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Previous thread >>10959036

In this thread we talk/post/edit and possibly draw shemale hentai/write shemale smut.

No pussy, please. That's all I ask you.

Feminization is highly encouraged and traps are fine as long as it's related to it.

If you have any new content be it writing, drawing, translations or even image edits feel free to post it!

Please refrain from spamming the thread with dumb discussions, or at least have the decency to contribute if you must post you retarded walls of text.

C's Haven 1: https://e-hentai.org/g/1769296/2222818c5d/
C's Haven 2: https://e-hentai.org/g/2066147/7a2abb221e/
C's Haven 3: https://e-hentai.org/g/2700618/0eda85ea0b/


Useful links for editing:
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lol, I saw that.
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New Mogiki doujin got translated. Not the best translation in the world but at least the person doing it is listening to criticism and fixing it.

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>but at least the person doing it is listening to criticism and fixing it.
What a shame. He'll never be successful in the localization business doing something like that.
>Private hair
Hot or weird?
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Also the new Aian doujin. Apparently this is the official translation but it's not great either and was likely MTL. Still hot tho.
If it's gonna be there I want my dickgirls to have a respectable bush of female pattered pubic hair. Dude pubes don't belong on a lady.
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A persistent fantasy of mine is to peel off a girl's yoga pants and panties after she's gotten home from the gym and devour her pussy and ass. For some reason it wasn't till right now that I considered the flavor of a sweaty, post-workout girlcock. I'll bet it's rather humid in there, especially if she's also wearing nylon panties.
fucking love this picture
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Fantsastic! What is it about it you like so I might be able to post more? The tone? Perspective? Body proportions? Specific character involved?
Two FtS stories focused around Fate characters.
Actual transformation, anal-focus.
Post-transformation, orgasm denial.& degradation.
As an aside, favorite "vector" for FtS? Magic? A virus? Medical drugs?
it could be any of those, a favorite idea of mine is it spread through a fts girl fucking another girl causing her to change and spreading it
I feel like the FtS angle is a bit odd for a number of reasons. Wouldn't enjoyers of this be more at home in the FtM transformation threads?

A shemale is quintessentially a male who takes X amount of steps in order to appear more like a female. A female that gets turned into a male doesn't totally fit that bill. But that's just me. I guess you could say same result, but the different route does alter the outcome ultimately.
There's overlap with both threads, but I never considered the feminization aspect of typical shemale content. The FtM thread also leans significantly harder into the "M" part, and I really do not care for anything past a femboy on the masculinity scale.
It was mentioned last thread and I felt like that one hit the limit too fast.
Sorry, to clarify, "never considered" means "I didn't realize that, but you have a point."
Frankly, I can go for either FtS or feminization, I just like fat dicks on girls.
I don't think someone necessarily has to like the feminisation aspect and can just like dick growth on women. Personally I'm only interested in shemales for the feminisation of males aspect though. If women are growing dicks I want them to be futa for the same reason I like shemale x female and not shemale x male. I like vaginas and femininity and the concept of adding extra femininity to males is what I'm into. There's definitely a couple of vocal people who post here who definitely seem to be more into masculinity than femininity though.
I don't find any of the "transformed" stuff hot or interested nor am I intot he humiliation or failed shit. I'm just attracted to someone who looks fem in the face and has titties and a cock. Some artist draw many stages for female to male transformation which include female to shemale or at least some kind of in-between femboy and the same sometimes exist from the other direction.
I like pretty much any non-surgical vector, but what I really look for is a strong mental angle: give me a woman who's totally fine with who she is, but then introduce the idea of becoming a shemale, and have her slowly grow obsessed with it. Doesn't matter if the eventual change is inevitable or if she actively starts seeking it out, but the more she fantasizes about, interacts with and jills off to the idea the better.

Feminization's never appealed to me, because even when it's not done in a forcible mindrapey feelbad style, there still always seems to be an undertone of desperation to it, a desire to manipulate other people's perception of the self. FtS on the other hand is pretty much never the latter, even if there's still plenty of the former; idealized scenario is solely about depraved personal pleasure seeking, and when it's all self confident 'fuck yeah, I WANT to pop out my nuts', I think that's a million times hotter. No one's gonna think better of her for it, no one's gonna know it's there until she whips it out to be seen, it's all just her trading out her birthright for a fucking fantastic feeling fetish.

And while I get not liking new folks muscling into your territory... I mean, every time someone in here posts a pic of a Nintendo, Blizzard, Capcom, or related Vidja / Anime bitch with her cooch swapped out for fat virile nads, they're basically inviting us in lol. I've found a ton of new FtS R63 artists to scrape from here, dunno if you're imagining them as dudes what transed but that's very much not the scenario I'm here envisioning.
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Bump from page 8.
If you like stories, I shared my experience with a tgirl on /analgen/
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This post more or less encapsulates why I prefer the term dickgirl to shemale. The people I'm thinking of aren't male and never were. They're all woman, they just happen to have penises. Forget about it being contradiction in terms and accept it. That's just what the result of fantasy/magic/genetic abnormally/what have you is in the presented situation. I find this particular line of thinking especially fun on /b/ where antis will insist that now how things work. Like, yeah, no shit. That's why it's called fantasy. Then I accuse them of not having imaginations.
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I swear I proofread that. Maybe I need sleep.
Pic taken moments before she scrunches up her face, tenses her glutes, and magically folds her coochie into a soft bulgy taint
I don't understand why you're bringing this up. That's is pretty much preaching to the choir.
As for labels... who cares?
BTW, there's a pussy on that girl.
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Shit! How did I miss that? I could swear I checked. Guess I should look better after downloading archives.

Because I think labels matter? If I were a woman with a cock I wouldn't want to be called a shemale. And yeah, I'm blind. Think I should go to bed or something. Probably been awake too long.
If I were a man with a pussy should I be called hefemale?
Jokes aside, there's no much point debating these labels here. It's mostly a way to differentiate from futanari that is too vague for our purposes.
Me and everyone in this thread love girls with dicks, it doesn't matter if they're called shemales, tgirls, dickgirls, newhalfs, whatever.
And have some rest.
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I suppose it is more a thing for /b/ on account of making people salty is fun.
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Does Shouko get many scenes in VN? Is it worth reading it just for them?
Shame the translator abandoned it though (I think they just did the prologue)
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As I recall, only as many as you can count on one hand: gymnastics uniform, boob job, raping another girl, pleasing the anime club, and finale. Though considering how long it takes before "Shouko even comes along," it shouldn't be too surprising.
Well that's a shame, would love to see a VN/dating sim focused on feminizing a heroine (to trap or shemale, not sex change). If only 'The Sculptor' hadn't been abandoned...
I'm only here because I feel like dick and pussy look weird together. I don't like feminization or t-girls(as a kink.)
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Happy TTYD day to all who celebrate
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i can be your angle..
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.. or yuor devil
Kronii is fucking made for this fetish man, we need more art of her as a shemale. Someone should make a doujin where the holos are just trannies cover makes for business. Capnon should have gotten on that
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I wonder what she was looking at
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I'm all for more trans girls in games but I think the politics storm people make around it to be too much.
Anyway, good to know Vivian has a dick.

Every female is better as shemale.

Man, I really have to return to my Japanese studying.
Let me give it a try.

First speech bubble is just she reacting for being caught.

Weren't you supposed to be away from home today!?
Oh yeah, definitely. Twitter has been a fucking nightmare since the remake was announced. But tgirls are tgirls, and what’s better is she’s a cute monster tgirl.
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Satisfactorily finished my story inspired by this image. It should be up on Literotica soonish if anyone is interested in reading it.
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I guess I shouldn't be surprised Aurahack went trans with all the shemales they draw
Went trans? Aurahack has been openly trans for like, as long as I've followed her which has been many years now.
please share link, I'd be happy to read it!
It's up here for now:
Probably going to be several days till it reaches Literotica. I had fun writing it and I hope you enjoy reading it. Pic unrelated, but who doesn't love dickgirl Spider Gwen?
My only critique of Aian's work is I wish they drew their femboys and trans girls with smaller penises. Smol and soft is cuter.
>not wanting the perma-bottom shemale to have a diamond hard monster dick
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Holy shit
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>tfw no sexy shemale girlfriend to pound my ass

Ideal woman, holy shit.
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How'd I do, bros?
Good stuff.
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BTW, my story has gone live on Lit if anyone wanted to read it, but didn't care for that paste site.
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Ohh and there are several more stories on my profile including one inspired by this pic instead.
Not into Poison or amazon in general but it looks great, good job

>Captcha: AGP 8
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She looks like the sort of lady that can't say no if the man making advances is half her age.
Anyway, the artist of my image takes the age old "men turn into shadow people when sex starts" meme to the next level by having them appear as a mixture of dark grey and brown in everyday situations.
It's unnerving. Nice art though.
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File deleted.
Too few girlfriends with dicks means you have to become one. Alternatively find someone else, and flip a coin to see who has to tit up.
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Or find someone else and both of you tit up.
That's him?
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>Too few girlfriends with dicks means you have to become one
Nta but I already struggle with the desire to troon and the desire to top pathetic little men makes it so much worse
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Angell from Path to Nowhere, I'm pretty sure.
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Dunno what's going on here, but that coffee cup has the right idea.
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I mean, if you've got post nut clarity, and you can actually feel fine with the idea of doing normal unsexy stuff while having tits, and are fine/happy with it for nonsexual reasons, nothing wrong with considering it. If it's just a fetish though, just jerk to your kink and remind yourself that that's all it is. Questions to consider might be if you want tits just so it's easier to dominate little men, or if you don't want to dominate them unless you have tits. Do you think after you're done fucking you'd still want to be in a relationship with a femboys/twink/little man where you're their partner with tits? Even if that relationship ended, would you still want to have tits for the rest of your life? Would you feel the same about having tits even if you weren't going to or couldn't find a new partner that is they type you're thinking of?
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agreed. I love the idea of a man who is feminine and wants his outside to match his inside. It's not quite the "failed man" idea. Its not a failure. This is that person's ideal shape.

she loves being girly, loves getting fucked in the ass, and loves being having sexy men treat her like a princess.
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Why is this thread the only one that indulges in my fantasies for shemale bottoms? Most other boards that allow dickgirl porn usually posts dickgirls topping.
When I think shemale, I think a couple things.
>A gay man who's femininity is so great, they dress like a woman and even take steps like hormone drugs and elective surgeries to look more feminine, while still being sane enough to know they're a man
>A gay man who knows they have a better chance landing a straight stud by dressing and acting like a woman
Either way, shemales are males who have essentially sacrificed their masculinity in pursuit of being fucked like women. It's the ultimate form of submission, and for the guy topping, domination.

It's one thing to dominate a woman. It's natural. But it's something else entirely to dominate another man. It's from a primal angle, the most manly thing you can do. Bend one who is your peer to be your lesser. To take his status as a 'top' and force him into the status of bottom. Likewise, it's infinitely hot when a shemale accepts that they're a failure as a man or decide the pleasure of being treated like a woman is far greater than anything they've felt as a man and willingly submit to a stronger male.

That's why I like shemales anyway. Not to say I don't like a top shemale every now and then. But that's it own can of fetishistic worms.
Chicks with small dicks like the right one are underrated.
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>beautiful gay man that wants to be treated like a princess
That's literally the sexual fantasy for me. As soon as theres pink pilled involved I back the fuck out and want nothing to do with it.
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Here, its on goin
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Shemales in wedding dresses are so fucking GOOD.
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Absolutely peak
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There's never enough cute girls with dicks wearing wedding dresses. I wish there was more, it's such a great concept, never fails to make me absolutely diamonds just thinking about it.
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What the fuck happened to MadKaiser
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I have never heard of kissing cocks, but I'm down.
Imagine remake Silent Hill 2?
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Wish Toriyama made more trannies Her and Flea are really are the only ones but they are both super hot. dragon Quest also has a couple of bunny girls who are implied to be male originally
New Amanoja9 dropped
Lmao where is that from?
I wanna troll people who love dbz with it
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Go! Go! Ackman
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>a couple of bunny girls who are implied to be male originally
I still like Miyuki from YYH
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The mystery
He got caught scamming multiple people on his Patreon, because he'd take the money and not end up doing the art.
And this has been going for several years now.
Where did you find this?
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It was posted on an ancient shemale thread (dunno if it was a numbered one) and I just saved. The artist is @maineim15, draws mostly muscle girls.
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>Nooo don't suck my dick, don't suck my dick!
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The line between the Male Bitch and Shemale/Newhalf tags on pixiv is one that operates purely on fuzzy logic and artist discretion.
On an unrelated note, the Anti-NTR Tranny Patrol got another update, but the preview images available are mostly off-topic so I'll just link them instead of eating into the image limit.

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>The line between the Male Bitch and Shemale/Newhalf tags on pixiv is one that operates purely on fuzzy logic and artist discretion.
noticed this too you can find a lot of what would pass as shemale content with the male bitch tag but its also next to straight up guys sometimes it's very odd yo see such a loose tag like that.
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Would be a funny character development if the guy being cucked became a third shemale enforcer.
Do you think "life sever" is a pun or a typo?
It's just a Japanese transliteration thing.
That shadow ain't human! damn that Sylvia!
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Just in time for the fourth.
Having a bit of trouble wrapping my head around what's going on here, but what I do know is that I wholeheartedly approve.
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This is so fucking hot!
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