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“Mayday” edition
Post dudes with boobs or in the process of growing them. Previous threads:
Also, please try to follow the rules this time so this thread doesn’t get shadow-anchored or whatever
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>hey bro, you seen my pants anywhere? we can’t go hang out with the boys If I’m just straight up shirtcockin it.
>Lol, fuck you starin at dude? you gay or something? Starin at your bros curves? I bet you’d nut first second if I showed you my pecs.
>*flop* * bounce* Come on dude, don’t you wanna play with them. Yeah get a big handful, bet you’ve never seen a dude lactate before.
>You’re so easy bro, I can see you rockin a tent in your pants. I bet you’d looove to bust all over my chest. Here, since you wanna be gay so badly.
>*Plap plap plap plap* Fuck yeah, that’s it dude, bust all over your bro you loser. Hmm, you like my big lips too? pfft you’re so weird. lol, watch this, mmmhpp, sluuurrrpp, HNNMMMM.
>Ahh…ahhh…. I knew it dude, busting in your bros mouth? you ain’t beating the allegations my guy lmao.
>Now come on, I gotta find my pants so we can… oh! seems I made a pretty big mess myself lol. guess I couldn’t help it.
>ehhh fuck it dude, they can party without us, come on, let’s go shower off, together.
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how is this shit any different than run of the mill futa? I get they're suppose to be men with tits but most the art shows hyper feminized bodies. there's not much of a difference from typical futa/girldick aside from them being self described boys by the artist, which isn't much
I think busty boys are appealing in the opposite way futas are. Futas are typically depicted as rather masculine, very dominant, almost amazonian. There’s lots of dommy mommy energy to go around, y’know? Whereas busty boys are often depicted as the ideal “soft mommy gf” archetype. Submissive, caring, and very kinky.
I'd figure the appeal of a bustyboy is simply being having a male body with a female attribute, ie "boobs" It doesn't seem appealing if they're just non dommy futas and drawn phenotypically female anyways. there are already soft and submissive futas anyways, just not nearly as popular. a bit of femininity is fine if they're androgynous but the andro part is also lacking.
Incredibly hot Anon

It boils down to "guys with boobs" being more appealing to some people than "girls with dicks".
Even if they are aesthetically identical in some cases, the logical aspect of it is what makes the difference.
Just the mentality and presentation of the character can entirely change the idea and appeal. Submissive futas are hot in their own way, but I'm here for the particular appeal of a dude giving me a titjob and calling me gay.
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if drawn well its the male body proportions like broader shoulders and narrower hips that make them still male witjh tits, just like the opposite is true with futa that makes them female with dicks. for me its a self insert thing.
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Definitely a self insert for me too. Started with a love of turned obsession with boobs, shoving balloons in my shirt, and eventually getting a bra and stuffing it. Just take your average guy and slap a pair of bulbous bouncing boobies on him.
>"I'm here for the particular appeal of a dude giving me a titjob and calling me gay"
My ideal busty boy has a figure like a more masculine Genshin Impact character. Tall, toned, slim, maybe some muscle. Just slap some huge tits on a boy with a body like those and I’m good to go.
File deleted.
For me it's a similar appeal to the brojob, like "hey man, I'm bricked up, lemme smash them titties, no homo"
Futas would have vaginas.
Lustre_AI had been training LORAs that pushed all these buttons, but he can't seem to keep an account anywhere without getting banned.
Is there an archive of his stuff somewhere online?
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Looks like he's gotten a new Pixiv at https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/104458151 and you can find some older stuff by searching for Lustre on the kemono site.
God, I wanna get forced into a bustyboy's rack and made to drown in his tit meat
despite appearances, this is indeed a bustyboy and not a futa. this is some gintama character
The world needs more busty slut boys
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agreed! slutty boob boys make life good
Bustyboys will be an accepted third gender in the next 20 years
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Doesn't need to be a whole third gender, it's still just guys after all.
Even with the huge jugs and slutty clothes.
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you say that but how many vulvas are present in the futa threads....
if anything /d/ and other self proclaimed futa artist just use the word to mean girl with a monster cock slapped onto their crotch. the vulva is either optional or called "full package" when it is added or forgotten altogether. so yeah there is no difference between general futa and this aside from pronouns. Come back to me when they actually look like men with tits
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For me, it's more about the feminization aspect of a normal guy now having deal with this absurdly feminine and voluptuous body. It is "Busty" boys, not just "Tiddy" boys.
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the word "busty" implies it's about the "bust" as in the chest though. I've never seen the word used on woman to imply being chubby or plus sized so why is it suddently changed here? it just makes it meaningless

>See term "busty boys" thrown around
>Infer incorrect meaning of term based on overall voluptuous artwork

The word they're likely looking for us “buxom”, although even that has a contextual focus on the size of the breasts usually.
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Yeah, tits and ass go together like chocolate and peanut butter, so it's a bit hard to find true busty boys without the voluptuousness. Which is good too, but feminization is a step too far.
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I love these.
I like my busty boys voluptuous, but still in like, guy clothing
like if you removed the big titties (and the optional big ass), he would look like an average guy
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There simply isn't enough content of non-crossdressing voluptuous men.
I've been taking hrt for 5 years because of this stupid fetish, my tits still aren't as big as I'd like, but they're c cups now. Nobody gives a fuck, really. At work I tell people I have a hormonal condition, but my friends all know about it.
If you want them bigger, you could try a fat transfer. Worked for one dude I've run across the internet.

His recent size for reference:
No fucking way. Sauce?
nice tits but their face looks like chris chan…. rip
sure that isn't a breastplate? all of his photos are potatomode but it looks too smooth and rubbery
Source: https://www.deviantart.com/bblboy/gallery

Think you need a DA to see all his pics tho
You're def not wrong but fortunately most of his pics cut below the neck lmao
I considered the same thing before. He's had them for at least a decade and his older pics seem legit to me. He said he's been taking hormones for years so idk if that helps makes his skin appear like that.
That's such a life goal if this is true.
Imagine finding a woman who accept the fetish or even is into this, I'd love to end up with a busty wife and being her even bustier husband.
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I really hate that Franktonius made sure to detail that he's wearing a breastplate. Otherwise it'd be a 10/10
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“we do not see it”
>dudes with boobs

This faggot posts trannies.
he must be new
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It's a like a second-skin vest

Dudes with Boobs are contrary to the entire idea of trannies. These are MEN. They like sports, fishing and working on their cars. The fact that they look indistinguishable from women while at the same time holding no doubt to the identity of their sex makes it the most Anti-Troon fetish possible.
I think the boobs being fake makes it hotter, personally.
when I said “we do not see it” in quotes, I meant let’s pretend we do not see it to live in our preferred fantasy
Oh, i'm trying to summon someone with the slightest photoshop skill to edit it away.
you could probably do that shit with mspaint or your phone's photo editor
just ask the edit thread. i’ve had tones of things done
I don't want it that much.
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Remember to milk your cow boys lest they get uncomfortably full.

but this seems to be the only on-topic piece by this artist.
also, does this individual like men?
Link: https://www.deviantart.com/bblboy

Also, I'm 98% sure he does.
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>"Did my water just *huff* break? Are you being ridiculous again. I'm a guy and I-I'm just suffering from a bad ca-a-ase of bloating right now."
>"On an unrelated note could you po-o-ossibly take me to the hospital?"
I need a "Not Gay TM" Busty Boyfriend to breed into a boy mom
>Tsundere Busty Boyfriend to Caring Boymom
A man with tits does not have womanly organs or proportions, depending on who's drawing them. He is fundamentally still a man even with his massive tits. A futa is a woman with a penis.
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It is remarkably difficult to argue this with all these pregnant "busty boys" being posted. It sucks.
it’s not about physical body. it’s about cognition. From their point of view they are male, act male, and see no difference between them and other men, regardless of how absurd they are. even being complete women physically
That couldn't be further from my interpretation of bustyboy content. It's absolutely about the physical manifestation of a male that has been given large breasts (and sometimes butt) by some means like science, magic, or absurd genes. The awkward embarrassment is a big part of it for me, followed by reluctant acceptance. A woman calling herself male is just troony mental illness and thus not a male nor bustyboy.
it is by magical/unnatural means. like reality warp. not literal woman acting male.
There's room for both interpretations. I mean the Ambush thread is a mix of Toned Twinks and Hairy Hyper Muscle with Bimbo heads.
That said, how do you guys like your cocks? Big? Little? Huge? Or straight up Gone, withered away from their overwhelming femininity.
Show tits
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Pretty sure these are just female versions of Link.
With similar certainty, this looks to be a futa.
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Male characters with breasts added is a very niche fetish, and used to be more so. Often you had to grab early panels in a trans gender comic, or otherwise take "close enough" to get anything at all. I'll concede the Brellom pictures are supposed to be female Link, but without seeing the gentiles, I pretend.
Link looks like a girl to begin with, but half the time these threads get futa with angular faces anyways.
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I'm so jealous of women for having boobs it's not even funny anymore.
I'm thinking of seriously looking into fat transfer
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Iori Sei taking after his Mom.
Why are these not called "booby traps"?
Because it isn't universally applicable
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Rule 63'd!
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mmm fuck, would love to see how fat the ass is too
Sam with long hair kind of reminds me of Misato from NGE
why didn't you just buy one of those roanyer breast plates? would've been a lot easier than messing with your hormones, and it's temporary. men's fat redistribution doesn't work the same way women's do even if you increase your E levels. The most you'll get is tuberous moobs
I found it on the bustyboy thread at m.chounyuu.com but I don't know the source. It looks similar to theycallhimcake's style of a few years back, but it's not on his dA gallery.
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>*walks into locker room*
holy shit! uh, hey miss I think you’re in the wrong locker.
>Hmm? Hell nah dude you did not just think I’m a girl. You think a girl would be rocking a package like this.
oh, uh (wow…) nevermind then. (their tits are huge!)
>Lol it’s alright dude, girls wish they could have curves like this, check this ass out. *clap clap clap clap*
D-damn. (don’tgethard! don’tgethard!)
>Pfft. I see that erection forming in your shorts. *walks up* Pretty gay to stare at a guy while he’s changing panties.
Uhh, you know you’re also completely erect right now…(so big..,)
>S-shut up! *pins you to wall* I bet you’re enjoying every second of this dude. fuck, your tip feels so hot against mine…
ahnhh, mmgh (don’tcum don’tcum don’tcum!)
>Ngh, impressive bro, mmgh… s-surprised you haven’t shot y-ye- Oh god… I can’t help it… I’m gonna-! *SPLUURRT SPLUUURT SPLUUUUURT*
(shit shit shit!) cumming too!
>Ahh…ahhh oooops. I guess I got a little messy there . Pretty impressive outlasting me bro. You better come to the showers with me. That smell won’t come off us for a few days. Feel free to make me cum again, that was great dude.
*dripping cum* I… uh… sure…d-dude.
Big titty bimbros deserve more love
The Virgin tucking his cock to hide the fact he's a busty boy vs the Chad letting that shit be obvious
they’re both super obvious, 9S is just rocking a side erection. while cloud has a center bulge
My eyesight must be shit cause I could barely noticed it on first glance
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Love this artist's Busty Boy Sonics.
What this sort of thread is about exactly? Natural born shemales or otherwise men with aesthetically compatible physique for breasts, or just dudes with gynecomastia?
Male characters with boobs. Whether that be dilfs with honkers, or femboys with tits and hips so huge they make a mother of eight look prepubescent.
Why this over Shemales or Futa? It's ultimately psychological, the mind of a man in an almost unmistakeably female body, and everything that comes with it. An extreme femboy.
For me personally, it's about the feminization. The idea of a man having to deal with his body changing into that of a breeding sow, constantly rutting and lactating as his manhood shrinks into nigh-nothingness.
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>as his manhood shrinks into nigh-nothingness
I can't go for that. I want to see men with dicks as big as their tits.
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Honestly there can and should be busty boy content for every niche. Bros that are casual about being more stacked than pornstars, and rocking huge cocks. Compassionate guys with fat tits, but a mini package that'll hype you up for having a cock that looks like a monster compared to their pinprick. Frustrated or flustered guys who are in denial or frustrated with having a body women would kill for and any size cock who don't want you calling their pecs tits. Femboys with small tits, and either teasing you for being smaller than somebody that looks like a girl, or bratty because they're jealous your bigger. Everything in between too. It'll also depend on if you're looking to be WITH the busty boy, or BE the busty boy. Having a bigger dick sounds awesome to me, and mega toys would be fun AF if they weren't going to caused problems, but if I was plowing a busty boy, you bet your ass I want to tease them over their small size, and it being difficult for them to get hard would be super fun too because flaccid play is super underrated. More comment of any kind is better than none though.
He looks manly
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All of them seem to be public nudity themed.
By the way, do you guys prefer Busty Boys to crossdress in something that better fits their curves, or try (and fail) to fit in their normal male clothes. Or just go naked all the time, like Sonic here.
I remember a really hot greentext that floated around the last time we had these threads about a busty boy continual growing out of his male clothes and going nude.
Though personally I prefer the idea of a boy neutralizing to the inherent sluttiness of his size and only half or completely not bothering to cover up at all or simply acting like their figure is completely normal.
its a fucking crime this will never be finished
Indeed it is even if the ending is incredibly obvious
I like both but the idea of someone trying the latter and slowly switching to the former is interesting
My dumbass didn't read the whole thing so I'm gonna be more specific
I like the idea of a busty boy constantly trying to wear their old male clothes before eventually giving up and switching to more form fitting female clothes
the two of them commiserate and get fatter only to reach a point of reversal where they lose weight together but cant seem to loose the last bit of fat in their tits and ass leaving them with perfect hourglass shapes?
I was more thinking that the Pizza Busty Boy basically tells him to accept his new body which Sam does and turns him into the busty boy we see him portrayed as
We need to break these stereotypes not join them! I want interesting porn. Something with meaning.
Do tell, Anon. What's your ideal Busty Boy?
breasts so big it puts girls to shame, but doesn’t realize it
Well that ending was pretty obvious if you looked at any other art of Sam
Also is "accept your body and don't lament on the pass" not enough meaning for you
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NTA but my ideal busty boy would be feminine enough to pass as a boyish woman with some effort and with tits so big nobody think he could be a man, but if you look closely (or just hear him talk) you can see he's a guy with huge tits
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Seems like every thread there's least one person who needs bustyboys explained and how it's different than futa.

Like, it's right in the name busty+boy. Boy w boobs. That's it. Futa is girl+dick, not the same.

I don't get the trouble?
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if you don't think about it very hard, it's easy to believe that having a man's/woman's body is nothing more than having a dick/boobs
eventually, you learn what shoulders and hips are
Was there ever an archive of that one anon's blocks of text? Seems there DA got deleted.
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I've got everything from the previous threads on my AO3. (Plus some Shota stuff that started on 8/sm/.)
I'm actually in the process of working on a few different Busty Boy stories at the moment, I'll link 'em here when they're finished.
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Question: is anyone here interested in the concept of a guy getting both breasts and a pussy but remaining mostly masculine in all other respects?
Omg yes. Glad i'm not the only one interested in that. However in my personal preference I lean towards a twunk bustyboy with masculine characteristics such as bodyhair and short hair. I wonder if there is any artists that do that kind of bustyboys, if any.
that would probably fall more under cuntboys, but idk
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I posted this edit of someone else's edit in the cuntboy thread
>getting a pussy
it's a different fetish but I could fap to it
>getting a pussy in addition to a wiener
sure, why not
>getting a pussy instead of a wiener
less immediately sexy but I'd still be curious about where it's going
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Anyone here ever lactated? Did you taste it?
Even so, many of the boys here have narrow shoulders and childbearing hips
This one doesn't even have a visible penis, there's literally no difference between him and a tomboy.
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Sam gets massive in the wips.
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Sweet and a little nutty.
Wish there was some sort of booru for this fetish. There's a bunch of stuff under the busty_boy tag on rule 34 but it usually gets reverted to futa/female by faggot mods.
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>dude milk taste like nut
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these are women with dicks.

you are doing it wrong.
Are you retarded? It's like the nutty flavor of a hard cheese or tree nuts, not the flavor of "nut". I mostly just dispose of it, though. Sometimes my girlfriend will suckle, but I mostly use an electric pump.
Anyone have toy suggestions btw? My favorite lately is the womanizer pro40, but it doesn't quite fit my nipples. I've been considering getting another one so I can work both at the same time, though. Sorry for no pic, I browse in incognito. Hiro can go fuck himself.
I think they were just making a joke king
Sorry. You're probably right. I was a bit on edge this morning. Dug up some pics to add as an apology.
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How big are you? How did you start lactating? I'm interested in doing it but I don't know where to start without something hormonal.
as someone who is 100% here for the self insert, I'm cool with the broad shoulders, I just wish I had broad childbearing hips to match/exceed
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As a guy, I'm big. I'm about 6 feet tall and weigh about 215. I measured myself a few months ago when I weighed a little less and it came out to a 40G.

I don't use any hormones, with the exception of 1mg finasteride to avoid hair loss. I started doing all of this in the first place like seven years ago because I have fucked-up, medical disaster tier genitals and couldn't get any pleasure at all from normal masturbation or sex (really, really awful pain). Long story short, I found an alternative.

I didn't start with the intention to begin lactating, it just happened as a side effect. Even still, I don't produce that much. I think you need to use at least prolactin to get an actual supply going. First time I had anything was last year, so that's six years of the occasional jorkin' to get to this point.

Honestly, I feel like a freak nullo a lot of the time due to my disability and the first time I saw white droplets was horrifying, but not enough to override the pleasure release. Eventually it became an occasional visitor and a complex started to form, and now I'm here, I guess.

Willing to answer some more questions if you've got them.
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By the way, for those really into the "Boygina" stuff,if you wanted a better idea of what that looks like, @Rb69682253 gave his Busty Boy OC exactly that.
>Medical disaster genitals
Really small or really big? Either way it's impressive, but did you find it to be worth it in the end?
>First time I had anything was last year, so that's six years of the occasional jorkin' to get to this point.
>the occasional jorkin'
How much is "occasional"?
I ask because I've started to really enjoy my own nipples, but I don't necessarily want to induce lactation...
I'm not very well endowed. Just north of micropenis territory, I think. My areolas are way bigger than my penis is long, though, and my nipples are about as big as the head. As for if it's worth it, yeah. I can't jack off or have sex because of the pain that I feel when I use my penis, so my nipples give me some access to the world of sex, at least.

Don't get me wrong- I love having breasts and I love the occasional look of confusion I get, but lactating itself has been mostly lackluster. The worst part of it is this feeling of dampness on my nipples that makes me worry at least a few times a week that I've messed up my shirt. I can't ignore it, either, since I have dribbled small amounts out in the past, especially while exercising.

I'd say there are two huge benefits to what's happened (boob joke not inbound). First: since lactating, my breasts feel a lot firmer and fuller, and I strangely don't feel as self-conscious about them. Second: my gf loves them. She's bi and says that I have her dream body, which helps with my self-confidence issues. She's said that she loves suckling me "because the other guys [she's] been with have only had one penis to suck on". She's really into the whole thing (she's been talking about buying me a cowprint bikini top lately), but really tender and always makes sure that I'm comfortable with things before doing them. She loves to use my nipples as grips while pegging me, which gets me to lactate and ejaculate (which is overall painful, but it passes before long, and it gets her going). Overall, I would say that lactating has been worth it for the tremendous benefits to my sex life, but I don't think my case maps on to most people.

It used to be maybe 30 minutes five times a month before I met my gf, but nowadays it's probably 30-45 minutes 5-8 times a week. I think it was about half an hour 3-4 times a week when I started producing, so just try to control yourself and you should be fine.
I take back my description in the first paragraph there. I apparently do have a micropenis. Oh well. Don't use it that much anyway.
Just measured my nipples for the benefit of my fellow sickos in this thread:
Areola 2.9 inches across
Nipple's about 2 inches wide when fully erect (no tools)
And a little over half an inch long

Happy to answer more questions! I'll add some more pics next time (more or less phoneposting rn on the way to work)
What kinds of problems have your boobs caused you? They sound huge. Do you wear a bra? What's your body like? What do you do about swimming? What's your favorite type of nipple stimulation? Have you thought about collecting enough milk to bake with it? Have you thought about crossdressing? Has your girlfriend asked you to? Has she ever brought a friend along? Super jealous of the relationship you two seem to have.
What are your girlfriend's breasts like? Does she also lactate? Do you share toys? Yours must be bigger- does she get jealous? Also, what do you mean by pain with your dick?
>it came out to a 40G.
are you able to suck your own nipples? what does your family think?

>I apparently do have a micropenis

do you look good in panties? lol

>She loves to use my nipples as grips while pegging me,

are you into dudes? i can make you feel like a real woman when your gf lezzes or transes out on you
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Here's some OC. A universe where a genetic anomaly causes some boys to develop female secondary sexual characteristics. To prevent bullying separate schools for those affected by FSSC syndrome were founded.
What effects does this have on their sexualities? What about things like prom? Is there some big event where they're reintroduced to their normal male and female peers? How does the average afflicted cope?

Is this legit? Don't people treat you like a tranny or a fetishist with tits that big? How do you hide them when dealing with regular people? Are you androgynous at all?? How has all of this affected your mental state? Would you have wanted to go to a school like in the above anon's world?
>What effects does this have on their sexualities?
They remain mostly straight. Though secretly fooling around with each other is common.
>What about things like prom?
It's more of a Japanese school setting so prom isn't really a thing. They wear male school uniforms though some students are allowed to wear skirts if their hips and ass grow too large. During swim classes they wear female school swimsuits.
>Is there some big event where they're reintroduced to their normal male and female peers?
Not really. They're not completely from society. Most live with their families or in dorms if there was no special school where the grew up. Besides that they still go on class trips, commute to school using public transit etc.
>How does the average afflicted cope?
Depends on the person. Some try to double down on trying to be manly while others stop caring after a couple year into puberty. Many are embarrassed being seen buying bras and some decide to crossdress as a disguise.
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Wow. Lots of questions. I'll try to answer most of them.

>What kinds of problems have your boobs caused you?
I've been shouted at and gotten groped a few times. Scariest thing was when I was out on the street in the middle of the night like 80 miles from home (bad experience already). This guy starts driving towards me on an electric scooter, which made me worried about getting mugged, but he drives past me. No biggie. Then he starts coming around again. And circles around me. And then stops about 8 feet in front of me. Then he cackled and said "I thought you was a rich white woman. You're lucky you ain't." and he scootered off. I sped the fuck up and got to where I was going ASAP after that. Really horrifying situation. As for the groping, I had a male classmate (another black guy, go figure) grab my boob and pinch my nipple. I decked him for that shit. Later on a female friend groped me while we were swimming. At first, I thought she was flirting with me because she'd climbed on my back, but then she moved her hands from around my neck to my chest, which made me really uncomfortable. The people who have shouted at me are mostly eastern europeans or arabs and it's usually retarded nonsense.
My family really doesn't seem to care. Nobody's said anything. I don't wear low cut shirts or anything to flaunt them and I don't go shirtless while outside anymore. I think they're just happy that I have a girlfriend, since I was super down about my prospects for years due to my disability. I wear a rashguard while swimming and my breasts are wide-set, so I really only tend to get looks of shock after getting out of the pool when my headlights are on or if they wind up more centered while diving or cresting.
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> What's your favorite type of nipple stimulation
Outside of it being done to me by my girlfriend, nothing feels better than the first few seconds of my electric breast pump's sucking. I used to like some other, rougher toys more, but my nipples have been really sensitive for a while now.

>What's your body like? Do you wear a bra? Have you considered crossdressing?
I have an hourglass body, even while carrying this extra weight. Broad shoulders and wide hips and a big ass. It makes pants shopping really hard, honestly. I've recently just started wearing womens jeans from Levi's and Kohl's since they don't have any notable gender differences outside of the cut.
I wear a bra in the house sometimes if my back pain gets really bad. I wouldn't dream of wearing it out of the house or of crossdressing outside of the house. My girlfriend tried to get us to go as a pair of witches for Halloween last year (just regular green witches in a big hat and puritan dress), but that was way too much for me. I like having big breasts and I like that my girlfriends loves that I have them, but I don't love the knock-on effects or being seen as a tranny or the like.

>using milk in baking
no. just no way. I don't produce a huge amount and the idea is really disgusting to me. Even tasting it the first time was a scary idea. Honestly, if it weren't for my gf liking it, I'd probably be doing stuff to try and get my production to stop.
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I'm okay talking about my situation, but I don't really think it's my place to talk much about my girlfriend's body. I am bigger, but I'm also much larger than her, generally. I don't think she gets jealous. She's the one who gets to play with them after all. She likes to treat me like a doll sometimes.
I suffer from a rare condition (rare enough that I'll try to leave it vague, since some people who I know know about it) that leads to horrible stabbing, searing pains in my urethra and the surrounding tissue when passing anything at all. It's like always passing small kidney stones. Honestly, I would not wish it on anyone. I've nearly fainted a few times while pissing. The sudden burst from ejaculation is also horrible. Dribbling things out at a very slow speed is usually the best remedy for me.

Yes, I look good in panties, no I do not like guys. Dicks are gross.

Like I said earlier, I've been mistreated before. I definitely get weird looks from time to time, but I've also noticed that a lot of men, especially those who are older or who work out have breasts of some sort. I think a lot of people don't really care so long as you're not drawing attention to them, which I do my hardest not to. My breasts are wide-set since I have a big chest (in both senses, I guess), which can help them to just look like overlarge moobs. I try to wear thick shirts or two layers, even in the summer to try and disguise my nipples, since I think they're kind of gross through clothes. I've been thinking about buying some pasties so I don't need to worry about that anymore. I'm definitely not androgynous. Sorry to dash your ladyboy/futanari hopes.
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> mental state
My mental state was in tatters before all of this happened due to my inherent emasculation and fears of being forever alone (being an unironic incel was horrible). I feel a lot happier nowadays. There's also a big release of oxytocin when the nipples are sucked, which has probably helped me to better regulate my moods or something (idk, I'm not a neurobiologist). I definitely feel an immediate calm wash over me when I work up to pumping.

>anon's world
I don't think so. I don't like segregation.

I feel like I've dominated the airwaves in this thread recently. Please post pics if you ask anything else. It's not right to get people's hopes up for new material.
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>I feel a lot happier nowadays
That's great to read, anon. I hope you stay happy!
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Thank you, anon <3
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best I can do is hormone tits
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God damn, do I want to ride a cowboy.
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looking through their deviantart it's obvious that it's just a fake pair of strap on rubber tits
you got scammed, bro.

Well fuck, I was thinking if asking him how fat transfer goes but if it's just strap on tits no point bothering
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Is it wrong for me to pray that trannies will grow out of their desire to be referred to as girls and we'll just have a ton of hrt-ridden femboys with tits?
Because if the democrats plan to convince boys to transition at a young age is just a ploy to get a bunch 10/10 femboys years later, well played.
>the imposter could be any of us
No, the tranny movement is fundamentally dedicated to creating a protected caste, not to producing positive change. Much like how the deaf lobby campaigns tirelessly against medical procedures that can restore hearing to deaf people, the antics of the trans lobby is fundamentally opposed to any advancements towards the actual biological changing of sex rather than the surgical impersonation of sex. The idea that, say, a heterosexual white man, could transform himself via advances in technology to something physically indistinguishable from, say, a black lesbian female, would undermine the entire basis of the ideology.
Additionally, there's a tremendous economic incentive for pharmaceutical companies and surgeons to create and capitalize on a group of people brainwashed to be addicted to artificial hormones that they prescribe and plastic surgery that they provide all their lives long rather than a one-and-done service.
that does sound like something they would do. but like, what would a proper procedure even consist of? how would a t even work?
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I agree, but i don't really see how that relates to my post.
I just have this odd sexual fantasy of comforting a depressed former tranny that's too far gone to ever really be a normal guy again. Like even if he'll never be a woman, he can at least be my woman.
The technology is purely theoretical and speculative, and may in fact be impossible, but the current standard of irreversible bodily mutilation has actually decreased in quality since the 20th century in favor of getting pedophiles into women's restrooms. It has stopped being about "I want to be recognized as a woman" and started being "I want to be recognized as trans".
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me and every one of my trans friends would choose to be a real woman over an abomination. I could believe in pharmaceutical companies being that evil though. tech has yet to progress far enough regardless
You're so dumb it hurts. You should actually talk to trans people once in a while rather than just guessing what we think.
>The idea that, say, a heterosexual white man, could transform himself via advances in technology to something physically indistinguishable from, say, a black lesbian female, would undermine the entire basis of the ideology.
So many trans people are pro body modification, transphobes are almost universally anti body modification. Most trans people don't even believe that you have to be dysphoric to transition. You want to be a woman? Cool, go for it. Why should anyone stop you?
>Additionally, there's a tremendous economic incentive for pharmaceutical companies and surgeons to create and capitalize on a group of people brainwashed to be addicted to artificial hormones that they prescribe and plastic surgery that they provide all their lives long rather than a one-and-done service.
Surgeons?? Surgeries are a one-and-done service. Did you even think before you wrote this? If there was a surgery that could change someone to be identical to a cis woman in every way, even if it was 10 times as much as any existing trans related surgeries, people would find a way to pay for it. It would be incredibly profitable. Even if you wanted to talk about hormones, they are not profitable because of trans people, cis women are universally the recipients of HRT. The number of women who take HRT massively outweight the number of trans women who do.
>genetic women undergo Hormone Replacement Therapy
I think they meant postmenopausal cis women
>You want to be a woman? Cool, go for it. Why should anyone stop you?
Because the grass is always greener on the other side? Mind, the current process doesn't even replicate a natural womb, because if it did, anyone could get pregnant regardless of sex at birth. If you are born a man, all bottom surgery does is make the end result of anal sex easier to achieve (stimulating the prostate) without lubrication, which not only scoops your nuts out forever, but also puts the body in a state of constant pain and forces them to be enslaved to insurance where resources to save lives are now competing with plastic surgery, because of mental illness comorbidity.

Honestly if transphobes want to genocide trans people, no population has a higher rate of 41% themselves. Why deal with all that when you could just be a femboy instead and either get plastic surgery for TnA, or use more natural remedies for HRTitties?
Yes, they do. They're the primary users of HRT. All trans use of HRT is off label. You really are the dumbest transphobe.
Take a moment to reread what you were replying to. The other anon was talking about living in a world with technological advances that mean someone can become whoever they want and suggested that trans people would hate that. Trans people do not care what you do to your body, in that hypothetical future we would not care if anyone decided they'd change their body to be however they want. When pushed on this, the people who overwhelming do care are transphobes who are always pushing back on things like research into things like womb transplantation, new forms of HRT etc. The fact that you took that and went on a tangent to complain about the current methods of surgery, which you're not even accurate like holy shit I've never known someone pretend to care so much about something they know nothing about, but had the exact opposite to do with the original conversation.
>Why deal with all that when you could just be a femboy instead and either get plastic surgery for TnA, or use more natural remedies for HRTitties?
Because being a femboy is not the same as being trans? You act like the only difference between being trans or a femboy is bottom surgery. Most trans people do not get bottom surgery, it's expensive or there are long waiting lists or even (if you're not too brain broken to believe it) some trans people just don't want to risk going through complicated and unpredictable surgery. You have such a narrow view of what trans people think that hasn't changed in the last decade, maybe it's time to grow up.
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>Surgeries are a one-and-done service.
This is patently false, even for the decades old breast implant operation. People like Dr. Shayne Taylor of Vanderbilt makes that clear when she says how profitable post-op care is for her practice, especially for "bottom surgeries."

The WPATH Files by Mia Hughes should be mandatory reading for anyone interested in gender affirming care.

Anyway, back to the scheduled whimsy of fantastical dudes with boobs.
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I miss the time when RB's ocs didn't all look like the Venus of Willendorf.
Hypothetically speaking, if such a procedure were to recreate a womb with eggs so trans women can experience pregnancy, yes I would be for it. However, the current methods are so barbaric that it would be more efficient to experiment on rats or monkeys to achieve this goal, where

>you're not even accurate
Only a slight exaggeration.
Your penis, colon, and/or scrotum are required to make the procedure work, and the other gonads (testicles) are discarded, meaning that unless you froze your sperm (and even that's not guaranteed), you will no longer be able to have biological children. Depending on the method, penile vaginalplasty will have to be dilated for the rest of your life as your body is trying to close a wound, or with Peritoneal or bowel versions, you will have a self lubricating hole. The first two rely on the size of your junk before transitioning, so if you didn't have a full puberty, colon is your only option (I also hear it smells from the leftover colon bacteria too). I've also seen conflicting reports that you can stimulate your prostate this way, but I looked up that some of those who transitioned post-op still use anal sex anyway which defeats the entire point. If you just want to tuck your junk in a skirt, a chastity cage and/or fake hip undergarment will suffice.

Frankly, once you turn 18 and consent applies, you're welcome to kill yourself slowly with cigarettes, so I suppose the same applies with adults transitioning. But below that, halting puberty actually hurts your odds at transitioning and prevents them from understanding how penile orgasms feel, so they have no baseline whether being male (you could still be the sissiest bitch ever with a bit of skill) or a trans woman would be better for them in the long run. It's absurd that what was just plastic surgery for celebrities is being sold as a life saver, even though it's basically a coin flip to live anyway.
This doesn't get into the fact that current womb transplants, still in the early test stages with cis women, is kept entirely inside the body after artificial insemination, has to be taken from dead cis women, and can only be done 1-2 times before throwing out the womb and starting over.

If you were to actually address these concerns to the trans community, they either wouldn't even understand the question being out of their depth, have other mental issues that makes them go berserk and try to cancel you, or are cultists trying to make eunuchs 2.0 because women are not enough for them. The only people worth talking to are the doctors, but they usually have agendas of their own preventing them from being entirely truthful.

All this effort just to be called a "she" is BS, a good partner will already be willing to humor you in the bedroom. Easier to just laser off the beard, get some silicone breasts, have some fat transfers, and get some hair transplants to futamaxx instead, even if you are technically a guy for the rest of your life. SRS is just a ripoff to me.
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I feel like there needs to be more Len stuff.
And more busty-boy art of the male vocaloids in general
Has anyone in this thread tried breast forms? If so, where did you get them from and how much did they cost?
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That said, theoretically in the distant future where such is possible. If a guy had his body altered completely into a woman's with a cute face, long locks, giant tits and ass, matronly chub and a fully functioning vagina with a very, very fertile womb, but still identified as a guy under his birth name. Would he be considered a Busty Boy?
In that future, gender would be meaningless
No. it's not like you're born without genitals. At the end of the day a person's going to be born with either a Pole or a Hole. No changing that.
My point is once a male can successfully give birth like a cis female would, they earned the title of woman. Not even Matt Walsh can argue "WhAT iS a wOmAn?" by that point, because they're functionally the same in society. No accusations of "you just want to see the women's bathroom", no brothels trying to fetishize these were former men and still think dudebro things (even though hormones make it much harder), just people willing to keep the tradition of biological children alive even if their personality means they stay a single mother for life. Although the AI buzz is promising if we do get androids that can push humanity further, we might run out of resources before we can build our way out, so if we're lucky we can at least have this before the world is depopulated because people are selfish.

But to answer your question, if the stars aligned and somebody basically transforms into a woman but still identifies as a guy, I'd humor their pronouns. It's down-to-earth tomboys with a few more steps, and I like it better than the inverse where a rich bitch thinks she's too good for you just because they can put on makeup.
I just got them from Amazon and depending on the model and size it can go from 50 to 500 bucks, I got an H cup for about 170 plus shipping, but it'll vary a lot depending on if it's cotton filled, gel filled or inflatable.
If you take a pair, prepare baby powder or wear it with a shirt under it because even if you're warned you're not ready for how sweaty you get under it. Even if it wasn't summer, it trap heat like an oven and even if you're not hot you're still going to sweat like a pig if it's directly against your skin
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Still can't believe ParkGee actually has the medical condition I made up for my Busty Boy stories.
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I didn't know who he was so I looked it up and wow he does actually have those irl. That's crazy.
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Less arguing, more man titties.
>Breast obsessed tranny is actually ugly
whodda thought
Yes. I've had a few pair of silicone breast forms. All of mine I got from Amazon for around 20 bucks. My best have been triangle shaped as those are best for wider shoulders. Teardrop shaped need narrow shoulders.

You don't really need a special bra or adhesive. If the bra is sized right, you can just slip them in the cups. A thin cloth or paper towel can help keep them from sliding around. You can buy medical grade adhesive if you want, I've tried it and it's great. But it does make putting them on a longer process.

Wearing forms is fuckin amazing. The weight and jiggle is like nothing else. And don't get me started about the feeling you get while driving.

Don't expect cleavage from breast forms. If you want cleavage, you'll need to do some sort of hack.

Breastplates are much more expensive although they do have cleavage and coverage. And honestly, I think they're only good for photos. They're a pain in the ass to get on and off, they compress your back while you wear them, and forget about it if you're overweight or have broad shoulders. You really have to pay up for plates that fit western bodies.

Fuck, you can even make the poor man's Breast form. Get a pair of pantyhose and rice/birdseed. Fill up each leg with an amount. And hell, that works well enough for a beginner. Total cost about $3.
See, this is a fetish that is the epitomy of "Case-by-case basis" for me.

The perfect version looks like
>Guy gains tits somehow
>Face looks fairly feminine
>Preferred long hair but neck length works
>Subtly more curvy in general
>On the taller side
>Keeps penis
>Keeps male attitude, refers to themselves as male (I can take or leave this aspect since I like traps/crossdressers/newhalfs and they typically take on more feminine traits)

The variants I don't like usually have one of the following
>Masculine face
>Male short hair
>Still barrel chested but with "pec breasts"
>Male frame, with a wide torso/shoulders, no hips or ass
I mean, don't get me wrong, the fetish is gay, but I ain't that gay.
Agreed...man it's super fucking gay that I totally want to get bent over by one and feel his fat tits pressed against my back. I don't know how to feel about this.

>A lot of good pics are furshit and can't be posted here
"Bent over" Bent over? Or like, a hug from behind while you're sitting?
Honestly, if I'm being completely honest with my fellow anons, both. Both are good.
I'd argue the majority of Anons here would prefer for this fetish to be just traps with tits.
Maybe a /y/ thread would be better for the Anons that prefer the more masculine variety.
There needs to be more art of him as a bustyboy. I might try to get something out of a drawthread or commission someone on skeb.

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