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I want more! edition
Massive pregnant bellies. Towering mounds of fertility.
previous thread >>10897627
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I write a little in my free time and lately I’ve been thinking about dipping into hyperpreg. Anyone have any good prompts?
Fucked up, meant to link to >>10967278, apologies
I have a concept for a story/ comic that involves a hyper pregnancy cycle. It gets a bit weird.
anyone willing to share Brocobich archive's password?
Elaborate, my man
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Three teens: a goth, cheerleader and Asian gamer girl/ e-thot are heavily pregnant at an odd maternity home. Unknown to the girls, their pregnancies are part of a repeating cycle: they eventually give birth to themselves, bursting in the process. Story would be about the characters figuring out what’s happening to them, why it's happening and trying (failing?) to break the cycle.

How cycle/ loop works:

The new versions share the personalities and memories of the original, except for the (re) birth.

The sole difference in each iteration is that the reborn versions are slightly fatter than the previous one (s).

The time it takes for each cycle to reach completion is shorter than the previous. The first cycle took nine months, but the current(?) cycle takes three months or less.
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If any of you fine fellas could provide sauce, it'd be much appreciated
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>they eventually give birth to themselves,
So, teen goth gives birth to teen goth? Or to baby goth, who then grows up into teen goth?
>bursting in the process.
I feel like it doesn't count as "giving birth" if the "mom" explodes in the process.
>The sole difference in each iteration is that the reborn versions are slightly fatter than the previous one (s).
fucking ruined... really tragic taste you've got there
>The first cycle took nine months, but the current(?) cycle takes three months or less.
Is there a minimum? Or, if the loop continues, would the time decrease to minutes? Seconds? Fractions of a second?
just a slightly more fucked up version of rising like a phoenix
I was thinking of timey wimey nonsense induced hyper preg and the two ideas I had were
>Character is stuck in a time loop where the only way she can tell time has progressed is cause her belly keeps growing and has grown to hyper sizes
>Character is unknowingly pregnant and uses a time machine which causes her to rapidly advance through the stages and end up hyper
Sauce on these? Google ain't helping.
Teen goth gives birth to teen goth.

There were two pitches: one where the original immediately dies after giving birth to their new incarnation or burst. People took issue with the give birth and die part, so I switched it to bursting. That being said, for the purpose of this discussion, we can stick to give birth and die, since you make an excellent point.

If the loop continues the cycle would probably decrease to 9 seconds.

The idea I had in mind was that the story/ comic would be nonlinear, so the 'first loop' shown wouldn't necessarily be the first one to happen. The setup was like this:

1. Introduce characters and setting, ending with the cast giving birth
2. Cheerleader focused
3. Goth focused
4. Asian gamer/ e thot focus
5. Everyone's aware of the cycle and trying to end it.
I had an idea about a fighter having to assist a hyperpregnant preggomancer
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Ditzy bimbo trophy wife of a pharma executive takes an experimental fertility drug thinking it's a form of birth control and has unprotected sex with him. She ends up massive after only a few months, dealing with hunger cravings, ordering specialty made pregnancy clothes (from high end clothing retailers, of course), dealing with her lactation, and trying to move through the house after a growth spurt without knocking too many expensive things over.

Bear with me, this is the only pregnant bimbo I have, hyper or otherwise.
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Different writer here, might take a shot at this one since pregnant bimbos are pretty rare. No guarantees about length but I'll try to cover those points. Any other preferences (like size/number of babies) or stuff you'd like to see?
>Character is stuck in a time loop where the only way she can tell time has progressed is cause her belly keeps growing and has grown to hyper sizes
I once had an idea for a story based around this picture in which every the three day cycle looped another baby would be added until Cremia and Anju were hyper-pregnant.
I think a fun detail to add would be since time is looping, their bodies aren’t getting any older, thus technically making them immortal. It could lead to them potentially becoming gigantic if Link doesn’t stop resetting time
Don't exactly remember the name but the guy deleted all his shit and only does weird bimbo stuff now
>Any other preferences (like size/number of babies) or stuff you'd like to see?
I’m not that good at guessing the size and weight of potential babies and how much it would weigh a woman down, but maybe somewhere around thirty to fifty infants. Other things could be an extended gestation period and the kids being technically clones of the bimbo.
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Very similar to an idea I had a while back. I think I’ll try fleshing it out.
Not anon, but a fancy dinner party where the executive shows off his wife, both as a means of flaunting his wealth and "virility", and how effective the fertility drug is would be good. Extra points for her dressing in an expensive cocktail dress altered for her current size.
Do they remember every loop or do they start every loop with the realization that they're pregnant
At some point in the loop they're going to be big enough to actually stop the moon themselves
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drunk idiot got pregnant
They start every loop pregnant but aren't aware of the cycle until later loops.
I'll write this, for a price.
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I'm interested in further discussion. Do you post your writings on other sites?
Yes, but most of them aren't about humans. Still, here's a story I've written about a woman carrying eight children, and you should be able to enjoy it without knowing the characters:

Here's my commission information, which also lists my email address:

I'd post an image, but the mods would delete it and ban me like last time. Anyway, I'd love to work out the details with you, if you're still interested. This seems like it may be a long story, but we could always try to split it up into more approachable segments, or scale the idea down to something smaller, whatever you feel like.
Sure, I'll be in touch
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Got around to writing it, it ended up being fairly brief since I didn't have a ton of time to write. I think it turned out okay as something written quickly, but if you guys have any feedback I'll be happy to hear it.
Pastebin didn't like it so I had to use an alternative.
I wanted to include this but didn't have time, I might write it later if I have time and you guys think what I wrote so far is good enough to bother continuing. currently it's about 2400 words which is a decent length.
Requester here, I'm liking what you've wrote. Jenny's more of a prima donna than I first imagined, but still cute enough to not be grating. I'd love to see a continuation like what >>10981976 had suggested, or perhaps a shopping trip with her friends. Thanks again for taking it up!
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A crossover between Street Fighter, Tekken and Dead Or Alive about Chin Li, Xiaoyu and Leifang's being hyper pregnant.
>Thanks again for taking it up!
No problem, I enjoyed writing it.
>Jenny's more of a prima donna than I first imagined, but still cute enough to not be grating.
Yeah, I figured that since you wanted a trophy wife she'd be the spoiled type who is used to getting her way with her looks. If I have the time or energy I'll see if I can get that party scene in, although I'm a little short on idea for it besides showing off her in her dress and her accompanying her husband and he brags about his product and own fertility. Maybe have a scene where one of the other trophy wives (or some rich female CEO) does an extremely poor job of not making it obvious that she's jealous of her huge pregnancy and wants to
acquire the new drug and replicate her. If it's a CEO it could be a bit where she's torn between her desire to get hugely pregnant and become a stay-at-home mom vs her career ambitions.

I didn't mention it before since I didn't want to interrupt the other guy and didn't have a good hyper-pregnancy sample, but I'm also interested in taking commissions since I don't get to write hyper-preg that often, if anybody is interested. If so, reply to this post and I'll give you an email address to contact me with.
Well, if you're open for suggestions, I'd definitely go for the CEO, although maybe have two or three pregnancy curious socialites with her as cover before she gets a bit too into it. Also, intense fetal movement as a reaction to Jenny's stomach being touched by the CEO and her husband John.

Also also, while Jenny probably isn't the type to have one, if you write more pregnant bimbo stuff, it might be cute to have one of those stereotypical bimbo purse dogs take a nap on top of their stomach when she's trying to walk someplace.
Just had another idea: Jenny using her baby bump to "accidentally" smack a socialite who was flirting with her husband when she's reapplying her lipstick, leaving a lipstick streak on the socialite's face.
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Just noticed that she's wearing two bikinis in case one snaps
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there’s supposedly one more
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Oh, I just assumed, because I saw a sketch WIP, and it only had those four. If there's another, all the better.
the promo said 5 page, but idk
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Thats including the complete progression page
damn, the 4th pic was pretty mid. was hoping hit a zoom out
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i checked it out, NTa, but it's simply just combination of the other 4 into 1
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That's more like 30. Yes I know it's completely autistic but when artists throw out numbers like that which are comically inaccurate it kind of takes me out of it.
i get what you mean but you're still completely off yourself. given how the volume of a sphere works that pic is gonna be way more, easily 60+. newborns are actually really damn small.
>hot as fuck pic
>ruined by autistic word salad
why do these retarded faggots not post a textless alt when they do this shit
Looks like it's supposed to be inflation

Someone updates the dropbox
for some reason I find myself really attracted to those pink pajamas
she looks so comfy and soft
She probably is very comfy
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>Messing around with your new reality altering app's pregnancy function when you accidentally fire it off at the woman standing near you on the train
>Watch in a mixture of arousal and horror as she grows big enough to occupy a good chunk of the car with no one including her the wiser
got sauce on that?
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PurpleGuyRi on Twitter
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What does the French text say
“can you make me even heavier?”
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Where did you find the alts?
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beat me to it. that’s one big squid
I've never seen a 2nd batch of pregnancy
giant squid girl spends 1 day on land.
gets impregnated by everything that lays eyes on her.
Seeks out more people to get even more pregnant.
peak fiction
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PGR kinda a freak like that, wrote the squid girl that even when pregnant, she can still ovulate
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How she looks after all that
Unbelievably hot. that absurd fetish brainrot. I hope she’s twice as big next time.
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artist source?
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Always love seeing my comms getting spread around. All 3 comms I've got from Narodii are just so, so good. Here's the newest one in case anyone's interested. There's an alt with more strain and some heavy movement.
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bless whoever keeps commissioning these huge wakamos
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Sad his kemono page hasn't updated in a long ass time.
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Hoping someone does update it. Miss collecting the alts
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This thread is really slow right now
Tell me about your favorite hyper pregnancy art.
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my favorites are those that also depict consequences of hyperpreg figures -like stuckage- or combines hyperpreg with situations or professions were it'd be inconvenient, like hugely pregnant lady-knights.
Amazing stuff. Love that too, especially if they’re trying to be taken seriously
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In the same vein, I don't think I can ever get enough of hugely pregnant samus
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same, so hot
so im thinking of ideas for a hyperpreg story of a girl slowly gaining new, transformation-related changes to her pregnancy as she develops in the story, but im at a rut thinking about ideas. if it helps, its slime related, and also a "sole survivor story"
Feel free to dump a billion of them on me, but stuff like
>lactation that can sometimes be acidic
>being able to diffuse parts of her belly into small blobs that vary in function
>burps that let out a pink gas that has some effect I haven't decided yet (please help)
>the ability to summon arms from her belly

slimes which absorb water are hot, especially when they can't control it. Water immediately diffusing to whatever's in her womb could work.
>>burps that let out a pink gas that has some effect I haven't decided yet (please help)
Fertility gas. Makes so any normal girl that comes in contact with it gets a temporary boost in fertility and libido alongside a significant growth in breast/ass/hips/etc size. Effects intensity and duration depend of how much gas there was, with high amounts even resulting in a temporary pseudo pregnancies. And of course, if a guy comes in contact with it they get a full temporary genderbend with all the same effects.
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hey man so listen, all those powers and more exist in the Legion of Superheroes. It's a great place to look for stupid ass powers such as...

Psionic Baby: gain the added processing power of all the little brains swimming in your womb

Bouncing Boy: the power to inflate like a giant ball and bounce around

Matter Eater Lad: Superhuman matter ingestion and digestion Metabolism-induced super-speed; can eat anything

Arm Fall Off Boy: the ability to detach his limbs from his body and use them as mêlée weapons

Rainbow Girl: Poor Control of the Emotional Spectrum based on her mood sometimes she emits pheromones that do the same to others.
Does anyone have any hyperpreg where they're hyperpreg because they're nympho sluts and are continuously fucking people even though they're pregnant?
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Feels like that's pretty common in hyperpreg.

Though that does remind me of an erotic story specifically. Might have been in that collection that was sometimes posted in these threads. Just called 'Baby Factory', it was about a nymphomaniac prostitute who learns she is perpetually fertile and tries to make herself as pregnant as possible.
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I prefer the opposite, they had no intention of being giant baby factories, but now they’re stuck like that by circumstance
and it resets the gestation period (but not the progress). So the girl needs to not get fucked for nine months to give birth. But instead her belly gets bigger as she loves feeling stretched out and the lively energy of dozens of babies growing or staying in her
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That sounds like some My Strange Addiction type shit
honey we past that a while ago
I'm blatantly stealing this from another thread but if money and time weren't a factor what hyper pregnancy story would you write
biology teacher does semester on pregnancy. being impregnated by every student and browsing their baby like a class project. Barely fitting inside the class as she gestates over 50 babies
I've had one in mind for probably three years now. It would be set in a high fantasy world, kind of played for laughs a la Discworld, and told from the perspectives of a pair of girls: one a lesser noble from a family that fell from grace a few generations back, and the other her commoner friend that works for her family. They get knocked up during a drunken night out, unwittingly having sex with a trickster god and a demon who have a bet on that one is more potent than the other. It starts with the girls finding out they're pregnant, then moves on to the realization that they aren't pregnant with normal babies, but potentially dozens of highly magical supernatural offspring. Hijinks ensue, and they get bigger as they search for ways to manage their shared predicament. Their bodies would probably end up changed by their demigod/half-demon broods, and they might gain some odd powers due to the amount of excess magical energy the babies are letting off into their bodies. By the time they gave birth, they would be pretty much immobile, but powerful enough to levitate. Also, each girl would have a literal cult following once the god’s/demon’s followers tracked them down and start spreading the word. The girls would be waited on hand and foot and treated like queens as they prepared to fill the world with dozens of new demigods.

Tons of ideas, but so little time.
What about something along the lines of being able to turn her fat into a moldable slime
>Not-Lara Croft finds a fertility idol and takes it but it gets stolen from her
>Discovers that the idol is cursed so that any woman that touches it will slowly get more and more pregnant until they can no longer move
>It's a race against time as she tries to find the idol and return it before she gets too big to move
I'm not so sure about that part
I mean it's a matter of perspective really
Most people wouldn't like being not only impregnated against their will but also slowly but surely becoming too pregnant to even move
I'm trying to find this one doujinshi and hoping one of you have the name
The plot goes that an alien spore or something along the lines lands on earth and infects this girl and begins changing her body before it uses pheromones to attract another woman to have sex and after they do the woman rapidly becomes hyper pregnant and eventually gives birth to an alien

It's one of kitsunekopandanuki (pandanuki) 's doujins.
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Rewrite of American Horror Story Death Valley. So much potential, all of it wasted, but that's how AHS has been since the start.
Pretty sure this is mpreg, pal.
>draw a pregnant woman
>say it's a man
why would they do this?
Just check the artist name, dumbass.
That doesn't tell me anything.
No need to be aggressive, especially when I was just pointing out the phenomenon of mpreg artists drawing women but saying they're men.
Something like Fleet Command from Homeworld is pregnant, shenanigans ensue
My mistake. I was under the impression you were saying the person viewing the art and claiming the femboy was a woman was a different person from the artist, not that both were the same.
I had a thought earlier today, I have a couple more in the tank if you like this I'll post the other ideas. It's fairly degen so I feel like /d/ would like it. I may have to put this in several parts so bear with me.

Male student coming of age in middle school has a homeroom teacher that hates him. He doesn't know why and she never explains it. Her name is Stacy or Mrs. Bolden and she's 23, very good looking but not like a super model or something but you can tell she's had it fairly easy due to her looks. She never tells him why she hates him and he doesn't find out why until his third year of middle school. This story takes place in the 90's and the third year of middle school is the 1999-2000 year. At this time there was a big fad where all the teachers that could get pregnant did get pregnant to have a kid in the year 2000. This was a real thing that happened for those of you that don't know that's why there's so many 24 year olds lol.

Anyway third year roles around and as the year progresses and her pregnancy progresses she leaves in her 9th month for maternity leave. Now what you must remember is, the entire three years of middle school Stacy has verbally abused this student every homeroom making fun of his clothes and his voice and his hobbies and whatever else she can find to personally attack him. This has of course, ruined this students perception of women permanently, ruined his ability to hold relationships, or trust women in general, for the rest of his life. Now at the graduation ceremony she shows up with her baby, her baby, was black, Stacy is very white. And at the time the student found this to be odd but never really gave it much thought. It wasn't until nearly 20 years later when he was doom scrolling 4chan it occurred to him that Stacy was racist. She hated white kids with blond hair and blue eyes. She was always very cordial to the other students but one day it just clicked, she was always only ever nice to the minority kids.
Holy shit he’s had an epiphany but he’s in his late 30’s at this point, he’s wasted his life with this trauma. So, he goes out and tries to date, but it’s too late, the mental damage has been done. He’s fat, he’s balding, he has trust issues, he’s starting to get ED from his shit diet and miserable disposition in life. He looks her up online and finds her address, he’s so mad, he considers going over there and raping her and then killing himself. Then he considers going over there and kidnapping her and impregnating her but she’s to old at this point, he goes through multiple revenge plots until he finally gets so worked up, he just up and dies in a pile of filth that is his life. As he lays there dying, something takes pity on him, he’s such a pathetic loser that this something says to him “Those emotions have drawn me to you, if you would allow me to feast upon them, I shall grant you a gift.” In the seconds before death the brain can make time seem like an eternity. The thoughts that go through his head are “you will take my trauma from me?” and he agrees.

The gift was the gift of a do-over. The student wakes up in 1997, it’s the first day of middle school, he has all his previous memories. And there she is, Stacy Karen Bloom, the source of his misery.
So anyway, the plot progresses, and he figures out at some point that he has total control over Stacy. Not mind control, but she must obey every command, and her body must obey every command. Stacy knows everything that’s happening, she’s sort of locked into her mind when given these commands. She can be made to feel certain emotions she knows are wrong, the only real stipulations are she must be able to hear every command. I’m gonna describe some scenarios very briefly since I’m not a good writer.

Obviously, they have sex in school a bunch and whatnot but eventually at some point he goes home with Stacy, to have sex. Now of course, knowing what he knows he wants to put certain assurances in place. First thing he does after they have sex is wait for her husband Omar to come home. Once he comes home the student makes Stacy tell Omar that she’s tutoring him. The student at tries to see if his powers work on Omar and they do, but it seems they only work on Stacy and Omar. After a few days he decides he wants to move in with Stacy, she’s horrified of course. The next thing he does is wipe Stacy from Omars mind, in fact he can’t even perceive her anymore. He makes Omar watch them as they have sex, and she begs Omar for help, but it never comes. He also commands Omar to go out into the world and make as much money as humanly possible, being from the future he tells Omar what to invest 100% of his paycheck into. He has plans for Stacy and her womb and he’ll need funds to live comfortably while doing it. When he decides to get Stacy pregnant, he says to her “I hope you’re ready to be famous” planning of course to parade around her hyper pregnancy to humiliate her fully.

And I haven’t thought of many other specific scenarios yet but I feel like this could go on for a really long time, so I came up with some tags for various scenarios and tell me if it’s missing anything. I'll put them in the next post
• Stuffing
• Forced Fed
• Stomach Deformation
• Inflation
• Cumflation
• Pregnancy
• Hyper Pregnancy
• Ovulation
• Forced Surrogacy
• Breast Growth
• Milking
• Cuck
• Passionate Kissing
• Hair Pulling
• Overheating
• Public Humiliation
• Sex Toys
• Exhibitionism
• Sleeping
• Hugging
• Cuddling
• Mother/Son Play
• Cloning
• Same Size Unbirth
• Orgasm Denial
• Soft Spoken
• Humming
• Singing
• Belly Stroking
• Belly Button Play
• Belly Button sensitivity increase as clit
• Ass Stuffing
• Time travel
• Second chance
• Body manipulation
• Baby Factory
• Ill Fitting Clothes
• Out of Breath
• Exercise
• Birth Denial
• Way Past Due Date
• Ready to Burst
• Constipated
• Breast Pregnancy
• Famous against will
• Prison Time
• Pregnancy Transfer
what the fuck
>hyperspace cores cause pregnancies to become massive, averaging 12 at a time
>they only take a month, and the children age rapidly
>subspecies of rapidly-aging human, baby to old age in 3 years
>have kind of a sixth sense for spaceflight, make excellent crew for dangerous missions
Have no idea wtf that was and I think I don't wanna know
Space cores halt aging, no?
For the person hooked up to them, but maybe it makes any offspring conceived while in the machine have an accelerated life cycle

Hyper preg makes sense as a way to sustain crew for mothership and its craft but 20 years is a long time.
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>Sci-Fi story
>Rebellious woman is forced to join a colony scouting mission for the government
>Ship gets shot down and everyone gets captured by humanoid aliens and she passes out
>When she comes to she finds herself in audience with the aliens queen who begs her to help them since the government murdered most of their species, the queen is infertile, and she was the only one who hated the government
>Protagonist jumps at the chance to fuck them over (and the queen is sort of hot) and agrees to let herself get pumped full of eggs while helping them prepare for a counterattack
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Best (hyper)pregnancy games?
There's honestly not that many I can think of
There's Growth Academy (albeit its more of a general expansion game)
>There's Growth Academy (albeit its more of a general expansion game
Honestly I'm just waiting for the pics to come out for that one, I have no real interest or desire to play the game. Let alone the fact that the hyperpreg and boob characters are the only ones I'm at all interested in.

There's also seeds of destiny, which is JUST RPGmaker, I could probably tolerate that.
yes, a good number in fact


the pregchhan modded version of Hazumi and the Pregnation. I don't know if you can even get those mods anymore because they were sold, yes paid mods, by anons on that board.
I always love a good "suddenly hyperpregnant" piece
Oh, here's one: high school sports team finds a fertility idol, all of them get fat and pregnant. The team captain gets massively pregnant and starts to be more like a priestess and her team, acolytes.
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>"You did this to me so you're going to help me complete my mission"
So what the fuck is going on with Saburox? Is there seriously a bunch of drama just because he used AI backgrounds? Like does anyone actually give a fuck when the last thing you're looking at in his pictures are the BGs? Hell he used an Anime BG catalog prior to this and no one gave a fuck.
I think some of his more recent artwork has had the characters A.I enhanced
I know a lot of hyper art takes liberties with spines but Jesus Christ.
hip dysplasia
I'm pretty sure it's that one android girl from Stellar Blade so she must have a flexible spine
Severe need for more women stuck on top of themselves.
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I've absolutely adored seeing them and hope you'll get more. I don't typically get hyper pregnancy of my own characters, but Narodii is definitely tempting me to take the plunge.
This is more of a general pregnancy fetish stiry but it's a comedic slice of life story about a non pregnant girl who ends up joining a college club meant for pregnant students
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So Brigadier Swirl without the magical girl elements
I have never heard of brigadier swirl before
>normal female, aged 35
>well, not so normal
>instead of her body discarding the egg with each period, her body kept them in her womb, waiting
>so between her first period at the age of ten, and now, her womb has stockpiled around 300 eggs
>she finally decides it's time to have a family. She figures it'll just be a "one and done" thing she's doing to finally get her parents off her back
>"hope this doesn't ruin my corporate career" she thinks
Does anyone have that link to that drive of hyper preg stories by any chance?
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It was at >>11037652 but the link seems dead now.
Here's a copy that I downloaded on May 8th
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Oops, mixed up the (You)s

Wombs this big and full of life ought to be making loads of noises
Groaning, sloshing, the whole gambit
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Careful with the babies!
Veins are incredible
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>both are only two months pregnant
as fox girls they have litters of up to 20
Don't know if this technically counts but whatever
Counts as incredible
I need a triple and a quad uterus' version from this guy, stat.
Imagine how annoying it would be if one womb got impregnated after the other one
well, you could turn that into production make a factory out of it, if you stagger the pregnancies.

3 wombs, birth every 3 months, 9 wombs, a birth every month, 18 a birth every 2 weeks, 36 wombs a birth every week, 72 wombs a birth every few days, and so on and so forth until you get into a birthing cycle so precise it may as well be an atomic clock.
>one woman
>hooked up to all kinds of feeders and IVs
>her belly fills the space of a warehouse
>within her belly, hundreds of wombs
>her babies age like scotch, spending years in each uterus until they are ready to emerge a fully grown adult
>They come out in batches, from one her one pussy, vaginal canals as thick as subway lines, squelching with moving life to the portal
>once a batch as been born, her husband, Anon, comes over and pumps fresh seed into her, carried gently by her canals
I meant as in "one womb gets pregnant and then an unknown amount of time later she ends up getting pregnant in the other one"
But pop off I guess
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Yeah, this lady has hundreds of wombs, each getting pregnant at different times, all connected to a main vaginal canal, all exit out of one pussy
I meant it in a non baby factory way
Like the woman intended to only get pregnant in one womb but a series of bad decisions led to her getting pregnant in the other one a few months later
anti AI faggots screeching as they always do, and for some reason he listened to them.

Despite using AI in an extremely limited way, just for background. He's been one of the more respectful artists and yet they continue to screech. Fucking retard assholes, now we get even less of Saburo's art cause he's gotta take more time to do backgrounds and not the good stuff we came to see.
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Oh hey I know the guy that made this personally. I'll be sure to tell him yall love it. Feel free to ask any questions and I'll tell him about it. He has a deviantart too, CheesyBiscuits
Tell him to do more double pregnancy
He's already planning on that and more. Anything else?
Nothing I can think of
Okay. Well here's a glimpse of what he's doing in the future
Tell him to try out experimental triple, quad, and quintuple uterus pregnancies.
He's already on it once he's done with other stuff. Anything else?
Spherical/whole-body pregnancy?
Huh, that's a new one. I'll let him know about it. Anything else?
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Here's a weird one I had.

...psychic brain pregnancy with thought/energy babies, like how Zeus brought Athena into being, but with a woman with a cranium that gets progressively larger as she goes through the trimesters. So basically picrel.
recursive pregnancy
breast pregnancy
pregnancy transfer
pregnant possession
unwanted impregnation
pregnancy denial (as in refuses to accept that they're pregnant)
fast pregnancy
long pregnancy (pregnant so long the fetus's become adults)
birth denial
Go make your own thread if you want weird ass shit like this, this thread is for pregnancy in bellies and nothing more
Guy gets genderbend straight into a pregnant woman.
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I love it
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breast pregnancy is really hot, but terribly rare
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I've heard of most of these but what's pregnancy possession and recursive pregnancy
pregnancy possession would be like a ghost or parasite or something either possesses the woman's so she gets pregnant or possesses her womb

recursive pregnancy is like a matryoshka doll of pregnancy so pregnant woman pregnant with a pregnant woman pregnant with a pregnant woman sort of like unbirth but different.
Both sound hot
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Any form of pregnant office lady is wonderful
I agree
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6 months pregnant waiting at the OB/GYN
>"Profits? Oh no this is how much milk I've produced over the last few weeks."
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A Kancolle story with an abyssal installation as the protag played to its logical conclusion if the game was R rated.
For the un-informed the setting is about humanized battleships and installations are shipyards
Good lord i want to impregnate Seaport Hime with the whole Abyssal girl fleet.
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