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please reevaluate your lives
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Welcome to /d/. First time?
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>clicks on board for strange hentai
>finds strange hentai
What did you expect?
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So if I'm understanding the premise correctly the girl's head functions as her Head+First Stomach+balls+testicles by consuming food and then jizzing the partially digested food down into her normal stomach?
>Dickneck girl you know comes in to work one day with a brand new prosthetic body
>She's a solid 6 inches taller now, and with bigger assets everywhere else
>She'd always been pretty petite and her clothes really don't fit on the new mech body
>She explains her natural body was so small, it was actually painful to get an erection
>As if on cue, her neck penis starts growing, stretching out the internal channel of her new body, plainly visible through the clear rubber
>The throat of the clear rubber body looks like it's about to split in half from her sheer size
>A few moments later, she goes crosseyed and puffs out her cheeks as she starts pumping a load into its synthetic belly
>She mumbles out a halfhearted "See?" as she tries to catch her breath, motioning to the cum-bloated gut of her robot body, her load clearly visible through the transparent rubber
This is by far the funniest fetish I've ever seen. I'm sorry, I get it, you don't want random anons showing up and talking down about your fetish, especially on a board for alternative porn, but holy shit this is fucking funny.
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It's fine, I feel like the concept inherently lends itself to being taken in goofy directions.
I think so strange and erotic…
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I may just be speaking for myself, but I feel like anyone into this is at least partially into it for the absurdism of it.
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It's just Dullahan with another cock.
That or the idea that instead on their head their is extra genitalia
I came to this board for the first time and see this hahaha what the fuck is this lmaooooo
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This shit is really, really fucking weird.

But it's making my dick really, really fucking hard holy shit I'm jealous of that guy.
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Have some more normal dudes fucking dickneck girls.
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Borusen truly does amazing art
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this is my fifth time coming here. I expected nothing less of 4chan [spoiler]and goddamn this is arousing, godspeed anons[/spoiler]
shut the fuck up you faggot newfag. go back to r*ddit if you dont like it, you complaining piece of shit.
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Calm the fuck down and get some reading comprehension, bro, he said he liked it.
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Man why did i come to /d/ when im tripping
Jet pack cum? Does she land and then the balls roll? How does this function

Why would the chinks do this, who drew the first one and said "herro my friend, rook at dickuneck, it girl but have dicku for neck, very sex"
Well my friend, have you ever heard of a little natural phenomenon called "Island Syndrome"?
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tamest /d/ shit ever
meanwhile obese/fart/flattening shit gets posted here and nobody goes into those threads to shit it up
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this entire thread is literally just pictures of Retsu Kaioh.
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nice. source on the set?
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Artist is Sukedai
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A nice multibody + size touch here
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Any Yaoi dickneck?
It's extremely rare but here's a recent one.
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