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Post males with thighs, asses and hips that put women to shame. No flamewars, please.
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And some questions, for engagement's sake:
>what's your preferred size for a man's ass?
>would you prefer to date a bottom-heavy guy, be a bottom-heavy guy, or both?
>proportionally fat, enough where there's a cleft underneath and dimpled shading from cellulite and the thighs are THICK
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boy butts...
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somebody needs to draw this plump boyo with kris deltarune, ass cheek to ass cheek pressing against each other
need them both
>would you prefer to date a bottom-heavy guy, be a bottom-heavy guy, or both?
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>what's your preferred size for a man's ass?
As big as possible so long as his thighs scale well with them, bigger is better of course

>would you prefer to date a bottom-heavy guy, be a bottom-heavy guy, or both?
Definitely both. I want my ass to be enjoyed as much as I enjoy the asses of others.
Why are you blue?
y r u not blu?
Oh my god, anon, you can't just ask someone why they're blue
I just want one to sit on me so badly
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>preferred size?
The bigger the better, albeit with diminishing returns once you're in the hyper size class, and hip to waist ratio matters more to me than sheer size I think.
Ideally both, but I could settle for just being one. My butt is naturally bigger than average for guys, so I feel obligated to take advantage of my genetics and see how big I can grow it. I doubt it'll get as extreme as some of these guys but there's no harm in trying right?
In case anyone else is interested in buttmaxxing here's the workout guide from the last thread: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hflWs_SzJDraG4JhotQBDPy3CfyyC0N_X6GcyF39ca4
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>what's your preferred size for a man's ass?
The bigger the better, basically. Although shape also plays a factor.
>would you prefer to date a bottom-heavy guy, be a bottom-heavy guy, or both?
Date > Both > Be
>Tfw am dating one
how long have u been working on growing your butt and how much progress have u made so far
The dude should have just finished it, I'm not too creative, but with that little scenario the end would be something like:

>You finally reach the toilets, you enter one of the stalls and hurriedly close the door behind you
>You quickly remove your underwear revealing your raging erection
>You have already a precum coming out of your tip, probably staining your underwear
>You grab onto your dick and aim
>A massive gush of semen comes out of your cock, you feel immense pleasure along with the feeling of your balls being emptied
>After about a minute of ejaculating you look at the aftermath
>The stall is covered in your semen, the toilet seat, the toilet cover, the walls, the floor, and a bit on your shoes
>Oh god will this be a pain to clean
Throwing my hat into the ring

>The wave of euphoria from ejaculating recedes as you come down. You begin to quiver as you realize… your body changed again
>Your ass feels much, much fuller than it did just five minutes ago. The seat of your pants feels even tighter than it did before
>But at least the waistband isn’t ridiculously loose anymore. You sigh as you step out of the stall and grab some paper towels
>It takes quite a while to clean up all the cum. Thankfully, no one else comes into the bathroom while you’re doing so
>You flush the last cum-soaked paper towel as the stall is finally somewhat clean again. You make your way back to class
>As you step in the room, all eyes are on you. You blush bright red as you turn your head down to dodge the stares
>When you realize... you forgot to wipe the cum off your shoes. You cover your face with your hands as you blush even redder
>When you realize… your forgot to wash your hands, too
This is stupid, in that scenario you already have a ridiculously large bottom, and nobody will really see the shoe cum, this is after a stream right into the toilet bowl, so barely anything goes on top of the shoes, and you had to clean up the cum with paper, your hands are gonna be clean, baka.
Hey, I was just trying to contribute to the thread, senpai
>what's your preferred size for a man's ass?
Not quite hyper butt tier, but definitely the unrealistic "hips are wider than regular sized shoulders"-tier.
These threads always have some homeruns.
>would you prefer
IRL I'd never do anything with a man. The moment a trap/tomgirl/femboy animation has a male voice actor it is garbage to me.
But my fantasy for them is that there just are really feminine dudes(that sound like women) that you can be bros with and fuck.
I love all the "bro job", "It's not gay if" -comics, and I love all the "your roommate/gymbro is a femboy type comics.
What's the TL;DR? Lots of squats and RDLs at the gym etc?
need to suffocate in between a nice pair of boy buns. guy glutes. man meat. maybe make it two boys and have my whole head sandwiched in their heavenly hindquarters...
Just posting the original in case the previous thread gets archived, not that I ever find anything using desu.

>It has been almost a year since you started to notice IT.
>Dieting didn't help
>Exercising only made it worse
>None of your old clothes fit anymore
>You're currently wearing the largest sweatpants you found at the store. They're ridiculously loose around your waist, yet uncomfortably tight on the seat area.
>You can feel the fabric squeezing each cheek within, you'd think you were sitting on a thick cushion if you weren't deeply aware it was your own body.
>You're breathing too hard again.
>You shift again, trying to hide the raging erection you got the moment you sat down in class today.
>Shifting was always a bad idea.
>You can feel your ass accommodating inside your pants, rubbing against the chair, almost like a massage.
>You try lift a bit of weight off it, only to fall back too hard, barely suppressing a moan.
>You're actively squirming now, left, right, up, down, repeat, it just feels soo good.
>You know what is coming, you need to get out.
>You jump to your feet and thee jiggling starts, the huge masses giving you an unmistakable pear profile shake with the sudden motion.
>You ignore the professor asking you questions, and the gaze of your classmates and begin to run.
>Each step made your glutes ablaze with pleasure as they quivered against each other, making an audible clap each time.
>It echoes in the empty hallway, along with your hard breaths and the erratic moans each time your shoes impact the floor.
thank you, anon
bigger butt here I come
You are welcome.
What do you do for skin care and tightness?

I wanna get a bigger rear but I'm worried my skin will make it look to saggy, I want it to be plump and juicy.
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Are there any characters out there, anime or otherwise that you want more huge hipped content of?
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Who dis?
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god, I want to rim a cute fat assed dude so goddamn bad. just sit on my goddamn face, force my tongue to be firmly and forcefully planted on a musky boyhole, and made to lick until I pass out or cannot process time anymore
stupid sexy brown elf boys
Male Sona by Cinnabus.
nice do they got any more?
While we're talking about hipmaxxing, anybody tried out Electric Muscle Stimulation for muscle growth? Although they're usually sold as pad kits, there's now sets that can be worn directly on the ass. I've read that some housewives wear them around the house without exercise and have made some gains.

In addition, the Blood flow Restriction Bands seem to be popular, but seem to require more effort. Any /fit/izens here to comment?
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I just stick to lower body exercises and protein shakes myself.
>preferred man ass size?
big. wider than shoulders, very womanly rear. I do like my boys on the more masculine end, so my ideal guy may just look like a regular twink but with an unrealistically fat fucking ass. A shame this cannot exist, but oh well. Such is life.
>would I prefer to date a bottom heavy guy, be a bottom heavy guy, or both?
both. need to be smothered and have felt the rising desire to smother.
I wish there were more fic or stories for this kinda thing.
What would you want to see
>t. writeranon
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Ass expansion and boy butt smothering
How about further expansion of the “ass supremacy” world created in the previous thread
Golden Boombox... But on guys...
Oh fuck yes.
It's criminal that there's so little of it for guys. I had to personally invest to get some more
>Pic unrelated
so how well does this routine work? might finally try regularly exercising for once in my life
Insecure bottom-heavy boy deciding to use his gifted lower half to mind break someone
Also consider the possibility of a boy with hyper endowments using his massive balls to get somebody off (smothering + ballzuri)
Twerking and butt expansion go together pretty damn well.

There's something about the rhythmic gyration of butts as they fill with muscle and fat that's super appealing to the eye.
Makes it even hotter when the guy in question can't control himself and is embarrassed about it.

Has anyone ever drawn something for these threads specifically? Or do we just work with what we got?
I don't think so, but yeah twerking is good no matter who does it.
There's definitely male twerking online, but the specific Gold Boombox type is lacking. I have a feeling artists who draw double cheeked up boys like BlackWhiplash probably has done some.
Link is peak twink, so it only makes sense that he would get some cheeked up treatment of this brand eventually.
The golden boombox is one of my favorite fetish tropes now, considering you can give it to any character in fiction and have them throw it back.

Thanks for the suggestion!

Are there any characters you like the most?
Anyone in particular you want art of?
I don't recall Whiplash making anything with the Golden Boombox, much less any of it with boys. I suppose that's what comms are for.
Yeah the Golden Boombox is the easiest excuse to draw a character with the fattest dumpy, throwing it back. Plus I'm a hypnofag so that gives me bonus points for enjoying it lmao.
If you're asking, I'm a big fan of the VTuber Machina X Flayon, more porn of that twink is welcome.
They haven't done anything with the Boombox but I'm pretty sure they've done fat assed male twerking (Or something similar).

Also now I'm out of (decently good) male Boombox art outside of my own OC comm.
Boyass effortlessly mogging girlass
And it makes her seethe but even though she hates being upstaged by a guy who isn't even trying she still can't deny at the end of the day that she's in love with his ass too
>Link is peak twink

link is indeed one hell of a twink
I always liked the more indignant and embarrassed bottom heavy guys, I like when they try to hide their assets or squirm under the attention.

Even better when there is some sort of butt expansion or maybe weight gain involved.
I think I'll pick this one since it's so niche
Any other suggestions for it?
Teasing team about their assets is so much fun because they can hardly ever hide it.
They just have to stand when there engorged ass pouring out of thier jeans and pray no one points it out.

I wanna bully a bhb about his weight gain and demand he throw it back like a good little ham.

But that's just me.
A guy is working out so he can be more manly (he's a twink initially) but he accidently uses the golden boombox for workout music.

Ass expansion and mild hypnosis occur, it's very embarrassing and hot.
The pic lists "captain NSFW" as the artist on R34.
that's peak right there
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>He doesn't know who Jack Frost is
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eh, a bit too hyper for me
(also isn't this frry?)
He's borderline since he's a mascot, but I only posted him because someone else did.
The lipstick is a good touch.
need that plug removed. also the lipstick ain't my thing, but more power to you if you like it
he's not an animal so it's probably fine, although the no furries rule is hardly enforced anyways. Ninja turtles and a few pokemon sometimes arbitrarily get a pass. Just a threat or two ago someone posted a gardevoir boy and it stayed up. I've heard that whether a character has a snout is usually the deciding factor in whether the post gets deleted.
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me too
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ayo, kitsune boy?! that's some good shit right there
Good pose.
Necrosmos gets me so in the mood
>asks for boys
>post girl
nice balls
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how many big butt boys could you rim until your brains rot, anons
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because people are either ignorant or assholes

that is my goal for this summer anyhoo
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i believe in you! train that ass and let it be an ass of champions! ...sorry for the tism moment, lol
are femboys gay?
depends on your viewpoint. I think they're kinda gay. personally
are they so gay their straight
It's only gay if the balls touch, anything short is just mirin' gains
Yeah but very particular.
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Questions for you anons;
>at what point does an image go from being male to just being a case of "draw a girl, call it a boy"?
>what specific things get you to think this? is it certain body features, the way the character dresses, etc?
How do I get a body akin to one of the boys in this thread??
BBL, Sculpting, and working out with a proper diet oriented to femboys/traps etc.
I had a fun dream related to this thread if someon wants to make a story or something out of it.

Bottom heavy boy is going up the escalator, sees a guy getting frisky with his girlfriend further up the escalator, groping her butt and so on, he gets embarressed for staring but also somewhat horny and wants someone to do the same them and there big old ass.

Sometime later could be on the same escalator or elsewhere a friend or a stranger proceeds to the same thing to them.
boy + boy is gay, doenst matter if masc or fem
>idk what the hubbub is about this matter, who really cares?

a lot of girls dont have dick & balls (and or tits/ girl bits)
>tans ppl
imo if an artist says the character is trans etc then i treat them like their trans, to each their own

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i appreciate it anon! i will do my best!
I would say Ina from Hololive is the cutoff point. Although she has a flat chest and very thick legs similar to femboys, the way the hips are split on the thigh gap too much for a moid to replicate. Astolfo is the (boi)king of this fetish and has generous proportions, but isn't so unrealistic you could never be him. Venti from Genshin is borderline, but technically you can use a corset if you got the right body type.
Femboy = feminine boy. Aka gay as fuck. Is that a bad thing? No. Just accept you like guys and move on.
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Rion Steiner and Cain.

Or Anasui from JoJo.
ya know what's better than one thicc boy? Two~
not a girl YWNBARW
Pretty much anything 2D will likely involve heavy amounts of projection, so it's not really anything in particular. It just seems too far removed to properly judge.
But I only have one cock anon...
And a sandwich has two slices of bread, so get ready for the most intense buttjob of your life.
have you considered: one on your cock, one on your face. Eat ass and fuck ass at the same time
Interesting proposal.
Yeah but ones with feminine hips and giant asses dont exist so if thats the stuff you're attracted to on them its not something that makes its way to the real world
Big boy butts are theoretically possible if you do a lot of glute focused exercises and eat the right amount of protein to build muscle. Guys might not have the same fat distribution and bone structure in the hips that women do, but we have an advantage when it comes to putting on muscle mass. It's just that very few guys who work out intentionally focus on their butt. Lots of male athletes in glutes-intensive sports like hockey and cycling have butts that wouldn't look out of place in these threads. (albeit on the lower end. hyper butts are obviously impossible irl.)
so you're telling me a twink wayne gretsky would have a killer ass?

You need to find a chemically castrated nerdy failed male. One of my friends since childhood is like this. It’s as if his puberty was stunted. Voice isn’t deep but still distinctly male. Dick is tiny. Love handles. Slight gyno. Belly and chin fat. But my god his ass. It’s perfect. The roundest tightest ass you could imagine. Palming it feels like holding a dodgeball. It’s even better if they’re not really gay. The lack of T makes them asexual but they still receive pleasure so you can sorta just get them addicted to ass play and making out. All while still being your lil homeboy. Find a failed male and dominate him. 10/10 recommend.

You have no idea. One of my childhood friends gained a ton of weight and it distributed so beautifully on him. Mainly went to his ass, belly, and breasts. That combined with youthful tight skin is a wonderful combo. I started groping him regularly until one day he asked me to kiss him. I hesitated and still haven’t gotten that kiss to this day. But man is he beautiful. Imagine if Tom Hollands Peter Parker gained around 60lbs of fat while consistently bike riding. The ass on this boy is ridiculous I’m telling ya
I've been trying out a low-powered EMS (electrical muscle stimulator) for $50 along with the routine here >>10986202 and have been getting modest results. I've been using the EMS a lot more though for convenience on the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, quads, and hamstrings. Using a friend to gauge my progress for 3 weeks, I managed to get a 3/10 ass into a 5/10 ass. The ass hasn't gained any inches per se, but the gluteus medius has been filled in a bit giving a rounder shape.

Note that depending how many fat cells are in your ass, the shocks will be less effective, so if you do gain, do a clean bulk at 0.5-1 lbs/week for best results. If you don't feel the shock, you can lay on the nodes to help stimulate the muscles, otherwise consider a cut until the nodes work again. I'm currently at 22.5 BMI, ymmv.

I'm almost thinking that a BBL may not be necessary if you eat clean enough for a big ass, avoiding booze, seed oils, and high sugar diets. Try to go for nuts (walnuts especially), omega-3 fish, and pumpkin/sunflower seeds to promote subcutaneous fat. Whole milk can help supplement calories, but more research should be done on dairy fat and fat cell growth before heavy-creammaxxing. If you want abs with your donk though, don't raise your bodyfat% too high unless you can perform a BBL.
jesus, reading that made me feel some kinda way. ain't quite sure how to describe it but I like it
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cute fuckin' ass!!
You lucky duck, there's no caked up BHB's in my area.

I guess I'll have to make do with the greens and pics here for now.
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whose cake is this~?
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>picrel basically how I spent weekend nights 16-19
>hit gay death 30 and now just want to FVCK all the men itt

I miss being a cute leaking femboy twink but it's not so bad
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Now YOU get to thump the femboys, it's a cycle.
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I didn't know where to find post-femboys to thump then, and I don't know where to find femboys to thump now. Oh well, fantasy gets me far.
god, I need to dig into this rabbit's den bad
most that i’ve met are bi, which is good. hate it when i cute femboy tells me he’s straight, like wtf bro.
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Depends how the artist draw the shoulders and hips, male torso has a square shape plus the shoulders make it a T shape,
>>11023891 >>11023861
These two get it right
For the hips, males can have very wide hips even very masculine ones, but they have a very different shapes from females ones, this can be hide by muscle/fat mass so very few artist get it right, like this one >>11022964
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took a lil for me to start but im 1.5 weeks in with squats and some more focused workout on my butt daily
>we will make it anons :)
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>The front and back of your body wobble as you stagger to the nearest bathroom.
>The only consolation to your "predicament" is that your dick grows with your ass.
>But that doesn't really help anything at all, not when it's been weeks of self-imposed denial with the fat, hole-destroying python that your cock's become.
>You tremble over the toilet, stuck in a balancing act between not jerking off, not brushing the swell of your fat ass against the stall, and trying to calm down.
>Sweatpants end up hanging on your knees as you feel your pulsing erection drool pre through your panties—one of the few undergarments that'd fit.
>Hands drift towards your dick reflexively, but you quickly whip them away.
>Unthinkingly, right onto your ass.
>Undignified squeak as your dick gets harder than it's ever been—all from a self-spank, no less.
>Can't stop your hands from groping at your quivering shelf of an ass.
>Humiliation only feeds your arousal as you get off from manhandling your own rear.
>You can't cum like this. You can't. You at least need to get a hand on your cock.
>But it feels so fucking good.
>Eyes roll back as an unending stream of cum gushes out of your ruined panties and into the toilet below.
>Each light slap you do against yourself just makes more gush out harder.
>Mind leaking out with each overvirile pulse of cum you milk out of your balls by fondling your ass.
>It's five minutes of a brain-bending orgasm that's so strong you can't even moan.
>You feel more relieved than you ever have in months—maybe even before this all started.
>The smell of your cum hits you as your eyes look down.
>It's a lot, and something deep in your mind tells you that whatever is affecting you could absolutely spread if cum like that comes into contact with someone's insides.
>Realize that your assets haven't grown even more unmanageable.
>Realize what this means for your masturbation habits.
>You don't even want to think about what this means for your sexuality.
>At least sitting back in your seat doesn't immediately make you horny.
Goddamn this is so hot, please do more.
I think my butt is getting more shaply...
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gettings really sick of women again bros should i get a femboy thicc butt bf?
Become the femboy thicc butt bf
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Damm it must be nice to actually have curves and an ass. Like it's just so boring being flat back there.

Just giva me booty and hips. I want cushions under me, something you can actually slap. Something to fill out those jeans.
bro gotta be careful with those things
kys aifag
I dunno it has its advantages and disadvantages, without much effort I would say that pic with more realistic proportions is my body type. I worked in the service industry and got a fair amount of harrassment(Guys grabbing my ass.. etc..) but what I always found interesting was comments I got from women. One girl was always calling me nicknames, Kimmy K, Nikki Minaj and my personal favorite Pixar Mom. I realized for her it was a bit of catharsis because she is quite attractive and gets harassed a fair amount herself, a way for women to get even I suppose
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Would you a old femboy?
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I'd consider it if he looked like that.
Well I say we need more big booty fem dilfs
These poses are godly.
ew no im definately a closet top bro common
to be honest, yeah. more fat assed femdilfs/twink dilfs.
See the funny part is given how insanely out of pocket the DBZ universe is, this is completely within the bounds of reason to happen
>Kid of a femdilf
>Mom left when you were young leaving your dad to raise you by himself
>Because it's more common for the dad to leave many people confuse him for your mom
>Constantly gets hit on because of this
>He's too kind to reject people so he keeps leading them on
>You always have to step in and explain the truth which most of the time drives them away
>You always have to step in and explain the truth which most of the time drives them away
>most of the time drives them away
>most of the time
Nice, whose the bold soul who kept pursuing?

Does the femdilf still dress like a guy despite his body type or is he committed to fulfilling the motherly roles as best he can?
Why are you sick of women?
>"Does the femdilf still dress like a guy despite his body type or is he committed to fulfilling the motherly roles as best he can?"
Hoping for the former. I personally prefer my boys to look more... well, boyish? Or at least kinda androgynous. That may be the inner faggot in me talking though...
Nah I totally get it, having a more average fashion sense makes it easier to appreciate how different their body is compared to most guys.
I also think it makes for more interesting outfits too.

I like it also because it makes it contrasts very well with their physical shape, a pear wearing masculine clothing is hotter to me than the inverse because of how out of place it is.
Their womanly figure makes it impossible for them to pass as regular or 'masculine' guys.

What about hairstyles though? Would he look better with short of long hair?
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apart from tomboys i find them insufferaeble
personally short. I've always loved short hair way more than long hair
Is it just their overall personality of is it specific stuff they do?
>personally short
Yeah I have to agree, it's easier to pull off androgynous looks with it and simpler to style for characters.
What kinda haircuts though? Pony tail? Bob cut? ...Pompadour?
I'm bad with hair so I'm spit balling really.

I think the right kind of jeans and boots could work for an androgynous look, skinny jeans or I dunno 'mom' jeans that are snug would be cute.
Maybe he would wear a jacket or hoodie to help obscure himself a bit.
only like tomboys and shit yeah femboys the next closest non gayish thing in my mind anyway

cant stand normie girls especially
I envisioned it as him wearing what he feels like wearing
One day it'll be masculine clothing another day it might be feminine clothing
That'd work pretty well, since it'd give us all a bit of something.
Most are bi/pan. Some are gay, some are straight, some are aro or ace. Depends.
personally would go with bob cut. Never been a fan of long hair tied up like pony tails and what not. I don't hate pompadours, but it makes me think of certain characters I don't particularly want to imagine while I'm horny, such as JJBA's Josuke Higashikata (Part 4).

Clothing wise... going with >>11039312
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judging by the haircut and skin color, i think this is r34 of kris from deltarune
It's surprisingly diverse.
>personally would go with bob cut. Never been a fan of long hair tied up like pony tails and what not. I don't hate pompadours, but it makes me think of certain characters I don't particularly want to imagine while I'm horny
Yeah, it's easier to mistake a guy for a girl with that kind of haircut anyways, which fits the character.
Bobs can be very cute if done correctly.

>Clothing wise... going with >>11039312
That'd work pretty well too, easier to design for in most cases.

What about height? Should he be taller than average, average or shorter than average?
I figured average would be fine.
>What about height? Should he be taller than average, average or shorter than average?

Taller, though that may just be personal preference on my end. A beautiful willow of a man, with an exceptionally large "trunk"
>But it does put someone else in the mood...
>Your friend, tapping his feet away under his desk impatiently as your poorly concealed goods make the old metal legs of the chair whine slightly.
>You had only met him in college but he had always been cute, a thin girlish frame and clearly not heterosexual tastes in partners even if he never actually had one.
>Another thing that was obvious about him was his almost visceral jealousy of your ass.
>All his efforts to try and match your sheer size and rate of growth were fruitless.
>The massive size of your dick was almost literally the icing on the cake, spending all day ogling the unobtainable and smelling the cumstains was maddening, insufferable. And he wasn't going to suffer it any longer...
>You're trying to keep focused on the class, trying to avoid shifting in your seat or anything else that might make you need another trip to relieve yourself, then you feel it.
>Hands, soft delicate hands, his soft delicate hands gripping directly on the rapidly swelling shape of your cock is through your sweat pants.
>You look down in time to see him staring daggers at it, daggers that turn to you as you stare at him, then roll away as he huffs the scent.
>You're too stunned with pleasure to stop him before his hands find the hem of your pants and those lusting daggers in his eyes turn back to your dick, having already escaped your panties as he leaves your sweat pants at your shins.
>You fail to conjure up the words to stop him before those jealous lips find their way around the head of your cock, his tongue slathering across the flavorful bit of residue from your most recent ejaculation.
>His hands sinking into and gripping on the fat of your thighs as he does, giving you another reason to hold back your moans as precum ebbs into his mouth.
>His eyes roll up again as he swallows and pulls back, gifting your thighs one last firm slap before his mouth leaves your throbbing penis.
>He slides you pants back up to your thighs before he crawls back out from under the desk, sitting in your expansive lap in place of his chair.
>He leans back and whispers in your ear about how upset you make him, about how unfair it is for him to work so hard on his figure and never get results like yours, about how what he did was really all your fault.
>All throughout his silent ranting, in spite of his words and all their erotic cruelty, your focus is elsewhere.
>More specifically, his weight, he was gaining weight.
>Looking into you lap you could see it happening, his hips slowly swelling up in his booty shorts and the bulge his cock throbbing away just over it.

>This was going to get out of hand.
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Hmm, you gave this aifag some inspiration. I like the idea of a femdilf half unaware of his own cake.
Damn, this just gets better and better.
holy shit vinny vinesauce got cake
Writer of the extension you replied to. Good shit, good way to "spread the curse" and to someone who deserves it.
Glad you like it.
I have some ideas for where it could go but I'll leave the court open for anyone else who wants to keep it going, but if I get enough requests to do another part before anyone else does, then I'll just keep it rolling myself.
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Bratty big booty boi needs correction
teeny tiny wingies
>Taller, though that may just be personal preference on my end. A beautiful willow of a man, with an exceptionally large "trunk"

Hell yeah, that'd be a nice change of pace from all the short femboys we have here, tall bottoms are underappreciated in my opinion.
I also think it makes his huge assets contrast very well with his taller frame.
Imagine him looming over you, unaware that you are eye level with his engorged "trunk".
Him waddling about as his thunderous thighs swivel about, packed into his skinny jeans.

Any accessories you think would work well with him?
Or do you prefer him to be more plain so you can focus on whatever scenario he got caught up in?
>Any accessories you think would work well with him?
at most, glasses. Glasses are cute as fuck. Square or round equally work.
Nice, I'm beginning to get a good idea of what he'd look like.
He sounds like a catch.

Any cute or smutty situations you can see him in?
Maybe geting hit on at a coffee shop or at a library maybe?
Wardrobe malfunctions at a clothing store or gym?
>Square or round equally work
Stop lying to yourself and submit to circle frame superiority.
I like the red twink a lot.
I'm trying to figure out how he would look more or less.
I really like that he's tall though.

I know we are close to the image limit so I won't keep posting my crusty doodles, I just wanna know if I should fix or change something.
Hes extremely pretty :3
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I want to wrap my lips around that wonderful cock and suck and suckg8dsg and suck...
I didn't even know ballzuri was a thing until now, and now I kind of want to see more of it
Why not?
Now draw his ass suddenly expanding and bursting out of his jeans
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shadman type artstyle
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>what's your preferred size for a man's ass?
The ones from Blackwhiplash seems like a nice size. My best guess would be an ass big enough to balance a glass full of water, with hips and thighs to match.
>would you prefer to date a bottom-heavy guy, be a bottom-heavy guy, or both?
Be a bottom-heavy guy. I find it humiliating thinking how an ass that big would probably define my whole existence.
>what's your preferred size for a man's ass?
Give me a rule 63 version bulumble-bee's Mizuki https://files.catbox.moe/d9ytur.png
>would you prefer to date a bottom-heavy guy, be a bottom-heavy guy, or both?
I would prefer to date one but I wouldn't mind both. I'd prefer he have the bigger ass if it's both of us.
Good pic, thanks for sharing.

I wish I had the potential for a fat-assed femboy.
cute balls
I just might but I'm tired so we'll have to see when/if I get to it.

I feel like I should refine the design a bit more but I'm just hoping I can do the concept justice.

A single dad, that's tall as hell and built like somebody's mom is too damn good, I don't wanna mess it up.
What you guys think?
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Any more of the red twink?
he caught it from Jerma
Hes so pretty >w<
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horny horny horny
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just screaming into the void, but still another ~2 weeks of working out, just set up a place to do deadlifts now along with the other stuff,
>honestly its hard to tell if its doing much, there have been a few days where im traveling/do cardio that i dont do the weights which also might take away from progress
i guess i should measure for progress? tho idk if that would help or hurt me lmao
>i might not enjoy seeing how slow progress can be
got to work for it brother!
>we will make it
>spreads like an std
>Ster is next
I love how everyone just calls them the red twink, but they're Scythe and made by dizzyspells for anyone wondering.
He's technically from a user named foxxy_spice, and the artist confirms it at https://x.com/Dizzyspellss/status/1648576719639699456 but all the porn is more popular.
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>Tfw banging a femboy with a huge girly ass

I'm in heaven
How'd you manage that?
At this point I just consider dizzy as the owner
It's rude yes but foxxy doesn't seem to be too active
I know it's AI slop but that smugness is too powerful.
I'm telling you, AI slop is fuckin scary how close it's getting. All that pic needs is a few touchups and it'd be perfectly acceptable
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I think you need to kill yourself
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