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Girls being hurt, assaulted, in peril, and just generally having a miserable time. No guro, spilt entrails, decapitation, etc.
Previous >>10891503
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This artist is great for waterworks content.
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Man I wish giants beating up girls was more popular in ryona
It’s not much, but the first 2 episodes of Solo Leveling show a group getting wiped out by giant statues, and there’s some women in the group.
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drowning trap
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I like that guy’s art, but he waaaay overcharges on his doujins.
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I’ve seen this image before but I don’t think it was posted in color
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Are snowballs supposed to hurt this much
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His art is too cute to be hot in a ryona way
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she is in a tight situation
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It’s way past New Years already, but I really like this ryona bell image, seeing her trying to desperately push the huge log away
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much peril
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That's really intense.
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Will she make it?
I’m guessing left won.
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IIRC left was trying to pull over the candle and save her sister, but ended up accidentally cutting the rope herself instead. Whoops.
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kek what a scrub. Even better.
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Ready to roast.

To be fair, that might have been the trap. The string connecting the candles to their heads has too much slack for them to yank it over, but too a desperate eye it might look doable. And with how trying to do so would mean waving their head around in a frenzy, and the rope being right there within reach of the knife-gag...I dunno, it seems deliberate. Pretty clever if so.
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What a roastie.
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Imagine how she'd clamp down on your cock every time that fist slammed into her belly
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I believe that’s called a “donkey punch”
No donkey punching is when the back of the head gets punched during doggystyle.
I've always wondered how that of all things developed into the mainstream. The back of the head doesn't seem like an appealing place to punch, even as a ryonafag I can't imagine why you'd choose there unless you just want to concuss someone.
So I assume it must actually be somewhat pleasurable for the woman maybe. Something like asphyxiation.
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I guess the logic was that you’re trying to surprise her
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I think some ryonafags like it because that's how a lot of female characters get "safely" knocked out in media, cartoons, anime, comics, movies and such, a lot of old school stuff is like that too. It's just what they grew up on.
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Don't think there's an "accidentally" there, just that the candle burned through her rope faster.
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livin the dream
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very necessary move there
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I know it’s not for everyone but I love how he draws vomit
This is weirdly specific, but does anyone have some ryona where some hot/cute girls are reacting to the person getting ryoaned, wether feeling embarrassed,shocked, or even turned on?
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Oh hey, my partners and I do the tapping=stop signal, too.
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wooden horse is under-appreciated 'round here
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Usually too painful-looking for my tastes
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I wouldn’t say that’s specific, I see many people want the beating to happen in front of an audience.
Click the 3 dots, then click Search Image on Saucenao. It even gives the episode.
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I wish I was a magical girl villain...
I love ryona on magical girl cuz as a kid I hated how many pretty badgirls they kill
> see many people want the beating to happen in front of an audience.
I guess, it’s just that I don’t really see it in most ryona art of manga, though maybe I’m just not looking in the right places
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Both the villains and heroines deserve it.
No way that's legal, bro.
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I think your best bets are:
>professional fights such as boxing
>public executions
>zakos getting rekt one by one
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Depends how much ice was mixed in. If there's enough it's like getting hit with a rock.
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that's not how cruxifiction works
It's amazing how this thing I did years ago is still running on 4chan
Anyone know some other gigs superherione videur where the heroine vomits profusely during her beating?
https://www.akiba-web.com/m/product/download.php?id=6178 I swear I feel like giga are the only ones to get LA ryona
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This isn’t a superheroine scene nor jav, but it has a bitch vomiting a lot:

This website is cucked and doesn’t want to link to Russian facebook, so you have to type the url manually I guess.
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Does the 7 Deadly Sins anime have good ryona content? I don’t really feel like watching it to find out.
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I made a website in the spirit of gurochan
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I dunno, doesn’t seem safe.

Why are there no SSL Certs? You can get thoese for free from Letsencrypt or others. Otherwise it looks like a honeypot.
I like the story of this
why is he hurting miku? :(
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Cause it accurately captures an important aspect of Fairy Tail
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And he is continuing with Edens Zero
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kek they have power levels?
It's the first time they are mentioned, it is probably a tribute to Toriyama
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Huh, neat
The powerlevel mogging makes it hotter
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DV type scenes are always good.
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Who would win, some moeBITCH from Genshin, or Cooler?
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Might post the full doujin on panda later
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Ryona is a pretty new kink to me, well sort of. I've loved it for a long time but I've not been sure what it's called/where to find it, ever since I was like a little girl I've loved the idea of it? Frankly I'm looking to meet some other people into it and talk about it more, my discord is flip0132 if anybody at all wants to talk to me about this kinda stuff? Thanks!
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What was your first ryona scene?
All that artist’s works have stories to them
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She should really have a bite missing from her ear.
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Anyone know the password for madomain's new madoka set where she gets run over by a car?
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Thread’s gone kinda quiet.

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Why do I feel like the artist just reposts the same few images now?
I guess cause he always uses the same girls and similar situations
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The problem with witch hunts involving actual witches is that I don't buy for a second that a real wizard could be tied up and killed like it ain't no thing.
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Well it does say “level 1 mage” there. Also these universes tend to have anti-magic weapons, or mana limits that can be exploited.
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I don't mean this set specifically.
Depends what setting and/or game rules you're going by. In D&D for example, Wizards are the easiest spellcasters to completely shut down. They need material components for most spells, so they can be disarmed as though their magic was a weapon. They have to execute somatic components most of the time (hand gestures), so you can just tie their arms. And more than half of spells require verbal components, so they can be gagged. Removing any one of these turns them into an NPC. Divine casters like clerics and druids are slightly less vulnerable to being locked down like that, but the real trouble is psionics. They require nothing but conscious thought to cast, so you need to knock them out or powerfully inebriate them.

There's also this. "Anti-Magic" just jams all spellcasting completely, and there are also naturally forming "Dead Magic" areas that you could trick or coerce a spellcaster into and they won't realize it until they try to cast something and there's no magic there.
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Does D&D get that detailed?
Absolutely. The two main kinds of spellcasting are Arcane (Wizards, sorcerers, witches, warlocks. Harry Potter hocus pocus cauldrons and wands, etc.) and Divine (Priests, paladins, druids, etc. Power from outside oneself, particularly gods or nature.) The third and less common branch is Psionics (telepathy, telekinesis, internal energy healing, reality-bending with the force of one's mind. There Is No Spoon kind of stuff)

Each have their ups and downs. Arcane casters tend to be the most versatile by far, but are also the most stringent in what it takes to cast. Gestures, incantations, material components (eye of newt type things you have to carry around), and even if everything is in order merely wearing heavier armor can disrupt your casting and you'll flub the spell. Divine casting is much more forgiving in general, unbothered by armor and usually not caring about stuff like material components or magic words, though you may need to carry around a holy symbol to present as part of spells. Psionics give zero fucks; even if they're completely paralyzed from the neck down, if they're still conscious, they're still at full casting ability, and since they don't have to wave their hands or say anything they can do it very sneakily.

There are specific items in the game for trying to take spellcasters alive, such as manacles that actively drain the wearer's magic or even encase them in a bubble of Anti-Magic, which creates an AoE where no magic can exist and therefore no spells can be cast from or even into.

tl;dr Wizards are actually the easiest casters to shut down if you can get the drop on them. But they'll also fuck you up in the widest and most variedly creative ways if they get their shot off before you.

t. Psionicschad
Alright you fucking degenerates. I recently came across a game that was just too fucking much for me but I'm sure you sickos will love it.
Meet Blood Rush. RPGMaker game that has e x a c t l y the kind of content you people will love.
Translation is total ass MTLslop but I'm sure you'll be able to get past that.
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this is peril with a bit of guro, and while I also eat guro slop like breakfast, its not necessarily ryona. Ryona is more about beating up girls (the best game for this is DOA5, unfortuntately there are so many males and their ryona moves become boring after a while) and sometimes it involves guro mild to extreme guro elements (the more extreme the better). I think the best ryona with guro elements is lonarpg, which coincidentally is also the BEST RPG of all times. (I will say this again, how the fuck is it immersive for female adventurers, yet alone scantily clad ones to not suffer the consequence of their sex in a male dominated world?). What you posted can be considered mild-mid guro, nothing too kino. Picrel is ryona. Rape/humiliation/etc can be incorporated into ryona. However the purpose is to hurt the girl. A girl can actually enjoy ryona being done on her, and ryona masochism is indeed a thing if not a big part of the purged ryona community, as a great many ryona enjoyers actually self insert into the victim (BUT most of the time not as a victim that enjoys ryona). A girl purposely putting herself into a torture device for masochistic reason hardly counts as ryona as should be categorized as vanilla bdsm.
Is there a video where I can see every death?
Just download it if you give a shit. It's free if you know where to look and even if you don't want to play it you can just dig through the folders. The death scenes are all webm files. Of course, you're missing a bit of context if you do that, like the first potential death scene is from a giant meatgrinder on tank treads. If you lose to it, it cuts to the police chief getting her lunch delivered. As she bites into her burger she finds white hair and screws inside the meat and then she's handed a DVD with the snuff scene.
Oh, it has proper ryona as well.
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Crucifixion can be whatever you want it to be, baby!
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You have to prove your devotion to the Arisen to fight at his side.
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The other pawns stand outside ready to protect the Arisen from interference
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There are even ryona of videogames, but not a single one of the old show celebrity deathmatch.
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Never heard of it.
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The guy that loves torturing Mai Kawakami is back at it.
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There’s another fight manga about a ‘le craaaazy’ moe girl that is obsessed with fighting. Not a particularly good series, but has a few decent ryona scenes, especially in the first chapter.
>No guro, spilt entrails, decapitation, etc.
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My favorite part is how the black haired girl utterly outskills her everytime
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Saki is such a jobber in this.
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In one of his uploads to pixiv, I remember he commented that Mai bullied her in the past.
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That's the canon story, yes
I haven’t seem the anime, is the backstory a reference to the series?
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Yeah it's in the only episode black haired girl appears in
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All this time I had thought she was an OC lol
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Started a peril and bondage thread in case anyone is interested.
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I love when they're brutal enough to break her fingers, or any bones for that matter
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Love how the woman with the sexy revealing clothes is the one with the advantage against the woman with masculine clothes.
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The masculine girl is wearing a maid uniform I think. She really gets her ass beat for an entire day, two seasons in a row, by the same brat.
And yes it's very hot that the brat is showing hot ass and thighs shots while stomping her. Like rubbing her superior femininity in her face.
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The KOF manga had a similar dynamic in the fight between Angel and Leona, although Leona asspulls a ‘win’ at the end.
Is the maid girl the protagonist? I haven’t heard of this show before, would you say it is worth watching?
She's just a supporting character, but she beats up the protagonist hard before that. Look up Steel Angel Kurumi ryona on youtube to get an idea, it's solid ryona
Tentacle choke https://twitter.com/simetenanbo2/status/1778801548598104236
Senran Kagura: https://twitter.com/plus9292/status/1778915727032066534
Very brief clip but I like the noises she makes.
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Getting stats checked is hot
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God what a scrub.
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Can we get some OJ pics to honor the legend
Shiiiiit, I’d commission that. Provided I could find an artist willing.
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Yup. Also there seems to be a lot of art of that bitch kicking the shit out of Wendy.
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Beat girls until they barf all over themselves
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Doesn’t sound very hygienic.
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Some drowning is needed
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stage fatality
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i want to hit my gf
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looks promising imo
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Wow, that black eye looks so sexy on her
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>starting to get turned on by snuff
It's so over
It’s only just beginning.
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too bad there is not a image where she was forced to lick the boots of the one who has her chained.
Very nice reaction, what episode is this?
I had translated the game 'NayoRiyo' does anyone want it? though, I'm still contacting the author for permission
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I think AI is getting better at generating Ryona recently. Sloppy with the hands and other parts as always but still.
What model is?
It was an asanagi doujin I found a while ago
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AutismMix SDXL, no loras, pure proompting
Is that the lesbo from the anime railgun who keeps treating like trash the "boxer" guy?
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>Dodge this.
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>game over
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This dude just collects ryona scenes
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just noticed I'm over 10000 bookmarks now
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Damn, I only got like 600. My rule is that I only save the ones that I am able to get off to. Though I also have another ~300 non-lewd bookmarks that I save in my private folder, for art that I like for other reasons.
What are some good porn ryona games? Like flash games and whatnot

All I know are these ones


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