahegao mindbreak stuff so it can also get samey.
For seriously hyper stuff I don't mind ruuru or Sakusyaaya.
>Dude listen it's like the Dark Souls of cumflation games you don't get it
Appreciate the recommendations anon. It's a shame so much cumflation is either futa or furry, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
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>barely can find any cumflation that veers into weight-gain/stuffing territory-
>anon anally blows a load into his partner.
>partner goes from 150lb 5'5 stick figure to 325lbs 6'7 and stacked, before blowing up into half a ton of blubbery tits, gut, ass smothering soft, doughy limbs.
It's all so tiring.
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Has it really been months since the last glorp thread?
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artist name anyone?
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Does anybody have more art where a woman being cumflated is encouraging her lover to keep filling her?
If so, please share.

Post overstuffed succubi and other cum consuming supernaturals please.
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That second image isn’t cumflation but she is in labor with her father’s battle opponent there.
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I always have a gripe with how that artist draws what I think are the ovaries sticking out at the sides of the belly. In my mind it just feels uncomfortable and, frankly, painful
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All of Hawahagitei's latest stuff has it, reminds me of the cyst I had on my fucking shoulder and it makes me laugh every time.
Artist name?
Isn't there a thing going around where the ovaries are actually like directly above the uterus instead of to the side?
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Or even more rare, when the girl is forcing the guy to cumflate her against his will. I've seen like 1 good pic and I neglected to save it.
>Local succubus attacking men during No-Nut November.
>Enraged screams of pleasure heard throughout the night.
>Succubus' sister finds her wobbling, stuck in an alleyway with a slap-sore, cum-covered ass and gut.
>Gets angry looks from what she could only describe as "skeletons with skin" carrying duffelbags worth of meaty junk.
>Born to cum, forced to cumflate
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How big is too big? If there is such a thing
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Doesn't exist.
I prefer the girl to be able to at least touch the ground on her tip toes.
House sized is the best for me, but there's no such thing as too big
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Sounds neat.
Ask for it in the /d/raw thread?
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Does not exist
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>cum out of the eyes/ears
Simultaneously the hottest and most horrifying thing.
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vast majority of porn artists are spineless fucking faggots who draw big dicks but never go balls deep with em, Hawahagitei is one of the few good ones who always delivers because he isn't a chickenshit
I respect their commitment to it, but the comics are so formulaic and all the girls look like their tits, vag and butts are grafted onto their body.
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FonkiMonki does a lot of such things
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fuckin love rapscallion
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they go by the names "lewdcactus" or "namespace"

their twitter https://twitter.com/____Namespace
God I need more chubby bitches getting filled and being able to carry a cum belly unoticed due to prior chubbiness. Imagine others rub her belly because of it, so she wants to bloat her belly bigger with cum
In a world of hyper cum I’d imagine media would adapt rapidly to the growing demographic of hypersexuals. YouTube clickbait brain rot would spin out of control, blown-out sluts the size of minivans making vlog posts about how liberating it was to get pinned to the ceiling by her gurgling gut, and impregnated with 146 kids.
kind of hot when you think about it. Imagine Hyper reality TV. Game shows?
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makes me semi-diamonds wondering at the potential of reality hyper wives bimbo’d to the absolute limit of their bodies and bitching about bizarre hyper shit the same way they would complain in our reality. one shot of a woman casually draining thousands of gallons of cum into a disposal unit while talking about how much she hates Cheryl’s lemon-cum pound cake
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If you can’t even discern exactly what’s happening in the picture on first glance, is it really hyper porn?
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Does anybody have any good links to cum inflation audio? Can’t find good ones anymore
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Does anyone have that old one page comic with the prince cursed to be a cum geyser blows up some lady trying to seduce him?
Fuck that's old.
Sparrow's art IIRC.
I can't find it anywhere. Its not in any of his galleries. Maybe it actually wasn't Sparrow, just a similar style?
Rule34 . xxx
type in "Sparrow_(artist)", then "prince"
Why "glorp"?
noisy tummies are the best
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because blarp and blorp sound too much like burps?
Because ur gay
No such thing. More cum means it feels better
Part of me wonders if he'll ever draw a girl literally bursting from cum
God, I miss when Gloss did hardcore NSFW.
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does anyone have an image that looks the same like this with kind same kind of artstyle but with the girl taking in a horse deepthroat or something like that, I looked through this artists portfolio but nothing.
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it was also a colorless sketch, it was posted on an older cumflation thread like a year ago if that helps...
Hopefully not
Hopefully, but the bellies keep getting bigger and bigger and you get this morbid fascination of "What if they burst" or "How much bigger can they get"
That's gay
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Where do I sign up
Ahh jumping to the final stage I see;)
>Gloryhole scenario
>Breaking the stalls as cum-bloated flesh spills through the cracks, pushing the ceiling tiles up
>Massive pair of nuts on the other side quakes and churns for another load.
>Waiting outside of the bathroom for a friend, walk to the door and is met with a wall of gurgling, growing, moaning, flesh rapidly expanding outwards as the roof of the outdoor bathroom is lifted by the same material.
>The whole building finally gives way to the nearly house-sized mass of semen-containing flesh, liquid gurgling with the occasional spurt from some part of the mass you can't quite figure out where it came from.
>The walls give way once more, to the biggest set of balls and the person straining to empty them.
>You lock eyes in sheer awe and terror, before they scream "FUCKING GAS STATION PILLS-" and are swallowed up by their own testicular bulk.
>What follows is you struggling to hotwire the car before driving away as the glut of flesh shudders and bulges outwards in the air before growing at a rapid pace.
>It would be months before you'd see your friend again-and again, and again, and again-
>As it turns out they kept it VERY well hidden from the doctors, govt, and other official entities that they had become addicted.
>It's been 5 minutes since your last cumshot, and their enormous, bloated, burbling bulk you're pinned under isn't letting you go anytime soon.
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You write like a fucking moron
U whine like a retard

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