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Tall Cousin 2 Update: Won’t be finished until Late May and some elements until after that. Probably July release date at earliest. The wait is gonna kill me!!!

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10906454
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Newest teaser
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And that is all I got from his fantia account that I haven’t seen anyone here post before
>Won’t be finished until Late May and some elements until after that. Probably July release date at earliest.
ah ffs
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Good god
He's nearly mouth level to her pussy
I wonder if he'll put her in heels for a bit.
And I hope there's even more pages to this one than the previous work.
>I wonder if he'll put her in heels for a bit.
Pretty sure I saw a page where she was in her heels

>And I hope there's even more pages to this one than the previous work.
Most definitely I would think
We see her at 202cm surpassing her 200cm dad in her first year of college
And then after that we see her at 212cm so some time had passed since then

This has to be at least double the amount of pages of the predecessor
And surely it will be Hachimitsu's Magnum Opus that he won't surpass for years to come

You're welcome
Bro who the fuck rated this a 1?
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I'm more excited for this than Megalopolis
Probably someone who doesnt like that it's sketch previews.

Honestly I'd love it if she went a bit further than 212cm, imagine her at like... 234cm man, 80+cm height difference would be hot as fuck
Holy shit.
This can't be completed fast enough goddamn
>And surely it will be Hachimitsu's Magnum Opus that he won't surpass for years to come
I don't know that it will top the Earth destruction one with Risty. But definitely looking forward to it regardless.
>Honestly I'd love it if she went a bit further than 212cm
I think she might be 214cm in the end
>Earth destruction one with Risty
Eh giantess shit is not my thing
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Thanks for the translation. I didn't see it last time.
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Artist's other works are here
https://twitter.com/_CheeseRoyal_ (private)
https://twitter.com/CheeseSubRoyal (bare)
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This guy has a lot https://twitter.com/amariamaru2

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You cannot hide your sin. Even now the seed of your misdeed germinates within you.

Hot picture though.
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Okay I'm done dumping. I tried to post ones that weren't posted before.
really appreciate you putting the effort to source everything anon.

This ones really hot >>10992718
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New one by this artist
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anyone got pv of dekkawa girlfriend でっかわ彼女 by room6? room6 deleted it
でっかわ彼女 BitSummit 4th デモPV
Dude, her stuff is so good.
Why don't I see any of her stuff translated or at least uploaded to the boorus or hitomi/nhentai/sadpanda?

God, japanese female hentai authors are soo good. They know where to hit us.
They are the ones doing most of the shota stuff for years and now they're doing more and more tall girl stuff.
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>tfw no tall neet hikikomori to feed chicken tendies
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i'm starting to suspect that there are actual women using this fetish to indulge their /ss/ fantasies in a "safe" way
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these are great anon but enojoying these the most
>no loving amazon maid to bring me to her even taller mistress
so good
I don’t think nip doujin artists need to do that. Shota doujins are still far more numerous than tall girl ones.
I think that tall girl doujins are just becoming (thankfully)less rare with the newer generation of doujin artists.
They realize how how a girl being taller than a guy, especially when it’s a younger girl, is hot as all fuck.
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Artist posted new one
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anyone know if there's a full English translation of this out there?
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forgot the image
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does /ss/ count?
It's not supposed to be /ss/
>tfw no manga about her called SEVEN FEET NEET
could have fooled me
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Understandable, she's pretty bad at making the manlets look like adults males.
eh, there kinda is one like that
Yorima Riyo - The Story of a Scary Consignee
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On the smaller side but I think this counts
It never does.
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The casual mogging is one of the best parts of the fetish
Rexcrash64. A lot of his stuff is on rule 34. (I prefer this version of that drawing desu)
This version has her bigger, therefore better.
I’m glad I’m not the only one that noticed
Anyone else like attribute theft especially with height?
“Big lady renaissance” is trending on Jp Twitter right now, so if you plug in デカ女ブーム you can browse a bunch of tall/size art and manga panels. We fucking made it :,)
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>Use public transport
>Get molested by a tall woman
Dammit, can't a man feel safe nowadays!?
women around the world need to all gain 1-3ft in height (no negative effects only positive like getting curvy and fit)
so next time i visit Japan tall girls in train just surround me
>Av male height 5'6-6'2
>Av female height 6'0 to 9'0.
Would be objectively fantastic.
So this is why I'm seeing so much art and photos with tall women.
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Recently there has been a boom of tall/giant and muscular girls on Twitter for some reason.
I have no idea how it started, but multiple artists I follow and their fellows I don't have all been posting, making and retweeting this sort of art for some reason.
Yes, absolutely.
sauce: https://mangadex.org/title/efd69f67-4d28-4377-a40c-faf5d6603862/offline-meeting-with-a-tall-jirai-kei-girl
>even a beer mug looks like a glass of juice in her hands

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Whoever was the anon who translated pic related is a God
>Huge Fuck Off Student
God, that description made me so fucking hard
Too bad the doujin we got ended up on the somewhat vanilla side of things
I wish the girl would have been more dominant
The facial expressions are also better
The shirt is also hotter than the bikini
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New images for Tall Girl 2 on fantia if anyone has access to those

Releases in June
From last year by Yukimura Yukio
Still untranslated

In other bad news: Anchira was struck down by Jewcob
Fuck Fakku
Her tits have gotten so fat
In the right bottom panel though her tits are drawn smaller, maybe that will be fixed by the time it comes out

Man, the guy looks like a little boy in his mother’s breast
Glad the author went this way and that he went all out
This doujin will hit hard when it comes out
>Releases in June
Nowhere does it say that.
It says next month, which could be early July.

God, I hope there will be a translation coming out very fast for this one.
I decided to wait for the TL for this one before I read it, and if it takes weeks it will be an agonizing wait.
>Next month
>Not June

Are your retarded anon? It was posted in May which makes the next month June.
It was posted a week ago in May 25th
So don’t expect it until late June at earliest
TFW no gigantic Merc gf
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>ywn be hugged like a plushtoy by a giant girl
Time can't pass fast enough
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Big brothers are meant to be dominated
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May doujinshi artist hear your words anon
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Where is this from?
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Translated with GPT 3.5

Can anyone confirm if it's her brother?
GPT says that it resembles her older brother
Is her brother >>10992685
And she's practicing with somebody else here? >>10992681
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I've fapped to this comic before but since noone is translating I said fuck it and decided to AI translate the whole 6 pages
And OMG I never knew how GOATed this was
It's so wholesome with the right amount of femdom and love

I'm honestly in love with Sayo, I wish I had an 8 years younger imouto than me who grows taller than me to marry me

The title of this comic is
Google TL:
ōkiku nattara kekkon suru hanashi
we'll get married when we grow up

Since the AI isn't perfect and misses some sentences I extracted them with OCR and translated them and I will be posting them, so enjoy guys
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Missing sentence:

Google TL
Boku ga nenchō-sha to shite kibishiku shinakereba
If I, as an elder, am strict,
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Missing sentence:

Google TL
Mā sōiu tokoro ga yasashī ndakedo
Well, that's what makes him kind.

P.S Not sure who is talking here
Is it Sayo or Hata?
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Missing sentence

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So sweet...
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>Grew taller through effort for the promise of marrying Hata-kun when she becomes strong and tall

I want a much younger imoutowife who is taller and stronger than me
I want a much younger imoutowife who is taller and stronger than me
I want a much younger imoutowife who is taller and stronger than me
I want a much younger imoutowife who is taller and stronger than me


It's not fucking fair.
Why do 2D guys get all the luck?

Now excuse me while I go fap my balls off to this Goddess because I've been edging this whole time I've been slowly AI translating, merging these pages, extracting untranslated text etc.
Speaking of tall imoutos, Chomoran had this idea for a doujinshi some years ago but I didn't came to fruition.

Here are some good jap stories of tall imoutos:

Here is a tall imouto domination ASMR in dlsite:

If some artist ever draws a comic of this story I would quit hentai and porn forever because nothing will ever top that. It's the hottest shit in the planet (May require a Japanese VPN to access the site):

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>If some artist ever draws a comic of this story I would quit hentai and porn forever because nothing will ever top that. It's the hottest shit in the planet (May require a Japanese VPN to access the site):
Somebody made a story inspired by this called ’’My little sister Sakiko’’
It’s on Tall Women Stories on Wordpress but right now the owner of the blog privatized the site and thus Part 2 and Part 5 are the only ones that can be accessed through Google Cache.
>Mouth level to pussy
Is this THE most based height ratio?
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need mare gf
>Yorima Riyo - The Story of a Scary Consignee
How did this one escape me?
God yes
Where did you find this?
someone just made w shitty collage
I feel like there’s a huge shortage of growth content that doesn’t end in super giantesses as opposed to mini gts
It was from the author’s twitter
Google cache was shut down in february. I managed to find all the chapters cached on yandex except cpt 4. Enjoy




Anon pls.. 404...
never followed the release of a new piece of hentai before. how soon after the release of the tall younger cousin sequel can we expect a translation to come out?
Depends on how soon someone commissions a translation, how much they pay to expedite it and if they decide to release it to the public
You could also use Google translate for a rough translation
same here
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More AI tls
This one is so hot
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I love the way OO-kun is so flustered at her growth
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Really want a full doujin of this at this point
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>I can cover it with one hand
so fucking hot
update this page
I am a complete retard, the links are temporary. However, search it on yandex and then click the "saved" on the link option.
thnx it's working now
i like a lot of western tall girl literature but mine1234 is dogshit ngl
where to get any tall girl literature?
giantesscity is good if you don't mind making an account. I like Joyce, Horuvex, little mikey
does anyone have access?
Great reference
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giwtwm, don't care which
I'm looking for the name of a story an anon here wrote a few years back, a girl that takes an experimental treatment, she gets tall unintentionally, becomes a shy recluse, guy visits her, they start a relationship. Anybody remember?

Was it https://archiveofourown.org/works/39889134 ?
Only if it's a tall girl stealing height to make herself even taller.
This angle is so under used it's criminal
>mini gts means he's literally perfect pussy eating height
And it usually never goes to insertion like it should. A mini gts having her small boyfriend sit on the edge of the bed so she can bounce on him like a dileo, perfection
That's it, thanks.
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Attribute theft hits alotta the right notes for me

growth, size comparison, torn clothes etc etc

I love it when the girl is basically leveling up to bigger sizes and adjusting or abusing her size as things progress.
Hachimitsu (Honey Lounge) has released the first fully completed preview image for I Wanna Do Ecchi Things With My Even Taller Younger Cousin!
OH MY GOD, thank you!!!! I didn't see it in their Fantia page, the wait is literally killing me; hope someone will be a hero and share it, as I tried everything but still can't make my card work on Fantia...
Bumping a worthy thread.
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>trying to pass off /ss/ as size content

Please die
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Call me an old-schoolfag but I think that it would have been better having little to no previews. Just imagine this sequel dropping and then turning the page and seeing THIS
Been frantically looking for that one art to the point I'm starting to think it was a fever dream.
It has Hasshaku-Sama (or at least a lookalike) surrounded with girls saying how small and cute she is while a boy looks from a distance frightened. Anybody has it?
To tide MGTS fans over (Futa)
>Guy has crush on girl at his school who's tall for her age
>Peaks on her unable to fit her cock into her swimsuit
>In shock he runs off, traumatizing her
>Years pass
>Guy works as or pretends to be an HVAC repairman
>Gets called to her house
>Her room is a mess but he cleans for her before working
>She gets caught watching porn, he has seen the same porn and comments on it with her
>Notices she looks insanely tall laying down
>Removes her blanket and sees her now huge but still flaccid cock.
>Gives admittedly gross head
>Her mom almost catches them, in the shuffle he turns away and she stands up.
>He turns back to realize she's now easily over 7' tall.
>Proceeds to get used as a sex toy before they admit their love for eachother.
>she's outgrown her old shirt, can't even fit it over her tits
>cousin is swimming in that same shirt
holy fuck unnffffff
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Favorite so far
Just bought and read the entire thing from Fantia; the previews alone don't do it justice.
It's set up like vignettes as they live together, and as she gradually grows even taller. It's 75 pages total, the climax is 18 pages, and there's a post-story scene. Buy it if you can.
Woah, how did you purchase it?? They even stopped supporting Mastercard, so I have no idea how to buy it, and i'm literally DYING to read it...
Wait, so it's out? Where can I find it? I've avoided all the previews, want to enjoy it properly.
You may purchase it here ( https://fantia.jp/products/651472 )
Problem is, there's no way to buy it with conventional western payment methods... someone pls help
Just dump the whole thing here
Be a bro :^)
Come on anon, don't be a poorfag.
Also, if anime minigts does well, they make more of it.
Yeah please share the whole comic it looks incredible
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This one?
By つまはじき on pixiv
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I'm actually trying to buy it but none of the payment options are services I use. Guess I have to wait for someone else to upload it. Shame, because I do want to support Hatchimitsu
I do actually want to buy it because goddamn does this deserve my money
i uploaded it https://e-hentai.org/g/2965495/593e16a1bc/

Idk how but can someone get this translate quickly
oh wow
>that flash forward at the end
holy fuck
I love you
Came so hard I hit my head on the nightstand. God bless Hachimitsu
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>212 now w/o shoes
>Zhang Ziyu is 220
So there is a chance.
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insanely hot even without a translation
I was not expecting there to be so many pages
>hands planted firmly flat against the ceiling during sex

God I wanna support this man! Fuckin' Visa...
One day I wish to draw one of these. Even if just about my personal enjoyment.
It would be about a guy getting soft tormented by much taller alien waifu until they get together, essentially.
There'd be more than that, but that's just self-indulgence.
Source, i cannot find anything on saucenao
>that scene where he hugs her leg
fucking UNF
It's amazing how perfect that size difference is. And with the cherry on top that from the first og story she just keeps growing taller and taller
Somebody needs to elaborate on that ending
[spoiler]Did they have 12 daughters? With all of them having surpassed him in height?[/spoiler]
If so I want another sequel holy shit
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Not just taller, much bigger too
Her tits are so much bigger and fuller too
Just look at page 54
It appears she's made him much more submissive
She's crushing the shit out of him physically while having her way with him, this is some true rape

If >>11047317 is the case then I look forward to the sequel where his 12 giant daughters rape the shit out of him
The daughter with the 2 hairclips even appears to have bigger tits than Wakaba and very very close to Wakaba in height
>want to look for some examples of how *not* to do this shit
>the best thread in awhile
this is god laughing.
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I feel like it ruins it when the girl is unrealistically tall, ie. minigt level. 7ft is kind of the max for me. 6'3~ or roundabouts is the minimum
Nah upto 10 feet is fine
How long does it usually take for a solid translation to come out in these situations?
please explain this once more... can't find the link options button
both wrong, 6' is underrated, and 7' is peak kino, but about 8' should be the definite limit. by the time you surpass robert wadlow's height you're well past believability and it just feels kinda silly
>I feel like it ruins it when the girl is unrealistically tall
Fuck off back to /h/ loser
Weakness disgusts me.
If you can't eat her out while you're both standing what's even the point
The taller blonde imouto with shorter oniichan incest one got taken down from sadpanda.
Does anyone know where else can I find it?

Is this it?
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That one's good, but not the one I'm looking for.

This one.
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into the trash it goes
That's the one, thank you. Too bad it hasn't been translated fully yet.
Any good stuff in this height range where the woman isn't only tall and busty, but also kind of buff
Not hyper stuff
not that anon but the size difference is great
tall/huge girl being towered by lolis is great even better that guys are even smaller than her
wonder how big jk and milfs are
>Fuck off back to /h/ loser

>Wants 7' girl to boss me around and make me her short servant
>Doesn't belong on /d/
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How Soon™?
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Very soon
no it's just a daydream I think
>it's not like i'm small
>165 cm
yeah right, and this is coming from someone even smaller
Would you want a 7ft yandere gf
Pretty much every tall girl + short guy comic degenerates into sex almost immediately, then ends. It's disappointing. I don't really have any interest in sex, I just want an entire longform comic of height teasing.
To be fair I am pretty sure the comic is set in Japan where the average height is lower. But I'm a thirdie several centimeters taller than the protag and I still stumble upon many people taller than me (and many shorter to be fair).
I just dismissed itas manlet cope, anyway.
When will we learn?
try height humil. literature
Fuck off normalfag

It’s honestly a crime it hasn’t been translated yet
I wish some anon here would commission a translation for that masterpiece
>try height humil. literature
I've looked everywhere, but I haven't been able to find any pure height teasing content. Do you have any suggestions?
Does anyone know where I can find the one where there’s a businessman who goes into some sort of simulation thing and transforms into a small woman, and all of the women in there are tall and huge? I can’t seem to find it anywhere and I saw it on nhentai once.
It's up your ass, first door on your left
No need to be rude anon
My dream tall girl...
>blonde snooty rich girl
>ultra girly, talks in 90s Valspeak
>acts like the stereotypical mean big sister from an early 2000s family movie
>calls you a dweeb

What's yours, anonz...
7+ foot slightly chubby shy girl with super long black hair that partially covers her face. has a hard time finding clothes so usually wears stretchy dresses that show off her voluptuous figure.
Is super caring and introverted, but not so meek that she lets people take advantage of her, recognizing her own strength when she needs to.
shows love by pressing you into her squishy cleavage, and lets you rest on her thighs or belly when laying down,
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Buchou Chinke is fantastic. I love how the girls are not only always tall and muscular, but also always cute and femenine as well.
So basically you want a tall Kelly Bundy?
Pretty good.
Christina Applegate was not tall but David Faustino was a midget.
I wonder how many boners he got around the much taller Christina Applegate.
Are you talking about this one?
If so it's JK-Ka Refle 3
>she's huge
>I'd estimate her height to be around 175
japs, pls
>Kelly Bundy
or Ondrya Wolfson? lmao

Bonus points for being the captain of a cheerleading squad that only accepts girls over 6ft.

Tall + feminine softness and elegance is the best, especially when you add a tiny bit of arrogance.

>You're her boyfriend
>Every morning she dumps her 20lbs stack of textbooks on you, expecting you to carry them for her all day
yo nothing comes up when i search it, and when i revisit the working ('saved') link i used before, it says 404
>Speaking of tall imoutos, Chomoran had this idea for a doujinshi some years ago but I didn't came to fruition
no, speaking of chomoran!
what has he been up to recently, the last of his I'm aware of is the one where our protagonist finds this tentacle loli at the beach(who doesn't stay smol for long!) and ends with his egg laying/ shitting fetish.
is that the most recent one? did he ever continue the hasshaku story?
>shrinking/ar + tg and tall girls
always nice
Manlet thread
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yes, and?
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The mg-sg wiki has a 'no sex' tag. It's mostly 10+ year old works but some are good.
If you're fine with sex at some point, Giantesscity has a bunch of good 'slow burn' stories with a lot of height teasing. Nexifem Inc by Horuvex is honestly 10/10.
no kemono.su
gone from yandex. someone in instagram operates and privates it often. can anyone join the private site and archive it?
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Does anyone know a free speech to text AI that works with Japanese?

There's this new ASMR called: The height difference between me and my childhood friend who I bullied when she was little is reversed!

It doesn't include script, so that's why I'm asking
full audio?
I can translate
It's a long one:

apparently much longer than I'd like it to
What if you could have a 7ft girlfriend BUT she constantly teased you about being a short little guy and subtly tried to make you feel self-conscious about your height
lovingly playful teasing is okay, I'd just tell her that everyone looks like a short little guy from her height; trying to make me feel self-conscious doesn't sound very loving though, particularly when I'm already self-conscious about my height as it is
Proceed to play into it and go absolutely gnome mode torturing her with my red cap and prosthetic bulbous nose.
I hate nofap
>doesn't sound very loving though, particularly when I'm already self-conscious about my height as it is
I think it's supposed to appeal to ppl who are into light height humil.
So where's the catch?
The catch is that whenever she knows you'll need something later, she deliberately leaves it on the top shelf of the bookcase.
Its actually kind of killing me
According to "Some giantess fan" on Giantess City:

Hachimitsu (Honey Lounge) have hired a professional company to translate I Wanna Do Ecchi Things With My EVEN TALLER Younger Cousin to English!
It is currently expected that the process will take about a month.

Link: https://x.com/honey_lounge2/status/1808782552418898370
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I still want to like, support Hachimitsu by paying for a copy because if there's one thing he needs to keep drawing, its stuff like that. Hopefully I can buy it in English
>buy it in English
>buys porn in 2024
I want the guy to keep making more of it
The sad reality is, if nobody pays for porn, there won't be any porn anymore.
>if nobody pays for porn, there won't be any porn anymore
>if we don't hypermonetize YouTube, no one will post videos anymore t. Google (after 12+ years of unmonetized YouTube)
There are numerous artists who draw for fun, not just to turn a buck.

Rule34.xxx is backed up with AI slop and is ruined, but e621 banned all AI + has hundreds of new uploads (free) per day. e621 alone has over 10 years of FREE art (albeit furry)
sure, but I like hachimitsu's work, specifically, and would like him, specifically, to keep doing it.
>sure, but I like hachimitsu's work, specifically, and would like him, specifically, to keep doing it.
Ah, I see what you mean
I don't play for porn and don't intend to make an exception in this case either, but I hope other people pay for it because the hachimitsu younger cousin stuff is terrific and I want him to have every reason to make another one or something else that's much like it
We never realized it, but all this time, this was actually an origin story for a double-female-height world.

Well done, Hachimitsu.

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