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Every vagina will be harmed and sacrificed in this thread.
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Heya mates; again dropping the FtM / CTF focused erotic story archive I've been updating since mid 2020, for any with interest.
Tl;dr: this is a personal project meant to collect worthwhile written content, improve it, and protect it from future porn nukes. DL from the Mega below; I know big mystery shares are spooky, but it's just because there's a lot here. 99% of docs are PDF or Word 2013, the remainder related image content and one or two voiced .mp3s or .mp4s.


Not so tl;dr: I've been organizing, tagging, and proofing a growing set of quality stories for way too long, as to get that part of my local porn collection all nice and pretty. Share it in /d/ threads and a discord or two on the side; this is the latest version.

That said, if you're looking at that and going "why would I DL a nearly 1gb 'collection' of public defem stories some rando picked up?", know that the real sell is that it's heavily curated; I've put in a ton of effort across the board to check every place I know what hosts this kind of thing, improving use experience and removing much of the need to trawl hundreds of half-tagged Furaffinity, Hentaifoundry, BEArchive and/or AO3 stories yourselves. Sources are available at the start of each doc, and each is at least partially error-checked, reformatted and described; shit's occasionally upwritten too, all while adhering to basic quality cutoffs. There's even a few exclusives now, as I've been at it long enough where anons occasionally throw unposted stuff at me; at the least, it makes a nice backbone for personal collections to build off of. Fully subcategorized and all; even includes reference art or related commissioned images, some rather hard to find alone.
If you've DLed before you already know all that; check right in the root of the share to see new adds, though that won't ever include other doc updates. That's about all; to list a few specific new FtM recommends, though, consider checking out:

-Like half a dozen different fics from Ebikiyo, a couple of which have yet to land on their FA; they basically hard carried the last few months. 'Facetime' is structurally fantastic and I've kept going back to it, 'Scented Eevee Candles' and 'My New Life as Trico' both standout takes on women being consumed by the very small / very big beastie boy inside of them... and then they made like four other explicit FtM fics too, plus a smattering of softcore ecchi on top of that?? How???
-And as if that wasn't enough, there's also the relatively new author Notkitty coming out with fantastic homages to their style; both "Office Beast" and "Happy Charm" offer top tier takes on office ladies (poke)manning up, only each with wholly distinct tones - the former more human-to-predatory and the latter instead an interestingly inhuman FPS affair.
-In terms of older content, I was able to suss out 'Character Transfer' (https://www.furaffinity.net/view/40165005/), a not half bad story about College Stacies accidentally setting off the 'Make me a studly WoW beastman please' ritual a couple gay nerds had been setting up on the side...
-As well as the lovely 'Eldi's Initiation' (https://www.furaffinity.net/view/42360687/), where a goblin mage thoroughly enjoys the gentle masculinity of her Minotaur hosts, even while becoming a doughy cowboy herself...
-While a handful of defem captions our KuItist pointed me towards round things out by helping bolster their number for the first time in a while, they themselves having also contributed a very respectible, very Halloweeny stallion FtM of their own

And to reiterate: do feel free to throw any recs you've got out at me per usual if you've something you like. I read *everything*.
It's nice to see a story I commissioned there lol, even if the coherency suffered due to cost.
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Twink FTM character fathering a child should happen more often.
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Almost missed this thread! Live damn you!
Original FTM is quite rare. It is the niche fetish out there.
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This is not FTM, it is just mental illness.
I mean, the new Pokemon GO avatars are kinda ugly, but idk if I'd describe Niantic as having a mental illness because their design team did a bad job
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I wonder if FTM'd Galahad in Rosen Garten Saga gonna fuck with a women, because that's almost every male characters do in this manga.
Any chance you can just have a side upload of the new stuff?
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No shot I'm putting together and testing 2x the mega links just to spare a niche of a niche 800mb of bandwidth lol. I already separate the new adds out for folks, there's gotta be a limit.

Would just make it more of a TL;DR for anyone newly checking it out too... and given the main intent's to keep things in circulation long term, giving folks a smaller set to just skim over and trash when they're done would kinda go against the point too. More hard drives it's festering in the better.
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cute until the mc cuts their hair
The storytelling was really weak. The author's other FTM series, Transitter was also axed. So far Saku Jiro has been a mediocre and failed hentai author and i hope he can improve. The current series is actually promising, i hope he won't drop the ball with it.
oh fuck i remember reading that and really liking it. hope his new series turns out well.
Is female to shemale ok?
It's historically been the place for it, and not like anyone else is posting images. Thread's yours to shape
Well, I like the idea of a girl growing a dick in place of their vagina but I don't like to see their breasts (and hips) go away. Other things like body hair, muscles, fat, stinkiness, change of personality, etc I'm fine with. They can have a dad bod for all I care as long as they still have tits. It's all good.
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I was wondering does any have "The Guild Clerk's Too Busty Client" comic yet?
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Does anyone else here enjoy female to cuntboy transformations or just regular masculinization?
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The closer it gets to IRL trannydom the worse it gets. If it's just a magical change it's great, but any mention of hormones or inclusion of overt masectomy scars and I'm instantly disinterested.

Hate the dumbass pseudo-scars lots of folks include as fur markings or whatever even when it's a supernatural change too, but those are at least *somewhat* ignorable. Overall though, just way too little acceptable content in the genre to really have a go at it.
Female to male, not female to ugly female. Without dickgrowth, the character would just be a woman, no matter what people say.
I always find those soft FTM manga to be much hotter than the hardcore shit relates to transgenderism. This can apply to those comic strips and manga where the shemale has stiff silicone tits. Some folks forgot that this genre is a fetish, not a political message.
Speaking of this, it is really rare to see a female to futa transformation with the futa gaining more androgynous features and fashion choice.
By androgynous you mean male?
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No i mean, still a futa with tits and big ass but with broader shoulder and abit handsome face.
There was an anon making these bearded shemales in the /d/ diffusion thread, that might tickle your fancy
So basically, more masculine.
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Basically. I want futa to live up the gender they are having.
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Oh sorry I meant if anyone knows a site that has it for free.
Personally, I love female to cuntboy transformation. Transmen’s hairy, test infused clits taste amazing to me. I can do without all the pronounisms, my goal is to find a woman who wants to go from a normal girl to a hairy, masculine, androgynous/Butch cave woman. I may make another thread though
The author guy would throw a fit if someone uploads his stuff online.
You can make cuntboy thread if you like to. Because the goal of FTM in these kind of thread is the penis.
So would most of them, yet tones of leak sites exist.

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