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neet Ange edition

/ag/ chuuba rentry: https://rentry.org/agchuubas
/ag/ literature rentry: https://rentry.org/exq5m

previous thread >>10917174
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Rissa pizza time in ~2 minutes
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A capital choice for a thread image, fellow architect
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How exactly would you pronounce "ITTTTTTTT?" you fucking autist?
mmm, that's some lovingly-drawn back fat
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/Jtttttttt/ obviously, with the "t" sound repeated 8 times
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I don't know why 4chan changed the IPA short I letter to a capital J
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Hello frens, I thought I would ask you all a general question. What would you all like to see for a 3d model that represents "banished to /d/"? (In relation to /ag/ specifically)
3D chuba too fat to get through a doorway, which has left her stuck in /d/
So is anyone gonna bake a new thread on /vt/ soon
Just did fren
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Pippa the Hambone
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don't think i'm gonna let this thread die even if we're back home again
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I come bearing new Ange comm, this time with the full Sanbaka gang in tow

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source please?
Donmoan on DA
Blob Faunas too big for 4chan.
/vt/ thread's gone dormant for the night, sleep tight frens
I want to be her chair.

I want her to be my bed.

Lotsa different feelings! Fat is great.
Good night fren, Sana is planet-sized and eternal.
You could be blob Fauna's chair too if you don't mind being stuck in her fat rolls.
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/vt/ thread went asleep for the night yet again, be sure not to let this one croak too
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I think obese chuubas should fuck more often
We are back.
What server? I'd be interested in seeing more
>Irl morphs
>On a drawn degenerate board
C a t b o x
My fault, I don’t know how to make cat box links
She looks like a Baolifornia Girl
black girls have so much nicer bodies than white girls
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1. Go to Catbox.moe
2. Select your image
3. Copy and paste the link it spits out
Thanks, ill keep that in mind if the person makes more irl morphs of vtubers.
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no starving
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Is this the year of the rabbit? Not complaining tho
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Could well be
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Damn, Squish is out for blood
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This Dizzy is phenomenal.
Her head bumps getting fat and starting to become double bumps is hilarious
I'm glad you appreciated that detail.
Squish should draw Bae growing fatter from her gamer arc
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Oof, so good. Pippa is one of those chuubas that just feel right as a blob even though I prefer them just chubby or plump.
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good LORD
>inverted nipples
holy based
we somehow got bumped off the board in like 20 minutes, fuckin christ
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seems like some drama's going down in the catalog, guessing we should wait until morning to bake a new one?
what are the schizos crying about now?
something about the new niji gen
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I usually thread watch around dead hours but I pulled an all-nighter the previous night and couldn't do the same again. Sorry.

It's already rough making through every night so any crumb of drama is bound to get us archived lol and yeah, baking during the morning worked well before
What artist is this anyway? I need them to draw duwag Mint really badly.
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Please do, she deserves it. But you may have to wait a bit because I'm pretty sure it's packed.

Also, I thought there were more vtuber art from them, guess I was wrong. (I know there's a beeg Fauna too)
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there was one more after all
maybe I'm missing an indie or other corpo though
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How has there been no good art of Tenma with a beer gut
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the Orris ones are good and fit the beer belly part though...? but i would like more yea
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fat fuckin tiger
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Sorry I draw a line at fat kson
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It's time for another Ange comm, /ag/. This time with a special guest! In honour of those Bunny Garden collabs that have been so much fun

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Used the crop instead of full image :V
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I love her face here. So much blob art has a tendency to leave the face untouched, making it feel oddly disconnected to the rest of the body. I'm glad this avoids that problem while also not going to far with it, like having gross shit like fat foreheads or excessive lips.
Is daviel still taking comms, or has he fully committed to patreon? I'm tempted to join it to throw Ange into the vtuber poll but I doubt she'd actually get elected
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get yourself a girl that gets depressed because her boobs aren't big enough to fill swimming pools
Thinking about pippa’s XL thighs now
She definitely needs a bigger boob toggle for her model now, like how zen decided to do recently
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Not somebody I was expecting to randomly stumble upon art of
Is that fucking Hakka?
Nah, I wouldn't post male stuff here
We need more v4mirai fats
im so lost. why is it called vtuber architecture?
Said this in the ass thread, but Pekora is amazing ass material for a vtuber.
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Marine's beach body got better for 2024
I've been mulling over a Suisei bursting short fic thanks to an acquaintance who is into popping getting into Suisei lately.
Should I do it?
Yes, absolutely
The fact that BMW was changed to BBW in this always kills me

...so its fat streamers? chubby? expansion related? still lost
it's fat-ified fanart of fat vtubers
popular* vtubers
they aren't normally fat
Old /tv/ meme. Brosnan had a movie called The Architect and his wife is much fatter than she was when they got married. So fattening up your lover is called architecture.
really? I always thought it was this one post, and how for a long time people were like "your wife fat lol" until they realized that he's actually happy about it
Architecture was a /tv/ in-joke that originated with theories of Pierce Brosnan fattening up his wife, due to seeming happier the fatter she got. Combined with the Bond Burger meme and it just sort of spiraled from there. /vt/ took the term and used it for threads about fat vtubers, and since the threads were banned from /vt/ the longest time here we are.
You're right I just forgot some of the details.
Looking for that one pic of flare where she's laying on a couch
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this the one?
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any more instant/rapid weight gain?
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The concept of elves gaining ridiculous amounts of weight from human food is my favourite. The food is already fattening on its own but their different metabolism not being able to keep up is the best
Preggo nerissa is great
Pretty sure that's still stuffed. Most preg stuff does the popped out navel
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thread back home is hibernating for the night again
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Thinking about how much Lumi would fucking hate this image makes it so much hotter
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Yuujin's exposed bellies and belches are top notch man. how come I never learned about burps being sexy?
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wow. that is a journey i didnt expect.
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Did bao ever put out a ref sheet for her slime model?
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please tell me you know the sauce for this
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@Dolekat on twitter
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Imagine being buried under all that fat sweaty ass.
Mori lazily shoving more pizza slices in her mouth while ignoring your struggles to breathe...
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Someone on the blue board wrote a fic inspired by these
Pic related is to give the author inspiration for a sequel.
Gigi and Raora are the fat fucks of Justice
get to cooking, artists.
I wanna see vore of justice eating advent.
Specifically Raora eating Fuwamoco and Cecilia eating Biboo
I prefer Advent so it being the other way around would be ideal.
I do too, however:
big cat with hellhound twins in tum
Automaton using a gemstone slot
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/vt/ is fast as fuck right now so we're probably gonna stay /here/ for a while
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With that information in hand, I'm pressing X to doubt
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Thick as fuck pink cat straight from /ciao/
I feel like Raora's foodie aura is already spreading
I'm not really keen on rl stuff but I think the recent vids here are relevant to the Baoberry arc
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>Felt less embarrassed wearing a fake pregnant belly than if she'd just done a normal cosplay because it hid how fat her actual belly is getting
I agree, personally prefer Advent but Justice is too new to form any super strong opinions. But I do love the idea and seeing it further developed it could become a fic.

A basic idea I had was Justice members acting as moles getting in close with Advent, fattening them up and while none of them can go through with it Elizabeth does and with her unwavering dedication devours each one
I was thinking that Elizabeth is the only one who doesn't get an advent meal because Shiori turns the tables on her.

I'd prefer this, then again I don't really like Elizabeth's voice or taste in games so she's kinda in that "I really need to see more of her first" before I can start cranking one out to her.
Also something to remember that Shiori is the vore girl of Advent and call me Schizo but it doesn't feel like its a joke or kayfabe.
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When're we going home fellas?
about 3 hours ago
Shiori unironically is the vore girl
Ok yeah so, Raora gets in close to fuwamoco, the dogs are planning to eat Raora themselves but just keep getting distracted by her cooking.
Cecilia Bijou (I’m not sure)
Gigi goes after Nerissa but gets distracted from her main task and falls into Nerissa flirting and abundant cooking. Gigi struggles to be “the chaser” but in turn Nerissa struggles to keep up and ends up part of the menu
Elizabeth confronts Shiori, probably self righteous that the victory of Justice is assured. Shiori turns the tables on her.
Just some ideas, very interested to hear other thoughts
That's what I figured, It'd just feel wrong to have the vore girl be on the recieving end as someone that's been in a community where it took 16 years for the girl that actually would try to eat others to actually get to be the eater in fan works to happen instead of the other way around it was frustrating.
As for your Ideas, I like them, I can imagine the Gigi and Nerissa thing having both of them being super fat before the swallowing happens. The only thing I could think of right now for the Cecilia thing would be based off her streams where she's tried to be the good guy but ends up making things worse, Kinda need more content from her before I'd be able to craft a serious idea involving her as either pred or prey.
Yeah fair enough. I’ll make a note of all this. But I’m going wait like a month maybe, see their personalities come through. Any ideas you have I’ll probably see and can note down. Additionally I could also see an epilogue of fat Justice and Shiori seeking to avenge her fallen friends.
Yeah waiting for that long feels like the right play to make there, We are starting to see some personality aspects atleast but still, Looking forward to the "A way Out' stream with Gigi and Cecilia since that's pretty good for displaying personality's. The Epilogue idea sounds great since I can imagine Shiori doing it solely out of "Hey I wanted to taste them first, guess i'll settle for the next best thing!"
The idea that Shiori had already been fattening up Advent for herself is hilarious
She has listed Advent as her favorite snack before so I mean...
i feel like the clear progression of Justice is being corrupted by Advent
Gigi especially seems to be teetering on the edge of going wild, but they all seem to indicate at least a little bit of a rebellious nature
I imagine Cecilia, as an automaton, probably has slots for power sources like gemstones. The only one large enough to hold the gem of emotions would conveniently be where a normal humans stomach is
That makes sense, but that's just the end result, we kinda need some in between stuff first.
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Happy that someone reposted it here! I still use both boards but figuring everyone also does the same, it could feel a bit spammy linking the fics on both threads every time. If that's okay with you all, I'll make sure to link the other stuff I write on both /d/ and /vt/ going forward.

Anyway, while I didn't have a sequel in mind when I wrote it, giving it was a spur of the moment fic (and it definitely shows... there's a paragraph where I use "exposed" like four times lol), I was wondering how to go from there based on this big emo Mumei. Could make her more confident/bratty as she gains unlike Fauna, and maybe having Bae as an unexpected straight man trying to curb both girls' weight gain, only to get roped into this cursed clothing thing...?
With what we know about Gigi, the initial swallow has to happen when she and Nerissa physically collide. Either run into each other, one falls on the other, etc.
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Exactly, also after the "A way out" stream I've gotten the impression that Cecilia matches the energy of whoever she's with, so on one hand i'm starting to imagine how she'd behave as a predator for these scenario's, the main issue is I'm having a really hard time imagining Bijou as prey since she kinda has that "Playground RP" energy where she's indestructible and makes stuff up to win a pretend fight.
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Is it just me or does it seem like the jannies basically gave up trying to moderate the home thread?
We made the return in what, February?, since then pretty much everyone learned to use catbox/crosspost to here when necessary in terms of size. I think there's been two threads in a row without any deleted pics for instance.
Besides, they're probably too busy dealing with all the yab and doxx shit to care, which helps too.
Better to play it safe and assume that isn't the case.
nta but I'm a hooman and I fucking NEED this
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forgot the relevant part
>where would I be squishable at?

Anything on this based on their recent collabs?
Shioris decent into madness as she devours Advent, unreliable story teller were it shifts from them begging for her not to, to them “embracing” it
I don’t have time to watching whole streams and even then I’ve just mainly been watching Raora clips. I’m mainly informed by clips and any discussion on the other thread.
CC always takes the most violent option possible.
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Workin' on something
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luv me big dog
Love belly rolls like those.
Love you and all your work, MG! Bless you for such a beautiful chubby Mint.

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