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victims being assimilated into other organisms, preferably Fleshwall, tentacle...
I see no legs or arms so I assume she's assimilated
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a classic
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High hopes for this thread. Would CTF count as assimilation? Might be able to contribute a bit if so.
would be a shame if this one dosnt take off, looks promising

not OP, but i suppose it *technicaly* would count as assimilation, since its an organism being made into part of another one.
But uh, not to sure that exatly the intentions with this thread. Having a seperate CTF thread would probbably be better
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Whats CTF?, I would share regardless... this one is a bit of a stretch...
Capture the flag :)))

Cock Transformation
people being turned into other peoples dicks, or just into dicks in general
we have threads about it semi regularly
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I would still post it, there aren't good assimilation so I guess whatever goes to get this thread going
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would something like this work where the girl is slowly turned into a plant
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assimilation with machines count?
Bump, but also what exactly is this tag called? Cause the green site doesn't show me this stuff often
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aw cmon, its my duty to post that one, here have another version
this artist is way too underated.
not sure about the green site, but in blue site its called 生体ユニット
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sure, here's an example
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>tfw you will never be assimilated into some sort of alien creature for breeding
>tfw you will never feel its tentacles going through every hole in your body
>tfw you will never be unable to scream because there's a tentacle down your throat
>tfw you will never have disgusting slimy tentacles enter your brain through your ears and force you to stay awake, alert and incredibly horny at all times by tweaking your mind
>tfw you will never experience the mind shattering pleasure of having thick and slimy tentacles enter your body
>tfw you will never be embraced by tentacles so strictly that you won't even be able to squirm as the tentacles rape you and your womb
>tfw you will never have your entire face and most of your body except your vagina covered by the tentacle alien monster and hidden in the wall of flesh
>tfw you will never be nothing but another womb for the alien creatures to use and rape mercilessly
>tfw you will never be so dehumanized and objectified that you are nothing but a machine made to pump out alien offspring
>tfw you will never go insane from the constant rape and utter immobility
>tfw you will never be kept in this hell for all of eternity
Why live
Born to be a breeding object completely assimilated into the body of an alien creature

Forced to work a 9-5 :(
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these are nice, is it AI?
I don't think so. First one is by スギユウ@C103新委託中 on pixiv. I can't find the second one right now but I also found it on pixiv and I have AI art turned off
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This piece is almost perfect for me, wish there was a variant without the xray/viewing whats inside the womb, that thing sticking out of the vagina and the small toes.... not asking for much :p
>This piece is almost perfect for me, wish there was a variant without the xray/viewing whats inside the womb, that thing sticking out of the vagina
its not xray viewing, their stomach mutated to resemble beehives. the thing sticking out of their vagina IS their vagina, they give so much birth in a short time that it prolapsed, the small toes used to their feet absorbed by their own body to feed the babies.

the artist apparently understand a bit of english and can reply in one too.
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wish someone scan this already, looks like this will be the closest thing we have to a new brain eater
Yeah, I get the intention of it... just wish it was a bit different for my taste.
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Another great piece... almost perfect if it wasn't for the 'xray' style of the wombs....
Her belly has just become transparent.
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Yeah, I get it... just wish there was a variant that didn't include the transparent belly... just an opinion, all kinds of assimilation should be here

Anyone got any more of this sort of thing?

girls or futas bodies turning into other creatures is a guilty pleasure of mine. Simple transformation like girl > wolf or whatever does nothing for me, but this sort of shit makes me diamonds
Yeah I understand, honestly the pic will be better without the prolapsed vagina, I asked in edit and colouring thread but no one willing to do it.
Never saw that one from that artist, is it new?
How about this one?
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Was that edited? The one I get from the artist's pixiv is the uncoloured one.
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Here's another from that same artist

I got it from their deviantart account:
Oh wow, no wonder I can't find that one in his pixiv
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Editing this piece would be hard, there’s no way to clone or get info from the background to remove the prolapse vagina-thing and same for the belly… at least with my limited photoshop knowledge would be hard
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This really need a "before" pic to be perfect, all assimilation and meat wall pic really needs a "before" pic to show how much the woman's body has degenerated and perverted.
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The post nut clarity for this fetish really hits like a brick.
Post the rest m8
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This is the sort of thing I mean. Woman grows a snail out of her cunt that has a mind of its own, but its mouth is still her pussy
this is nice
This is the reason I didnt post the rest.
Yeah, not my cup of tea but it does fall into assimilation… wish there was a dickless version
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Is there a version of this not for ants? I'm having a tough time tracking the translation down.
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What is it?
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This sort of 'anglerfish' scenario is particularly hot - where the person being assimilated is basically repurposed into part of a creature's body or reproductive system.
tentacle hentai that I will assume have assimilation scene considering the author's past works. https://www.dlsite.com/books/work/=/product_id/BJ01128848.html
I tried to buy it but it doesnt accept debit.
source? filename doesnt work, reverse image search doesnt work with any manga page
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>has a filename - SoranoHateMade.png
>has a picture depicting tentacle porn
This generation really is fucking useless, isn't it?
need another like this but with thiccer girl, lolis just doesnt seem fit with this genre.
Will mecha assimilation count?
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4 yay :D
I searched that and got fuck all.
Search results are tailored to your past searches, so not everyone sees the same results, dipshit.

No you are just lazy. If you type that name in a private new search with no history that is the first result. All you had to do was type the name and add hentai at the end and its also the first result.
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Man of culture provides link for your convenience.

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Strong girl breed strong monsters
Not when I do it. Again: Search results are tailored to the user, and that includes not just cookies but also IP. I have to edit the name and add a lot of extra terms to get it to show the correct result on the first page of search results.
personally i disagree

Private browser with a vpn still yields the same results. Again you are just lazy and also apparently don't know how the internet works on top of that. Just be better.
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Stfu and post pics nigger.
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love how horrifically grotesque this is
I miss when mode's art centered around those 2 and their moms. sucks that mode last time I checked became obsessed with cheese and their femboys... pretty much the same thing that Dmitry did -_-

Is this on n-hentai?
It is, just copy the title
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Goddamnit, is it me or all of /d/ is slow these past few days?
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One of my favourites
Actually kind of a chill fate well other than the public nudity and the snail stopping in one place for hours because it's a stupid snail leaving you getting sunburned.
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Too bad there are little to no stories involving one being fused and made into a forever, unwilling passenger.
Posted this >>11008890 in the Personality Excretion thread. I guess slime body absorption might be inside of your wheelhouse?
Tried to create my own pic on honey studio, why is it so fucking hard to use? I had easier time posing in Gmod.
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Can you also post the scene with the red slimegirl please?
>when the only way you can get off on this is when she looks like she's enjoying it
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Not really assimilation but love this piece, anyone have any background on this?, if someone knows the artist or if there's a colored version?
Do you have more from this artist? Their pixiv page seems to be gone.
I think this is the only type of piece the artist submitted, every other piece was a different theme... could be wrong
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Some work by me
And some more
That bottom eye has
>I'm so Jelly I wanted to be the hot chick
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Hell is where u going for making me puke cuckfuck
I think there was a vignette along these lines in one of the Drainage City volumes. Some kind of sewer snail that uses a girl as a substitute for a shell or something along those lines.
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NTA but what do you expect from opening /d/?
There is no red one. The game got pink, blue, yellow, cyan, and purple
really good! i like the orifices on the suit
Another assimilation/absorbtion with personality excretion. This time of a fleshier kind
trying to find something back, recent-ish, sequence of a girl willingly giving herself up to get encased in a tentacle monster, anyone got a lead?
I've seen some fucked up nasty shit in my day but this might be the new number one.
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i can't help but wonder if Takahashi has weird fetishes. her manga are all like this.
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I wonder if we'll ever get a proper sequel or successor or more of the Mararion.
Inuyasha was only a few tentacles away from being a very /d/ friendly hentai and I yearn for the lost opportunities.
Yeah, some girl with an Alligator person brother who kept eating her limbs until she ended up helpless, then he finally got himself captured so she gave up on life until a slug and it's owner came along.

Why did Drainage city have to have these grim plots and character development? Shit was basically Made in Abyss in a sewer complete with the body horror
i love this assimilation from within
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This is pretty good, know if any good places to find women in similar situations?
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I hope so, its such a hot concept and so thought out. Plus there is so much ass to mouth CTF it was nice to see mouth to ass CTF. The anatomy works so much better that way too!

Boobs turn to testicles!
The vulva and hips puff out into a glans! That is just a good repurposing of genitals!
The head turning into the glans in ass to mouth ctf always looks awkward (but head becomes head hurr hurr hurr), but in this one at least has the extra hotness of the head being engulfed. The victim has no idea what is happening to her body but can only feel it.
If the transformation went further, her head or brain could have become a prostate gland.
love the tentacle popping out of her eye. horrifically grotesque
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ha, it gets weirder that that
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Y'all know any easier ways to find these types of artworks? I've tried a variety of tag combinations before in the past but most of em displayed very little to no results, best tag I've found so far for finding this type of stuff is the "flesh_wall" tag
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侵食 (erosion) is probably the best tag I have seen for this kind of thing on Pixiv

slime and mecha are the best options imo, since the option is there to ‘re-form’ if desired, and take alternate forms or just re-merge.

Organic might be able to depending on the take, but likely not as easily.
I like it when there's multiple girl involved or there's a backstory of it.
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...Where would I find this?
Here's the link! You'll find it on various hentai sites but this one is the most recent English translation.

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Here https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/799756/post/3893881
What is this? The artstyle reminds me of inuyasha
It's Inuyasha
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Anyone have doujin list that contain this fetish? It's ridiculously hard to find
its not the focus but this series has girls merging and being consumed by trees
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Anybody got similar stuff to this?, really like it
Did you read the entire doujin?
nice.....but too bad the assimilation only take the backseat.
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