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Back again
Show girls being protected at all costs
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Banished to the weirdo porn board. Truly chivalry is dead.
I don't really have anything to post, but I'll be watching this thread closely. Good luck, OP.
Thanks bro
Last time here it went well, so we'll see
my favorite ship
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Chivalry is SEXY
Damn, I like this thread. Nice job OP
I was waiting for this thread to come back
You're welcome bros
this is way too degenerate even for /d/
Truly bushido and chivalry are one and the same.
Wild Arms 2
this is truly the most vile sickening /d/-tier shit on this board if you are blackpilled
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Sounds like a (You) problem.
are you selling apples in a fastfood restaurant?

i dont the people that come here, come looking for something as wholesome as this
looks like he took her hostage
That's a rather cynical way of looking at it
If it's any comfort, this is one of the cutest threads I've ever seen on /d/
If I knew those apples were washed, and had been sliced the same day I was buying them, I would absolutely buy apples at a fast food restaurant
what if they used that knife to cut the raw chicken
I've worked at Burger King, they don't trust non-managers with raw chicken
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Food anologyfag BTFO
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A true love story
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Hell yeah, let's get classic
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Now for some pulp
Based vintage poster
File deleted.
description meant for pic related in this post.
I see no reason why it wouldn't count
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Based thread OP
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Does raising a large family also count?
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Yeah yeah old format I know
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Is this a thread for princess carrying and stuff like that? What are the rules for what should get posted in this thread? Feels very not /d/ to me. I really like the idea of this thread as well as damsel in distress, the subject of another thread on this board right now. It's like they complete each other.
I mostly post in the slavery thread but I think this thread falls into the idea of getting into protecting weak things as a stronger thing. This is usually gendered but i'm sure there's a way not to be. It's a weirdly wholesome way of filtering the usual /d/ BDSM threads that involve paternalistic subjugation but just getting the paternalism gong on. Or at least that's how I see it. I like looking at this thread even if my entire porn collection just doesn't have something that doesn't imply power difference, must protecc these girls.
"Princess Carry" makes up most of it, but it doesn't have to necessarily, it's just the most plentiful in this dry sea. It's like >>11013061
said, it's more the strong protecting the weak.

Sadly not a lot people make art of that kind of stuff earnestly, hence why the thread is slow and there's only ever been one other example of it far as I've seen
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I have a lot to post but I'm not sure what other people are expecting from this thread. For example, even though it's /d/ it'd feel weird to post something NSFW or even somewhat lewd based on the other replies in this thread.
Yeah im the anon who relates it back to paternalistic domination, and I legitimately can't think of anything that is sexual but also has that sort of thing going on. The handful of fantasy artwork of chivarlic knights with cute girl could be adapted to said cute girl being a slave in some way, also happy to be protected by said knight, whom she serves.

Honestly that's a good niche some artist could probably fill. Stuff like that sounds dope as hell. The closest in this thread is >>10994422 but that's also a charitable interpretation of them being waylaid by cyber bandits and her Master must protecc. Could just as easily be the new property of said cyber bandit.

If you're going to be wearing clothes you better be proteccing the weak nude people. It's only fair.
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I asked that because some of the things I have come from hentai doujinshi. Though it also applies to ecchi like this, but like the other image you referred to, the meaning of the artwork is open to interpretation.
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And on the flip side, there's a lot of stuff from regular anime/manga that fits this chivalry/protect theme, but most of them aren't sexual. Though I'm sure you can find some that are.
Someone posted something on this thread a long time ago that I think summed it up well for me. I'm personally into the idea of reformed villainess situation. Killing them with kindness and letting their guard drop enough to slowly see their soft side and watch them become a better person. Maybe like an extreme type of tsundere. Doesn't necessarily need to be protecting or saving a woman, but just treating them nice and seeing how they react or open up. Bonus points if they still have some bite or awkwardness about getting closer.
Too bad Ranka lost!
Maybe Ritsuka is rubbing off on him
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I recognize that artist
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what about girls saving guys?
If the shoe fits
obeguda is kino
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Dunno if this fits but here it is
It works
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What about [spoiler]lady knights protecting cute boys?[/spoiler]
That's just a more specific way of asking for what >>11021089 said
I'd be okay with being saved and protected by a lady knight but I also want to protect damsel princesses.

I'm conflicted honestly, maybe we could take turns or something.
A equal partnership
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I'm more wondering which of those I'd prefer in the long run.

but yeah that'd be great, a lady knight/heroine who'd trust you enough to be vulnerable and fight along side you but also protect you if you ever got hurt her fury would unleash but then she'd carry you out of there and sit by your bed the whole time and you'd do the same thing, maybe one day ending retiring from adventuring or knight hood to live a quiet life in a cozy little cottage together, always joking and laughing about your exploits with embellishment that are in all good fun, getting hitched and settling down.
I found a doujin that has saving and princess carrying a naked girl
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And this came from a doujin too
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cuteness is my guilty pleasure.
that it is.

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