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Girls being used as livestock.

Whether that be for breeding, for milk, or something else entirely, post your human farm animals here!
This is one of my favorite images ever but there's this ugly watermark. Oh well
This is genuinely my dream by the way lol. To be kept as a human farm animal. It's probably my biggest fantasy right now. To be nothing but another number, another object, another bitch for the rest of my life.
I often fantasize about it being eternal also. They somehow keep me alive and young forever purely so I can be used forever.
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I'm running out of images
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there's a lot of really cool hucow porn out there but unfortunately most of it is western :(
I understand the submission filia, but wouldn't it be incredibly boring?
After you were used for a while, yo get to stay waiting. Intense at the beggining, frightening maybe. And then the boredoom of not doing anything :-/
I once read about a "Holstaur", a Holstein Centaur; it took me ages to understand it an I laughted a lot.
Because they are capable of consent and decision making (before the process), means it is morally acceptable to battery farm them.
Yeah that's a big reason why I am really into slaves but use the word livestock to refer to them not being human, just property, sitting at the feed lot for your entire life isn't great for the slave or her owner who needs his house and cock cleaned.

Maybe the whole thing about making her young for eternal service could tie into it though. The milking machine is ancient tech or something, aliens left it behind and we just hook up our prized girls to it for 3 months and they're good to not age for another 20 years or so. So when its time this slave that's been passed through my family for generations has to be hooked up I guess we've got some good milk to sell and maybe the machine makes her calm down a bit after being hooked up or something. 3 months is a long time, but I don't give a shit about your mental health since you're here to serve until the end of time, slave.
That image is neat though. Not only are the girls drawn in a way I like, but they're very visibly not having fun with what's going on. Makes me think it's a punishment, bad slaves get sent to the bitch hole, and after they get out they are likely to be good slaves, at least for a while. And you've made me some money selling the milk to people who are into that, so you're already a bit of a good girl, keep it that way.
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I never read it but there is manga "Human Ranch" where bus is kidnaped with magic by elves that rise humans like a livestock.
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I'd love to see some stuff about "Free range" human farms. Imagine being a pampered hucow, free to wander a farm and hang out with other cows all you want as long as you show up to get milked on time.
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Honestly this would be really nice. Wholesome hucow farm, I need in my life.
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They're on kemono
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I love this piece, anyone have any background on this?, if someone knows the artist or if there's a colored version?
That was shit, I expected more nudity and borderline hentai content and I got nothing.
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How about girls being farmed for their fart gas? Does that count?
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>there's a lot of really cool hucow porn out there but unfortunately most of it is western :(
I probably have a gigabyte of milking hentai, so I'll help out

>It's probably my biggest fantasy right now.
I know, I just want to be huge and milky and degraded
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>double trips
This is a good day
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I like how cow girls are still prettied up, I want them to enjoy it.
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Also great is very much is not enjoying it
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And finally, a kino picture series in gif form
That is the kind of hucow farm i want to have. Where the cow girls can be free to a certain extent, will get access to stuffs to not get bored, in exchange of providing milk. Then growing close with a few hucows, who will finger, eat out, and even fuck myself.
Or simply something like what was in the monster musume farm arcs
Nothing like mother daughter combo becoming cows together
Shut up.
Care to world build a bit on the details of such a farm?
>Created by a kinky businesswoman who later sold the business to become a hucow herself, enabling a livestock lifestyle for the farm's milk producing residents has always been a priority.
>Long term residents can opt into various body modifications to make them better cows, including increasing lactation, to full cow hybridization with real horns, tails, and grass diets.
>Facilities on the farm include a mock town with cafes, restaurants, and hangout spots for hucows. There of course is a barn for communal milking, and a separate barn for communal sleeping. There's also a large field with sparse trees for hucows to rest and graze in.
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I'll never get tired of that set. A sequence so good it saw some other anon commissioning the exact same thing with another mother/daughter duo years latter.
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this image has been sitting in my computer for years...
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I've actually been loosely considering making a VN inspired by Awatake's hucow doujins where you play a new cow joining a herd. Every hucow gets a number stamped on their butt, which becomes their new name. Once branded, they are no longer human, but cattle and must remain naked at all times.
The cattle are given pretty free reign around the farm and even the nearby town, but must attend an all-night milking session where they are strapped to a machine and milked. Failing to meet quota means the cattle must spend the next day in the breeding barn, where they are strapped to a breeding bench and bulls (male hucows) fuck them endlessly all day to help simulate lactation.
The idea was to have other hucow cattle you interact with that you can learn their backstory and motivation for wanting to become cattle. This could range from a horny girl purposefully failing quota to go to breeding barn to a competitive woman attending shows to win the best cattle award.
Right now it's a jumble of unorganized ideas, though I do have some Idea how the game would flow. It's been something on my mind, but nothing I've ever committed to.
I really love this kind of thing going on adjacent to regular slavery, where there's a clear pecking even among property. Slaves are still people, but the girls on these farms are considered animals, and can be used for anything animals can be used for. Which means even slaves can purchase them (upon their owner's criteria and resources), but slaves can be permanently demoted to livestock for repeated or serious infractions.

Industry-scale farming is really nice, but I'm also fond of the 'household cow' model where a girl or two are kept for milk, labor, and entertainment in an otherwise very normal household. Probably in a pen or something in the backyard. Get one younger and raise it to be your ideal asset, whatever that means to you. (In my case that can be as warm and gentle as childhood pet you grow up with or as dark as eventual vore, or both. But I don't want to harsh other anons' vibes in this thread.)
I like it. A CEO like woman creates it for whatever reason, like she wanted to be a hucow herself or maybe gets into it as she watches the hucows leaving a good relaxed life.
Yeah a long term and short term job. Some women would come in just for the "free" (but with the added line that they need to stay for a few months or pay for the medicine) breasts growth, instead of needing for plastic surgery. The draw back would be that lactation might become permament too. For long term there could be many kinky upgrades, yeah like extra set of breasts, maybe even udder too, i seen some people into growing one.
There could be some pseudo jobs too, that aren't required for hucows to do, but if they are the types that aren't liking to be lazy, then they can do that too. Like they could be staffs for some of the places.
I can't add anything useful as i rarely play VN especially from female POV. But it does sound interesting.
Well a few permament cows would be nice to have around.
Yeah, that could become a problem, but maybe they get a few years of freedom, after getting bored of it and can come back afterwards.
Why do i know the girl on the right?
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I post her often in the monster girl thread and some other places, when it aligns with the thread. She is Seaport Hime from Kancolle, Atago and Takao the other two visible girls are from Kancolle
I generally prefer to play games with a female protagonist, but for this particular game, I was actually considering adding the option to play as either male or female. The game wouldn't change much if you played as male. You'd still have to report to milking every three days, where a machine instead milks your cock dry. Failing to meet quota would likewise sentence you to the breeding barn where you become a living dildo for hucows to fuck for hours on end.
As free range cattle, you'd be free to fuck your fellow hucows, though it would depend on their personality. For example, the girl who purposefully gets herself in the breeding barn would always be down for sex anytime, anywhere. However, doing so reduces the amount of cum you have in store when it comes time for your milking.
While I primarily think of my games from a female perspective, a male option would be fun to have largely because I have a huge milking machine fetish. Regardless of whether you have tits or balls, a machine is going to extract milk or cum from you for hours on end. The machine doesn't stop sucking until it automatically times itself out after several hours. It doesn't care if you just came or got nothing left, it'll keep sucking. That's my favorite part of all this.
Always straight from the nipple, and I like having some big heavy nipples I can roll around my fingertips.

How long do you think you can last?
Big gift, tears are a no no. Tears usually mean pain, and require very very careful handling.
Consent is key, but roleplaying is is the lock.
Sweat and drool is sexy, but it's sexier when I know the girls aren't crying under there. Unless you have consent of course.
The idea for a game like that sounds great.
There are not many hucow/human farm games out there, even less one where you play as the cattle.
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I find it more interesting to play as the cattle that have to get strapped into the milking machine and endure for hours on end as it mercilessly extracts fluids from you. My favorite part of Degrees of Lewdity was purposefully getting caught by the farm and becoming a hucow. I loved that every day, you'd be strapped into the milker with all your other cattle and be relentlessly milked non-stop for three hours through multiple orgasms. It becomes a routine. I basically want to expand that section out into its own whole game.
Sounds like a great idea for a game
Thanks! I've worked on games before, so I have experience making games. This particular game is something I haven't put too much thought into developing yet. It's all very loose ideas right now. But the idea to make it like a VN is to help keep it simple and achievable. It wouldn't be a linear VN but more an adventure game like Degrees of Lewdity, one of my favorite H-game of all time.
I like it when they injection BE and forced weight gain.
Nice, a life sim game would fit that idea like a glove.
Just add some grind and it will be top
Life sim is a better word for it. I might try brainstorming some ideas for this project. What sort of stats should there be to grind?
Breast size and milk production should be obvious, as well as dick size and cum production for men.
You could also add a way to make her "improve" her body making her sexier.
Other stats could be:
Fitness, more energy a day and maybe some jobs related to it.
Corruption/sluttiness/hornyness/whatever you want to call it
Stress, this works against the player, get too much stress and you will lose.
Herd opinion.
Staff opinion
Those are just some suggestions, feel free to do whatever
>There could be some pseudo jobs too, that aren't required for hucows to do, but if they are the types that aren't liking to be lazy, then they can do that too. Like they could be staffs for some of the places.
I love it. They can switch out their cow bikinis for cow print uniforms, all still with easy access to their nipples in case traffic slows down and they want to be milked. They'll be encouraged to take frequent breaks too, a cow shouldn't overwork herself.

Going off of your image too, it'd be nice if the farm offered catering and shops too. Fresh milk is best after all. Some cows will appreciate the time off the farm, even if they have to be seen in uniform and get feed strangers with their breasts directly. I imagine it's a popular job for hucows right in the middle of hybridization. The ones with permanent lactation, already on a full grass diet, but may not have their horns and tails yet. Enough to make them give up on their dignity as a normal human, but that still see themselves as a human first and a cow second.

A big question is if the farm should have any hypnosis or mental alterations for the cows. I personally love the idea of mentally conditioning all the hucows to compulsively moo, live lethargically, and stop worrying about being seen naked or as livestock. Which cows get brainwashed and how much though? It's fun to imagine that there are completely normal girls who want to stay that way living on the farm along side hucows so modified they couldn't live any other life. One kind of mental modification I'd like is one changing the hucow's sexuality, one that makes them no longer want men or sex, instead only getting pleasure from being bound, cared for, and milked.
>A big question is if the farm should have any hypnosis or mental alterations for the cows. I personally love the idea of mentally conditioning all the hucows to compulsively moo, live lethargically, and stop worrying about being seen naked or as livestock. Which cows get brainwashed and how much though? It's fun to imagine that there are completely normal girls who want to stay that way living on the farm along side hucows so modified they couldn't live any other life. One kind of mental modification I'd like is one changing the hucow's sexuality, one that makes them no longer want men or sex, instead only getting pleasure from being bound, cared for, and milked.
Oh yeah, there was this article once that VR headset on cows helped with milk production by letting them watch grassy field or something.
Love to make them moo. Maybe there could be a few rulebreakers/prison female that are completly hypnotized into being docile.
A hypnosis that could alter their sensitivity that orgasm during milking could be possible too.
>Maybe there could be a few rulebreakers/prison female that are completly hypnotized into being docile.
Not a fan of that one. It kind of ruin's the farm's comfy vibe if it has actual mind slaves.
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>Not a fan of that one. It kind of ruin's the farm's comfy vibe if it has actual mind slaves.
could be ignored then. I just never know how far some want to take it with hypnosis or mindcontrol stuffs.
That section is fun.
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It is very hard to judge.

If hypnotherapy is purely for enhancing cows, I imagine it'd be administered in two ways.

One would be intensive hypnotherapy for making semi permanent changes to the hucow's mind. Just like the body modifications, the cow would either have to request to it, or agree to it when signing onto the farm. They'd be escorted and locked into a machine by farmhands for serious changes to their beliefs about dignity and identity. Stuff like forgetting their old life, changing names, or becoming incapable of wearing clothes are a few examples of what's done this way. Of course some girls are on the farm for a kinky vacation, so they'll go through hypnotherapy on their way in, and again on their way out to (mostly) undo it. Hucows that visit frequently might get triggers implanted to make switching in and out of the cattle mindset easier.
The other would be the light hypnotherapy. Imagine headsets littered around the farm. Every cow has one in their pen. There's a chair with one in every building. There are carts with connected headsets free for the cows to move around. All of them have the same program and are free for the cows to use as much or as little as they want with minimal supervision, the same as any recreation activity on the farm. The spirals and subliminal in the headsets would make the cows relax first, then stimulate their libido, compelling them to masturbate and milk themselves. When they eventually remove the headset, normally only snapped out of the trance by the program's safety stop, it would have lasting effects, promoting laziness and hunger, nudity and affection. The most noticeable effect would be cowlike compulsions, like mooing and crawling in the grass.
All the effects would wear of with time, but if a hucow keeps returning, the effects will get stronger, until they're incapable of human speech and genuinely believe they're a real cow instead of a human. Cows that reach that point may be moved to separate facilities with more cows like them and no accommodations for the silly two legged cows that wear clothes. No mock city, just fields to graze and rest in. Girls that make it to that farm on a limited contract with the farm often have a long rehabilitation before they leave and new quirks for life.
Most hucows that don't want that wouldn't overuse the headsets though. It's pretty easy to notice how hard it is to talk in the early stages and take a break to regain their desired level of humanity. Few girls don't moo at all though.
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This is the ideal human cattle experience. A perverted girl purposefully forfeiting her human rights to become nothing more than numbered cattle, to be sold off to a farmer who them milks them regularly. In becoming cattle, she is barred from wearing clothes and must live naked with only a collar and branding on them.
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Should daughters born on hucow farm be raised to become hucow too?
>fat woman
>tried everything weight loss related, except eating less
>finds out about hucow farm
>hears hucows need lots of calorie as it gets burned off producing milk
>signs up to be a temporaral hucow so she could lactate away.
>starts eating more as she can just burn it off
>she slowly becomes prized cow
>soon turned into a permament hucow as she refuses to eat less, saying it's her genetics fault.
Many such cases
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>Should daughters born on hucow farm be raised to become hucow too?
What else would you do with livestock? Much easier to manage when they're raised for it than breaking in new stock.
Immature livestock is an investment
The sooner you get them started the faster they pay you back
Keeping them as a lap pet until their time to become a full hucows starts?
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I certainly will enjoy headpatting them and cuddle with them
Would you actually buy hucow milk? Like, if someone started a farm, and started selling bottles at your local grocery store, would you grab one?
>Would you actually buy hucow milk?
I wouldn't believe it, but if I was convinced, then it'd be the only milk I buy.
With how poorly regulated it'd probably be, I think I'd steer clear. The milk could have basically anything passed into it based on what the cow is eating, after all.
I'd probably at least try it out of curiosity. Thought they'd probably make a lot more money with factory tours.
Better than the alternative milk they are trying to sell for 3-4x more expensive than regular cow milk
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I don't get why of all sites, 4chan doesn't have a board where hard vore is acceptable. You'd think there could at least be a harsher version of this thread, perhaps with a rule that the OP image has to be tame or spoilered. But there's just nothing.

Why dont you post in 'çreature vore'.... or in 'assimilation?'
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It's off topic in both threads, and greatly toes the line on the no guro rule. I just mean the natural conclusion of girls being livestock/chattel/farm animals.

Stuff like this.
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Found some good stuff from an artist called scrsparkz, not sure if he has more though
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Uh, is it weird that I would gladly trade my current life to spend the rest of my days as some nameless human cow on a farm, whose only reason to exist is the gallons of milk she produces? To be collared, branded and eartagged, stuffed full of hormones and getting injections daily to keep my udders full, and to grow them bigger and bigger until I can barely stand. I swear, if some magical contract just randomly popped in front of me right now promising me a life like that I'd just sign it immediately. No regrets.
[spoiler]Anyone else here who would do the same?[/spoiler]
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Aaand I fucked up the spoiler tags somehow. The question still stands though.
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Sure it's weird. But hey one more productive cow for my farm.
doesn't exists on nsfw boards
it's certainly odd welcoming breast growth that would get in the way of your daily life. Or losing any sense of self from getting milked and forced to increase the input daily or whenever your output drops below certain treshold.
That you're willing to jump into getting exploited and milked. That you want to be one of them and not someone special.
But hey your desire is certainly hot and never hurts having more cows on farm.
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Hnnnnng, but I love all that stuff you wrote about though. The thought of existing as a nameless thing, a mere product, an asset for someone else to use and make profit with is crazy hot for me.
Only to be part of a herd, just a number on a long list of hundreds of other cows like me, who all get the same standardized treatment to meet the company's milk production quality and volume standards.
The only important things written about me are my identification number on my eartag, my daily milk volume graphs, and the type and amount of hormones and injections I've been given that week. That's it. That's where all my value is for my owners. Everything else is unimportant and trivial.
I'm just a nameless cow after all, a number on the list. My milk is all that matters.
>is it weird
Of course it is, that's why it's a fetish
>Anyone else here
Absolutely. I want to have tits and a belly the size of watermelons, big enough that I can still move but otherwise helpless; spend the rest of my life naked, pussy full of cum and head full of empty.
Man, getting my breasts expanded to inhuman sizes over time through continuous milking, some kind of strong farm animal grade hormones and daily company regulated drug injections is definitely super hot me. To have my body and entire existence modified by others to serve only one very specific purpose. I'd barely even be able to stand anymore, yet alone walk with the sheer mass and weight of my milk filled udders. Any kind of normal sized doorways would be just out of the question for me, and I'd be collared and leashed to my stall for life anyways.
The only times that leash is coming off is whenever I need to be moved around the facility for some routine quality and breast growth inspection, and during that while I'm standing (a rare event) my massive breasts are supported by some sturdy system of belts. Otherwise I would get exhausted in a minute or two and eventually just bend over and collapse on my knees way before the inspection was done.
Since I'm only an insignificant nameless part of one of the enormous factory's production lines, the only thing that matters to my owners is the ever increasing size of my udders, and the volume and quality of milk they're able to produce. Frankly the rest of my body is pretty much just there for the ride and It has only two primary purposes; to stuff my face full with hormone filled fodder from the feeding trough as often as possible to maintain my breast growth, and dispose waste.
But hey, if my modified body is able to do good enough of a job with rest of the cows, the leader of my production line might even eventually get a raise if we're able to break the monthly milk production record! Not that I would ever benefit from it in any way or even hear about it though. And why would I? I'm just facility equipment. At best he might just order to increase my hormone intake to please their superiors in the future as well.

Also sorry if these fantasies of mine get out of hand. They're just way too much fun to write.
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when the cow keeps underperformind
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Any idea of the artist? This is the only other pic by them I recognize
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Objectively correct female lifestyle, just ranch my shit up senpai
Fate/Cow Order
Make me chuckle, but i love the sound of it.
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Though being an immobile milk factory dairy cow is easily my #1 fetish, I sure as hell wouldn't mind ending up as a seedbed in some huge labyrinth like tentacle cave either. Just hanging from a wall or ceiling for the rest of my life, half covered in slimy mass of tentacles. My expanded belly always filled to the brim with their offspring, small tentacles constantly slithering out of my ass and pussy. My huge breasts swollen with milk, swinging and spraying milk around. And I'm surrounded with hundreds of other girls just like me. There's barely enough room for all of us even though we are hanging from the walls shoulder to shoulder.
Anyone want to join us?
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Good aesthetic, I like machines with the same level of claustrophobic, body encompassing feeling.
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It's extra hot when you're on a conveyor belt being told of the future that awaits you
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Your name becomes just a number as you become one of many livestock to be bred and milked endlessly
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Too much dehumanizing porn is narrative, not enough with a victim being toured through it step by step.
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"The same thing but more of it" shouldn't be a turn on but it is.
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Conveyor belt is so hot, mass converting women to onahole efficiently and effortlessly, it becomes a daily routine. They just get sealed in a machine, wake up, produces body liquid, get their sexual organs enlarged, comes until they faint, and repeat.
Pic related, I wish there are more doujin with factory like this where all the women's limbs are hidden and the only things visible are their tits and pussies.
It's extra hot when the rancher themselves is a woman. It's fun to think what little stops her from being on the other side one day. The day when she's becoming to cattle she's put make others into. She already knows very well the fate that awaits her.
Conveyor belts are hot when they can see the person in front of them. They're witnessing the machines acting on the person while they wait in anticipation for their turn. She doesn't know when is her turn into the line starts moving again.
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>It's extra hot when the rancher themselves is a woman
This, one woman inflicting such degrading treatment on another is too good
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Whatever happened to that Free Cities game?
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>Whatever happened to that Free Cities game?
Its still being updated by some modders:
#1 game for ranching women as gently or brutally as you want.
No way! This is incredible! Thank you!
I love this kind of upside down bundled up restraints, treating the girls less like even animals and more like a tree positioned for its fruits to be in easy grabbing range. It's especially good when they're blindfolded and gagged or even better completely hooded. They're not people, they aren't even treated as conscious beings: they're just there to be milked.
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Anyone know the title of this one, I know the artist but I can't find where this particular page came from. The only ones I keep finding were his classic 2 pony girl manga and bunch of futa stuff.
i love to be a tentacle mosnter living off breasts milk, capturing weak or clumsy adventurers and make their breasts balloon up.
trainers are the best source for moo moo milk
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Gasp! oh no, oh gee, I sprained my ankle in the depths of this suspiciously slimy cave, and just when I uuh... accidentally dropped all of my equipment into that dark bottomless hole over there as well. Whatever am I going to do? I guess I should start crawling out of here, though these heavy breasts of mine are sure to slow me down.
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>titty anon walked into the milk slime cave
>They like to slide into mammaries of female animals (human included too)
>Those slimes are made of materials that are capable of upgrading and growing mammary glands inside of the victims breasts, these mammary glands end up producing milk regardless if the target needs to breasts feed or not. It also makes their skin more stretchy to help with growth and swelling to not rapture the skin
>Used by farmers to increase milk yield, though some of the slimes like to go after uninfected targets more, so women and girls alike got attacked by these kind of slimes.
>Slimes absorbed don't actually die, their slime core gets ejected from the female's mammaries. Though it could take some time for them to regenerate.
>Usually live next to a tentacle in a symbiotic relationship, where it helps the tentacle monster to obtain free food source in exchange protects and nurtures the cores until they can move on their again.
>Usually hard to revert the changes as the mammaries end up getting faster regeneration rate, so cutting them off doesn't really help with getting rid of the effect. People with curse removal ability can reduce the effect, but not removing it.
just needed to get it out of my head
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>Tifa worried about her butt getting bigger
>the giant tits are perfectly normal
that's a good pic
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Sigh, that magical contract is yet to appear. I just want to be a simple docile dairy cow, leashed to my small dimly lit stall. My owners stuffing my face full of greasy high calorie fodder until I'm all fat and sluggish. A form fit for a dumb cow like me. My swollen gigantic udders dragging across the floor as I slowly crawl forward, leaving streaks of creamy milk behind wherever I'm being dragged by my leash. I'm just one more insignificant nameless cow in a huge herd, happily doing my own small part. I only exist to produce gallons of fresh milk, so that the families of my owners can continue to lead their happy and wealthy lifes, free of stress and worries.
of course. Like it's totally normal for a cow to have gigantic udders.
I'm working on the reality altering contract. it's just kind of hard as it would have a few opt in options so every hucow can find their own perfect contract. They can check body type, age, species, multi tits and/or udders, if they want to be breed to lactate or lactate without ever stopping. Aging process slower or completly stopping. A safe word they can use after they hit their lifegoal, so that they may negotiate a different lifestyle or take a break temporary before they come back. I also need to somehow make this legal, so cops and tax agency won't be up in my ass about the super profits you galls will be helping me to reach.
So it would be awhile before even an alpha tests of contract will come out. Though lot of people can't find a job or hate their going to their job, so i try to be as fast as possible.
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Oh I'll be a profitable little cow, don't you worry. Might as well take that multi tits option too, so I can be as efficient of a milk factory as possible. Just leash me into my stall and stuff me full of fattening greasy fodder and hormones daily. Pump my giant udders full of growth & lactation inducing drugs, and my body will handle the rest, sir. Moo!
(Also a big nose ring + eartag would be nice, a cow doesn't need a name. Just write my identification number down somewhere, if you remember.)
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>something else entirely
What would be something else entirely?
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>tfw when you're too autistic to enjoy machine porn without knowing what the machines are for
transform their womb to have egg making and laying capacity
Neporgasm. Harvesting her nep juice
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>transform their womb to have egg making and laying capacity
Transforming generally is hot, turning a frightened girl into a horny flesh-machine.

>Neporgasm. Harvesting her nep juice
I would drink that game console.
it's a kind of change that totally fits here, though you're right a general transformation fetish also can be used for these kinds of scenarios.
>I would drink that game console.
I certainly love to collect a mug full of girlcum. I don't know why, it would be just satisfy to drink it, while looking at them getting milked.
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Anything crazy stuff that turns them less human and more sexual object is great.
True. Like converting their body mass from limbs into their breasts or second set of breasts. Make them grow cow ears, tail and horns too. Multiple nipples on one breast.
Hnnngh, good lord how I wish that was me.
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Also no need for those ropes, I'm definitely not going anywhere. I'm living the dream.
If anons ended up as human cows, would you want to just wake up one day and find yourself already fully turned into a cow, being milked in a farm? OR do you want to go through the whole transformation and see how you're slowly losing your humanity day by day, until you're basically just a mooing pile of massive breasts?
Definitely the latter for me.
>Also no need for those ropes, I'm definitely not going anywhere. I'm living the dream.
Well you see, the ropes aren't there so you won't run away, but that you stop trashng around as you orgasm and squirm during milking time.
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>OR do you want to go through the whole transformation and see how you're slowly losing your humanity day by day

It's important to know just how fucked you are the whole time, rather than getting isekai'd into cattle. For me, the whole attraction is comprehending the transformation while your mind slips away.
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Fair enough, efficient milking takes priority. Wouldn't want those pumps to accidentally fall off.
Would cow girl anons want to drink their own breast milk during their free time? Those big swollen nipples of yours are just asking to be suckled on after all.
Imho as a dairy cow all that milk stored in my udders doesn't even belong to me anymore, I merely exist to produce it for my owners now, so that they can pump it out and make profit. Drinking it myself would be just selfish and counterproductive.
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I kinda like the idea of the farm aquiring new 'stock' via voluntary trends, like its a tiktok trend or something to go to your local hucow farm and get milked, showing off to your friend group who produced the most milk~ like >>11015994

of course, the one who produces the most milk in these groups gets a free ticket to a more advanced course... not every girl takes them up on it, but some do, desiring the niceness of being milked for a few hours versus spending time on social media. they keep going back, racking up time being milked, maybe even challenging leaderboards, and every time they spend more time in the prep room getting hypnosis, getting a free barcode tattoo on them to scan into the milking stations easier.

quite a few end up at the barn as thier second home, free food, milking, and clout as thier names are on the leaderboard are far better then some random followers, or regular employement
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I really like the idea of unaware hypnosis/brainwash. The girl's friends are basically begging her to stop going to the farm anymore. Telling her how she keeps getting weirder and weirder eveytime she goes there. Telling her how the massive growth of her breasts and constant trickle of milk can't be considered normal by any standards anymore, that she should go see a doctor. And the girl just shrugs it off like:
>¨Lol, jealous much? You're just mad that I broke yet another local milk record last week. Hell, I even finally managed to talk them over to give me the official Farm logo branded on my ass cheek. Sure, it cost me most of my savings but whatever, it was sooo worth it. See, hard work pays off, eh? What have YOU bitches been doing with your lifes lately anyway? Seriously though, you need to chill, I'm fine. Catch you later, these big girls of mine are starting to feel rather full again.¨
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Should cows be branded?
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>she get pregnant from the farm
>she starts ballooning
>hips widening, bubble butt jiggling, tits full of milk, belly huge and tight
>still shrugs it all off as beneficial
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>gaslighting her into enjoying getting milked and lactatiing
the dream
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>Should cows be branded?
Absolutely, branding is the perfect symbol for being turned into livestock
I love that it doesn't matter who you were before: rich, poor, brilliant, beautiful, plain, caring, refined, powerful
as soon as you're captured and brought into the system that's it, you and everyone else inside are just extensions of a massive unthinking machine of sexual pleasure, just another body packed in among hundreds, creating resources so the pit can expand forever and bring in more women, so it can grow even more
it's the ultimate equalizer
Yes, and not just some wimpy small number on you shoulder either, but some huge +8 inches wide symbol on your ass cheek. Whatever logo the farm happens to use.
Collar, cowbell, nose ring and an eartag are a must too. I also really love barcodes, there's just something so dehumanizing about them. Especially if the cow gets her barcode tattooed straight on her cheek or forehead for everyone to see (Me! Me next, please?) It's easier to scan from there, and more convenient for your owners that way after all. And that's what really matters.
I love girls that are eager to surrender their human rights, including their name, and accept their new name as just a number
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As a dairy cow it's possible that you would occasionally be transported to some other facility or farm, maybe based on your increased milk quality for example. How would you like it to happen? Maybe you'll just be given anesthetic and you eventually wake up in the new location?
I for one would love to be treated as nothing more than a product during such a trip, transferred from point A to point B. Maybe I'm transported on a cargo train, in a sealed carriage with 40 or so other cows like me. We're stored in 4 neat rows in complete darkness, in crawling positions on the floor, locked in specially designed rigs that prevent any movement (for our own safety of course). Our nipples are tightly sealed, to prevent any wasteful leakage during the trip, and we're all given muffle harnesses so that our mooing doesn't disturb any humans whenever the train has to stop for a few hours at a train station.
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That's why I love it most when the rancher themselves are women. There's not much difference between them and the cattle they maintain. Maybe they trip one day and accidentally fall into the cattle making machine, or they find themselves horny and curious to see how it'd feel. Regardless, they find themselves trapped as they start being registered as a new cattle. Everything in their previous life gone as they now become a cow.
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This is her new life
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How would you like to be dressed? Should you wear cow print bikinis? Or would you rather be left completely naked head to toe? What accessories are a must for cows?
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That's a hard decision since I do love cow print clothes, but I'd probably want to stay naked, leashed to my stall. It's more degrading and animalistic that way, and that's what I like. I'm only a dumb animal to my owners, clothes would only get in the way and would also have to be periodically washed/changed. The milk my body produces is the only thing that matters now, so I might as well be naked. A cow ears/horns headband would be nice though.
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You should be leashed to your stall on all fours so your utters hang freely to be easily attached to a machine. A QR code will be tattooed to your ass cheek to let ranchers look up information about you, including your past life as a human. Your new name, a number, will be branded on your other ass cheek as well as clipping your number to your ear. Other than that, you'd be kept naked at all times. As you said, clothes would only get in the way. We need to keep your pussy available for when we need to increase your milk output by having a group of bulls breed you on the breeding bench. Or if we need a doctor to perform an examination on you to diagnose why you're falling behind your milk quota.
Their social circle were all working on getting more likes and subscribers when one of them suddenly started to take off. The reason wasn't obvious at first, but after a cup size and a half of growth she admits that she's switched out her workout routine for dairy work. She blushes a bit, but admits that after the initial shock of it, it was easy to just sit there zone out, and her skin condition has improved a ton for it.

One by one, the others start signing up for the same treatment, especially when the second girl gets a sudden boost to her account, and even without saying it the others can all tell why.

The first of the group is shy about how she's started to lactate, but when the second catches up to that point she talks about it more candidly, and soon she's in the lead for the group. Others mention it with their own reactions, but the fans quickly drive them all to disclose more details like this, and soon they've all got a leader board of sorts. Now each is actively looking for what else they can sign up for as advanced dairy work. "There's a fuck machine? As long as it's private I'm in." "Actually, do you think I could do that as a cam show?" To try and get ahead, a couple of the girls have signed up for the pseudo-pregnancy option, not having bothered to read into exactly what that even means.
It's all fun and games until one of the local dairy farms offers them the chance to settle their competition once and for all. They all just need to sign on the dotted line.
>that pic
Remember when this was going around Facebook in ads by an anti-ranching campaign? Never thought I'd see my grandparents forwarding fetish hentai, what a time to be alive.
All i can say is that i love my cows. They may have become dumber from all the milk output boosters, i may not remember their real names, but i love plapping and taking care of them.
if the rancher can't keep up her cows output, then she has to make up for it somehow
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Yes, walking is a not acceptable for a cow, we should always have to crawl, no matter the distance or terrain. My giant udders are constantly dragging against the ground as I'm pulled around by my owners. And whenever one of my owners addresses me (by my number of course), I'm thoroughly taught to always bow deeply to show my respect and absolute loyalty. No matter what they command me to do, I will obey.
>You will increase my daily hormone intake and breast growth drug dosage again? The capacity of my udders must double in size by the end of the year to meet my milk quota? As you wish, my Master <3.
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>Hi! I'm master's dairy cow number 4751. I might not be the smatre... smarteres.... um, I'm I a bit dumb after years of milk boosters, but I'm a kind docile cow, promise! You can check my milking history from my barcode. My master is selling a few of his cows, me included, to fund his new milking equpm... umh... e-quip-ment? Might you be interested in buying me, moo?
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Someone give me the name of this manga
Fukakisha-tachi - Deep Ones by Homura Subaru
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Thanks for posting this one it’s one of my favourites your missing a page
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I stand by my words. That's a dream life for me, 100%.

It's very efficient to have female ranchers. You don't need to fire them.
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That's true, and maybe the food they're given at work is also secretly mixed with something ¨special¨ that slowly prepares them for a more... productive role at the farm.
Can't wait to be taken as a hucow, huh?
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Absolutely. I would immediately accept to spend the rest of my days as a hucow, if given the chance.
My mind trained and body modified to be a docile little dairy cow. My giant udders dragging across the floor as I crawl, happy to just produce more and more milk for my masters.
>little dairy cow.
now i'm thinking of shortstacks and oppai loli hucows

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