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Reborn from its ashes edition.

Previous: >>10897119

Pretty much everything related to size stuff with female booties welcome, buttcrush/smothering, anal vore, and yes, farts. Non-fart complainers get shoved into the nearest male size/vore thread.

Any pics with scat must have the scat censored or link to the pic on an external site.
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Hey, so, these threads were getting targeted for no reason but here I am trying to bring them back, it was sad that they were getting killed off.

Where my booty enjoyers at?
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Present and still thinking about mothers
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For some reason, gassy MILFs have become part of our own little subculture even before the booty threads unified. I do kinda enjoy it myself to some extent but I mean, we can have more thicc, chubby and gassy ladies involved in size shenanigans without having to be the tiny/ies' mom.

We can have teachers, aunts, friends of the mom herself or people from school, work, etc. Non MILF big booty beauties are also good. Still, I wonder about Siscon Anon lol.
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Teachers are a fun one, there was a big story about a teacher using shrinking to punish students, frequently involving them ending up under her gassy butt.

Too bad we don't have a dedicated Teacher Booty Anon lol, but yeah I remember some of those greentexts.
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I had an ill-tempered overweight drama teacher in middle school. I like to imagine her shrinking students to perform plays with bad performances being punished under her pudgy ass sometimes.
Gyatts in Ohio:
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I don't know what it was with my school, but I think about two thirds of the female teachers were bottom-heavy shortstacks. That pretty much doomed me to be attracted to plump milf booty for the rest of my life, I was always picturing being sat on during class

I had a pretty cool Art teacher in highschool that had a massive, fat ass and knew it, she only ever wore stupidly tight jeans or leggings and was quite playful and flirty. I had to base one of the characters in my stories on her, lul. I daydreamed many times about getting shrunken and sat on by her or getting lost in her crack.

Good looking teachers were hard to come by in 90's-early 2000's semirural Mexico but the few ones were all the more memorable for it. In 7th-9th grade I had a civic education teacher that was mostly normal-looking up top with maybe a bit of pudge on her tummy but below the waist, holy hell dat ass was freaking enormous. Funnily enough she had been after my father in their younger days but she lost to my mom and the 3 remain good friends, she was like a fun unofficial aunt and I also imagined plenty of times being the size of a speck on that gigantic, jiggling booty.
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Only one teacher I had made a show of how large her butt was, she would close every door/cupboard/drawer by giving it a hip bump. Naturally I would always picture myself trapped within her cheeks as she would do this, or sometimes imagine her the size of a city and knocking down all the buildings by wiggling her hips
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They warn you against selling your soul to demons but they don't tell you about this part
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>Shrunken to a microscopic size and trapped between the cheeks of an unaware ditzy milf as she goes about her day
>Found and "rescued" by a kindly milf and purposefully dropped back there for "safekeeping". Every time she sits down or farts she giggles an apology, but never does anything to help
I can never decide

2nd one is better long term
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That's true, but there's some things that people do when they think they're alone that would only happen if she's unaware, like letting loose with the gas or scratching her ass and pushing me further in.
Plus, being an unwilling prisoner inside sweaty milf crack absolutely sends me. Especially if it's someone I know and I can hear them talking about me without knowing where I'm trapped
The only teacher I had that I found really hot was this college aged girl back when I was in the 7th grade, probably early 20s. Long blonde hair, had this really slim figure and always wore these suits with really tight pants. I think she was unaware of the majority of my classmates always checking her ass out when she had her back turned to us walking down the aisles between our desks. Too bad it was really early when I was just getting into size and hadn't really began to fantasize about a lot of stuff yet, Had another teacher a few years later in 9th grade that was also a blonde. slim figured college aged girl but she wasn't as hot as the other and didn't wear the tight pants like the other did.
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What kind of butt is the best kind to be squashed under?
Follow up question: Whose butt is the best kind to be trapped in?
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Get shrunk by devil, control devil will never let you leave her ass.
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For me, the bigger, fatter and squishier the better. If it's also gassy all the better too. As for the second question almost any girl done by GTSTamago would be amazing, there's also a few girls from Kanahebi with massive plush booties or Pogojo's.

I guess if I had to choose any characters in either anime, manga, comics or games I'd go for Mimori Musubi from Little Snatcher. Pic related.
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Ay these threads are back. I haven't had the time for 4chan since a a few threads ago, I just kinda assumed they were gone. Great to see.

>Still, I wonder about Siscon Anon lol
Don't worry I'm not dead yet, no matter how much irl work i gotta shoulder lmao. Nice work summoning me tho
Hope all my ass-bros are doing well.

Since we're talking teachers, I had a homeroom teacher who wasn't outrageously thicc like I'm imagining most of yours, but had a rare elegant sort of thiccness that was mostly on her hips. She looked like an artist's finest marble sculpture. Immaculate milf vibes as well, due to her gentle demeanor, but she was also spunky, dorky, and energetic. She was modest so no tight or revealing clothes, but she ended up coincidentally being my class's hr teacher every year. This combined with her being the daughter of the shitty, middle of nowhere, private school's owner led to her becoming less uptight with every year until she was hosting senior homeroom exclusively in her pajamas. Must've helped her get comfortable that there were less students every year until my class was only, like, 10 girls and one other dude who took sick leave everyday. I still have gentle gts fantasies of her every now and then.

The only other teacher of interest was the Spanish teacher, who was a physically fit shortcake. As the years went by, I'm not making this up, I saw her get corrupted into a weeaboo with christmas cake. She'd make "subtle" jokes about how lonely she is and how she never had a boyfriend, until one day on senior year she started ranting about how her sister got married before she started dating. She was in her 20s when I graduated.

I also remember bringing a trumpet to annoy my friends with. At lunch I was playing a bunch of poor notes(my squad chilled outside her class at lunch) and she struts out of her room and goes "man, sounds like me when I get out of bed."
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Just for the record, I'm the same anon from here and the OP for this thread.


Hey, glad to hear of you again! Also damn, seeing a teacher become an anime christmas cake irl lol. My highschool Art teacher was like your ecchi show teacher that seemed to be horny and flirty. I was booty bumped in the shoulders by her more than once and every time it was a treasured memory forever engraved in my mind. My fantasies of getting shrunken and found by her and getting stashed into dat huge ass of hers only intensified and eventually materialized into one of my characters lol. Also she joked about sitting on a student's lap on some field trips, myself included a few times.

Surprisingly, there's not that many pics of her on social media but with the few I saw, she still looks mighty fine and still rocks the huge booty. She has to be in her late 40s but easily passes off as early 30's, just like she looked anywhere in her 20's back in the day, but some things she said let on that she was closer to 30 in age.

I wish I had many more worth booty stories to share about teachers but in an ironic twist, it was mostly fantasy fueled by the sorts of things I just described. Also I'm not kidding, I never saw that teacher in a dress or skirt, only in jeans and leggings that left very little to the imagination.
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Where you find uncensored?
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The implications behind the pic are as hilarious as they are disturbing. How many times has this milf sat on this poor girl? What does she get out of this? Why has the tiny done to earn her ire?
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Could be a mixed size work environment and the giant MILF is making sure to shut down possible competition.
>What does she get out of this?

she finds it funny

>Why has the tiny done to earn her ire?

she thinks they are cute
>poor girl
you mean lucky
Pic shows the big one as the older one but I really can't decide which one I prefer for a mixed size office setting.

>normal sized office just started accepting tinies. Older, more mature normal sized ladies who feel challenged by their adorable new workspace competitors decide to sneakily break the new recruits by making it seem like an accident every time, subtly teasing the newbies to show them that age brings not only wisdom but also sweet ass curves.

>tiny office gets bought out by normal sized person. Nepo-hires all her nieces, they're all pompous and bratty together they turn it into a hellish sorority. Very ageist to the older tiny ladies that used to run the show. Always shutting them up by saying "okay boomer", refusing to answer to them because they were "mewing", and "mogging" on the lil ladies with their normal sized curves they got from following some weird tiktok workout schedule.

Nah, first one is better.
File deleted.
Thanks Random Anon, very based of you to resurrect the ass threads. I've been reading your interactive and I'm glad we at least have that for (well written) gts ass erotica, I swear it used to be more common...

This post is a sort of bump, I'll be back soon to schizo rant about content creators, as I do. Also I've been meditating, somewhat, to remember my childhood to see if I could cough up more memories for you all. It's been surprisingly successful, and I'm a bit shocked at just how much I RP'ed with Sis and Cuz lmao (even if the fine details are a bit hazy still). I thought my original guesses were overstatements. So with that said, I've got a cousin story coming soon.
Though I'd like a site where I don't have to have it in greentext format and won't get censored. Maybe I could still post it here idk, green just feels clunky to me.

Hey! Thanks to you as well. I try to recreate the feeling of the golden era of Writing.com and Giantessworld lol. You could say that mostly Giga (Giantessworld), Tinyman0001 (Writing-com) and NotOnTime amongst various other older authors from the writing-com boom have influenced my work.

Hey, rants and discussions is what this thread's about, along with whatever smidge of content we get. Definitely looking forwards to the cuz stories. As for sites, in spite of the wariness that some people have, I still believe collaberotica is the best free place to host your work, in theory it can serve as an upgraded giantessworld with the ability to make interactives and with even fewer restrictions than on writing.com. Just keep personal backups on like Gdrive or other cloud services in case things take an unexpected turn.
What’s this artist name in English this shit is diamonds
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it's an edit of a non GTS picture - https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/28352488 that is the artist but it's not GTS
Thank you anon. This stuff is great. Shame they don’t draw gts
Anyone know where I can find Preesouls art nowadays? I've tried exhentai, but I want the images in their original resolution, and I don't want to bother with the headache that's their credits system. It doesn't even look like any of those galleries have all of his art.
Do you still take commissions randomanon? I recall you were open a few years ago, but I never got the chance to check on prices

Officially I'm not taking any more, 2022-2023 were quite disastrous for me in terms of health and then was homeless for a while due to having no electricity at home. If it's not too large of a project I can see if I can take on it but it will be at a fairly slow rate, I'm still catching up on stuff to deliver lol. You can reach me on Discord for more details, there's my server too, the link should still work.
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Oh hey I got a bit of time to shitpost- Omfg they took my goblin webm, can't have shit in /d/etroit I swear.

I'll probably be using collaberotica. So long as it doesn't ask for a number when making an acct, like seemingly everything does (the old internet just about died with omegle, I swear.) Least I still have 4chan for my shizo ramblngs, speaking of which, content creators, I was gonna say webm related but I guess jannies don't like scragboy, what the fuck was bro's plan?
>Start off pumping golden content with machine speed
>Release quality hyper gts models into the world
>make 7k a month
>drop all communications and updates
>slowly lose followers and money
Goddamn I'm so pissed, why are eskoz and saxanas the only content creators who don't exclusively focus on feet and vore that can actually stick around? Shoutout to them btw, next Eskoz is gonna be anal vore with his updated redhead model, and sax's next one will be about Dexter's mom. Very based.
Anyways, while I'm still here, live action shlop, I was watching the giantessave vids I saved, and I need a legit answer on if what I'm feeling is biased or not. Because I swear to god, all their objectively best vids were ass related. I'm talking objectively and holistically. Was there some shadowy figure paying them and supervising to make sure they didn't fuck up his ass commission? (I know the shit city ones were definitely comm'd) Tell me ur fucking secrets so I can commission part 3 goddamnit!
Oh wait, they got doxxed and quit? There goes my chance at blowing 10k
Bit of a dumb question but do you guys think they improved or ruined the gts-scape in any way?

God I fucking wish we had a gts artist who exclusively drew milfs at this level

anyways time to check out collaberotica god bless ye fellow degens
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I don't think they require more than having an email. Will look forward to whatever you post there.

Answering your last question, I believe so, Giantessave brought higher quality live action videos and they did a surprising amount of stuff with braps. You can find some on thisvid or spankbang. To me, their best work was "Musical Chairs" with GiantessParis.

It's a shame that with the advent of onlyfans and low quality customs, studios like Ave can't emerge anymore and be sustainable, it'd have to be a Media Impact scheme with one insanely rich dude funding the thing. At the very least I wish I could commission art of my story characters but goddamn, conversion from Mexican pesos into US dollars is brutal.
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An anal vore fan looks at art of a tiny in a rectum, the picture being last in a full tour vore set, however the observer is unaware of this. Should that make the image functionally an anal vore pic from the perspectiveof the observer, and is one who is observingthe observer obligated to inform them of the truth? Why or why not?
5 pages APA format, go.

(Lol I got a temporary ban for uploading that jorabora palutena pic as an example of good ideas ruined by jank artistic decisions)
Siscon anon... it's been years... please.... brap story......

Or actually any, ill even take the old ones... i lost my copies of it...
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Bro please crawl out of ur sisters ass and post the story where ur fat assed cousin literally drowned u in her ass and killed u irl. That was the story we were promised wasn't it?

>Bit of a dumb question but do you guys think they improved or ruined the gts-scape in any way?

To answer, gtsave was a neutral force in the pornosphere, not good or bad simply neutral. It stood alone and should be observed alone, and that said, your looking at it with rose tinted glasses. They embodied all the worst aspects of gts. One I don't hear brought up enough is trying to make every vid a jack of all trades. Think they did this to cast a wide audience net like "hey u like ass here's an ass scene". Especially painful when paired with another deadly sin, FILLER, like mf i bought the ass clip why is there 9 mins of feet. Probably also a means of making their vids more "cinematic" cuz the dude running it was a total fartsniffer. Not the based kind, the self-huffing kind. What I find funky is how the ended up as c-list insta celebs. Doing normie couple skits. Was it before or after gtsRoma? Either way they're still scumbags, they would leave their OF without content for months, taking money, shit they still have a patreon lying around getting fucking pocket change for tjem. I think they quit less because of the dox and more because they got bored of the gig. You're gonna say you didn't know the risk of pretending to be a giantess using a skyscraper as a toilet while charging money for it, while also being a small insta celeb with children? What the fuck ever I'm too buzzed for this shit here's a cute raven pic
In grade school I had a teacher that was a pretty average looking milf with a very huge ass. I remember in class she'd threaten to sit on kids who were misbehaving. At recess she'd play this kind of "game" where she would like bounce off the back wall of the school with her ass and then "trap" kids against the outside wall of the school with her ass. Thinking about it now it sounds absolutely insane that any of it happened.

needless to say, she is the reason I have a giantess fetish.
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>At recess she'd play this kind of "game" where she would like bounce off the back wall of the school with her ass and then "trap" kids against the outside wall of the school with her ass
My thoughts as well. I've kinda given into a personal philosophy of "fuck it I'll just start believing in things" but of all the wild things said on these cursed threads, this is the one I feel like needs the most suspension of disbelief.
Here's a few of the claims I've heard tossed on here:
1 Someone whose thicc older sister allegedly crammed his face in her ass and farted.
2 Someone who claimed to have infiltrated a discord server of insecure black girls, taught some to use gts fantasies as a sort of cognitive behavioral therapy.
3 dude who claims that his sister was tickled pink by the idea of him being tiny and up her butt for years
Those are the ones off the top of my head, I think there were also mom ones idk.
But I'll believe this one too, because calling everything fake is kinda gay. My guess is this happened in grade 1, and anon is either a dinosaur (went to school before parents started breathing down teachers necks) or lives in the literal middle of nowhere, in rural merica.

If you got anything more to add plz do I'd love to read more about this funky ass teacher you had
these threads are absolutely wild with some of the stories you get on them, though I will say, some of the ideas... inspiring~
Anyone here an oldfag who remembers Mamabliss? Their comics showing anal insertion were literally my first exposure of the giantess fetish. I remember becoming so enlightened when I first found their site
To be fair my older sister did also (apparently) sit on my face and fart sometimes but I was like 2 years old or something, I dunno. The probable cause of this fetish for me desu
Yeah, totally forgot about them
I totally forgot about them before reading ur post, so I searched it up and damn... just damn... I legit feel ashamed for how much nostalgia I felt looking at those sloppy illegible comics.

I... highly doubt something weird and coincidental happening that young could be the root cause of your fetish. But the idea of humans immediately becoming brap/sizefags after one face fart experience is equally hilarious and scary.
I'm pretty sure Mamabliss is the reason I want to see bratty teenagers getting dominated under gassy milf butts so much.
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>Someone whose thicc older sister allegedly crammed his face in her ass and farted.
As someone who has an older sister, that's actually very believable, they can be quite bitchy.
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I wish I had an alchemist goblin for a sister
Even better, I wish I had been adopted into a family of goblins in a different world, all alchemists
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Why alchemist specifically? A wizard is just as good.
On skibbidy blvd likes gyats from Ohio
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One of my favorite comms ever. I wanna get another one with Chun or Samus.
Goblin alchemist just synergizes really well. If I were to have a goblin mage, goblin shaman would be fun, but that wouldn't fit into the sibling dynamic I'm thinking of.
The goblin alchemist has a lot of possibilities from your clothing being laced with shrinking pheromones to your breakfast being laced with a shrinking potion. Also, being potions, anyone can use them, which means if your youngest goblin sibling happens to get ahold of a growth potion while you're babysitting, then that's a whole new form of chaos to deal with.
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I don't really know what else to add besides that. It was in third grade. I do remember my class talking to her again when we were in like 5th grade and she was still sitting on kids in class because she told us how she was going to get a pair of pants that said "the force" across her backside because one kid said he would only let her sit on him if she used all her force.

Again, I know this sounds fucking insane and like a larp, but I promise you it's real. This was at a parochial (pre-k through 8th grade) christian school so it wasn't meant to be sexual at all. It was just one of those things where we were like "Oh yeah, Mrs. so-and-so will sit on you if you misbehave and its funny because she's big and has a big butt"
you lucky fuck (I think)
Naw man, I believe you, private christian schools are where all the weird/freaky ones teach. Sounds like if shrink tech were real she'd be the type to tease her students with the idea of shrinking them and destroying them with her bum, making all the students really uncomfortable and scared because they swear they once saw a shrink ray in her drawer.

Shit, she's starting to sound like a top tier character for story material. If only I was good at commissioning.
I've had ideas for stories about her buzzing around my brain since I was a kid in her class. One of these days I'll put something to paper. I've been meaning to get back into writing.

It's weird because I've never told anyone about her or that experience because no one else would understand except for people on size boards or forums. Funny to see the responses.
Version with sound: https://twitter.com/scrag_boy/status/1788705613792285127
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>Your country and race will never end under a girl's gyatt

I believe you. In third grade as well myself, my teacher (that i had a crush on) would stand over a slide, ass pointing at the top, and when we would slide between her legs she'd make fart/poop sounds. Thinking back, it should've been a sign that i loved it when she did that and always made her do it like 10 times.
>tfw the teacher thinks all the kids are done going down the slide, unaware that the micro student of the classroom was the last in line to go down
>she plops her butt down and takes a seat at the end of the slide, pulling out a phone to talk to friends and family in a moment of calm
>she barely feels the insignificant speck smack into her ass at high speeds after reaching the end of the slide, and thinking herself alone, feels content to lift her leg up a bit and release the pent up gas in her system
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Does anyone have an archive of zeroechoes work they deleted their deviant art?
Sadly no. Got any more you can post?
Thats the only ass one I got but I have almost all the tomboy ones
Could post them in the other thread then, that way we at least have them in the /d/ archive
Unaware gts farts are better than aware gts farts
gyatomir ohiovitch as they say in russia
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If only...
fucking hell I need that
And why is that?

Unrelated, but I think the best scenarios are when children are shrunk for failing in classes, or for delinquent behavior. Nothing reinforces that a child needs to study hard more than seeing their older sibling getting gassed into unconsciousness in their mom's back pocket.
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According to the artist, this vid was inspired by the scene from spongebob where Patrick uses his house to crushe spongebob in his sleep. Inspiration comes from the darnedest places, shame this artist doesn't do more gts pieces.

This vid got me wondering, what are your thoughts on overly animated and absurd takes on gts butt stuff? Personally I like it, it's not like it's replacing grounded stuff any time soon, and the fetish is already absurd so might as well use the medium of animation to exaggerate and give more energy to the scene.
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Artist? I quite like the look of her eyes.
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This would 100% work on me.
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If this ends up happening, I'm moving to one of those butts. They owe me a new planet.

A measure of anime or cartoonish tropes can enrich even somewhat grounded stories, but it's up to the writer's skill.

Hey guys, RandomAnon reporting back after like a 2-3 weeks absence, irl issues. I'm glad to see that the thread's still alive and I'm just trying to get back on track with my writing.
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>SBD's are the smelliest
>Loud bassy farts rumble your body and hurt your ears
So what's so bad about a small squeaky fart then in comparison?
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SBDs and loud bassy ones are great, but let's not count out the weak squeaks, because weak is the key word, it's relative. Personally I love how they're a great reminder of the tiny's situation. To a small enough tiny a loud bassy boom can sound like an angry god, but a squeak can't be confused for anything else. Your ears are ringing and your life is in danger, and it was all from a sad fart that could've gone unnoticed if you were normal sized. Your tormentor is an anus, no its ands or butt- buts.

Nice kronii Pic btw. Now I'm wondering what hologirl would I rather be the lil ass-cquaintance of. I was thinking Pekomama like picrel to match the undying theme of milf butt, but thinking about it I'd have to go with hololives signature hag Marine. If you know, you know.

Marine has a huge butt and there's some amazing art of it, but we need to see it brap! Kiryu Coco would also be another good one to be an ass-quaintance of, according to the lil' gorilla.
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I'd have to go with Sana because...

Good point about the squeaky ones. As an added bonus, it would probably elicit an underreaction from the giantess as well, who would feel the frantic squirms and choking wretches, and may very likely tell them to 'quit overreacting'.
that is one hell of an inspiration, and I can definitely see it in this. ...And now I want to be thunderclapped by giantess butt. Hard
>To me, their best work was "Musical Chairs" with GiantessParis.
Man Paris was the GOAT. I was looking fot anything similar and I got nothing. The Spelling Bee with Mia is fine but she is too thin.
I do. I liked the Assadistan one. Shame I can't find it anywhere.
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Mamabliss is kino. Wish she still made stuff.
I don't think I saw that one
this artist is the best one that does the "squashed cartoonishly onto an ass" pics i can't get enough of tiny's being flattened into tattoos or stickers
>I don't think I saw that one
It was about two girls coming into town. There was a parade. One girl farts by accident at the people. They just go all out after that. It was black and white.
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I have found it. There is a download link on anewgooddes site. The comic is titled homage.
I like how even though the sketching is visually bouncing around, it still looks great
I've been searching for ages a comic she made starring ms frizzle, from the magic school bus show. Does anyone have it?
People were always complaining about her art. I don't really know why. I always liked her giantess comics.
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remember to worship the big butt for ten minutes every day! no skipping
legend has it that those who worship at the butt shrine will mysteriously disappear after being visited by a giant butt.

this is a drawing of @momotino
booty shrine for @kyojiri_jinja
I can never decide on if I want to be just big enough to be compacted and squished by a girls soft, squishy cheeks while she goes about her day, or so pathetically small every toot of gas she releases is an apocalyptic event.

I'm leaning towards the latter at the moment.
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They did a bunch of videos with Mia and some were quite good but never at Musical Chairs' level. Also notably these videos inluded braps often.
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This post makes me wish pogojo was still alive. It's a shame he died in that brutal home invasion a few months back...
Sometimes I swear I can still see him tweet...

Paris was great, so great that she feels a bit monkey's paw-ish, the way she had a great body and gts personality, yet nothing is known about her and she most likely never did gts work again. What a shame.
Aside from Roma and Paris, I'd say I'm a Victoria guy. Something about her gives off a bimbo vibe that I like, and her butt just looks softer and more shapely than Mila's.
GA's relationship with braps is weird. It came out of nowhere, and was only used more with time, almost as if they were into it. But then sometimes they'd have brap scenes so lame, sloppy, and tacked on you'd swear they were being spiteful to the people who kept requesting it (the toilet scene from Victoria's Biggest Model in the World comes to mind, though, that whole clip sucked.)
>This post makes me wish pogojo was still alive. It's a shame he died in that brutal home invasion a few months back...
>Sometimes I swear I can still see him tweet...
i know you're being facetious but is this like, a common joke i'm not in on?
I feel like Roma is only interested in feet. Ass doesn't feel natural when she does it. Paris was into ass 100%. I have 1 video with Victoria - she plays cop. She is better than Mila but not great.
Is there any archive with these? I used to love Roma's stuff when it was on youtube but I never found her again afterwards
image was too big to upload. More poison gas
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Kinda wish her butt also had the bold, erratic line art that the rest of her has. I think it'd make it look like her butt is involuntarily shaking from nervousness and embarrassment.
>that juicy butthole
>tfw will never be the legal guardian of an overly skittish, giant livestock monstergirl that evolved to be unable to hold in her farts (she is cultured and intelligent enough to be embarrassed by this facet of her biology when around other humans).
Life sucks bros...

Saying artists who appear inactive are dead is nothing new but I've somehow never seen it with pogojo, so I thought I'd do it lol. The sketch I posted was his most recent drawing I think. If he's done with art I wish him the best, but last I heard he's been working on a huge project or something?

Unrelated and 3dpd but my broke, horny, bad decision making ass got a 250 visa gift card and I put that shit into my many vids wallet fast as fuck. But the manyvid search sucks ass so it's most efficient to go by model. I already bought most of ricebunny and 55passion beforehand. I'm eyeing nixlynka and sashacurves this time around.
Any recommendations?
Please put some of these vids on some digital drive somewhere and share. I’m broke and horny, I’m out of good gts ass porn and would be forever grateful.

As for suggestions KitsuneForeplay seems to have good trailers at least for good gts ass/fart/vore content. I’ve been watching her stuff for a long time and her trailers are normally enough to get me going but I’d love to see her full content.

There's also MistressKawaii and Kelly Shamrock for both butt stuff and braps but 55inches and Nixlynka are already amazing picks.
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for giantess braps or ass entrapment? Canadian_Bimbo, kitsune_foreplay, Domme Tomorrow, Lanie Love has 1 I think, Katherine De vil, Boo_Bear Classy and gassy.
I have a bunch of 55passion, nixlynka and sashacurves that I got completely for free, had some ricebunny but deleted her because she's kind of lame.
You need to porn better my guy, no need to be spending cash on that shit.
Super based. Hope you can share it somehow. Or better yet, upload it to coomer so it's preserved. There's a decent chunk there already, but I don't think all of the size videos have been uploaded.
Share some of the stash please brother. Help your fellow broke autists in need.
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Thanks for the recs fellas, haven't touched shit since making this post so lemme see what we got...

>You need to porn better my guy
>no need to be spending cash on that shit.
Also true lmao, but I spent all my life working solely on imagination and free shit, now life's good and I got money. I spend like 200 every 6 months. Got tired of the trading game and how sites have been acting (purges n shit). I try my best to archive. Will prolly share here but only these threads, vid sharing sites are nightmares nowadays.

I like her energy, I think I already have all her gts stuff on another drive
Good but hasn't made a gts vid in years and has manyvid acct. Have most of her stufffor free. Her trump supporter commission was comedy gold
>Kelly Shamrock
Fuck ye bro, top shelf. I already got most her gts vids but she was on my radar
VERY overpriced, but her witch vid was good, free on thisvid
>Domme Tomorrow
Overpriced, good crazy energy, I'll try to see if I can find the free shit on this vid again
>Lanie Love
Classic but a bit boring and no braps
>Classy and gassy
Cute lesbo couple, not so great video making skill, still make some hot vids tho
>Katherine De vil
K, not the prettiest imo fair prices
Overpriced, good vibe and still hot despite being a bit skinny for my tastes. Sister vid is goated (found free)

Thanks again assbros
Sorry about the cousin story btw, work has been sporadic, and everytime it comes to editing I delete cuz it ends up as straight up shit.

In other news, my sister and I did end up talking about it. It was equal parts funny, awkward, and sad... with some really weird tension. Will post about it if anyone wants to listen.
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Glad to hear from you again. Do you even need to ask if we want to listen? Also, could you post your stash somewhere? I got a Discord server if you'd like. I can be DM'd @ random_anon_404 on there.
>Will post about it if anyone wants to listen.
Yes we do
Kelly Shamrock is incredible. Sharing any of her stuff would be greatly appreciated.
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god i love ass entrapment post what you got anon
Was gonna ask who the hottest canon giantess is but the selection is so damn small
Feels bad man
My pick is Diane ofc
Imma go with Brandish as she's got the perfect personality to be a giantess.
If Iruru from Kobayashi's Dragon Maid counts since I believe it's implied she could shrink things if she wanted, I'd pick her because her personality is even better, you can't go wrong with bratty oppai loli.
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There's Neiro from Chieri's manga. If only she were bigger than just 8 meters tho...
>tfw you realize that Chat GPT doesn’t consider butts and farts to be lewd and there’s a lot of leeway in asking it to write you a story…
>Amused and teasing
>Indifferent and cold
What’s your preferred reaction from a giantess finding out she had been sitting on or gassing a tiny?
What’s your favorite race of giantess to do the sitting and gassing?
I love Insect girls, especially spiders, bees/wasps, and shit like that.There is a lack of incest ladies though, might fix that on collaberotica, Idk though. I also love animal girls alot (not anthro just maybe ears, patterns, and a tail). Protective animals like bears, cats (who doesnt like catgirls), cows, and wolves are really hot.
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I don't care how cliche it is, a giantess playfully asking a tiny to 'scooch over a bit' as she sits down on a chair that's clearly too small to handle both her ass and a tiny at the same time will always be top tier.
Seriously don't understand the appeal of butts paired with giantess. Why don't you guys go for something with a hint of style or realism like feet or vore?
How tf is feet/vore any more “realistic” than butts/farts in this very unrealistic scenario?
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more pics of giant girls commiting genocide on nano cities
Small 'people' deserve braps
I would kiss all those parts equally, especially on a giantess
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you will never get gassed by the extermination fart of a giant synth
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What kind of ass do you prefer on a woman? Obviously we all like a big ass, but do you prefer something muscular and firm? Soft and jiggly? Puffy and round?
Soft, jiggly and round, as big as it can be. Which is also why I favor thiccer/chubbier girls or even bbws in my works lul, also very small size ratios for even more exponential booty.
I love those big asses that bounce/jiggle with the slightest movement. Just inviting you in.
scrawny and bony
Idk why, but Gerd makes me feel things
Any size that makes funny noises for me
Thread no die.
tfw no giga extinction synth who eats humans just to convert them into bio-fat on her ass and poison extermination gas
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Something about Aki Rosenthal's og design always made me imagine her with a phat one, but sadly hololive is allergic to big butts. I always cringe when commenters talk about Ina's back or gura, and say "she got the whole bakery!"

Call me once hololive makes a model built like saavlewd. Just kidding (hyper is underrated), but really my answer has to be Okayu. You just KNOW she'd fall into a food coma and accidentally scratch her ass with you in hand, leaving you there to deal with the aftermath of her feast.
giantess, kemono friends, and butts were all made for each-other! all humans deserve to be squashed under the ass of a friend! have their butts entirely replace national landmarks for japari!
Just released a new Public version of my Twine Based game. Has lots of AV content.

You can download it on Patreon for Free. https://www.patreon.com/posts/105258057
Thank you, i love your work
Why are earthquakes caused by giantess so hot and funny?
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>so hot
Giantess produce a lot of body heat and, their traditional territorial display of "twerk-quakes" -as the internet has come to call it- is the perfect motion to accidentally fan said heat onto us.
It's easy to watch the documentaries and assume those who encounter a giantess are laughing out of humor, but psychologists managed to interview a few survivors of these encounters. According to those with their minds in tact, everything about a giantess rumbling the earth with with the gyrations and oscillations of her glutes cause the mind to lapse into insanity due to the sheer humiliation. We are actively working on how to solve the survivors' fear of female posteriors. Tragic.
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Good stuff anon. Keep up the good work.
Great, now I wanna see a giantess video inspired from when Bubblebass grinds on Plankton in the movie theater.
That scene gave me an uncomfortable 'why' boner as a kid, if only it was a cute lady fish
Any updates on irl shrinking technology? That way I can crawl up a hot girl’s anus and stay in there till she shits me out.

It's been done.
Well this is uncomfortably hot
I have a fantasy ever since I was in highschool. Had 4 asian girl classmates, all brunettes, with nice figures, always wearing yoga pants, shorts or skirts that accentuate their asses. Two of them were childhood friends that were close, the other two were bitches, but ultra sexy. I always fantasized about suddenly shrinking in class, then I would be found by these girls who would use their now massive asses to crush me like an ant. They would have mixed reactions from pity to cruel arrogance but they would always end by surrounding me with their butts above my tiny, broken body, and sit down, turning me into a stain. I would regularly fantasize about this scenario with different variations, like farting or unaware, in bikinis or miniskirts, but I would always cum whem I visualized their asses with stains of tiny humans, crushed under their sexy bodies. Its been years since I last saw them but I still regularly goon to the thought of them one day crushing me to death with their asses.
i know the feeling, there was a gal with a completely oversized ass while not being fat... and rumors that she was completely crazy while hating her ass (which is understandable). i used to imagine just being stuffed in her jeans back pocket and slowly getting crushed to death while no-one but her knew
Follow up with something I almost completely forgot about:
One of the girls was like the class bitch, mature and sexy for her age, huge rack and ass that she loved to show off. One class she sat next to me near the back of the room. We both faced perpendicular from the whiteboard, so her head was turned to the left, focused away from me. On that day she was wearing dolphin shorts. I had already seen her come in wearing that, and her ass was massive, her curves pressing against the fabric. When she sat down, her ass splayed out on the seat. I was so enraptured I decides to play a game: I tore off a piece of paper and rolled it into a tiny ball, ant sized, and tossed it on her seat. The chair had a slope, and the ball rolled to the center, resting against her right ass cheek. I fantasized myself being that tiny wad, seeing this massive wall of ass. She suddenly leaned to the left, letting the wad roll under her cheel, and she sat back down, engulfing it completely. I was stunned. I was the wad, crushed under her massive weight. She also had a habit of fidgeting, so I imagined that wad was grinded over and over. She did get up to use the bathroom, and I got the chance to examine the damage. It was flattened, like a small disc. I brushed it off and replaced it with another wad, this time in the center. The girl came back in and without glancing at the seat plopped her ass down, her cheeks swallowing the wad whole. It was gone from me sight. I imagined the suffocation, the pressure, and sheer domination this bitch had over anything smaller than herself. She kept grinding on the chair, presumably flattening that wad as well. When class ended an hour later all that was left was another flattened disk of paper. She didn't even notice. If I had one wish it would to become a wad of paper crushed under the ass of this uncaring, unaware, voluptuous asian queen.
If anyone wants to talk about giantess ass/braps hit me up on discord.
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reposting this lovely one
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AI Shlop with male cuckshit, ew.

Onto actual art, anyone see the teaser Eskoz put out? Holy shit looking at this Clara compared to the old one shows how much he's improved, especially with how much character the voice acting adds when paired with the animation damn!

Let's see how saxanas is doing- oh god.... well at least he's still alive.
She's a little to BBW for me but I'm excited to see the final product. His models have become so detailed it takes him ages to create content but it's what his supporters want so eh
>Have a dream where I'm on vacation with my family
>Because we're going out onto the water later my family decided to get some sort of body modification technology so we could go swimming in the water like mermaids
>But the body modification tech does all sorts of other stuff too if you want it too, including growth or shrinking
>It takes my bitch of an older sister all of five seconds to suggest shrinking me down and keeping me in her buttcrack for the vacation
God she's such a cunt

RIP. Hope you got some oxygen tanks before getting shrunken.
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I 100% know she would fucking fart on me too because the bitch already did it to me when I was normal sized IRL. Why are older sisters so terrible?
Probably sibling superiority

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