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Big and bigger edition

Previous: >>10948515
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How would you treat your friends after obtaining growth or shrinking powers?
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>How would you treat your friends after obtaining growth or shrinking powers?

I wouldn't shrink my friends I'd just leave them be, I would however shrink "enemies", same with growth, just bully people that have made my life worse in some way
Who do you consider an enemy?
people that are rude for no reason for example
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Ah, so Karens basically.
Yeah, I would shrink and squash a nagging karen
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Tried making a video as well. Have a hard time finding others who wear goth/twink fashion and boots who share this fetish or do sock/shoe entrapment. Let me know if this is any good.
>tfw my shitty little popcorn videos are immediately outclassed
But for real, that was excellent, I liked the stomps.
Ahhhhhh, how do I bypass character AI's stupid guidelines? I wasn't wanna be a skin mite on some twinks asshole but it won't let me
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reposting this interactive giant/ess sim story I wrote. play as a giant guy or gal with your own miniature city. if you guys haven't checked it out yet i think hope you enjoy :)


I'm working on another one that is predominantly a giantess adventure
what's your personal favorite size range, anons
I had no idea these threads had this many cute giant boys
Anywhere from big enough to cover a car with my foot to being able to crush entire cities with a single toe...depending on how horny I am
Thx, I am trying to have Bridget cum on microscopic figure and this bitch ass AI won't let me
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found some of my old soccer sport socks and tried a walkover thing, also fresh popcorn crunches really good

also the hand crush clap thingy that was requested

It's a good thing, no?
good shit anon
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>It's a good thing, no?
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>one getting stuck on his foot
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Thanks. I'm glad you liked it. Making videos is fun so I might do more if anything fun comes to mind.
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What was that conversation like?
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>cute giant anons will never attack your city
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I found this pretty decent rp/story about a twink soccer player and masochistic scientist lady
>"It's working he's already moaning in pain, keep shooting his dick"
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Bit of a dead thread, ain't it? Did everyone get stomped or something`?
More please
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What would you like to see? Any type of clothing, shoes, scenarios, or fantasies that come to mind?
somethign with stirups maybe? Like the figurine tucked in there?
you happiliy or angrily trampling clay or ants in your favorite footwear >:3c
Made something quickly this morning after showering before I leave for the rest of the day.
I like bugs too much to hurt them intentionally. They're innocent little guys unlike tinies who do stupid shit like fall in boots they can't escape from.
fucking ace
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Such a shame
ok kinda based
Damn, someone gift this guy a model city to destroy.
do u have a discord for twinks to trade posts?
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but what if...
I-I'd also take one, please imagine this piece of cardboard as some sort skyscraper in the meantime
Just make 10 of those painted cardboards, add some model cars and tiny model people, and you pretty much have a tiny city.
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Holy fuck you're hot. Also big ups for being a Cas art enjoyer.

Wow, you jumpscared me with my own art, dude. Glad to know you're still alive/working on the new story, the Ohio one still makes me cum buckets to this day.
>I will never “accidentally” fall into giant anon’s boot
It’s over
Something featuring vore and showcasing your tummy/midriff would be super hot. However you manage to pull such a thing off.

Something like this outfitwise
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Can't think of a very good way to do vore in a video. Most RL videos I've seen don't turn out well or look silly. And it's hard to get the best parts of the fetish like the struggle to escape, the bulge moving down your throat, or the hopelessness when their chance to escape has been fully taken from them.
I'll try to make a tummy video tomorrow. I have an idea I haven't seen before I've wanted to try out. So I'm not sure how well it'll turn out.
>First Slipperanon, now Bootsanon
How did this all happen?
Not that I'm complaining btw
We truly are living in the golden age of these threads.
oops meant for>>10992091
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>Corset entrapment
Turns out putting a wooden tiny inside your fishnets is the biggest pain in the ass in the world and hurts like a fucker. I'm not the happiest with how these turned out. I'll do better in the future.

I don't own much clothing that shows my tummy. I've been working on improving my stomach to look better in that style of outfit. I've been tightlacing with corsets for seven years and I don't look my best without them on.
The best I could think to do is the corset video. It's sort of like vore if you pretend really hard. And honestly I'm surprised I've never seen any corset related stuff in giantess/giant pictures.
>I don't own much clothing that shows my tummy. I've been working on improving my stomach to look better in that style of outfit. I've been tightlacing with corsets for seven years and I don't look my best without them on.
Understandable, don't do things you don't want to do, no pressure, also once again
fucking ace
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Rude. Smack the giant right back in the butt.
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>*sits on the tiny*
now what
>Came prepared with a safety pin and itching powder
You will soon come to see the error in your ways
It might be outside of your size preference but those little plastic figures they use for model train sets are pretty good for IRL stuff. You can get big bags of them for cheap on Amazon.
Could you stomp monopoly houses or something like that with your boots? lol
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>ouch, what was that
>*scratch scratch*
>well nevermind
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>Stand on the couch instead
>When the giant tries to sit down, dive into the space between the couch cushions
>rise up from the depths to deliver revenge when he least expects it
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What if he knows you're between the cushions...and he's just waiting?
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He'll need to be quick, cause as soon as I jab him with my safety pin I'm diving back down.
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>*lifts the cushions, all of them*
again, now what?
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>"It was just a joke! I was just checking for pennies...ah, the poking? I was just doing that if I thought you ate Mexican food while I was doing there..."
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Tinies need to be restrained for their own safety
How many tinies can be restrained at a time?
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I always wanted to draw Robin from Fire Emblem as a giant. can you guys throw some suggestions or ideas ?
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wholly outfit dependent
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Maybe giants need to mind their own business instead of restraining us, down with the nanny state, down with giant-brother.
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>Maybe giants need to mind their own business instead of restraining us, down with the nanny sta- *MMMPPPPHH*
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What do giants get out of this? How are they able to do this without any sense of guilt? Do they have no empathy?
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>What do giants get out of this?
>How are they able to do this without any sense of guilt?
Giants are just better and superior being don't feel guilty because of lesser beings
>Do they have no em-*MMMMMPHHHHH*
Shhhh, no anger now, only dick
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You won't get away with this forever, someday you'll run out of space in the front of your underwear!
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>You won't get away with this forever, someday you'll run out of space in the fr- *mmmpppppph*
How do you even feed them all..
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>How do you even feed them all..
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You know what, I think I'll just stay under your butt and starve to death instead.
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too late
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What's the worst place to be stored on a giant anyways, and why?
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I'm guessing either front or back of underwear, shoe/sock or armpit
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>front undies
Most humiliating
Most sweaty
Most painful
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>back undies
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Why would I feel guilty about squished bugs?
What if they were your friends from before you grew?
>have magic shrinking powers
>go on grinder looking super cutesy and fem
>attract all the BIFLEX/TOP ONLY/CHASER bro's
>happily go down on them but any that refuse to return the favour I shrink to like 3-5 inches
>keep a whole collection at home where I keep them nude in a terrarium
>make them argue amongst themselves which one gets to be tucked away in my underwear all day
>I let them do their macho fighting-each-other thing but any murderers I've promised to swallow whole
>only happened once, after which they learned I meant it
>spice it up and have them elect a 'volunteer' butt plug when I feel like it
>they form their own hierarchy and mini-society
>I didn't want the same toy every time so their bottom-rung has to alternate
>now that I have a couple dozen of them sometimes I'll randomly demand a few more, keeps them on their toes
>starting to enjoy the sociology aspects of my collection more than toying with tinies
>tied their de facto-leader to my dildo and fucked myself silly in sight of all of them
>dropped him back in after I was done, he got deposed right after
>they try to hide who's in charge from me now
>kind of want to eat one again, start to spread divisiveness
>grab one of the more macho ones and make him service my dick until I absolutely coat him in cum all because I told him the 3-incher they elected wasn't doing enough in my butt
>the resulting nightly scuffle somehow results in the big guy getting stabbed
>really the little one was doing great but oh well, down the hatch

really sad I can't vlog the whole thing as a viral social experiment
Who has it worse, the butt plug or the cock massagers
Prep thoroughly and tend to not keep them in as long as I do in my underwear so it can't be that bad, I think among them cock-duty is preferred though, faggots
Might be seen as more humiliating maybe?
The urge to [spoiler]brap on[/spoiler] tinies is so hard to resist bros.
me next..?
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>pressed against a giant's anus
>he farts
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Why? What does the giant get out of this?
what does a tiny get out of hanging around near a giants ass?
Less embarrassing than the front end of the underwear when you’re forced to pick a side
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anons, what is the best way to perish at the hands of a giant boy? Being his seat? Getting drowned in cum? Suffocating in a fart? Crushed under his heel? Or is something else up your alley?
Being his seat + suffocating in his fart
Honestly, pressed against his ass or pinned under his balls, but I don't mind some smell either.
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oh right I have this boi I don't do anything with
let me fix that
Getting stuck in his foreskin...
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10/10 Would tuck into a giga-sized bed
Gladly, love the submissive ones who treat me as the God I am (it is a privilege to smell them).
Tinies need to be put back in their place, plus it's fun to bully them.
who drew this?
Why no male gentle giants?
Because most people into this side of things are unhinged psychopaths
that pic you drew is stellar and im honored to have played a role in inspiring it :)
Sleeping bulge crush pls
i need a part 2 so bad
>ywn be a cute tomboy fairy girl
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Sucks to be them they should of grown with me
You're not gonna hurt them are you?
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I definitely am
Kinda a dick move ngl. What if they were family? A brother or a cousin?
Giant diaper boys when
>bringing tinies to the toilet to show them what became of their friend
>bringing tinies to the toilet
hey you won't need toilet paper
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Fuck this ones good...sauce?
all very good answers~
i NEED to shove people up my ass

Will you let me out eventually?
i just imagine the squirms would feel amazing
if you survived till the next time i needed to use the bathroom sure
i NEED to be shoved up your ass
ah yes, imprisoning tinies in your fat smelly ass. A classic~!
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>the dream
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this is clearly the best type of outfit for giant boys
this and specifically in the 1-4 inch tall range
like just imagine going about your day and everyone around you is unaware you have like 10 people in your buttcrack
extra points if someone compliments my ass without even knowing theirs tinies suffering in it
Same >.>

Like I prep to hell and back even for silicone I don't understand why tinies are so weird about it
It still smells!
Anyone have the artist for this one? Reverse search has nothing.
It doesnt?

Maybe after an hour or so but at that point you should be acclimated.

Tinies need to accept their lot in life as butt plugs
Totally, other tinies need to learn to love it imo.
screw shoving people up my butt i would rather shove the entire earth up my ass
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I want to live in humid and warm giant's buttcrack so bad...
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mega. nz/file/DpsHBYDB#ppzWuhApcMf8eSNHUgRuDu2GInLWSG_L5q9f8AhIMio
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>tfw never be bullied by giant goth boys
hate this gay earth
cumming on anon
what are people making this good shit in?
shit, I meant the image you posted, not the mmd animation. oops
Blender or MMD
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Beautiful. Thank you
Wish I could trade place with the guy in the vid. I would happily let Astolfo pick me up and make me his pet
and this one is from greta7777
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This isnt finished but i wanna draw more giant boi stuff
You should quit while you're ahead

Im in love with you, i never thought i'd be jealous of a piece of wood
>new guy at work
>latino twink, short, cute, has really long hair
>idk for certain but pretty sure he's the manager's son, they have the same last name and I can see some family resemblance
>saw him in the break room snacking on something, went over to him to say hi and ask how he's doing
>conversation started fine but got whiny and rude later, said he couldn't get a job in his field so he had to settle for retail
>asked about his interests, it's all sjw activism shit, not into anime or vidya
>when I said I'm into anime I could tell he was thinking something like "ew a weeb"
>it was pretty clear he wanted to be left alone so I just let the conversation die and got up
>heard him muttering something in spanish
>later start thinking "what would he do to me if I was tiny"
>that night I bust a nut imagining him calling me a gross bug and eating me
>almost every night since I've jerked off to him

I want him to shrink me and shove me up his poop chute so bad anons
What do you guys think about giant boy songs becoming a thing with AI?

Why are you like this?
...fetish songs feel... very weird, now that I look back on it. giant boys being no exception. Also, AI is a bit of a turn off
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>cumming in tiny anons apartment
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I want to live in giant anon's underwear so badly bros and worship his dick and asshole
what's the prompt for the image? don't care for songs about fetishes
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Swallowed whole 100%.
No better way to be humiliated and completely owned than being treated like food. The concept of being destroyed by his stomach and your entire body used to serve him, with some parts turning into a thin layer of fat equally distributed on his beautiful body, some used to repair damaged cells, some found in various locations like chitin on his nails, fibers for his hair, skin, some fluids discarded naturally through transpiration, some burned to be used as energy, and the rest that couldn't be transformed eliminated from the body in a more... Humiliating way, all of that push my buttons like nothing else.
Can you imagine those last moment trapped within his core, grinded from all sides with muscles from an organ that only wants to takes everything from you, away from the light, away from his thoughts, unable to do anything about it and knowing what's about to happen to you?
I'd sign a contract to be the next snack for a cute demon boy in a heartbeat, I hope that's the fate waiting for me in hell. First thing I look at when browsing through pictures of handsome guys is the abs. You know why.
That's the pic I was thinking about when writing that last post. Why can't this happen to me?
so you want to become part of the boy body. This is very cultured of you.
i wonder how many women are lurking in such threads, they would sure appreciate giant stuff much more than giantess stuff

like, a percentage of them out of everyone who visited this thread. 10%? 20%? 0%, as usual?
Women don't have size fetishes
Submissiveness can evolve into size, as an ultimate sub fantasy.
tfw no cute, sadistic gooner anon to shrink my city onto his sweaty seat and crush it underneath his butt after working his dick to cute anime girls all night
erm hi
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never thought one can put my thoughts into words so nicely, Id love to serve a giant anon boy's body and for his glutes to destroy me and churn into pieces. Leaving my mark as a miniscule piece of fat that will get absorbed into the sweaty abs after a fitness session.
I don't remember this part in AoT
In terms of humiliation what's more humiliating for a tiny, to be stored in the front or back of the underwear, and why?
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Do more butt stuff
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One day I'll be vored by a cute male. But for now let's bump the thread away from pg10.
Did this bitch just step on Amber?! I will fucking kill him. I don't care how cute he is. Amber is so precious.
She's lucky+ you'll just be mistaken as another monster ( soon to be reduced as a red smear under his sole, so nobody will ever know who you really were, just another victim of the boy's foot).
i just want to lay my foot on a tiny and let them hump into my sole is that so much to ask
Well, now she's precious and flat!
>Hides his art on his own personal discord so that kemonoparty can't get to it
>Charges 120 dollars a year to see it
>Manages to get a loyal cult following because of the high price that keeps any leaks from getting out
It's shit like this that makes me hope that AI replaces artists.
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it's 10 dollars a month brother, he is a fantastic artist and would earn a lot more money if he only drew women, but he still continues to draw male gt and when he came back he published a fully colored comic for free, stop being so stingy and help the few artists we have
That's the problem, his art isn't worth 120 bucks a year, he just has a near-monopoly of shota giants, especially well-drawn ones.
I’m ISP blocked from catbox, got a discord?
t. goth twink
$10/month is pretty reasonable if it's for content you enjoy. I bought a 6" sandwich from Subway the other day and it was fucking $12.
you used to be able to get a footlong for like 10 dollars just like 4 years ago....
You used to be able to get a footlong for $5! Shit is outrageous. The half-asleep drone who made it for me didn't even ask if I wanted it toasted either.
Why aren't there any giant male games? Like there's plenty of giantess games, but I haven't found a single good one with males as the focus.
Because most people into this side of shit are talentless hacks who would rather bitch about a lack of content instead of doing something about it
>most people into this side of shit are talentless hacks
most people everywhere are talentless, but if you have a bigger fan base, you eventually find someone with talent
Because gay people count only as 3% of the population.
I’m not gay. I’ve never had thoughts of having sex with men. A twink by themselves? Gross. Now a giant twink gulping down some tinies? I can get behind that.
I'm talentless as hell but I cope by making okayish blender stuff. Better than nothing. Shame I'm limited to whoever I can get a model of, otherwise I'd be pumping out Joey Jones stuff.
>high school boy has a crush on a pretty girl
>has fantasies about getting close to her so he shrinks himself
>he let's himself into her house but before he could reach her room her little brother comes out of his room and crushes him underfoot without ever noticing him
>wow I can't believe artists wants to get paid for their work
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Getting paid for your work is fine. Expecting people to pay more for the privilege to see it than they would for something like a Playstation subscription is just retarded though. Why would I pay that much for something I don't get nearly as much use out of? Most artists comparable to his level of skill only charge 2 to 3 bucks a month. But that's because they don't have a near total monopoly on a fetish like Masterkiiro does.

You can spend your money however you like, don't let me stop you, but because of the nicheness of this fetish you are getting totally overcharged for what you're actually getting.
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>waaaah my favorite shota porn is too expensive
you're the one that keeps saying he has a monopoly on this niche retard, that's why he charges a premium
and if you're gonna complain go take it to him directly instead of trying to make this a creator drama thread
Hence why I have no sympathy for artists who bitch about AI undermining them. "I'm your only choice so I'll charge as much as I want" doesn't make you a sympathetic figure when an option comes along that's fast and free.
>shrink restaurant where men volunteer to be shrunk down and eaten by beautiful women
>You along with hundred of others have been peppered into a nice warm soup by some new twink chef
>he sticks his finger in to taste the dish and ends up eating you as you scream that this wasn't what you signed up for
>alt ending - you get brought out to some cute woman who's brought her brat son with her (he's got a kids meal as he's not allowed to have a tiny filled meal since he's a guy), she quickly nips to the bathroom and he tries a couple of mouthfuls of her tiny filled soup.
based and brat pilled
bros.... i just want a giant brat to step on me... is that so much to ask for?
How young?
any brat will do
Mr.Roboto will set us free.
why you guys talk about getting squashed BY shota ill be over here fantasizing about squashing shotas
why did this give me a boner
Wow, rude.
and? not like they can stop me from squashing them and dropping them down my underwear
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Yeah but then I'll squash you in retaliation.
Why? Which side? To do what with?
>ywn be a shota getting squished by some pervert
the lucky ones go to the front but if their unlucky enough to squirm around enough to get into the back thats their own fault if they never get heard from again
Got a discord?
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Why young brats though? Don't you feel any guilt over what you're doing?
they make the best squirms and crys! plus at that size there basically bugs and no real reason to feel guilty about playing with bugs
I fucking love scenarios where giantess fetishists get involved in an accidentally gay incident.

>you've been fantasizing about your cutie female friend for a very long time now but she has a boyfriend
>cave in and shrink yourself to sneak in her shower and watch her bathe, maybe get involved too
>you're on the floor of the bathtub as you watch her step over the edge to enter in all her naked and giant glory
>it's everything you imagined it would be, fantasy fulfilled
>oh fuck, stuck glued to the soap bar now after she's done
>whatever, it'll take some time but you'll get out--
>her boyfriend enters the bathroom after her
>panic ensues as his gigantic soft dick dangles between his legs as he steps in the bathtub
>you scream at the top of your lungs as you watch his hand reach for the soap while the other hand cups his balls

Any suggestions what should happen next and how a straight tiny would feel in this situation?
Little guy gets stuck between his cheeks
Imagine a giant brat using the toilet.
Hey does anyone have the full size image of the scene on the right. Where he's growing out of the building?
All I can find is some gts edit version of it that removes the bulge/balls.
It won't find the file
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Have you tried not being poor faggot
It's like I'm really back on /v/. How horrifying.
I want to be unwillingly trained as a cute boy's foot pet.
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I want to be eaten for a boy's pleasure.
I bet I'd be the best pet since I actually enjoy being near feet and i love pampering them. I am also pretty strong and powerful so they'd be somewhat satisfied, depending on how tiny I am when compared to them, of course.
The world really needs more giant pokekids
Guess not, but then, Robin's not really cute. Ricken would be nice- though he's not my favorite, Henry would undeniably make an amazing giant.
Wow, this artist's come a long ways, I remember when his art was pretty rough and he was doing requests here.
>look at our discord convo
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Um yes, I'd like to live please.
>Um yes, I'd like to live please.
Congrats, you just gave yourself a one way bad end flag ticket
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I feel like dying is the bad end, being alive to play more should be the preference, unless you're going for some "no mouth and screm" bullshit.

Also, are there truly no doujins with giant shotas? There are a decent amount of pics, could always use more, but I swear there's not a single 4 to 20 page doujin with a shota as the giant.
>dont like men
>like giant male
Am I the only one?
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Red dotted by curious catboy feet
Okay yeah, living is a fair choice. after all, you can be used more~
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Exactly, why break your toys after their first use?
dominant lilliputian bf...
I'm trying to create and adventurous girl who loves to shrink herself on character AI so I can substitute for my laziness to writer a sw story, can anyone who's experienced give Mr advice? Like is there anything specific I need to do while creating the character so it works better ?
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>don't like men but like giant male
>don't like feet but like giant feet
>don't like armpit but like giant armpit
>don't like loli but like giant loli
>fucking hate furry but even furryshit can become hot when size is involved

This fetish is a absolute curse
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Someone made a meme with this picture that was hot as fuck, I can't find it though I need your anons help VERY important
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I usually draw Giantess stuff but sometimes I have a very-very strong urge to draw Fire Emblem Awakening guys.
I just don't really have good imagination, so I lurk Giant Male thread sometimes

i think i gave a suggestion in a previous thread for giant robin/tiny sumia but not sure if you cared for that one
Unfortunately they put most of the cute factor into the girls in FE, not the guys. Is your urge Awakening exclusive, or would you be willing to draw characters from the newer games as well?
can you give more details?
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Here you go. A bit sloppy I don't have more free time recently, Hope you like it
Sure why not give me some suggestions.
awesome, looks great
Is it this one
Crap, I can't post but it's probably by Anybody/Anybrody on Twitter since I have it.
Jean from FE: Engage is super cute. Could have him looking into a jar full of female characters/generics, and going "will filling it with *that* really help my research...?"
>smuggler specialising in getting people across borders
>technique is using shrink powers to make people a centimetre tall and hiding them
>do the business legitimately and safely get many people across the border, get good word of mouth
>randomly, depending on how horny I am pick tinies that are going to go missing
>those days when I shrink the client I pretend that we’re getting stopped by police so I have to hide them
>’reluctantly’ say the only place they don’t check is underwear
>look at the tiny faces of apprehension, watch as the tiny couples I’m smuggling forlornly agree to be dropped down the front of my briefs
>spend a couple of hours enjoying the feeling of the tiny fucks squirming against my balls
>their tiny prison starts to lose room as my cock grows from the stimulation
>sometimes get too horny and drop them into a condom and blast a load into it, tie it into a knot and fling out outside leaving the hapless bugs to their sticky fate
>sometimes if I’m feeling cruel push one of them down into my ass and tell them to start licking it or I’m never returning them to size
>when the girl in a particular couple is hot I’ll usually let the guy go and say I’m keeping the girl as ‘collateral’ while he pays another fee
>collect the fee and then say she’s somewhere crawling around on my ballsack and I decided to keep her as my pet
>mfw poor bastard has to live with the knowledge he paid me to take his wife and she’s now condemned to live her days out under my balls
>keep the chicks until I’m bored or accidentally squashing them, sometimes i forget their down there and find a tiny sticking to my thigh smothered between it and my sack
>one time a guy comes after me
>he sends dudes after
>squash those fucks instantly
>find his girl
>send a vid of me dropping my flaccid cock onto her tiny form
>tell her if she can lift it off I’ll let her go
>her tiny squirms make my cock grow, she’s slowly and completely squashed
Can you give more details?
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Fuck it didnt attach the image
>"no mouth and screm" bullshit.
>giant shotas
Ok but what if being squished for billions and billions of years haha I think that would be very funny and cute
Has anyone seen Mantou after her Kieran meltdown?
I think their patreon got fucked or something, right? i know everything off their deviantart got deleted which is ass, and i havent seen them on my twitter feed in a while.
A while ago she posted a tweet about how masterkiiro bullied her off the internet because he was jealous or something. I think she deleted the tweet though. Is anyone friends with her on discord?
I need one of you giant uncircumcised Anons to trap me inside your foreskin.
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she has to sort out some problems irl so she doesn't have time to draw
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Hey, Kiiro here. This is false, we never had problems with each other. Back then when she first started her Patreon people were harassing her and someone told her it was me. This is not true, I always supported her, even pledged to her Patreon. I talked with her about these rumors and it got cleared out, hence why she deleted these tweets.
Manjyu has some other problems atm and decided to stay off the internet.
I love her aton, both as an artist and as a friend. I really hope shes fine. I cant wait for the day she finally returns to the internet.
Oh sweet summer child...he knows nothing about the depravity of fujos.
What's all this now? Mantou Mantou was good, they made their tinies too small, but they had cute giants.
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>Too small
Wow bad taste anyway

>tfw never live on mantou or one of her cute shota brat's feet
shotas after finding their shrunken "friends" at school
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I'm rapidly falling down the shota-femboy-gay pipeline annoying shit
I need to be find by drunk venti and smushed by him
>Check filename
Howling over the fact that I made that post in that thread. Do you think "being an unsmushed tiny" should be a reportable offense to Riot?
Oh noes I've been exposed
If Riot is part of the conspiracy to forcibly remove men from polite society by keeping them trapped under the feet of cute femboys I'd be for it though even if it's embarassing

I was invited to her discord, but I thought it was like a general works one. But it ended up being like a Kieran dedication discord that she shut down like a week later because people weren't focusing on Kieran. Was really confusing.
Is Kieran her OC or something?
Anon, that's gay.

However, I'd gladly put your girlfriend on the exposed tip of my dick, put you on my stomach and make you bend your neck upwards to watch as I slowly release my foreskin and engulf your girlfriend under it with her screaming.
Nah, he's a pokeboy from the newest pokemon game, shy shota who goes ballistic later on. He's oddly popular with girls in specific.
meant for >>11019738
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the only alternative is mantoumantoumantou and she's fucking dead with most of her accounts wiped
its joever
Ohh, right, right. So, MantouMantou made a discord server specifically to lust over Kieran, and got upset when people weren't, so she deleted it... OK...
Yeah this is why I don't fucking bother with artists outside of the work they produce.
.....You do realize there are months where he doesn't charge, right?

And if you're that broke or stingy, you could also just..... pay one month and if there's anything that you don't feel like is enough for your money's worth, stop paying and repay at a later point when there's more stuff?

Unless the whole point of your post is to bitch because you can't get shit for free.
You are looking at it from a juvenile perspective. You aren't being charged $10 a month to see art, you are paying $10 a month to have more of it produced.

Honestly the average cost of a Big Mac is $10 (!) right now. $10 is essentially nothing.
New thread
I can’t believe this was so underrated, where’s the writefag love??? please write more I came back to this thread to read this multiple times.

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