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This thread's for huge butts, thighs, and hips - either huge already, or growing that way.

No male, futa, gas, or scat, please.
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Have you read any good ass expansion stories lately?
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I want to take them to a gas station so bad
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No. But I would like to, do you have any recommendations for me?
What are the best things about big butts in your opinion? I want to say the clapping sounds they make.
Peach Dreams by Frag01a, it's got two parts. Lazybuns by TrebleCleffy is also pretty good.
Where can I find them?
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big pawg zeldass always good
Shame Fuze doesn't draw this Zelda anymore but I do get why since he's stepping away from that stuff. But just imagine Ocarina of Time but Zelda in both past and future being cheeked up larger than King Dodongo
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The jiggle and the musky scent in the booty hole
Former's on DeviantArt.
Made for anal.
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That'd be quite the twist for the series. Instead of awakening godly power, each and every Zelda finds herself growing a huge ass that cannot be contained their royal garments
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Model rig in OoT advanced enough to make Zelda this size with custom bloomers under the dress (since she a princess, her underwear gotta be fancy too)
>Ganon takes over Hyrule Castle
>Link is defeated, or is too weak to fight
>Zelda tries to awaken to her divine goddess powers or however that usually goes
>nothing's working
>at least not in that sense
>instead her ass just gets larger and larger and bigger and huger
>she just sits on the castle and crushes it instead
Problem solved.
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>All Goddess statues are replaced by ones with a gigantic ass so the goddess's ass can be worshiped for all time
>Starting all the way from Skyward Sword, the Hylia bloodline has blessed Zelda with an ass that can bum bash Gorons down mountains
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>with each reincarnation, Zelda's butt gets fatter
>SS Zelda has a donk that can barely be carried by her loftwing once the adventure is done (this is the real reason she stays on the surface)
>by time of Breath of the Wild, Zelda's ass is so massive it's briefly mistaken for a Divine Beast
>Minish Cap Zelda about to accidentally be established as a kingdom by the Picori
>Midna was the one time that the M-Entity was able to compete on Hylia's level of ass.
> Twilight Princess Zelda and Midna are somehow equal in size
>Several reincarnations later and Zelda's ass has become so massive the kingdom of Hyruke has become situated on top of it
Okay but we gotta determine the booties and abilities of each main Zelda (I say main as in the most recognisable and notable ones cause who really remembers the Tri-Force Heroes or Zelda II princesses?)
>BotW's flashbacks are about Zelda worrying her ass isn't fat enough (what kind of princess can still fit through doors?!)
>when she finally awakens her powers, we get an epic sequence of her ass expanding to its true godlike majesty
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Animated version: https://www.deviantart.com/yenvudu/art/Graph-s-Bailey-animated-doodle-gift-1048363218
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>Entire dungeon located on one of Zelda's buttocks
This is why the fucking map keeps changing
Reminds me of a cute pixiv comic where her father is commenting that the Hylian people are calling her "Princess nice hips" or something
god i love bailey, shame there isn't anything new for her other than this

who needs a planet when you have zeldass

(anyone got HYPER HYPER to that scale btw? expansion/growth focused in particualr, been missing seeing some good *hyper* AE)
>Zelda's butt is large enough to the point factions war over it to gain control
>Zelda simply can't just tip over without destroying most of Hyrule so she has Link lead the army and constantly attack the other factions (this also leads to the battles having names that are often puns on Zelda's rear
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I read this one called Rosie Cheeks by mehthemeh99 on dA
There were six parts to it, about the life of a chick with a GINORMOUS ass going to college
I'm not sure what happened to it since though, since going to the profile just shows me this:
I think you got blocked bro. I can access it just fine.
here you go, fresh dump: https://files.catbox.moe/qkuk9g.zip
No seriously guys, who has the bigger ass Bailey or Andi?
Valrie beats them both
>The jiggle and the musky scent in the booty hole
God, I want to sniff a girl's asshole badly
>AV bitches
The fatter the ass, the sexier the smell
Swear there was a version with ass pimples on this
I need to see this. I didn't think there was a way to make that fat, sloppy butt even hotter.
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What the fuck does that even mean?
Reminder that if you can't find a girl with a giant ass, you can wine and dine her until she gets one.
anal vore (my guess)
My favorite big ass related thing is when the ass is thick to the point you can see the outline of the panties
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Yeah, that makes sense
Makes more sense than my guess of wondering what an Assault Vest has to do with giant butts
252+ Atk Hilda's Fat Ass vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def My Dick: ∞% -- guaranteed NUT
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But very true
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Gala's is the biggest.
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Did you have to post literal trash as the OP? Seriously?
Diaper thread's a different one if you want to shit your pants like that
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I haven't seen that pic in years
Get some proper fitting pants, you whore.
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Really glad that Zelda is a main stay in the realm of bottom heavy characters. BotW and TotK has only cemented her further.
Why? It gives easy access to her asshole.
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Don't forget Link Between Worlds thanks to SSBU and OoT thanks to Fuze's old deleted drawings
Well that's one spot to place a charging port
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God I wish I were her.
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I think she'd look so cute with a fuse or a timer affixed to set her off at a specific time...
You can stop now. For real.
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remember to worship the big butt for ten minutes every day! no skipping
legend has it that those who worship at the butt shrine will mysteriously disappear after being visited by a giant butt.

this is a drawing of @momotino
booty shrine for @kyojiri_jinja
Based thread
Butt bros eating good tonight
I wonder if she could even fit an ass like that in Power Armor.
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Definitely not but it'd be a funny sight to watch her try
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What about the idea of converting breast size into ass size?
I like both, but I think I like ass just a little more. So I guess I'm for it as long as she keeps at least some of her former boobage.
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Better if it's another girl's breast size
That too
Imagine a titty monster being drained of her boob size and in exchange a woman gets a dumptruck ass
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something like this
I got a bone-r
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Love a giant-assed schoolgirl.
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Oh no, she's even hotter
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"Its not that big, right?"
what I'd do to see her grow even bigger omg
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Been trying to use ai to make more bailey art out of pure spite
Mild success so far
There are AI threads, I'm sure

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