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Starting up a new one, thanks to everyone for keeping us going.
Think of this as the sister to the Venus Thread.
Similar to that thread, this is for milfy, sexually mature women with curvy, full figures, but in this one they have just a little bit extra between their legs.
Futa on Venus welcome as well! Post it in here!
Previous thread here: >>10900229
For our sister Venus thread: >>10950464
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Need more Lucca
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big futas need big foreskins covering their big cocks
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Hell yeah, she's our futa life failure heart-throb.
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For me, it's Pekomama
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If only all women looked like this...
cocomoo does
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How do you guys feel about Shemales and Busty Boys? Or is the puss is integral?
You have your own containment thread, shit for brains.
Fucking stay there.
Busty boys are a dumb meme because 90% of them look exactly like women anyway but their creator insists that they're ackshually men because fuck you.
But if you can't see the undercarriage, how would you even know?
Impregnated by futa and man
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I will note their works include futa but are 2/3 normal women and usually are colorless sketches of women on the flabbier side
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gee idk anon maybe it's the childbearing hips
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This is /d/, childbearing hips are universal, man or woman.
Artist name? I can't decipher that signature
mijeh, watermark is literally in the pic
yes, i am blind apparently
Nice, thanks.
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[spoiler]I miss Bewbchan[/spoiler]

Where in the world did you find these? I've tried looking on the artist's pixiv and twitter, and have come up with nothing
I wanna see her make waffles now instead pancakes.
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What happened to them?
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Any twitter artists for venus futa/normal venus?
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he is just the best artist
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Her latest games were great.
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He is honestly the best when it comes to this stuff.
god I wish he finished mama muzu
Need to tend to a futa milf so that I could stroke their gigantic sweaty cocks and hear her moan as she shoots endless ropes of thick virile cum
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Somebody said something about their being a rumour about mama tama 2 I hope its true.
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Nice, thanks for the upgrade. Grabbed it from pixiv earlier while I was in a hurry and didn't have a chance to check his Twitter for an uncensored. Much better.
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So good, love the cock and balls lingerie
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Merry Christmas indeed
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Looks like Meshi Shinja has a new work in the pipeline. Corruption, futanarization and venusification are the usual themes of their work so this one should be good. Looks like it's going to be dealing with a sentai team that gets corrupted into futa monsters.
Kinda cliche, but yeah alright. I'll give it a look-see.
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Not sure if this one is fully public yet, just saw a preview on pixiv so hopefully soon. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119287386

Here's some translated versions of some of their previous titles to give you an idea of their stuff in the meantime:
>This is going straight into my cringe compilation!
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I love this art, the way they just causally start dripping cum with no stimulation from watching someone jerk off is so hot.
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>Busty boys
If it has tits its not a boy. Thats just a shemale with extra steps
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Sexo headcanon

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There used to be an image that was super common in these threads of a milfy ginger haired futa fucking a guy from behind with an xray shot of her cumming inside. Wish I had saved it, haven't seen it in weeks now.
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Okay bommer boomer hag
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Hello new desktop
most erotic pair of underwear I've seen drawn all month, holy shit.
this is hot
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Probably my favorite fetish of all time
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Please feel free to share any new pieces you come across, or just show us your favorite pieces if you have any. This thread tends to move slowly, so any images you have to share would be appreciated.
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