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>day 3 of searching tentacle in catalog
>nothing found
Unless there was a change in board rules and this doesnt belong here anymore, im starting a thread for tentacles and other slimy things that get me hard
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Fucking no uploading pictures in incognito bullshit, bring back moot
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What the fuck is a 4chan pass? Have i been gone this long?
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You've been gone a REAL long time, anon. Pass was 2012. Site's had them for longer than it's not had them.
I've been around since before Kimmo's spam was the straw that broke the twink's back and made him implement recaptcha, and yes captcha has become more of a PITA since then. Back when pass was available via normal payment it was 100% worth it, now it's still worth it if you are already into crypto but you might find it a hassle to get one if you don't know a thing about crypto.

Pass makes imagedumping on porn boards hassle free, bypasses range bans on geolocations and proxies (does NOT make you immune to bans, mind you, which is what some people think - it lets you get through broad spectrum area bans used to counteract spammers), lets you shitpost with the elites on /vip/ and if you since4pass in the options field (yes, options not email - they hid it because nobody was using email field legitimately and showing your sage became a way to derail) it puts a clover by your post with "pass user since 20XX")

anyway when it comes to passes and images, you can call me Bogdanoff.
>he bought?
>dump eet.
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here endth the dump. Also, yes page 2 is missing, it was just the EN publisher logo and nothing else so I left it out.
cutest relationship
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> Back when pass was available via normal payment it was 100% worth it, now it's still worth it if you are already into crypto but you might find it a hassle to get one if you don't know a thing about crypto.
There is a dude that sells and renews them for normal money, but you'll have to pay extra.
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does tentacle porn count as a food fetish in asia?
only if you put onions sauce on squid to activate ion channels and make it writhe on your tongue.
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Hello from /e/
This one’s real good
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Is this the thread for tentacles mimicking girls or should I just go to the monstergirl threads?
what does this feel in real life and how do i feel this
>how do i feel this
dedicate your entire life to bio-engineering tentacle monsters, that's the only way
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There are some live-action tentacle JAVs. Probably the closest you'll get to real life tentacle monsters short of nuclear fallout. That said they look super awkward.
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I love that anticipation. Her dreadful expression and the tentacles slithering under her clothes are so hot.
That's a beautifully stuffed belly. Gonna get even more stuffed too by the looks of it. Sauce?
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the artist is named rupie, apparently does lots of vore? to be honest it was just an image I saved on the fly
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Cheers OP!!!!

Jacky always delivers.

One of the artists I like that does all types of hentai art did a commission around the end of last year for a movie called Galaxy of Terror. I never heard of this movie before, it’s a live action US horror from 1980. There’s a scene where a girl who’s afraid of worms gets tentacle raped by a giant size slimy maggot which hits 2 fetishes in one shot. It was pretty well done all in all by pre Aliens James Cameron. I’m shocked this was done so long ago and there’s barely any fan art on it. I was playing around with AI recently and did some art for it. Some turned out anime and manga style and some more Heavy Metalish. I know it’s really hated on but it’s fun to play with here and there.
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Symbiote are gooooooooooood
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That artist's linework and coloring in their earlier works could be iffy but they still got the tentacles and slime down.
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>what does this feel in real life and how do i feel this

>dedicate your entire life to bio-engineering tentacle monsters, that's the only way

If they get rich they could instead bankroll teams of experts to make it happen.
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Love a mix of romance and intense sex.
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I've spent the last three days generating latex aliens being fucked by eldritch space tentacle monsters. Send help.
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That's a big "if", but if he's able to, sure.
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Anyone know any artists that specialize in tentacle/living clothing and takes commissions? Kind of a pain in the ass to look around for online, at least for ones that are reasonably priced and don't speak in moon runes.
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does rendou kurosaki even do work anymore
these are pretty good
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Is there a place where all of his stuff is? Sadpanda doesnt seem to be updated
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I want to see a blend of the tentacle pit/seed bed, butbeith a consenticle flavor, and culminate with merging with the pit. Played up as a loving oneness
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Still one of my favorites. Just does everything right.
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Need more pic of the girls merging or modified by the meat wall
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Not exactly "tentacle" but these two are the only ones I have, anyone got more?
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puzzle's done
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Need more pre-rape.
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Aya makes for surprisingly good tentacle-bait.
She's a reporter, so she's got a knack for getting into trouble. Disappearances in a mysterious cave? Rumors of a strange monster in the woods? Smells like a scoop!
She's very strong, but all about speed. If she's coiled up and can't move, she suddenly becomes much easier to handle. The tentacles weaken her by their very nature.
Both her personality and body are pretty flexible, fanon-wise. Cocky titty monster or terrified flattie, you can kinda make anything work.
She's not very well-liked, so she won't be missed if she goes missing. Nobody's going to go looking for her. And the only real exceptions to that are her fellow tengu Momiji and Hatate, who are good tentacle victims in their own rights.
what do they feel like?
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from the newest chapter of Kill Blue
Dunno if this is the best place to ask this but does anybody know of a game CG set where there's your standard tanned skin athlete girl getting pounded by tentacles, and then later in the set the same girl has turned into a tenacle monster herself from the waist down and is using another girl as a sex toy? I only recall that in the latter scene, the tentacles start coming out of the second girl's belly button and there's no blood.
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Negative leave this out altogether, not what I want for this thread
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Oh hey, that anon has commissioned again. how much did you paid for this?
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Each one has been around 200 dollars total. I didn't realize the commission came in until I saw your post but I'll be posting the full set soon.
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What types of tentacle fantasies do you have? Are you content with voyeurism, or do you wish you could participate in some way?
Stfu, faggot, and fap
Mmmmm... the frightened expression and the sound of them begging for mercy and/or screaming for help make this extra juicy...
I used to roleplay online as a tentacle monster and I miss it desu, there’s something about getting to be the creature
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If tentacle pit closes then its victim will be in complete darkness. Tentacle monsters need to develop some kind of bioluminescence.
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God I love Jacky so much.
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Love this artist so fucking much. It looks so soft and comfy.
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My jam.
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eww furry.
Gross, furry.
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I like that it's already in her ears, before it's actually started raping her or she's come to. Gonna be in for such a surprise when she wakes up!
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That's a good one. I like how surprised she looks.
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Has anyone done any roleplay as/with tentacles before? How did it go? Is it something worth getting into?
I want to be gently, but slightly forcefully touched and seduced and aroused by an infinitely perceptive, comfy and precise slimegirl-techtacle hybrid, held forever in pure bliss
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I need more like this.
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