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No futa or male.
Last thread >>10868639
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Any good stories out there about a woman who's starts lactating more and more and more until it basically becomes a flood, if not an apocalypse?
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I said yes to a coworker that wanted to date me earlier this year and mentioned my kinks in passing. 6 months later, she started the Newman goldfarb method and her breast milk is currently in my coffee. nobody knows but me and her. I'm just holding the cup and sipping it. fucking Jesus Mary and Joseph I'm carrying a cup of breast milk coffee.

she's got big ol heart tattoos on her tits too. I learned how to eat pussy just for her. it's hard to not put a woman like this on a pedestal, but her being into petplay and choking has made it easier.
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>her breast milk is currently in my coffee.
t. Blizzard employee
But also, godspeed if real
If he was a blizzard employee he would be stealing it
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Where can I find this?
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>Subsisting entirely on breast milk and nothing else
>Take in so much you gain weight anyway
Good lord.
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Forcefeeding breast milk has got to be one of the most underexplored fetishes there are
You got the sauce for that one? SauceNAO only gives a 404'd DeviantArt link
Steelybird, you can see the watermark in the corner>>10991937
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>you can see the watermark in the corner
I'm fucking dumb. Thank you anon
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I miss him.
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fuuuuck, docking is so rare but so good
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Ako milk.
Cowtastic Cafe went open source. Rev up those mods.
oh shit, time to start cooking.
there a place we need to go or do we just fiddle with the itch files directly?

Devs put it up on github. Go to their discord to ask questions if you want. They are pretty friendly.

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All right boys and girls. I know this thread's good for it, but I need a reminder again.
What are the common or reliable ways to induce lactation (and breast growth) in actual women?
It's quite easy
Stimulation by feeding or pumping every 3-4 hours or by using supplements like domperidone
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I noticed there isn't a tag for a specific type of milking machine like pic related that's normally a backpack and is attached to a water gun or spray nozzle. I've seen the trend for years but it still just falls under the general "milking machine" umbrella
Nevermind, just realized the "milk gun" tag exists. Very underutilized for how many pics are out there though.
I think it's a variation of a real-world occupation of mobile beer-concessionaire, which has young women wearing a backpack that is a specialized beer keg to sell beer in the stands of an event like a baseball game. The item here is an re-imaging of it as vending the girl's own milk.
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We should probably invent a new tag, specifically for milk transfer via nipple docking. Too much cock action out there smothering the "docking" tag.
Woa-Nelly! What's the source on this one??

Also, not a single gif in this whole thread, for shame.
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Breast-on-breast paizuri is also an underrated fetish and has no unique tag.
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Breast fucking pussy has a tag name called 'dovefuck,' and milk can spray inside pussy like nakadashi. but still, not many sites use it, making it very rare, much like the breast/nipple version of nipple penetration and paizuri. These 3 fetishes are for replacing cock with breasts/nipples.
All of these. ALL of these need a more accessible bunch of tags.
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Another yuri impregnation method is by nipple fucking and milking inside another woman's breast, similar to >>11017502 breast fucking and milking inside another woman's womb and tribadism.
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Seriously tho where is this from?
Valkyrie overdrive mermaid
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Any of you check out visual novel type games? Randomly found and tried oppai academy, tons of lactation it was surprisingly hot AF and i didn't think I'd like this type of thing
Blessed games.
Phee/purple girl surprised me with how fucking hot her scenes were. Her eagerness to please was hot as hell, want to see more of that.

Any other games like this to check out?
Bump for the straightest topic in d
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Are there any manga recs with nip on nip fucking like this? The tag nipple fuck is usually dicks
The other Milkfactory games.
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Yeah I got the second academy game. Any other translated? I found one maid one with a machine translation
Lolz holy shit thanks anon will check later
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Curious to hear this story, how did it escalate and anything else happen?
for the curious lurkers, does it taste any different than normal milk when it's in coffee?
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Exhentai is dogshit that never works, use E-hentai like a decent human being
it's the same thing though
Not OP, but breast milk is more watery and sweeter than regular creamer, so adding enough of it, you probably wouldn't need additional sugar.
works for me.
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