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A thread dedicated to Futas showing off their insurmountable penile superiority over men.

No futasub it defeats the point.
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if a futa would say call me mommy I would instantly fall in love...
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I could see one of the super tall amazonian futas saying something like
>I'm way bigger than you in every other body part, how is my cock a suprise?
I like to post examples of what I'm after when talking about it/asking for it, but it's so tough to even find. I just want a normal sized dude to be with a small girl. She should be five feet tall or less, however, her wang should be enormous. The very idea of being put in one's place by someone who, in every other metric, is smaller is rather hot to me. If possible she should reveal it while smugly tapping the bigger cock tops sign.
Man, I thought I cracked the code for a second there with futa_on_male petite, but nope. It was the men who were petite.
Here my lovely wife, say something nice.

This is a disgusting hairy image.
If you think about it, futas are basically the ultimate version of what a human could evolve into. Taller, stronger, more sexually dominant, and capable of both giving birth and getting others pregnant - they're basically the perfect organism for outbreeding and surpassing the male/female population.
flat_chest does the trick, however the futas are usually lolis
Yeah, I found one like that, but didn't share it here because unless something changed that's only allowed on /b/.
This is also a disgusting hairy image.

What made you have incorrect subhuman taste for scat fetishists?
At least as offensive is the amount of censorship.
To the Anon that was requesting a story where all the men in the world become infertile and only futanari can impregnate regular women, I've written two chapters so far. Hopefully you see this post.

Chapter 1


Chapter 2

Making a Futadom Cyoa and have been putting together a cast any archetypes here in this lineup that you think are missing?
Disheveled watamote-esque girl who's addicted to blasting obscene, impossible ropes for people on the internet
The rori with the cock thats bigger than her arm alá Futabu
And the massive musclemommy futa
Where're you gonna post it when it's done?
Fat Mom
Comp-dating Gyaru
Little Sister type
Sooooo.....your height chart has an error when going from one foot to a new foot, such as 5'8" to 6'0".
There are 12 inches per foot, not 10. So there's a missing 2'10", 3'10", 4'10", and so on.
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(Goth?) bbw
Desperate faggot. You’re mixing a fetish within a completely separate one to try to unionize them because you want more. Don’t be surprised when people don’t like it. You can like hairy and have a disgust fetish, but futadom is separate. It can be included but that isn’t what the thread specified and you’re assblasted.
I love the "proud of my erection" facial expressions. But I would say that it is missing the one that looks a bit embarrassed by her uncontrollably stiff dick trying in vain to conceal it, obviously to big and to hard to hide.
Chapter 3 for those of you reading "A Union of Marriage" is out now.

Lazy maid.
So is this going to be a triad type of relationship or just plain old cuckolding?
A triad relationship. I might do some other variations down the road if I'm still in the mood for writing erotica.
Premise doesn’t make a lot of sense and it could be delivered with more subtly
Yeah, it was a writing prompt request from another thread so I kind of just jumped in, as I was concerned that I'd get bogged down trying to make the setting more realistic. Plus is basically a fancy smut story.

7/10 is fair, thanks.
Cool, kinda curious as to how Thomas and Elizabeths's relationship is gonna develope and how Thomas is gonna deal with his inferiority complex.Thanks!
Another thing, are you gonna post this story on Literotica, AO3 o similar?
The perfect futa
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>"We don't do take-out here, but since I ended up taking a little too much, I'm going to let you take it home just for today, but it really just happened to be too much!"
You're welcome, I appreciate the feedback. It's funny that you suggested posting the story elsewhere. I just tried upload chapter 4 to Pastebin and apparently you can't publicly post sexually explicit content. I'd have to privatize the newer chapters which might make them harder to find. So, I went ahead and made an account on Hentai Foundry, since I like their layout.

Chapter 4 is now out.

5'2", 16" cock, huge heavy balls, and 2-4L of cum per ejaculation?

My dream futa
Its all that and her power+sadism for me
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Nice, thank you! I would also recommend AO3 and/or Literotica, so it's easier to find for other people too. There's tons of futa smut on those sites.
Good job so far Anon, I'm enjoying this and looking forward to more.

If I had to levy a complaint so far it, would be that the dynamic between the three is weird, particularly between the main couple. There's a ton of tension that's not being addressed and it feels a little contrived at the moment. Like, Thomas is obviously dragging his feet hard and is fairly antagonistic with Elizabeth, and Catherine just doesn't really seem like she cares or wants to talk about it? It's common to have events play out like this in an NTR story, but if they're all supposed to eventually love each other then it's a strange angle to take IMO. So far the story makes me feel like I'm supposed to be rooting for Elizabeth to steal Catherine, rather than hope their three-way relationship actually works out.

Not to dog on you or anything. Maybe you're actually aiming to make Thomas a maso-cuck toy for Catherine and Elizabeth? If so then please carry on, that just wasn't the impression I had thus far. If you're indeed not looking to go that direction then I think the characters should have a heart-to-heart in a future chapter. They need to clear the air; have them address why Thomas is being so moody and why Catherine is being so permissive.
I'm not a huge fan of the layouts for A03 and Literotica, but that's probably a good idea considering how popular those platforms are. When I upload chapter 5, I'll go ahead and upload everything up to that point on both of those sites as well. Thank you for the recommendation.

I think your critique was more than fair. I am very conflict avoidant IRL which makes it harder for me to write conflict in stories, that's why things probably sound a bit unpolished. I'm a few chapters ahead of what I've released so far, and while I don't want to spoil anything, I will say that the conflict does eventually get addressed. (hopefully in a satisfying manner, but I can't promise anything, lol.)

Also, thank you for the feedback. While I don't really intend to profit off of the stories I write, constructive criticism does help me become a better writer which makes the hobby more enjoyable.
I understand that for sure. It's hard to write things in stories that you're uncomfortable with IRL. I'm sure with time and practice you'll find your own way to navigate it.

Excited to know you've already got a couple chapters queued up. Regardless of whether or not the conflicts resolve in the way I personally would write it, I'm very much looking forward to seeing it unfold. Don't worry so much about the execution being perfect, just have fun with it. A genuine story with good energy is far more gripping than one that's had every wrinkle clinically ironed out IMO.

Happy to give feedback, and happy it's helpful in any capacity. It's definitely more satisfying to write when you actually know someone is reading.
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A /tg/ cyoa or a fic in the style of a cyoa book?
Like >>11011496 said, a centaur or monstergirl of some kind would be nice!
Not sure if this is still the best thread to post this, but Chapter 5 is out now.

Good update. I appreciate the pull back after how quickly things have been escalating.
Nice!, Thanks!
Thanks! Good pacing is hard to write, so I'm glad that folks are enjoying the speed at which the story is progressing.

You're welcome!
Is she cumming soft-serve ice cream?
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Is this what you based your story on?
>The RETURN of the KING

Loving the story so far, anon, but I have a few comments/concerns.

Since Thomas is more or less our PoV character, I have a pretty good understanding of his feelings in all this. Elizabeth also laid out her feelings pretty clearly in chapters 1 and 2, though there are still a few unknowns about her: mainly what her ultimate intentions are. Does she want to muscle Thomas out and have Catherine all to herself? Or does she actually intend to give the 3 way thing a real shot? This works well as a mystery right now so I don't really have a problem with it.

What I do kind of have a problem with is Catherine. I can't quite get a read on her at the moment, she seems to love and care for Thomas, being very patient with him even as he is being kind of a dick. But she also seems to have jumped in the deep end with the whole 3 way thing a little too eagerly. How does she feel about Elizabeth? Does she like her more as a friend at the moment? Is she attracted to her? How much? If she just wants a baby, why bother with all this? Why not just wait til they have a little more money instead of going ahead with this reckless, potentially life-ruining plan? Is it because she wants a relationship with the father of her children? If so, how does Thomas' infertility affect how she views him? Or is this all just a pretense for wanting to ride Liz raw?

I don't really think lacking answers to these questions is a huge issue just yet, but I think it will be if we don't get some elaboration soon-ish. Catherine is in danger of falling into the role of a plot device, a prize for Thomas and Elizabeth to fight over. And if this is just an NTR story, than sure, that works, but it seems like this is rapidly becoming more than that.

Anyway, that's enough unsolicited writing advice. I eagerly await chapter 6.
Missing cute shy emotional futa with uncontrollable libido who rapes her boyfriend while apologizing at the same time.
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>Catherine is in danger of falling into the role of a plot device, a prize for Thomas and Elizabeth to fight over.
...just like real life women!
Glad you're enjoying it! Unfortunately I can't answer the bulk of your questions without spoilers, as you've touched upon a few active plot points. Though I can say that I am a few chapters ahead of what I've released and you'll be happy to know that Catherine's thoughts do get brought up discussed at some point.
Good to hear. I was asking all those questions more as a way to prompt you to ask yourself more questions about your writing, since I feel like that's when a writer does their best work. I trust the plan.
Ah, well it worked because I started focusing on Catherine's perspective after I read your comment, so thank you. :)
any chance we will see the girl and futa put him in chastity and each hold the key? or nah. just me sitting here hoping
Lots of great futas here with very suckable cocks. But damn that cowgirl with the horsecock is calling my name, i need her to rape me.
Anyone got the new muchin post ?
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Yup, that was it.

I don't really get the obsession of chastity cages. What's the appeal? Isn't better humiliation to just see the stark contrast between the males and the futas dicks? You don't get that with a cage.
I love when the art has extra lore and info. So hot when done well. Dunno if there's a tag for it on boorus
You can have both. Show the comparison first, then cage after (or vice versa I guess).
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>Hopefully you see this post.
Well, what can I say? I'm happy to know that my autism has inspired someone to write a story. Whenever I fap to pictures without any dialog or context, I always feel the need to craft a scenario in my head about what lead to the scene being depicted. This picture was my inspiration for that particular greentext.
>Weaponizer autism.
Sometimes, this dumpster of a website ain't that bad
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Oh, I also made another post in that thread with some additional lore that I came up with in the spur of the moment. Hopefully you find it useful for your story.
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he should make more futa on male
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>I might give you a blowjob if you let me use your ass

God, It's pretty blatant how unfair of a trade this is. Especially with the way her monster cock will absolutely reck his insides. Still, I could imagine her coaxing a guy into accepting this. She'd convince him it's the only chance hell have to ever get his dick wet, constantly bullying him for his inferior size.
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More like hump
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But what if someone clumsily enhugened it?
That thing looks big enough to actually hurt his head from the weight
I find it hot when the futa is fucking the gf/wife and is holding the key and the guy is locked. its like an extra step in being in control i find hot
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pretty much that and >>11021555 image makes me diamonds. its hard to find art just like that
A really muscular one would be great. Tall, muscular, and with a really thick but not too long penis, and big balls to match.
Let me get this straight:
>somewhat original worldbuilding
>serviceable characters that have slightly more depth than a cardboard cutout
aaaand the direction you choose to take this story is...generic and (what's worse) boring futa cuckold story. Outstanding. You should feel truly proud.
looks ass. Was the original seriously too small?
The original is perfect. If i cant realistically imagine it penetrating me without injury it turns me off, still want it big though.
It was a solid premise and I thank you for the inspiration. I'll try to have the next chapter ready by tomorrow. Also, nice trips.
This reminds me of an idea I had where futa are a purely magical thing (like, she used a spell to grow a dick or steal one), and there's a special effect in play where the dick always fits somehow. You might get impossibly stretched or bulged out, but you won't get injured. Even if a guy were to be just as hung, he'd actually run into realistic problems getting his dick wet.
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I didn't make the image.
but futacocks should never be sub 12"
Anyone have the image by this artist of the two big dicked loli's making fun of the viewer for having a small penis?
Then I guess that Nagatoro is 2.5' tall.
i hate this nigger the prez and gamo ae way better and sexier than this ugly gremlin
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Nagatoro was designed way earlier (even before paisen), and the entire premise hinges on her. This is basically a case of a later season character being better than the protag or episode 1 love interest. Too late.
do you have the one with Usaki-chan
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>always let crazy stick in you
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>Big tiddy muscle futanari milf tomboy
This is perfection, this girl along with his Ogre girl are his best girls. Shame he barely draws the Ogre girl nowdays. Hope someday he makes a game like he teased the other day.
I enjoy the story and eagerly await more chapters. I do feel like his wide could be a little more defensive of her husband, would make it feel less cuckold like.
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Blonde Bimbo
aside from what's posted in thread, any good stories about this?
In The Shadow of a Giant on Archive of Our Own.
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>In the Shadow of a Giant (ITSOAG)
>A Beast of Fate:
>Honour Thy Mother:
>She's the Boss (aka "Irina Blackwell" on AO3 if you prefer):
>F is Always Bigger:
>Birthday Party (some don't like it b/c it didn't commit to the NTR - but I think it's worth a read):
>In Time for Summer:
>Falling for temptation
>Date Night (don't remember if this is exactly "Futa is always bigger" related, but I DO remember liking it)
>The Future is Futa

and damn near anything MisterretsiM, Dongstar, ThreeLeggedGals and Thalaxian have written.
Absolutely great recomendations
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Anyone know decent writers who take comms for this kinda stuff?
What sort of plot are you looking for? I don't take comms because I can never be sure I'd actually be able to put my noodle into write mode, but if your idea tickles my pickle I might manage something.
Can't believe I just found this.
>Guy has crush on girl at his school who's tall for her age
>Peaks on her unable to fit her cock into her swimsuit
>In shock he runs off, traumatizing her
>Years pass
>Guy works as or pretends to be an HVAC repairman
>Gets called to her house
>Her room is a mess but he cleans for her before working
>She gets caught watching porn, he has seen the same porn and comments on it with her
>Notices she looks insanely tall laying down
>Removes her blanket and sees her now huge but still flaccid cock.
>Gives admittedly gross head
>Her mom almost catches them, in the shuffle he turns away and she stands up.
>He turns back to realize she's now easily over 7' tall.
>Proceeds to get used as a sex toy before they admit their love for eachother.
This is a great list. Are there any other stories like Birthday Party with intense NTR but also a wholesome ending for the guy?
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Thereshegoes123 has one story that turns sweet for the cuck in the end:
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Anything without NTR?
There's a few written stories with more or less that
I can post some futa stories I like but it's not necessarily futa is bigger just hot futa stories if you want.
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If you have any lovey-dovey stuff of futa hollowing out a man's ass and gently jackhammering the cum out of him like in
by all means post them.
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Plenty. Some of the stories I'm gonna post might not exactly be "lovey-dovey" but if ya don't like NTR, you might like these. These are Futa on male centric.
>Sephalla, My Nightmare
>Welcome to the Family
>Milking The Bull
>Fresh Meat (there's a tiny bit of NTR DESCRIBED in chapter 1; but the story itself is not NTR and does have a happy ending)
>Pregnant Futas Banging Husband
>Futa City: Traffic Stop & Stolen or Losted
>Joining Her Harem
>The Fire in His Eyes
>Through Heaven and Hell
>Motherly Grudge
>Beginning Anew
>Exotic Sensations
>Family Issues

AO3 is down rn. So I'll come back later with stuff from there.

The story's a little contrived at times and the futa on male hasn't happened yet, but this is all I really got. Wholesome endings in NTR don't really happen...
If you're into hyper futanari, Misterretsim has also has 2 stories you might be interested in. "An Agreement Gone Wrong" and "A Good Wife's Gift"
Thanks! Yeah, I get that NTR and wholesome don’t usually go together. I’m more broadly interested in any kind of “enemies to lovers” story. I remember enjoying “the fire in his eyes”.

I’ve really liked “an agreement gone wrong” so far too. I think my ideal wholesome futa scenario is a guy having a loving, mutually respectful relationship with his futa wife while she sexually dominates the neighborhood.
Round 2:
>The Love He Never Had
>The Bet
>Meetup IRL (likely dead - but still good)
>Her Royal Pet
>The Tale of Chris Rellender (Orphan account - will never get finished)
>The Futanari Diaries
>The Weekend
>No Good Deed is Forgotten
>The New Girl
(I thought I had more than this, but most of the shit I bookmarked are Futa on Female, maledom, or fanfics - sorry fellas)

If enemies to lovers is your kind of thing, check out "Her Royal Pet" as well as the rest of Thalaxian's works. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like I have many stories that are enemies to lovers. The ones that I do either aren't futa, are fanfics of series you may or may not be interested in... or ABO.

You might be interested in "The Sea of Darkness" but thats futa on female. Otherwise it's as Enemies to Loves as you can possibly get.

Thanks for sharing more! I’ll check those out.

I don’t like fanfics, but I’m into futa on female and normal femdom. I usually skip ABO because I don’t read M/M, but if you have anything that’s not I’m interested.
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Based futa on male smut enjoyer
Why isn't this real...
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Pls do you have any hyper futa on male ones that don't involv cucking/ntr in them?
Except if the man is cheating with the futa, and that is the ONLY cheating that happens
>Wanted to check what has this artist done recently
>Account suspended
I love Sylvia so much
I've got one of just over 3K. The woman probably isn't anywhere near as sadistic as you'd like, but the bottom is indeed a femboy. I was prioritizing another story in the editing process, but it's probably good enough to read now if you really really want.
my dick is ready anon
Sorry, I had to go shopping.
BTW, I know this pic isn't DG, but this is Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame, the character in question, a new Hololive vtuber. Just picture her with a cock, which should be easy if you read the following:

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it's pretty bad
genuinely thirsty for any futa story but yours is pretty fucking bad sorry bro
Huh. Yours is genuinely the first response I've gotten saying it's straight up bad. Ohh well, to each their own.

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