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Any real or fictional bugs/slugs/worms/invertebrate on and or in girls. Big creepy crawlies are fine too.
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where is the story this image is based on?
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I don't know if you can find it anymore. Just try looking it up.
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Have you tried rule34 DOT xxx
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What happened? There used to be insect threads on /d/ all the time.
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Good taste... This is the first art I've ever seen of it.
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We became more boring. Mostly just dickgirl stuff drowned out a lot of the content, since people into that posted it a lot faster, and were far less interested in posting their content in existing threads that were close enough fits to what they had in mind.

Going back into the primordial history, we've probably been hemorrhaging weird kink energy all the way back since we kicked out furries.
So futa keeps ruining everything.
Insect threads got b& for bestiality once or twice and after that people didn't dare to post them anymore.
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It was? That sucks It's more monster porn if anything.
How did you guys get into this?
For me it was an accident
>Look up ''daisy chain hentai" (I wanted to find anime girls eating pussy in a circle)
>Find bug hentai instead
>end up reading the whole thing
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I just like insects and this >>11010192
I remember reading when it came out, I'm not too into the mind control and the stabbing but it did help.
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Going down the right half, then the left half.

"Doing it with a human, doing it with you, it's all the same to me; I'm just doing it with a beast either way. Don't get the wrong idea, all right?"

"It doesn't know how to use the right amount of force!"

"Fhun... If you try... you can do it. More... Tease me by just barely touching me."

"That's it... rub me real good. Fhu fhu... You're pretty good at this."

"You can't hold yourself back any longer, just as I'd expect of an inferior lifeform."

"It's fine! Don't just sit there, ram it into my genital organs!"


"Fhu... fhufhu... You poured it into my vagina without holding back, huh..."

"It's still coming out... still coming out.

Don't know the context for the character/setting, some of the vocabulary is weird (like 生殖器官 is a biological term for reproductive system/organs). I decided to leave it like that since it's pretty specific, so it probably has to do with how the character speaks.
I found it on Pixiv a while ago. I'll look for the account later.
Did that artist that made those futa on insect cgsets ever make another?
Can't find it. Like what the fuck.
found it for you
I don't see among the rest of the images.
It's not so much that I have an insect fetish so much as I have a non human pregnancy/oviposition/parasitism fetish.
Oh, I'd already found it since the images link straight to pixiv (with 4chan X script maybe? Probably because they have original filename)

Yeah, I only saw the two images that were already posted
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any more with like femboys?
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Eh? This?
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now that's what I expect from insect hentai
Got some to share?
For the seafood lover in you.
There's a pretty old porn vn where the sea population isn't doing well in some fishing village so the fishermen trick some girls into becoming mating partners for sea animals.
Where are the spiders!
So, did it work?

Idk, we need them.
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yes but the tradeoff is that they become so addicted to fish sex that they can't be satisfied by human sex anymore and become fucktoys for the squids and starfish
That art looks familiar. Is it this guy >>11041601 stuff?
yeah he's done art for a number of bug/critter theme'd vns
Nice. Do you know where we can find some of them?
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They might still be up on some torrent sites but the vns are so old I couldn't tell you. There's a complete collection on DLSite I think too. The ones I know he's worked on and what I remember of the story.

Fishing village is having a crisis and they can't catch anything. One of the towns old men gets two girls to agree to ancient secret ritual by telling them they'll be shrine maidens. The ritual is actually them having sex with lots of starfish, sea slugs, crabs, octopus, and so on.

Girl walks in on one of her classmates getting nasty with a slug afterschool one day. Slug girl lets the first girl in on her secret and explains that she's working to help test so bioengineered creatures. Some scientists are trying to create bugs and frogs and such that can have sex with humans. Goal is to basically make safe creature fucktoys or something. Girl 1 decides she wants in and most the story after that is them being degenerates pushing the limit to see how freaky they can get.

Girl discovers her biology teacher has been doing crazy experiments on insects. The biology teacher gets nervous and has the bugs rape her and she's blackmailed to keep sexing the bugs them in the name of science.

Konchuu Kansatsu Bangai Hen - Umi ni Ochiru Kagome
Minisequel where the girl from vn listed above takes a trip with her Bio teacher to the beach where the fish girls in the first VN did their ritual. She gets it on with stuff crawling around the beach but it's pretty consensual cause she's into this whole bug fucking stuff by now

Ishu Aigan After - Isogashii Ichinichi
Minisequel to the second vn where the two girls are still having sex with weird stuff cause they're horny.
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Horny Ojou-sama is really into doing lewd stuff with critters and eventually gets her maid and butler in on it. This one has bug x boy stuff so heads up. Didn't like this one as much so I barely paid attention to the story.

Actual sequel to the other vn about the schoolgirl and her biology teacher. Setup is pretty similar, a girl at the school is coerced into have sex with insects by her crazy science teacher to make some money. Has 4 different girls between the girl who needs money, the student council president girl who's raped by the insects when she learns too much, the slutty small girl who just likes fucking insects, and the science teacher is a girl this time so there's a few scenes where the bugs can turn against her and rape her too.
Nice thanks.
Insects are for sex
need more insects getting fucked

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