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From centaur horsecock to lamia hemipenes, we got it all.
No NTR, Mpreg, or MGE girl yuri. Everything else is fair game.

Previous thread>>10902767
Also please post some more Futa on male please.
Also Question of the Thread, If you were a Hero? How many monsters could you take at once? Dou you think you could tame the demon lord?
I'd get plapped by the first hellhound I meet and become her bottom bitch.
We need more tapering penis monster futas
Futa Hellhound is a genuinely scary concept. Destroying your pelvis with standard reverse rape is one thing, but give her a dick and then it's rape^2
The only thing that is scary about it is just how well a hellhound and a penis mesh together.
>The only thing
200 kg of muscles pinning you to the ground and turning you around so you are face down is scary
clawed beast paws ripping away your pants is scary
huge hot throbbing canine cock prodding your ass is scary
said cock gradually prying apart your ass cheeks and taking away your anal virginity is scary
getting pounded while you feel the tennis ball sized knot push against your ass is scary
finally feeling the knot pop inside and lock her pulsating cock in you while she pumps what feels like gallons of cum into your bowels is scary
And the scariest thing is when she pats your head and whispers how much she loves you while you're waiting for the knot to deflate
imagine that giant dogdick slamming down on you as she rides you, then giving her a hj/bj, or she can do an autopaizuri.
>And the scariest thing is when she pats your head and whispers how much she loves you while you're waiting for the knot to deflate
Ha-ha, yeah... That would melt my brain for sure. From fear, yes.
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You forgot the part about her pounding your prostate so hard that you cum hands free and shoot rope after rope of semen onto the floor
>I'd get plapped by the first hellhound I meet and become her bottom bitch.
Nah, anons are capable of so much more, you'll easily make it to an Alpha Hellhound and take her triple knotted cock with ease
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I don't care for hyper dicks. I'd prefer they stay at a reasonable size.

On the other hand I love hyper balls. To have a girl just unload gallons of cum.
Far too often I think about how if I were to come to be in charge of Yorha one of my first orders would be to have almost all the units outfitted with thick knee-knocker cocks. Then I'd probably alter the uniform to show them off.
Breeding mounts are underrated.
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me on the left
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The one on the right has a very nice cock.
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Are there any writefag/story archives? A bit hard to find or even notice if people write about monster futas at all since half of them doesn't use the same tags, and other half doesn't use tags at all.
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If I was a Hero I'd stay chivalrous and faithful to my Unicorn wife as any good Paladin would, and together we'd fulfill our duty and purify the demon lord if any spark of good exists within or slay the demon lord if not.
Being blessed with a horse cock and horse pussy would be ideal for giving my wife the same pleasure she gives me when we make love together, but the most important thing is the bond of love and intimacy between us.
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based, I love futas fucking breeding mounts but at the same time I wish that breeding mount sex and gallons of cum were used on a real girl
I guess a living race of dolls/dummy women who like to stand still as breeding mounts for futas can work? or maybe it's too out there I don't know
maybe the breeding mount is used as a way to give offering to their futa monster girl gods in give them real girls to fuck if they cum enough
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so a female only sex cult gives their futa monster girl goddess a breeding mount in hopes she can get it pregnant or something like that?
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Choose your route.

Sakura, also where are the worms?
God damn that's hot.
>where are the worms?
In the bad end.
>Be Hero
>Encounter Monster who was terrorizing a nearby village by raping husbands and sons with her penis
>Women in village want the monster dealt with at once
>Men Secretly come to you and beg you not to kill her cause she's just in heat and really pent up
>They go into detail about how cute and playful she is and all the ways she crushes their prostates to make them cum hands free
>She's not usually this aggressive but this year has been very busy for the men and boys of the village.
>After hearing of their heartfelt plea with a blush on your face and a tent in your pants you decide to come up with a plan
>You would do your job as hero and put an end to her lust filled rampage
>You prepare and get some sleep and wait until night
>As soon as the sun is going down you depart the village
>You travel light and lightly clothed towards a small den not to far away from the village
>You do the wolf call the men of the village taught you and soon you hear a response followed by rapid foot steps
>She's a wolf girl with D cup breasts and a not to small 7 incher limp and massive balls
>You take off your armor and turn around and get on all fours whiles wiggling your hips
>Her instincts kick in and just starts humping you right away
>She's so excited to try and mount you that she keeps missing
>You grab her rapidly growing cock and guide it to your hole
>As a veteran hero you take her cock to the hilt like its nothing
>She starts pounding away roughly at you whiles you grit your teeth and feel your hole stretching
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>Your raging erection is rock hard but you refuse to touch yourself
>Thanks to your expert milking techniques she comes like a volcano inside you and her knot grows and crushes your prostate
>You paint the floor with your seed
>She starts back up
>She manages to milk 6 more loads out of you but you refuse to surrender and do your job as hero and give as good as you get
>As the sun is rising, you are milking the last load out of her
>Her balls have been massively drained from grapefruits down to walnuts
>Her knot is starting to deflate as well
>Your stomach has been bloated a little with only a small amount of seed with seed, maybe 1 liter
>She looks up to you with eyes filled with admiration and thanks for what you've done
>She starts hugging and nuzzling you before falling asleep
>Though this was far from one of the toughest battles you've been in, you decide you take this time to rest and clean yourself and her before returning
>When you return to the village you tell the villagers that you managed to tame the monster for now and that she won't be so attacking anyone for a while
>The Villagers cheer your bravery and have a feast in your honor.
>You don't eat much and the men of the village understand and smile
>The ladies ask you to dance but you are careful to not let more than a small drizzle of wolfgirl seed spill from you
>When it turns to night again the Village elder gives you a gift, a wolf charm and some gold for helping them before setting off
>As you leave you hear one last wolf cry in the distance, sending you off
>The sound alone has you tenting in your armor and your hole twitching and leaking
>You smile and thank the goddess that you are able to help so many people in this land
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>>where are the worms?
>In the bad end.
I thought she loved me? They should be in the good end as she takes me mating presses all of her seed and worms inside me until her balls are empty inside my hole. I want her to be happy anon, she shouldn't have to be sad or hide anything with me
m-my liege
>Senpai...you promised you'd take the whole thing, remember~
>Swear yourself to this dick, Shiro.
>I'll see to it you're trained into a fine mare for this royal stallion.
>Senpai...you promised you'd take the whole thing, remember~
Can you make one of her cumming on a plate of food anon? please
That might be a bit too complicated for AI. Sorry. You'll have to imagine it manually.
Can you make one of her filling a condom then please?
Thanks so much so much anon, I'll blow a load once just for you
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>The power of the Grail is truly magnificent...fufu.
>It's only fitting it would grant the strongest Master the strongest dick.
>Right now...I feel that I'm a stallion who wouldn't lose even to Berserker.
>Forget those other women and submit yourself to me.
>I'll train your body so well, Shiro.
>My cum is so much more virile than yours, you'll have no choice but to become my woman.
>I'll breed you again and again with Einzbern homunculi...
>And each of them will be a stallion, just like me. They'll grow fast, and before long I'll have you service their dicks as well.
>Fufu. Imagine it, Shiro. Shall I make ten daughters? Fifteen?
>And each of them will want children too...I wonder how much of our sperm your body can accept.
>Well, Shiro? Shall we begin?
>Her slowly pulling her giant cock out of your stretched out hole as it tries in vain to close
>The condom she has on comes slowly afterwards
>She shyly takes it off and ties up as she apologies for her actions
>You stop her and take the condom and bite a small hole in it before you start eating her load
>The mana starts giving you energy and you start to tent up again ready for round 4
So we're not even posting futa monster girls anymore? Just futa girls?
Human/humanoid futa with non-human penises have always been allowed in these threads.
If that's all it takes to make a "monster girl" here I can see why the other monster girl thread kicked us out
I was thinking more along the lines of futa monster girls worship a goddess who is also a futa monster girl and their way of giving offerings to her is cumming in breeding mounts, and after enough cum is given they get human gfs
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Just aislop consoomers being their usual selves, don't mind them.
Also, post monstergirls with cocks.
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I find it funny how AI sloppers always manage to overstay their welcome in practically any place that isn't an AI thread.
Hellhound will forever be my favourite after reading a few certain stories about them... If portal invasion ever broke out into our world I'd have a bunch of flowers and beef jerky and wait until I saw one of them come though the portal
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Huh, what game is that?
Tales of Adrogyny
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Sakura. She may have smaller tits than Saber, but I have a feeling she would just be fucking you senseless 24/7.
I really love the ass2ass knotting. I think it's great when animal girls make use of their unique traits during sex.
DAMN. I really need to up my ai skills.
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hot dogs hotdog.....
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Is there a common use tag for the ball tattoos? That shit's pretty kino.
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Just "ball tattoo" works most of the time. "symmetry" and "glowing tattoo" can help in tweaking output. You can combine it with "magic circle" for some more complex effects but that's very hit or miss
How do you play this, is it possible to get fucked by everyone without losing the game?
>How do you play this, is it possible to get fucked by everyone without losing the game?
Some sex scenes are also game overs. I don't think you can have sex with the Dark Knight without getting a game over.
But that doesn't matter much since you can savescum encounters if you aren't playing ironman.
They let you continue afterwards even when you lose
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I'd give in to the first horsecock demon I come across.
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>I'd give in to the first horsecock demon I come across.
Kass love!
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>motherly, gentle loving futa monster girl with a horsedick who wants to marry you and have kids with.

I knew I was right when I said futanaris with huge cocks who look like rapemachines make the best, caring tradwives.
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Should Futa Medusa have multiple cocks or just one?
She should have multiple, hempi penis
She's frozen under water under the ice, but is hard enough to break the ice?
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Imagine getting lost in the woods and being gangraped by a pack of futa shewolfs
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Pretty sure that artist releases his stuff uncensored
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Is there anymore from this artist?
You should try to do more venus futa variants of them. Rin would look very regal that way, too.
1 letter away from elite number
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thinly-veiled request here

im looking for a drawing by this artist from earlier this year, it was this gacha horse with a pocky stuck in her cock and like a heart is trailed on it with chocolate. think it was only on twitter but deleted
pixiv 16483275
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Isn't this a dude though?
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thanks boss
I don't know if this is venus enough for you, but here's a highborn magus stallion
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What about a normal, proud human cock, albeit in some other futa thread?
Maybe with or without more muscles, with or without a tiny bit more fat...
Rin sex!
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Im loving this drawing from derek hetrick
Im not a fan of Power character's archetype, but im starting to doubt myself about it.

I see this and feel the energy, the high esteem, the confidence, that she is having a good time and loves it.

The design too, i love the long limbs, claws, sharp teeth, long hair. The minimalistic details.

And then there is the fantasy, the cum shots, the fingering, the sex...the fun.
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Is there a lora for ball tattoos now? Am I this unaware?
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OC as in you made it or OC as in that's your character?
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Well done then
Satanic trips
That was a very nice OC, but she qualifies as a "furry," which is why the jannies deleted your post. You should post any future pictures of her in the /hfur/ thread on the /trash/ board.
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Where's the line between a furry and a monster girl?
If it has a human face it's a monster girl, and if it has an animal face it's a furry. That's what really matters to most people.
Can't have a snout.
Animal nose is a grey area, and while I wouldn't consider it "furry" it's apparently still ban-able in some cases. Like Polt from Monster Musume usually gets a pass, despite being very similar to the deleted OC in terms of "furryness"
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What is this? A hellhound raep for ants??
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I love this pic so much. Never fails to make my imagination run wild.
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God I love this set
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ArbuzBudesh does good work, shame that between the webcomic and game they don't take comms too often.
She's lovely.
Now without her armor.
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In my headcanon, futa centaurs are very horny and backed up all of the time, because of their inability to masturbate properly, due to their anatomy. As a result, they tend to adopt very cold and stern personalities, in order to try and hide their excessive lust. However, once a futa centaur finally does have sex (or is about to), she releases all of her pent up feelings at once, becoming an overly emotional and quivering mess of animalistic desire.
Yeah it's sad, I can never catch an opportunity to commission more futa drawings. I hope he draws more non-monster cafe girls getting pregnant by slug smooth penis.
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That penis looks too rigid. Slugs have very malleable and prehensile dicks.
game name?
The Adventure of Monster Tamer. It is a vore game where all of the monsters eat the MC if she loses. I think the Princess Slug was the only enemy that actually has sex with the MC before she eats her.
>It is a vore game
There better be some cock vote in that game.
Man, I need MGE futa demons/succs so bad (especially male x futa). Or even regular ones.
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That suits them well. However, I like that this particular one still shows restraint despite her aching boner and drooling pussy.
I don't think her artist drew more, so we won't know if she eventually loses her cool.
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are the yakuza still banning uma musume nsfw?
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Yeah, I found that in a 2chan thread and they were talking about super secret uma ero Discords and using telegram because of the censorship police and the Yakuza

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