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Futas and/or dickgirls/newhalfs topping men. DO NOT FIGHT OVER TRANNY SHIT. If you absolutely must, at LEAST have the decency to contribute in your posts.
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Source for all of these: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/95128476
somehow didn't see this before i started >>10981349

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It’s ok. I’ll just dump to assert dominance over yours, much like how these women are doing to these men.
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Futa cum with the power to feminize men is probably my favorite thing futa-on-male related
Uh, I could swear I had posted a pic with that post, weird
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Futa on femboy is so GOATed, especially when he gets mpreg from it
A cover preview for a doujin coming out at futaket
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Anyone know any sites to extract text from images?
Or any translators in the thread?
I wanna get this translated, even if I have to do it myself.
I tend to just use the LINE messaging app and just not send the image to the person I’m texting

Then I just grab the text and paste it into DeepL
>Anyone know any sites to extract text from images?
Occasionally it messes up the order of characters when you scan a dialog box, so you will have scan line by line when that happens.

Here is a good ChatGPT translator that often does a better job than DeepL:
It will give different "variations" if you translate the same text more than once.
plapping and moaning
I translated it. Thanks for the tools anons, but I figured it out myself. I don't read Japanese very well, but I can speak it at a fairly good level.
As it is it translates poorly directly to English, but this is the gist of it.
>You were thinking there's no way an older man like me would have his "virginity" stolen and be irresponsibly cum inside by some one like me, right?
>Moreover, especially when you're a stereotypic character who'd do that to others?
>There's no way you could do that to me!
>You really thought you'd be able to do that to me?
>YOU'RE the one who's gonna be a mom here old man!

Hot as fuck. IDK what the hell futa or porn has done to my brain. Why am I aroused by this.
dgarchive just updated if anyone's looking for written futa/male
I wish gnhume did more it felt like he was going in the right direction
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I like this kind of mundane scenario. Guy goes to a futa brothel and gets fucked by a cute girl, simple.
more of those please!
women slightly going out of their own way, audaciously inconveniencing themselves, careless for the lack of elegance of some positions, to get the most comfortable position for discomforting someone, mounting them down, for their own dominance. Lodging them to handle them comfortably...
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>Why am I aroused by this.
The futa's masculine desire for (You) is very arousing. In this case, (You) are the sex object who is being acted upon by the futa, in direct contrast to real life sexual dynamics. Her penis and facial expression also make it very easy for (You) to sympathize with what she is feeling, both physically and psychologically.
Sauce? I've tried both the image searching and scouring for dickgirl_on_male + prostitution tags and I couldn't find anything. And I agree, that scenario is incredibly hot.
cool. source? saucenow doesnt pull up shit
Sauce ?
new release at futaket. not seen a rip of it anywhere yet, but it's on dlsite
Why does every futa on male image look like rape?
ai trash
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Thanks for the bump!
why can't you just stay in your containment thread? if your ai bullshit was actually good I wouldn't know it was ai.
Nowhere was specified that ai isn't allowed, I'd tell you to stop crying but quite honestly the bumping is still welcome
i bet you're vaccinated as well
The best images usually are.
ashley cutest futa
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Myself, I post AI-gens when the thread is at page 9 or 10. Don't want to see it? Post content instead of leeching, faggot.
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This one is stupidly hot.
Come on man. Its AI just look at the eyes and teeth.
because they're drawn by japs and gays who don't know what love is
Please tell me there is a source
Lol, die
I feel like I am a niche within this niche.
I prefer feminine futa on masculine male. But the boys always seem to be femboys or shotas.
On the rare occasion I do find a masculine male with muscles and facial hair, the accompanying futa is usually on the more masculine side - tall and big muscles as much as the man has.
Is it really such a niche, or is there somewhere I missed that has cute feminine futas railing the shit out of papa bears?
As much as I like femboys, twinks, and shotas, I'm interested in the concept at the very least now. If I wrote a short story about a lumber jack type of man perhaps a Knight or a Blacksmith, getting dicked down by his Genki princess would you consider reading it? If you need proof of my writing I'm willing to post, but I don't want to shill without reason.
Well, I don't read like I used to; But I might dust off the bifocals for some femfuta on mascman content.
I'm not a critic though if you're looking for a review.
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The year is 2024 and this is still one of the rare, coveted futa x normal male works.
It's certainly not easy to find that's for sure.
Then I'll do my best and report back when you can. Also don't worry I gave up on expecting feedback a while ago.
I had a form of this preference once, but reality only ever produced a small trickle of Futa/Male at all.
So over the years I managed to stop giving a shit and just take what I can get.
I still can't and won't do the extreme out-there shit.
However, if the girl's got a dick and the guy's getting fucked, I'm good. I can like this one more or that one less but it's in the wheelhouse.

I'm not saying don't go for what you like and enjoy it or anything. But I will recommend to anyone that they should try to identify when "beggars can't be choosers" applies to them.
The only other thing you can do is make it yourself or pay someone to make more of it.
Yes do it, please.
Smalldom is so rare it's depressing.

Petite futa x larger male = SO UNCOMMON and hot
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For me it's futa on male (futa)
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This stuff is so rare to find but I love it.
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Sorry, the quality varies enormously
Gender equality
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Aimaitei has some stuff in that vein. Facial hair not so much, but femme futas fucking men that have muscle definition, at least.
Is there a free ai art generator where I can prompt shit like this and get porn to this effect or to the art style?
>clothing entrapment
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Your best bet might be fujoshi artists dabbling in futa x male.
for example
is another search you can use.
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I prefer them both to be broadly average physically. Normal guy, not a shota/trap, but not a buff muscle guy either, and a smaller (cock aside), conventionally cute girl.
I don't really tie it to hard into other fetishes much - I prefer futa on male more romantic rather than hard femdom, for instance, but that's a super common one.
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I like the idea of a cute feminine princess overwhelming her honorable knight protector with genki energy.
watch 3d porn then
Wish futas were real and they could knock up males
I have no idea why it's not more popular. The idea of being a pretty little boy who's all dolled up getting used by a girl whose penis dwarfs your own, putting the exclamation point on why you're the bottom is so fucking hot.
That sounds like something I would definitely read. I would also love to get a sample of your writing, but if you don't want to "shill' I can post an email.
check out An Almost Normal Life by PenguinEmperor on hf
I too wish to be impregnated by my futa wife.
If a dickgirl puts a baby in me can I get a butt abortion?
Why would you abort the symbol of your love for each other, your pride and joy offspring produced by the love made on your wedding night?
I can't raise a kid. I'm literally fuckin' nuts.
Oh. Sorry, anon.
I want to have at least 10 kids, though.
Don't be. I have a nephew who's like a son to me.
But it's already the most common futa/male combination, what more do you want?
For it to overtake the trash that so often fills /b/. Just being the top among a fringe is not enough.
That will never happen. Any kind of futa on male is always going to be a niche interest. Surprisingly seems to be more popular with women than men, though.
>Surprisingly seems to be more popular with women than men, though
You sure? I always find fellow men reading or watching these type of contents. Never seen a women do it.
Well it wasn’t actually a vaccination, which is why they made sure to call it one.
i miss gura nyuuto so fucking much dude
Literally everything about sylvia is fucking perfect.
Becoming a living fleshlight
>if you can beat the first level before I cum
The idea here isn't that she's a quickshot, it's that theres no way in hell he's going to be able to properly concentrate on and play the game with that bitch breaker pulverizing him
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Assuming the game is copyright-friendly OG Doom you can beat E1M1 in less than 10 seconds. You'd finish the level before she even gets it in.
>25 Days
I hope you guys don't mind a delayed shipment.

While I'd love to say this took me as long as it did because I was busy, I actually had some different ideas I initially wanted use, like a knight and a princess, that I scrapped cause I fell out of love with them. Also I played a bunch of Etrian Odyssey and Yugioh. I hope you can still enjoy my work despite the wait.
Also, check this out
Lol cowabunga
ai kino
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same mangaka?
Without AI there wouldn't be that fate futa pic poster, so your complaint is of low relevance.
d-does that man have a pussy
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What are some good games with futa on male as a focus? Only ones I know of are Pandora's Forest, it's early access spinoff, tales of androgyny, and futadom world. Beyond that I've just seen a bunch of low effort 3DCG renpy wegs.
Star periphery
That's a high effort 3DCG renpy weg
I really want to get into AI art and make some stuff but got no idea where to begin. I assume stable difusion's the program every AI artist uses?
Futadomworld is so shit compared to Star Periphery.
Also, thinking of modding ToA to make a truly "futa+" mode. Anyone else into this idea?
Sexy.ai or other generators are my go to
Delayed is fine by me. Hope you don't mind a delayed review/reaction. I haven't been in an erotica reading mood lately and I don't know when that will change so the tab will sit here till it does.

i'd be interested in what exactly that game does so much better apparently, >>11029022 .
Ive heard that oppinion a few times now, so there has to be something to it i guess. But i couldnt get past the 3d shit it has for art, so i havent checked it out myself yet

What's wrong with futadomworld? It seems fine to me
I think a decent amount of people just don't the setting. While I love rapey futanari who dom men and treat them like shit, the 'futa cum makes you retarded' part of it makes it lame for me. And if it bothers me, I'm sure the people who actively hate futadom and just want cutesy futa on male content wouldn't particularly enjoy the game.
You're telling me you like the tumblr tier art in fdw? Periphery's actually competent looking.
I wish gnhume worked faster
Part of what I enjoy in futa-on-male is how it juxtaposes with typical expectations of how a relationship functions. Dominant women are fine, they mess with the same expectation, but a world where women being dominant is expected removes that dynamic entirely.
I get why people would like that fantasy, but it isn't for me.
Also the retard cum stuff is shit.
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Oh it is fine. I like Futadomworld, but the setting and all the hardcore shit just give me horrible post nut feeling. Compared to SP, it is also just so basic. The sex scenes are short and often just one picture or loop. In SP, I can spend an hour edging through just a single scene that has its own theme, dynamic, and fuckload of pictures. The futas in SP feel like actual people with no psychotic shit going on like in Futadomworld. I even like the romantic soapy shit in the game. It all feels natural to me. The dev is also a nice person.
The only thing Futadomworld is better is the animations and the UI is more competent.
it definitely... takes some getting used to.
its western shite, definitely not the best.
But i'll take it over any 3DCG for sure.
This could just be my personal autism, but 3DCG shit is just wierd to look at an honestly somewhat uncanny to me.
Personally, I don't like the setting and you're treated a little too shittily for my liking. The cum addiction system in principle gets me rock hard but is implemented so poorly it might as well not exist.
Only in some states
It's been a while since I played Star Periphery, but I'm pretty sure every woman in that game barring maybe one or two has a pixie cut, and that's kind of a turn off for me
>but I'm pretty sure every woman in that game barring maybe one or two has a pixie cut, and that's kind of a turn off for me
It's like that, but exactly the opposite.
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There used to be a guy that shilled it in every weg thread on /v/. I never saw the appeal.
All 3d wegs look terrible
Just tried star priphery and came to Markala so that was pretty good. Another porn game that has some futa on male is testament of minos. I just have the minotaur capture a male and then fuck him repeatedly. At least has a few animations, I just like huge futas fucking a smaller male.
On what?
Bad art aside, it's also really gay. The evil ending of the priest girl pissed me off so much. Hate how they can't even commit to their rapey setting and instead want to moralfag the player about how horrible the world is. Violent Claudia was really hot but it locks you into a bad ending because police brutality is evil, etc. The good ending is also shit cuz futa lesbians? Who wanted this? The offer was to date Claudia exclusively, why tf is she holding hands with someone else?
It wants to deconstruct tropes with its writing but this is already such a niche fetish. We don't need deconstruction when there's so little to work with as it is.
Also, too much futa on futa, futa on female and male on male for my tastes.
Markala's design>>>>>>>> those rancid looking characters in Wallis' route.
What do you mean by "futa+", since the game already has quite a bit of futa.
It's a lot but not all of it is futa. Off the top of my head, stealing from the fort and getting caught still ends up with you getting fucked by the duke. It'd be better if it was a futa. There's also the stray conversation about ogre "princes" that could be changed to be about ogresses. Make the world more ideal.
Star periphery is literally too hot for me to handle. I keep cumming to the first scene where you give ginny a blowjob i cant make it past that.
You are missing a lot, anon. The first scene is great, but there are a lot better ones. Tessa's virgin sex scene fucking broke me. The faceless alien gangbang is also hot as shit.

So I've just been sleeping with everyone. Do the scenes get better if you're a virgin? If so, I might need to do a replay.
You get asked if you are a virgin before the action, so you don't have to play the whole thing again. The virgin scenes are entirely different from non-virgin.

But I'm not. Or should I lie? Because I already played through the other sex scenes.
You can lie, the dev said he put the option to choose there so that people don't have to keep a fuckload of saves.

That's just what I was going to try doing lol. Thanks for the tip.
Im trying anon but i keep spurting early. I guess im gonna need to play without fapping. Gonna go for tessa first now that you mentioned it, thanks for the tip
Oh so you mean to just replace the non-futa scenes. By all means.
Very hot.
One of their hands should be on top of his head
the protag in SP looks retarded. his face is so derpy and gay it's a turn off for me at least.
Wrong. He cute.
nah he's not
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A huge futa's boytoy should look like a Tim Burton dollboy that a girl would actually want to fuck, instead of a complete femboy. I can still fap to it though as long as it's a smaller male getting impaled by a huge futa.
anyone got angel dickgirl butt fucking demon boys?
He's supposed to be the self-insert. Nobody cares what he looks like
A futa is somewhere in between a girl and guy, so her preferred partner type should also be so.
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Futas lean into female more and a non-femboy twink would lead into male more. The ideal dynamic is a huge futa who has the same teenage girl interest in these pale dollboys, but it manifests into overpowering him with her bulk and impaling him into a whimpering, cumming mess beneath her. That part also arouses her female interest in vulnerable boys. She can also make him crossdress without him being a femboy, and it's also even better if she's a mini-giantess exceeding 7 feet tall. But I acknowledge this is too niche.
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I downloaded star periphery because of you fucks and I despise these 3d models. They look disgusting. I think all weg are just shit
>hate 3D games
>download a 3D game anyway
>hate it
Severe autism on multiple levels.
I couldn't tolerate it that much myself either. The doctor's punishment scene was worth it though and it's pretty early on.
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If I ever die violently and get isekai'd I hope I reincarnate as a shota with a futa gf that fucks me raw every day.
God I need all of lewdpenis stuff back. The hypno themes were perfect
Same, that would be the life, hope she's a hot muscular orc
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Hang on, who's the artist behind this one? The artstyle reminds me a bit of the manga about a half-blind girl with a fluffy hair that keeps forgetting her glasses
Anyone got any well written "misery porn" type stories?
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This is what futas jerk off to
Yeah and since some women are already inclined to alter twinks (hurting them, making them vulnerable, painting their nails, dressing them up). Giving them testosterone, bulk and a big dick will only give them more options. It's not universal, but I definitely do think futas would get off from things like dressing up their boytoy and humiliating him by plopping their huge dick on top of his to demonstrate the size difference, and listening to him cry while fucking him.
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i really want a girl to hurt me...
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anything masculine getting fucked by futas is just gross
you give a girl a dick and your first thought is for her to fuck gross men, you might as well just jerk off to gay porn at that point
You're right, that's hideous.
Patreon pigs really will throw their money at the absolute lowest effort 3DCG slop and call it mana from heaven
Griffith defeating the knights of Tudor (colorized)
I don't like the overly thick figures either but you are delusional if you call sp low effort
I am a true futa on male lover!
>I wanna see a femboy twink mage get bred by a strong futanari knight looking to claim a wife!
>I wanna see a bratty shota get tamed by correctional futanari cock!
>I wanna see a cute chubby nerds held down dicked down by the gyarus that bullies him everyday!
>I wanna see a supposedly manly man crumble under dominance of a futanari half his size, but twice his size!
>I wanna see cat boy and his dog girl gf touch cocks as they kiss passionately, her knot pulsing in anticipation for the night forward
>I wanna see big bro learn that he's just his little sisters cock sleeve!
>I wanna see a house husband helping his wife relieve some stress after a long day of work, absolute love in her eyes, as she watches him work the shaft and clam dives her love hole!
Whether it's loving, forced, or somewhere inbetween. It's for me!
I wish more people studied art so that I could see your ideas in action
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>>I wanna see a supposedly manly man crumble under dominance of a futanari half his size, but twice his size!
Hot as hell. Futa is like femdom for me in which amazons are nice but I really love the visual role reversal of that scenerio
ai art is here to stay
Yes, in the paijeet containment threads.
cope and seethe troon
lmao imagine having taste so fantastically shitty that you whiteknight ai garbage
>I wanna see a femboy twink mage get bred by a strong futanari knight looking to claim a wife!
May I suggest:
e-hentai dot org/g/1741926/d9cbd0ddc2/
allporncomic dos com/porncomic/a-boy-and-his-familiar-brkn-pncl-pencil/3-a-boy-and-his-familiar-chapter-3-brkn-pncl/
Based dude. No ntr of course
my wife will be ai in the future while you still pay "commission" for cheap prostitutes with herpes
My ai wife can beat up yours
any smut depository? I'm in dire need of futa on male stories (noncon) but I think I've exhausted most mainstream smut websites
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Nta but chyoa is usually low quality. Got any good stories?
Is that HER pantyhose covered in HER cum that she's making HIM wear? Kinda hot
>held down dicked down by the gyarus that bullies him everyday!
Introducing a scrawny nerd to futacock and the joy of being railed in the ass by a smug gyaru is truly the most devious prank imaginable. Seeing the poor guy go from begrudgingly enduring with it, to obediently taking the dick, to eventually worshipping it, complete with arching his back like a total bitch... you really can't do better as a bully.
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>Nta but chyoa is usually low quality. Got any good stories?
Runt of the litter is decent

>Is that HER pantyhose covered in HER cum that she's making HIM wear? Kinda hot
Yes, and the best part is that he came there willingly
Hot hot hot
The mpreg is the cherry on top
i'm crying, i'm actually crying browsing this thread, why can't this be reeeaaal!!!
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>you will never get fucked by a futa tanuki girl
>you will never feel her huge nuts smack against yours every time she thrusts into you
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>you will never have a loving futa girlfriend
>you will never give your virginities to each other
>you will never feel her big cock enter you for the very first time
>you will never see her face contort with pleasure as she clumsily thrusts into you
>you will never be in ecstasy from feeling cock pound against your prostate with every thrust
>you will never hear her ask you if you are enjoying it, in between her deep breaths
>you will never tell her how good her cock feels and how amazing she is at fucking you, giving her the confidence to fuck you even harder and faster...
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>you will never see her lean down and bring her face close to yours
>you will never feel her give you a deep kiss
>you will never hear her proclaim her undying love for you
>you will never hear her cry out in ecstasy as she shoots a huge load deep inside of you
>you will never feel her warm cum filling your insides
>you will never experience an intense, hands free orgasm while she inseminates you
>you will never loving cuddle with your futa girlfriend and fall asleep in each others arms afterwards...
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thank you
i'm glad you wrote this
1. because i dg it
2. because i'm now seeing multiple other futa/male stories from you that i've never seen before

i'm gonna catalog them all in https://dgarchive.neocities.org/archive.html right now
dig it*
No, thank you for adding the stories to the archive! I was actually going to ask, but it felt a little self centered, so I just let it go.
I'm actually writing something new, so look forward to it soonish. I'll post it in the thread for sure.
I love the usage of the tail for a reach around. You can really see him shudder on her cock.
Hell yeah dude. I'm glad you like the archive.
I found myself starting it years ago in a text file for myself and it felt like a waste not to share it and give back.

I'm planning to open up a google form or something so people can fill in blank spots I might've missed. The only thing I shy away from for cataloging is too extreme stuff, from outright furry, to hyper, scat, etc.
Everything else 100% deserves a spot in the archive.

I'm happy to hear you're writing more!
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lewd shot
one of my favs
some day i'll play the VN if it gets translated or something
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Always payback your loans
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Sorry. Language in the law unfortunately explicitly states it’s the mothers choice.
Is not the one carrying the babby the mother?
need a mommy to get me pregnant and then force me to carry it to term even though i dont want to
Get married.
It’s not defined in the law. But in the dictionary, it’s currently
>female parent
>Woman who has born a child
So considering anon is not a woman, the former definition is the one that must be used
Nope. Sorry.

Congratulations bro
Definition 1 goes on to say that has borne a child while definition 2 would absolutely fit a dude that had birthed a babby.
Ahhh you never forget prom night do you?
i meant physically not financially
never had one
would like to imagine it like this, for sure
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