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The lack of regular pregnancy threads here in May is crazy lol. Let's get a preg thred going that isn't hyper preg but more full term based.

Big boobs, butts, muscles and short stacks are fine, ai too. Just no loli or underage shit please
if you’re gonna start a regular pregnancy thread maybe don’t use ai as the cover
>ai too
No it's not please.
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If you're gonna start a thread with AI bootleg anime slop you could at least post 6 images.
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There really needs to be some kind of rule that AI images are relegated to the AI diffusion thread, or maybe even a board.
I'm really tired of seeing every thread be shitted up by AI art.

Even when someone's starting a thread with it, they can't even post multiple images.
I'd argue the one good thing about AI art is that it can pump out stuff really quick, and the people posting it can't even make use of that.
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Ok here, I though posting multiple images at once was spamming. Here are some from my collection
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OP* not ok lol
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Couple things OP
First, around /d/ it's usually considered an important thing to actually put stuff in your thread when you want it to be serious. What constitutes spam can be dependent on context. If you were in some unrelated thread like the cum drinking thread or whatever dumping pregnancy images that'd be spam because it's off topic to the thread's subject. If you're actually making a thread in one of the boards focused around sharing images to begin with it's not only fine but encouraged to dump shit, with the main caveat being you want to share content which is preferably new or at least which hasn't been posted for a while. As a rule of thumb five or six images are good for starting a thread in /d/

Second, a lot of people don't really like AI and prefer it be separate from real artwork. It's just kind of gross. Some threads on some boards will tolerate it and others won't, but around these parts usually some separation is preferred.
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Addendum: if you are on a board revolving around a topic (e.g, say /o/ or /diy/ or /toy/) and you're dumping a pile of photos of, say, some project you're working on or a part you want to identify or something like that, it's more likely to be seen as spam if you're dumping a shitton of samey photos rather than actually trying to share information, like the photographed object(s) from different angles or with different parts attached or removed, etc. etc.
You get the idea
I'll never understand pregfags, I look at this shit and it's uninteresting 99% of the time, the fuck is so "hot" about a pregnant belly? I don't get it. I just don't get it. I DON'T GET IT.

pic related, example of something I would find interesting
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It's someone else's fetish. If you don't have it don't worry about it.
Evolution reasons. I think it's very normal to have that "fetish". I wouldn't say I want to fuck a pregnant woman just because she's pregnant but it makes her very attractive to me. And many others are like that. Pregnancy is the ultimate display of fertility, femininity, nurturing... Especially when you imagine it's your child.
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ah yes, what could possibly be hot about pregnancy? like, there's literally nothing appealing about seeing a girl slowly surrender to her situation as her body progresses to motherhood, and there's certainly nothing erotic about how her body changes. yup, literally nothing even remotely interesting about wider hips, bigger boobs, and a belly that lets everyone know what kind of extracurriculars she's been up to.
pregnancy means a lot of things, bigger breasts and lactation. soft round belly to play with. maternal instincts(sometimes). impossible to hide lewd belly. I could go on
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Thanks for the explanation! I was of the mind that it's porn and people would take it in all ways. I'm guessing it's because it copies others artworks that makes it gross? That people put hard effort into it
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>lewd belly
What exactly is "lewd" about being pregnant? You're projecting something dirty on something that isn't dirty at all. This is why I fail to understand the fetishization. You call it lewd so matter-of-factly when it's not.
>If you don't have it don't worry about it.
That's not how curiosity and morbid fascination works.
>Pregnancy is the ultimate display of fertility, femininity, nurturing
That's true, I suppose.
>Evolution reasons
Bullshit. Otherwise, I'd find it hot too, which I don't.
>literally nothing even remotely interesting about wider hips, bigger boobs
Lots of women are like that without the need for pregnancy.
>and a belly that lets everyone know what kind of extracurriculars she's been up to.
No. Other than the fact she had sex, doesn't imply anything more than that. You must be awfully vanilla if the idea of a woman having had unprotected sex at least once or twice turns you on so much. Sounds lame.
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I've thought about this but it seems hard to enforce consistently, and would generate a lot of work for the janny.

Making judgements on whether something is "too western" is a judgement call, one that you may or may not agree with the janny on, but it's a personal judgement the janny is empowered to make. The same goes for if a post is "trollposting" or "off topic" - those are all subjective judgements.

Whether something was or was not generated by AI is a factual call that's getting increasingly hard to judge as AI models improve (but that improvement is slowing), which is a different kettle of fish to the actually subjective calls the janny makes.

Would janny be using his eyes? Would he have to run images through AI detector sites? How much would he have to keep up with the pace of AI tool development in order to make the calls and get them mostly right? How much extra work is it going to be to keep up with the tech if the janny isn't an AI slopmaster already?

TL;DR I think it'd be hard to enforce. I'm gonna stop there because I don't want to turn this into a "meta" discussion about the state of 4chan, this is just me spitballing why I think they haven't done what you suggest.
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Anon, friend, I am not morbidly curious about why some anons are attracted to feet, vomit, dorse, literal dicks for necks, or any other medley of fetishes, be they wacky or vanilla. People are wired differently. I don't find what you posted very appealing, but that's simply my taste. If it's not for you, don't worry about it. If you don't feel it, you probably won't for a long while.
>I don't get it. I just don't get it. I DON'T GET IT.
thank you for repeating yourself, we didn't hear you the first time
>You must be awfully vanilla if the idea of a woman having had unprotected sex at least once or twice turns you on so much. Sounds lame.
wow, we're all really glad to hear your opinion about it
unfortunately, we're going to force you to look at it, we locked the doors so you can't leave the thread, you're stuck here forever, there are absolutely no threads on /d/ that would be more suitable to you, and you aren't allowed to make new ones either

if you actually want people to explain their preferences, the worst way to make that happen would be to ask in a polite but blunt way, something like this:
>I don't get it. What's the appeal of this fetish? What do you like about it? Just asking out of curiosity.
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How do I get a gf with a squishy face and fertile tummy who wants to get her face squished and tummy fertilized?
Surely you can understand how the impossible-to-ignore results of a woman letting a guy cream pie her can be arousing to a fair lot people
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How about we get some pregnancy transitions/transformations?
>If it's not for you, don't worry about it
Will you please shut the fuck up, thanks
>wow, we're all really glad to hear your opinion about it
I see your sarcasm, but you *are* responding to me, so clearly, on some level, you *are* glad.
>ask in a polite but blunt way, something like this
No, I'd rather be an individual and ask in my own way, thanks. Go be a woke faggot retard somewhere else, thanks.
>Surely you can understand how the impossible-to-ignore results of a woman letting a guy cream pie her can be arousing to a fair lot people
Nope. I hate kids, the thought of pregnancy just seems like a huge pain in the ass, a hassle, the death of freedom. Children are just a burden. Not to mention the woman's gonna be suffering a lot of pain all throughout the pregnancy, her body will be permanently fucked up with stretch marks, weight gain that will never go away, not to mention the risk of postpartum depression, other pregnancy complications, birthing complications, and the high chance of the baby being born with any combination of health/mental conditions, and a million other things wrong with pregnancy.

If anything, it'd make more sense for everyone to have an abortion fetish. All I can think of is "yeah this slave bitch is preggo now but we're going to abort the fetus soon so it's okay."
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Nah. I think it is more pleasant to talk, and it was you who came to ask questions. If you do not like the answers, you are under no obligation to respond to those I give nor are you quite in the position to disregard the answers you get.
On that note, I don't really get why "If you don't get it, don't worry" seems like such a problem to you. You've not only asked for rationale and justifications as to the enjoyment of vanilla pregnancy, but received and in fact rejected answers. This basically tells you everything you need to know about your own position as well as the fetishes' enjoyers- that you are, in effect, afflicted with different mental illnesses (if a fetish can be classed here as a mental illness).

If you must use the language of "woke", would it not be arguable to say that facts do not care about your feelings, and that therefore your opinions and views on what exactly pregnancy represents are arbitrary and subjective to you? This question alone justifies a great deal of fetishes if expanded further. Simply put, everybody who has fetish X is going to justify it to themselves in a different way. You seem to have a particular view on what makes this or that appealing, which is quite normal. However, it seems like you have trouble actually acknowledging that other people will have differing and varying reasons for enjoying different forms of content.

I mentioned it before, but simply put, if you don't have or cannot understand a fetish, frequently it's not actually going to do you much good to try to ask people about it, because the reality is that everybody's in it for slightly different reasons. You yourself have already acknowledged that you don't "get" some of the reasons people have for having this fetish. If you cannot satisfy your curiosity, and if people cannot satisfy your curiosity, what does this tell you?
I didn't read a single thing you said lol
If you want to talk about my question,s do it. But if you just want to bitch about how and what I said and why, I'm not interested.
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But I did answer your questions. If you do not read them, then what information could you possibly draw from those answers? Would a TL;DR be preferable? If so, then, from your first post >>11002216

>The fuck is so hot about a pregnant belly?
It's a little different for everybody. People who have a given fetish will tend to give slightly different answers.

You receive a number of answers here but seem to reject them. Those answers however are pretty legitimate. Tying into answer to post 1, it seems a bit like you don't "get" the answers. Do correct me if I am wrong.

This post doesn't seem to have any questions.

It seems like, overall, you don't really share the same drives as more deep pregfags have for what makes pregnancy erotic to them. You appear to have altogether different fetishes, so naturally the answers of people who enjoy pregancy largely do not actually make sense to you. This is a part of what I wrote in the wall of text, but also a bit of the answer to your question from the beginning. I didn't think I'd surely been so rude about your means of asking? Ah, well.
>I didn't read a single thing you said lol
We all think you're really cool for that! You have successfully established dominance over the thread. Now, nobody will ever make fun of you ever again.
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You think pregnancy is a "niche fetish"?
No thank you. I like when humans draw it better.
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Apparently the tards that moderate 4chan do, otherwise it’d be on /e/ or /h/ and not here with all the mentally ill freak threads.
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Mmm socially autistic pregnant werewolf monstergirl waifu…
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No thank you. I don't really like AI stuff.
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I see. Still, I am not really interested in such works, thank you.
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Lmao. Malding.
God I love AI.
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>1 female poster
>mass reply textblocks
>antagonistic provocative replies only for attention
>hates kids and likes abortion
Of course.
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>one retard coming in and complaining about pregnancy in the thread about pregnancy
just hide the fucking thread or kill yourself dumbass, we just wanna jack off
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I feel the same way about futa, incest, NTR, furry, guro, loli and beastiality.
Fucking natural selection at work right here gents

Have a good life
Guess what anon?
For the first time in 200,000 years of human history, most women will not reproduce. This can only help to further advance our evolution into a better species by finally disallowing negative traits being passed along through the mother throughout time.

They will attempt to destroy us for it.

Thank god that you are living through such an important time.
mfw there is a preg thread on /d/ /e/ and /h/
preg is usually bounced between them due to people kicking us out of each board, not embracing us
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It really sucks, pregnancy is as natural as everything else in the world. I wish more people saw th ing our way, you know?
I like cute girls with distended bellies, simple as
I “just don’t get” whatever ryona domination shit you just posted, there’s nothing arousing about straight up physical abuse
Anyone has an archive of Brocobich's works?
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does anybody have more of Jaykuma/Jaypisces old preg art?
he's nuked it all years back but I wonder if any are still floating around
you're a tranny aren't you?
>AIslop spam
Then they wonder why they're despised...
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>Somebody saved my image.
I would love to see more of this character, what she looked like before ahe qas pregnant, what her day to day clothes look like
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My ownership (semen) taking a new form.
Actually don't know. i just enjoy seeing girls bursting with life, breasts filling with milk or just simply growing larger for any reason
You have a thread for your shit, use it instead of shitting up this and then claiming Japanese artist are deviantart.
>The only people who could be against my awful looking pictures are poor DA artists

The background of your pic is giving me a stroke. There’s sky buildings that incoherent mess in the left and like three vanishing points.

Insults aside. This might legitimately be harmful to the subconscious
>ai faggotry
Unironically mcfucking kill yourself you fucking nigger
ai and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

So a before and after! Does she have a brunette friend? Lol
Disregard previous post, I was replying to these two instead.
>threads are overrun by ai niggers
Fucking grim. You can tell even by just looking at the thumbnails. No wonder most artists that are worth anything are all behind paywalls now. The pollution of ai slop trash is making them so much more valuable. I hope you all kill yourselves especially OP for inviting them in here. Fuck you.
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Which is hilarious when you consider DA loves AIslop.

>especially OP
It's all OP. He made the thread and he's trying to post shit partially resourced from the pregchan AI thread.
You're not helping with hyper.
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New Kokutou Nikke set to release in July

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Sex Open-World official EN version almost at 100% translated

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the literal op image is AI and op even said he was ok with it stop getting mad over nothing
the literal OP who I just explained to you inserted that as a cover to push his slop here? Fuck off.
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also forgetting that pregnancy contributes to a big jump in libido in women, as opposed to other fictional scenarios
Cry more bitch tears like the bitch nigger Luddites you are.
>Come for some preggo content
>Over 50% of thread is spammed AIslop
I genuinely wish that AI """art""" generators were infected with a virus that wiped the users drives, and that AI """art""" bots became illegal and were mass deleted as a result.
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God I wish I could afford to get pregnant any time soon.
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You aren't fooling anyone with your samefaggotry.
I know, we should have more scribbles like this >>11012436
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Unironically yes. The might be scribbles to you, they might be shitty western artwork, but they are above and beyond any slop dolled out by an AI. Effirt went into them and in the past couple of years I have really begun to respect even the shittiest of artists, as opposed to you slop """artists""" whom just enter prompts into a program and then act like your the gods gift to artistry.
Learn to sketch and draw. Im doing it at the moment because I want to create, its infinitely better than some souless machine schlock that cant even get basic anatomy right half the time.
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If its too much for you then make your own thread, for slop. Just like /tg/ has. Contain yourself to it, and your few fans can join you and together you can circlejerk and tell each other how good you are and how the other lu/d/dites just dont understand your talent.
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I love how moms get pregnant so they can have a little boy all to themselves
insert hypocritical touch grass/please shower response.
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Can you afford not to?
Yes, unironically, that's what these threads are for, for people to enjoy artwork other people made.
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I've kind of been confused by this attraction.
I don't know why I gravitate to this now that I've blown past breast expansion content and transformation.
I've had this for a while on top of a pregnancy fetish but this captivates me more. I don't know I'm like 34
do I... do I want someone like my mom? I don't know what's happening with my fetishes anymore... I can't tell if it's my internal desire for procreation or to have someone with a more hefty figure to hold me and tell me it's going to be ok
Tastes change as you get older, and that goes for sexy stuff too, I believe. I’m the same age and I’ve certainly noticed that I get turned on by girls with thick, curvy figures a lot more than I used to and pregnancy, though always a bit of kink, is hotter than ever for me now.

I’d say if you're approaching middle age and you haven't had kids, your subconscious may be preoccupied with the procreative side of sex more than just the fun stimulative parts. Don't sweat it, is what I'm saying. Monkey brain wants to fuck, and monkey brain thinks fucking girls with some meat on their bones will leave babies behind. Humans like to pretend we're above things like instinct, but we really aren't.
some wise words right there Anon, thanks!
as someone also in the same age group, I agree.
>Of course.
You say that like it's par course. Surely this is just unhealthy people.
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Seconding this. What the fuck happened to them?
More of that, please

it's way better when appreciated together with the before, which tells an obvious story (it's the first time for the girl in the middle and the other two help her get over her fears)
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Tried to find more this was the best I got
I dont ever see jack & daxter preg art whaat
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Best pregnancy/impregnation games?
Already played
>War Demon Kirstin (good, but it peaked with the mansion)
>Demon Conqueror (good, but most enemy designs are questionable)
>Hazumi & the Pregnation (boring)
>BreedTown (depressing)
>Seeds of Destiny (last update was terrible; game is good, but not very lewd)
Not old enough to ascend to wizardry, but I cannot become aroused by any comic or game unless it involves pregnancy.
I've never been fond of sex specifically, though: the "happy ending" (and sometimes, forcing someone into it) has always been the highlight for me. I rationalize pregnancy as the final evolution of this.
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For the Goddess
Vitamin Quest
Vitamin Quest 2 (JP only)
Violated Heroine
Corruption of Champions 1 and 2 (primarily text based adventures)
I'd like Seeds of Destiny a lot more if the noise for growth and all that was separate from the high pitched menu noises, but they're all controlled by the same slider.
seconding CoC1, specifically the /hgg/ modded version
plenty of variety to cater to your specific flavor of preg, while being a decently engaging game at the same time
I found a "Jumping the Shark" mod on 8kun, is that the one you're talking about?

Does it improve the pregnancy aspects that much? Part of the description in this post is "a lot of lolis" which I'm not really down for.
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Not that one, I was thinking of OCA. Named after OtherCoCAnon, one of the people that made the mod.
I have no idea what the development for the mod was like or whether the version I played was even up-to-date, I just found it on /f/ a few years ago and spent the next 4 nights or so playing it. Apparently it's a fork of another mod, Revamp/UEE (whatever that was).
The in-game credits list a number of scenes supposedly written by other pregfags, and after briefly clicking through the base CoC release on fenoxo's website to compare, yeah it adds a bunch of good new scenes (not to mention just better UI as well). If it's something you're concerned about there's an in-game setting to reduce lolis too, that I don't even think is in base CoC.
Considering that flash is dead and I can't find a lot of info about this mod either, here's a really brief guide: go to the first link in picrel, download the standalone flash player "flashplayer_32_sa", and use it to open the swf file in the second link. Look for a cute little thing named Amily.
>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.
ty anon
I just generated more images.
How does it feel, you pissant faggot.
You gonna cry? You gonna whine?
You won't do shit lmao
>posts a cuck artist
lmao why am I surprised
mcfucking kill yourself nigger
Man we just want some soul to our preggo ladies. Multiple souls, preferably.
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Daww, did widdle diddums get upset over anons not liking his sloppa?
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Know what, lets have some more Ponchi/Phonon. Both do great preggo bodies.
>Pregnancy thread
>Abortion posters flock in to shit up the place

Every thread it's like clock work.
Any good English-language novels about a pregnancy?
They are misanthropes through and through
Just hide them
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Anyone got any Botezuri stuff?
That's lovely, where'd you get that from? Saucenao didn't get anything and google's being a jerk.
>projecting this hard
>no sense of self awareness
Yep, it's a troonpa loompa
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If you're going to post about people inexplicably living rent free inside your head, you could at least post a damn image.
posts spawns living rent free in some females womb.
Is the stress of being a parent worth indulging a pregnancy fetish for?

I do want kids, but I’m concerned that it’d be stressful since my pregnancy fetish would inevitably lead to me having multiple kids.
It's the hardest job you'll ever love

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Fuck it's so attractive
Was there ever a Full translation of Vitamin Quest?

Cant seem to find one that's completely translated
learn to draw or commission an artist, subhuman

I'm not going to lie, it's rough. But you'll also grow to love them so much despite it. For me, it actually made me want to have more. My husband also has this fetish and can financially support it, so it works out.

I had two back to back, and I mean like...immediately getting pregnant as soon as I was cleared to have sex again at the 6 week appointment. I'm currently about to give birth to my third, who I also conceived right after the second. However, I have to take a break for a few years to give my body time to recover this time around. My husband wants 2 or 3 more, and I'm hoping I can do surrogacy after we've filled our house up.
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Sneethe and seethe moar
Man, it must be a dream come true for a girl with a pregnancy kink to be perpetually pregnant like that.

I know that I’d want the same for my future wife.
>I'm hoping I can do surrogacy after we've filled our house up.
well that is one way to become a baby factory without messing up your living space
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How are these pregnancies filling out your body? Have you noticed long-term and permanent growth in your hips, thighs, or breasts?
It's been a while since I played Seeds, what happened with the last update?

Honestly Hellbrain5 still kind of reigns supreme on preg content. The last Preggo Game Jam was fucking dogshit

I've barely had downtime between them so I don't think my body has had the time to truly rebound, but my hip circumference is way wider than pre-pregnancy, and even when I'm not producing breast milk they're about 2 cup sizes larger than what I started with, which was already decently large in the first place.

My hips seem to get wider with subsequent pregnancies, but the babies have also gotten a lot larger each time as well.

I'm interested to see if it's all going to shrink back down after the break.


My husband loves the way I look when I'm pregnant so much that he can barely keep his hands off me. However, it's also not practical to have a ton of kids we can't reasonably provide space and a good quality life for.

We've spoken about it in the past and after we've hit that point he wants me to continue getting knocked up (medically) as long as it's safe for me to continue doing so, especially with the benefit of getting paid for it and him being able to indulge in my body for the duration.


The pregnancies aren't the easiest, and they definitely get painful and uncomfortable, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't love the way it feels near the end when I'm absolutely huge and the baby is kicking around, especially when I'm being fucked desu. Sex when I'm not heavily pregnant doesn't compare. Gonna be sad when I can't do this anymore.
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Congratulations! Here's to wishing you many more fruitful and healthy years.
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Do pregnant women tend to stop shaving?
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Sometimes their bush if they have trouble reaching/seeing down there, but otherwise no.
>Sex when I'm not heavily pregnant doesn't compare. Gonna be sad when I can't do this anymore.
Damn that's hot as fuck, living the dream.
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>too much work for the janny
no such thing, they work for free.
>Whether something was or was not generated by AI is a factual call that's getting increasingly hard to judge as AI models improve
it more depends on how much work the prompter puts into touching up the image but you can usually tell anyway. even if just the obvious ones are banned it would be fine, since most of them are pretty clearly ai and not much effort is made to touch things up.
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anyone have the similar pic of uzaki's mom where she's on all fours like this but there's an ultrasound image of her baby's face? I think it was in an /h/ thread but I forgot to save it
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Hey man i don't know if you will see this but i've done as you said but on the part where i use the flash player to open the link, nothing happens, i put in the swf file correctly and the screen stays blank

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