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Gargantuan girls with gargantuan dicks
Non-retarded OP edition

Last thread >>10842773 (You) (Cross-thread)
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>Non-retarded OP edition
>(You) (Cross-thread)
smug anime girl.gif
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Please just fucking kill me already, why the fuck don't I notice these things
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Oh, the thread's back. And OP made a slight mistake again. As punishment OP should be turned into a futa's dick.
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want giant futa to tease me with her cock and hug her bulge
Do we have any translators here?
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Dunno about translators but I do wish we had someone to write/draw more giantess futa Hasumi scenarios.
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I have a little bit of the ol' art skills, but who's Hasumi?
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futa with older girl and this size difference is so great
older girls/women are made for younger girls
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Hasumi Hanekawa from Blue Archive, girl needs more content
I very very very do not understand the artists who like giant futas to fuck buildings but god bless them.
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This is literary one of my favourite pictures.
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wish this happened in game
Well what else are they gonna fuck? At a mega size buildings make the most sense.
Was asked in the tera giantess thread to drop a link here. It's a short story of a fairy growing into a planet-sized futa giantess.

Linking to giantessworld seems the most innocuous way to do it so:


(and if you want to search instead, it's called Pixie's Planet).
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Remember the giant futa gyaru?
She's back, she's bigger and she's hornier
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I want to live in this world so bad
Who's the artist?
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Not all his stuff is size related but this hits so hard
shes so fucking hot, do like futa on male but not into deformation when futa fucking smaller guy or girl
the hand grabs in both make me diamonds
super hot, hope he keeps her at the size of the new one
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where is this from?
Skeb request of a character.
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Yukari looks like a pretty “hard” boss fight. Any protips on how to beat her?
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Depends on your relationship level with her.
If didn't do any heart events, she will be pretty ruthless and try to instant kill you by teleporting you in her mouth/stomach.
If you got her relationship maxed out (Which is pretty easy, she gets easily attached to mortals), then you don't need to hit her, just dodge her attacks, pay special attention at the portals again, because she will try to teleport you inside her balls and that is one of the endings where you stay with her as her pet. (The CGs are quite good, but you lose a lot on the main romance path with her)
After you dodge too much her at the end she will be too hot and bothered to continue the fight.
IMO her romance route is the best, so good luck with your hag.
Thanks for the breakdown. I would like to know some more things on how to deal with her as the Slayer character if you’d be willing to elaborate on the huge hag. Namely the last two points with successful dodges and her romance route.
Wait, are you talking about an actual game? If so, what is it?
It's pretty easy to see it coming, she will signal with her finger and you will see dark energy gathering on a point atop of your head, all you need to do as the Slayer is to use your dash or use the Double Barrel grappling hook.
The romance route starts kinda cute, she will be extremely embarrassed of showing her massive member of course, so you need to reassure her it didn't scare you. When she tells you that she wanted to protect you by "storing you somewhere safe from the other youkai", indulge her fantasies a bit.
Now, important point, she will drop her dick down on the table and there is some QTE involved, first always try to answer things that will get her excited, you know that you're doing that correctly because her shaft will throb pretty hard and you need to keep your composure, if you fail 2 times it's nothing bad, she will only ask if you're ok, but if you lose too much the event will end and you will lose out on the CG.
So you can get three endings to this event, the trapped inside her condom if you called her old/hag at any moment, the second one that she will shot her load on you, for this one you need to have hit her at least once during the boss fight. And the third you need to tell her that you love older women, she will carefully put her mast over your body as she cums, if you controller has that vibration on be careful cuz it will vibrate a lot as you feel her semen pass through her urethra on top of you.

I wish. (If I could find someone willing to take this as a game project I would do it)
Also, if you for some reason you managed to get her an old newspaper, she will start using a nightly gown at her home, and you will get quite a lot of CGs of her mast peeking out through the soft fabric.
Right, right, don’t stop moving. Just like any other DooM game then except the boss is a big futa 2hu.
Also what does CG stand for?
Since I’m playing as the Doom Slayer character and I’m fairly good at him, I can pass the QTE thing easily. Yukari probably likes being told she’s the smartest, strongest, and prettiest (youngh sage and youkai of all time. A good dick and ego stroke for her. Guaranteed I hit her multiple times during the boss fight but for some runs, I might call her saggy haggy just to see where it goes via condom entrapment. I would imagine there would be more QTEs for that one.
No idea anout the newspaper >>10965419 thing. Betcha it has something to do with Aya the damn crow.
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>I wish.
I'm so confused. You and >>10965433 talk about this in so much detail that I have the impression you're referencing something that you're both familiar with, but if it's not a game what else are you talking about? A Choose Your Own Adventure story?
If it is a game I don’t know anything about it. I just want to talk about gigantic futa Yukari having some fun with a tiny Doomguy.
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>getting cockvored
>getting contantly assaulted and raped by fleshy tentancles
>while inside her cumchamber
>no sleep, no rest, always awake
>slowly consumed by her inner sex walls
>reduced to be an itch of pleasure to keep her wandering mind entertained
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There used to be some twitter accounts doing Final Fantasy XIV giantess futa stuff, and some were really creative, but now I can't find those accounts anymore.
Anyone has some names to drop?
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I remember some random 2 page doujin in the forest/jungle with some hot primitive futa giantess enslaving a guy/trapping him in her foreskin, wish I could find it again!
[pages missing due to guro]
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>Your city will never be flooded by the cum of a giga-MILF futa and her two teenage daughters.
I wish there was a continuation of this or even a story written here with him dealing with a big futa gaphag or other 2hus.
More venus pls
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I will give a tip to anyone starting the game out, to not get a instant game over when you wake up, you see all the 2hus your choose on the questionnaire, if you didn't choose any you get the default choices, and all of them will get random levels of affection depending on what you answer.
So starting out you see them talking about you being the new tribute, but don't worry that you won't get killed unless you choose the ones that want to. Starting out you see your 6 chosen girls gather around a table and basically go "So he must choose his destiny."
That's when they all take their cocks out and put over the table, and that's when your decision comes in, basically choose a girl you like but if you want to survive looks for a few giveaway signs.
Look at their faces, the more flustered by the prospect of being chosen means that you're going to likely survive, if the tip of the cock starts drooling when you get close it only means she wants you, not that you get out safe from it.
Now the most common girls that have unique signs are as follow: Yuuka's cock will throb a bit with her heartbeat and also there will be a comment about it smelling fresh, Yukari's cock will drool but if you see a portal opening when you get close avoid her, if you see Yuyuko drooling from the mouth also avoid since that's the vore ending, Remilia eyes will shine slightly if she has interest in you (Be careful tho if you want to choose her to get to Patchouli or Sakuya since Flandre will gank you a lot), and finally the lost one I saw is Ran which you only need to pay attention to her tails, if they move it means she is interested.

So good luck
Not bad for a default six, they’re a nice mix of big girls with different appearances, abilities, personalities, and of course colossal cocks. Based on the initial information here the safest bets would be Ran and Remilia with Yuyuko being the most dangerous. Although I’m kind of leaning towards Yuuka myself. Maybe a bit of flattery sent their way would improve the odds and make them more receptive and less likely to kill their little human. Like telling Ran how pretty her tails are and what a hard worker she is or saying Remilia really is an exceptionally charming and potent mistress. Yuuka naturally would enjoy someone who knows a thing or two about flowers. I have to wonder if the Slayer would have better survival odds given his greater strength and resilience at the cost of practically no social or flirting skills?
Thanks for the advice, makes me want to see artwork of this scenario now or even better a size game.
Source on this one?
Her level is approximately 1200, so you can use Level 5 Death to kill her instantly. The gap gives her great evasion against physicals, so just abuse !X-Fight like everybody else does in this game. If you want to feeble her down, you can use Level 2 Old and sit around until her level drops to 1, then cast Mini followed by Jump. You got Mime mastered, right, anon?
I found the page with the request.
Is there a way to access the listed files, or are they only available to the requester?
Hmm that all sounds viable enough. Well except that Old idea. Since Yukari is at such a high level waiting around is going take a long time and I don’t want to wait.
And come on, it’s Doomguy. Of course Mime is mastered.
Sorry dude, she has the Heavy bit on so none of that works.
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The PSD files (if there are any) are only made available to the person who made the request.
How about PNG or JPG files? Is it up to the creator or something?
Depends on if they get posted, but all you'll get is whatever version ends up on social media.
Level 5 Death and Level X blue magic in general ignores Heavy, you fool. People have killed Shinryu with it.
pissin napalm?
She's just using her staff to cast fireball, obviously...
I'm a faggot who prefers giants obviously but this is why I love the futa threads. You don't get good giant content like this often.
One hell of a UTI
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Is Seo the most based giant futa artist ever?
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Coming back to drawing balls when?
well the hangar mecha girl he did recently had a cock and balls bulge >>11002006
I agree though those cocks look so bare without a good pair of balls underneath them
Totally agree!
Futa giantesses are always doing the fun stuff I fantasize about. (Like >>10944692)
There’s just not enough male growth/giant content (a lot of the stuff here is shota)… though some furry artists get it, but I’m not really into furry.
>walk in on porn star dick futa (5'11") fucking your gf (5'3"), practically eclipsing her small but meaty body
>jump onto the bed with all the might your 6" tall body can muster
>"Get that thing out of my beloved, you fiend!"
>"Huuuh? Fuck off, dude. My girlfriend said she doesn't want you anymore. I'm gonna blow soon so get lost."
>devastated and in utter disbelief, you jump onto the futa's defenseless taint
>in a blind rage, you unleash an assault of punches, kicks, biting, licking, kissing, caressing, atomic elbows, flying DDTs, RKOs, and every other painful move imaginable on her gigantic hot asshole in an attempt to free your now ex gf from the clutches of the fat cock slowly pounding and rearranging her delicate insides
>"fuuuuuuuuu~~ ohhhhhhhhh shit~!!!! It's cccccoming out ooooooooooooggghhhh"
>"Don't you dare spill your seed inside of her, yo-"
>*SPLUUUUuuuurt* "UUUUuuugggghh~" *SPLuuuuuuuuuurt* uuuuuuuuuuuff~ *spluuuuurrrrrrtttttt* "haaaaaa fffffuck haaa that's good"
>your life is abrupty brought to an end with the final thrust of your ex gf's and her new bf's wild mating session
>in your fading consciousness, you hear, "My asshole must taste really nice. He was going crazy down there, making sure no wrinkle went unkissed!"
>"M-May I service your asshole, dear? It's only right that a wife keep her beloved husband clean... (heart)"
>"Of course, go ahead. Make sure you get that little homewrecker off of me too."
Is this good, bros?
>husband lives
>futa decides he makes a great sex toy and pet, never lets him directly touch his wife again but uses him in countless other ways
>thinks his tiny impotent rage is just a cute cover for him worshipping her, and likes it
>like, no way he’d kiss every inch of her asshole like that unless he really really liked her, right? Damn she’s good, she bagged a tiny by cucking him…
>eventually gets bored of the wife, she’s worn and used and keeps whining about child support, and moves on to a younger bitch
>but keeps the tiny dude forever
I’ve always had a soft spot for weird futa reverse NTR.
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>only 5'11" porn star dick futa
One mustn't be afraid to dream bigger.
I usually think of this kinda thing postfap and laugh. Cheating gf gets dumped instantly, never knowing the sweet taste of that asshole. Not realizing she's average at best compared to futa.
His plan the entire time. Having a thicc, peak fertility, prime for breeding """""gf""""" to use as bait for the homewrecker futa of his dreams. "gf" is completely enchanted by cock but can't have it since futa is enchanted by the devilish motions of the tiny's mouth and has been converted into a good, prim, one partner futa with her new tf (toyfriend) (she's his toy).
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Source on this?
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>new for of capital punishment
>offenders are shrunk and put in those mounted jerk off things for cattle
>"execution chamber" is just a golf ball size pocket where the accused is placed
>executioner proceeds to very thoroughly use the breeding mount
>crime rate drops at the thought of this inhumane act
>lesser crimes steadily begin to receive the punishment
>parking meter offenders treated no differently than serial murder rapist tax evading conman terrorists
>one executioner was caught pleasuring herself with this tinies and was immediately charged with "gross misuse of government property" then executed
>no one is safe
>her executioner said the feeling of her tiny body pressed against the head of her cock the moment she came is the most pleasurable thing she's ever felt
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I've loved pretty much everything with Yui in it so far, and I wish I knew where she's from or whose OC she is.
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the anime and manga Yuyushiki, you can even see the other characters at the railing in that one
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>no futa prison-industrial complex
Imagine being a tiny cop and getting smuggled into a futa prison to be used for trade. You'd be the ultimate prison bitch.
Nice to see an animator understand tinies are stored in the balls
how tiny are the tinies? Like are they "eye to eye" with the dick or would the tip be looming over them?
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Would it be fine if I shill my RWBY Weiss Futa Giantess story here? She starts small before ending on the giga scale and fucks a continent with her gigantic dick
Yes, unless you are Questhana or whatever
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They got anything aside from a Twitter?

The thin veneer of fake politeness breaking down while committing mass sexual destruction is hot.
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>be tiny boy born into giantess family
>giantess mom, futa giantess mama (she’s the softie of the two believe it or not), twin tomboy futa giantess sister (don’t ask, it’s complicated, but when she’s feeling really mean she calls you the afterbirth)
>growing up around giantesses who do eat other “mongrel” tinies (though, they try to hide it, they mostly fail - there’s a reason you outgrew watching TV at night perched on mom’s belly), two of whom have dicks bigger than a schoolbus, can kind of fuck up your mental development whoo boy do you have all of the fetishes
>don’t ask how it all works, it’s a fetish porn logic world
>love your family a lot
>mostly because they take such relatively good care of you, not all giantesses are too nice to tinies, even in modern times
>at least being a boy isn’t a near certain death sentence like it was 100 years ago
>it’s actually trendy to ‘have’ boys right now, despite how ‘useless’ we are
>were basically pugs
>could be worse
>but yeah, tinies under the protection of giantesses tend to have okay lives, just expect to get sold off to a giantess ‘fiancé’ (read: owner) and to never really get to make any life choices
>look, it’s better than spending every minute of your life worrying if you’ll fail your next tiny productivity test and get downgraded to disposable, or if some biggo is just gonna risk a fine and snatch you out of the crowd for a quick snack, or whatever
>so yeah, you were born into a comparatively gilded cage
>You don’t know any other way to live

>it’s a school morning, and your alarm goes off
>twin tomboy futa giantess sister (don’t ask, it’s complicated)

>she does have the occasional moment where she let it show that she IS at least kinda fond of you
>like that one time she came across the TinyTok video of you being dunked into a toilet by a group of your classmates
>the next day almost nobody besides you turned up to class
>turns out that she collected as many of the tinies in the same year as you as she could find, including their families
>the majority of the schoolmates she kidnapped had never even heard of you let alone taken any part in the bullying
>she apparently still made them all watch as she fed their parents and siblings to her hungry cock
>and then she drowned them all as she ejaculated into the bowl she was keeping them in
>the only reason why you know is because she got caught after she posted a video of this to her BigTok account with the caption "Nobody bullies my speck brother but me!"
>she is still a minor so she didn't get hit with any legal repercussions
>but mom cut her allowance in half as punishment anyway
>she let her frustrations out on you by blowing a fat load into your tiny wardrobe
>while the clothes were easily washed, the stench of her cum is still very noticable
>luckily there weren't any classmates left who could bully you over this
Yeah I was def going the protectively-murderous tsundere bro-con route with the sister.
>a few minutes later, your room starts to shake
>then your roof comes off
>you hate the fact that your TinyHome is so modular, your family loves it
>Mom, Mama, and Sis are not big on privacy, and don’t like not knowing where you are
>they got you chipped when you were like 8, but still insist on stuff like this
>Mama smiles down at you, the titanic futanari ‘patriarch’ has always doted on you the most
>supposedly you were named after her older brother who she was super close to, and misses a lot
>… you don’t have any living uncles
>many such cases back in the day, now big ladies can keep track of their tinies with their phones and whatnot
>usual morning greetings, giant smooch, giant dick smooch, titty ride to the kitchen, the usual
>what, you don’t smooch giant futa dick? All boys with futa family are raised that way, wierdo…
>okay, no, you objectively understand your family is kinky and weird as shit. It’s a giantess thing.
>pulled out from titties and set on table, as usual you just share a plate with Mama
>Mom survives off coffee alone (you know she stops at a place that serves tinies on her way to the office, and is just trying to spare you the horror) and Sis always threatens to eat you if you touch her food (she’s bluffing, she won’t swallow, but you don’t feel like getting soaked in slobber before school)
>Mama is an Enforcer for the local Governess, and always has plenty of (thankfully nonhuman) protein on her plate, which she always reminds you you’ll need if you want to grow up strong enough to please a ‘real’ woman one day
>you know not to take Mama’s kindness towards you for granted, it’s not like she’s one of those Tiny Rights types
>the last time you complained about bullying, half of your class’ parents ended up as a fat creampie dumped into Mom
>you saw it from the hallway, and WOW she can be mean
>like, she knew those people. Some of those kids had been friends with you once…
>Brett Johnson’s dad once jokingly flirted with Mama once at a birthday picnic, sipping a beer on her shoulder
>didn’t stop her from making him watch as she fed his wife to Mom’s asshole with her cock
>all cause their kids trashed your locker with “monster-spawn” graffiti and shit
>It just goes to show how giantesses just don’t view relationships with tinies in a normal way
>only those who have a big lady who will vouch for and protect them matter. The rest rarely get second chances. Never third ones.
>you can be viewed as a cute family friend one day, and then a very-short lived eyesore the next
>it sucks, but ‘purebreed’ tinies like you, those rare ones born from giantesses, pretty much always end up as social pariahs. Your protected status makes others resent you, which can lead to conflict, your giantess family retaliating brutally, more resentment, and ugh.
>so yeah. Few friends, aside from some desperate/fearful suck ups that don’t actually want to spend any time near you or your family
>Mama makes sure you eat enough, then gets up to leave first. She looks spiffy in her armored Enforcer uniform. Off to protect school children from speeding drivers with displays of gratuitous violence, and to brutally put down labor rebellions. And whatnot.
>watching her and Mom kiss goodbye is a bit awkward, especially because you did it from the front row seat of their mouths
>fucking shit soaked in spit anyways, Sis is giggling at you (but also looks weirdly upset).
>Luckily Mom dabs at you with some tissues after, getting in her own morning time with you.
>Frankly she’s a bit more distant, since she comes from a country and culture that’s a big harsher towards all tinies.
>long story short, she tried to eat you when you were born. Yeah, pretty fucked. Fights happened. Your Mama pulled through, though.
>Mom warmed up to the idea of a ‘pet’ Tiny that was special because it was ‘theirs’, and eventually it turned to genuine love
>You’re pretty sure she views you as her dishonorable but adorable disabled child that’s useless and helpless, but lovable anyways
>which, ow, but considering Mom literally refuses to refer to other tinies by name (even the ones in relationships with or related to our giantess friends, that’s still a work in process) it could be worse
>you feel pretty fucking bad for the tinies that work under her at her company
>sucks to be them
>it also probably helped that Mama loves me, and Mom loves Mama’s cock. Dickings dependent on caring for your tiny baby, woo!
>I am under no circumstances ever allowed on trips to her home country to meet her side of the family, though
>Even Sis sometimes seems a bit spooked by whatever happens whenever they come back
>so yeah, fuck that
>After some coffee breath soaked smooches and cuddling (you refuse to admit she sometimes tastes you), Mom hands you off to Sis and heads off to work
>you and big Sis have a confusing dynamic
>parents kept you away from her when you were toddlers out of fear she’d think you were food
>turns out that was unnecessary, she found you one day and decided you were basically her safety blanket toy
>until you weren’t
>you can’t call it sibling fighting of rivalry, because that would imply it wasn’t obviously lopsided
>yeah, you could get whiny and bratty
>but, in your opinion, that’s pretty understandable when the other side can leave you stranded on top of cupboards or flush your entire wardrobe.
>it all came to a head when Sis fucked up and broke one of your legs one day
>Sis was already into her squishing years, and just got a bit too rough with you
>Sis refused to even touch you for months after that, and was always watching you with a spooked look on her face
>Mama must’ve really put the fear of the Goddess into her, or something…
>after like a year of awkward staring and hovering and overly apologetic behavior, Sis slowly went back to normal
>bullying never got physical again, at least not in potentially dangerous ways
>you suppose that’s just a part and parcel of having an older and giant sibling
>I mean, haha it’s totally normal that she pranks you by jacking off into your sheets like they’re tissues, right?
>(you totally didn’t have to pretend to sleep on your couch while she stared down at you whispering your name over and over while huffing your laundry hamper and fapping into your bedding, nope, didn’t happen)
>moving on
>Sis engages in usual morning shenanigans, of teasing you about things like how your moms were totally going to use you as a sex slave soon (already happened last New Years Eve while they were drunk, but your instincts scream that Sis should not be given that information)
>morning kiss pics for her to post on BigTok, the usual. She liked to tease you by reading the prices other women offered for you, and whatnot.
>you remember that her boyfriend was staying over last night, and wonder where he is
>Sis grumpily tells you things didn’t work out, he just wasn’t right for her
>That was the fourth one this semester
>The semester started two weeks ago
>you don’t bother asking for further clarification, for all you know he’s still alive in her room somewhere
>you do not go in her room, and you do not want to know
>she spends most of her free time in your room (well, the guest room where your TinyHome is most of the time, anyways. It gets moved to your moms’ room when guests are over. That’s always… something)
>You dunno why so many poor dudes let themselves get suckered into blatantly doomed relationships
>the promise of safety? Wealth? Were some of them just that down bad, or even into it? The #menforboyfood movement was a pretty big thing, you supposed
>The Gynarchy did invest a lot into like, porn psyops and shit
just one more I swear
>time to get to school
>Once upon a time, you had a bike
>it got crushed
>many such cases
>since it resulted in your Sis ‘reluctantly’ agreeing to carry you to school daily, you assumed it was her
>it wasn’t. As it turned out it was a giantess girl who was trying to get your Sis’ attention by getting your attention, and it’s a long story…
>you’re pretty sure they did fuck, but girl never approached you or Sis again and practically runs if she sees you (resulting in squishings, so you try to avoid her for the greater good)
>she still has a weird limp
>a few of Sis’ friends have taken you out on test dates, but they’re all still in their “a tiny lasts till the end of the night” dating phase, and since you’re off the menu for even just some bruising, respectfully dump you
>and you’ve never had a tiny girlfriend last more than a day, so you stopped trying. That’s not just Sis, Mom and Mama don’t let “runt cunts” in the house.
>and every time moms mention an arranged marriage, Sis throws a shitfit
>It doesn’t help that Mom is still squeamish about you having a ‘relationship’ or tinies marrying giantesses in general
>she’s pushing for you to just be cared for by your sister and whatever nice giantess she marries one day
>Sis loves this plan
>Mama has been poking around her military and government friends to see if any women she trusts have girls looking for a guy
>the candidates range from intimidating to terrifying, so far
>so that’s your only hope to escape being your Sis’ safety-cocktoy for life.
>which she vaguely teases you about as she carries you to school
>though obviously indirectly, because she avoids any actual admission of attraction or care for you like the plague
>she’ll just “have to be burdened with you as a pet for our dear mothers’ sakes” yada yada
>and yup, there goes a bike, though luckily no tinies
>and now she’s eying some poor guy that has somewhat similar looks to you in the hall…
I've been thinking of doing a sequel involving salem, keeping the giga scale while making her more uncaring regarding her surrondings, while also using her abilities to limit how much pleasure she experiences
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I love this unreasonably much.
I made a private bot OL that pretty much acts like this while jacking off onto a city of tinies, and yeah okay new fetish acquired. The mocking apologies while she details how her semen is melting buildings is hot.
>private bot
On what platform?

>>11015725 is kinda right. Your stories may have the right ideas but they are really poorly written. I remember an anon in the omni threads a while ago who told you exactly how to improve.
Oh wow! I remember bookmarking this story but I then never got around to reading it until now - thank you for the reminder. And also thank you for writing it in the first place; it is so unashamedly horny, I loved it.
On the note of the possible sequel, my very surface level knowledge of RWBY doesn't stretch far enough to know who Salem is (even looking her up gives me no clues, although I guess she's the villain?), but I'd always love to read more giga futa stories - even more so if it's one with a big couple!
Anon of green text what the hell I just read this shit looks like it came from a crappy and edgy version of the planet of the apes
Giant women (with dicks) will rule the world one day, and you will be a toy or food
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God, what dick I wouldn't suck to have this one translated...
Even my elementary-ass Japanese can handle this. It's not very interesting, though.

Page 1: Senpai <3 Senpai <3
Page 2, Top right panel, right to left: Senpai, I'm, already...
Okay, good. Shall we cum together?
Top left panel: ...N!! <3
Middle left panel: Panting noises

Everything else is just a sound effect
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Salem is the main antagonist of RWBY, super old true immortal witch who also is the grimm's leader. I plan for her to be the author of the books, and she routinely uses the magical giantess books to indulge in her fetish and relieve pent up sexual tension
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https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119328897 for the full resolution
This pushed a lot of my buttons. I’d read more.
imagine thinking you scored a futa giantess gf, and then she’s a yandere brocon. Even when she kills you, it won’t be you she’s getting off to. The absolute disrespect. Annihilated without hesitation to bust a nut while thinking of a tiny she won’t ever hurt. Some next level futa NTR shit.
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How many can she store in there?
Why is the tiny glowing?
rakiA and kotora nue new stuff got released but machine translation seems a bit wonky on them
Need More.This would be a good full blown story.
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Does anyone have the image from kmttntn/kamata yuuya where there's like 4 or so 9ft tall futas bullying a couple?
I’m quasi working on a draft of one, but I have a bad habit of despising my own writing and shitcanning it. It’s why I prefer to stick to greentexts.
Where can I find them?
Found them both on e-hentai, the rakiA one is titled Giga-size futanari Tenshi chan.
The ones from kotora nue is Hitō Kodemari no Yu e, and Trial of Brave
Pls include a big beefy futanari gym teacher who’s normally super voracious and rapey but is really sweet on the MC for some reason or another
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Man I wish there was a story or comic about some futa girlfailure villain that does minor inconvenience stuff like loitering in a no loiter zone going against a tiny hero but instead of fighting he is stunned by her beauty and starts praising her and she gets embarrassed and extremely flustered bumbling through conversation but extremely hard, there's a scene somewhere of she asking if he would willingly be her husband thinking he'd refuse but he agrees, she puts him on her panties, they leave to be happily ever after with very loving husband (And 7 pregnancies which ends with her looking with a blank face "how did I get here?")
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Who's that artist? Reverse searching isn't working.
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Thank you!
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artist is @xxx1151647
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artist is @xxx1151647
There's also a part 2 of this, which I've translated, however I wasn't sure if it's too guro (just blood).
Thank you for the translation! If you're not going to post the second (translated) part, where would I need to go to see it for myself?
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It has come to my attention that I'm a complete idiot, the original has been posted in this thread before.
Anyway here it is
hey so i do koikatsu content, like >>11050725 and >>11050727, and feel like doing some condom entrapment stuff with tiny girls in the condom, with either qin liangyu from fgo, fjorm from fire emblem, or takanashi kiara from hololive as the futa; anyone have requests they want to see involving one of those three? will probably get to doing it later this week
I'd love to see something with Kiara mentally scarring her fellow HoloLive members, like really making them afraid of her.
Something like her asking her friends if they "Wanna see something cool?" and then she pulls out her condom-covered dick, holding it in front of Gura's eyes like a censor bar. While the others react with disgust, asking how Kiara even has a penis or why she'd think to show them, Gura just sits there staring at it with a terrified expression. When Gura eventually does pipe up she just stammers about why there are tiny copies of herself and her friends trapped in the condom.. and how they can be moving.. (even better if we see close-ups of the tiny VTubers crying and struggling against the condom)
Kiara just innocently winks while filling the condom completely, thus drowning all the shrunken girls inside.

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