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I have not found much art like picrel. Help me expand my collection.
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NAiK has a lot of relevant content on their pixiv.
The term is called "docking" and I find it quite difficult to find stuff with it which doesn't include other fetishes that I don't like, like massive penises or horse penises.

File deleted.
ik I’m probably getting banned for this but this is my golden hour:
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sharing some of JADF's recent sets
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alternate result where Momoi gets impregnated instead
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I fucked up the names, I meant Midori B')
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I believe the Lucoa posts were shared last time as well but were rather low quality/high compression, so here
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alternate version where the PoV is on the receiving end instead
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last batch, getting closer and closer to his older works now so gonna stop here, figured I'd post the astolfo set to finish it off cause I haven't seen anyone share it in 4chan before + femboy/trap docking is quite rare
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done now, enjoy!!
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so glad urethra threads are getting more common
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I'm happy as well, I just want more ball preg and birthing to come with it. Let's have more futa pushing babies out of their balls, please.
god i wish this was me
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i'm kinda particular about urethra porn, like it to be a bit more grounded (pic rel is a bad example)
what I hate the most is when they do that cumblocking role play. I can say with authority you can cum just fine with your cock hole blocked, it just doesn't shoot out
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I should've saved it, but wasn't there a monochrome/lineart set with this character? I specifically remembee the line about her balls making more cum than she can ejaculate out.
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or this?
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or this?
Ah, sorry, I just found it. It was actually an older set from a different artist, they just featured the same character and premise. Seen here: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10818279/#q10851823
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Bumping with the collection of docking stories from awhile back
rentry co/urethral
Any new ones?
Doesn't seem like it, at least for what's on there. Haven't exactly been a lot of fics written recently I guess, besides some of the short ones from the Overfull Balls threads or something
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Futanari Rainy Day - Messy
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What's with all the sounding in the urethral sex thread?
I think it's probably due to urethral sex art still being rarer than we'd like.
Which is fair, but the toys should at least be big. Big enough that they’re ready to take a cock later, at the very least.
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Where the pay off
From Sinensian's most recent set
>nutting so hard that her balls break metal
holy shit
there needs to be more series ending in a mutual climax that fills both partners' balls with mixed sperm
i wish he drew more futa instead of femboys
I hope he never draws another futa and sticks to femboys. Theres tons of futa urethral content compared to the alternative
One day I'll see a character get their balls filled AND (eventually) unloaded. There's ball-filling, there's some denial, but I have seen precious few "aftermath" scenes where a character gets to forcefully drain themselves of those foreign, tarlike loads.
efuya has one about that
I miss this artist... why did he have to cease all art altogether...
it looks like they're conjoined by a single nipple
Does a toy/urethral beaded plug exists? Would love the idea of sounding and jerki gnit with the beads feel.
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mediocre drawfag reporting in, here's one from a sequence I drew a couple months ago. can post the rest if anyone's interested.
I follow you on pixiv. Love your stuff man keep it up
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>>10952322 ty
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>>10956299 kek
I have more but I'll refrain from shitting up the thread
needs more jadf stuff
Any requests for futa-on-futa docking? I'd like to sketch one out. Prefer not super hyper.
just draw what you want, you dont need someone to tell you too. but if you would be so kind, something like: futa cow, big balls, small pp, keg tap on pp, etc. im sure you'll make something nice
futa mother and son/daughter. offering docking as relief after a hard day.
lovers making out and/or holding hands as they cum back and forth until their balls hold an equal mix of their essence
Receiver having a fat chode so the penetrating futa pokes her right in the prostate.
horse kemono futas with one hilted in the other and her flare reaching the base of the other's horsecock
also seconding this
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Whipped up a quick one.
When artists ask for ideas it's generally because they don't know what or who to draw in that moment. I was more looking for character suggestions but I decided on a pair.
Sort of combined >>10958739 and >>10959073
Has anyone tried using those hollow urethral sounds on themselves? I just acquired a pair of silicone beaded ones and am just waiting for the perfect opportunity.
no that sounds owie
sadly irl the urethra is not exactly the most pleasant feeling area
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use much much lube. i like stainless steel ones more. they are more smooth and don't irritate your urethra like silicone can do.
if you do it slow with enough lube it's fucking amazing and don't hurt at all.
Very nice anon, fucking peak.
Small cock tops and big cock bottoms for this kinda thing are the best. I vastly prefer it to the usual hyper slop you get when looking for docking content.
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I believe I've seen this as a sketch on Jadf's drawpile, nice
ye, seems he decided to make it a full set

he also made an pixel animation for it as well as a test I believe
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Shitty pixiv downsize, fullres at https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/115787988
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Fudged the order, this is the second one
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Cockvore cocks
It was pretty cool to see this, too.
But on the other side of things, it'd become a jadf general if someone chose to dump things here en masse, lol.
Speaking of other things, does someone share the sentiment that the common 'human base' penis shape is overused to some extent?
A similar issue is with the horsecocks. It's a pretty rare sight to spot an interesting penile shape that isn't a straight copy of animal genitalia yet looks appealing. I'd say the horsecock subvariants that combine interesting features are probably the best option for the monstergirls per se. They don't look too 'off' in a way; they're more of a novelty token than the actual sex appeal, and they undoubtedly feature the form many are familiar with and thus find it hot.
We had a good thread a while ago. It was probably interlapped either with the hypersexuality/excessive cum general.
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coming out with some good stuff, especially wormholes + docking
but my lurker twitter account just got suspended, and i still hunger for more portal panties + docking
Why don't you just follow their pixiv account?
lately been fantasizing about this with size, tiny male/futa fucking a giant dick, big enough they can fuck the hole and grab onto the ridge with both hands like it was a ledge or handle. Of course they get blasted with cum when the giant dick orgasms. Anyone seen anything like this before? I see size difference sometimes but never to the degree I'm thinking of.
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I got a few
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