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Girls having their bodies being taken over by all sorts of entities (e.g. ghost, slime, parasite, monster, alien, robot, etc.)
Previous Thread: >>10935410
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bump again
Bump the thread by actually posting content.
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so am I the only one who's going to be posting content or what? a thread needs more than one participant you know
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if no one else posts content after this I'll just let the thread archive
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I do have a bit in storage, but i don't think i have anything new
So apologies if i have sent repeats
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She makes a great ghost wingman. I'm sure Karma doesn't mind it either.

Not sure where to find more Phoenix Wright possession stuff because it isn't tagged well on gelbooru.
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this would be so fucking hot if it wasn't furry shit
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Anyone here got access to neoniez that can update svscomics?
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bro why are you asking for daz studio garbage? that shit looks awful, I know this fetish is pretty niche and content is scarce but get some standards
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Here's the links to the rest of his works that contains possession
Is there any possession that ISN'T "Bad End"esque?
What would that be like in the first place? that the possessed girl accepts being possessed? That the one who possessed her returns to her body and this girl falls in love with him as a couple, having some kind of consensual possession like erotic role play? I just don't know what something with a good ending would be like in cases of possession in which the entire plot is to steal another person's body to play with their body.
Holyyyy fuckkk!!!! Source for that ?
Well OP with Von Karma is a good example. The possession is really cute, and beneficial to Von Karma since she was crushing on Wright before.
The most common good end posession story I see is one where the possessor needs a body so the host gives it to them to help. Not much of that in porn though. It's mostly for symbiotes who take turns with the host for control over the body.
Could also go evil host, good possessor route. I imagine a evil woman kicking an orphaned puppy then getting instant Karma by getting possessed by a ghost that's kind and tries to make up for all the host's crimes.
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Been a while since i have been on these threads
Yes, it's nice all in all but I think it would be more suitable for a regular manga than something in itself, I feel like it could be a good premise of a girl taking the body of another so that she can declare herself to the person she likes, but more From there I feel that the topic is somewhat limited on that part.
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Hottest version of this sequence.
i like that, its a shame dont suck her own tits using her body
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I've been mulling over an idea ever since I entered the thread. It's sort of a possesionXpersonality excression blend.
>There exists a cool yet harsh heroine warrior and her clumsy and meek female sidekick
>Together they battle the forces of an evil sorcerer
>During one particular battle, the heroine gets separated from the sidekick while she battles the sorcerer
>Sorcerer uses this opportunity to cast a personality excression spell on the heroine
>She voids her body and the sorcerer takes over
>Plans on using her body to seduce a prince back in their kingdom and take over
>Sidekick shows up to the aftermath of the fight, and sees the heroine's personality jelly spilled out
>Compelled to eat it because reasons
>The heroine and sidekick now share a body, comedic and lewd bickering ensue
>Sorcerer uses body to maybe play with his own henchmen and seduce guards, making his way to the prince
>Meanwhile, the sidekick and heroine are stuggling because two souls aren't supposed to be in the same body, they need to use an anal plug to keep from spilling out
>Prince and sorcerer hook up, but right before the sorcerer can make his play, the heroine/sidekick show up
>They fight, but sorcerer manages to capture them
>Sorcerer thinks he's won, but the prince catches him with his guard down and strikes him, causing him to spill out his personality
>Freed from his containment spell, all that's left is for the sidekick to excret the heroine's jelly back into her body
>Heroine hates this, but sidekick squats over her and does it anyway
>Heroine and sidekick get their bodies back
>Sorcerer's personality is trapped inside some sort of monster/sex slave to be used by the guards
>Heroine has become more kind and softspoken after the ordeal, sidekick has become more capable and confident
>Subtly imply that their personalities miggled too much before being separated
Happy End. I'd draw it if I could. Might even write it if it interests anyone.
Sounds very interesting. Love the butt plug detail.
I don't really know, personally I like possession doujins more when some entity takes the body of a girl to have sex with other girls and even creates a lesbian harem, for my part it seems more interesting than simply possessing a body to have sex with men.

I came up with an idea for a story but I still have to polish it and maybe I'll commission it to an artist I know.

> in a fantasy world an evil and crazy alchemist is betrayed by the group of nobles for whom he worked creating drugs among other products.
> He dies but transfers his consciousness to a coreless slime using his own soul mixing with him in order to survive.
>He swears revenge and goes after their daughters who study at an all-girls school.
> His plan is to take the bodies and consciousnesses of all his daughters in order to break the marriage commitments that several of them have in order to cause political chaos in the country.
> Thanks to the properties of the slime he can take as many bodies as he wants at the same time and even change their proportions.
>build a lesbian harem with all of them and using their alchemical knowledge make them always young with an eternal life in addition to not needing things like sleeping or eating or various basic needs.
>take all said girls to a far away place even a pocket dimension so they don't find them.
>see the chaos caused by noble families losing their daughters without ever knowing that their bodies were stolen.
>see the chaos that is caused among the politicians and nobles of the country when their daughters break up their marriages to escape all of them to have lesbian sex with each other without stopping and at the same time being left without anyone who can give them heirs.
>enjoy girls having lesbian sex non-stop for all eternity
Oh god damn it. I saw that Kurisu, the guy behind the Popuni series, had a new doujin up on e-hentai, but it looks like it's been completely expunged, I can't even find it on exhentai. Did anyone manage to save it in time?
are you trying hitomi or n hentai?
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Why did he write that last chapter?

Why do artists take a story one direction for 90% of the narrative, then 180 during the last 10% and think
>Aww yeah, the gooners gon' love this
i found it in hitomi la , a very good doujin

Nice, love live. Would love more possession content from that franchise.
this one?
aww man, I thought the guy would transfer over to the vice president's body
not enough FtF possession
Truly. That one anime about the brocon sister that was conned by a demon trapped in a card which took over her body and seduced her brother was the hottest concept.
Wixoss I think
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Truly an underrated niche in this genre, I wish there was more of it. There was one hentai I read where a guy's sister body swapped with his gf which was pretty hot, can't remember the name.
Anyone has the English translation of hyouik about 2b possessed by a parasite
I posted it in a previous thread, look up the archive
Working on a "fungeon" scenario prompt for AI, need some ideas for possession type monsters to have, preferably with a description that can skirt restrictions
slimes its the more clasics, will o wisp can be usefull as well, maybe some clas of plant or parasite, a goblin or magic user creature can be good option as well.
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Posted this >>11008890 in the Personality Excretion thread. You guys might be interested in the slime absorption-possession-impersonation side of it
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I know some of us don't like AI but...
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there needs to be more art of mirko getting possessed
It seems Hyouik is finally making a fanbox for those who can use Fantia. Thats just fucking nice. Fantia sucks.
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Who cant*
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Possession is an inherently dark genre. It's a genre of fetish based around stealing someone's body and life, completely taking away their control of themselves. There is no "good end". You accept the genre, then you accept it for what it is. It's like complaining that the rape fetish doesn't have enough consensual stuff.
>Potato Salad
And my interest is dead just like that. The blobby art is ugly.
You'd have to make a very contrived specific scenario where there's not really much sympathy for the possessed while you don't feel like the possesser is doing anything wrong stealing the other person's body
Like maybe the hero and female healer finally kill or exorcises the demon empress but the female healer's body was damaged beyond recovery so she transfers her consciousness into the demon empress' body
>It's like complaining that the rape fetish doesn't have enough consensual stuff
Not sure if that's the best example since I've also seen people complain that too many rape mangas end with the girl loving it/'losing to the dick'.
Potato Salad art looks strange at first and then you quickly realize that oh, they actually draw some of the hottest stuff out there. There's just something about it.
I've been seeing it for years and no, it just looks like shit.
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gonna finish my bootleg translation of the new tirotata possession tomorrow
shit's a bit underwhelming even though the art is great as usual. Now to wait 2 years for part 2
It's pretty alright for a first chapter, it's good that the girl is still conscious while being possessed otherwise the revenge wouldn't have had any weight. It's always nice to see new Tirotata stuff, definitely my favorite artist for skinsuit and possesion.
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yeah it alright, honestly probably shouldn't be analyzing porn so much

anyway it's done now (add dot after ibb since 4chin is stupid)
ibb co/album/BHfY1x?sort=name_asc

kinda shitty, a bit more effort than usual with outlines and different fonts for different characters. I quite like it even though it's pretty messy. It's weird none of the normal translators play with fonts, text color etc etc nearly as much but I guess it's not a well paying job to translate smut.
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gonna post the few first here
had to guess or make creative additions in some places because japanese language is retarded I guess? they do love to repeat the same thing 10 times with different words
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ahh caught a typo here oh well whatever
if you have any suggestions or improvements that wouldn't take much effort for next time feel free to give them.
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episode 2 will probably involve this shota getting mind-broken
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alright read the rest here
ibb co/album/BHfY1x?sort=name_asc
or here a zip file if you want to download all at once
files catbox.moe/u1ci4h.zip
>ibb co/album/BHfY1x?sort=name_asc

its very good but with that breast size i understand how he no suck her own breast in a minimum a panel, man its very disapointing
Is it just me or does neither work in order to view or download?
>It's weird none of the normal translators play with fonts, text color etc etc nearly as much
There's a good reason for that. It's a cute idea but it makes actually reading the text a bitch.
Thanks! Decent translation, and much earlier than I was expecting. Some typos and not a fan of a few of the fonts but overall good. Appreciated.
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TL stuff
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Not Proof reader so sorry for typos
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Another one
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This one seems to be a big serie but couldn't find it
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>ultra generic girl design AND ugly beach ball tits
Honestly at this point I feel like everything is going to just be a disappointment. But I also don't like Tirotata all that much anyway.
>ultra generic girl design AND ugly beach ball tits
>Honestly at this point I feel like everything is going to just be a disappointment. But I also don't like Tirotata all that much anyway.

its hentai, what you expect? a ultra complex desing only for porn oneshot? he draw so good at many levels.
I don't mind the girl's design honestly, but yeah I wish possession artists like duokuma and tirotata would experiment with more interesting character ideas other than just "generic pretty high school girl with big tits"
Source? Looks pretty good.
Like what? What other designs do you suggest to be more "original"? I guess it won't be something furry because there are already quite a few of those in the West.
chubby girls, ripped girls, skinny girls, nerdy girls, tomboys, goth girls, anything other than just the generic pretty girl with big boobs who may or may not be a high school student. the japs mog the shit out of western artists when it comes to making art but my god they have the most plain, boring, and generic taste when it comes to women.
I mean, do things that are just as generic only what safe horny stuff, keek, at least they come out pretty and if that bothers you so much, you can commission artists to make doujins of the topic to your tastes.

Remember that those who are involved in these issues do these things more for pleasure than to please people who only pirate their content keek
Here you go:
Part 1 - https://exhentai.org/g/2934806/8904e53795/
Part 2 - https://exhentai.org/g/2934812/a8e314908f/
Part 3 -
Where's the original from?
Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117452724
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Hopefully somebody rips/translates Time Leap Idol. It's a just started series about a middle aged loser reminiscing about when he was popular in high school being sent back into the past in the body of a nerdy girl that was in his class. I would guess something like that counts as possession, right? Looks like it's probably darker in tone because the description is about him discovering the "true nature" of his class from back then.

Three chapters out but looks like you have to buy them from cmoa.jp or register or whatever.

I think what >>11017280 said hits the nail on the head. I just want variety because I'm tired of looking at generic Im@s or gachaish designs that mostly fall under a few archetypes: generic high school girl (usually with long dark hair and bangs/hime cut), generic college girl with lighter hair, generic OL with slightly shorter hair/bun and generic MILF with light hair and ponytail draped over her left shoulder. Some times you might see a gyaru but I've noticed they tend to crop up more in body swaap stories. Also too many artists do balloon tits which I find ugly. You can have those types, it'd just be nice to see some things like tomboys, jimikos and whatever tossed in too.

Like man, guy possesses the handsome princely boy in his class/school who the girls swoon over only to find out that "he" is a reverse trap and uses her body to seduce girls seems like a plot that writes itself but I don't think I've ever seen it.
First, ESL

Second, there's an artist on Pixiv I've been wanting to do requests for for a long time since he's been my favorite TSF artist for a few years but unfortunately my financial situation has gone from good to shit in the last few months. Even if it hadn't, I'm American so I don't really have any way to request R-18 stuff on there thanks to the credit card companies.
>Like man, guy possesses the handsome princely boy in his class/school who the girls swoon over only to find out that "he" is a reverse trap and uses her body to seduce girls seems like a plot that writes itself but I don't think I've ever seen it.
I saw that exact story in a doujin once, I think a student kills himself or dies from an illness in the hospital and then wakes up in the body of the most handsome guy in the school, and when he goes check himself out in a mirror in the restroom he finds out that the school's prince is actually a girl, and then his crush who is also the girlfriend of the prince comes look for him in the restroom and he tries to get all pervy with her only to find out that she's actually a guy in drag, and then he gets fucked by him because of course he does
>I just want variety because I'm tired of looking at generic Im@s or gachaish designs that mostly fall under a few archetypes: generic high school girl (usually with long dark hair and bangs/hime cut), generic college girl with lighter hair, generic OL with slightly shorter hair/bun and generic MILF with light hair and ponytail draped over her left shoulder.
I couldn't have said it better, that's literally what this fetish boils down to when it comes to possession doujins. commissions are better of course because they don't suffer from that lack of variety issue but they're so few and far between
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>muffled screams
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I feel like the protags of all the stories like this are too short-sighted. Why ruin the girl's good life when you can keep it good and steal it?
Even considering the last part of that description, do you have a link or know what it's called?

I don't know how it goes with Japanese commissions but a lot of western commissioners seem to mostly just want fan art and frankly I really only like stuff with OCs. Maybe that's more a thing with the "donate to me so I can use the money to commission stuff" though. I've thought semi-recently about setting up one of those types of things myself but I don't know what the best place to go with would be since I assume Patreon has gone to shit. Also, no idea how much money I'd be able to bring in for what would essentially "send me money to pass along to artists for the things I specifically want". Then I don't typically know where all the LatAms and SEAs hang out and I don't use twitter or social media of any sort. So it all feels like a nonstarter.
"I'll ruin her life" is always just a (very thin) excuse to have the former guy fuck dudes and turn into a cockslut whose face is permanently stuck in ahegao.
>I've thought semi-recently about setting up one of those types of things myself but I don't know what the best place to go with would be since I assume Patreon has gone to shit.
someone I know set up a patreon exactly for that, and he's currently receiving $300 monthly. what you have to do to set up a successful patreon to commission art that you specifically like is to appeal to a niche within your fetish, or commission stuff that's currently lacking in your fetish. create profiles on pixiv and deviantart and shill your patreon there, people will eventually pledge money if the price is reasonable ($3, $5)
I assume it'd be good to have stuff done already which would be where the problem lies since I have no money to commission stuff off the bat. Feels like it'd be lame to shill something with nothing on it.
There was a hentai on an older thread where a girl possess another girl and by stays in her body for a long time. When she leaves that body for a new her soul has taken on the appearance of the body she possessed for so long. Has anyone got links to that?
well yeah, you need to have stuff ready beforehand, how else are you going to entice people to donate to you?
>want variety
>he wants the same generic shit they do in the west only with his fetish.
>they don't want to pay an artist to make drawings about it.
>they don't want to learn to draw on their own to do it.
>not understanding that they are targeting that audience with pretty girls because that is what is sold in this type of fetishes in general.

It is much more morbid and interesting to have a girl who seems innocent with a sexy body to most of the things they say both at a general level and at a commercial level, which is why many who dedicate themselves to making a living from this fetish use that type of girls to his works.

As I said before, you can raise money to make a commission with those types of girls for someone or learn to draw yourself, because if you prefer, there are many pretty girls with good bodies to choose from with the trope I mentioned above than some Of those that you mentioned before that are simply generic tastes, only from the West.
>It is much more morbid and interesting to have a girl who seems innocent with a sexy body to most of the things they say both at a general level and at a commercial level
you're right but that doesn't mean that it's not boring as hell, every doujin feels exactly the same because they all follow the same formula and use the same designs/settings, it's literally just
>girl who looks innocent and pure with a generic design gets possessed by a pervy guy and plays with her body and/or gets fucked by a dude
I'm so fucking tired of it
I LOVE it..wish there were few more like this..
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I'm pretty much surprised the lack of works related ghost starscream. from all the media he has possessed many characters including humans
>Takino Mishin does some decent character designs
>all of his work is possession I believe
>almost all of it is just dozens of pages of the protagonist in the girl's body getting raped
I think the only real exception is the one where the dude possesses his friend's mom and then fucks his friend turning the son into a momcon.
The one where the underling possesses his boss lady is consensual after the first encounter, and he starts scheming on how to eventually keep his boss' body forever. I really wish that one had gotten a sequel.
can someone cuck this patreon fuck out of his cash? seriously he has bodyswap and possession animations and hes holding them for months on some shitty discord. risu nsfw and sixul world are the same way as well as a bunch of others. https://kemono.su/patreon/user/19988749
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i'm with the other guy, you have a bigger problem than most of us
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does anyone here have any updates on paradog? his last upload was half a year ago and the last thing he said was that he had a neck injury and that he was going to start working on making content again as soon as his injury healed
My brother in Christ, this isn't even furry. It's straight up bestiality!
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Someone on Farhad's posted a raw for chapter 1 of Time Leap Idol but I don't know if it was ripped or screencapped or what because the image size seems pretty small.

What a shitty file hoster, use zip please
Would love to see more Frightwig Ghostfreak possession. criminally underrated. Unfortunately original artist could never complete the comic.
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The comic and the artist. We absolutely need more Frightwig and ghostfreak possession. https://x.com/maysomehowbe/status/1641196274023305216?t=P2mIQg4YXQ7pHpzlwuxhUA&s=19
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Let's not forget marine houshou
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Don't blame me, I'm not the one uploaded it.
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would letting a ghost possess your girlfriend be considered cheating?
artist name?
Anyone know the artist for this one?
Never mind I can't read

For how many of us was this the start of our possession fetish?
Oh definitely for me!
I used to think that ghostfreak would possess Gwen permanently and grow up as her..so in alien force,Gwen is naked and looks a bit like ghostfreak and is one of Ben's villian, the real Gwen is dead and ghostfreak made the body his permanently
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Not mine but i can see the appeal,
My own would probably originate from Danny Phantom or the scene from that Scooby Doo movie where Daphne got possessed by Fred
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I wish this were regular possession instead of bodyswap since the art's great but everything going on with the real lady makes it pretty depressing
I guess it's another flavor of how dark do you like your possession/body swap scenario since I much prefer stuff like soul merge/take over possession where I don't have to think so much about what happens to the victim at the end
Lmao mine came from a really old Anime called Voltes V, one of the bad guys' monsters possesses the heroines by disguising itself as a ring.
Anyone have chapter 2 for this? I have videos I'd be willing to trade
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That one episode of the Tarzan tv series is what drew me into this fetish. I had my first sexual experience watching Jane get possessed by Queen La. I was so young I thought I had to go pee when I got bricked up.
This was good with nice art even if I generally hate that body type but this is a body swap and not a possession so why are you posting it in the possession thread?
holy shit love this one but there's like 3 forced/reverse possession images out there.
Also girls possessing girls (>>11002639) or their friends for a good time is great.
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This one sounds similar
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I would ask that ghost to possess me
no, but it would be considered rape
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Does anyone have ParasiteLovers stuff on Baby ?
Pretty sure mine started with Yu Gi Oh back when it was still airing on 4kids. Danny Phantom didn't help.
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So many fingers. Much wow...
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Are there any downloads anywhere for Zetsubou 2000 and Onna no Ko Doushi? Those are kind of my holy grails of possession VNs simply because I think they might have been the first I ever heard about but I've never actually been able to play them.
Onna no Ko Doushi is on h-suki you just have to make an account to see the link. I haven't found anything for zetsubou 2000 but i only did some quick google searching.
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Did this ever get an ENG translation? i think i recall reading it befre
Got downed on exhentai by FAKKU but it’s archived on nhentai

[Tirotata] Adabana Ch.2 (COMIC BAVEL 2024-08) [SAMPLE]

Can’t wait for Ch.2 to come out and it’s TL. Looks pretty promising.
>.bin and .cue files meaning I'm going to have to install one of the adware riddled virtual drive programs to play it
>or I'll have to go with an adware riddled program to convert it to an ISO
I legitimately can't believe people are still recommending shit like Daemon Tools even though everyone knows it's a malware trashfire.
here you go, i'm the guy who made the shitty TL of p1. This one is a bit more readable hopefully.
ibb co/album/Jv7Q0C?sort=name_asc
files catbox.moe/tfz4pg.zip
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i'll post the first 5 here too
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It’s not shitty bro. I really appreciate the work you’re putting in for us. You a real one king.
thanks bro!!!!
here it is
btw if someone could update it that would be great
what if your girlfriend fully consents to it?
>Reads the Kamin vs. Kale comic
Kamin is probably the best thing to come out of Super DB Heroes. She deserves more love and fresh bodies.
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I'm more of a Oren fan, the way he immediately wanted to take over Caulifla, was the best
And is hotter since there's a guy taking control of her body
Hello, I'm the dev for this project that I posted on the previous thread: https://f95zone.to/threads/making-a-new-possession-corruption-focused-rpg-maker-game-need-suggestions.201377/

I gave up on looking for artists, I just don't have the budget. I'm considering on using Honey Select 2 for the character art instead (I don't really like Koikatsu's style that much). Problem is, most of the clothes in the game are modern-like and the fantasy ones are pretty much just cosplays of existing characters.

Do you guys know where I can find clothing/mods that fit a fantasy feel?
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Does anyone have this image? I found it on one of the archived threads, but the image is deleted and can’t be downloaded or upsized
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Anybody have Niboshi-kun no Hentai vol 4? The comic is about a pervy high school guy that can possess objects, but in vol 4 ch 4 he accidentally possesses the body of the school's tomboy girl after she gets bonked by a soccer ball. Tried looking all over, but no luck.

Most I could find was a Japanese blog with a couple of pictures from it


In vol 2 ch 8 there is also another possession where he possesses some skin cream that a girl puts on, and he gains temporary control of her body. Here's a link of that for y'all.

Multi-body possession honestly needs to die. It was neat at first but it takes away any of the fun because all it amounts to is a guy just taking over everyone and basically the characters then either act the same but they're now cock-hungry sluts or they just act like the guy and are rape-crazed lesbian (and cock-hungry) sluts. Either way it takes out what I enjoy about possession.
need more multy body possesion and more lesbian orgys with that, its more fun.

when have a possesion doujin and the protagonist use the body of the girl who possed to fuck other man ruining all the point and become boring as fuck.

why some one want use a body a sexy girl to fuck a other man when can you have a lesbian harem? its better
Considering the popularity of Pokemon like Gengar and Gastley, I'm surprised there isn't more Pokemon possession content.
I can't stand it because Pokemon are animals. It's no different to me than if a dog or a horse or something possessed a girl and there's nothing sexy about that to me.
BetterRepack should have a fuckton of clothes including fantasy ones
Problem is, the optional modpack is like 250GB. I barely have enough space to download it, let alone extract it.
If you want another image, I can see if I have it
That's a shame...Art is expensive after all.
I will say though....transitioning from 2D chibi sprites to 3D realistic models can be kinda jarring.
At least Koikatsu's anime 3D models won't cause such a huge whiplash.
But this is just my opinion, you have the final call .
Keep up the good work and don't burn yourself out!
I'll only be using Honey Select screenshots for the sex scenes and character portraits. As for the sprites, I would probably stick with the default 2D Chibis.

My only problem is the lack of fantasy clothing options for HS2 that doesn't involve downloading a 270GB modpack.
Now I'm coming to realize, there isn't any possession doujin where this one came out with some unforeseen thing? I give an example:
>guy enters a girl's body using possession
> the guy does what he wants with the girl's body (masturbation, sucks her own tits, etc.)
> the guy believes that he had completely dominated the body
>plot twist
> the girl pretended all this time that she had dominated her and simply did everything he asked of her own free will.
>the girl was a yandere stalker who was always in love with the protagonist
>When she realizes that the protagonist now shares a body with her, she does not let him go and they remain both in the same body.
> Now everyone believes she is a narcissist in love with herself when in reality she has the soul of the guy she likes next to her inside her body, spending every night masturbating for the enjoyment of both.

Admit that at least it is an original turn of events to the possession mangas.
finding what? It has nothing to do with the post writen before.
Is there a kemono page for this guy?
It can be temporary
It can be consensual
The target could be evil
To the person making the game ITT or anyone who's worked with RPG Maker, any advice or guides on doing a possession style game? I've had MV for a while but I seriously don't even have the first clue as to what I'm doing so wouldn't know how to make a good possession mechanic or anything like that. Likewise, any good resources for things like characters or any good/required plugins?
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Title: This world is an erotic RPG?

Fanbox posts came with some extra narration that isn't in the images. Translated below.


One day, a "Window" appeared.

It seemed to show the name, information, abilities, etc... of the person in front of me. At the same time, I learned of the existence of "Skills".

It seems there are people in this world with special abilities... And I am one of them.

My skills are... "Possession" and "Hypnosis".
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Celia-chan is loved by everyone in Wakaba. She's like an idol in this small town.

She's kind to even an unemployed outcast like me. A truly compassionate girl.

I decided to try out a "Skill" on her.
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The "Possession" was successful. Her body was mine to control.

Soft, warm skin. Full nudity, something I would never normally see in my lifetime.

I ogled her intently.

...She won't have any memories of being "Possessed". Anything I do, she'll never know... In that case...
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Celia-chan is the best. I'm so glad I experienced my first female pleasure with her.

Of course, I gave her back her body. She had no memory of what happened when "Possessed"... But she has an odd status now.

I'm sorry Celia-chan, but masturbating really felt so good. You should enjoy yourself more often.

Celia-chan's the best.

This "Possession" skill is amazing. ...Of course, "Hypnosis" is next. Now... Who to try it on?

==== End of Translation ====

Imagine if a full-dive VR game like this existed... Instant purchase.
its a good idea, but its lame she never suck her own tits, its someting anoying view some one posses the body of a busty girl and never suck her own breast, its a missing oportunity.

she need the title of "adicted to suck her own breast" as well
Was part 1 posted in this thread or another? It was downed from nhentai and i don’t see either on ex
Welp I found a gem. Story about a knight who was used as material for a soul binding sword by a princess and knight captain but takes control of the sword and uses it to possess them.

>chinese text
>AI art
Read a story a while back about a girl living in a farm and her parents leave for a week or so? A parasite that normaly latches onto the cows attaches itself to the back of her k neck and she could take it off, but it turns her on so she doesn’t,eventually it mind controls her to kill her dad and bring the rest of her family for the bugs, ring any bells for anyone? Id love to look over it again, was fairly long
Found it’s, called adaptation, very nice

Yeah, the AI art isn't great. Think the premise is cool though. Possessing someone via stabbing them with a special blade isn't new (I remember one of the old female possession videos on YouTube was like this. From a movie called The Ferryman), but it's significantly more rare than other forms of possession.

Plus it has ACTUAL multipossession (not the "copy/clone" bullshit), so it's right up my alley.

As for it being Chinese, I'm used to reading foreign stories via translators, so that's not a problem for me.
Don’t usually beg for kemono uploads but this guys only membership price is 14 US dollars. So if any member wants to upload, would great. Has some great work.

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