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Bro Ctrl C + V the posts of the previous thread.
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I love the dynamic of one girl resisting while the other's given in.
how do i get infinite this

that guy has to draw moar
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>had a team of at least 5
>still managed to lose to a rocket grunt
Damn Dawn you're pathetic
On/offs are great. Surprised it's not more common in hentai since it's like a staple in flesh hypno stuff.
Can't beat the Hypno
Can't beat the Cock
Bit of a niche thing I enjoy: I'm a big fan of consensual mind control mixed with size stuff

>Overworked office manager lady Stacy has a stressful job, and is frequently exhausted and tired at the end of her work week
>She is good friends with her son in-law Tyler who lives with her though. So close to him that they both walk around her house casually nude in front of each other sometimes
>One day, they get ahold of a phone-like device that pairs with a person, shrinks them to a mere 3 inches tall, and allows you to control their mind with a phone app

>On Friday Stacy was very stressed, dealing with workplace drama and with a big project at her work. But on Saturday, she put herself in 20 year old Tyler's hands. Tiny, naked, and with not a worry in her mind as the boy had flipped a switch and forced her to think about nothing but how hot his ass is. All her stress about work gets taken away, with her life now being only Boy Butt
>She sits there on his desk begging him, pleading with him, to grab her and sit on her. Constantly talking about his ass and how cute it is. Which of course he does! Stacy experiencing pure bliss and happiness as her life's purpose in that moment is fulfilled by him playfully rubbing her up and down his asscrack, dropping her onto a pillow, and sitting on her. Grinding back and forth and overwhelming her with his cheeks
>He then lies on his front and turns on a movie, with Stacy sitting atop his butt at total peace with the world. While he watches the movie, she's in a state of pure euphoria with not a thought in her mind as she simply hugs against the giant cheek beneath her
>Even afterwards, when she's normal sized and has control of her mind again, she remembers how simple and joyful her life was when she was tiny, with her mind under Tyler's thumb. Fondly looking back on it as she starts her next work week, and looking forward to something like it again next weekend
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Why are 90% of the posts fucking Pokemon
>being this retarded
>Why are so many posts [character from childhood series IE Hypno, Kaa, Totally Spies, etc.]?
Something something psychology and familiarity.
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probably it's because this childhood series and movies show hypnosis scenes (ej: kaa in jungle book) and in pokemon well its a fucking pokemon who is called "hypno" so probably thats the cause.
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Any recommendations for positive use of hypnosis? Where protagonist helps their victim (like hypnotherapy, or hypnotizing their abusive parents to be good/go to police), even if it's unintentional. Ideally the victim learns about the hypnosis, how it helped them and genuinely falls for hypnotist.

- 'I Got the Hypnosis App, Now I Can Do Whatever I Want!' (JP WN); protagonist plans to use hypnosis for sex, but all the girls he picks have issues (suicidal, bullying, androphobia) and he resolves helps them.
- 'I Gave My Bully A Love Potion, But...' (WN on CHYOA); see title, bully becomes obsessively in love with protagonist. Bully becomes becomes aware of the potion, but tries to stop protagonist from making antidote, because she feels happier than she ever has (her life wasn't great and had no passions). She also starts using potion on other girls to build protagonist a harem (unsure if it was to spread happiness or because she though protag deserves it). Sadly though authors abandoned it there
- 'Hentai University' (weg); Protagonist uses hypnosis for sex, but it helps some characters. Like helping a mother/daughter pair overcome the loss of their husband/father.
- 'The Hypno Pencil' [RJ01084354] (eroge); player can choose to use hypnosis for good, like helping a track field runner get more confidence. Note though, the theme is more that not using hypnosis is the best choice
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Early chapters of Nikusoukyuu's Yaruki Switch before the MC goes on power trip
Creative Artist
Any examples of hypnosis/mind control where the girl is aware of everything she's doing and reacts to it but cannot fight the commands because her body is being controlled?
For me that's the best 'sub-genre' of this fetish, i'm looking specifically for doujins and/or animations like that, but it's rare.
Ones with all the gagging and stuff like picrel or the locked-in syndrome kind of stuff where the inner monologue goes haywire? For me, I'm more partial to even rarer ones where the subject is unaware their body limiter is removed so they're gonna like complain and whine but will give you the most passionate kiss known to man, like:
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This is like a brainfucking scene I love it. Her facial expressions are so good.
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not really in femdom shit, but I've got admit that was cute.

Any stories under any shape where the hypnotised girl is nonchalant and proactive? I only know a work that does that and it's kakunini's
This one's right up your alley
I was listening to hypno last night, and it got to the point where I felt half asleep, and stopped hearing the word. But I was aware enough to realize that I either stopped hearing it or maybe forgot that I had heard it? Is this what trancing feels like? I'm curious if that's something other people experience
is she a doll? I see the doll joints. Is that some character or oc?
Kyonyuu Hitozuma Onna Kyoushi Saimin
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Can anyone recommend any stories (like on AO3 or FF) with the theme of a bully having their common sense altered to think sexual acts are bullying (Preferably from the hypnotists perspective)? Something like Aiue Oka's 'Ijirare Fukushuu Saimin' (aka Bullied - Revenge Hypnosis)
Previous Thread: >>10871519
Gay men like you have entirely different experiences than women.
boring men like you never know love
not the same anon, but like love is even real. It's just some instrumental goal of another instrumental goal of some mammals.
it's the only real thing actually
Fool that you are, you trust your brain chemicals to tell you they are chemicals.
wait till you find some cheating in there. Or maybe until you get sick and your partner realizes you are not worth taking care of. Or even maybe you fuck up one day and that's it. Mind control from fiction can at least ensure you'll not be left behind if some shit happens.

I never mentioned chemicals. No matter which form intelligence comes, it will always try to maximize some goals set-up by a metaoptimizer. In our case it's evolution, we are no necessarily programmed to seek reproduction, as we are programmed to have a few directives. I'm just saying love was never real, just a lie we tell each other.
I mean this in the nicest way possible, Anon. You should probably just kill yourself if that's your outlook on life. You'll never be happy with that armchair nietzsche worldview
Honestly I'm somawhat happy. I make lots of money as a ML researcher and I'm always on top of some autistic phantasy. Just last week I've got a german prostitute to read some of my hentais and then act completely like the girls from there. Best experience ever. I swear, I'm still shacking with excitement from that trip. She did such an excellent job. My trip in germany was best 5000 euros I blew on random shit, including renting a sports car and going 350km/h on autobahn. I wish love was like in the stories, but they look at your wallet, looks and future(the worse you treat them the more they want you for some reason, and I'm tired of doing ryona psychological shit with women so they can just stay with me), and men are still looking for looks, personality but instead of the future, a man cares about the past. No love here, I still wish for some lady to be that kind and caring to me even in my worst moments, but that is rare.
Girlfriend is making a request: apparently there was an old pixel art animation of a girl with a bucket on her head that is slowly filled up with pink liquid and the more that is filled up the more dumb an expression she gets. She slowly starts taking off her clothes.

Does anyone have this? I haven’t seen it myself so I can’t describe further
the thing you are feeling is called "insecurity"

and, by the way, thoughts are no less real than chemicals despite being immaterial.
>this guy can teach a machine to learn but can't learn to be himself
Ive been rereading some of "Tabico" stories and damn she was such a great mindcontrol writer.
Easily most memorable and thrilling mind control stories ive ever read, stuff like "Adaptation" "Raiders" or "In Darkness Bound" is legendary, and to think that most of those stories are 20-years old, truly relict of another era.

I just love how horror and suspense are mixed in with mind control in those stories.
Anybody can recommend me similar authors? Mostly looking for inhuman/supernatural mind control
which one do you find more fucked up:
>the subject is aware that they've been brainwashed but can't even think of disobeying you. Normally she knows whenever you open your mouth something bad can happen
>the subject cannot control her body
>the subject knows her feelings were altered towards you, she rationally tries to fight feelings of loyalty and love towards you, but she simply cannot.
>the subject was brainwashed to think that she is acting like she was brainwashed as part of some game of hers

Also if you want, complete this one. I'm really curious on what you can come up with.
>the subject has a clone of their personality inside their head, which was reprogrammed to feel weirdly good the more she ___. This personality can plant suggestions into the main personality, however there is a catch ___
Identity death (completely erasing/rewriting personality, memories & feelings) is objectively "the worst", as it's equivalent to murder. The 'trapped in their mind'-type scenarios may be torture, but at least there's a possibility victim can be saved/restored from it.
a lot of it is too horrory for me, but there was one tabico story about an agent who tracked & fought hypnotic computer viruses that utterly rocked me as a teen...i think it was tabico anyway. i don't think anyone else really compares in terms of fantastical mc stuff. you might have to be the change...im working on something myself but mostly nice things happen so you probably wouldnt be interested lol...
objectively sure, but subjectively in my eyes it is not. I used to fantasize turning promiscuous, cheating and/or masculine women into those kind house wifes who hate makeup and try to get their husband what he wants. But that got boring really fast.

not the same anon, but what do you mean good things?

unrelated to everything, do you know any manhwas about mind control? I read succubus system and I loved it. The hentai market is boring in this regard to be honest. It's always like "here's mind control, let's fuck", no struggles for power, no new ideas. Kakunini is doing some new ideas but he is really slow to post anything nowadays
>but there was one tabico story about an agent who tracked & fought hypnotic computer viruses that utterly rocked me as a teen...i think it was tabico anyway.
Sounds like subroutine
>im working on something myself but mostly nice things happen so you probably wouldnt be interested lol...
Well good luck, i hope you have fun writing it
>you might have to be the change
I'm a shit writer and tend to repeat words quite often, my best hope is just waiting until AI advances enough, running GPT equivalent locally on my PC and feeding it training data composed to all Tabico stories
>until AI advances enough
that is already possible anon, I can literally make something like that with some compute. If you have the money I can make you a model that does that
I hope this is bait anon because this is just you being a materialistic, insecure loser. Love does exist, but maybe not around a person like you.
I'm still waiting to be proven wrong. I want to see a woman who comes into my life and is selfless enough to make me selfless for her as well. All I found were miserable promiscuous women who did not even give me the satisfaction of the day and got upset when I asked for std tests on both sides. The only times when I've got succes was when I started applying different behavioral studies to my life, but it felt uncomfortable. The main idea behind those is to be extremely assertive, scary but not violent and never appear weak. Maybe I want to appear weak and complain about shit, or get a shoulder to cry on. Insecure or not, I'm tankful that I was blessed with an IQ above average to see humans for what they are.
Anon you have a disorder you aren't enlightened, nothing to be 'tankful' for
>If you have the money
Good joke
>that is already possible anon
But it requires a lot of autism to set up.
I'm sorry but you sound like an insufferable prick and I'm pretty sure that's why women don't want to be with you
Ah fuck now I'm sad about pierced again. First one I read. Was their last. FML.

Christ it was almost 10 years ago too. Where the hell does the time go.
>materialistic, insecure loser
I agree with materialistic and the label of loser for being someone who is taking the F for a long-term, fulfilling relationship. But insecure about it?
The justification they used was warranted by the post they replied to, doesn't come of as a lack of confidence in their life, but a lack of confidence in love. And if you're saying:
>Love does exist, but maybe not around a person like you.
...is it really that unreasonable that someone you consider to be hard to love should have a lack of confidence in finding love? Sure it's pathetic - you called him a loser.
What is a secure materialistic loser compared to an insecure one?

Not splitting hairs for the sake of it - as an autist, I only get a feeling of reciprocal warmth when someone does something for me *or others* impersonally, like in that Christian sense of love*, and where sexual attraction and gratification comes off more like hunger to me than something that inspires romantic feelings. Doing a non-sexual act for the sake of sexual desire seems deceitful to me to the point of it being a turnoff, so a girl being seductive just feels like a slap in the face over stating their intentions. A girl's personality and interests mostly inspires romantic feelings in me, and for better or worse quite separate from sexual attraction. Shows up with a lack of charisma - I often have no mind for arousal or romance until a girl brings up such things, even during a date.

I know these things about me, and I have general confidence that unless an unforseen mental change occurs - which I do search out in hope - this behavior will persist.
Why would I be insecure regarding this state? The strong feelings of disdain which I sometimes get from others (not that often) feel more like someone misunderstanding my intentions because my actual intentions are too impersonal and uncaptivating for most people to love. Fair?

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agape
>do you know any manhwa about mind control?
Absolute Hypnosis in Another World

>It's always like "here's mind control, let's fuck"
Maybe try looking at WNs
They hated Jesus because he told them the truth.
Gave 'Succubus System' a read, that's just standard suggestion style hypnosis, there's a lot of works like that.
Also I agree it's great when the victim has freedom and end up approaching the protagonist of their own initiative.
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god i wish i could be hypnotized by a girl so we could just cuddle!
haha imagine if a girl hypnotized you into marrying her and creating a loving happy family, that would be so twisted and terrible, i definitely wouldn't want that to happen to me, no sir
i am serious! i would love to be hypnotized and cuddled that is so awesome, fuck all of the mind break and netorare stuff
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I'd like to have this translated
I'd like you to use request instead of being a whiny baby
>anon used request
>it was not very effective

maybe I'm autistic, but how's that being a whiny baby? I just asked nicely to have an image translated. I interpreted your reply as a tantrum and I do not have the necessary social skills to deal with this.
>I do not have the necessary social skills to deal with this.
this is kind of the lowest bar there is
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I'll be honest, I have no idea what the first guy did wrong, and can't follow this conversation at all.

Anyway, here's the translation.
requests for work are frowned upon outside of dedicated request threads, by enabling it you're shitting up the board alongside him
it's not the first time anyone asked for a translation on a thread of this theme. And you could've literally said that from the very beginning. I swear people like you makes these threads even shittier. If you said that at the very beginning instead of throwing a tantrum, maybe this thread would've been a tiny bit better.
hey don't attack me, i just answered your question
Fucking retard stop feeding the brain dead spergs
dont listen to them anon, u did good
they just trying to be fags thats all

>from now on you feel like feeding the brain dead spergs
i honestly read it as "i wish this were translated" rather than an actual request, but also calm your jets, its not like theres some huge number of requests drowning the thread, and there are even actually regulars who do the translations, somehow...
Y u fags arguing so hard
i come here for the community and conversation ok?
u picked wrong anons, we two just chilling
theres a big fag among us who complain about shit
let my reply be the last msg on this faggotry
Wow you folded quicker than a 2 dollar whore
don't call people faggots when you type like a faggot yourself
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>Hypnosis/mind control thread
Go fuck yourself
I love when they're aware they have been hypnotized.
Fucking hell, that was discussion brain damaging. Let's stop this, let's be on the same page. This reminds me of the red and black ants experiment.
>If you collect 100 black ants and 100 red ants and put them in a glass jar nothing will happen, but if you take the jar, shake it violently and leave it on the table, the ants will start killing each other. Reds believe that black is the enemy while black believes that red is the enemy when the real enemy is the person who shook the jar.
Except in our case the one who shook the jar was our autism
Exactly, I personally find that extremely exciting. Also making them nonchalant about it adds an extra layer which I find really nice. Kakunini does a great job. Perhaps I might start working on my own eroticas with that theme, but motivation is a limited resource.
If you know more works that are like this please share them here
Ur an autism
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i feel like i don’t see people mention Vahn_yourdoom in hypnosis related threads or forums. is he not that popular? i thought he would be but only really see stuff on his pixiv directly
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Nope, not really. I mean from the pictures you've sent I can conclude that he/she is produces pretty much the same content
No one cares about your ants cunt
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I like his darker stuff and the resistant/aware content, less so the regular hypno-sluts.
Are you autistic
>have the power to hypnotize girls
>make them go out and fuck random dudes

Cuck mindset. What an odd way to apply such a useful ability.
Stfu cry baby bitch
Holy shit why are you feeding the trolls like this dude

Are you retarded why would you tag that many other posts, you're begging for them to continue
I hate how they add collars and piercings to all their art so I don't really look out for it
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MCing chicks into having sex with you is the cuck mindset. That's like a way more pathetic version of just paying a whore to let you fuck her.
MCing pure girls to turn the into degenerate, corrupt village bicycles is the patrician's path.
In my case destroying pure women is not my thing. The world is not having a shortage of promiscuous degenerate women. I personally like to do the reverse, fix degens into sweet kind girls. But that sadly is extremely niche in the community, I have yet to find one such works.
Is creative writing welcome here? I've begun writing a story with an image set to accompany it, and I haven't another place it would belong. The images themselves do not have hypnosis elements but the story is centered around it.
We share an extremely rare kink it seems.
The only thing catering to this, outside of one-off images of dubious quality, is this visual novel: https://vndb.org/v16158
It was only alright. Oh, and naturally it's Japanese-only, so unless you've learned a foreign language for the sake of expanding your available range of pornographic material you're out of luck. The story is about a massage therapist who is pestered by a whore, so he uses hypnotic massages to reshape her personality into a relatively chaste ideal partner, including erasing her memory of her past self.
This other visual novel (https://vndb.org/v26756) has a route that focuses on a girl who dropped out of school to be a whore. The protagonist is trying to set up a fake school setting with some hypnosis app to recreate his youth and get revenge on some girl that bullied him, and he uses the whore girl to fill the role of the class's teacher. In her route, she's so bad at her role, despite being hypnotized, that he basically just tells her to get lost, but throws in a command to completely forget about any sex act the next time she performs it as a way of discouraging her from continuing to whore herself. Despite knowing about and resenting the command she keeps whoring herself out and is increasingly unsuccessful. Eventually she forgets what it even means to sell her body, or why she's wandering the streets, but remembers the command and hypnosis despite no longer being capable of understanding what the command means, so she returns and confronts the protagonist. From there he trains her to be more modest and eventually allows her to re-learn what sex is. There are some fun scenes of her being shocked at her past behavior, and she starts referring to her past self like another person. Eventually things turn romantic and she returns to school.
>We share an extremely rare kink it seems.
Moral regeneration isn't THAT unheard of. A fave of mine is this set: https://e-hentai.org/g/882907/bd3c46a8bd/
careful anon, you might get banned

Gtfo sperg crybaby bitch
It's not really you in the story, self-inserter kun. You will never fuck the anime chicks, you can only ever watch. You are a cuck by your own definition.
Go ahead anon. I'd love to see that. If you want you can check out civitai, they allow you to generate any kind of picture you want with the models on site, which could help you make images more inline with the story. I personally do not mind AI generated pictures as there is a certain amount of skill. The better you get at prompting the more interesting the images get. And the bottom skill level is still supportable.
It is so weird that I share the same fetishes with many Japanese individuals while none at all with the westerners. I will check them out, they seem interesting. I wish that at some point, machine learning will be capable enough to translate these works locally.
Link is broken, anon. Or maybe you replaced "x" with "-" and it isn't on the public version of the site. I hate this whole exhentai bullshit.
It will be possible at some point with some SAO like technology. Perhaps even earlier. In maybe 3-4 years where some style changing probabilistic model is used in conjunction with some VR glasses which translates reality to anime.

Now on an unrelated note, it's so weird how a fetish that is easy to be creative with is so misused by a big majority of writers. It's all like, here's a phone now let's fuck you while you either have empty eyes or maybe fuck with your perception in some way. Why can't we see more stories where the hypnotic suggestions work like a virus, careful, I did not say the mind control comes from a virus, but it works like a virus transmitting from person to person. There was a story centered around a spray that did this, but it quickly turned into some bullshit where everyone is oblivious to what the fuck is going on.
I could go on with ideas upon ideas on how this fetish could be used properly, but that is besides the point since not many will even see them or even react to my ideas. Unless you know Japanese, most of the mc work will go unnoticed by people attracted by the same niche.
Personally I was never a huge fan of Tabico and the rest of the old guard of MC authors. I'm not sure why, something just doesn't click with me with them.
That said, one author I am a huge fan of and fits what you're looking for is nevermind: https://readonlymind.com/@nevermind/
In particular, Constellation, Darkstar, and The color from outer space are particularly horror-themed, though nevermind very much plays up the inherent horror in mind control in all their stories.
There's also this in-progress Tabico-inspired Evangelion MC fic you may enjoy: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53130808/chapters/134432947
>Now on an unrelated note, it's so weird how a fetish that is easy to be creative with is so misused by a big majority of writers. It's all like, here's a phone now let's fuck you while you either have empty eyes or maybe fuck with your perception in some way.
You know, I see more of what you're complaining about from Japanese creators than Western ones.
I have had similar thoughts my internet brother.
I don't know if there is a way forward for men like us.
Fair. But, at least as far as scenarios that sound hot, getting a bunch of dudes involved doesn't do a lot for me. Gangbangs and sharing are submissive and/or women's fetishes.
It is. Sperm banks to spread your genes and if you want sex or feminine support you can go to Germany. They are pretty good actresses. Or if you do not mind wasting time make friends and eventually you'll get surrounded by somewhat high quality women or at least a woman willing to obey you.

It's joever
Alright, here is the first portion of the story. I'm still in the midst of writing it, so you will have to bear with me as I work on the remainder.

I apologize for the image themselves not being based in hypnosis; I hope that my fiction being laden with it is enough to make up for that fact.

Alright, I believe this is enough for the second part of the story. There will be four parts in total.

Part 3...

Part 4! I feel it's not the best story at all, especially the sex scenes seem rather clumsy, and the ending I feel is quite terrible. My apologies for that... I've never written a story before.

Some issues I noticed within the first paragraph are:
1) Upload on sites for sharing stories
2) Avoid using the reader as a character in the story, it feels oddly intrusive. If someone wants to self-insert they will if they identify with the main character.
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you are a proper princess
you must always curtsy and speak in a manner befitting a lady
you must dress in elegant dresses and love girly things
you must be meek and soft spoken
you must wait to be rescued and thank your hero for saving you and desire happily ever after with him.
Works best with tomboys, I feel like.
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that it does because deep down that's what they truly want your just bringing it to the surface.
You really gave me an interesting idea. What if you add 2 personalities, one that is princess like and one that is tomboy like. Both loving you, but the dominant one will be the one who seduces you. Each personality will have at least one hour per day.

Or even better, combine the two of them. Tomboyish princess
something like that would most likely require conditioning to create an alternate persona that could be awakened via trigger, be it a spoken phrase, time of day. object/item that's either worn or seen.

I'd say a trigger phrase (like "it's time for princess to play" or something like that) or a worn object (probably a tiara or crown?) would be do it, the real question is would they be aware of it?
Making them aware of it would be even more interesting. Imagine her being rationally aware of the fact that her desires changes based on some arbitrary suggestions you planted and that she can't even think of deviating from the current mode/personality. I personally do not find enjoyment in the princess part as much as I draw enjoyment from the idea that there is some "program" in the subconscious conditioning the rational mind. Speaking of, I did not see a lot of content with this concept. Even if traditional hypnosis media generally had this kind of programming as a basis. Just imagine planting the suggestion of "you will wear knee socks, and you will subconsciously show them off when you are around me" or "you will develop an appreciation for statistics and as a result you will spend atleast 2h studying statistics and after you are done if there is only me or there are no other people around you will use the corner of the table to masturbate while you fondle your chest. If it's only me around you and you are masturbating, you will not perceive that as embarrassing. Rationally you may know that it is not normal, but you do not really care.
If at any point I ask for any sexual favors you will ask me to play rock, papper, scissors and if I win, you will perform the act. The necessary wins for the act will be dependent on the severity of the act. Jerking me off will mean only one win while penetration will mean 6 wins, from that range you will judge how many wins are needed."

I write these small "programs" from time to time and they really excite me. They are completely random, but the idea of them playing out is really appealing to me. In this case I would love to see what ranges she would come up with and how lucky can I can get. Maybe discuss about what she learned from her daily math session while she is playing with the corner of a table.
>you show them the object the makes them switch to the other persona, knowing what it does to them when worn, feeling embarrassed but at the same time wanting it but they can't bring themselves to do it so they ask you to which in a way is them submitting to your control to the point where you get them addicted so they behave like that outside of hypnosis in order for you to reward them with that bliss

that's the good stuff.
>It is so weird that I share the same fetishes with many Japanese individuals while none at all with the westerners
I doubt that's true. Light mind control villain -> lover is extremely common on western writing sites like Fanfiction. Most of the content is garbage, of course. The two VNs I linked were the only two X-rated Japanese VNs I've found with the mind control/purification theme, and I've combed through the entire VNDB catalogue of titles tagged with Erotic Mind Control. Not to say that I've played every one, but read the synopses when available, so there are likely some titles with routes touching on the theme that I've missed.
I did not mention that I settled with mind control. For a long period of time I loved entities that look undistinguishable from human girls, but they are not human. Closest the internet got is with robots and mind control. And the media that got the closest from western was Wizards of Waverly Place, objects and animals turned into humans, humans made with spells, clones. Then ben10 had an episode with some weird cylinder onlytrix or some shit like that.

What awoke the mind control fetish in me was Ruby Sparks. I used to be extremely excited to see that amount of control. That's when I started searching like crazy about mind control and I only found mind control as it is presented in asian media. Almost there, but not yet.
I used to generate weird fetishes around my concepts, I could share them, but I doubt anyone is even interested. I'm no longer excited about these stories myself since it is pretty hard to be the sole maintainer for a long time. Sometimes you want to be surprised by stories written by different people.
It's a shame that the body morphing is pretty much exclusive to gender bender. I don't want to see some dude being turned into a chick, but I'd love to see a chick being morphed and mind controlled into however the main character feels like.
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>time of day
tomboy gf during the day, pillow princess at night
Thanks, ill check those out
even better: at the stroke of midnight every night until the mid day clock strikes twelve, there's a alot of fun you could have with an effect like that.
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Pepperoni nipples are gross as they are. That makes it worse
Wait, did something happen to them?
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I think he just stopped writing.
I translated something that's so straightforward it probably didn't need translating.
Cool, keep translating and sharing. Also keep in mind that if you translate kakuninii images images you are making at least one anon happy

Anyone know about Mesu Notes.
Is there any other chapter?
There's 5 chapters of 'Mesu Note' on sadpanda. As for 'Osu Note' there's only the two raws you posted
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So looking at Kazawa's Remilia and Flandre books, that got me wondering
Pregnancy in MC is common but what i like here is the longer hair to indicate that she no longer takes care of it. I don't see this often. Actually, is there any other instance of this outsie of these books?
Shuten Douji's Marionette Queen series is like this but you probably already know about it
I wish hypnosis really worked, I'd have someone implant an intense desire to get fucked in my ass and to remove any memory I requested this

Died of prostate cancer
do you even have someone you can trust that much? in reality someone would've turned you into a workaholic who then gives the money back to the hypnotist.
False, Tabico stopped writing due to divorce.
source: https://tabicosf.blogspot.com/?zx=2951fb9fcefc1134
>Not wanting to use it to make a harem
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That's the cover up they want you to believe
Hypnosis works on girls, not gay men.
It works on any weak minded clown
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That seems pretty limiting.
Even before the divorce the writing output was pitiable, 1 story every few years
The real reason is that Tabico is a women in her 50's and due to menopause her sex drive died, and with it drive to write erotica

At least this is my headcannon
what's it called if the woman is the hypnotist?
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Trying to find a story I remember reading on mcstories.com. A man was talking with his girlfriend over the phone, and she asks what his perfect woman looks like. As he describes this her, she begins to change both mentally and physically to match his perfect girl. The story ends with him walking in and being surprised by the newly changed woman. Any help?
Sounds like "Perfect girlfriend juice", though I don't remember the exact scene you're describing.
Some of my work
I've been trying to find one for years about a guy, his wife and his sister in law. Due to how the wife looked more petite than the sister it ended up with the sister brainwashed into thinking she was his wife while the actual wife made to think she was their daughter.
*This one* I fortunately know exactly what you're talking about.

That's a surprise, never thought I'd see it again. The absolute lack of tags besides the most broad ones possible are probably the main reason why I was never able to find it.
Have you tried using https://www.gregariousfrog.com/svengali/svengali.html ?

It has more tags, for instance this story is tagged:

Mind Control:
- Subliminal
- Technology
- Mental Manipulation
-- Enhanced Libido
-- Mental Age Regression
-- Memory Alteration
-- Oblivious to Change

Social Hierarchy:
- Female Submission
- Male Dominant

- Female / Female
-- Adult Female / Adult Female
- Male / Female
-- Adult Male / Adult Female
- Incest
-- Sister / Sister
- Multiple Partners
-- Menage a trois

Sexual Activities:
- Oral Sex
-- Female to Male
-- Male to Female
-- Snowball

- Occupations
- Religious

Story Elements
- Point of View
-- First-person
-- Controller
Nope, never tried it.Thanks for the tip
Wow, that is an amazingly good tagging system. Wish TFGames had something similar.
Wow i never seen this tool before, thank you, unironically, mcstories default search always seemed too barebones for me
Anyway to preserve tag search results while checking stories? Can't seem to open the links in the new tab. Additionally copying a search URL and going back to it doesn't seem to show the results, have to manually select tags again.
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Just click the search tag, circled in pic related, it will bring you back to the search results for the most recent set of tags you searched.

If you want to open multiple stories to reach later, you can just right-click chapter 1 and open it in a new tab.
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Didn't notice that, thanks.

Image types; (1) Doll (2) Body Control (3) Common Sense Manipulation (4) Corruption/Personality Change
English translation:
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Jesus Christ this should be on the first post of everyone of these threads. How is it that this is the first time I am hearing about this?
are there any news if Unhappy Birthday from kakunini will get translated?
Nothing official I don't think, but it looks like Fakku lags about 2 months behind with respect to Comic Kairakuten translations, so you should expect it ~June 2024.
if it is like this, then I will learn the korean alphabet and then try to read the korean translation word by word. Who knows, maybe I learn a new language in the meanwhile
Any good ones where the victim recognises that their mind has been messed with but they're either nonchalant or even thankful for it?
Is Red still resisting after seven pregnancies? Pretty impressive, what a trooper.
Some WN's off the top of my head;
'I Got the Hypnosis App, Now I Can Do Whatever I Want!' by みょん // protag hypnotizes girls, learns they have serious issues (depressed, suicidal, androphobia) and helps them recover. Story is complete
'Hobby Modification App' by 催眠電波 // similar to above, protag helps solve some problems, though it's unintentional in this case
'I Gave My Bully A Love Potion, But...' by TheNextGamer // technically not hypnosis, but effectively the same. Heroine learns it's due to potion and is very happy about it, so much so she wants to use potion on others to grow the harem.
Probably should have clarified, for first one; the hypnosis slowly gets less effective over time, till ultimately they're fully conscious while under and just pretending to be hypnotized since they remember everything and know protag has been helping them.
In the second one, one of the heroines figures out she's under effect of app

'The Random Remote - Matt Anderson' by 280tcove // some of the heroines learn about the hypnosis and are fine with it (like the girlfriend and secretary)
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I know this may sound stupid of me to ask, but does anyone has the folder link that the recently-retired Hypno House mentioned in his retirement post, as I can’t find it.
I'm honestly happy that you exist. I'm not even sarcastic or anything, it's just really nice to find someone in the same extreme niche as me
many of kakunii's doujins
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>'Hobby Modification App' by 催眠電波
where can you read this?
novelupdates lacks links to the TLs, and the supposed translator's site has no results in search. was it taken down?
Hm. That's surprising. I didn't think this artist did bad end stuff. But I guess once every now and again is to be expected.
I assume you mean 'I Got the Hypnosis App, Now I Can Do Whatever I Want'? Because Hobby story has working links on NU.
Wayback machine has it all archived; https://web.archive.org/web/20220709204236/https://noobchan.xyz/novel/i-got-the-hypnosis-app-now-i-can-do-whatever-i-want/chapter-01/
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are hypnotized boys allowed here or is there another thread for that?
Saucenao is your friend.
This thread is mainly female sub, I'd say not
I remember a story in chyoa but I dont know how to find it. It was about a guy who met a fox goddess (not furry) and she blessed him/granted him a wish. Basically his own personal free use world. I remember he went to explore the mall, later he was comming back home on a bus but had the sudden need to pee, so he got a random girl in the bus to drink his pee
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>Because Hobby story has working links on NU.
My bad....
Apparently they changed the site in the months since I last used it and the links aren't visible while logged out anymore lol
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I like the discarded ID cards.
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I did not knew how much femdom makes me uncomfortable. Weird shit, I guess I learn every day something about myself
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cant never get over the two face creature the ai put in the background
That's barely femdom. It's just cunnilingus. You're never going to fuck if you can't eat pussy.
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the same
There used to be a whole YouTube channel that literally just had videos of mediocre hypnosis scripts being read over this image and a couple of other anime girls with spiral eyes
I kinda miss it

if I remember correctly there are 2 other anons who loved girls being aware that their mind has been fucked with. I found a story that matches that criteria however it's made in koikatsu. I personally found the story delightful, despite the medium.
Poor Laios, he never did get to milk a minotaur and the kot monstergirl went off to do her own thing... As the only alternative around it's only fair Falin help scratch that itch.
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anyone else hate when they use english names in a japanese artstyle, it just brings me right out of it
Read up to chapter 11 (there's more on kemono, search 'side story 1' on their account). Not really a fan since it's mind control (instant full control) rather than hypnosis (gradually change them over time) and most of it is identity death. Also it's pretty amateurly made, the dialogue especially stands out in how bad it is.
>the subject knows her feelings were altered towards you, she rationally tries to fight feelings of loyalty and love towards you, but she simply cannot.
My favourite. I love when the intellectually understand what's happened to them, but their new priorities are so warped, it feels like no problem, or even something wonderful.

What do you all think of this one? Initially I felt like it was some AI slop, but towards the end it really made excited. That was such an expected twist.

The fact that a little misunderstanding turned her friend into some weird mistress is so weirdly refreshing. I love it when artists try new concepts like those. I'm trying to think what about that scene is so exiciting, but I cannot pinpoint exactly.
I'm a fan of instant mind control, everyone with their tastes. Anon thank you for pointing out the existence of kemono, I seriously did not knew about it. Thanks to it I busted a few serious nuts
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I really like this one for some reason. The fact she tried to protect her at one moment makes it hot
interesting concept, I personally enjoy it when shit like this happens. That aside, I dislike that most of these stories are with children, which are not my niche
>new viral miku song about hypnosis
I am so excited for all the porn that's going to come out of this.
Song? Post it
Why is it so rare? It seems like femdom now is mostly either hard core shit like pegging or chastity BS, or NTR.
I'm the sort of degenerate who has been pushed to lower his standards to the point that I don't find Koikatsu stories like this inherently objectionable. But holy shit does RollB's writing suck.
I was going to post an example of a more interesting one, but then I realized that all the ones I actually like are in Japanese so the point would be lost...
mind elaborating why it sucks? I personally found it somewhat entertaining on how he plays with the whole concept.

Also you've made me really curious, can you give me tl;dr of those 2 comics? The fact that I don't know japanese or korean limits my consumption of fetish porn material.
Can you elabore what this kemono thing is? I don't find anything sounding like what you describe when searching.
How can you not find it just by googling the word "kemono"? The site is "kemono (dot) su", it's a site that hosts rips of paid sites like fanbox and patreon. This particular artist is named "rollb", so you just type that in the artists searchbar.

Rejoice, Christmas came a month early. Unhappy birthday got translated, it's on Anchira.
Maybe it's local settings but I saw no such site, all kemono search results just led me to some beastiality hentai. Thanks.
you have to search your artist
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Dozo. https://youtu.be/19y8YTbvri8?si=oPq-FqoT7xJKdw-l
Any of you have more stories to recommend
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Literally hundreds, but it'd help if I knew what you were looking for. Personally, I'm more about the use of creative suggestions than the induction itself. I know some people are into slow, deliberate hypnosis, or gradual corruption. Personally, instant MC is fine by me so long as you're doing something creative with it. Some of my favorites:


Subliminal mind control male-dom, pretty straightforward power fantasy but hits the right buttons for me.


Consensual (with some boundary pushing) hypnosis between a married couple, but doesn't bore me to tears like 99% of consensual mind control does.


I'll be honest, most of Jukebox's works bore me to tears, but this lesbian mutual mind control work really works for me. It's even got its own cover picture (Which I can't post, because it's western art, but it's out there!)


Unique twist on hypno-mind control, beyond the premise the actual suggestions/sex are basic sexuality conversion (Lesbian-to-bi) and girlfriend brainwashing, but the premise is neat.

Picture unrelated.

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