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Boys who have had their balls, cock or foreskin cut off. Futas allowed.

Last thread: >>>10933818

Less talking more porn this time around ok? I was hoping that by combining the various fetishes that more content would be posted but I guess I was wrong.

Would it be worth making a male/female thread for partial/complete genital removal fetishes?
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What a nasty fetish you have and twisted mind. I usually don't comment on other's fetishes but Jesus this is vile.
>What a nasty fetish you have and twisted mind.
This is one of the oldest recorded fetishes. Castration and emasculation have been around for thousands of years, and sexually active eunuchs were highly sought after.
that doesn't really change anything about what he said
I think emasculation can be hot but I think the forced emasculation posted here is just gross and sad
To be fair the amount of content regarding this fetish is extremely small, it just so happens that a lot of artists who draw castration/emasculation art do so from a non-consensual angle. You kind of have to take what you can get, and that causes issues, just like the exclusive circumcision threads that pop up from time to time. Granted, even if you were to find content which exclusivly framed these fetishes from a consensual angle, you'd still find people upset at them.

Im not defending the idea that they're not disgusting to some people, to each their own.
There was talk about penis shrinking in last thread and I thought it was kind of hot. Any other stuff like that? And are there any doujin on that or some stuff we we talk about?
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pro tip: if you want to have near-infinite content for this fetish in the near future then come up with specific labels for the variations of it (e.g. balls no dick, dick no balls, fully castrated) and get it tagged on the booru sites they're training the hentai AI models on.
Interesting, this is good to know.
I am craving more images of boys with tiny holes where their dicks used to be
There are dudes cutting their junk off right now IRL.
Does that keep you up at night?
Posting content for this is rough. Most of what’s out there unfortunately falls under guro
4chan need a board for miscellaneous nsfw content that isnt b or r9k. Something like /ef/ or extreme fetishes or whatever that allows a mix of aco, h, and gif.
>Most of what’s out there unfortunately falls under guro
Wonder why that is really...
/trash/ has essentially taken on this role now but the overwhelming majority of content there is furry
Maybe if you renamed this gen into the genital mutilation thread you'd catch less flak
That is highly subjective however. Mutilation implies that you are preventing something from fulfilling its purpose, whereas extreme genital modification is purposefully altering its purpose or changing it to fulfill its purpose in a more aesthetic manner.
>Mutilation implies that you are preventing something from fulfilling its purpose
It's purpose is deriving protection from exposure and deriving more than 80% of the pleasure nerves to the male sexual experience...
Correct. Circumcision does not prevent reproduction therefore it is not mutilation for either sex to undergo circumcision.
Almost all studies which have supposedly proven how sensitive the foreskin is have either been disproven or have used extremely cherry picked evidence. The foreskin becomes almost completely redundant when it fully detaches from the glans and (ideally) should be removed at around 12-13 years old, but not at birth.

For most individuals, myself included, the foreskin is extremely unsensitive. Supposedly, contrary to what this website will tell you, the foreskin does not actually contain any pleasure nerve endings and instead contains general touch nerve endings.
>and (ideally) should be removed at around 12-13 years old, but not at birth.
You really are evil
>Almost all studies which have supposedly proven how sensitive the foreskin is have either been disproven or have used extremely cherry picked evidence. The foreskin becomes almost completely redundant when it fully detaches from the glans and (ideally) should be removed at around 12-13 years old, but not at birth.
>Supposedly, contrary to what this website will tell you, the foreskin does not actually contain any pleasure nerve endings and instead contains general touch nerve endings.
nigga I'm literally touching my foreskin right now and it's sensitive as fuck what the fuck do you mean, this is some dystopian type logic
Younger than that age results in increase risk of complications, as well as older. If you look at the statistics for extreme complications from circumcision it is primarily in the infant age range.
sensitivity does not equal pleasure. the copy pastas about circumcised individuals losing sensitivity are almost entirely bullshit. the real damage comes from not using anesthetic and the glans being forcefully detached from the foreskin, and then rubbing against a diaper for the next few years of the infants life.

Its not dystopian logic, its the fact that there is no middle ground because both sides are too ideologically driven to realize that there is in fact a middle ground.
>Correct. Circumcision does not prevent reproduction therefore it is not mutilation for either sex to undergo circumcision.
Taking this into consideration, why should extreme genital modification for aesthetic purposes be done to unwilling infants then?
It shouldn't.

I get really sick and tired of people who dont see that there is a false dichotomy here. If you're pro circumcision you're labeled as an infant mutilator, and if you're anti circumcision you get labeled as an illiterate idiot.

People say that infant circumcision is the ideal time for them to be circumcised due to the lower risk of complications but from what I have seen that is not the case. There is a lower risk of reported complications, however serious (including death or being forced to remove the penis) complications are also significantly higher. Smaller complications are higher in older groups not because its riskier, but because they complications are reported more because the person being circumcised is able to report them. A common argument is that teenage circumcision is riskier because you are removing more tissue, however, based on what I have been told by people I know in the medical field, it is easier to circumcise a larger penis due to having a larger work area.
If you're against infant (or unwilling) circumcision then we're on the same boat
Both sexes should be able to do whatever they want to their bodies only once they provide consent, I don't mind that
the issue is that there are many individuals who completely discount all of the evidence on the subject that says that there are a few benefits as well as the fact that if done on someone of appropriate age there are essentially no side effects except for those which can occur during any routine surgery.
As far as I'm concerned this is all erotic horror, I like it in a similar way to people who like the SAW movies.
It's pretty offputting to be reminded that there are people who want to do it for real, to themselves or (much worse) to others.
It was sickening to find out that the eunuch archive admins (which I've been visiting since 2009) were also pushing to add eunuchs and nullification to WPATHs standard of care pushing it onto minors.
Imagine walking out of the theater after watching a slasher movie and the dude next to you mentions he's just got a new victim locked up in his basement...
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If anyone can translate these (especially this last one) you would be my fucking hero
Castration has medical benefits and is unfairly socially demonized. It has positive effects on almost every domesticated animal, including humans. It is unfortunately too socially taboo for it to become mainstream, despite the fact that all of the (arguably minimal and often overexaggerated) side effects can effectively be negated with modern medicine. I would assume you know of this. If the social stigma was removed, castration would be at least as common as having your tonsils removed.
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I can’t decide what’s hotter. Full nullo or being castrated and watching your dick shrink from atrophy
tiny pp with no balls is the most humiliating.
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Definitely dick atrophy is hotter and more humiliating
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(only one that worked -has problems with seeing vertical writing)
What length / girth does a dick have after castration atrophy? Is it usually like a nub in most case or bigger?
This is one of the hottest fetishes. Post moar
Depends on how big it was before and if you continue stimulating it. It definitely becomes a use it or lose it situation without testosterone
In the news...

Time to start saving
Dick atrophy only happens to some individuals. Many castrated individuals
one of my biggest regrets was not having a double orchi done at 12. same with my foreskin. i wish i was circumcised at 12.
I dont like this anons angle but he has some good takes on castration.
I don't know about the trap/femboy thing. Would sound cute if real but I heard some side effects are some fattening and there may be breast growth especially with estrogen. That part does not sound too femboy or androgynous. Also, testosterone would basically cancel out castration and no hormones is unhealthy. Not too sure about all the facts. The androgynous trap doesn't seem very possible.
He completely left out the age aspect. As disgusting as this sounds, castration has its optimal effect if it is done at the start of or before puberty. In regards to the fat thing I have heard that it is more so due to psychological factors and other causes. If you want to take supplemental testosterone, you can get a testosterone implant once every 3 or so months. From what i have seen, almost all of the negative side effects can be avoided with some rather simple changes in lifestyle.
>In regards to the fat thing I have heard that it is more so due to psychological factors and other causes.
No that is a side effect of orchiectomy, but only if you don't take hormone treatments after. Either estrogen or testosterone will work.
I have been told that the lack of testosterone can cause an increased desire to eat, not necessarily that they will gain more weight. Historically speaking, most eunuchs were not sexually active, and therefore they ended up deriving pleasure from other things, such as food. It also helps when most eunuchs were in positions of power and had easy access to food. So in a way yes, castration can be a factor in becoming overweight, however it is not the actual cause.
If you cut your balls off because someone on the internet tells you to then I think that's just Darwin at work.
If i remember correctly, that anon advised to save sperm in a sperm bank before getting an orchi, so no, not really.
Are the breast thing avoidable? Also would the testosterone make you more masculine and basically cancel out castration.
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More from this artist please

It depends on how much you take. The results of castration seem to be heavily depend on how well an individual takes care of themselves after the procedure.
Artist is BABEL on pixiv
im not finding anything.
from what i have been told it will make gaining muscle become more difficult, but provided that you exercise properly you'll be able to maintain muscle mass.
>Jay Richards, a fellow at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think-tank,

The party of "small government", so concerned about what's not in your pants.
This is a stretch, but anyone got any hentai of penis-sparing vaginoplasty (AKA penis intact and a surgical fuckhole where the testicles were)?
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>provided that you exercise properly you'll be able to maintain muscle mass
Nice! That's what I wanted to hear, thanks lad.
Dont take my word for it, do your own research and ask your doctor(s).

what i find annoying about this fetish is that the line between medical advice and fetish advice is almost nonexistent.
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I have a weird extreme version of this kink that's not actually possible irl. I fantasize about being nulled not only in the genitals but everywhere. I'd have no physical sex or identity at all, just a featureless humanoid form covered in unbroken blank skin. Since I wouldn't have the necessary features, I'd be near senseless, totally reliant on touch to experience the outside world, and unable to communicate by any means. Sometimes I imagine having a partner who is also like this, somehow managing to know and love each other through touch alone.

Real shame I need my features to breathe and shit
In all seriousness, get a zentai suit. I recommend the velvet ones.
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I own one and love wearing it. Still, it only covers up the features I have rather than removing them entirely. There's not as much sensation loss as I'd like, even with a blindfold and earplugs worn underneath. Being near senseless is a big part of my interest in this fantasy. Honestly I'm not sure how much it lines up with this thread. Although I do love the part about having a totally undifferentiated body - another thing the zentai doesn't fix, since it just covers my underlying form without any reshaping. Still being able to identify my distinctive body shape kinda limits my enjoyment of the experience. That said, I do love it very much.
This definitely seem more straight masochism appealling with usually the femdom. Does seem a bit surprising it that regard. Definitely would like see more of the guy on castrated guy situation. Not the castrating/ballbusting aspect like in femdom but a dominating , comparison, diff aspect after castration. Like a castrated guy being submissive and feeling inferior and envious to a complete guy. A guy sexually dominating a castrated guy who can't really perform that role anymore is hot too.
Nullo art is so hard to find. Pixiv doesn’t even seem to have a tag for it
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Tbh the conservatives need to leave adrian alone he’s like the nicest nullo on the entire internet, a good friend, earnest to a fault, and he doesn’t deserve to have his transition mocked by the dailymail. And look! They stuck us with salmacian. Tbh idrc if a bunch of UK moms read this and are horrified. One inaccuracy is that sexual stimulation is reduced… this is not necessarily the case. And of course the comparison to nonconsensual FGM…
Haven't been able to find someone that could help me get my balls into a jar around here. :c
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And that's all I have on this computer.
Please, do post new things, I need to refuel...
I can't but what are your ideal fantasy for this and this the afterwords of it?
Fuck you, I know the salmacian in that article and they're an absolute sweetheart. Maybe different people just want different stuff, and that's okay.
I just think it’s funny that they put all the nonbinary procedures into the same pile. Being angenital is completely different from being bigenital. I don’t know that person. I do know adrian though.
That's entirely fair. Sorry, I shouldn't have gotten so defensive.
Getting nullo’d and then keeping my dick and balls preserved on display in a jar
I unironically want to start collecting genitalia. My ideal trophy would be 2 sets of male genitalia from identical twins (preferably white, around 18-19 years old, and over 6 inches long), one would be wholly intact while the other would be circumcised around 6 months prior to the nullification procedure. The procedure would of course take place without the use of general anesthetic, however I dont know if I would allow for local anesthetic. The emasculation would probably take place in the traditional Chinese method with corrective surgery and a urethral reroute after the procedure. I also plan on collecting female genitals as well. The issue is I need to figure out if what I want to do is even legal where I live.
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Does the comic series about that femboy who got SRS but still identifies as a boy belong here?
Wonder if it's true male become more submissive after castration. If they have no/low sex drive and commanded to submissively sex to pleasure others that would ideal.
To be rid of my testicles. Possibly going with hormones, or what not to prevent the bone density loss. There is someone that collects them so I might send them that way if I am able to get them removed and into a jar. Had no luck so far yet.
is guro straight up not allowed on /d/? so stuff like onscreen castrations or penectomies will never show up on this board? not that i expected any of that on this thread but noticed any thread implying violence has an OP saying no guro
Guro is not allowed. When it comes to this topic you have to avoid actually showing things being cut off and no blood or fresh wounds.
i see. thanks anon. at least the stuff on this thread's pretty good.
it's true. when you cant really penetrate, it starts to change how you look at yourself. you forget when you became so weak. it doesnt feel strange to do as you're told. but maybe that's because of how you always were, i guess.
Got a link to the sauce perchance anon? all the image searchers are letting me down
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The artist had drawn several comics about him https://www.pixiv.net/user/3288542/series/87188
Idk if it counts since he has boobs and pussy but it’s repeatedly stated that he still identifies as male.
Wonder if castrated male would be more open to the idea of receptive sex after castration. Though it's probably more like they still consider themselves a straight guy and there is nothing that really support castrated men are a bit more gay. At best, probably they'd get pegged but wouldn't do it with a guy. (Assuming a straight guy, of course)
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I mean there’s some kind of magic to it as the only kind of penetrative sex you can experience, but desu it feels extremely different post op. With the relative lack of nervous input from the genitals, the nervous system adapts and more brainpower and sensitivity are devoted to whatever remains, ass included. For me, it’s far too intense to be enjoyable except with a lot of warm up.
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So, if the translation is correct, that boy got nullified to be a cute wife to his husband and want butt sex(?) That's cute and hot. I hope he gets fucked a lot because that's the only way he canhave sex now.
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Also forgot there’s an interqel where he’s “only” removed his balls
Got a link to that? Can’t navigate the website with all the moon runes on it
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Comics with him include an upcoming one and
SRS is arguably the best nullo option for femboys/males who look like girls. Technically not nullo but close enough and has social/bottoming advantages.
Would love help with getting it done. :3
most of these males with penectomy look too young, almost borderline shota. where are all the muscular burly bears? just because a man doesn't have a dick doesn't mean he can't be masculine. would a dickless exclusively gay man allow a futa to fuck him up the ass or would that be too much like a woman?
Not into bear level bara but I definitely see the value in more masculine characters for this stuff. Preferably something on the ikemen and up side. Maybe a situation with a castrated guy and his normal guy friend.
Because many of us see the look of an effeminate boy to be a preferrable median to the gruff and ugly masculinity so many are trapped in. Androgyny is most peoples goal for castration anyway. Its mine at least.
Yeah people want to see the effect of no testosterone
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>tfw you will never be castrated and put in a harem with other castrated femboys to serve hot women (your mother and sisters among them)
Listen here you trash, if you've been through dick it's pretty fucking obvious how lame circumcision is. "No Middle Ground" Go fuck yourself you're just so lost in delusions you can't even discuss anymore, theres a rare time in which it's required, otherwise it's only done as a taken freedom. If you think that it's some aesthetic thing you're just messed in the head and too far into regret to manage to come back.
Can you all just shut the fuck up and post shit? FFS, every time with these threads, they become a discussion board and no one just post pics. Like seriously, either post images or fuck off
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Kinda freaky looks like the detached dick is spooging too
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This is a funny concept
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SRS femboy got another comic but idk if he counts for this thread.
>Boys who got the knife
>half the posts are futa
why can't you people stick to the topic
>This is a funny concept
It's called a visual gag. Or a "joke" if you prefer.
Like this scenario but with harem, castrated femboy and serving a guy instead. Think it's probably in a some Chinese BL or something.
I like the idea of removing the penis but keeping the balls. That way the guy will still have a normal sexual drive and get sexually frustrated, but can't penetrate anymore. I like to imagine it in a cuckolding or servant scenario. In both cases he's constantly teased, but can't even jerk off normally. In the latter, there are many beautiful women constantly teasing him, but he can't do much to them. In the former, he has to see his wife having sex with men that can actually please her.
Better yet if his severed member has been put in a jar so that he can be reminded of what he just lost.
it's probably supposed to be penile puckering but it looks like that lemon turned his dick into an anus.

for bears losing their dicks you gotta let them keep the balls so they can stay burly. then the bears can get off from anal sex and prostate stimulation from other burly men who still have dicks.
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ofcourse testosterone is the action molecule
If only somebody could translate all the moonrunes and upload the pics to one of the image sites.
As someone who blocks their tesosterone completely and is in chastity a lot, having it shrink away is super hot and scary, getting hard now really hurts and cumming is really difficult if not impossible sometimes. Rubbing it feels awful as the skin is too tight. It leaves me feeling wonderfully helpless and frustrated. Half the time it doesn't even get hard even when im maddeningly horny. The only thing that reliably gets me hard is prostate play.

I consider cutting it off a lot and honestly I feel like it would just be a relief. No more getting painful errections and futilely trying to pleasure it like it has tesosterone. It honestly just makes focusing on prostate pleasure harder. Anyway. Hope that gives you some insight.

I think it's Gon (name) rather than gomu. As in:

"It's your turn today, Gon. I wonder if you'll use a lot :)"
Anyone got more like this?
A girl teasing a guy for being dickless
I sometimes wish I could remove my cock entirely, or at least give myself permanent ED to never ger hard again. I always hated the feeling of my engorged penis getting all big, not painful but uncomfortable, always thought jerking off didn't feel good at all, it's more about rubbing the tip and only to get it over with.

I think people who cut their dicks off like >>10970469 are called nullos or something like that.
It's extremely hot, honestly.
This is so insanely hot
>for bears losing their dicks you gotta let them keep the balls so they can stay burly. then the bears can get off from anal sex and prostate stimulation from other burly men who still have dicks.
Over on EA, there were at least two bear postings that I recall...
One had his dick removed (for self-image issues?) I remember him saying his mom drove him to the medical appointment and changed bandages afterwards.
The other got castrated because he just liked bottoming, not topping and didn't like being expected to top.
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i rly love this type of content, seeing hentai of girlyboy eunuchs who look like me makes me feel happy and seen :)
You cut?
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cock wit no balls. I think its very cute and aesthetic
Nice, I hope you’re enjoying it
>cute and aesthetic
So very aesthetic.
What's your sexual experience like, anon?
>Circumcision does not prevent reproduction therefore it is not mutilation
This is of course not true.
sounds cute, post it
honestly improved if anything. ive been on HRT for years and prefer bottoming anyway but i dont have any issues getting it up and cumming either. 10/10 would recommend
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Nice. I’ve always avoided considering it myself considering this is just a fetish. Recently though I had a medical issue where I almost had to have them removed. I’m now uncomfortably aware of them and it really bothers me. So I’m like 50/50 on just getting them off and going on hrt to have a softer look. I’ve also always been afraid of being infertile but I don’t know if I’ll ever be in a position to raise a kid either

Here’s a pic to make up for the blogpost
you could always freeze some sperm if youre worried anon, though I think it's a little expensive
I imagine the orchiectomy itself won’t be cheap either, especially if it’s not for a life threatening reason
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your adrenal glands kick in and produce T & DHT in their place.
t. know more about this stuff than id like to admit
Wish that was me.....
As a trans gal on 4 years, you don't gain weight just with hormones. I've been the same 130lbs since I started. As for breast growth that's hard. I've heard of femboys using Finastride as a testosterone blocker. In theory this medicine also does not work well with breast growth. That's why Most trans girls use Bicaludamite and spirolactone because it's better for breast growth. Is it fool proof? No it mainly on your genetics at the end of the day. I have A cups and I'm happy with my size. I can boy mode it if I really need to.
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We don't see enough eunuchs wearing speedos.
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i wish i was cute enough to get this done and it not be gross. while i have sexual fantasies it honestly just seems uncomfortable to actually go through with it and have sex for real so itd just be for myself. unfortunately im too masculinized for it to matter, and despite being on hrt for over a year nothing has really changed
>only a year
It’s a very long process
Hrt has already stopped your reproductive function at this point. Why not go all the way? Plus you won’t have to worry about anti androgens
I know I'm taking the bait here but I can't resist poking fun at these old farts.. This poster is the definition of misery loves company... old man can't feel pleasure in his foreskin so he spends the rest of his time trying to make it so no one else can, either, while spinning every bit of information he hears conflicting his views as false. Stg these circumcrusaders always end up being older men with backstories like comic villians; some traumatic event slowly transformed them into paedo dick-cutters who either target children or teens under the guise of trying to help. Looking at you, Brian Morris & Guy Cox... what a joke reality we live in. Can't even take it seriously. You never meet these kinds of sickos in real life - it's always on the internet in niche circles in their echo chambers because they're perpetually online and wouldn't dare say these things in real life; as much as they'll try to convince you that they do (ironically, on the internet.) He's also a great example of how genital cutting not only causes physical damage, but psychological damage, as well. Spends a good chunk of his time trying to encourage cutting boy & teenager penis. Not normal. Go take a picket sign to the streets with your views on teenage genital cutting and see how long it takes until the sheriff's office is called... but we both know you won't leave the house ... LOL.
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From my point of view, it's better as a fantasy than as a reality.
Don't get cut, you will regret it...
If you're already transitioning, an orchiectomy can actually be beneficial for health. Anti-androgens, and other drugs used to suppress the male hormones, can have negative health impact (I've heard heart health). Whereas other than maybe not ENOUGH testosterone for a baseline, there's no health problem with no longer having testicles if you're not using your cock.
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I mean, "transitioning" might be the biggest health hazard in that case.
You try to convince your body that it's the other sex, that's very detrimental for it.

But again, as a fetish tho, very hot.
If I could change my body at will, and save it/ recall it back, I would cut my dick and take sex change pills for a day.
But these are science fiction for now.
And I unfortunately don't think we will be able to witness it in our lifetime...
I hold that in the future we will change genders and genital configurations nearly at whim, enabled by easily-accessible body-morphing medical devices.
The medical treatments and full surgery at this point are 50-100 years old and fairly safe. When done at good clinics the surgery results look good. Don't fall for /pol/-lies.
We’ll get there one day
You got my point.

You didn't.

modern surgeries, as pleasant looking they can be, don't create a new organ from an old one (meaning a body part with function).
It's basically a good looking scar.

What I want is to gobble up a pill before sleep, and wake up as a woman. And next time I fall asleep, I wake up with my original body.
And that, is pure science fiction for now and the 50-100 year future.

We are barely starting to research regenerative medicine and genetic therapy is in it's infancy.
We have no mean to rebuild a body in a night, and if we could, it basically means that all the diseases are now cured (provided you can survive the enough time for your body to reconfigure).
And that's not happening soon unfortunately.
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The absolute lack of content and how slow these threads usually are really makes me want to pick up the pen again. Too bad it'll never happen.
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Like this poor thing you posted, you don't have hand anymore?
Too little time where I'm not exhausted from wageslaving means too little practice time, which means never getting good.
And I can't stand the feeling of
>finish a piece
>be very proud of it, looks actually decent
>look at it again one week later
>it's the most uncanny valley piece shit, unimaginably fucked up anatomy you've ever seen in your entire life
>feel incredibly ashamed of having dared posting it online
Use your bad art as a reference and draw the same thing again. The remake will look better
Post it. Us randos on a socially-suspect imageboard in a socially-abhorrent thread will pronounce judgement.

If we did have that tech, I probably would be spending most my time as a nullo, except when I want to be fucking/breeding.
>catheter is gradually widened to dilate the urethra
>can insert a finger and directly stimulate the prostate
Is that actually possible?
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Wish there were more like this.
Yeah, look up "sounding"
It's rare, but it can be stretched enough to take a dick.
I know what sounding is, but never heard of it being stretched that far. Can you actually reach the prostate by that route? Also I'd imagine there are long term complications with urination etc?
God I wish this was a real surgery
the anatomy in the pic is way off. the penis has a root that extends down to the taint where the urethra enters the body. you can find pics on wiki i believe.
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You ever just cum your balls out?
What's the closest you could do IRL?
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Ring-ring-ring-ring - banana phone~
Those dilated pupils
Usually, I draw by night and try to wait till the next day to post.
That way, I can correct things if I want to.
As for your other concern, it's a chicken and egg problem.
Don't wait till you have free time to practice your hobbies, sanctify some time each week to practice it.
Lastly, post.
Yeah, it will be bad, but first of all, it will still be loved by some, and second, you can use it as a marker to gauge your progress.
Why is there so little castration in this castration thread?

Also why is the best castration hentai drawn by furry artists?
You realize even in 1st world countries were only like 2 or 3 generations removed from when the majority of the population didn't always have clean running water to prevent dick cheese and infection.
Give it time. You guys aren't smarter, you're just born in luxury and take it for granted, and are confused why those who worked to build said luxury don't have the same mindset.
Why is this only an issue in the US/Canada, and not... virtually every other country without Jewish influence? They never had issues keeping it clean.
The jews didnt invent circumcision. Almost ever girl I have talked to, including girls who are nonwhite and from non-circumcising countries prefer cut over uncut. I have yet to actually meet a girl who has experienced both who has said that they think that uncut is superior to cut.

I do agree that doing it to infants is wrong, however women have essentially voted on the circumcision issue, and their vote says that they will give preferential treatment to cut guys. During my teens, I lost a relationship simply for not being cut, that's how much they prefer circumcised dicks.

Its not about cleanliness anymore, its all about aesthetics, and if its about aesthetics, then people should wait to have their sons circumcised in their early teens, because based on everything that I have seen and comparing guys who were cut at birth vs guys cut as teens it is clear which one looks better.
Yup, all about aesthetics. What do you think looks best, tight/loose, high/low, and frenulum retained/removed? Personally, low, as tight as possible, and frenulum removed seems most appealing to me. Smooth, hidden scar, and no unsightly extra bits. Though, high and tight can look appealing with the inner foreskin making a striking stripe below the glans.
Very low and tight with no frenulum looks the best imo. Keeping the scar as smooth as possible should be a priority. The ideal circumcision would be one in which you'd be unable to tell that the individual was born with a foreskin.
The issue is, like I mentioned, that circumcision is first and foremost a cosmetic surgery. It has extremely minor health benefits, however almost all of the benefits are negated by it being done at birth and often with improper attention to detail (I have been told by individuals who have worked in maternity wards that the attention to detail with most infant circumcisions is extremely poor, which is why almost everyone's circumcision looks noticeably different. It is a lot easier to preform a cosmetic procedure on a larger object, or so I have been told.
That's my ideal scenario too. Being just as horny as usual but being physically unable to ever give my wife the plapping other men can. It's way better than chastity cage shit. I wonder how it feels to have a boner as a nullo, if blood starts accumulating in the groin area or what.
My preference is the penis but no balls. While it loses out on the sex drive frustration aspect, I like the idea of the guy kind of having a chance and him failing. He'd still have a dick that maybe can kind of get hard but forgets about sex over time and shrinks. He'll try to hold on and remember whatever sex drive he has left and try to maintain the size. Ultimately he can maintain some of the size of his former dick but it becomes an embarassing reminder that while he technically can still use it, he's no longer a penetrator.
Too pathetic for a wife but, if I was in the cuckold scenario, I hope the guy fucks me too. It would be very humiliating that the guy who is more fertile and powerful physically also cement that difference in our roles in front of my wife he just enjoyed. And enjoying recieving from a man that you are supposed to hate. Because that would be the only way for me to
have actual complete sex even though my dick and wife are both still right there. (Dunno why the fantasies are quite gay even though I've never done anything with a guy)
It was never about cleanliness, as worldwide circumcision isn't common and they didn't have rampant issues with hygiene and infection through not being circumcised. It's always been a religious treatment, and the hygiene argument is purely trying to shift away from it when it's being done in secular countries and is, quite honestly, abuse. It being cosmetic LATER is completely irrelevant.
It wasnt until jews came around that it was practiced on infants.
You must be an anthropologist.
Yes that would be hot as fuck
Cucking you, having your balls removed, pinning you down and making you moan like a bitch in heat while I pound your asshole in front of your wife while your defeated limp dick flops around helplessly. I'd blow my superior seed all over your impotent useless clitty and the place where your balls used to be, then make you rub it all over your body as you watch me put a baby in your wife
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Less talking, more pictures!
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No, but I went down the circumcision rabbit hole awhile back to see what all the fuss was about. People are too polarized on something that is essentially a non-issue (if done properly). The overwhelming cause of the "damage" caused by circumcision is due to the method of circumcision, not the lack of a foreskin, which is something many individuals in the anti-circumcision camp completely gloss over. Most ancient cultures circumcised their males at around 8-13 years old, which is why it is weird that the jews do it at birth. If you were circumcised after your foreskin has completely detached from your glans you really have nothing to worry about. As someone who is uncircumcised and is planning on getting circumcised sometime in the near future I can confidently say that having or not having a foreskin is almost exclusively a cosmetic issue.

Thank you. Genital modification is one of the most underrated fetishes imo, especially since it is one of the oldest. Castration needs to be re-normalized, it was extremely common in the ancient world and several developed societies had holidays exclusively for the mass castration of boys (many of these holidays were either scrubbed from the record of not properly translated due to christian bias). Having your testes removed should be as common as having your tonsils removed.
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>it was extremely common in the ancient world and several developed societies had holidays exclusively for the mass castration of boys
Never heard of such a thing.
Some religious people did it, and in ancient rome it was a punishment for slave.
Also, enuch in harms, obviously.
But as far as I know it was always to punish (or crazy religious people).
Got any sauce to back your claims?
David Hillman (He's kind of a schizo now, but he has some good work on ancient Rome and Greece) goes over a lot of the traditions that would be practiced during these holidays. Gnostic Informant also has some good content on them as well, but you gotta be willing to parse through a ton of information and I dont speak or read greek.

I should mention that the holidays were not specifically for castration, however castration was one of the larger ceremonies practiced during these ritual holidays. I plan on doing more research on it eventually and doing a very surface level write up. People dont know just how common it was to be made into a eunuch in the ancient world, as even becoming a eunuch of your own volition was fairly common. Human castration was so common that the Romans invented a specific tool to aid in the process, see picrel.
I should clarify that the holiday in question was dedicated to a transvestite god, which is why the castration would take place as an offering, and the castrated boys would work as temple servants or priests. So the holiday wasn't really for castration, but the castration was a required part of the holiday. Of course not all of the new eunuchs would be made into religious figures, so it is assumed that many of them lived as eunuchs or were sex workers or did other things.
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Seems to be the "Dies Sanguinis" of the "Holy week" in Roman Cybele celebration (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cybele#Festivals_and_cults)
As for the castration device, only one picture of your model is to be found, but other more elongated ones, may have been used in humans or animals.
Oh well, the more you know...
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>born too late to be castrated as a child for an ancient roman holiday
>born too early to fully enjoy or even witness castration return to its former commonality
Feels bad man
Im considering going through with it myself, however if i get castrated i would want it done in a traditional manner. I have been told that if you are sexually aroused during your castration and anesthetic isn't used you'll orgasm like crazy as a last minute procreative measure. I have experimented with this with banding, i can cum 2-3x as much and with significantly greater intensity if I have an elastrator band on my testes.

Its a real shame that we'll never see the return of socially acceptable castration. I wish I could have a twink eunuch bf so badly.
Same, I kinda want my balls gone too. I’ve had some health issues involving them lately and I’m uncomfortably aware of them now. Though I’d want to keep them preserved and on display in my room afterwards
I wrote a story about this same idea, except it was a magical potion effect instead, whereupon the entirety of the shaft shrinks and disappears until only the glans is all that remains as a "nub" of a "penis", or now more aptly called, a true "clitty". My God, this is a deeply buried and not often dug up fetish of mine, but when it does, it roars back.
Good lord save me from this boner hell.

Imagine how it must feel to have the external penis completely cut off, while the internal penis still receives blood flow and can feel the swelling pressure, but it can't actually ever go out anymore. A phantom erection, frustrating beyond all measure. Just like a good girl.

What is about no penis over no balls being 10x hotter idk, but it is. I have a mighty need.
Ah yes... the one where new initiates would run naked and bleeding through the streets of the city and then throw their severed testicles through the nearest open window.

>I plan on doing more research on it eventually and doing a very surface level write up.
There's a guy on the EA forums (which you now have to register to read) who does these historical write-ups.
Got a link to these write ups?
Yea I was about to ask the same. Are they worthwhile?
I am asking the same questions.
No, because they locked down anonymous read access to the forums when the fascists went anti-trans, and I am too closeted to register for an account.

Very academic and seemingly well-researched. I think the guy is a history professor.
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Why are furries so much more into this than other groups? What do they know about it that other groups don't? Some sort of hidden pleasure about the fantasy?
My guess is because people do it to animals regularly
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The link doesn't work for me.
Here is an other one: https://hentai2read.com/furyou_shounen_mesu_ochi_kousouki/1/1/
Geldings, neutered pups, steers... and a lot of furries are gay, so not wanting/expected to breed anyways. I'd say giving up the breeding ability is a big hurdle for a lot of het males.
Having testicles in 2024 is essentially exclusively a cosmetic thing. we have the ability to almost indefinitely store sperm and most guys testes are unable to produce the same amount of testosterone that their great grandfathers had even if they were to overhaul their diet. Modern medicine has essentially made testes obsolete, and they will become even more obsolete when we invent artificial sperm. Having your testes removed in your teens should be considered as common as getting some standard vaccination or getting circumcised aka not a big deal.

I find it funny how castration benefits every other domesticated animal except humans, and when you bring up the fact that castration has numerous physical and psychological benefits you get lambasted with lists of (often times rare) side effects.
If only getting them removed was as easy and cheap as getting a vaccine
Castration should be a walk in procedure. Some methods of castration (burdizzo/elastrator) are so simple that they could easily be preformed by a school nurse. I am a biomedical enthusiast and I plan on developing a device similar to a circumcision stapler which would be able to be used to preform quick and safe human castrations with less error than elastration by itself.

I would like to live in a world where having testes is a statistical anomaly, as well as promoting better circumcision methods.
>preformed by a school nurse
Get detention, lose your balls. Fail a class, lose your balls. Get some well-behaved and motivated students that way.
>testes is a statistical anomaly
But that would take away a lot of the humiliation aspect if it's the norm and guys rarely have testes. Hopefully there are a lot guys with testes, too.
Also, the sperm thinv is pretty cool and probably inevitable. But it's a shame that, if that happens, guys can't be humiliatingly removed from the gene pool like before and removing their ability to breed is less meaningful.
>But that would take away a lot of the humiliation aspect if it's the norm and guys rarely have testes
On the other hand, it makes for an amusing 180.
>Oh my gosh! Look at anon! He still has his balls!
>Hahahha! Wow! What a loser! I'll bet he's still fertile too!
>Yeah! I'll bet he doesn't have a girlfriend because he's scared he'd get them pregnant!
>Heh, is that right? Right, well then you better do what we tell you or we'll totally make you cum inside us! Right, girls?
>Hahaha! Yeah! That'll show him!
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Man I wish I was some sort of like sentient goo entity so I could just pluck my dick off and see how it feels to get horny, "masturbate", and cum without one and then just pop it back on when I wanted.

Just imagine. You're having sweaty femboy faggot sex with your boyfriend and right when you're close to cumming he yanks your dick off and runs off with it. You're stuck there inches from orgasm but you can't get those last few strokes to bring you over the edge because your little shitgremlin of a partner just stole your cock.
Would be cool if fertile guy got fed up with bullying from the small, infertile guys and fuck them all to teach them a lesson about how cool guy with balls are.
You get that "Mayday mayday!" reaction if you cum from ball slapping too. Especially if you contnue slapping while cumming. Just really powerful pumps as if it's trying as hard as it can to hit the nearest female.
sauce?? saucenao gives nothing
Mesubuta Kuragari no Nikukai

You’re welcome
I have a few tastefully arranged jewelry pieces down there. But... damn.
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>a world where having testes is a statistical anomaly,

Now I have a short story in my mind, if I can get around to writing it.
All good girls get neutered
>a world where having testes is a statistical anomaly,

Kaiden pulled the neon-striped tights over his legs and then up to his chest. They felt very tight, and showed everything, as was the current fashion. Not that there was much to show, he thought, as he looped his arms through the shoulder straps. His penis hadn’t grown at all since he got The Snip. It was about the size of his thumb when soft, and sometimes he wondered why even bother keeping it at all. That would have been extra surgery though, and Dad had been in no mood to pay for that. His penis was, however, useful for not needing to squat at the toilet, like some guys did. Also, someday, he might be lucky enough to be prescribed pills to make it somewhat other than soft. His parents had at one time, though Mom said the novelty wore off fairly quickly and they had not bothered in quite some time. He suspected his older brother’s girlfriend Marcie occasionally stole the pills from her two dads, though.
Nearly everyone in his class got The Snip. There were only two who had not, and Kaiden felt quite sorry for them. Nicest guys in the world, but freaks in the most modernest sense of the word. Social outcasts who were not even allowed to play neur-VR games. “Religious exception” they had called it. Kaiden shuddered at their anguished tales of puberty, the wet dreams and remembered the gawking and awkward prodding of the others in the gym locker room. The body hair, the scrotum which was also hairy, the permanently implanted and occasionally painful chastity tube… Having a scrotum just looked uncomfortable, never mind all the rest. Kaiden thanked his lucky stars his parents were relatively normal and not ortho-AnaBaps.

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Kaiden’s mind snapped back to the task at hand as he pondered what shirt to wear. Didn’t want to underdress for the meetup at the park or tonight’s party, although they would probably all end up naked later… Jaiden, this cute gothy girl in class, said she had gotten a new toy to try out. “Aha!” he exclaimed, as he grabbed the retro-reflec hoodie cutoff. Threading his fingers though the attached gloves, he adjusted the com-watch, and relaxed a little. Plenty of time. Slipping on the hi-dunks, he paused to pose in the mirror, and observed his sleek form. Head to toe in satin spandex with a well defined V-crotch, only the barest hint of his penis. His ass cleft looked like he was naked. Flex it. Perfect! Those extra sessions in the gym were really starting to pay off.

Grabbing his hoverboard helmet, he headed out the door.

>Pool Party Prologue, an original story for 4chan /d/, June 2024
Also, fuck y'all if I turn into a writefag.
That's kind of an Oglaf story.
What’s hotter on someone who’s been castrated? Empty sack or no sack
No sack for sure. Just a nice, neat, flat surface you can tease. I like permanent erectile dysfunction, but I also like the idea they can still get hard. If there is a sack, I'd rather it get filled with neuticles/prosthetics, just because it's the ultimate sacrifice but they want to PRETEND to be normal. Bonus points if they're not aware and don't understand why they're firing blanks.
I disagree. Empty sack, definitely. An empty husk to forever remind the haver of their past. And a great love-handle.
No sack. Makes things stand out more.
Need something in the sack real or fake to hold the chasity cage on :3
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With two nonstretch leather straps you can secure the cage tightly without balls. Personally i keep my balls tucked in the inguinal canals leaving my scrotum is empty making it invisible with clothes on and perfect for everyday wear. On strap goes on normally attatched to the top left and right. The other goes to the base, around the leg over your tummy, around the other leg and connected the base again. Pro tip: tape the two ends of that belt together so it doesn't pinch skin.
yea, shit, good argument
But then it's a chastity belt not a chasity cage and that's way less cute >m>

Mind teaching me how to do the canal thing? Sounds like it might make for a fun test run

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