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Previous: >>10915360
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(with female feeder would be god tier)
Post more demons, please
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Here's this one
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Unfathomly based. Artist?
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Speaking of cow boys.
I nutted so many times just with this pic
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we need more fat dudes in skintight bodysuits
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I've seen a handful of pics from this artist but I cant remember their name
It's Drilldan
Genuine question: how many of you guys actually like the stupid anime stuff? Or do the rest of you guys just take what you can get? I genuinely can’t stand how it doesn’t even look like human faces. I dunno, this has bothered me for ages. I hate anime “guys”.
there is some anime stuff that's pretty good but for the most part, yeah the faces kill it for me, especially when the face makes them look way too young which just makes it gross and weird
that said, western art-styles for fat dudes are somehow just as bad because they always either look like cartoons or they just look like someone commissioned the art to specifically be based off of their real life appearance, which also always makes it gross and weird
most of the time i can just ignore the face to focus on the belly/ass/moobs/thighs and stuff but a lot of the time the faces for both artstyles just end up being total bonerkillers, especially if the character has a bored expression
Same camp as this guy >>11021082
really, take what I can get and focus less on the face when possible
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This is a dream of mine, someone getting me so fat I can't get through a doorway.

There is some good stuff, but yeah, some faces are drawn so bad it is just off putting. Either way this is all self insert for me so the face is less important than the scenario, or the body.
I don't like it when fatties are too realistic with double/triple chins, male hair lines, broad jaws, and jutting brows, so I'm fine with "make an ikemen face and say he's fat" with something like >>11017738 . There are way too many fat guys like Boogie that want to fit this mold, but don't have any charm whatsoever.

On the other hand, "draw a girl and say he's a boy" sets unrealistic standards that will never match reality, so there should be some compromise where the guy is at least handsome in some way.
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I just want someone to make me massive. Is it so hard to ask for someone who wants to turn me into a blob?
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I mean, how far are you down that road? How much do you weigh?
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240 lbs
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I have autism so I can't tell real faces from fake ones anyway.
isn't that one a chick?
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No, it's based on the goth OC from the femboy hooters meme (forgot the name).
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Feeling extra lonley tonight
I wish i had a big boy like this to do Mutual gaining with…
Anon, I am right here.
Does anyone have that angel devil pic that Nikutsuki deleted?
Is there more to this sequence?
yes but it all focuses on the girl getting fatter, try asking for it in the bbw thread or a weight gain thread the next time one appears
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i love fatty foxes so much, but its a shame that there's little relevant art in general.
foxBOYS? a joke for even thinking a suitable amount of content would exist.
maybe i could pull a helltaker.
Go for it anon, the world needs more fat foxboys
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anyone have sauce for pic related?
That a woman, faggot gtfo
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page 10 emergency bump
giwtwm the thread
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Plump Marth
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Tell me about it, begging to be plumped up to the size of these dudes.
What is hotter, a slow and steady gain, or a fictional "gain 500 lbs in a single binge" gain?
To any anons who started out skinny, but got fat for their own enjoyment:

Do you enjoy things more and how does it feel being so big?

I’m a big eater, so I’ve accepted that I’ll probably end up getting fat one day, so I wanna know what to expect.
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I didn't do it for fun, but because of a disease that made my appetite uncontrollable. At my heaviest I was 6 ft for 110 kg. Luckily most of my fat accumulates in my abdomen.
It's great when you get able to masturbate just by using your belly and I want to have my size play a heavier role with my partner, either the humiliation aspect or this fetish itself.
I like the idea of stuffing yourself so quickly that your belly becomes taut like a beach ball. Imagine the internal pressure on your sensitive parts
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Having a bigger butt and gut is pretty hot, I find myself absentmindedly jiggling it for fun and overeating till it’s painfully full and rubbing it is also heavenly
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Slow and steady, over like 10 panels is my ideal.

So I actually lost like 80 lbs because I want to actually have a relationship with someone someday and I figure it would be easier if I was thinner. But I did pork myself up to 310 lbs, and you sort of don't even notice if you aren't actively pursing this fetish. Hell I didn't even know I was 310 until I went to a doctor for something and they weighed me. I think if I weighed that now my perspective would be totally different. Either way, the fat pretty much was spread across my body from head to toes, and you never really notice it until you are put into weird situations like sitting at a restaurant booth and your stomach is touching the table, or having to get bigger clothes, or stepping onto an elevator and feeling it drop a bit to compensate your weight. But there is a freedom I miss being that big because I was basically eating whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. But I didn't realize how much I was eating really, like looking back I would get like 8 things from Taco Bell and just down them no problem. Even now my stomach is still high capacity, so I have to really think about what I put in it. My weight lately has been in flux, the apartment gym closed for renovations so I try to get exercise where I can but I have already put on 10 lbs in 2 and a half months and as I am getting older I know my metabolism is getting worse so I will probably end up being a 300+ lb monster again. God forbid if a feeder enters my life this body is gonna blimp fast. Also enjoy my favorite Feedee picture.
I had a teacher once tell me that a friend of his made decent money as an IT guy for a cruise ship. Years later and I'm now fantasizing about doing that primarily to see how much weight I could gain over the course of a single tour of duty with the free or discounted food.
cruises are already a weight gain trap from what i hear, especially carnival.
you're on whats effectively a floating buffet
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I'm seeing a cute guy that is pretty petite but has a nice beer belly that he grabs or "fondles" during casual conversation, possibly inadvertently. He doesn't know his much that turns me on!
Should I tell him I like that part of him a lot? I don't want to seem like I'm just after his body though.
>pic not really related, neither of us is that big
Do you want him bigger? I feel like you can either go the route of telling him and seeing how he reacts, probably positively if he likes you. I mean you could also go the don't tell him a thing and make sure he gets 'plenty' to eat.

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