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A thread showcasing horny horsey in heat.
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I love Cereal and am eternally mad that we're never getting a season 2.
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Why are centaurs so needy?
Because they can't easily masturbate.
Be glad. Every single fucking anime that got renewed after covid is dogshit bad
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Appetite like a horse
Orisa is best girl, with meat as well
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that one is just a horse.
Finally some centaur girls with teats
>No futa centaur GF who lets you use her dick like an onahole
Why are we here? Just to suffer?
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Guys, guys: the SDXL ponyV6 AI models and derivatives like autismmixconfetti are well-trained on centaurs. You can centaurize most all of their prompts by just adding enough emphasis on the centaur tag (more emphasis if body horror, less if too many legs), with a 1.1 to 20 times worse error rate depending on the base prompt. Inpainting works a bit worse, but you can still easily centaurize inpainting using the prompt+centaur words.

Centaur loras off civitai still needed to get consistent (white centaurs) and more pose variety, and human ears are only somewhat removed by putting (ears) in the negatives, (teats) tag is a mess of three monstergirls, but found out '(((ass))), (((crotchboobs)))' works!

> (((centaur))), ((anatomically correct horse pussy)), ((ass)), (((crotchboobs))), sitting, horse ears, pointy ears, full body, hooves, horse pussy, ((white fur)),
> Negatives: ((cutie mark)), (ears)

Makise Kurisu
Halo Spartan Power Armor
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Fuck off ai nigger
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Sure, apologies. We're getting way too close to the dream of a 'make it a centaur button' not to say anything, just too happy about it! And thought we were allowing AI since I see a bunch of other AI images.
AI images are better than 95% of "art"

At least keep that trash in the containment threads.
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Otama darn lucky…
and yet they are all ripoffs of actual art. AI doesn't create shit. it only scrambles what real artists create.
It can actually create unusual configurations of items randomly.
Ultimately doesn't matter, because it still creates cool or interesting data.
In the hands of an actual artist and a programmer at once with some work it's a worthy expert tool that both allows to multiply content for personal use and do cool permutations.
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Are those crotchboobs or balls? I need to know so I can put it in the right folder
>tell me you don't know how the technology works without telling me you don't know how the technology works.
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Those are udders, I checked from the artist's skeb page. Also she's wearing a bra for them.
good thread, this
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And cunnilingus are both very underrepresented in centaur art unfortunately
haven't seen anything new from this guy in ages, too bad.
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