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Been a while since the last.
Post displays of physical strength. Be it lifting, bending, crushing, outrunning or any other form of physical prowess.
Both female & male are fine, but preferably post petite slender girls destroying the notion of what strong should look like.
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>want to greentext some stupid scenarios
>keep undoing everything
I love superstrength, but fuck me the writers block is equally as omnipotent.
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wasn't expecting a new thread this early, i Hope some recenti material got posted this time
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>this early
anon, the last thread died 2 months ago
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>you try to beat your PB with a 315lb Deadlift
>just when you manage to succeed, Scathach shows up out of nowhere, and casually yanks it off you with her single hand
>crushes it into a solid metal cube, complaining "what a waste of perfectly good arrowheads"
>tells you to go outside and lift up that giant boulder instead
>it's bigger than an a car, probably weighs about 30 tons
>she tells you to lift it up, but you simply can't
>Scathach effortlessly hoists the boulder over her head with one hand
>with her own palm, crushes it into a hundred different rocks cascading down, some even casually bouncing off her breasts
>she picks up a quarter-ton chunk, and drops it onto your arms, bringing you down
>"start with these, then", she frustratedly tells you
>she walks away, leaving you to your devices while she murmurs "Pathetic."
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well the even previous i think It was on May 2023 or something, they all average six months from a new thread
god i cannot get enough of heavy girls like this
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>Jadow333 art
god I want him to post again, I need more of that super strength series
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what kind of pasta is sthenolagnia
very heavy
very hard
impossible to properly eat
but so tasty you still want to suckle on it just to taste the flavour
it's early because this fetish gets new content at a rate that is AT BEST glacial
Get yourself a cocky woman who could easily kill you.
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why the fuck do giantess fags make such good non-gts strength art once in a blue moon and then never do it again
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thread is already dying.....
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yeah, sadly not many are not in to this fetish
How come is this so? Isn't power fetish a pretty simple one?
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it's a very narrow niche fetish if you think about it
size aspect: you have giantess threads for that
strong stature: (hyper) muscle threads
inhumane power and might: omnipotence threads
the sweet spot exclusive to sthenolagnia is extremely small, people just tend to gravitate towards other larger related fetishes
yeah but even hypermuscle artist don't draw enough superstrength art, most of it also it's about lifting which i think it's a bit boring because of the commonness of it (and also it's all about weights which they don't show how heavy they are)
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Probably because anything beyond lifting is much harder to draw. You have to showcase some sense of weight or destruction.
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They are just lazy.
Its common because you can get more clicks/commissions that way. Plus, there are far more references of well-built women lifting some weights. Superstrength is just more niche overall.
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guys, my gf keeps throwing cities then we argue, what do I do?
I've already got like 20 letters from the government to convince her to stop, but I'm scared she'll get pissy and start throwing whole tectonic plates out of spite
You know those fake towns they build for nuclear testing? Tell the government to make some of those at city scale and hope she doesn't notice/care (things may get worse if she does).
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Surprising that this is the only Gentil post ITT so far. New gorilla hors is always a small windfall of content for this fetish, with all the art that franchise gets.
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canon feat btw
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The hell is the sauce on this google image search and saucenao are turning blanks
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the source is this thread, lemonfont did some drawfagging here a few months ago
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I'd draw more thread requests but mods get a bit finnicky about it.

something about western art in /d/ or whatever
You could just link to twitter posts of deliveries.
Mods usually don't give a shit, someone just goes on a power trip occasionally.
not this thread, but yeah, this board: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10806921/#q10818101

good to see you here again, go nuts
alright fuck it, let's do some ideas before we're caught
great to see you in the thread again lemon

would love to see some girl lifting a huge barbell like this
would you be willing to do requests involving specific characters or is it just general ideas?
a'ight, here's one: girl doing squats while holding the Moon over her head
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Most of your pics have got the best stuff already so its hard to suggest stuff really.
Only idea I have is her aiming her hands at the moon, clapping her hands together and letting the resulting shockwave split/break the thing apart.
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eh i might as well just ask just in case, would it be possible to have this girl (hildr from fgo) wearing a pink frilled bikini just casually holding up an entire building, talking to the viewer saying how she heard they were in trouble and just wanted to make sure they were okay (semi muscular is fine but not too muscular)

maybe since its a non western character mods might be more lenient, too
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A sneeze parting an entire ocean
>Her dildo collection consists of ICBMs with nuclear warheads (don’t ask how she got those)
> laments that they’re still enough for her to get off on
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>shockwave vaporised mountains to form a new canyon before it hit the moon
Kino. Thanks for fulfilling the request.
trying to crush a piece of coal into a diamond but accidentally going too far and making a black hole instead
I have to wonder what her love life is like.
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>lemons back
Fuck yeah. If you are still taking requests, you could have her attempting to jump upwards or leap somewhere, but because of her strength, it leads to her cratering a continent as she lifts off high into the air
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I did do something similar to this a couple of days ago.
This is really stretching the definitions of "strength" but,

Girl working out so hard her sweaty clothes literally leave craters in the ground Dragon Ball style
Sucking up an entire hurricane through a straw, or the inverse of blowing out a tornado that ravages the landscape
There is this Korean Comic called "Strong Girl" about a super cute girl who is much stronger than the hulk and basically invulnerable.
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First of all, a question.
Why did Dragon Ball influence your sexuality this hard?
Grabbing the entire earth and doing a suplex
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I'm always on the lookout for something that highlights super strong vaginal muscles. It's such an intoxicating display of feminine strength with explicit sexuality. Mmmmmmmmm!
If you're still taking requests, I'd like to request your girl destroying an overpass with one punch. Optionally wearing a hard hat.
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My guardian angel
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I'm curious. Is it a simple stronger = better relationship for everyone else? Or does anyone else find it more complicated?

I mean, I find >>10950446
to be less interesting than >>10948037
or even >>10948038

I mean, with something like >>10960990
I can identify my issues. Namely, she's not lifting it under the center of gravity, making it seem more like contact telekinesis than actual strength. Does anyone else get bothered by that kind of thing?
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Normal girl in an SoL who's the strongest physically is a top tier trope
>Not even one drop of sweat
I love Alice. Hope Sheepapp makes more drawings with her and the pov character
Just do it, man. We're lacking in material as it is!
Was Mimi's super strength ever given an explanation?
I last watched the show over a decade ago
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Sad truth is that It's simply a niche fetish. Strength is such a common super power in fiction, that if anyone has this fetish they should have easily awakened to it.
And like other anons said it's hard to depict it, especially without associating it with other fetishes. Even Lady Justice had most of the fanservice focused on getting the MC naked rather than the super strength scenes.
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Tell her you were going to take her on a great date in the last city she's thrown while detailing every single thing she likes that you were going to do.
That will make her think twice about throwing anything in the future.
Neat. I hope it has more strength feat than the other "strong girl" webtoon.
I don't think it will have a translation. But that didn't stop me before.
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Sometimes you don't need to go super, just her being stronger is enough.
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So what's the reason behind your significant other's super strength?
Super serum, a gift from the heaven, family lineage, plain old workout or something else?
For me, it's a world where women's strength isn't capped. They can increase it by working out and physical activity, with training that can increase it without building muscles. Gonna snag me a cute petit OL that can play shot put with her office building.
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>Working out in the gym, bench-pressing
>Suddenly feel the weights lift up
>Get up, it's a beefy woman lifting the barbell
>She starts flirting, flaunting her strength to seduce me
>Tell her I'm taken
>Asks me where my GF is, jokes about she'll break us apart after my GF witness her 20 tons lifts
>Point up to a pulldown machine, beefy woman stare in the direction and her jaw slowly drops
>The pulldown machine uses 100 ton weights, there are 7 of them being used
>The woman using is a small older woman
>It doesn't look like she's even struggling
>"It's fine to talk to her right now, she's still warming u-"
>As I turn to where the woman was, I only see dust
>Smile as another hookup is averted
>Go back to my exercise
>gift from the heaven
That's my preference. The power is just suddenly given to someone who is not expecting it, she gradually discovers it, and has to figure out what to do with it,
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i juggle two scenarios, the first of which
>long line of female superheroes who grow increasingly more overpowered with each generation
>but now that the lineage is so strong, no threats really face humanity apart from these women
>at present, the mother has hung up her superheroine facade and settled down to live a normal civilian life, leaving her daughter to take up the mantle as earth's defender
>her daughter is a tomboy who enjoys flaunting her power, happily taunting her foes with her invulnerability and near omnipotent strength to show how outclassed they are
>in normal life, she uses her power to tease others, but is mindful of how destructive she can be if she lets even a hint of her true power sneak through

second is
>busty, airheaded office lady decides she wants to get fit with you
>she goes to the gym and lifts some small weights, but quickly finds she is able to easily lift them
>after ever repetition of increasingly heavier weights, the exercise offers no challenge
>in just one session, shes already lifting the equivalent of what would take someone years of dedicated training to hit
>it takes a singular session on a treadmill to hit a running 30mph+ speed
>that first session causes her power to grow rapidly
>but her regular life becomes hell because of her newfound superstrength
>her grip strength bends metal, she rips off doors accidentally, a lax moment causes her to plough through walls as if they made of wet tissue
>she has no control over how to use her growing strength, so ends up unleashing havoc onto people nearby
>like a simple sneeze could atomize a city block, a frustrated stomp could create an earthquake, a sad sigh might whip up a storm that sends people flying into the air
>despite being absurdly strong already, she keeps going to the gym and keeps building up her strength, just because she wants to get rid of the little belly fat she has
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full dump here
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Anyone know the source for this? (Post I'm responding to)
>despite being absurdly strong already, she keeps going to the gym and keeps building up her strength, just because she wants to get rid of the little belly fat she has
This will imply that the gym has equipment that can satisfy her growth. Which could mean that there are others like her.
Imagine a company made of super strong OLs.
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i also like the idea that there are just superstrength ladies with hidden latent powers. all they need to do is get training and unlock that strength.
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Those women will have their very own gyms. With special equipments to satisfy those with different strength levels.
For example, a woman could bench press weights that are as big as truck tires. Then will try to pick a small pink dumbbell on the ground to return it to its spot Only to not be able to lift it an inch because it weights 10 times more than her max lift.
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There's not a whole lot of Scathach super strength art, but I always wanted to see her catch a flying semi truck with one hand, before folding it into a giant spear to kick back towards a giant monster that threw it at the first place.
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I'm not sure it's wise to put entirely different tiers of equipment into the same room. Just takes one careless mistake, and suddenly your expensive stellar mass dumbbell is a pretzel and you have to order a fresh new batch of unobtainium to remake it.
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Well, it's not like the gym is going to be so small that they need to share equipment space.
I would imagine that those gyms would be the size of a big stadium. Split into sections from ones for girls who struggle with lifting a car to women that can juggle entire mountain ranges.
This dude does pretty good super strength, but focuses waaaay to much on gore lately, so I kinda stopped watching him. Has he gotten better?
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Nice! Poor car is going on an impromptu space trip
Nice! Is there any chance of you drawing a girl lifting a skyscraper-sized building? Nothing too fancy but would be very cool.
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I should really go back to watching the UY remake.
1888 has been doing gore since his the beginning and I sadly don't he's going to stop anymore soon.
It's a shame since he is great at depicting the feel of power this fetish represents. The way his girls nonchalantly do what they do is hot
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A pic of mine.
Thought the nigga on the right was wearing the shoes from Egghead.
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Ooh, nice! Thank you!
What are those from?
Urusei Yatsura remake
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I'm more impressed by the dude, she must've used a fuckton of force to dismantle the gun like that with a single slap yet he's still holding his arm out like nothing happened
Any worthwhile new stories?
>piss on the ground
yup checks out
that's sweat, mate
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Damn, this stuff's great. Had no there was a name for it.
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The scaling on that bottom pic is all wrong.
Also, does anyone have any recommendations similar to Ramia Yana? Basically shonen battle protagonist but female? Fanfic, webcomic, manga, etc. Doesnt even need to be the protagonist, just relevant.
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Saint Martha is an underrated Super Strength waifu.
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Guess this is the end.
>back not arched
>clamps on the weights doing bench presses
>despite the above, no spotter or indeed room for one behind the bench
>uneven grip on the bar (her right hand is way closer to the weights than her left one)
>why on god's green earth are the weights themselves curving?
>why is the bar smooth with no knurling for grip and as a reference point for even grip?
>no water bottle
>no towel
>no headphones or earbuds

Is this Planet Fitness?
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Kek. This is one of those 'The more you look at it the worse it gets' kind of pictures. I think you're just supposed to turn your brain off.
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It's a warm up, stupid.
Have you never goof around with lightweights?
problem is this is such a niche fetish that gets zero content (beyond 3d stuff)
Goddesses don’t need a spotter. The bar is heavy so it curves. Why drink water, no one needs a towel, no one needs earbuds.

Post body Mr. Gym Expert
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>She tells him she's going home with him to delete all of the pictures of other girls he has
Diamond. Assertive super strong yanderes are a winning combo.
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At least the females carrying males thread has a similar vibe to this. That should do the trick.
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What's your favorite setting for this fetish? For me it's medieval because I like Ladies and Knights.
For wank material - modern with military
For storytelling - comfy NWO school setting. Nothing depressing. Just role reversal with strength element.
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modern day or slightly futuristic, but medieval's good too
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Isolated farmsteads, as for time probably either modern or relatively recent like in the mid 19th century.
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greentext requests?
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Underground corporate strength competitions to resolve conflicts in deals (Like Kengan) where each coporation send of their female workers (be it a janitor or an office lady) to compete in a strength competition such as rope pulling, armwrestling, shot put etc. to determine who wins the deal.


New delinquent girl, who's very strong, is forced to enroll in a prestigious school. Declares herself to be the boss but no one cares. Instead of beating the shit out of everyone one by one she has the brilliant idea to just get the student council president to submit to her.
The president, who is a calm, nice and ladylike senior, puts her in her place easily while maintaining her usual demeanor.
>be me
>always been stronger than the average girl
>when i was five i was already lifting grown men above my head with no sweat
>only got stronger from there
>enjoyed throwing my weight around and having nerds practically worship me in the name of self-preservation
>nobody at school could stand up to me after all
>constantly forced to switch around because no school wanted to deal with a kid that could turn the gym teacher into a pretzel
>not even my parents want to stand up to me
>father's friend dave recommends he send me to some prestigious school
>says his daughter goes there too
>its a bit expensive but dad gets the money to send me there anyway, "for my own good," he says
>first day there, decide to cut to the point
>let everybody know who's going to be in charge moving forward
>to drive my point home, i clap my hands
>entire hall shakes, people around thrown all over like an earthquake ran through
>everybody calmly regathers their things, immediately go back to their day like nothing happened
>weird, usually that works
>figure i need to make more of a lasting impression, but nobody seems to be too worried about the girl that can tear a locker apart with her teeth
>wonder why
>for the next week, everybody casually ignores me no matter how many desks i break or holes i stomp in the ground
>i even blew a wall down by sneezing on it
>nobody ever tries to stop me, and they still look a bit afraid, but they never treat me with the respect i'm used to
>girl from student council even speaks to me multiple times, giving me stern "warnings" about my "behavior"
>don't even know what to say - this hasn't happened since i was five
>i need to show this school who's boss
>try to think of plan
>decide that while i could beat everybody up, that would take too long
>believe me, i know how long it can take
>eventually, i realize why everybody feels so safe
>it's that student council girl


>everybody else feels safe, but she's the only one who's willing to actually talk back to me
>figure out that if i can make her submit to my strength, everybody else will fall in line too
>confront student council girl next day
>"may i help you?" she asks with a sweet smile
>i tell her she has until three to either run away, or lick my boot: her choice
>she frowns
>"that isn't very nice," she says calmly.
>i drive my hand into the wall beside us, and it comes out on the other side
>she sighs. "I wasn't joking about those warnings, you know. I told you last time that I was giving you once more chance."
>i plant my foot behind me, preparing to knock her head off - the ground splinters beneath my shoe
>"i'm serious," she tells me, though her face seems pretty neutral
>last chance
>she stares at me
>i throw my fist forward
>it'll probably make her head explode, but whatever, i don't feel like holding back anymore
>right before it hits her head, i stop
>i've never stopped?
>i can't be stopped...?
>i looked at my fist, and realize that she grabbed it
>she's holding onto it like it's nothing
>she sighs, and raises her hand
>backhands me and sends me flying across the hall
>while i'm flying, i can hear the wall we were beside crack from the impact
>i'm on my back
>she tenses, and steps forward
>there's a giant split in the ground behind her, and also she's now standing above me
>she turns, and suddenly, she forces her hands into the ground, and without making a sound she cracks it in half
>the whole building shakes as this petite senior literally splits the earth apart
>"well, i'm sorry, but i did warn you," she sighs, scooping me up like i'm made of paper. "i really didn't want to do this."
>she puts me legs first into the ground
>puts her hands on either side of me, and without exterting herself, forces the ground to bend around my body
>i'm stuck

>"there. i'll be back at the end of the day to let you out," she says, giving me another one of her sweet smiles. "i hope you've cooled off by then."
>i genuinely don't know what to do, so i just nod
>get home that night, after being let out from the earth by the only woman strong enough to bend it
>dad asks how school was
>tell him how i lost a fight for the first time in my life
>he smiles
>"sounds like dave's daughter," he says

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Good job. Loved the twist at the end.
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thanks, i tried my best with it
if anybody has any other ideas i'm still in the mood to write
I got a couple
>Young demon lord is smugly proud about his achievements such as his wide kingdom and powerful army. One day, alarms starts sounding and he hears that his army got wrecked by one woman. To his cheer horror, when he goes to the scene, he discovers it's his superstrong mother who's now bawling and making a scene because her son hasn't visited her in years. Demon lord tries to appease her and is afraid his generals will think badly of him for being soft, in reality they think badly of him for being a bad son
>Giant alien woman visits earth and declares herself its ruler. Gets ragdolled around by regular housewives who are mad at her because her massive body is blocking the sun and not letting the clothes dry. Has to flee for her life when she accidently steps on the playground and causes the kids of those housewives to cry
Not a very creative idea but I think it's neat. A man gets stranded next to an ancient manor in the middle of nowhere. Beautiful young woman is the only inhabitant. She is pale as snow, her eyes are red, her hair is silver and her strength is utterly horrifying.

But she isn't a vampire like in a classic gothic novel. She is an albino gym nut whose special genes make her able to become infinitely stronger/tougher.
>be me
>be demon lord
>youngest demon lord in recorded history, thank you very much
>seriously, i conquered the land of zahara at the age of twenty-three
>not to brag or anything, i can't stand braggarts
>but you have to admit how good i am, right?
>chilling in my castle in the dark domain one day when a raven arrives
>it relays a message to me from one of my many strongholds across the land
>let's have a listen, shall we?
>that's ominous
>decide to send reinforcements to stronghold
>next week, raven returns, same message
>send more reinforcements
>a month passes
>soon my castle is filled with ravens
>whoever this woman is, she's been making her way across the land and steadily tearing apart every stronghold
>no matter how many reinforcements i send, this demoness rips through them like they're made of tissue paper
>not only is she manhandling every single warrior i send her way, she's also causing destruction beyond my own capabilities
>i mean she literally picked up an entire fortress and flung it into the sky
>she literally blew my dragon out of the air with her lungs
>she stomped on the ground and created a brand new valley
>decide that enough is enough
>saddle up my most trusted stead and ride out to the nearest stronghold, the last line of defense
>send all my finest (see: remaining) warriors ahead of me
>send every general who managed to return alive back to the battlefield
>even send rancor the giant
>arrive a couple days after them
>"DEMON LORD PLEASE, PLEASE HELP" says bogard the general
>yeah, yeah, i heard everybody else every other time they said that
>look up at rancor in the distance
>tilt head back as rancor suddenly takes to the sky
>slowly turn around as rancor continues flying into the distance
>i don't know where he went, because despite being fifty-feet tall, he flew so far back that i can't feel his impact from wherever he landed
>okay so maybe i shouldn't have come here
>finally turn around and face the menance that's been singlehandedly deconstructing my entire empire
>she has black hair
>she has orange eyes
>she is sobbing and weeping openly like a child
>she is... my mom?
>oh no
>oh no no no
>"I-I CAN'T BELIEVE Y-YOU!" she sobs, stomping her foot into the ground
>the earth splinters outwards for several yards in each direction
>"mom please-"
>look around at the remains of my forces
>all of them are looking at the ground or at the sky
>some are whistling
>"no! no, mom, i just-"
>she sniffles, and my horse has to rear back to not get yanked towards her
>she always had trouble controlling her strength when she gets emotional
>"you p-promised you weren't going to be just like your father, but here you are..."
>here we go
>"how long has it been since your last visit?"
>"mom, do we have to do this right n-"
>once my ears stop aching i answer
>"eight years..."
>"eight years, and not one postcard, not a flag from all the territories you conquered... if you didn't want to visit, fine, but you haven't even sent a message by raven!"
>this is going to take a while, i think
>several hours later, and a promise i'll send her a raven once a week, i set back off to my castle
>in the end, when even kalar the fated one failed to overthrow my reign of terror, my rampaging mother did it with ease
>my castle is all i have left
>several days later, i'm walking down the halls
>hear people talking in the war room
>decide to eavesdrop

>"i mean, that's so cruel," says bogard
>"really, honestly," says javalar, another general, "even i remember to write home at least once a month."
>"yeah, like, the pillaging, the burning of villages, hell, even that weird torture thing in the basement, i can handle that," bogard continues, before pausing to take a drink. "but what kind of kid doesn't remember the woman who raised him?"
>i wonder if bogard can "handle" the weird torture thing if he were put in it

>look around at the remains of my forces
>all of them are looking at the ground or at the sky
>some are whistling
Kek, that's the kind of awkwardness I was waiting for.
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>Duplicate file exists
>Multiple times
Owari da... This time for real.
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this one wound up pretty long, so i just decided to put it in a paste
sorry for the wait! i struggled to figure out how i wanted to approach it for a while, but i hope it's worth it.

thanks, i had a lot of fun balancing the dynamics of everybody involved in the story

if anybody else has any other ideas they want me to do, i'm still in the mood to write some more powerful girls
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Bar curving reflects reality.

anon was talking about the fact that the plates themselves are curving
4 twin sisters do all sorts of strength competitions to determine who's the big sister, running fast, lifting, armwrestling etc. They are so engrossed in the competitions that they don't notice the propery and public damage they are causing. One wins and while celebreting the mom appears furious at all of the damage they caused. The 3 losers look down in shame while the winner is cocky and tries to downplay the mom's anger. She gets slapped by the mom, it looks casual but she starts flying at high speed. The mom tells the now-scared shitless trio that after they retrieve their sister and she wakes up they must go and apologize to every person they destroy their property and then fix the damage they've done.
So goddamn amazing, I really love the twist about the house. Certainly worth the wait.
I really like the dynamic between anon and the gal, he got that Victorian thonk but also a healthy bit of self preservation. I really love how much of a troll the female lead is, soft sadism occasionally and the pointy teeth? *Chef kiss*

Would be very funny seeing how anon reacts to her "totally normal human" physiology after seeing her effortlessly strolling on a bright hot day despite her condition, her alabaster skin beautiful and smooth as ever and without a drop of sweat.
Seriously great work!
Side note

>while i appreciate the gesture of destroying ones entire home in the name of dedication (why don't all women do this, i have to wonder?)

Bro went "she is so real for that" and this made me laugh a lot.
Need more gorilla horse girls.
Anyone made a WebM of the scene where Darkness withstands a hydra? Seen it on Twitter last night.
Bumping for this
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>Darkness suddenly sway to the front
>Kazuma's finger snaps
Remember to be careful with your fingers around abs. They are the most dangerous part of a fit girl.
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To perform hard physical labor, I assume
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>Just realized I posted this on the wrong thread
Given the lack of material of this fetish, which character you guys wish had more fanart doing crazy feats of strength?
For me, it's the KanoKari girls. The story is ass and the girls, besides Sumi, are horrible but their designs are perfect for the "average girls with super strength" feel I'm looking for.
honestly given how relatively little there is of this, i could just name a bunch of waifus i like and chances are there isn't anything for any of them
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Yeah, it's a shame.
But I'm mostly asking about characters you want to see depicted as super strong.
just some off the top of my head, several of the girls i like from FGO would be nice to see shown as super strong, like Musashi, Okita, Hildr, and Qin Liangyu. given how lore wise they state many of these characters have strength far exceeding that of normal humans, its a shame we don't see girls from there regularly perform inhuman feats of strength that they ought to be capable of
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To match your choice of image, I'd say hot Kyoani girls in general are good candidates. The extra bit of subtle meatiness the studio tends to draw goes well with the idea of there being more power than you'd expect under the pretty exterior. I remember a time when /a/'s Shinka spam threads had some writefagging about stuff like her overpowering (You) while you punch her to no effect, that was nice.
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My man, you made remember Shinka. And yes, she and the chuunibyou girls are perfect for this. I would imagine they have some strength to do the chuuni fighting sequences IRL.
For me though the strongest would be Touka. Just the thought of her overpowering someone casually while maintaing her nonchalant expression seems perfect for her.
> I remember a time when /a/'s Shinka spam threads had some writefagging about stuff like her overpowering (You) while you punch her to no effect, that was nice.
This one?
I feel my fetish evolving in real time.
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This artist (じぇねらる on pixiv) actually has an entire little comic series where this girl is one of the main characters. She's the only one with a big strength focus and it's all more cute than anything else, but it does still contain some nice feats like becoming impervious to knives by flexing and winning in armwrestling with one finger. Artist does some sweet animations, too.
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I really hope AI progress to the point that it can illustrate strength feats without a problem.
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I never minded the gore, and I even paypigged his patreon. I miss his old style so bad

now he just does very generic 'superhero world building' with no feats or tantalizing stuff happening. I just want to see a cute schoolgirl overpowering the natural world.....

plus he sperged out and deleted all of his old work on everywhere so unless you were lucky enough to save it you're just SOL. so annoying.
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i was hanging out with Hoshina last year, and tried to jaywalk across the road, no big deal right? this bitch said she had to go pee, and then like 3 seconds later star cure came running round the corner straight at me. As if I didn’t know it was her . anyway i didn’t have much time to think about this retarded bitch because she picked me up by my armpits and flew me like half a mile above the city. she was obviously trying to give me a lecture about jay walking or something but I couldn’t hear her because of the wind…..

the worst part was when she (pretty clearly accidentally) DROPPED ME and had to fly down and catch me before I splattered all over the downtown like a FUCKING WATERBALOON. anyway we all stopped hanging out with her after these incidents
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everyone had already learned their lesson when it came to fucking with Kousaka. Even the teachers. Unluckily for the new kid, no one had time to warn him.
He was walking between classes, scaring away all the first years and boom, tried to shoulder check her. Obviously he just bounced off and landed on his ass.
She swung around to see who had touched her, and almost missed him still on the floor. Kousaka had to bend all the way down just to get a look at the poor guy. I was still trying to get a peek at her by the lockers and got a wonderful view of those perfect legs of course.

Seeing him down there she let out a loud gleeful 'HUUH?', and looked around at her gaggle of followers for approval.

He still didn't understand the situation he was in, unlucky bastard. He was still scrambling to his feet and let out a spiteful "Watch where you're standing moron!"

"Who even are you?" Kosaka sneered back, reaching casually down with one arm.

The new kid tried to swat her hand away and stand up, but it was completely hopeless. In a second her fingers clamped around his face and lifted him clear off his feet. Just with one arm she completely lifted this guy into the air. He was actually just kicking in empty space trying to get down it was so pathetic. He tried pulling her hand off but it was impossible for him. He was much bigger than her, or me, keep in mind. So this whole situation was just ridiculous. Kosaka is invincible.

Despite all his struggles, in the end she ended up packing him into an empty locker and bending the handles together to trap him in there. It took the janitor half an hour to get him out. At one point she was just pushing her breasts up against the door while she tied it, and he was struggling with his whole strength to force it open. She didn't even budge. No wonder everyone with any sense is scared of her.
Uh oh.
Does he still make stuff? I tried kemono and the last post was in 2023
There was some old comic with a girl becoming super during a workout, ends up mangling steel poles with her breasts but for the life of me I can't find it. Super Jane or something
yes his name on patreon is 1.123 now

I don't recommend it at all, it's just world building and not fun or sexy anymore. most of it is on sadpanda uploaded under the 1888 tag if you want to check it out.
Getting pulled away by a stronger girl.
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Illya turned up from school early today and immediately started demanding that I change the tv channel. I told her no and to go change out of her uniform atleast; and why was she even home early? She said it was a special episode of Cardcaptor Sakura, which didn’t make sense to me because why would they send everyone home early just to watch an anime special?

Anyway she quickly overpowered me and confiscated the tv remote. Of course because I had tried to boss her around there was a punishment. This time she kept me pinned in her lap like a little kid and forced me to watch the whole anime with her.

At first I tried to escape, which was totally impossible. Even though I’m much bigger than her, Illya doesn’t even have to transform into her magical girl form to handle a regular person like me. She didn’t even take her eyes off the tv while brushing aside my attempts to resist her. When I tried to lecture she just clamped her thigh over my face to stop me from breathing, I couldn’t physically stop her so I had no choice but to calm down or fall unconscious.

Eventually I gave up and tried to enjoy the movie. It was actually quite cute and fun so it’s not so bad. She even fed me some pieces of popcorn as a treat!

Later when she’d finally got bored of me and let me go, I called the school. They played dumb at first but I finally got the administrator to admit that Illya had been threatening them and made them add school-wide holidays whenever her favorite anime’s are playing.
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what the hell am I even supposed to do that about this? I’m supposed to be responsible for her… Even if I go and talk to the school she’ll probably find out and punish ME, and how am I supposed to convince them from just doing whatever she says anyway…

she probably already knows about the phone call…. I think she’s started watching me. There was that time she was out with her friends and just HAPPENED to fly across town and catch me poking around her room at that exact moment. I’m in hell!

I think she can see through walls or hear me or something
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fresh from press lads
Any more of this? With best girl Luvia-ojou-sama, of course
I wonder, how do you do forceful/borderline rape while being consensual? I imagine most sexual scenarios involving super-strength are non-con, otherwise, how do you showcase the strength?
>pin him down
>sit on him and hold him with your thighs
>let him struggle so he knows there's no way he'll even budge
>keep him like that for a minute
>"just say a word and I'll stop"
>flustered he says nothing, avoiding your gaze
>continue with segz
simple as
havent updated it in years tho
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What I've come to like is when petite women suddenly show off their hidden muscularity when performing acts of superstrength. Not like hyper muscle growth, something like a girl's arm goes from being thin as a stick to suddenly brawny when she lifts something up, her legs become tree trunks when lifting something or if someone underestimates her, she can transform her frail body and make it look ripped.
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>No Luvia
Sad, but thank you.
She's bringing the one continent system back!
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Powerscaling female characters makes me horny
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for me, its pretty cures

i feel like they could push a finger through a manhole cover without damaging their cute nails.
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when the cheerleader has to save you from a collapsed building
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him struggling to hold up her elbow while she just relaxes is pretty hot
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one recent scenario u may like : female warrior vs "sword in the stone" or variant of it. to break it down into the archetype not just some random feat but something has historically significance? anyway the character comes along and just pulls it out with little ease.
what few men have done before, just like that. and she could make a *more* impossible challenege that was forgotten as a flex.

I wish there were more examples of this in manga, but it's close enough to what I envision.
> eg. carving the stone with body until the sword is released, but it just looks rusty and shit because theres nothing magical about it- Idk.
Is this a Shining reference? Neat.
Dykes ruin every fetish
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For me, it's lifting the sword while it's still stuck to the stone.
>kirkhammer acquired
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its more humiliating if she effortlessly pulls it out, and then casually puts it back in so the guy has to struggle and fight to try and get it out again

>gf teasing you again because you always have to ask her to open the jars that she closed
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I found this thang I wrote long ago. It was never edited, so there's typos, mistakes, questionable stylistic choices and --well, usual pre-quality control issues. I think I wrote this to try NovelAI but didn't quite like the app desu
Also, I knew jackshit of AL's lore so this may not make sense. I only wrote it because, apparently, the HMS Nelson melted some tanks during D-Day.
Either way, Nelson makes my dick hard.

Tell me what you guys think
Nice, I like it. There is some dialogue repetition, though. And some bizarre capitalization. Otherwise, the strength feats and their descriptions are great.
You should focus more on her appearance and sensory imagery to build a visual image for the reader, its written like an RP log which is good for your enjoyment because you already have a strong picture of what she looks like and whats happening
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Thank god realistic physics didn’t apply
can a brotha get some sauce PLEASE
How heavy is that barbell, more or less? Like 400-500lbs?
This makes me wonder about the other Abydos girls. They dont have raw strength feats Iirc, so it'd be hard to judge.
I know Iron Horus is relatively big, so it's gotta have some heft even Hoshino handles it quite easily. Shiroko is an athlete so she's prolly very stronk herself.
Serika and Ayane are kinda there, I guess
I seriously need some fantasy stories where the female protagonist is just super strong
How about written work
I really like this one, its very dark
I meant more in a fantasy setting. It's very weird that we don't have as many stories in that setting all things considered. It's usually modern fantasy and super heroes. I really enjoy stories taking place in other times, including as late as the 19th century/ steampunk.
I was thinking about that. Having a waifu who's from a typical shonen type story (with all the OP, powerscaling shite) would be so cool.
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Anytthing written with best girl Darkness? Preferably some shenanigens with Kazuma.

im a darkness hater
Any longer stories/books/webnovels, where female strength is an element? Only one I can think of is the gender-swapped twilight Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined, which has a surprising amount of it (still only a secondary element, though).
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You lads know good places to get story commission clients? I can write some
do you have any work to show off, especially in this topic?
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Me getting my skull caved in with stones, happy at witnessing such a hot display of strength before dying.
Who drew this? I love seeing muscular men get destroyed
Anyone know about CosmicBrutality? His stuff looks really retarded but some of them scratch the strong woman itch for me. Anyone have a link to his patreon stuff?
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iritamago (いりたまご)
99% of his work is cute girls destroying muscular men
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Not gonna lie, I really like displays of lewd strength, e.g. nipples being hard enough to dent steel and the like.
God that manga is shit.
Is that dude 2 feet tall wtf
She's got a very strange waist.
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She's remembering herself from back then.
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I want to see the olympic event of this, with all of the contestants.
yooo, big fan

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