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Been a while, so time to revive a thread dedicated to one of my favourite fetishes: women dealing with a far greater milk output than they'd prefer. Lactation through clothes a plus, copious amounts of milk preferred but any amount is fine as long as they're visibly uncomfortable with it.
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Damn these threads were a classic.
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Here's a question: What would you have as the reason for all the milk? magic? science? Freak genetics?
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I’m a fan of freak genetics just for that extra little touch of unfairness. There’s no external cause you can point to, they didn’t do anything ‘wrong’, their bodies just decided it was their destiny to be a living milk fountain regardless of how they feel about it.
Same. Bonus if the girl lactating is already motherly/nurturing.like it's in their DNA to care for others and they just make enough milk for a baby and 2 other people, even before getting pregnant.
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It’s also fun when the girl is absolutely not that type of person at all, but her body doesn’t care, it’s going to force her into the role of a provider regardless.
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This could be the most fun turning it on and off in anyone i want to.
I had this odd dream, where i made a pill for SSBBW who want to try slim down without any effort that would burn off the calorie into breast milk, the only 'problem' was that they started eating more, so natural they kind of become hucows as their breasts milk production never stopped.
>Freak genetics?
I like this too. A genetic that could be passed down. I like to see a family line of females inheriting this gene. Activating at various ages or reasons. Like hearing a baby crying, curiously trying out a milk pump, having her nipples teased etc.
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Houkago Milk Latte from Kurokawa Otogi.

I had the idea of science. A genetic modification that causes a woman's body to reduce itself to its ideal weight by transforming excess fat into milk.

So the land whales you see walking around today would instead be huge breasted thin girls. Since they have no self control, they still eat like land whales but all the excess calories become breast milk.
There’s a really good story on Swell Tales called Motherly Instincts where the main character starts getting milk induced BE and Giantess growth at the sound of babies cries. Quite a good read.
Faucets are also a personal favourite of mine, just the idea that they're so full they need to be stopped up, and the moment you remove that the milk just starts pouring out like a broken dam
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>Freak genetics
Could happen. Other animals have oversized things (antlers, peacock tail, etc) that exist purely to attract a mate. Now that humans have industrial economies we don't have to select so much for baseline survival traits and can just pick status markers instead, so I'd be surprised if we didn't end up with some oversized markers by way of sexual selection.
As long as men keep favouring bigger tits the average will keep increasing. Provided there's no upper limit it will just keep going until giant leaky orbs are the norm. Women might do something similar with crotch bulge until we're all like Priapus or something.
There was one story that involved hypnosis or something and not only did the girl's tits get bigger and produce more milk, the milk also got thicker over time and started turning into cheese. Forgot what it was called and never found it again.
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Faucets on nipples are unbelievably based
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So true
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Hey guys my gf is getting into this fetish plus cow tf kind of stuff

could someone recommend me some cool comics with this theme to give her?

also it would be cool to buy a hard copy as a gift, but I don't really know where to look

i went to mandrake in tokyo when i was there last week and was amazed by the quantity of smut everywhere but it was majorly overwhelming, am back in USA now. can i buy this kind of stuff online?
Just recently had a situation come up where I did actually lactate through my shirt. I’m lucky it happened while I was at home, but it’s happened before while I was in public, but that was over a year ago at this point.
I’m partial to the excuse I use when someone finds out I’m lactating and I don’t want to say that it’s a thing I pursued on purpose: “it’s a side effect of my medication.” There’s a huge number of medications that can cause lactation as a possible side effect
>i went to mandrake in tokyo when i was there last week and was amazed by the quantity of smut everywhere but it was majorly overwhelming, am back in USA now. can i buy this kind of stuff online?
You can proxy stuff from Mandarake or Surugaya with a proxy service, ZenMarket works but their item fees have gotten high lately, I'm sure there are other services out there
thanks for the reply anon, i will check it out
Just incredible
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Reminder to play Cowtastic Cafe, the breast milk and BE game ive ever played.
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Thank you for the recommendation anon
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good thread
mythra alt
How did you discover your desire to lactate? Are there any posts in particular you relate to or wish could happen to you?
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Naze's Kemono page hasn't been updated since February.
They're so good at drawing these scenarios. Do you know if the to one where the girl takes lactation pills as a joke and gets addicted to them was ever translated?
yeah, but otogi is on fakku now so you'll have to look elsewhere
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Combo of freak genetics+basically magic in the body's ability to violate physics to produce the most terrifying, drowning-hazard level quantities of milk possible.
Hottest when the girl is visibly producing such insane firehose blasts of milk it looks like it's causing her discomfort, but the reality is that she's holding back much more and is struggling not to release all of it as fast as she's making it to avoid property damage/hurting others/biblically flooding a massive area.
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Something awakened in this artist and he started doing a lot of lactation content
What medications do you use?
Asking for science
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worth a bump
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(Pic only tangentially related)

So one of my favourite stories ever on the subject was from a now-defunct Japanese site. I've always felt it was a shame there was never an English version, so today I decided to give it a shot. I'm no translator though, so the best I was able to do was kludge together the Google/DeepL translations and rewrite them a bit to flow better in English, though I tried to editorialize as little as possible. Not much of a writer either, but hope you enjoy them as much as I did regardless.


This seems to be the current pastebin alternative in vogue, but I can upload it to another site if anyone has trouble getting it to load.
Saving this, thank you for this translation
Always loved the idea of a nice, gentle girl who just happens to have such an uncontrollably, destructively lewd body
That's not the milk bath she was expecting!
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huge fan of patchy
I'm getting 403 errors trying to access the pastebin

Tossed them onto a mega folder for you: https://mega.nz/folder/uLoAXLTI#gIILoxDaGJfPjVZVCCkfBw
Fucking preem anon, thanks. I like what I'm reading.
I love how after a certain stage of that game you almost have to use her milk, and start putting too much in it, to keep her happiness up.
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Any pics of small titties being made to produce a volume of milk totally disproportionate to the titty size?
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closest i know of is this artist (pic related) that has a bunch of works featuring flatties being milked so much they cry with hearts in their eyes
but it's not a "disproportionate" amount, at least on an image-by-image basis. Still, since scientifically breast size and milk output aren't tightly correlated (most of big breast volume is fat, not specific milk producing fatty tissue) it's fun to imagine flatties making more milk thangirls with bazongas bigger than their heads.
>small titties being made to produce a volume of milk totally disproportionate to the titty size?
Funny enough, this happens in ASOIAF. GRRM really is a pervert.

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