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Cute and pretty boys with big pussy destroyers between their legs.
Let's all love lovely boys.
Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10897055/
Some more Grusha
What evolutionary or societal circumstances do you guy think would lead to hung traps being common?
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Personally I think sudden shifts in resource availability cause random population fluctuations are a given. You need something to explain why they need giant dongs.
When the planet was in the ice age still there was less rain fall meaning environments would be much dryer and and deserts would be more common, meaning all possible hunting and foraging options were few and far between. But if you are big, you can travel longer distances much faster due to your long legs, so women grew up to be very tall like 10-14 tall and very strong.
So they could easily travel from an fertile oasis to another, the women also started to hunt and being big helps in carrying your prey back to your settlement.
And once humanity reached the agricultural age women being big stayed for being big helps in farming and other physical labor.
So only men who could pass on their genes are the ones with giant dicks/had the hyper gene , and the reason why men's balls grew so much and produce so much semen and sperm is to make sure their chosen mate is thoroughly impregnated, to prevent any rival males potentially from impregnating them.
The side effects are that the genes that encode for femboys to have giant dicks is what also makes them appear more young and gives them their innocent and cute boyish appearance and maintain it through out their life, another side effect for some is that they are overly horny and overly sensitive with an actual hair trigger, it is not too uncommon to see a femboy with the hyper condition be completely lost in the sauce and cumming his brains out in public because someone bumped into him accidentaly. Usually it takes an ambulance a long time to come, but that is mostly because many, both women and men, in society are perverts and tend to want to record some material for home use
And due to the mens short stature it is very common even today to see a woman carrying her cute husband on her shoulder while they are out and about on the town

Men have jobs but the jobs they hold tend to be artisanal jobs, artists, designers, etc. And this came about since men were smaller it was easier for them to work with small objects
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Love how you instantly know if someone is a closeted footfag.
>they drew feet that are not the focus
uh huh
>Having a cock so big that I can have it create a massive bulge in my shirt that goes up to my chest if I point it up
God I wish I were a hyper femboy so much.
Imagine what life would be like.
Nigga take this shota shit back to /b/ before the jannies come in
bruh do you see your pic
Btw, this femboy has a condition where everytime he cums bigger his cock and balls get.
>he doesn't know
The amount of heat coming off it alone would make people want to be around me in winter.
More Grushy! Didn't let me post this one before because it was too big
IIRC evolutionarily larger penis size is associated with higher infidelity/number of partners. From there you just need to create societal circumstances to select for smaller, girlier men to be considered attractive by women. Basically, in a society where everyone sleeps around and women find effeminate men most attractive you will move steadily towards hung traps.
>K-pop and tinder culture
We truly live in the best of all possible worlds
Something about this Pic feels really off
>IIRC evolutionarily larger penis size is associated with higher infidelity/number of partners
So I guess to make that society happen all women would have nymphomania while all femboys have satyriasis.

And hen the societal circumstances as for why men are now hung femboys could be that women would start to prefer more androgynous/younger looking men, like men who stay more youthful appearance even adulthood.
Maybe the reason could be that all women due to being nymphos, they are also starting to become more and more "ravenous", so they prefer men they can rape easier or force themselves upon.
And this would select for both shorter/smaller men and taller/bigger women
Is Paul Atreides canonically a hung femboy? If not, he should be.
He's not a femboy nor even that sexually active read the fucking book instead of thinking he's a femboy because of the fucking actor
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You are isekai'd into typical fantasy as a hung femboy elf. What's your gameplan?
>ignore hoes
>go to get RIPPED
>learn magic
>build reputation as legendary adventurer
>find something to 63 the big bad (if not already a chick)
>breed the everliving FUCK out of her
>die happy at 53.000 with a third of the world my descendants
>forever shift the demographic to small med with monster cocks

Just to be based.
Go start a cult dedicated to monstergirls.
>World doesn't have monstergirls
Then our focus is on the creation of them through magical alteration.
>World has them, but they're subhuman tribal beasts or treated as slaves
Then our focus is on uplifting them, in secrecy or public depending on overall opinions.
>World has them and they're more or less on the same level as other races
Then our focus is just on having fun with them.
And then first tenet shall be: "Only hung femboys can properly please monstergirls."
>go to get RIPPED
Doesn't work. All the masculinity you would have gained from working out just gets redirected to your dick.
Depends on the exact nature of the Isekai'ed fantasy setting, but possibly become a priest or other sort of healer so I can live the proper Healslut fantasy life.

Bonus points if I'm the priest of a big tiddy fertility goddess, because that is the correct pairing for a hung femboy.
That nigga gets it
>He doesn't want a RIPPED FAT ELVEN COCK
Are you some kind of fag?

The easy answer would just be eugenics, breeding people to optimize for certain qualities. This would take… a long time if you started today and you might instead want to work towards genetic engineering and other transhumanist projects to get it done faster. This is… problematic and probably comes with a lot of political dystopian baggage.

The most ideal scenario would just be going back in time, being able to convince people to breed selectively for certain traits, make it part of culture in a way that reinforces itself and doesn’t lead to infighting.
>A Bene Gesserit style cult now has existed since the Roman Republic.
>They have only one goal: To bring about the creation of ultra-hung femboys.
>To that end, they have been engaged in a planet-wide selective breeding project for 2000 years.
>Their first success was born in rural Nebraska in 2002.
>As he came of age, it was apparent that his girly frame and shy demeanor did not at all match with the absolutely monster set of veiny cock and manly balls he was packing.
>Soon, cult members from all over the globe started making pilgrimage to Nebraska.
>Hoping to be impregnated by him so they could help spread his hung femboy genes.

Enchant myself with as many fertility spells as I can find.

>Within the first few spells found, managed to make enough spunk where unloading myself is now necessary every few hours, which is fine while at home, but while adventuring in search for more spells, there is a need to find safe spots to unload between battles lest my concentration be thrown off due to being too backed up.

>After enough searching, found a spell that makes my cum have healing and nutritive properties. As it turns out, the spell also made my cum very tasty, giving me an idea: Set up a potion shop, for selling my concotions to travellers in need (and also anything that I find on my trips that are of no use to me). As travellers come by and go, I can manage my business AND secretly fill bottles of pre-cum behind the counter as a bonus item (at least that way I can deal with not staining my clothes, if only for a brief second).

>But filling up bottle after bottle of precum won't do, not only do I have the entire stock left to refill (can't have pre as the only offer available after all), but it does nothing to alleviate me from the build up I feel on my groin, so I still need to briefly close up shop to take a break.

>But maybe, if a traveller who's cute and hot and trustworthy enough happens to be around, I could invite them over to follow me on my break, offering fresh extra servings, free of charge.


>While traveling, found a powerful fertility spell, this time not only doubling my already high output, but also ballooning my balls in size and having my dick stretch out up to my face, longer and thicker than ever before. Even if its so big I could never hope to open my mouth wide enough to suck it, I couldn't help myself but lick its tip, asking for it to unleash hot semen for me to drink, straight from the source.
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Fantasy RPG Isekai where the protagonist is shy, reluctant, and easily embarrassed but force to become increasingly sexually gifted.

>Death merely sends him back to a checkpoint
>Leveling up is mandatory, as soon as he gains a level he has to use it
>leveling up uses a sphere-grid system where every single node has sexual and non-sexual elements (+1 strength, +1” length, 10% increased physical damage resistance)
>as he becomes stronger antagonists start attacking him more and more often, hunting him down as his fame increases
>constantly getting more powerful, more hung, more virile, more infamous creating a feedback loop where more dangerous enemies attack him and those give even more xp
>never wanted any of this and is constantly overwhelmed by his own sexual needs
>he tries to go all-in on stealth and illusion to escape fights and stop gaining xp and hide the massive oversized bulge he’s swinging around now
Tentadicks need more love.
This is such a great idea.
you may think otherwise, but this IS the mindset of a classical hero.
If you suddenly met an impossibly adorable and hung femboy IRL, how would you react? Would you want a relationship with him instantly? (I would)
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Envy, which I would immediately clarify. Then the immediate desire to make sure none of my future partners ever find out about him, which I would tell him.
But stay friends with him (while repeatedly telling him not to tell me about his sexual escapades)
Point is I wouldn't handle the encounter well and I can only hope he's a reasonable person and not someone I'll end up decking in the schnoz
Instantly. On the spot. Hard as we can. With whatever holes fit.
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Get depressed because there's no way such a perfect being would want to have anything do with me, let alone to fuck my imprint into the ground
luv hyper pre
someone had spammed /vp/ with this cropped pic
What pleasure is derived from forcing such a predictable format of spam?
Like it's the epitome of the "ma look I posted it again" kind of tedium where there really isn't any joke or point beyond reminding people of some futa drawing. It's not even attention-grabbing on its own.
Is posting cropped futa drawing with that tired phrasing and waiting for it to be removed entertaining in and of itself?
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Probably going Demon route, seduce strong women and have a battle harem. Get a few patrons to finance me in exchange for fucking their wifes and daughters. Work up my way to merry into royality.
I wonder what his little crown thingy does.
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The question all men long to be asked.
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>boy gets turned into an incubus-style demon lord with wide, round hips and sensual purple tattoos across his body, his package grown to doubled size and every ounce of his body oozing with pheromones inducing unbearable lust
>Even mild teasing, brief thoughts of sex, or any stimuli can get his dick to surge and harden against his will, and any stimulation of the throbbing rapemeat he desperately tries to keep under wraps makes it spurt pre that's as abundant and filled with sperm as a real cumshot
>His retinue of minions include 'cubi and humanoid monsters that are very fuckable and either aren't shy to show it off or have no self awareness regarding how hard they can make him, and the world is full of hot, sometimes scantily clad warriors he could easily mind break through telepathic mind control power or nonstop pheromone hotboxing
>Unfortunately for his infinitely lustful body, he is a good Christian boy who wants to be nice to people and thinks sex before marriage is bad
>At least once a day, he gives a stuttering prayer asking forgiveness from his God before jerking off and pumping out a series of loads that end up creating a white lake surrounded by lust-inducing fog
>As he goes about his business, he has to focus on wind magic to condense his body's pheromones into a cloud he keeps around him and away from people, using illusions to hide it so nobody asks the embarrassing question of what it is
>And each night, his dreams are corrupted by his relentless needs, giving him visions of letting loose completely, drowning every heroine in his jizz and flattening every hero's prostate with his angry, oversized cock head, and making the whole world his cumdumpster until he's satisfied
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trap bro after seducing your childhood friend or wife offers her up to you for a threesome while she is still horny
if you decline he gives out a sad and look says but that will be NTR if you don't accept
Should have asked for the threesomes from the start
this is the only correct answer
This. He's not a bro. He's competition.
Haku, one of the origin points for my bisexuality and, this pic in particular, my love for big dick femboys.
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>>10986390 (me)
And here is a color edit I did for it, mainly just for the sake of it but also out of nostalgia.
God I wish I were a hung femboy
*Complains about shota shit

*Proceeds to post shota shit
Always loved the original pic, now even better in color! Thanks anon.
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It probably looks off because it's hard to balance in that position. His one arm on the ground should be more in front of him than to the side, unless maybe he's supposed to be resting his other elbow on an invisible object.
It's the inconsistent foreshortening.
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